ISlSlMillMlIS ilSDiSilBiSDSli oca 7enton Ralph Caldwell, ol Lava, Km in tho city the fin ol tho wk on business. B.illard (iilea and Ed Brock, of Bond, Sumlayod in Frineville. Orlando Parrwh, of Hay Civck, ' in our city tin1 last of tho work. John l, Nowsom returned Thurs day from a surveying trip to the Beaver Crvel country. Miss Maud Kohl left Tuesday tor fupple: where she goes, to teach rummer schwl. J. M. Merrilt of Fife, W. W. Brown'a foreman, lu a Pri eville visitor the laat of the week. C. T. Lillrd ot Paulina left for home Saturday alter a couple ol daya lUy in our city. Mias Kkte Halfrich left on Thurs day's atace for Portland, where she goea on business. W. C. Congleton, aa in from hi Paulina ranch Sunday, returning home Tuesday. Pr. E. 0. Hyde waa appointed couu ty physician Wednesday by the couu ty court, at a special aeasion. S. M. Bailey left Wednesday for - Silver Lake, where he goea to spend the summer. M. K. Biggs, who has been quite ill tor several daya past with I grippe is convalescent. Rev. H. C. Clark will preach at Howard ou Saturday evening April 13th, and at Claypool on Sunday at 11, a. m. Buy your house lining at Salomon, Johnson i Co. C. G. Cornett, the atage man haa purchased the Ode 11 ranch at Paulina cfS. F. King. Consideration $1800. Ed Wakefield ot Poet, left for his tome Monday after spending a few days i.i our city. Salomon, Johnson Co., nave just received a new and complete line of Ladies' and tient'a underwear. lira. Homer Davis and little girl left Tuesday moruing for Beaver Creek, where ahe goea to join her hnsband. They have taken up their residence in that section. Salomon, Johnson A Co., have a very complete line of Bedding. Henry Windoui, of Haystack, waa a business visitor Wednesday. H Woodbury's FACIAL For all skin trouble it is THE BRST. 1). 1. ADAMSON'S (The Brick Drug Sum;) U. Springer, a prominent resident of Culver, made our city a visit Fri day returning home the following morning. Mr. Springer shares thf general wish of a permanent change in the weather, that farming oper ation ma. go on. The show window of C. I. Win nek t Co. contains a nicety arranged display of toilet article ia a cmdit to any firm and is the handiwork of Eu Ham brook, Mr. Win nek s efficient druggist who lately arrived from San Francisco. County Treasurer Bell holds the Pacific Coast record as a tenant of Uncle Sam's. He lias had the same poet office box ia our local office for M.Mulvahill of Mitchell was in our city last week and loft for home Saturday sftcntoon. Mr. MuKahill Uiiitl the range conditions on his side id the n ouuiniu wero improving, and ilhatsming waa much further ad I vanced than on this side of tho uunut tain, Mrs, Susie Slayton wishes to an nounce that she is selling high grade uiilltnery cheap, and that on Wednes days ami Saturdays sh will have pptvial sa'ca, Tho Harguins however can bo tniud at any time at her store in this city. Huts rvlrhntued and blacked free of charge. Win, Holder returned Saturday evening frvm Silver Lake, whore he litis been on business connected with his papers. Mr. Holder has recently purchased the Chewaucan l'ost at Paisley if Wm Metssger. We wish hint unbounded success in his differ out fields. Tl run Thronson. a mining expert will known in our section, and the promoter of the Oregon Mayflower Company, is uow hi New York City in th interests of this mine. Every thing is being pirpml for a rapid de velopment of the property and Mr, Th unison has great confidence in its value. It is sin at d about 28 miles from Frineville up the Ochoco River, and is generally spoken of as The Ochoco Mines. Mrs. A Ion jo Cleaner and daughter just 20 years, and during that thnejKhuda left Wednesday morning lor haa never lost a key nor had occasion , tm,jr I)olne t vm a(u,r a mimtiy to Imve the box repaired We omitted to state that Squire Bell had in addition to his n'her virtues, never registered a kick to the hard worked postmaster, who serves as a verbal pune' ing bag for so many. Who can boast of a better record. Among Hie new goods received by Salomon, Johnson & Co., is a very pretty stock of calicos. Dr. W. W. Taggart, the eye tibial is., at the Poindeiter Hotel, will at tend to your eyes) fit your spectacle, cure your headache and nervous troubles One charge for one year. Care of children a speciality. Glasses ground in Portland. Anyone wishing to buy improve' menu on a homestead claim and tile on the same) can find out further par ticulars by calling on or writing to this office. This is a bargsin as the owner wishes to leave the country and will sell cheap. Sunbonnets for the Ladies at Salo mon, Johnson 4 Co. i The ball game Sunday between the 8. P. S. and the Prinefille base hi clubs resulted in a victory for the visit with Mrs. Uosner's daughter Mrs, Arthur Hodgea. The latter gms with them for a visit in the valley. Arthur Hodgvt took them by team to The Dalles. Kev J. F. Day, of Hilkhoro, arriv ed in our city Tuesday from Hillsboro. He comes to conduct meetings at the Union church in this city aided by Rev. Triplet., the new Baptist pastor Rev. Day held his first pastorate here and has many friends who cordially welcome him back. The Review piano Contest is de veloping a new occupation among some of our neighboring printers Edi tor Holder called us in his office Wednesday to inspect some counter (eit coupons 116 in number, which were printed on a job press and . ad never seeu the Review nor any other newspspcr prise. The Review ia try ing to mluct the contest fairly for sll concerned, and of course the votes were thrown out. slaughter Miss Winnie returned home ' former b' o( 4 to 3- Good with him for a few day's visit. A little Prineville girl hearing of the dread diaeuse smallpox and the wonderful disinfecting powers uf creo sote, said "iiuirima I want a uottle for dolly's clothe too." The first Monday in April wilt be , sfie last day in which half payment mi taxes can be paid. After whirl) tiTuo they will be charged 10 per cent interest, and 1 cent a month until paid. J. X. droll i ford left Sunday for his home in Pendleton after a business stay in our city of three weeks. Mr. Gulliford is a former resident of our section, and epres himself as pleas ed at tne development of the country. Foster A Lehman received Wednea-I day a part of their 30,000 1b. order of ! genuine Burbank potatoes, specially suitable fur seeding purposes. They j aleo received a big consignment of on ions. One them n call. Messrs H.J. P.ilmer and Guy La follett and Misses Kl'ie Dubb?, Lizzie Ketchum and M.uid Dobl.s funned a party Des-cfiutes b.und' They returned Saturday niter a pleasant sojourn at the Hotel hjiaats. 1 J. W. Howard, ii former well known resident of our section, arrived in our city Tuesday from Silver Lake. Mr., Howard has extensive jnteienta in that section. He was accompanied- by Aleck Davis. von Kea, who originates the very able ideas of our new contemporary at Deschutes, wa a Prineville visitor Thursday. He made this office a pleasant call and reported the Bul letin's circulation rapidly increasing and things in general looking up out fa is way. Arle and Hubert lMvm left on Thursday's stage for bait Lake City, Utah, where they go to reside perma nently. They have been residents of eur section for several years, during which time they have made a host ol friends who regret their departure and wish them unbounded success in tli ir new borne. 1 ball was played .nd the Prinevillee having lost a numl-er of their . bent players feil an eaajr victim for the team that hud twice met defeat at their hands. R. M.aodT. J. Powell, of McKay, wish to announce that their range un Dry creek, consisting of 1441) acres of deeded land is reserved fur their own Girls, get in your word, Marrisg j licvnseH are to be raised from 92 faj to 1 1300 on May lUth, and remember eco ,omy is the road to wealth, Those contemplating a proposal should wear their prettied mile. Kunior nas it mat a numuer ol our young folks are preparing to take ad vantage of the cheap rates, and Coun ty Clerk Smith is thinking of engag ing another deputy fur Mny Vlh, st it will iu all probability look like the last day of a 49 cent bargnin sale, TheedMorof this publication was made the recipient last weea of a New Spring Goods Every Department in our Big Store la full to Overflowintr with Brand New Spring Bargains. The Ladies will find many Now Things. They are too numerous to mention but if you want anything go to the Big StoM They'll have it. WLRZWEIIER S THOMSON Prlncvllc's Leading Merchants T WkM H nay I'aMffertt. 1 wrviy oortity that tho I'olmli'a tor Hold, l'rimivillp, haa Iron thoroushly an ' coniilpli'ly disinlrctnl timkr my atiwrvisiun. All the emptnywa, the lamtlurd ami hi. family have been vaccinatwl anil their t'lothiiiKi tvlhor with all clothing, bcriiling ant) lianginirs In I In liutrl hava ftwn tlutronghly ilisinftct4'tl and I llnTclore ilUrn lliti aaiU hlil to t free (rum all infection and sale fur publio ttae. Wood Hi'TrHiw, M. 0. State Health Officer. MARRIED. FEROimON WILEY In this oity Thuratlay evening, at Iho residence ol 1. K. Morria, Kdward Fergnaon and Dolly Wiley, Judge Booth officiating. The bride and groom are well known young lolka and they have the beat a-ishea of many frienda. DIED. use ana ieiectlully ak that all stock- j liemitiful wain eniitlcd ' NiKht Wind men please avoid stipping on the Walliea" in sheet lorm. The author same, it being uufenced. Young men should see the new line of Gent's H'e at Snlomon, Juhnsou A. Co. A. E. Mathew, ol this cily, hue a piece of residence proerty in Spokune which is a goml paying invcstiuctit. The house ia new, Iihh eijrht nxnns un 1 niodfrn improvement. The property consists of six lots, b;irn hh'I residence, lie will trade the sxine for Crook or Luke comity farm or limber hind, Aihlrees A. E. Matlieui, Prireville, Oregon. SI a ioiicri' D. P. ADAMSON'S (The Brick Drug Store) Hi Hrjdges wishes to a. nounce thut i comnienciiig with FeK 15, the price j of feed will be raised to 75 cents per Hpun, at his feed yard. In thia city, Wednesday evuilng, Apiil 1, Sam Hmlgea scd 41 years 1 month and 20 li.iya. ilia death came alter n few duy'a lliieni at the home ol his brother Louis Hodgea In this city. '1 ho (uncial ana eomluctcd Thursday nt i . m. by Kev. O. W. Triplet Irom hi brolher'a rejidciice. lnteriuent was had in tne I. O 0. F. cimet' ry. Hall for Rent. Mm. A Ji. (ilaw ihea to n nonuce llwt liei hull is lor rent lor a buslneaa of eorne ind. Jt ia a good location, and nr one wanting audi a place would do el lo call on or ad dreaa Mua. A. K.UtMK, Frineville, Oregon. C. J. STUBLINC The Dalle, Oregon A FEW FACTS Concerning 0HE EN It IV Hit Whiskey 1. OUKKN RIVKK ia pure. t. (IliKKN KIVKKU irfoi tlv nmtun'd. ' 'i. (iUKKN It I V K It luia an eiiilsit flavor. i. (iRKKN III V Kit i the whiskey wlllioul a headache 5. (iitKKN ItlVKIi is the I'. S. Naval Hospital Wlii.key 6. (iRKKN RIVKIl la ao.l y C. K. McDowell, Prineville C. J. Stubllng, Distillery Distributor Distillery Distributor Ladies is Warren Glaze, a Prnevilie bojr, who has won hunur both at limne and Hbruad as a con.osfr and numical in rjtncitir. At present Mr. (ila! is in uiir city and hss a chins of iihimc piijiils w o are progressing nicely and any whu want lu leurn the science id music honl I see Mr. Ulaxc. The I new cniiiiMsjti.jn uf which he hits unly a liuiiteil tuinlier uf copiui can be ; found un hale at I). P. Adiini-"m"n idiug store. Thia offiire received word thin week from VrmiV ul,,, I,,,. u J tynt pro-jH-ct at the heml of AuUry crfi-k, in which he Htnlctt that hisde ve1"pnienl work ii Allowing some ex ei ll'-nt indication-!, At a depth of 20 feet on the 'Little tiiant" a wjn seven left in thickm-cH und carrying vahien of from if 7 to hns been encounter u. Work )m Ihtii sto., ptd iHiwever, awaiting the arrival uf a 1 flU'jim pump which is now on rtmte. I They have other trm pects in the same neighbo'hood, itnd all seem to Ik; prorties that will gome dny 1 nmke Anbery creek as a great pro-1 duccr of precioun rnettils. i As we patients 'r Hals One registeri Herfonl (Iiill,J yenw old. 11. K. 'Iy.,h f-2(i JVinwijIe, 'r. Chickens Wanted. Ililifbt market priee in cash puid Utr five dozen good liens. Addrcfis V. T. Ktxii.K, rriueville, Oregon. Notice. J. It. Ittirs'tn aifht- to anriounee that he will liny all kimUof fur, Hi will pay a gootl price f-ii all furs prop erly htndltl titid in good hiipo, Al so Hudgrr hith-H. IfeadipmrtfiS at Foster & Ki-hi DOM RKAI) THIS New SPRINQ HATS at Mrs. layton's in the Newest and Prettiest Styles. ZEastex -.p. lo amdi 11 A Choice Line of Novelties und Neckwear, and everything City Markets afford. AND CI.OYIiS FITTED MACHINE EXTRAS t hiitrlM-r simp. rH3 I o to press tho smallrwx are all ri'imrlcd hotter. Dr. W. Vogil, an expert occnlist o 1 H"ard Dillon alio has been hover- AHER (Jrosh POCKET KNIVES AT D. P. ADAMSON'S (The Brick Drug More) 111 f3 ft 1 fell Portland, will be in frineville every three months. Those wishing any thing in hia line would do well to commit Tlie greMt Onk-Ka?el scut by Strauss Bros , of Chicago, containing 500 sum plea for men's fine tailoring can now e tin at the store of Salomon, John- ou Sl Co. Iiidis' Shirt WaipL in all gmdtfs And stylos at Bulomon, Johnson A Co : ing Utween life and death for the pa-t three days is said to have good chances for recovery. He has many friends who are extremely solicitous us to his conditions and we hope he will recover. . He has certainly made a gt'od fight for life. Honda Chiypool pa-sed a fairly gHd niht and is out of Ih nger The others are all getting tih-ng very well, and as no new cases have di velojied all ans hopefnl that! the diet uec is under control. I Ready to Wear Suits at Gormley's Dry WoOd At New born's Wood Yard $3.25 Per Cord. We arc now taking orders for all kirfis of MACHINE REPAIRS Ins us your order now you will save express and telegraph charges. .Send us your erder at once and save mony and delay. El kins & King PRINEVILLE'S BUSY STORE.