Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 19, 1903, Image 7

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    Crook County Journal.
Count Official Paper.
TUUHBDAY, UJ0H 10, iww.
A Hefsraadiiai
tinn In tin only true nd perma-' Declamation , , .Annettie McDowell
nent manner, it is only just that . "Country Life"
the bill to raise the money from .Hong, Bchool
tho infant mining industries of the ( "Swinging 'Neath the Old Appple
Sulcin, March 7. -The corpora'
tion tax law tukos effect May 21,
F. I. Dunbar,
(Secretary of State.
people and tho bill providing for
tho pending of that money on a
mere toy ."''OUltl ho repealed.
I Baker City Democrat.
Riilcm March 10. Tho portage
railway act panned the house Feb
ruary 10, tho Semite February 11,
wan approved February 17 and
(lied February 18.
' F. I, Dunbar,
Secretary of State.
The mining men of Orogon have
combined to r peal the coiporatlon
tax bill, known at the Eddy bill,
and the portago railroad bill, by
invoking the referendum power of
the people under the recent consti
tutional amendment enacted by
the'puplo of tho state. It la the
first time the history of the United
States where tucb action has been
taken and its outcome will be
watched with interest.
. Tho dickering, trading, buying
and wiling at tho recent session of
the utate legislature over the i mo
tion of the election of a United
Stntca mmtor, reunited in the pas
age of theeo two bills. Their pur
port and scope are fully explained
in this issue of tho Democrat. The
mining intercut of the state have
been outrageounly taxed and the
money turned over to support an
outrageous portage railway. Fast
ern capital will nicer clear of Ore
gon for investment under the new
corporation tax law, the' poor man
is debarred from prospecting and
developing his mineral land, the
home corporation ia forced to pay
triple taxes on mt-re pron-cta, and
the money thua mined ia to be used
in building a fifth wheel to a
Mining men stato that this is
not a fair deal and that as there is
no possible use for a jmrtage rail
road which cannot bo completed
and put in operation for twice the
sum of money appropriated by the
(.(, anj u iti united Mates
government ia already at work
building a canal to solve tho prob
lem of Columbia river lranorta-
f'roskaa Hliror If appenlnf .
J. D. Merrill and wife wont to
Haystack Thursday the 20th and
returned Friday, .
Mrs. McCalliatcr 4nd daughter
attended basket social at Hayatack
Friday the 27th.
D. A. and Oliver McDowell ac
companied by Mr. Carmiclo were
businoaa men in Prineville on the
27th. They brought back wire net
ting for their yard.
Sam Yocum arrived here Sun
day. He hails from tho Willam
ette Vallev and came on his bi-
cyclo from Shaniko. ,
.J. M. Montgomery and F. Forest
were In the city Monday the 2nd,
to attend the ditch meeting held
there on that day.
Mr. Forest delivered a 6ne bunch
of stock cattle to Mr. Philips,
ormally of Shaniko, on tho first of
tho month. He purchased hay of
Mr. Forest and will continue feed
ing here until spring opens.
Prof. B. F, Wilhoit closed a very
successful term of six months
school here on the 27ult. Follow
ing is the program rendered.
Song by five pupils
"Springtime is Coining"
Recitation Burns Montgomery
Recitation ... .by Emma McDowell
"Mr. Finnio's Turnips"
Song "Brooklyn Theatre"
Misses Grace and Florence Merrill,
Lottio Montgomery Anncttie Mc
Dowell and Messers B. F. Wilhoit
and Charles McDowell.
Recitation ..John McDowell
"Tho Little Sbool Ma'am"
Recitation .Mary McDowell
"At the Gardon Gate"
Composition. .. .Charlie McDowell
Select reading Lottio Mont
Song School
"Johnnie Pool"
Dialogue "Very Bashful"
Miasea Lottio Montgomery, Graee
Merrill, Annettie McDowell and
Mr, B. F. Wilhoit.
Recitation , , , , , i , , Jane Messinger
"Lips That Touch Liquor Shall
Never Touch Mine"
Declamation, . . .Lula Montgomery
"Mischievous Wife"
Song... School
"Yankey Doodle"
Recitation Florence Merrill
"Grandpa's Soliliquy"
Declamation Grace Merrill
Recitation Vergil Mossingcr
Dialogue.... "Writing to Mother"
Messers. Charles and John McDow
ell. Miss Mary McDowell and
Burns Montgomery,
Select reading Prof. B. F. Wilhoit
"Sam's Letter"
Son.'.'. ...School
"Twilight is Falling"
Song. "Parting"
Misses Lottie and Lula Montgom
ery, Grace and Florence Merrill,
Annettie McDowell and Messers
Charles McDowell and B. F. Wil
Closing address.... B. F. Wilhoit.
Visitors proscnt on the last day
of school were Mosdames McDow
ell, Pettyjohn, Wilhoit, Elva Wil
hoit, Misses Ella Eman, Florence
Forest and Dolly McDowell,
Messers McCallistcr, Ben, and
Homar Pettyjohn, Charlie, John
and Sylvan Montgomery, Walter,
Clide, George and Charlie -Mes-singer,
Albert Yocum, Henry
Barnard, Charlie Weaver, Mark
Foret and tho McCallister boys.
B. F. Wilhoit, J. B. Merrill and
Ben Peltyjohn were in the city last
Thursday on business.
Messers. Sam Yocum, of Willam
ctt Valley, Alliert Yocum, J. B.
Merrill and "Lee Smead have
bought the lease and .improve
ments of Ben Petyjohn on the road
land south of Mr. Merrills, and on
the north side of the river below
Mr. Weavers. Sam Yocum will
move his family out this fall.
Mrs. B. F. Wilhoit and daughter
returned homo from Prineville Fri
day where she had been for the
past week on account of the sick
ness of her sister Aletha Dillon.
She reports her much better.
Mrs. H. C. Wilhoit was a visitor
at McDowells Sunday.
B. F, Wilhoit left last Saturday
for his homestead two miles nor 1 1,
of the city, where he goes to drill a
Mrt, F. Forest was in the city to
prove tip Oil tl'r desert claim lant
Mrs. J. B. Merrill called on sever'''
al of her friends Sunday.
tsr.4 kr Oa Batiu l Chasshsr.
lulu's CBk Utm4f
An Eight Page, Six Column, Paper, all Home
Print. Devoted to the Interests of its Section and
Alive to All Local Happenings
Price. $1,50 Per Year
On March 1st The Journal will have out" their
Premium List, which will consist of articles for ev
ery class. This is neither a lottery or "a-one article
voting contest," but a bona fide offer to our Subscrib
ers. Old and New ,
Remember The
Journal for Fine
Job Printing
The Journal Pub. Company
"Wlieo I hdn attack of tl grip
la t winter (the second one) I actually
cured myself with one bottle ol Cham
be laius Cough Kemedy," says Frank
W, Ferry, Editor o! the Interpriie,
Shoitsville, N. Y. "This Is the honest
truth. 1 at times kept fiom coughing
myself to pieces by taking a teaspoon
ful of this temedy, and when the
coughing spell would come on at
ni(ht I would tiiLe a dose and it seem
ed that in the briefest interval the
cough would pass off and I would go
to sleep perfectly free from cough and
its accompanying pains. To say tliat
the remedy acted as a most agreeable
surprise is putting it very mildly. I
had no idea that it would or could
knock out the grip, simply tweause
I had never tried it for auch a pur
pose, hut it did, and it seemed with
the second attack of coughing the
remedy cau ed it to not only be ol leas
duration, but the pain were far leas
Revere, and I had not used the con-
tents of one bottle before Mr. Grip
had bid me adieu. "For aalc by A 'am
On i. Winnek Co.
Send Lieutenant Algernon Ecn
Sartoris' resignation has been ac
cepted by President Roosevelt.
Young Sartoris, the grandson of
General Grant, wag appointed to
the Army in May, la02, and is
now in the Philippines with his
regiment, tho Tenth Infantry.
When the resignation was recieved
the President interposed objection
to his leaving the Army, desiring
he should remain in the service,
where a bright future was before
him. Mrs. Sartoris, who is ill in
Washington and wants her boy
with her, prevailed upon the Presi
dent to accept the resignation, de
clining to consent to his furlough
or assignment to duty in Wash
Pullman Ordinary SUepirt.
The tourist travel between the east anal
the Pacific coast has reached enormous
proportion! in the laat few years, aud
calla tor a ipecial chus of equipment. To
meet this demand the Pullman Co. hat
iuued from ila "shops what it technically
calla the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper."
These cars appear similar to the regular
aleeper, being built on the aame plan,
but not furnished with the aame elegance
They are equipped with mail treses,
blanked, aheeta, pillowa, pillow-caaea,
towels, oomba, brushes, etc, requiring
nothiiiKof the kind to be furnished by
the passenger. Each car haa a stdve for
making coffee and tee. and doing "light
housekeeping," and each section can be
fitted with an- adjustable table. A uni
formed porter accompanies each car, hia
business beioR to make up berths, keep
the car clean, and look after the comforts
and wauta of the passenger. In each of
the trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland by the O. R. 4 K Co. is
to be found one of these "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers." The car ia attached
to the ''Chicano-Purtlsnd Special,
which goea hrough to Chicago without
change, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex
press" tuna to Kansas City without
change. Passengers in this car for Chi
cago change to a aimilar car at granger.
Much of the first class travel is being
carried in these care, the rates being
lower, and the aervice being nearly equal
to that in the'palace sleepers.
For rates and full information, in
cluding oldera, write to A. L. Craig, 6.
P. ., O. R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
Lumber $IO Per M.
After January 1, 1903, we will
sell lumber at cur mill cn Ochoco
lot Cir pet thousand, rive o i
ctll. ) . 1 . .
Hawkins Bkos.
xwiisau wiub Wttieaey ,a puj iwui
bon,wl lmstuied. Beoowj mended b)
leading physicians, For sale every
where, tfi rm
A llsrrlble Outbreak.
"Ol huge sores on my little daugh
ter's head developed into a case of
scal.l head" writes C. D. Isbill of Mor
ganton, Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica
Sulve completely cured her. It's a
guaranteed cure for Edema, Tetter,
Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sore", Ulcers
and Piles. Only 25 cents at Adam
son 4 Winnek Co.
y The Journal
Estate Agency
L) now r4dyto handle
your property.
FACILITIES for placing
Real Estate j before those
who want to purchase and
are able to give GOOD
We want
Farming and Grazing
AIho Timber Land
faBy placing your property with us you get the
Call on or Address
Frlnevillo, Oregon
-5 v.
Panai seal a
Military DfsctpSni)
Manual Tralnfaifr
Good Laboratory
, Large Armory
Recrtation Building
k prfrabi school fas boardlnf sal lay
pnplls. Prepaid boya tot tdmtatloa to
any sdeatlSe school or coUep, aaet
tat baalBtss Wis. New asd cotnpkteh
W4 baOdlaf . Thoroofh fautractloa accordls( to th
hal SMthoda. Tho principal haa had treaty-foot yura'
sarpsrlora la Portland. Boys of say ago aad any degree of
. adrcacesMat rootrred. For catakgw aad paatphM oaa.
tototog WtUn of tcatlaway, etc., address,
J. W. HILL, M. D. !
t. O. Dratror iy. PORTLAND, OU,
Big Deal in Typewriters
Austrian Government Orders 1200
Smith Premiers
"Vienna, Feb. 7. The ' greatest
single purchase of typewriters ever
made has been ordered by the Min
istry of Justice, which, after three
months of exhaustive competitive
trial has contracted te equip th
entire ministry with not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriter
supplying every court!"
fress Dispatch tt Portland Oisgonkn, Febrosry 7.
Portland office Smith Promiei Typlter Ca., 15i Tkird Et I K
ALEXA5IIR A CO., Agents,
W. T I0GLS itenf
Prineville, Orejos
Rlacksmithing That Pleases
Is The Kind You Get iiU
(Successor to)
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
UCy ffictrber ShopP
' Pomtll & Cjrui, !Prprhltr.
ana Cold Zftalhs.
PritfiU, Or