Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 09, 1903, Image 8

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    jCocal TJJention
C. B. Henry, of Paulina spent a few
days in our city the first of tlie week.
0. W. Colby, of Upper Crooked liver
was a business v'sitor Thursday.
Arle C. Hainplon, of Deschutes,
spent Sunday in our city.
Sunliounots for tlie Ladies at Salo
mon, Johnson A Co.
Alkali Frank a well known Interior
Oregon peddler w in our city me
last of the week.
Salomon, Johnson & Co., nave just
received a new and complete line of
Ladies' and Gent's underwear.
E. T. Slayton returned the last ol
the week from Shaniko, where ho
went on business.
Charley Brock, of Bend, was a busi
ness visitor in our city Monday. He
was accompauied by his mo her.
Joe Bannon was appointed Monday
by the county court to act as adminis
trator of the estate of Wm Bannon.
Buy your house lining at Salomon,
Johnson A Co.
Miss Etta Montgomery is seriously
ill at the home of Dr. Belknap in this
Ferd McCallister and family, of
Lower Crooked river were in the city
Salomon, Johnson & Co., have a
very complete line of Bedding.
John B. Brown, ol Haystack was in
the city Friday making final proof on
his homestead.
M. C. Aubrey, a prominent citii n
of Bend, was a P. in ville visitor Tues
Ladies' Shirt Waists in all grades
and styles at Salomon, Johnson & Co
.Tames Monteomery, of Lower
Crooked river was a Prineville visitor
Henry Smith left Thursday for the
Tumello country, where he goes to act
as timekeeper on the Laidlaw ditch
A. C. Knight n aud family left
Tuesday for their upper Ochoco ranch
where they go to reside permanently.
' J. W. Boone, the saddle and har
ness man has just received a big con
signment of new goods for the spring
t ude. Give him a call.
Si Hodges wishes to a nounce that
commencing with Fe' 15, the price
of leed will be raised to 75 cents per
span, at his leed yard.
John Combs left Sunday lor Port
land and Seattle, where he goes on
business. Mr. Combs expects to be
gone about a week.
, Rev. Triplett, the new Baptist min
ister arrived in our city Thursday
from his former home in North Caro
lina. J. N. Hammond, of Cline Falls
lower Company, was ill the city Tin s
d '. He reports the company's sprii g
..ork opening up nicely.
Tcinplcton & Sun have just rec ived
a very complete and up-to-date line ol
drills an I toilet articles. Watch for
liirir ad in our next issue.
L. L. Looniie, of Portland, was one
o' patty ol six who were in our city
fcj.u.irday en route to the timbe',
where t' ey located claims.
Jlrs. Clay A. Simpson an I daughter
left Saturday for Shaniko to meet M'.
Simpson, who has been spending a
few' ilajs in Portland transacting busi
ness. Dr. W. Vogel, an expert occulist 0
Portland, will be in Prineville every
three months. Those wishing any
thing in his line would do well to
consult hi.n.
The great Oak-Easel sent by Strauss
Bra , of Chicago, containing 500 sam
ples for men's fine tailoring can now
I e seen at the store of Salomon. John
sou & Co.
0. A. Whitsett made a trip to Wil
low creek last Saturday, where he
pun h ised 41 cows and calves of P.
Chitwood. Monday he moved them
tc l ie Whitsett place below town.
B Ulisan, a well known sheep
nan, f.lio wintered on the desert, in
form? us 'that he will leave the latter
; . the week lor Nevada, here he
e- in summer his a cep.
B V 4 Cornett, the liverymen on
l..s. iouday 6old their mixed band of
CU i.ei.u ol cuttle to L. E. Allingham.
JJr. Aiiiughnm left with them on the
l i :v i; g day fur his Matoles ranch,
ii !-. be will put them in his 800
uc..' .are.
For nil skin troubles! it is
(The Brick Drug Store)
Hugh Lister came in Friday from
his Paulina ranch for a short visit
with his family, leaving Sunday for
home. He reports Taulina conditions
on the advance and things in general
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hunter contem
plates leaving next wo k for the Des
chutes, where Mr. Hunter lias rela
tives. They will be gone an indefinite
time. Times Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vanderpool, ol
Prineville, were in Burns Wednesday
enrouta to the home of the latter's
brother, A. Venator on Crane Creek.
Burns Items.
Among the new goods received by
Salomon, Johnson & Co., is a very
pretty stock of calicos.
Mrs. M. E. Brink and two little
boys returned Saturday from a trip to
Albany and other valley points. They
report having had a good visit and
glad to get home.
Marcellus Barnett, a resident of
Burns, and a relative of Prof. E. E.
Orton, of our city visited with the
latter in our city Fridav. He was on
his way home from a trip to Shaniko.
Fred N. Wallace, of Shaniko, has
been engaged by the Baldwin Sheep
an I Land Company to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of A. H
Mrs. Susie Slayton reports her
spr'ng trade opening up nicely. Mrs.
Slayton has an excellent stock, and is
deserving of the good patronage which
she receives.
Aleck L hman, a bi other of Fred
Lehman of our city, has purchased
stock in the Ochoco Planing Mill
Company and will be employed in the
mill as soon as operation is commenc
ed. Warren Brown, ol Culver, was in
the city Saturday proving up on a
homestead. Mr. Brown reiiorts his
Culver school duties about finished
alter six months ol very successful
Dr. W. W. Taggart, the eye special
ist, at the Poindexter Hotel, will at
tend to your eyes, fit your spectacles,
cure your headache and nervous
troubles One charge for one year.
Cure of children a speciality. Glasses
ground in Portland.
The enterprising firm ol I. Michel
received last Tuesday fivo wagon loads
of Brand New Goods of all descrip
tions, with more to come. Call and
take a jKik at them, even if you don't
want to buy.
Anyone wishing to buy improve
ments on a homestead claim and file
on the same, can find out further par
ticulars by calling on or writing to
this office. This is a bnrgsin as the
owner wishes to leave the country and
will sell cheap.
R. M. and T. J. Powell, ol McKay,
wish to announce that their range on
Dry creek, consisting of 1440 acres of
deeded land is reserved for their own
use and lespectfully ask that all stock
men please avoid stopping on the
same, it being unlenced.
Young men should see the new line
of Gent's Hnse at Salomon, Johnson
4 Co.
A.E.Mathews, ol this city, has a
piece of residence property in Spokane
which is a good paying investment.
The house is new, has eight rooms
an I modern improvements. The
property consists of six lots, barn and
residence. He will trade the same
lor Crook or Lake county farm or
timber laud. Address A. E. Mathews,
Prineville, Oregon.
St a i o no r y
Brick Drug Store)
D. P.
I (The
The newest post cilice in Crook
county was commissioned April 1st,
and is mimed Madras. It is situated
on the Columbia Southern survey nt
the townsite of Pulmain and is in
charge of J. P. Ilahn. Hay Creek is
the distributing point lor all mails,
The Oeltoco I'lan'ng Mill Compauy
expect to have their mill in operation
by nest Wednesday. The engine and
boiler needed was ordered from the
mist i stead of from Portland in hud
I been z eetod, and this caused quite
a delay as the company has a number
ol rush orders. They have secured tin
engine from C. K. McDowell trt do the
work until their new one of 40 horse
mwer arrive.
Miss Grace Ilelknap formorly of our
city, is located in San Jose with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. ISolknap,
a d is studying music in the San Jose
conservatory of nr.isin. This institu
tion is one of the best in thu country
and Miss liraeo will doubtless 1 a
finished musician, when her I'lino
villc Mends see her again.
J. B. Cornott and W. J. Schmidt,
the Summit Prairie stockmen were in
our citv Tuesday en route to Sherars
Bridge on the Deschutes, where
they will deliver 4.1 head of beel cat
tle. They sold to Woods Bros., ol
The Dalles, and got 11.60 per cwt.,
which is one of the best prices record
ed so far this season.
The Firemen held a meeting on
last Tuesday evening. The subject ol
uniforms was considered, and after
considerable discussion it was decided
to apiKiint aud empower a committee
to buy suitable uniforms in the near
future. A drill was ordered for Com
pany No. 1, for Saturday nlternoon I
Roy Howard ti former Crook coun
ty boy won first honois and n gold
medal ill the local contest, and is to
represent the - rtgiicullual College
Prohibition Association in a state con
test of the organisation, to be held ut
D lias, May 1. His subject was:
"Come, Let Us Reason Together."
The Prineville public schools arc
preparing an excellent program to -e
given May loth. This date will be
the last day of school, aud our scholars
from each room are being trained lor
the program. Outside talent will also
take part anil the public arc assured
J-of au excellent entertainment. A
L,,,,,! admission will bo charged, vand
the receipts will lie applied on the li
brary fund.
Dr. H. P. Belknap received word
Sunday from the Belknap mining
nroiiertv. at Prairie City, Grant
County, to the eect that a 12 foot
vein of ore had been encountered,
and that it contained values ol from
$5 to $100. The sawmill owned by
tho com; any is in active operation
turning out lumber for development
work while n 10-slninp pmru mill has
hss been contracted lor, to be installed
not later than July 1st. These re
iiorts show that work in the mine is
being pushed right along and the in
dicatiuns point to a permanent propo
sition that w ill carry fortunes to those
holding stock.
Upoef inquiring of D. F. Stewart,
principal owner ol tho Prineville
Flouring Mills we arc informed that
his machinery it shut down mid has
been for sun e time owing to a siiort
age in grain, and that the supply is at
least 10,000 bushels short ol the local
demand. In view of this fact and al
so that the lime is not fur distant
when the demand wiilb lar in ex
cess of whut it now i i w iy don t
the Crook county (aimers take steps
toward developing the graiu acrea e?
Surely there is money in raising
wheat at n price that is said to aver
age 75 cents per bushel. There is no
country more productive of good
sound grain than our county, and in
stead of having a shortage in our
home D'arkets, we should have grain
and lots ol it, for export.
The Hakklt Hunt.
The rabbit hunt Sunday was par
ticipated in by live of our local niarka
men and as a result Dr. C. A. Cline is
once more the proud possessor of the
gold medal, ai;d an accompanying
brjitd smile. The honors were wrest
ed from W. W. Bay, who has had the
medal in his pesscssion twice. .As
this is also t':ie Djctor's aecoud time
to possess it the competition is conse
quently brisk and the next try out
will probably witness a very close and
exciting contest. The contestants
and the number killed are as follows:
Or C. A. Cline 140, W. W. Bay 132,
I. II. Ti nipU tiiii 1211, 1. W. Spear 72,
;,ni! John Elliott 70. Those who know
j that the work of nil was very good
, s,.. ciiilly that of Messrs. Hay and
IVmpU-ton, who worked very hard bin
. countered mr territory for rabbits
New Spring
Every Department
New Spring Bargains. The Ladios will find many New Things. They
are too numerous to mention but if you want anything go to the Big Stora
They'll have it.
Prinevllc's Leading Merchanls
Rev. Triplett, who was recently
called to the pastorate of the Baptist
church in this city will preach at me
Union church Sain day at 2 p. in. and
in the evening at 7:S. Also Sunday
morning at 11 a. in. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
8. R. Sluyton returned Sunday fro
a trip to Corvallis and other valley
points. White gone Mr. Slayton
visited in California cities and reports
having passed a pleasant winter. He
Homes to spend a lew months with his
son K. T. Slayto.i who resides on the
Mrs. L.Coinini. who lias been en
gaged in the restaurant bii inesi in
our city lor several months past, lias
discontinued business anil will go 'o
The Dalles with her luinily, where her
husband is engaged in the marble
Lytic is (he newest town.ilc platted
in the Descnutcs coiintiy, and is situ
ated about one hall mho north ol the
Deschutes postofnec. It i surveyed,
platted and has Wen incorirated,
and is in all probability the official
townsite of the Columbia Southern
Wm. Young, who is employed in
the blacksmith shop ol Elkins &
King met with a very painful accident
w ile nt work last Saturday. The in-iuri-s
are in the form ol a severe
wrench given the body in dropping a
lew feet and while not serious, ure
very painful.
Hall for Rent.
Mrs. A. E. Ghue wishes to an
nounce that her hall is for rent for a
business of some Kind. Kin a got id
locution, and any one wanting such a
place would do wcl In call on or ad
dress Mits. A. E. Gi.azk, Prineville,
Far ante.
One registered Hcrlord Hull, 5 years
old. H. F. Zku
.) J'riueviJIo, Or.
Chickens Wanted.
Highest market prieo in cash
paid for five dozen good In nx.
,- AddresH W. T. Fwi.k,
Prineville, Oregon.
.1. II. Durson wishe to announce
that he will buy all kindsof lurs. He
will pay a good price lor all furs prop
erly handled and in good shape. Ah
so Badger hides. Headquarters at
Foster & Lehman's butcher shop.
jyjfiHER & GrOSH
(The Brick Drug .Store)
Ready to Wear
Suits at Gormley's
Dry WoOd At New
som's Wood Yard
$3.25 Per Cord.
in our Big Store is full to
The Dalle, Oregon
Concerning OR KEN RIVER Whiskey
1. GRKK.S' K IV Kit la pure.
t GKKK.V KIVKU la perfectly matured.
;. (illKKX KIVKIl Inn nn cxitiiil flavor.,
4. (iltKEX RIVKIt is the whiskey without headache
5. OUKEN RIVKK in thu U. S. Naval Hospital Whiskey
0. (IKK KN RIVKR in sold hy C. K. McDowell, Prineville
C. J. Stubllng, Distillery Distributor
New SPRING HATS at Mrs. Shyton's in the
Newest and Prettiest Styles.
ISastox Opening" j-p. lO and 11
A Choice Line of Novelties and Neckwear,
and everything CityMarkets afford.
We are now taking
ing us your order now you will save
express and telegraph charges. Send us your
crder at once and save money and delay.
Elkins & King
Overflowin with Bjand
orders for all kinds of