Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 21, 1903, Image 2

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Crook County Journal.
Pl'Hlifflui Kvr Thvkhiut nt
JIAII.KY AMI M.AOK. 1't.n.riobim.
. 11. BULKY Maka.ikk
JoUBJlAt if sntriwl at thf loHielhe
Briatrllh, lor thniushlli
U, S. tills Komil uU nutu r.
srnscmi'Tios latks
On VtAi.
Tm Moxrus . ....
MAY SI, 1H03
ti inn iilrntira with Central Oregon
in t" ngraphy and character, and
it is In I hoped llml this observa
tion has impressed its nerda upon
his mini! ami lie will urge the
speedy development of the western
deserts where practicl. There is
not yet a single govt i una lit irri
gation project perfected ititthe
Mate of Oregon. There are sever
al enterprises working under the
Carey not, hut any one knows who
it's, said the merchant who
doesn't U lieve ill advertising, "the
country is going to the devil."
''I thought 1 lint much when I
read that placard in youi win
dow," I lie solicitor answered.
"Which placard?"
"The one that says, 'We lead;
others follow." Hrooktyn Kagle.
Israel Zangwill sny,: "There
are three reasons why niei; of
has made even n partial study of j genius have long hair. One is
that Act that it is full of flaws, and j that they forget it is growing,
unsatisfactory. It was framed j The second is that thev like it.
loosely with it coating of sweeten-j The third is llnit it conn 8 cheaper,
ing on the outside that npH'iilcd ' They mar it long for the same
for time to the individual settler, j reason that they wear their half
hut recent developments show it to j long. Owing to this peculiarity of
lie a bill for corporations, and for 'genius you may get iuito roputa-
tln m alone.
The transportation companies of
San Francisco, three in numlier.
hid the fame on the government
proposals for Philippine lransor
tation recently suhinittcd. Their
bids were "Cabin Passengers"
$125, soldiers HO ami freight W.2S
per ton. "Cahin passengers"
should have been specified com
missioned officers, and in compar
ing the figures one is put to guess
ing whence this difference of ItlS
tion for luck of 25 cents."
At Howard Hominy, May Lsth, W. W.
McYey, aged .'.7 years.
Mr. MeYe? had Is-en ejoying ginnt !
health up to Satuidiiy. uhen heKnsjang
taken with A slight iiiu!mvsiikii
which rapidly develoed into what.
was thought t.i I1 hie ingitis. His!
iteatli was preceded by llneon.-cious
'Cabin Passengers" ant:
Three Grant county school;
Prairie Citv, John Dav and Can
yon City, had a Grand Ralley l is1
Thursday. Friday and Saturday at
which time athletics held sway
during the day, and the evenings
were dient in musical entertain
ment and literary proirr.ims. The
idea of such a meeting is a new
one for Eastern Oregon, and
good one too, and will do much to
bring about a good feeling between
the towns participating, even
though it develops rivalry.
It must lie admitted that turnip
growing is more unmistakable in its
harvest than advertisement-grow
ing, and more rapid. The turnip
feed grows into crisp green leaves
and firm white meat that doubting
Thomas may touch and taste;
whereas, the fruits of advertising.
while quite as sure and far more
lucrative are often less tangible
This must continue to be true just
bo long as nature persists in creat
ing men who tan not see beyond
their own noses. Such advertisers
are not content to wait; they will
never be happy until some advertis
ing Jack appears on the scene with
his magic beans warranted to n ach
to the sky with one night's growth.
They lefuse to see the subtle, good-in-the-long-run
that invariably ac
crues from right advertising, and
demand that every dollar paid in
shall immediately return, like little
Bo-peep's sheep, "bringing its tale
behind it." And the tale must be
a phenomenally long one or
advertising is condemned.
In view of the fact that small
pox is reKrted from nearly every
section of the state it j-eems that
outside comment has given our
immediate hxality undue public
ity regarding our misfortune in
having smallpox. From Klamath
Falls there comes reports of sever
al cases, and Ashland has bad
from 10 to 15 cases all winter.
Lake county passengers and mail
pass through these places. Why
don't the "judgt" over in that
county go to work and patrol the
western border of bis domain as he
has done on the north. Wouldn't
it be a little more consistent than
thecourte he has pursued. Then
too there's Portland, with a well
patronized jiestbouse, with the
Oregonian losing sight of that fact,
and in the n.cintiiiici eart hing our
section high and low for smallpox
news, which they give revised ly
the inspired brain of some "hoi
air" reporter and di.-play be: i ath
black headlines. The great dully
fails to even give among the d. ath
repirts the victims dying in the
Portland jiesthouse, and it all
makes us feel that the old adage
about "consistency Wing a jewel"
would be more than true in this
During President Roosevelt's ad
dress at Redlands, California, he
expressed his confidence in the
results of arid land irrigation, and
defined himself as being unequivo
cally in favor of the development
of the west's great expanses of
waste land, only so, through the
want of w; ter, which in many
cases could I stored and utilized
at a nominal cost. On the Presi
dent's Western trip lie crossed
Utah and Nevada, which has sec-
A remarkable monkey has just
died in Paris at the age of 20, It
was formerly in a oo in one of the
French colonies, and showed an
ardent desire for liberty. A sav-
to test its abilities, placed it
on an islet, on the shore of which
was a small lit roped to the
mainland. The monkey quickly
i V 1 1. ... i . 1 . . .1. . .... 1:1. .
ness hv several hours. Mr. McVev eiooaiM-u, ' :"' ', a
has keen a resident of Crock county j M'lor- alul w '1'1't'k'y across
for l.i years uist. hiivinr come here! the water. The monkey also
fioni Lane county where he as nns-, 'understood how to light candles
cd. He served ilh the First Oregon and wijw himself with a towel,
regiment throughout the Civil War.
and was at different Oregon Circuit Attorney Folk, of St.
posts. His residence in our section i Louis, tbtough w hose efforts not a
has resulted in many warm friend-! few boodlers of that city have
shi and the friends with a sou H.,.,) convicted, declines to accept
and daughter mourn his death. L testimonial from admiring cili-
Funeral services were held at the i .), , ,low ,K.;r p.
residence Tuesday nt 11 a. m. bv Kev. ' - ., ... , rri . ,
' , - preciation of his work. The tosti
l lark. Interrmeitt had in :he, . , . , , .,
,. . monial tendered was a residence
t moil cemetery. ; ,
costing fl.i.WJU, ami .Mr. folk,
while cordially thanking his fellow
citizens, said he could not accept
If he'd had Itching riles. They're , other remuneration than his sal-
terriUy annoying; but lluckleyK f ; h. , ;
Arnica Salve wtll cure the Hurst easel i . t n
oi piles nn ear h. It has cu ed than-.only-sand'.
For injuries, Pains oi bodily
eruptions, it's lie best salve in the: Telegram: The holiness coin
world. Price 2,'h: a hoi. Cure guar- i,;," !,. . ,l ,.i, ,...,
lies pleaded guilty toa violation of
the law prohibiting combinations
With laundry strikes spreadingjin restraint of trade, and will be
over th? country, it will lie timely fined, not to exceed l-'idOO, by Judge
fo-tlu' fashion makers to announce Dchaven, sitting inSan Fran
that flannel shirts of dark color are'eiseo. Hut the trust has squeezed
becoming more popular for every-! many, many times $5IK!0 out of
G. Springer,
Coach and
Carriage JCorjco
Young slaUions and mares,
also a few young teams tor
sale. ,
Haystack Blood Stuck Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon,
Saddles and JCarncss
Maker of the cclehrntcdv Pill N li
M i l, mm: of
Latest itri'ioved la Jin' Sidi
mul Stride Saddle, Hits, .t.
Angina ( I.e.,., 0,;,i,-;:. I!u,k
niarea. Wtiis fcr ,11 ku.
Fhinkvuik, : ; (attic.
c c c r i i Vw" "
r, l,iiilicV Kiii'iiIhIiIiim' Iditiwt HfyltiH 111
I (IcihiIh ('(jmiit-
Jab t'anltJM'l llaiV stmm II.
tSolit by Adamson A Winuek I
day ue.
j Pacific Coast salt consumers during
j the last few months, and will no
'doubt continue, notwithstanding
this fine, to pursue that plea-ing
land profitable occupation. Five
! thousand dollar) once in a while is
I nothing to the salt trust.
cimb ! Crked Hirer.
Mr. McCaNister lis completed sow
ing alfalu on his farm.
M:s Grace Merrill has gone to Des-
chuus :u spend the summer.
Vr. Miiiili'nnir nnd ,, ri,.,rlm
have been mine ill for a e davs ptt 1 ii,e "n0 which fell on April .M
(rem vacciuntion. i has revived nn Ozirk storv. Bv
Mrs. F. Forest made a trio to Bend : mme chance a newspaper strayeil
theilh on business. into lH-niihted neiiibhorhoixl.
The Monigomcri children whj have!11"' natives got hold of it and lost
la-en sick with scarlet fever are cunral-! no time in finding a man who
e,s at ,,resem. , , , . . .,,:., ,
Jessie and Aylelte Tethemw were: hear the news. One man asked
over Iroiu the Deschttes last week ii. i... iti... ,t i
,; - ,- toe reauer. it nut re inrv uu-
isillug relatives.
ing down there in Washington
llick Butler was over Iron. Haystack , .T j j ,()tB ,
business the ti ret of the month. - "
I things," the reader rejilied. "Con-
-ir. lovio neaver worked on tne u.. .....i-i i.i:
We want to know
How, many children in Oregon arc
good Kiicsscrs,
We are going to give Seventy Hollars in the form of
cash prizes to find out what child can give the best reasons
why F.ILKKS PIANO IIOI'SK can sell pianos as it does
at from 100 to LH) less than any other dealer on thu
' The first prize is $2r cash;
The '2d prize is $20 cash;
The M prize is $10 cash;
The 4th prize is $5 cash;
The next ten are each $1 cash.
This offer ap'itrs in the newspars all over the state,
and, of courst', every boy nnd girl who reads it, wants lo
show what a good guesser he is. So reatl the questions wo
give and oiir advertisement in another part of this pas-r.
They will help you. II you do not exactly understand
anything, ask some older K'rson about it. Then sit down
and write your own couclqsious yourself and send tlnun
to u.
Now Millinery Goods
At thu Old liullablt Mlllnor; Eton of
j Ts. fi,A v toFs
I ln ol tint latvi-t slxt IniMt Drlrottul llns of ItsU Met tlrwM '
Stnii tt ,r I imtitlit to I'thisi llln, wklrli will U iolil at an
a,..u,lel I, ., 1. . V Kin mtil.ek sml irlui ,,l,l hu
h,., We Inn,. .S(,,.,.U Hitlp llsviKVpty WndiiMHlay lust
.Mnliudny lit Mlilcli Hum ao ullpr HhmUI llaruftliia.
Illllll CKAIIi;
At i i.t.t in w hi:ai'
i N. A.
Tye and
i i v in i r iioi:
They are (iuaruntced
Is there any difference hetiveen selling ill large
quantities or small quantities?
Can a dealer make belter prices in one case than in
the other, and if so, in which case?
Does it pay to ship pianos and organs in ear load
lots, and if so, why?
Is it more economical to ship them in boxes?
Din's this save in weight, and if so, hat difference
does it make?
ad above F, Forest's place last week.
He exjiects lo have it in goud codiliou
Mr. Bitten and J. B. Merrill were in
the city Ha urday the 9th contracting j seat
Oiliiners. Mr. iiatt"li purchased
pan of cljde. mares ul Mr. Meirill.
two more months onto the year,
and they are both Winter months."
The questioner jumped from his
saying: "(jeeminee, whiz!
And I am just out of fodder."
McCallister went to iimmVo ji'1:Ti!Tr:
last week lor a load of potatoes. He TiaaAv t.n OToar I
intends nlantiiiii about 50 bushels oCH "oauJ "u oai
'hem. ill o..:i 4. n 1
May 18, l'JtJ3.
A Uagina, Roarlna l'lod.
Washed down a telegraph line
which Clias. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la.
nao li) repair. "Stanuing waist- deep
11 icy water," he writes gave me a ter
rible cold and cough. It grew worse
daily. Finally the best tlijCUm in
Oakland, .Neb. Hioux City and Omaha
said I had consumption and could not
live. Then 1 begnlilising Hr. King's
New Hiftoovery tnd as wholly cured
by six bottles." Positi ely guaranteed
for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and
Lung troubles by Adamson A Winnek
Co. Price iOc and fLOU
In a recent marine disaster a
passenger was picktu up as lie
floated feet uppermost with a life
pri-server carefully strapa d around
his knees. When revived and ask-
d why he had not put it on
around his chest he explained that I mer. do not understand
Many bright and interesting letters are coming in, and 5
not a single Oregon child wants to miss the opportunity of $
winning a prize. We want to hear from you all. S
The gentlemen who have kindly consented to as judges 5
of the contest are .Mr. 0. J. Owen, managing editor of the 1
Kveuing Telegram, and Mr. Thomas .Milbiiru of the adver-
tising department of the Oregonian. They will select a $
third friiin among the business men of Portland, whose S
name will Ik1 announced next week. J
Contest closes May ill, l!Nl.'l. Children 111 years old
and younger eligible, letters must not contain over one f
hundred words. S
tiLLKs imam) norsi:, I
I Washington Street. Tor. I'nrk. ?
I I'okilam), oiti:;. I
I Other large stores: y
I Han Iriiiiclscn. nl., Spohiine. Wush., Sut ra- I
I nieiito, ( ul. 2
We have just received a Compli telnt
rtens' furnishing, Including Hats, Shoes, Shirts
Neckwear and every thing useful in all the latest
Things. Call and examine them.
N A. TYE & ItkO.S., Props. Kcllable Merchant
piacksmithing That Pleases
la The Kind You (iot nt n
(Hum'Mor to)
A Stmk of Farm Machinery alw 1 t on hand
Mrs. John McTa part's
A good story comes from Kllens
hurg about two young ladies, who
became imbued with a desire to go
driving one afternoon lately. They
went to a local livery stable- and
aked for a gentle horse, as they
wanted to drive into the country a
few miles. The man in charge gave
them one, and told them the
horse would lie all right if they
ke t the rein from his tail. When
they returned he asked them if they
had any trouble. "Oh, no," said
0 ic "It did sprinkle some, but we
bad an umbrella, and we took turns
at holding it over the horse's tail so
that not a drop of rain touched it,
and we got along all right".
Men idolize women more than
women idolize men. That is to say,
Came this week. Don't fail to call and
Inspect tlio G t o c 1:
You will find many patterns ami l'p-to-l)ule Styles.
At Dr. Hyde's Old Office
Incorporated 1IHI3.
Drugs, Stationery and House Fiirnisliing Goods
rnncvi Ic-SImniko
Ste Line
he wanted
clothi-E dry.
to keep a new suit of
Altrnilau Ntwcknrn.
That all the range within the cn
cl'cd Isiundary lines is claimed by
resident and ncigliborlnsal stockmen,
beginning at J. (). Puwt-ll's place 011
5IcKay creek thence up south fork of
sai ' creek to its head at Hash Hock,
thence around the divide in a north
easterly direction to Three Kiaks
thence to the canyon on ribt hand
fork on Mil, creek, thence down Mill
eieek and to the place of beginning.
Wy order ot committee.
nearly 80 well as women understand
men; but often a woman's clever
ness and shrewdness and secrecy are
her undoing no good sullitute
has yet been found for simplicity
and truth. In love affairs, centuries
of serfdom have bred in the minds
of women a sharpness and smart
ness in love affairs that very few
men possess. If a woman is big
enough she will keep this shrewd
ness entirley out of sight, and then
she may lead her liege and he will
never be aware of it. Klliert Hubbard.
Daily Between Prlnevillo and ShaniUo
Leaves Hhaniko, 6 p. 111. Arrives at f'rineville 6 a. ni.
Leaves l'riueville 1 p. 111. Arrives at Hhaniko 1 a. in.
First Class Accommodations
Prineville Meat
I'. II, IKHK, l-HOI',
New Whop and in Uu-to-dato nnd Clean
Grinding your teeth on tough heeMeak is eerli inly
annoying but have you tried ours?
Our- :fceats are Selected
by careful judges and we use every endeavor to fur
nish none hut what is fresh, tender and nutritious.
You will find
ISICYCUiSof all good makes
Ramblers, Imperials, Ideals, and many
it tiers. A giaal line of llieycle Hundriea AT H1I1ITH.
Watts & Baker, Props.
Marble and Granite Monuments
All Kinds of Stone Work
Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
The Place
To Save
before being fitted for a new spring dress Come here aud I
will sell you one ol the Nicest and Iwst Wearing Corset in
the Market. Iam continually aduing to this line as I am
wile agent here and get my Corsets direct from the Factory
in Detroit Michigan. Prices the liiwiwt.
Orocery's filled up. I can give you anything in canned
goods, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Ileans, dried Fruita and Don.t for
get that I carry home cured Hams, Ilacon, Lard and Hhoulder.
I. Michel, Prop.