r)D . n 'Drugs, and Jfouso furnishings 2iou are Cordally Snvitod to Call and got a Sample of our J'ace Cream Prinooillo Public School 7olos Mniy (ilinn was absent from ( lliu VII (I'rinln last week. Hormo llolkiiaii was Into l J "-M-inihiy morning, Iri-no llnrne wan absent from Mr. Motder'n ronm tho lirst of ;laut wick. Ora I'niHM has returned to school again, I.oyd Vaneey wan absent all lust week, Addiu Foster of the VIII grade huii liecn absent from school for (iomo limn pant, 1 Artio Hardin wiih absent from the VIII grade ono day last week. Ague Elliott of Mr. Mosier's Mrm wn absent from school 1he (1 rut of !'." week.' llulliu Ilo,4wick Was iilmi'lit I from the VI grade hint week. I school thi! first half of last week. Alctha lillon, who has b."i-n , quite nek fur some time in rcpoitcil 1 to he improving. Henry Smith Vim a little lato to school last Friday 111 n r 11 i 1 1 y . MaiiJe DoliliK in out of school in order to get wisdom. She uses no text hook hut a little cnrliolic mid mid one thing or another. Tin- kind of wisdom she in having trmtlilt with lies not in tho brain but be neath the gums. Curl Hyde was absent from the VIII grade hint week on the ac eiiunt of cii klirHfi. , Itoy (iray, accompanied by Dr.! Treasury Department, State of Hyde, made allying trip up to Oregon. Cold Spring last Friday to attend j S11I1111, February 25, 1!)0:5 Hoy's brother, Bruce, who is sick' Notiro is hereby given that there at that place, suffering from pnou-i 'ir'' Um ' tlie Treasury with . ( which to redeem all outstanding "" 11 ' I Stale warrants drawn on tho State Itnv Foster of Mr. Mosicr's room I Sl'lllP Hbiinty and Bounty Funds, , ," , ., ,, , 1 .... .1 en'orsod "Presented and not paid has 1 10 1 pet out of hc) 00I to work,. , , , ' , ' 1 for l ie want of t inula" prior to on the limn. Iinihih Crooks, Huth Taylor, and Nora Dobbs wore absent from H'hool hist woi-k, Wnltttr Smith of tho VI grade has dropped out of school to work with hia father. Frieda Lippuiun of I'rof. OrtonV room wiih absent from tho VI ll grade lust Friday. The following ia tho progiain rendered by tho pupils of Mr. Mosicr's room last Monday morn ing: Song by Tim School "Never Say Fail." Select reading. . Voromi McGowan Recitation Homer Hardin Hecitiition Arthur Wurzwcilor Recitation Arthur liarnon Hccitntion Willio Can- liecitntion .. Occur Prone vn.. .i Iieciliiiiou c.oie nuiini? 8ong lly Tho School "Twilight is Falling" Last Friday the school elected new editors, who are to serve until the end of school. -Tho time of the editors expire with this issue and tho new elects will proceed with the writing . (lertie Sharp, Hazel Howard and Clyde Rowvll were cho-on from Prof, Orton's room. We have bo fur been unable to name those who were chosen from Mr. Mosier's room. In the past the) school news has been prepared in a reasonably good shape and our successors are fully able to carry on the work. Thv I'rof. A frog is an animal which lives most of the time in tho water. Frog'a spawn is found floating on the top of ponds. It is first a mass and after a while the eggs can be dwtiiiguisheiL After a abort time curioim fishari! hatched, Thorn) are called tudpoli-H. Thisy Hwim by means of long tails. This littlu animal in a true fish; it breathes watur-air by 111011118 of gills. It has a twn-olinnibori heart, Whon wo watch it day by day Vii limy hoc tbut lilt: gills disappear anil tliu hind legs In-Kin t grow, us they begin to grow the tail be comes shorter. Also tliu forc-icjf begin tn grow. True lung have been forming and another chamber addi-d to the heart. , sAhHIiu gills Brow Miiullor it fitxln it dillicult to breathe, water-air. Ono lino day it poke its now nut of the water und in astonishment finds that it can brentlm in the air. A"new lift- cnmi-9 upon it. It hah foil ltd tliat then; in no f&rticulur re-wxi lf spending U 01 Its time ' tho water no it crawls out upon lli hind, aim surveys llio worm. 1 It is no longer a lixh. It has entered Upon n higher stage of existence, it ltlH bnootne ft Aksa Salomon. Working 2t llunr n limy. There'll 110 runt fur tliono tireless lit tin workcm Dr. King' New bite I'llln. Millions are utwiiya bury, cur ing Torpid biver, Janndirn, liilion. NiMH, Fever anil Akiip. They bauMi Sick IImi 'nclio, driv out Malaria. Never giipoor e.iken. Hmall, timlo I'icn, work wonilern. Try tliem. 2'ic at Ailiiiiimm & Wiunck Co'a. hlnln Trpnlirrf Nevrmll .Hollrit. this date. All cucli warrants, if properly endorsed, will bo paid up on presentation at thin oilier, inter est thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHAS. S. MOOHK, State Treasurer. Apiilirntlon lor l.lillinr l,lrrnnp. Tn llm Canity Cimrt lr Cnmlt Cnunly, Stiitu iif Orioni Wii. tlie unili.'nii,'iloi I e Hft I viitill o I AhIiwiiiiiI I'rt'ciiict, Cuunty uf Cnmk, Htntu of OiPKiin, respectfully pe tition thin II' rnlitii C.iurt to ifnint li- wnap to ltitilon A- (Iraler to hi-II' iiiiiituoi, unit Ami vlmuM Hijllnr. ill rjunntitk'N Wen tliiili H Kallull, in A'lnvonil Precim't, Crook County, Orixmi, for a periml of lix liiontlii from uml after tin- s Hay of May HUM, P. Lchrinlin I'Ymik I-titiuiin .lark llmifitli Win. Kiliit llninnr lwi William II. "ilk J. (I. I'olnileltrr T. L.CIiildcra I ol 1 11 Rniulit 'Augimt I.t'ir A. A f urliii K. 1). (loilHCIt Klaier R, KuiK'it II. Hrllskctt W. U, Walker Thai-let D, Bwtumon W. JI. HiKtun C. F. Hamilton J. M. (Jrater N. Ilonisife tllen tlrutex. rlniH. Jtrown I.. W. Toiiilllisun R. F. Jlerryninn Alex McCarthy C. D. Ony J. N. llice J. H. dkelly ltugh Sweeney Chns. 0. HIiirgesH C, P. Man fin I,. K. Dumonl K. I). Huston K- K, Finiu'll John Wislmlt K. O. Chirk Mil" Wood llob Komi'io ihin Kvunn M . I.. Harney -0. 11. Heath A.J. llluck Al Nliemll ' J, I,, ilit'cilitift (leo. J. ltiMln K, tShandieuu Joe Toothiunti Frank lloiik. J. 0. IlroKiin U. K. Duiit-iin Antler MeCollutii A. W. While U, A. l!iin'lulih Lrstor llryan C 8. McCurkle S. a mark J. F. ruuniiiKliaia B. (1. Clork F, L. Anderson Frank Bateiii Uarrett MeCollum State of Oregon 1 f County of Crook Notice in hereby (ttven tlult the uniler HiKiied will present the above petition for n liceicto si'll spirituous, malt and vinoui llipiors in iiiniititl('8 Ions than one tallon in Ashwood Freciwot, Crook county, Ore gon for a period of six mouthi from and after May 0, 1110.1, to the Honorable County Court on May 6, 1(108. HEXTO.V id RATER. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Hlatoof Oro. on, for Crook County. .lonie Allmnii, t'lff. 'l!f. )' fft. ) vs. II. K. Alli-oii Deft, To II. K. Allison, the nbovo niiini-il Di li hilniit: IN I UK NAME OK TlfE HTATK OK Orcjjuii, you am In-ruby rHiiir cil to iiii:iir ami ninwer tlm . com ln i 1 1 1 of til'1 nlmvn hmucil I'luinl ill', in t lie flliovo entitleil Court, on or lie lorn tlif lirst day of tin! next regular term of mill (Joint, to-nit on or be fure May 4tliA.D. 13 and you are lierehy uotiCieil Unit if ym fail to mi iiiH-iir and fiiniiMM' that the I'laiotifT viiil lato 0 dwn-o a pinyisl fur in b'-r riiiiiilaiiit. Tlnit in to miy, for nil lib iilitte (lerree of ilivoroe forever, die anlving tlic bomln of matrimony now oxiatiug between you and the Plaint iff umJ for thcVcoKls nod dithiirsineiitii of this unit.' Thin rjiumnon in publinlied in the Crook County Jour., at, a week I y pa per ,nbiheil at I'riiinville, Oregon, by unler of Hun, W. A. Booth, couuty jmlifo of the mid cou ty. tiiil onler wnit nimlu at 'handier lit . intville, Crook County Oregon, Kel.ruary 2ltb A. D. 1!KI. , (J (III. W. U.MlMiS. ''' 1 - Atty.for l'lir.' "I Imvp used Chiiiiiberliiln's Cough Iteiiieily for a iiuiiiber of. yeam and have 110 hcsitiincy in niiying ihut jt is the licit remedy fur couh, colds nod croup I have ever used in icy family. 1 liuvo not words to express my con ti'lciiee in this remedy, Mis. J, A. Misii.e, North Htnr, Mich, for nnlc by all diuiste. till If Help UullMil. Aii eneigetio nuinager for olTiee to ho oK-iil in this city for - birge ninuuhicturiiig concern. Salary One Iliiudied Dollars per inontli extra commissions ami expenses, rive Hundred Dollars cash security requir ed. Hest of reference. Address Malinger I'. 0. llox 2124 Han Francis co, Cal I. When yo 1 wake up wit it a bud taste in your ntouOi you mav know Hint you neiil a dime ol (,'lininlier!iiiii'n Kloinueli A Liver Tablet. Tliey nill elcaiiHe your aioinacli, improve your appetite and nmke yon feet liko new- man, lliev are easy to take, being nugar coated, and plcaxtint in effect. ror ptilcny all druggmtii. 4 rook Coiifttr'K fieolocy. (l-OSt1XIKD FKOM I'AOK ONr') miirily rich in Carbonates, the active replacing agent being pri mary Carbon, the substance ffrdi- narily forming first ns an oil, but on exposure losing somo ingredient and hardening as a consequence. Calcite, scconJ.irjvtn these rocks, also alters to Bitumen. Under these conditions of occurrence, at points where the proper rocks are developed to n suiucieiu intcKncss and the necessary physical condi tions exist, oil may lie had. Favorable conditions exist near the town of Prineville, and on the Crooked river in the south eastern portion of the. county, mid the intelligent boring of wells at these points is to be advised. Tuiion TllllONSON. Ashwood, Oregon. Obituary. Louisiana Klliott wm born August 2, 1851. She came with her pa ents to Oregon in 18(17. Was married to Ira Sears in 18C8. Six children were born to them, four of whom survive her. Two with their father have pro ceeded her to the silent land. In 1892 she was married to Win W. Mc Vny. The only child of this union was a son which died lour years ago. She was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church four years ago. Khe had been con tilled to lict bed lor nearly seven weeks previous to her, death and lor months had been an intense patient sufferer. To her death had no terrors, Death came to her relief March 12, 1903. She whs aged 51 years, 6 months and 18 days. The funeral was from the M. E church last Friday. Rev. II C. Clark conducted the services. X. Mrs. Djra Lyons wishes to an nounce to the public that sho will do washing and ironing al reafcn nble prices: Washings will lie delivered. fnlillc ffi'liofrl f-:Mmliialtaii, Eighth grado public school exnmi-j nations wi.l bo held in tho public! HchooU of (!roulf .ftiinl v ah fi,lli,n. ! April , 0 anil ; Jlay m, 21 and Ti; Juno 17, 18 and 1, 1!W3. Teaclicis desiring to give these ox aiiiinations, please notify me as to the number of lisls of (picstiun want l and dntoof examinations chosen, Wm. Hokou, : ' CO. Bllpt. March 1, 1!K)3. . J, Days' ? 5 TreatniTit of Our Sure Curf for LOSTANIIOOD, Nor-s J I vousness, Failing Moniory, K d ;ncoccle, Atrophy, Palpita- jj, uon 01 iii-an. et-nu name and addross to I' KOF. A. AUBURS.fr 25j N. First St., Portland, 'Oregon,'; ' 8" and receive by return mail ' thif grand remedy absolutely f free of eot. St'iid 110 nioro-v s J This is a bona fide offer. J1 y Write today, us it costs,, you P nothing to "try it. " f W WW VS"W fr IMPROVE YOUR EYE SIGHT Even examined free. Er rors o' refraction correc ted, (iliuwsf fitted and diseases of the eye treated E. O. Hyde, 31. D. Irrigation Sewerage Drainage Water Works Roads Parks Surveys and Plans Made Terms Moderate Address; Alfred F. f-.-ors, Mem. Am. Society, C. E. (iU Wor. Hlk I'tid, Or R I $20 TO $25 WEEKLY Work at your own home. No canvassing. Work legitimate and honorable. Address Home Work 211 Spring St., . Seattle, Wash. Jhe Grand Restaurant Mrs. L. Ccmini, Prop. Meals all hours, 25c LODGING 25c Miller Bldg., Prineville W. H. HAYDEN Contractor and Builder gjFShof nest door to Dr. Ros enberg's residence on Main St. Prineville, Oregon UllWVJUlll 1 n .'.5 i I This sifuftliire is oa every box ol Om geaalu Laxative BromoQidaiae ttw nimdf Uitl cans mm tm mmt 4t Prineville-Burns 8tagc Line. CORNETT '& CANTRELL, Props. Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m Passengers waybillcd for Post, Paulina, Fife, Riley, Burns and all way points. C. I. WINNER, Agent, Prineville. WATTS MARBLE M GRANITE WORKS Watts & Baker, Props. . Marble and Granite Monuments , All Kinds of Stone Work FIRST CLASS WORK AT LOWEST PRICES Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon The Frmeville Mitchell Stage Line John Hunsaker, Prop. Leaves Prii.ewUe .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving at Mitchell the name -day. Leaves Mitchell on Tusdays, Thursdays and fc'aturaays. J. II. TEMi'LETON, Agent, i SIABLES aJ lEDBY ' FEED BOOTH & PHneville-SiJver Lake Stage Line. DICK VANDERVEHT, Prp. Carrying tU, S. 7Jfail and Passengers Lea i-es Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs, careful drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava, Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. WIXXEK, Agent. FRANK BONNEY. RESTAURANT AND BAKERY MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MEATS. Sirloin Steak 2.5c T-Bone Steak 3oc Porterhouse Steak 50c Porterhouse Steak for two. . .11 00 Pork Chops .'. 25c Mutton Chops 25c Ham 2,5c Eggs, extra 10c Chicken, any style 35c Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one Lumber, Fresh Sawed Shingls $2.75 per m. at SHIPP'S. Stock boarded by day, week ov . I tnnn'h. Fine saddle horses and I liverv turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. r.cnicmher f.s when in Prine vUle, and we guarantee that yuot "patronage will be appreciated and deserved. C0E3ETT, Proprietors. Milk Toast t5c Coffee.' 5o Tea 53 Milk....: 5c Coffee Cake 10c OYSTERS. Cove Stew 35c Fresh when in'market. Sill per m H M