1 At this season of the year Disinfec tants arc in place. Huy the Host FORMAL DllIYDl". The only Sure Preventative of Contagion. Our Store is Disiufcrlctl every tiny. No IMiyei' of ieltiny; (liseiise liere. We furn ish (lie Cure. r1 V I Kl tA- l&j VS 111 Crook County Journal. l'l'MI-IIHI KVKRV ThI'WMM I" IIA1I.KV AM M.AOK. I'l.n'iirl.m. W. BLACK.. S M. I1AI1.KY. KniTOli I'll! NTV OvFICIAI. J'AIKK. IV .t.inM- is ftitrtva at lb,- ,.o,ittu'tl, I'ril.t.'ll". Ire's'.. fr liansHxssi.,,, llmslstiSh' t. ft l-tils fCail 'l ntW',. sntMT.ll'TlOS liATKS IX AlYNtT Osi Vk" Ki Mnths 'IHKKK M-iSTH. . THURSDAY, ArMl.:M, 1903. Outsiilo p:iTS are full of exag gerated rejx.rts ot the ?niallxx conditions in our city. Sum' of tlii must absurd renins have lvn printed. It seems like papers even feigning accuracy should W' ea re fill to print the truth, or at least what thev Ixdievc t" he the truth The Review was last week made the victim of a '-joke" hy a lion de plume who lias 1,-ft the ear marks of our former well known con tributor "E. A. C' upon the article.- While his suggestions re garding a minister's right to vis it those afflicted with smallpox mav or may not In good senti ment, their practice would I in direct coi.tradiction to hygienic laws and could tn suggested by imne other than one impracti cal. The National Stockgrower.-' con vention held ill Kansas City last week decided upon Portland as the next place of nn et'iig. The con vention will U' held next January, and will no doubt I largely at tended bv stockmen from our sec tion. As a delegation of 4ol stockmen will be there from other elates it will afford a rare opiir t unity for local st,n kinento meet with and get ideas from oilier growers. Major General Miles' report of tlie Philippine condition have just been maJe public, and are the re suit of keen observalion during his recent visit to the I.-lands. Hi criticisms and ri'f'imnifuilation. should hi siitained for they an good. He lays especially etnphash upon the fact that the alxdishment of the armv condition has had a wonderful effect for g'Kxl among the soldiers doing duly in tin Philippines, and that intcii,er- ancc has greatly decreased as n rtTiilt. "Salem, April 21. County .Indue W. A. liiHilh. of Crook countv, lia; filed his re-ignation with (jov (ieorgc E. ChnnilH-rlain, to tale ef fect May 1st. The Judge is a He- publican, and as the vacancy will have to be filled by the Governor, his successor will be a Deii.o'ral." The above news dispatch iip-ar- ed in the Portland Journal of April 21st, and shows how inaccurate paercanbe wh.-n it tries. Judge liooth was elected at the la-t elec t'on on the Democratic ticket and lias been a life long exponent of that faith. Sheriff C. Sam Smith informs us that he intends to enforce the new game law ligedly. The new law was printed in a recent i.-uc of the Journal and puis the power of arrest and pro.-u utioii in the hands of the sheriff and his depu ties as well as the game wardens. Heretofore the latter have had complete control and owing to the final force employed on ihal ca pacity, the protection to g;n,n amounted to practically nothing. The empowering of the sheriff to act makes the protection miicl, more effective, and is a good de parture. r It usually remains for outsid, paper! to sing the praics dee local hero. That the smallpox situation has developed genuine heroes in our city no one doubts, but in the excitement consequent uKn its existence the facl is nearly overlooked. When a person know- ugly risks ihcir life to aid a sul-' i''- A a sucivssov of Judge t'etvr of this dread disea-o. lu- or lt li, M r. will (jive cnliiv she stamps themselves as a brave satisfaction, an, I the Journal .r person ili'-o -villi: of praise. Of ; diets for liiin a wry successful ad those ii 11 foil ii n a: os in our litili' i ministration. i'ilv w ho met tin' emergency anil the hUMltX MlllrtllOM contracted tin' ilisiase none are deserving of greater praise than Ali w0 , ftnti lh1 ?itualioii lr. J. II, lioscnbeig:. Jiniiu'ili-j,.,,,,,,,!, pr.Uv m.,;,ng,.,. alcly upon I.-v loj.i n - spii.plnns : Si,.,, ,mr v,Veks isi,u. ,,y lie is.'lated liinis,'ll from his home! ,.,,,s H.,. acvcl,,ed. Thov wife iin.l hahy ami lookup l am lr. l!.'ul'. Mrs. ti,',. Sum'- aoooeai mo post nous,., wncre He .limp m.viy. Miss Nova Ktzer. ; wim nursed .Miss Uoiula t lay.ool;M,.s ,v.m 7 ., tl,r..,l, l.r ill s i .,1... .!..... .. .. ; " ' 1 ins! ot 11... strait pnusc. Mrs. i.eorge Mimimrs una iioi,,.i! liar-1 uisiton oouiriu'ii'ii nil' iHscise in the faithful H'nf. rmai i" of their lutv and are inclu hd i in .ng tln.se who made a sacriticc which hou'd In- and is appro, iatcd. It s such people that ri to an emergency Willi good grace, meet ! it and make the Ivst of it. and t,.; them we all owe a debt of "rati-1 U11'''' 'nicis' illness the postollice is jcliai'.ged, hut all mails arc being Another army scandal is threat-j handled regularly and little imoii cned and this time it conies from : venience h is Ka n cxp a ieiiccd. Alaska where Gen. t'mision has 'There is no danger of infection been ordered to investigate thej from the mails, as the iiiiuigation. charges. The ullicers are accused given it by the authorities i- stidi of gross di-honestv in the. hand- ci, nt to kill all aenu-. linsi of conimissiirv con tracts J Commissarv otlicers in the regu lar army shouul he required to furnish adequate lunds for the honest erformance of their duty. This rule has long I, eon follow ed in Ibe paymaster. s dt parlmcnt, where an officer is required to give bonds exceeding many times the sums to 1- handled. Tho.-e con nected with the commissary de partment often have occasion for handling contracts involving very large sums of money. Why tl ey should he all-.wed to do so with out giving lionds is more than we can understand, as past exampl.s show conclusively that the desire to graft is onlv refrained from in some individuals bv the placing of some restricli-uis. 'nfortuu-.telv we have a few of tlu-a- se;t'goaU in our regular armv organization n. H K sg SHrc-rrJk Jlldsr llnolh lion. Y A. Uooth's r as countv judge, which .as liled with Covern.T Cliainhcrlain some time ago, has 1-,,-n :, , t-.l and City l'.eenrder M. 11. Iiig'-- was ap I'ointed bv the t.ov.-rnor to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation. Judge Poolh's eit from ollice has Iki'H the cause of many expressions of regrels aiming men of all parties, and was prompted through busi ness interests which call ,:ni away for the summer making it i npos-i-ble for him to attend to his duties as county judge during that time, lie was elected last June bv a verv complementary majority, and has given general satisfaction in the conduct of county affairs, lie ex pects to leave about June 1st for different arts of the state where he has business interests, hut will continue I'rincville as ho.ne place and will return some time in the earl - fall. In I i- loss Crook coun ty loses a very capable and. popu lar olhcial. Hon. M. II. lliggs, who sin c -e.ls ilon. W. A. iiooth on May 1-t as couuty judge is a native Missourian. being a distinct type of thai ! , species. He wal horn in Pikej lir. Hutchinson l Portland whe county in 1X1, was rai-ed on a j recently vi-ite,l our city, is. reported farm, where he attended common ' coi, lined to his r,im in Portland sc hool. He finished his education j'l"'"1'11' at the .Missouri state univer-ityj Mis. Maiy f-pauMing, of Almoty, graduating witii honors in the : Wellington, a sister in-law of Mrs. class of 'S'.l. He came we-t ii. ! 'ui. Wigl-, a rri'. , d in our city last mediately upon graduation ami ! '' ,"lr"l;'.v for a short visit with rela settled in Harney county, thi.. i,lv"- state, where he practiced his cho-en i Mrs. Minnie Ill-I.y arrived in our vocation of law. After five veor- :''i,.v '-i-t 'l lnir-d iy from Walla Walla of resilience in that section, dur-1 fl"' 11 v'"il v.ith le r si-i.-r Mrs. Joe ing which time ; served in differ- '"",k"- ' ""' 'ir' time tliey -lit official capacities he cam- , "" eh other for 1H years. Prinevill-, where he has since re-j ,i,,"" ""' atiuihiy sided. iJuring his nine vears of;'""" l''"""'1' "l'"r" h,: hud charge of Crook countv' residence .Mr. Hi ;'""r"MI'c " '- Three of . ,1 ... i;.v . , . . i T I 'os clients were char, (I while the ease -erveil at ilitteielit times as i, -putv , .. , ., , . , . 1 - ',1 ,,l:ck ti,e nnin!e;,-r was hosniiiMi! clerk; al-o two v. ars as justice of ' .-, , , , . . , ' ' ioi.il the next term of roiilt, John the peace for rmeville irecinct, 1 Miv;.!,ill fr h,r,,v ,,! Tony for and has been for a year .a.-t city j..i,lt i,, ,.wy mi.,, ere reorder. Ill these capacities hch"th !, ,r. .1, while lingo was linul has display, d a and a desire to marked ;lo "whats ,i;,v . -' r'i- las characterized all his official mirs lYrrV and lialph PoindcMcr. ,Wm ,;rU, !(,,,,., ..rrj.1(.,n. .Uc.Muiircv. All aiv progressing iivly Mr. Tumor, who r !.,.!,.,( tl, er con, plications and These caM'S make 1 1 :,,,,;,., :t Hiiite I now in our citv. and one siisoectcd. -., , , : , , , , lor veral davs. and who has not Vcl developed' the disease. It is j,H.,, ,h.(, ,), KH. ,.i.i.. i ...; , ,i, r:,. mmiK,r f j,,,,,,,.;,, ;t will take :,,, (ll .,. iiui,,,. i,, i , . .... ' DIED. hi this city la-t Friday afternoon at ,'rlo John Cyrus age .'11 years, 1 month and 1'J days. In Mr. Cyril-' death I'rincville loses a sul-tantial citi, n and business man w I,,, has for six y, ars past been identitad with hu-incss enterprises in our city. His ill ness was of long duration, having lirst made its ap'aran,e in ivC as a complication of troubles which filially developed into liihcrculo-is of the lungs and stomas h. result ing in h s death. He has been a patient sufferer and died u con sistent rhrStian, Is-it'g a in, mber 01 ""'1"" enure,, at ,e nine ill li: iH.un. it. . lilj'lill. III?- pastor ci'Miiucti'l Iht1 niiifuj- services. IU ri.il wa- had hi the .Masonic Cemetery under the an spies of the Knight.-, of Maeoa he s, of which order Die deceased was an honored men, her, andcar igoation ricd a policy of J.'l'iMI. I inm'Aiiv. He was horn in Seio, Linn coun ty Oregon, on March 12, InT:'. Came with his parents to thi county in l-vsi, they settling in what is now known the Haystack country. lie has lived here cot, -tililloli-ly evi r since with the ex ception of brief intervals spent in quest of relief for his physical sei'ferings. (In Man h 12, lS'.lT, he was married to Miss Klvira Ihllon, of which union there is an infant son. In June 1MI7 he purchased the business now known as the Powell .v. Cy rus barber shop later taking Mr. I'owcll as a partner. He al-o owned the Cyrus Jewelry store, having purchase, it last July of his Imlher llaivey. Throughout his entire illness hi sufferings were ministen-d to by a devoted wife mi, loving relatives. He leaves a father, mother, four brothers and twosi.-ters, besides a widow and baby boy, to mourn his demise. ' X. .Iddllit l l.uruU. W the :riv,,,-e of taLiK 12 '.hots nt Hie coy in ar-hl ol Mitchell. iTIJllll...,...rl. v,.,v.,,i tine having ho,. im.iigiiransl t Miteliell, iol ili he ol,liK,',lf! lav Sinead and Vnl Merrill re sleep,,,, lliepaUi.'M-ales il being lW:lunw1 (,, slianiko willi a load "illy rtMiil.il,,' pi,,,-,, to,-a mallp . (,i(,,( (,. p, ineville lasl Mou-Mi-pivi, dwing t , (,,,( , iiu',1 uiml.l,' (,, piiH-iiio u siitpor, the! scale legi-ieml liiin l.,,t ii pouml.s I The young ladies ill Ihis Im'iili. si, v in weight after los niglii'n rest. ' ty nil siuile on Cliai lcs Weaver IK mi.vs lliat "going abroad" nmv 1 now. What is il Charlie, that new a ays is nt vhi its cracked up to ; ,ut;v? I',', and thai M. Santos limn, ait will, i ', ... in air shin co'iil'M w,.l, dihii.it la-! 1 r"l,ml IU"' "' M"'nU eiluivs would eerninih' make a liii.i T"' city on Thursday the I ltllh. Mr. Merrill pun ha-cl vac li.e li. lk.m,. mue. 'cine poiiils while then, and acted W.ml . Mvcved l.y In. ltelknap : :,! "r' vaeciiialiug hi. family. It last week thai a new Vein had hccll 15 "f- ' M- eucounler,',! ill thenoub drill ,'l the ' 1,1 X X ' llelkiuip mine. It is two feet ill thick- lies., aiitl c.iriics values ot li'oui .011-1 to ifT.'.iHUl per ton ,,f (lee milling me. W hile no csiiniaic has hen n, l, ,,f the tpi.uitiiy it is y,..Ml news uovcrtlo'- ii'", I'l'vim ii.t? i"mu itn'fi in uiv . , . . . .. . , .-onuMif imr tm MiMt;intiul Inline mon hoiiii; l ho ltoa io-t 1'iiyors, timl tlu1 lato i,'ilt nil n' tt how ilutl tlu'ir in.'lnuitiii Tv tilt oil;1 Hy tKii-ln'i' !-t', t lu hmii.ii'iin ul tinjH's tti havo ru-iytliini; in rtt iai owWt. Ii i. only a iiiio!(io)i 'i :i fli'i't , liino tmlil tin1 Hi lkiLiji tutno wil1 lo tlit c nit r it! t'tio I t'u'.'n'i lh.'li.'!tj iiiituii i'iin'v ;uul will ho o tiU'iiroi ilt.it M'll'r Ktiih li.i- n ii rl ii i iood m j utMMite iliiit will hi .mi; ronuivl loiht'j iiH-n u hiul I ho ('iih (oiiovt'!i'o I ho lhlkti iniiii'. n wi ll n.i ituo win) uoro i-rt in:itt' riinll;li Iti Mlh.-onU ii'r their .itivk. Mnrrlrd. AI tlio M. K. y.ro ;- Tuo-aay ovrii - in; Aj iii -'-. 1 u;l KtUoi 1. I'.r,l f '1,1 ill,, I M ,V K. ':,,lAllll,l. Hev. II. C. Clink ,.l!ici ,iii,g. ruitiit.ii MiiinHk. Smallpox is all the talk nowa day. With line weather niul good grass the stock areg.-l;iiig in nice , """l1' The s,uall,x scare has .t..,.,-.l drummers and peddlers from ,u'r- 1 1 atlOll. llmk Stewart and wife ."littered . ., . , ,. a runaway last rrnlay. .'Irs. Stewart thrown out the wag,,,,, lint luckily Htiffon-d no injurv. A h.iyyy t vnit 'ornirrr.l in liu- Mown- noiglih.rli.v.a Ua w.rk 0 ulion Miirinn .Morjin anil .M if . . ... ., , . I.nov iii : t It nere muti-il in ninr riage. It was a surprise to all. Their many friends wish tliMn much ha pines U'll.lK vr. lirimol I roofci-d Hirer, Kvcry one is staying at home on account of the siualip-.x scare. ! Miss Florence Merrill has gone , to Havsllick til Sli.11,1 a few lliollllis 1 With relatives. ! haviil Weaver las sold bis en- , , , , ! tire band of horses anil brand to Mrs. J. P,. Merrill. i ... ;,, , , t anss v lara aionigomery, wi n ' l,,.s l.ecn f,,('n,e:l lo her r,o will, scarh-t fever, has recovered. U,.v ll.,e,.i.rl l.ol,l n I n interest in Iht; f. Forest stoic, ft is now K. Forest and Co. glacksmithing That Ik The Kind Von Get ut J. II. WILLI' S fHiicci'HtKir In) COHXIiTT V KLKIXS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery Wines, Liquors, Domestic and ImportedCigars. SPHTH S Ja i Proprietors of lite Two Poors South of Fir-t National iiaiik. CIIA.MPS.MITII. vivtn im tuiti-n. Tlml III! t bo litnf willnn tin1 fit lil-wfd Iniitmlin y linc.i iw t'lununl h I 1.1. ...Il I L ....... .1,., , tH-i-imiiiii; nl .1. O. rowt'lt m : McKay iTivk tlu'tu'i' u MUitlUmk el -.il ci.v in it4 li.'.nl ul lln-li K.vk, tlo iii'n itriMiuu UumIu nit1 in it iv i lli- leatlvilv tlir.vtit'!i U Tlnvi- lt 'ck J lllOtU t' (t tllll tMltVnil Hl I'tijllt lininl 'fork "ii Mil. fit-, k, tlifiic' iluwii Mill "i'.'k ii tut t' l Mo l;ic' u( lirgimiit't. Uv til.li I' u( f.ilHHilllt'l'. $IO. Reward. iSl-KII'llu m ILi'l;.-K. OtM 1'li'inl h;IV lltti 7-Vi:ll I'M H j mn!l whitf mt in (urohoml, iunl !l uritiiml, a r-itutll s'tir nti iMlo n( rii;!t (mo v. Nu Im.iihIi., i j;cnll.' In W'trk ur t'uU if lit ). j,;lUl , i tim ivtiliu'nf iho nltvo iIomoi ihi tun ' ... juul. .f0 rrw.ihl will lo jMiil f'-r the ; i-otuni i llif iilmu- ilon't 11 unihial. J. U. Hi in, hie, Ol.-gi'M. Tii.a,.', I.,.l. A, t J',i,. :i. I-:-. Notioti for Publlcatton l't,,!r, Si.,!.-, L, 1 , l,i. The lull,., nr.. :".', IKLl I N '11,',' Is lltT' l'V llut ,1, ,--.-!-!,:, -, ..itt, it,,-cnni-i,.,,, -a ,i-a-i l r--,, ,s , i a- ""i"'-1 ' " liin't-r Uii.U in tlf Nt t, i I nu i, i if' !s N I... .... I U s. .I. ,, T.,,,v. ". r.JU".'! C;.. JrHrV.:.:.?,. I'o, ,,! v,.m,ts , k. a .,- .1, I, .Ink I. 'Li-.' l,l-,l in On. .,11.-,. I.i, .,.-, i l.il. : . I., i ; ,,.. .,' lli.-.SKL, ,.l'S.,-i V- LI l .-,,.i,i,, l.i.. .N... u K. W. M ., ,.,it ,.., ,,.lt" .,-W ttl.,1 ll- t',,,.1 SH,l,t i- . i. i, ,i i..-, !.,., , , i -,, KwlTlrf..'.'r '"'- 1,1 ,1'MIU '"'""" '''v, Uii n, tt, c. j, v.-k ih.h l ii .1, u i. u itii I ,1a ii' ' f .in. 111. ut 1 mi'-wll. Or. 11 : Anv ni nil i i--ii. t-u i1;(1..! .h tin I nlti-'il. 'ni-il I. id. 1- ;w' ri'i n-i'-'i t" ';! , tlll,i, , ililun m thi ..tu,-,- .m ,.r ...ni J"U'';, A1;I. ,. . NMN, 1 !:, -i. , o,iNTI:st NtiTtri: ri'.'.i si.,,,-. i,-,tt mi Tie- li-.ll.-s, in. ,... .In,ii, y; IKSl. ' sarti, ir-,,t ,,.l.,l tof-i.oit I,.,,,,,.- I. Ii!,,l In lie. i.ll,,-.' 1 i .,,1, I' 1. 1.- ,-. l.-sl.tiit. s,,ai-t ti .,.-s',-.i-l ciiov .. n..e .Ii,,,., 1 S't., Ii, , S ' , ,s'i a-,1 S SK1,, ,,-,, s. t..i,.i. i; s, i: ,..- -a K , l,y 'I h'lltiiiH ,'i,l r.,,.st,.-, ihel, ill. .-.J', ' JTJt "'k :,ki s.,i,l ,'Ov. Tlut ,1 H' ,,1 in,., n l ,i I- ii a , t.t loilil rv rnl -i . I' r. s.,i I ,i i. -, ll-'fi-hv ,1'ililivl t t,,i,-,t,-. 0.,--ll i.lo I " toM,-,,,-.. i,,,,,,-.' .., il. -n .,t I" -,',-! . I. ... a,- ii ,y z. i'."a M.i. J- Hi c,,,,,,,-,'i,.,i, i i,i. .,ii,.,-i r,i, , -.in.., ,,,, i, Inti'l tliitt In, ,1 Ii' JOnis' w il! I, In-ill nl III H.k . , M.lv '.'II. e.'l 1,-1. ., I II,,' ll.'ci-l-r ittel l:,-,,-,,,r .till,,- I ,,,l St(,-s i,,,,,, iiiiio-ii, 1 1,- l'.,ll', I'r-'i;' . Til- si.i'l l.-t., l.-o i,,r'. i ,, l.."'l .-.I h-l-oe. ti!,-l J,rv 1,, lisil. s-l .i,,l, (i.,-l, i,iili l,,, tl,.,t n.-i ,l,,iin,-.,ii'i' m xi-r.l,-,' ,,1 this ii'itii-i---, II ' iii lii.el", It i. IfO'l'V oeli-o-'l ,i,,-l .11, self. I lleil Ih' i.l'l, ll- ,i,' iltlll il-T ,,l,l,r:,t .1,1 I Jay r i.i i as. Pleases alwavii on hiiiul The Celebrated A. B. 0. Beer Alway3 on-Hand. Prinevillc Soda Works. ISOM CI,KKK. i N. A. Tye and I Brothers The We hnvc )usl rocclvcJ n Complete I. hie o f Hons' l itnilshlntcs. IikUkUhk Until. SIuk.-), 5lilrU fif IVvkwenr nnj evorythiuir unlul In nil Ihc l titent V ihiin'H. Cull niul ovnmlnc I'.icm Kl-l) PRONT liAZAAR (? N A. TVI; & HK'D.-s., I'rops. Kcl.nlilc McrthanU J-. .4,:- l.Mli J"s! A.ka, il. 11 V lli,'orpr,il,,l 1 .;. Drills, Slaritnii'r.v iiml llmisc FnriiishiiijLC OimmIs Lumber, $11 Frsh Sawed Shinls $2 75 per m. at SHIPP'S. liiicviMc arket I'. II. Ild.lli, I'UOl', N v Simp nu, I js l ' n-to-.ltif,. mm i K au tililldlllg Volll' l. cth on ,,llg! , f.,.; ivrlailllv annoying hill hale you tried oui-'.' Our 3s-leato aro Celoitad o" i an (nl judg, - and we ii , c, rv , ndcavor to fur-ni-h ii ,n, hut what is fresh, ten, 1, r ami niitiilioiis. Xi:XT )() TO IIOWKY'S IflSTTii Minnir m.l li hlAiiDLt Watts & BaUor, Props. Marhlc ami (iraniiu .Mimuincnts All Kinds of Sttim; Work FIIWT CLASS W()I!K AT. LOWKST J'JUCKS Second Street, Tho Dallos, Oregon '- ' '" x it " s," The Bee Hive f Ladies t - - ' i I 'fr'-r . '.s fh.. before being lilted for a new sprin". iIichk Coin,, here niul I will sell you one of Ihc Nicest u ml best. Wearing Corsds iii Iho Market. Iain continually loloiinr to t. . lin,. n, , sole agent here and jret my Cor.-cs iliiecl fr- ia Ihe Faclorv in lletroil Michigan. Prices the lowest. Groceries liloceiy's filled up. call gi.e you llhytl' ' I,: I V Is, Col'fee, Teas, Sugar, Itcaiis, dri, d Ftuil.s , I, , , gel that I cany hoinc r un-il Ham-, ll.eoii, Paul ,.,,o .shoulilcr, I. IVliche!, Prop. .S'r V arc (ilia ra n Iced " wi II ItfltUII wt perm ti M unANII t WUKKo i , s '' .-, ; Ik h Cll.t I". To Save Honey