' Timber Lend, Act June II, WD, NOTIOK KOIl rUMJOATtOS. Vkitiii Htatw Lxi Orriut, Tin II.IIh, Onwm, January 24, 11109. Notice la hereby given tint In oompllence with (lit prnvlaloua of tlx ant nl Cmnr... til Junes, IWH, entitled "An unt fur the sale of timber landa In tlio Hutu ill '.'ullfiH iiln, Urc Hun, Nivalin mill Walilrikioii T'-iillory," u sltlllilud tu nil .ll" J'uUlu li.ml rUntra 1 7 wit ol All(lMt 4, IMI'4, tin fiilliiwhuf named penniu have, on July 211, 11102, filed In tliU uillue tlmlr swum ataleinenta, to-wlti 1IIAO, TIIOMI'HON, of VmIiou, county Of KIiik, atate of Waaliltttfton, iwom lle- Infill Nu, Ml, forth! purchase of tin WX HVH HI'.'i NW'iuml.NWKMWH Hrotlin 17, Ti. 20 Hutilh, IUiiko 12 Kaat, W. M (JIIAKLKH M. DOW, of Vaslion, orninty nf Klni,stute of WiulilnKti'n.aworii alaUiinsiit ' No. IMrlhe purchase of tin NX NWtf tud WH NR)i Section 20, Ti, 20 Hnuth. lUinis 12 Kant, W. M. J Ai;ull J, HIM.VKINH, of Veshm, entity i f KIbk, state u( WnahlniitMi, won atate. ast Nu, m, tat Ilia purchase of th Y, NKtf Section IftWNWHectUST, Tp. OHiutli, llanae 13 Kaat, W. M. AUTKMl'SW. JL'DU, of Tlia Dellee, owatyof. Wesae, aUta of Oregon, aworn aUtimait No. WIS, for tin puroliaM uf tin MtK titlon IS, Ti 20 Mouth, Htmie 12 Kaat, W. M. J i; 1,1 A A. Jl'IH), uf Tin Isll..e, ooiinty of Wuao, atate Oregon, aworn atatemeiit Nu. (KM, for tlio purchase of tin SK Hectlun 1H, Tp. 20 South, lti,K 12 Kaat, W, M. CYltLS W. lloW.uf Vaehnn, county ( KinK, elate of Waahlnifton, aworn alatement Nn. UiK), for tin pun haae of tin Kj HKJ Heo- tl.m .ii(l WX HWl( Hactlon 21, Ti, 20 Huulli, llaniia 12 Kaat, W. M. Tint Ulay will offer piwl to allow tint tin land anight la uiura valuable for Ita tjiubar ur atona than for agricultural initpM, and to aaUbllib tlmlr olalm to Bald land before Uia Raillator Mid lleoelver, t Tin Dallaa, Oregon, on Watlnaaday, Ilia 22nd day of Airll, U, The naina m Kltnomai Artcmua W Judd, of Tin Dellee, Oregon, and Cyrus W. Dow, Charlea M, Dow, Jacob J, Himniona and Ira I). Thomion, of Vaahon Washington. Any and all persona claiming advoraly tha UtvednHirllwil lamia ara NHpiratcd to file their olalmi in thia ulfiiM on or before tin auld Kui day of April, HUB. M dp JAY 1. I.UCAH, Itigl.ter. TlmUr Land, Act Juua 3, W. NOTICK Kdlt I'l'HMUATION. I'nlttd HUlrja Land (llflof, , flla Dallra, OrrKin, Janunry 211, Uaj3. Notion It harahy ifivan that In 'jomplianoa with tin provlalona of tha act of Ongraaa of Juna 8, in, antlllad "An act for the lt of tlmlwr landa In tha Htatm of California, Ur. oiMl, Navaala, and Wwhinton TerrlUtry," u atiidl to all tha public land atnlva by act nf AilKiial 4, 1K1I2, tha following nraona hava died In tlila oHirjc tlnlr awura at4tnicnU ki.wlt: TIIKIirilll.K 8. MICHKI., of Uoud, ciuaty af Crook, aUta of Oragot, aworn aiata inHtNa. lUU i:aiSiot. 22, 1W2, fir tha j.aickiai f tha NK aictln 22, If. 1U Hauth, llango 10 Ka.t, W.U. JAUfcH ALKX AM'KU, af Bii4. ciuaty of Croak, ati af Uragia, awinl lalcKtit No Ul, l'(d Hapi. Z, 11C2. far tl.a (urchaai f tba HVfM 6,M 22. Tp, 111 H.utk, l aap lOKul.W.M. HKHUY HATH, a f Urn J, amity of Cnak aula if Cngaa, awoin ittlaBait No 2M, lilad AuiujI 1, lrtrt. fu( ha ptinr.ua if tha HKU taction 20, Tp. ID Mouth, Hanga 10 JSaat, W, M. J.IIIN J. HOKKKS, of llucna VIU, county of Haltranil, atata uf Minnaaota, aworn Utnnrllt No. WM, ttlad Augiut 11, for tlit, puruhaaa of tho N't 9K NKJ M and M II, taction 0, Tp 17 Smith, Kange 11 Kaat, W. M. That thay will offer proof to almw that th laud aought la uoira valuabia for lu lliiihwr or atona than for agricultural purtHMea, and to tnlillah tlmlr claim to aaid laud Ufora H. W, Kitud, V. M. CoiiiniiMilonar, at lloiid, Ore gon, ou Tlmmday tha 30th day of April intKi. They imma aa witneaafa ; Jama Aluxaniltir, Maxain Ixil'Jn'o, Munrv I'.ath, Ooorga llatva, Jr,i Mitutl-ll, A. N. llrnuer, W. II. SuaU, 1). 1'. Strlfa, Frank llodaon, John Hti-i.ll, Iiula NcIhoii, Churlua J. Cotter, W. 11 llrockaml Tlicoplilla H. Michel, M of llolij, 4)rgon, Any and all iwranna clidming advemvly the alH,vv.deacrltMd landa are rcpieated to tile their uUima lu thia oltica ou or befora auld JJ0i.li Hoy of April, lllll I. 11 up JAY R I-UCAH, Hrglator, Timber Liuxl, Act Julie 3, l7H. Nottoo for Publication. United Htatea Laud Ollloe, Tho Dullea, Or., Jan. 20, 1110.1. N jtlco la hereby given tlmt In cunpliance with the provloiona of too act of Coligreea of June 3, 1878, entitled ' An act fur the aula of timber Ucda in tha SUtea ol Caliioruiit, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all tSe 1'ublio lwiud Stataa by ait of AiiKiiat 4, 1802, the following ieraona have tiled in tlila office their aworn atatetueota, to wit: WIUAItDL. COI'l'KHNOM,, of The Dallea, cmnty of Wnaoo, atata of Oregon, w,.ni auhouent Nu. 1125, tiled Sept. 11, 11)02, or the purchnau of tlie NK1 Section 0, Tp. IP South, I'ange 12 Eaet, W, M 11. WAI.TKK MILI.ICAN, ol Leelmrg, co.mty of Lane, etato of Oregon, aworn state ment No. U;7, tiled Sept. 1!, 11HI2. or the IKlrdiau of tile HK' Seotion 33, Tp 20 aoutb, Kanve It Kaat, W. M. OI.KL. ROKII'JLT, of I'orthai, ccjuity of Multnomah, etate of tlregon; aworn atata auelit No. 11W, Died Sept. Ill, 111(12, for the pur:!ue! of ha NSK 8e-tlr 2Ti, Tf. SC aouth. liane Meant, V. M MAtilllH UOHNA, of I'rhievillo, comity etf Crook, etate of Oregon, awoni aUteineut No. 1IM), filed Sept. Et, 1012, for tin pnr. haae of the SWVJ Heoil.m 3, Tp. 19 aouth, Mange 12 rait, W. M. HKNKY II. CAIN, of riineville, county 4,f Crook, elite of Oregon, aworu atatemen: No. 11.17, Weil Sept. 23, ISIOJ, for the pur ha,e of the N V, Sectiou li, Tp. 12 aouth, llongalleut, W.M. Tlu' tl . ' v ..1 offer proof to ahow that the lend ... v la .ure i .Iuu!i for ita timber or atone o lor curjl u r , 4() and to ea- aibliah vuair ijlaiut to aaid lud before W. A. Hall, U, S. Gommlaaloner, at i'rliievllle, Ore. Kon, on Monday, April 27, 11102. Thay na in aa wltnaaaaa; Mary L Toney Mary M. Tonay, of Mltoliell, Oregnni Maggie Hohna, Uliarlee II. Krlokaon, Henry A. Fua tar, ltalih Jordan, Ollvar II. Krlokaon, Ora I'nlndeater, 11,'llry II, Cain, (lenrge Mlllloan and MaguleUlaw, of l'rlnavllla Oregon; L. K. Allliufham, of Warm Spring, Oregon) D. I . Stella ami W, II. Slunta, of Jlaml, Oraiicm I -oni Alllniiliain mi l Jompli Cly,l, of Hlatara, Orison and Thomu H . Watklna of Alliany, Orngon, Any noil ill woim clalmlnK lulvaracly the aliova rWrllwd lamia an riu.l, to III- tlmlr clalma In tlila ollloa nn or Iwforc audi '.7lh duy of April, 1U03. K.Vnp JAt, P, Liuak, Iti-nl.ter, Tlmlier Land, Act Juna t, Wit. NOTICU rtill I'UIII,fCATfON.' V. t. Land ortlja. Tin Dullea, Ore.', Juiiuury, 21, 11)0.1. Notice la hereby given that In oompll anc with tha provlalona of lh tot of Congreea of Juna t, M7I, antltlod "An not for tha axle of timber landa In tha Htataa of California, OroKon, Nevada, and Washington Tarrltory," aa extended to all the Public Und Slatea by act uf Auajuat 4, a, tha following peraona hava slid la thia olflce their aworn atatemanta to.Wt ARTHUR CALM II AN, of Hoatllo, ouun- tyufKlnff, atata of WaahliiKloii, awurn KtaUmimit No. m, Hied July 21, 11102, for thepurcliiuioofthoHWM Hontlon 18, Tp. .KHwilli, Itange 12 Kuat, W. M. 8AKAI1 A. (IKATTON, of Hoattlo, conn. ty of King, ataUi of Waahiiigton, aworn atntomcnt No. fl4, Ilia July 21, 11102, for the puri'liaee of the SV4 Heotlon 18 Tp. 20 South, Kongo 12 Kaat; W. M. and that they will offer proof to abow that the land aought la mora valuable for Ita limner or atone than for agricultural pur poeee, and to eatnhllah their claim to eald hind hffore tho Hogialcr and Keoeivor at The Dullea, Oroifon, on Hatunluy, April llth, 1IM. They nnme aa wilneaaoH: O. Hcwaoni, of llrt'i'ii Luke, WaHhliiKUin; John Ilioiw. of Hi nd, Oregon ; Thoa, looiiuril, of The Dullm, Ori'gon; Arthur Culhhan ami Snr.ili A. tlrulUin, ofHwutllc, Wualiiiigton. Any and all peraona claiming advorae- ly the abovc-dcarrlbod landa are requoot' d lu file their clalma In thia office on or before the aaid llth day of April, 1IM. JAY 1', LUCAH, K.glltor. Kcu-Mji. Timber Land, Act June I. Kit. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United Blatea Und Ofllce, Tim Dalli a, Oregon, January 24, 11)0.1. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with 'y -ovlelona of the act of Congreee of June S, Wit, entitled "An act for tha pale of timber landa In the Nlutva of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the 1'ubllc lind Btateo by act of Auguat 4, lntl2, tht following peraona have on July 3, 11)12, Bled In thia olllco their aworn oiatementa, to-wlti WILLIAM JOllNt'ON, of Sftkaue, oocDtr cl(f elate, atata of Waihlrgtoa, aieis atlKBtll V til (Ui Iilyl 7 12)2 for the pun t ne of the NKJ Snt'cn 12 Tp. 20 Houth Han,i II fait, VY. M. KICK KAUFHAX ol Chary oouatj f Spokane, elate cf Waahit;:tcn, a;ra autemiut No .ri, tiled luly, 7, I8C2 t.r Ui rojobaaacf tbobKi tfectlc 12, To X Houtli, KeD0 II Kaat, W, Jt. MAIIIKWLODWia.al Ctaaar, wan ty of Hpokai:, itita of Wathli'gl in, aworn alalcinonl No. Ml, IIIihI July 17, llarj, for the purvliaw of the WJ t,W4 and W'H NWJ4 Hiftlon 1, Tp. 20 South, Kongo II Kat, W. M. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land Bought la more valuable for Its timbur or alone than for agricultural pur poaoa, and to eatabllah their clalma to aaid laJid before the ltcgiater and Itcceivor at The Dtillca, Oregon, on uturduy, April 18, I'M. They name na witnc.i'ca: William Kulk and William Johiiaoii, of Spokane, Wash., and Nick Ktiiiluiiiu nnd Mulhew Ludwig, of Ciii'ney, WiieliiiiKton, and Oru l'oiiulcx- tir, of Hi nd, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming advernely rfiu ubove-ut-serltied landa are requeated to Die their clalma In thia omce on or Wfure mi' aaid IHlh duy of April, 1113. JAi" P. LUCAS. Keglstcr. Feb-fi-dp TiniU-r Land, Act June 3, NOTICK FOft I'U HLICATION. Tkitkii Statlh I.ano Okkick, Tho DalUn, Oreffon, January 21, WUX Nulice is hcrvhy given tliut inctmiplinntT with tho provisions uf the act uf CoiigrcM of June 3, 137S, entitled "An act for the wiloof tiiutHT luinla in the Stuteit of t'ali I'oruin, Dregun, Nevada, and V a tilling ton Territory," afc extended to all the Public hand Slitterj l.y act of Anoint 4, IHIU.the folluwiiiK per -on s have lilcd in this oMice their sworn stauMiieuts, to wit: KATK A. CONtlKU, of Moacw, county of IaUili, tate uf Idaho, nwom BtuK-iuent No. Wft, lilod July 25, 1U0J, for the pun-hase of the Y. BWj( Heclion 1U and K,S NWJi Section mr Tp. 1 South, lUugo 10 Knst, W. M. 1IKKH1CUT C. (IKKlJO, of Walla Walla, county of Walla Walla, iSuto of WahinK- tun, sworn staU'iuuut No. 1272, filed Oct. 4, IWi. for the purchase of the NWl Sec. 2l and Ntf NK the. W, Tp. 1U Houth, limine 12 Kikai, W. M. That they will oiler proof to show that the land couglit in more valuable for iu tiinlwr or stone than for aKricitltura. pur pustw, and to esublutti their claim to said land Uvfuie toe HegUter and Keceiver at The Dalles, Oreguu on Mouday, tha 13th day of April, 1W3. They namo an witiuseti: Kninm A. Hammond, Augusta M. Jolly and William W. I'ollintt, of Mowow, Idaho; ClureiUT Craig, Kffd W. Wileon and Joseph lVtern, of The Dalle j, Oregon; Ora Poiudexiur and P. D. Poiudrxtei", of l'riru'ville. Oregon, Any and all pernoufl cluiiHtng udversely the alKive-tle.scrilH'd laudware rcipu'sted to Ule their claims in thin oflii-e on or Ix-forc said l.'lth day of April, 1HW. F-fidp JAY P. LUCAS, Regime:. Shoes. A full line uf Ladies'. GettLa and Children's eliuus. S. J. A Co. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, 1mi Ornog at Tin Dai.iM, Oanoox, February 18, 1MI3. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettlera have Med notice of Intention to make final proof In aunimrtof their clalma, and that aaid proof will ha iioola Iwlore J. J. Miiiith," County Clerk, at l'tl'ievlil', Oregon, on Friday, Apt. S, lit .3, iii " -rr.-n rroen o tlaie'eik, ii'cgi-t, hilloe-lend llpp.ic'l li N il j m tl,a VM N V and W Jf NKji Krc. 24, T. 12 8., 11. 13 K.i W. M. John L). lhown of Huyatock, Oregon, on homeatevl application No, 11232 for tba SJj X K'A Hec 18and 8tf N V Seo. 17, T. 12 S It, H K , W. Jf. Wltneawai Colonel F. fimltn, of Lamonta. Oregon, Kdmund llealy, Alonno W. Iloyce and Kdwlu (1, Hodaon of llayattck, Oregon. A JAY P. LUCAS, Ileglalci. TlmlH-r Und, Act Juna 3, mi, NOTICK FOR PUHI.ICATKJN. Unltwl fltati-s I -nnd Offlca, The Dallf, Ort-K-n. FflfruAryd, M03. Notlco Is hereby given that In compli ance with tha provisions of tha act of Co,iKrM of Juna 2, 178, entitled "Aa act for the Dale of tlmlwr lands In the states it California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." aa extended to all the Public I-eunrl eta tea by act of August 4, lHltt, the following prnn-n hu this day July 0, Wl filed in this office his wurn Utemrnt U)-wlt. Jtiuhard W. lireeie, of Prineville, o;unty nf Crook, lUte of UrKrn, sworn utatetiient No, 7M, forthepurchaee ol the fiW Rw. 1H, Townnhit 13 south, Kane 1H eMt, W. M. That he will offer prMf to show that the land sought ts mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- mt and to enUhlb his claim U i.nl.1 Innd before W. A. II' II, IT. 8. Com misnloniT at Prinevllle, Oregon, on M on lay the 27th day of April, UW. He Miuticn sw wHneMaWs, William A'laam, Perry II ttliiiH, Ktephen Vancey and Charles H, Hmlth, all of Prineville OreK.ro. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the above-deecrlbed lands are request ed to file their claims In this office on or k'fore the saH 'I7th dnj of April, IfJUfi. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. KHl-pfp - Timber I-and, Act June i, W7H. NOTICK FOR PlTBIalCATION. United States Ijind Office,- The ffiilleii. iM'Kon, Februsrr I. lWffl. Notke is hereby given that In compll- nitce with the provlxlons of the act of CoiiKret of June a, 17. enlllb-'l "Aa Heifer the Mule til Mm hi r In ml In (tie HIhIc o'l'nii lorniH, urt'snn, .M?vmmiHi WMiitniou Tfrrt- tfirj," u pxlcnilf'd ti all the public l-nud tu) or hi-i ol aiikiini 4. iw.', t ,e in low iik- iiRiiit-il (H-moti hsve filed In this ofllce tlie'r w.ir1! imemrnt!.ttr-wlt: W I In in iV J(4iwtir ol Hvm bli . rountv of iiciirnmi. oiHie oi Minnciotii. nwrrfii lUlt-meui No. W. Illi'tl Ana, JO. I'jif' U r Hit' in irt-limit! of ini' Ki'P. 7, 1.1 n., It. II C., W. 3. riiiiti. J u M'Hry ol iietiilo l, ronutv Of Kcl- trttril, kIaIv of Miiine4it, wi,rn Ul4-mnl No. 10.', lle.t Aim IV. Ml fortlie iuu- lose ol Hie bYtl4 HW. 7. T. 7 . K 11 K., W. M ' 3urtiiMaroiiiifitvaieroi rue Kaiim, romty or '(, a nie oi iiretron. iwor i bi erne ii Mi. liCCl, til I'd AUK- 2H, for tli tnirliMt! uf Hie h'. hee.71.1. lii(.. K. ID K. w. M. Ttmtltiev Will ..ITt T J-c-ol to HhoW (hit the ImiiiI Miiitilit U more vsiuutite for lt tt in Iter or Mtone I linn for Hirrlculliiritl imrnoMHi. and In Ken Mer Hiii K'TetVer at 1 lie Ho Oreuon. on ttdiienlay. the JOll) dnv ol Mav. IWEI. Tliey nmiie as witiitjiniea; I'hlllp 0'lary l.ll U'lll K ll..ta'.up a.f tt....i.ttl in.,.. Uiren K AllluultRin of Warm ?4triiiir. Oreicfiii, riml John i?lulll, Thoa. Tweet. Mi holaa milli Mlrliai-I Ci'iiior. Mlcliai-1 UWgv and 1. J Driver of Tlie I'alleM. oretf. Any and all fK-muna claiming adverse !y the Atiove-deacrlld landa are reaueat- t-d to fill) thvlr cliilms In this office on or Del ore the !( -Utti day ol May, iwjil. JAY P. LUCAS. ReKleter. TlmtKT I,and, Act June 3, 1R7S, liotio for Publioat'.cn. V. B. Land Offlre. The Dalle-, Oregon, February It, 11 tf. Not lee I hereby given that' In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in the stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory, aa extended to all the Pubilo Land flUUa by act of August 1 1tHt ti;a follnww pa'ons have ou rl, n, Hill', filed 111 this othec their swont sluteimt t", tt-wil: Mclw sulk U, InKetitU, f Fla-d. Ciuaty o( Kiny, aStAte tf waakirtrt'ii, tworn atate ment Nf 1116 far the putchiae of he iwU Sec. !.... U 3., It.li K. w. iu Kdaird II Kir if j if Pullaid Cotntty of Kii'tf, Mute 1 ( Wawlrnij-tun. pveir atvnnetit No. 1117, f r tlie 1 uuhiue if I In bKl Sw. I.VTi.lE H., h. U K., w. m. Jaitfill. MmUitaC 1 or liulUid. c tarty of Kiuii. itKi of WH-hiiipton, uirn .uimem S.,, ills, lur tne inir('ii..hc 01 iiiefeW1. a.-i-. i;. T. , H i K , W M. Fred U Phe'jw, of Italian., County of KiiiK, statp id YVaihinirtoti, hw.iih atatetneiit No. 111!', fur th pnrcliiU'tf of the SK Vi Wee, 10, Tp. IMS , It. It! F , . m. ' j Aiiirubtun l'rtfit"i. of (treuu Ijilje. Countv i of Kinc, .St-ite of W(inhin,'ti'n1 awnrti state, inent No. 1120, f r the purchase of tho SKI Sc, II, T. lilS , H. 12 K., w. 111. fifri!d H. hnni'iii, of diwn Iike. Countv u( Kin:, St;tte of WHHhiiiKtm, aworu ntate iiifht No. 1I JI, for the iiurthn-. of the Sui Sec. 10, T. IU S., It. 12 V. , . M. Ji hu Stt'wart of KalUrd. countv nf Kimr. utate f Washititou, aworn ftatcineiit No. 11'J'i, tor thi purehnsBoi the h hi boo. 1, T. lit S H. 2 K.. w. M. Unit tiicv mil otf.T 11 rot if to ahow unit the lim t son. 'lit is inort valuaide for ita timber atone thun for auricuituial tmnxeo. and to fnunusn inoir vlunna to naM una betore the Hfyihter and Hi'Ct'iver at 1 he lJallra, Oregon n Tueodnv. tho 9Ui ilay of June, 1:R),S, Tlwv limne aa witiiosar-t: f red C. Plitdi-". John HU'Wart, Monnumth H. iufrwdi, Ed want 11. Mn. James li. Ma-'tiregnr, of Ballard, vaah., and Aiiv'U-tua Preatoit and Alfred H, lloni of tfreen Lake, wash.? Any and all persona clniiuin tvltersely the alMivetlfari-ihed luU are repuestcd to file tlieir claims in thia ottice on or before the aaid Uth day of June, m. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Timber Ijind. Act June 3. 1878. NOTICE FOK PI'ULICATION. United States Land Othce, Tlio Dalles, Oregon, February id, MrO.'(. Notice is horeby adven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Oontrri-ss of June X, 1N78. entitled "An act for the (ale of timber lauds In the Siatea of (.'ullfornia, Oregon, Nevada, nod Washington Territory," as eitondt'd rn nil the Public Land States bv act of August 4, it92. the following persons have, onsep. 23, !:.)2, filed in thU oltlce tfnir sworn statements, to-wit: Alexander 11. Owen of Chattaroy, county of Spokane, state of Washington, svorn smtement No. 1I7H, f..r the purchase of the K1 N'wf4 aud wi KKW 8ec. 23, T. It R. 10E..W. M. william GilHs of Elk. county of Spol ane, state of Washington, sworn sViunieut No. 117M, forthe puridiase of the Srw' Hec. lit nnd NwW i T. Is h., R. 10 K., w. M. Lawrence C. Owen of Chattjvniy, ccunty of 8H)kane, state of Washington, hworii statement No. 110, for the purchase of the hKi Sec. 2.H, Sw' Hte Stc. '24. Nw'i NwVi Sec. 2;) and NEW NKW iSvc. 'X, T. 16 8., It. 10 E.. w. M. Martha Page of Rpokane, county of npoKnnw, siaieoi nasnniKion, sworn state ment No. 1181, for the purchase of the wH HK and NJ Sw Sen. 23, T. U 8., B. 10 "i til. That thr will tyffar rwf t fUmr Out tba land sought Is sot mlcaM for Its tlmlwr or itont thui for Afiicuittirai pur Htnm, and to mtblUb tholr claims to niu iann omon ui mvnT aaa Kocslvor utTlw Jnll!H, OrcK'Hi on wediHiMjay, the 17th lay of June, 10 . Thi-y iirtiiic ng witfiMKesj LnwrncC. Oucii, AI''xnii(ltT B. Ovvcn, of (Jitattarny, wi li., H-iltiam (Jlllifiof Klk, wah Ow. li, l-r toui Mitfiha I'mro of Hufikum- vh.f J. ho C, 'J'M-ki rof The J)alen, Oro i-'tii. An nd 11 riT'on Hnlmlnf 4vm- ty the Mhuvf-dciifuMu'd larul-i are r(jijet 1 ttrdlw tholr clilma In this ofllre on or Ufwrc the hqkI 1 7t r dtiy of Jun!, HH, JAV P, U;CA8, iU-ler. Timber r.nd. Art June i7H. NOTICW KOK PUBLICATKfX. United State Land Office, The Dallen, Oregon, February IS, lm Notlre la herehy a-lven that In com nil nice with the provision of the aft of '.ooKreas oi June 4.'ix. eni I eil "An act for the sale of flmher lands In the states r anroniia, urc-Kon, M-vada, and Vanh iHB n 'Jerrllory," as extended to all the Pi'Mlc Jjind Hfafes by act of Auttnat 4, Irtfrj, the followiiiK-named pernon have on auk- 2i, mrt nidi in uus omce their oworn aUteinerit to-wit: John Hue low of Karris, county of Huh hnrd, Htnte of Miniipnota, aworn sttenicnt . l'MH, Tor tit purchase of th YM Sec, l7'riTUUlllaJ " li, i , it n,t ji. 1.1 rj.j w. .i , f)e T, leaon, of CotiHHw-t, county of iiiifM-a, niaie ui inneaoia aworn, lm inent No. itw. for the purchawof the NK pc. 13, T. 17 li. 10 K.. W. JI. Mathiaa Thome of llemidji, county of IMtrami, "tate of Mirmcaota, sworn state ment No, Ww, fir t!i'' pnrchrv-e ol the DK H Mi 1 17 U. 11 K.. W. M Zachfiia w, Lindhore of liemidji. conntv of iii ltrand, atate of Minnenotu. aworn statement .No. Kttl, for the purchase of the nw4 nee. ;w, t. 17 n. 11 K. w. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land aourht li more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural pur- Mini 1.0 eaiaounn vneir Claims 10 tald land before the Keelster and Receiver tf this ofih:e at The TxtHee, Oregon, on Kriday, the 22nd day of May, Y.m. They name as vitneiaea: John Buetow Of Karrift, .Minn., Ole T. Olemm of(Vm et, Minn., Math ins Ttiome and Zacheua , Lindborir. of Himidji, Minn., and John Steidt of The Dallea. Oregon. Any and all peraons clalmlnf adversu y tba above-dearrthed lands are request m to file their claims in this office on or ytiirct he aaid 2ind ilav of Mav, V'. JAY P. LUCAS,' Register. Timber Land. Act June 3. W78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Tlie Dalles, Oregon, Fehmary U, lij&J. Notice" is hereby given that In comtdl- ance with the provisions of the. act of Congress of June 3, 1S7H, entitled "An iet for the sale of timber lands in the Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrltorv." as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Antrim 4, 1 WW, the followin-nnmed per sons have hied in this oilice their sworn statements, to-wit: William II. H;jlii. of 3I 12th Ave., Heat- tie, county of miir, state or Washington, worn stutemciit No. lOid. hied AuKUt '.), I'.tV. for the purcha-e oftlie.NK'-i Sec. 3-', T. -S., R. 14 K., w. M. Hiram F.Shaw of Univer-ity, Seattle, countv of KinK. stale of Washington, sworn statement No. 1074, tiled Aur. 11)02, fur the pun-hiiHe ol the Mr Sec. 32, T. 20 s. R.14 E..w. M. Ktta J. Fiorini of Gold rar, cutntyof i7uouonuin, Mate oi wasninrton, sworn "lateinent No. Iu7t, filed Auj(. 3", Hr2. for me purcnae oi lite ft',4 mm swu Sic. Ull. T. 20 8.. R. 14 E.. w. M. william H. Croft of Gold Bar, countv of Hnohomirh, state of washinm, Sworn staU'iuent No. 1077, tileil Auk. IW2, for the purtdia-e of the SwU Sec. 3, T. 20 S., R. 14 K w. M. william H. waynick of Gold Bar, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn stutemciit Nu. 1078. filed Auk. UVJ, for tne pureiiaie ot the NwVi bee. s$, I. 20 S., R. 14K.,w. M. that thev will offer nroof to how that the land Bought is more vuluahle fur its timber or stone than for airricultural pur poses, aud to establish their claims tc -aid land U'fure the Register and Receiver at The Dalle, Orison on Tuesday, the 20th oav oj .nay, iinu. , They name as wit;:caso-': J. R.Yonmr, J. S. Bryant and w. H. Hislin of Seattle, wa-b., it.A.roterl . it, hrn k-on oi Print ville, Onyon. wiliiam H. Croft, w. H. way nick, Etta J. Fiurini, of (told liar, wo h. Any aniJ alt Demons claiming adverse! v the above-described landa are reucstc! 'o Ule their claims In this othce on or be fore the laid Stith dor of May. li03. JAT P. LUCAB. K!st:r. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, 1 lie iuilcs, Oregon, February l.lii' o. Notice Is hereb.. fiven that !n ccmnil. nce with tho provisions of the act Congress of Jane 3, ls.'s. i-ntitlcd "An act for the sale of timljer lands in the states -Tf Caiifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land 6tates by act of Autf.trt 4, the toliowiiig-nanied persons Jjjivc lik'dinlhi othce their swum statcimnts, to-wit: Ilrnryw. Holmes ofEvendt, county of Suolioini-di, Mate of wadiington, sworn stutemciit No. 10-i'J, liicd ck-pt. 3, l!y. for thep'.irrhaseot'tlie NJ-i fee. 31, T. fl) S R. 14 E., w. M. Earl w. Hosted of Everett, county of Sii"liomih. state of wa hiiigton. s.iorn siatemont No. im, hied Sept. a, W, fur : the purchase of the Sw-i 8cc. 31, T. 20 S., It. H ft,, W. .'I . Druoie L. Prat her of Everett, county of Snohomi h, state of Washington, sorn statement No. 1111, tiled Sept. 8, 1!02, for the puichuM' ol the N w '-i St-c. At. T. R 14 E.. M. That they will offer proof to show thitt the hind sought is omre valuable for its timber or stone than for ngrieultural pur poses, and to establish their c',iim to sttid hind before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon u Thurdav, lhe2th dav ot May. lUUi i'luy name as witnesses: Earl w. Hust ed, '1 liomiw Dorgan, Ida M. Drgau, Henry w. lLdmo-', of Everett, wash., wil liam HawK", J. R. Voung, of Seattle, wuidi., and Charles H.'Kriek-oii and H. A. Foster of IVinevilio, Oregon. Any and all perons claiming adver ely lhea.Kve-Uvicrihp.l lands are reipiestetl to hie their claims in lias ollii-e oh or l)el'oiv the said 2Sih dav of Mav, liajS. JAY P. LUCAS, Rcuister. TtmKT Land, Act Jue S. is;. NOTICK KOK ri'Br.lC'ATION. The Daliw, Onpm, Kel..l!. I'.i03. VnltMl Blatea Land OBlce. Notice la hereby Kiven thitt In eomull- ance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 3, entitled "An act for the sale of tliuter lands In the Slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, ntt IVA.hlmM.in T.,rrtt..r. " t.n.UI to all tho 1'iiltUc I.and states by act of towuil lan.l m-fore lle Kcpi-ster n.d Re August 4, iM2. the folh.wlng persons . ociver at The Dalle:. Oreirun on ThurM'.av. have on Hemeln ::. th. l!l "2. hied in thia their aworn statements, to-wit: I hornton Mie.,ily, of S)kune. County of Spokane, State of Washington, sworn statement No. Uit:i. for the pur I ase ol :lie St NFW. nnd lots 1 and 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 1 s K. 10 K W. M. Krick A. Nordiuist, of Spokane, County ofS(x)kaue, Stale of Washinglon, sworii statement No. 12(1(1. lor the purchase of the NWM SWK.HX XWM biiJ NKV. XS, Sec. 13, T. Ie8 K. 10 K W. M. Reuben 8. Uorrill, of Spikane, Countv of Spokane SUie of Wasliliiftou, aworn aUteiueulKe.Ni. 1201, fir the purchase of theEW BKW.BTf RK! aud Sit BWy4 Beo.4, T. 17 H., H. 10 K W. M. JfirnewtC, Bloaaey, 0; Bpokane, County "r weetPD ll UtIJj,Ua., afWUfll sUtement, No. '& for the purchase of the N W Mec. T. 17 8. K. 10 K., W. M. TboTvahl Hansen, of Hpokane. Comity of uiiviviiiie. niuie 01 naxinnKion, eworn Htatemciit No. mt for the purchase of the NK(HW SK and NKM HK Bee. 3ft, T. 1H It. 10 K., W, M. They Will fjff.T l.r.f Ir, ihnw ihnt tha the Jnnd so-.iirht la mnre valnalde f'r iia tlmt-r or xtone'than for attrt' iilturnl pur poa-ii. nnd to estanllah th"!p elnlma tn afd land before the Register and Receiver at the Dalles, on Friday, June l'.f, um. J'hey name a wltnesvea: Karnent V. inowy, jt,rirn A, Nurdrpttat. Thorvitld Manfici, Heulieii H. (ionill, Thornton heatley, nil of HfMiknne, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the Rbove-des'Tlbpd lamls are r"o,ueit ed to file their claims In this office on or saw Urth day of June, puis. JAlf P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1X78, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Htatea Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 27, Notice is hereby yiyen that in compliance with the provfaiotis of the act of Congreaa of June 3, I7H, entitled "An act for the aale of timber lamia in the Hutea of California. Or. gon, Nevada and Waahinirtm Teriitviry," aa extended to all the Public Land Kutea hy act of Au(fnat4, the Mowing-named lajraona have this day filed in this othce their j aworn statements, to wit: 1 Adoiphus O. Harrey, ifThe Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn state ment No. 1007. liledAugiMt 21, PJW, for the purchase of the 8WW Action I, Tp. 19 Houth, Kange 10 E., W. Sf . Clarence li. Goetohius. of.Spokane, coun ty of Hjwkaiie. state of Washington, sworn statement No. lOtil lilci August 27, IMfi, UNHji N YM Hcction 11 and hWu HKw iSxtion 2, Tp. 1ft Houth, Hange 10 Jfi. W. M. MnilleV 11. KviTltt nf HhftniLci, iiiiin of Waro, state of Oregon, sworn state ment No, Imz, filed August UJ02, for the purchase of the Sfu and 8 NE- hection lli, Tp. ,1Z Houth, Range WE. Mary A. Phillips, of Hhaniko. countv of asco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1071 filed Aiitnist '0 Ufri ft.i- tl,. r.iti. chae of the NV $K HeciUm 35 and HWW HKand K( HV bectioo VA, Tp. '"1 ntttticv vtr. in, M . ArihurS. Phillitas. of Hhanika, i-nnnfir of Wa?co, state of Oregon, sworn state- HieiKu. nieu August uy, IW2, for H pmi-iiwH! ui iiitj a nrj' ana n't -1 &, That thev will offer nrrmf to lir,nr r),t the land nought is inor valuable fr it I timber or stone than for agricultural pur- rrSrriw.rl?""n fciaims w saw I i, Wl"re amwr ana Keceiver at Die ' e". Oregon on Monday, May 25, lis 13. ..'hey name as witnesses: Frank D. ott, (filbert E. Preston, Michael Connor, Joseph Lceper, T. J. Letjiiard of The Dalies, Oregon; A. 8. Phillips W H ! ' t ook, Mrs. Nellie Cook, M. A. Phillips, Manly It. Evcritt, of Hhaniko, Oregon, V. uo-s ami w. Htone, of Knappa, Oregon, and C. Jt. Guetchiusof Spokane, Wash. Anv and all DenwmH clainitntr ailVamlv thm alsive-dribed lands are requested to file) """ ' "iiiw vu or ueiore aaia 25th day uf May, PJ0.1. JAY P. LI'CAS. Register. Timber Land. Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oretcon, Februarr Is. 1WB. Notice is hereby efven that In eomnll- ance with the arovlalons of the act of Corujress of June 8. entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waah- MKiun lerniory, as extenoed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4 ISW, Hie (oih-wlnit-iianied persona have on Aug. 21. 1902. filed in this office their aworu atait mviits. t-vwii: iSiellaM.Hews.il, ol Green Ijike, countv of KiriR. siiite nf WtishhiRton, shorn statement No. 1025, for the pnrehase of the 4 SWU and W",Sh'4Stc. 14, T. 2U8..R 11 E.,W."il. Ohadiah MeMfonof Green I,ate, county of King, state of Washington, sworn Matemem No. hW. fur the imreiiase of the NW-. tiM. JiSWSW!, .Vh:4 Swell, T. JO 8., R. 11 E , rimrlr Erlekson of The Dalles, county of Vimbco. stale of Uregon twnru staiement Nn. for the purchase of (he 81, 8 WW, NK!a Stt'jai.daEli Sk Sec 12, T. 2t)S.. k lit?, (luittisi-d Yoiinsrlneor of Burton, eonnty of King, state of ashliiirtDi), sworn aratement No. Itrjs, forthe porchaw . f thebUsW... NE ,JJ'4."dbW4 SEV4 tk-c. 7,1.20 a,K.'l2 ., TliMtthfr will ofTer proof to show that the land aoiiifht in nn-re Viim.iWe fur Its timticr or Mi 'lit tliii for flL'riculniral nu romp, arid t.i 'MaMhh tladr riaims to said land before I he Kt'itlMt-r anil Uee ivcr t i'h.- ir..w, uii liuii.-MHj, uie i -i hhv ui Aiav, iv:tj, llicy u hi nc as ivliiii-si-: Stella M. Hewsnn. mi.l iilmdiah Hew.nii nf Greifii L'ke. Wash.. ."ttlianl Vounuiuwerof Burton. Wnsh.. lubn Bhms of Itend. urvtfoa, aud Cbarly tritksou of Hie Udlies. Urcgin. Anv and ail persons rlatmlnir nrfversn- !y the above-deserllx-d lands are rpmiMt- -u iu nie ineir ciaini3 m tr.is oioce on or uioie havaiu .'1st u ty ol iK , w.i. JAY P. UCAS, Kegistcr, Timber Land, Act June S, ISTS. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United Statea Iand Ofltce, The Bulles, Onjftoit, February 1J, 19 'S. Notice is hereby given that tn compli ance wall the piovisie:i3 ot the act of Congress of June 3. Kt, entitled "An act ior tl.e sale of timber lands in the states i California. Oregon, Nevaoa. and Wash .niton Terrknry," as ex;ecded to all the :'ul)lic Land Statea by act of August 4. 1SII2, the following-named persons have on Sep. i", ll, liiled in tliiji othce their jwora si.einents, to-wit: Clemen Uuiivitni oi Seattle, county t.f lung, state ot n ashin.'tcll, aworn tate ninit No. 1187, for tiie purchase of tile NK'-, w. 14, T. 1!H.. K. 13 K W. M. 1 liri tian llalager i f Seattle, countv of King, Ktaie of a-liin;ton, sworn statc iiient Xo. HWIor the purcliase uf t lie NK See. 14, T. Isi ,S K. 12 K ., W. JI. Kils O. Olson of Seattle, county of Kinjr, stale of Washinirtou. sworn statement No. Uiki, for the purchase of the NU'.. Sec 23. I'. Ill K. 12 K., V. M. Clirietian 1'. Jensen of Ballard, county of King, state of Washington, sworn state niciil No. 11SI3 lor the purchase of the Nw ', tin: Hi. T. lils., H. 11' IS., W. M. Olto It. Ol on of llallard, countv of King, state of Washington, sworn s'tate uieiu No, il.ti, for the purchase of the NE Sec. -), T. l'J S K. 12 K., W. M. Jaivih Foortvliet of ll.illar.1, county of King, state of Washington, sworn statc inci.t No. Mil", for tiie purchase oftlieSW ,s,Vi tw... u:ln, Vij NiVlaud SE.i NW'.i sec. -2X T. I'JS.. It. 12 K., W. M. llnlvi r Christen -cn of ha! lard, courtly of Kin::, state t.f WnliilvtoM, sworn statc .iieat No. ID'S, forthe purchase ol the bW Sec. lit, T. 1!) S. H. 12 K w. in. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims the 18th dav of June, l'sn Tlwv name aa wituesres! Chri.ii..., HalacVr add Nil., tl. ui?on of battle Washington. Christian P. Jensen, into I Oluon, .lacoh IVKirtvliet ami Haivor Chris tenscn of Italian!. a.-liiucion, Saniuil N. We-t oi St. 1'aul, Miun-Tlj-sl;. IHirtou cf Velva, North liakola, Joropn 1). west of Sanl'ranci co, t'al., and Kdith I,, lluniclt and Nellie Clulow of llrainerd, Minn. Anv and all iiersoiw pinimm. utlvitrcilu the aIove-iiesi;rilHl lands are reiucu-d to lile their rlainis iiithisottiee on or before I the said lMh dav of June, 1103. I JAY P. LUCAS, Register. at. Jf 'torntp-mt-jCam PRINEVILLE, OREGON $t W. SSarnes, Jfttornty at Xaw, PRINEVILLE, OREGON PRINEVILLE, OHEGON. PRINEVILLE, OIIEOOX . SSrn Jflleratr ante Cn..l -t PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Office in rear of Atl,.,.n iv;...i. 1.. "f ' 'utn. VV PRINEVILLE, OREGON j & 0 Xyj,, y?. a Pijtitai, am 3rf,K. Dlaaaaea ol women a apecialty. Phone Nu. 2. Roaidenc. back ol tha Photouraph Gallery, PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Calls answered promptly day or nighty Gf fice with Dr. V. Gesner. Residence corner 1st aud Main street. PRINEVILLE. GnPfiON W. H. SNOOK, III. D, riiyiiaii CULVER, and Sll(iE0 OREGOi' Am prepared to answer profee sional culls promptly. P01NDEXTFP ., Shaving Parlors ftCulloch Sc By Is, Fuj f BbaviDg Hairjittma Shampoo Batha-. HI r. aaltiooai de)v9t,d sea 4 tne tuo nt ladiea. EvorYlhinf up-to-date aud ,tric lirat-clau. Portland-Astoria Route. Steamer ' 'BAILEY GATZERT Diily R .und Trips except Sunday. Time Card Leave Portland Leave Astoria ...It. m. ...7 p. m. The Fa!lesPortland Route. Strs. "TAH:3JA" and "SflTLAKO" Daily trips except Sunday. Stenmer "TAII0MA" Leave Tlie Dalles, Tueedaya, Tliundayt and Saturdays at 7 a. ill Leave Portland Mondays. Wednesdays anil Fridays at 7 ra. Steamer "METLAKO" Lcnvea Portland, Tuelay, Tliura day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. Lnai'ea Lilies, Monday, WeJnea-. Jsy, Eriday 1 1. a LariMiiir srd office: fact Aldar S' Belt F lues Main 351, ?cr.hud. Or. AGENTS, J. W. CncWon, Agt., The Dtl A. J. TavlorAgt., Astoria J C. Wvatt Agt.; Vancoa?r A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood Kin? WoHonKt Wvors, Agt., W. Salmol R O. (ULBRETH, Lvle. Wash. JOHN M. TOTTON, "Stevenson, Wa,( HKN'RY OLMSTEAD. Paraon, W.,,!. WM. Bl'TLEK, Butler,-Wash. E. W. Criihton, Agt., Portland Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I hare appointed the following named peraona deputy stock inspectors: J. P. C,irm rii;t.t, Ray Creek. Sain Mamil'.oii Asilwood. K. Spa: l.s. Sisters. A. Jlorivvt, Haystack. F. M. Smith Paulina. Roecoe Knox, p,t. T. C. Ssaill, Bear Creek J. S. Bokop, Rinland. Alex Mclntih.li, Hanha J. P. VauHouten, Hay Creek. L1. S. Cowlca, Hay Cre k Joe Hlnkle, Stock Iiispcctor CriNtk County.