Crook County Journal.. rCBIISIIKI) KvKtUT THiminAT BY BAILEY AND HLACK. I'miriet..r8. W. C. HLACK. . S. M. BAILEY.. Ed'itoh JIan.uu-r County Official rrKR. lb Jui'kxai. in entrreil at tlw ..teili.'t 1 PriiKiill. Jn fur tnuu.aiii..n UimuKlitl li. S. l.-uils m second ul:us nutter. SUBSCRIPTION BATHS Osi Year. nx. months .... Thkeb Months. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1903. Mrs. Carrie Nation does not rep resent Kansas and Senator Till man docs not represent the South. They are both in the lecturing business and therefore must have advertising. That is the reason they are noisy and noisome. Let them alone and they'll go home and take their tales behind them. . iji The Oregon Daily Journal of Portland is rapidly forging to the front as a newspaper, and is al ready recognized generally, as the leading democratic organ of the XVrthwest. It lias a new $50,000 Hoe press in the process of as sembling and is making improve ments in both its news and me chanical service that shows that it is thoroughly alive to its oppor tunities. President Kooevelt has planned a Western trip, which. he expects to commence April l.t. His trip as outlined will take him through the western part of the state, which he enters by way of the Southern Pacific and as he leaves Portland ' on the Northern Pacific, he will miss the greatest part of Oregon and the part that promises most for the future. What is the matter with the Prineville Board of Trade extending to the President the free dom and courtesy of our little city. We are only a little way from Portland, and we can guarantee him more ride for his money over the Shaniko Prineville route than any like distance in America. The report issued last week by the secretary of state shows Crook county to be the most economically governed county in the state. It stands sixth in the list of counties when it comes to expenses. Har ney county's expenses for 1902 were 126,605:89, Grant's $31,104.2-1 while Crook's expenses were $14, 849.83. Even poor Malheur re quired $29,063.53 to keep her offi cers paid and things' in running order. This is a showing for Crook county that, should be appreciated h, In.,. iit rn,-f.rj Wp Iinvp . , ' . , . , I eilicient and economical a set on county officials as can be found in the state, which is testified to the secretary of state's report. bv The mining interests of the state are busy at present in presenting kicks ti Governor Chamberlain against the corporation tax bill framed by Representative Eddy and known as House Bill No. 2. Instead of instituting a legetimate campaign against it, they are threatening to invoke the referen dum power of the people, under the recent constitutional amend ment enacted by the voters of the state, and propose to bring both the corporation tax bill and the portage railway bill before the peo ple for"a vote. This will be the first time in the history of the United States that such action hag been taken, and the result will I e watched with interest. However, ' it looks as though the move was prompted by malice. The coipor ation bill may bedetnmental to mining interests. Still the port age railway bill is a move in (he right direction and will help the whole slate of Oregon, and the mining industry along with the rest. The opposition to it by the mining men seems to us to be very much a case of cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Viin Men. T .i . ' i,; . ii,.. ' In oiKUiing this subject the. , , ,. ,. ., . Journal editor realizes that it is a1 . , ,1, i sensitive one, and wo preclude the 1 11.-.: .1... ..ill. ll.A sdll.V. lUUUmilK leilllu&P mm uiw ci.vv nient that it is meant for good, and not for offense, and wo are sure that our young men readers will take it in that light otherwise ,ve would surely not voice it. We have noticed a sentiment in evidence, in our county which is a world wide one. That is, that it if manly to light, to smoke cigarettes, and to do many other things that can result only in the destrueticn of the voting manhood, which ve need, and which wo must have to make a perfect common wealth. We would not hold ourselves as a model, anything but that, but we speak from a voting man's stand point, with many more things in common with our young men friends than if we had a"fewmore years placed on our shoulders. A little time has a tendency to make us forget conditions and we often see middle aged people bitterly condemning young men for things that they themselves did a few years previous. Instead, should thev extend a helping hand, and some kindlv advice with a good ex ample, it would do good, where condemnation noes narm. Young man, learn that to master a vice is a thousand tunes more honorable than to thrash the big gest bulley in your neighborhood. There are times ' perhajis when fighting is necessary, and in that ease we will bet dollars to dough nuts on the boy of good habits, for he will meet the occasion with good grace. Remember that the most beauti ful thing to any one's eyes in tkis world is parental devotion. Be to your mother what you would be to your sweetheart. Your mother's lot will be materially helped and we can guarantee you that your sweet heart will like you the better. Avoid all things that you know will make you worse. There isn't a young man in Crook county who hasn't more good about him than bad. Dig down in your natures and get the good and cultivate it instead of allowing the bad to grow. Be true to yourself; it naturally follows that you can thep be untrue to no one. t'oluily. Court Proceeding. B. F. Allen in the matter of wrong ful assessment. Ordered that the clerk draw a warrant in th sum oi $i8.41 fur wrongful assessments fur years from 189i to ami including 1901, on real estate not owned by said B.F.Allen. J. H. Homey ct al presented a pe tition a petition for county road and proof of no'ices being sufficient, and bond for Cfsts having been tiled, the road is hereby ordered removed. Geo. H. Osborne, D. V. Burnett and Elo ner Gilliam are hereby appointed viewers and C. A. Graves surveyor to meet at the place of bejinninir of said ....... , .. , . ., , road on the 11th day of April, 1903. A. H. Crook et al in their petition for county road failed to poet notice as requir d by law, and the petition was continued. A. A. Noble's claim of $11.00 for scalps wbb disallowed for want of state funds, also Edmund Healy's elaiiu of $8.00 for same. D. D. Taylor 2 00 S. Johnson A. W. Pope, all claims for the same disallowed on account of no state funds. J. A. Bogg's petition for the Inland Improvement Co., to claim lor ex clusive use and improvement the Deschutes River, was continued. M. E. Brink presented petition f r J. A. Mofl'ett et al for county ro d, passed for proof of notice and allidavit March 4. Proof of posting notices and bond filed. J. L. Luckey, Win Wigle and S. E. Hodges appointed viewers and C. A. Graves surveyor to meet April 20, 1903. Ben Jones et al, report of viewers read first time March t, 1903. Road ordered opened and road supervisor to work each petitioner one day. The clerk was ordered to secure a list of all lands that has passed a final enty in Crook County, Oregon from March 1, 1902, to March 1, 1;03, from The Dalles, Burns ami. I akeview land districts. M. R. Ellio t entered an objection to ferry license for Smith A Campbell. H. K. Nissen et al petition forcoun ty road. The pro if of notices being sufficient and bond having been filed, ,le roni , cr,pri viewed and J. II. Grant, A. V. Bovoo, ami W. F. Hum- , ' ' , io wore appointed viowora anil C, A. . Oraves turveyor to meet on April 13, Koliert Smith and J. E. Cam pMI ap plication lor ferry license and proof of proof of posting not ice. License w as granted to Smith it Campbell to op r 'i e a ferry on The Deschutes River in Crook county, Oiegun, C. Sum Smith and W. A. Bell ap plication to declaro the Desehutes liver a public highway, was continu ed for term, rrinovillo Land & Livestock Com pany, application for rebate on wrong- iui assessment lor 1':, Clerk was ordered to dr.iw a variant for $200.00 in favor of the rrinovillo Land & Livestock Co. M. C Aubrey's application for a liquor license ut Bend was denied by the court tor the reason that the pe tition did not oontain a majority of the legal voters of Bend precinct. If. W. Reed et al. Petition for bridgo Crooked on Kivertvas contin ued for the term. Sam Smith was declared a county ohnrga on Mi It. Bigg's petition and was ordered placed inthecaro of W 11. MoFailaml, for which the sum of $Ui.OO per mouth is allowed. H. W. !. n Hi-oil petition for county road was presented and proof of notice being sufficient and bond being filed and approved, the road is ordered re viewed. G. Springer, Jake Stroud and T. J. Leach are appointed viewers and C. A. Graves surveyor, to meet April 10, 1903. C. W. Elkins, settlement and re port as county oad master leport ap proved. His bondsmen were ordered discharged from further . liability. The office of road master was discon tinued. I. B. Meyer was appointed justice of the peace of Mowry pred ict, Crook County, Oregon. The clerk was ordered to cancel warrant No. Ci8, which was drawn through error for $.!J. 9i. The clerk was ordered to cancel No. 6'JO for $21.90, No. 591 fur $80.00, No. 5'Jfi, fer $23.00; No. 597 for $75.00; No. 61.2, for 0050 and No. 604 (or $5.5 . B. S. & L. Co wrongful assessment, ordered that they be allowed a rebate of $111.25 and sheriff oiedit the same on roll of 1902. C. Montgomery, bill as road super visor of road diitrict No. 9 was.disal loived for the reason that there is'no report showing any money due. S. A. Lytic error in assessment for year 1900. The sheriff was ordered to cancel salcoflut 2 blk 5 in 1st ad dition to Prineville on account of er ror in assessment. The clerk was ordered to draw n" wariant in favor of city of Prineville in the sum of $175.00. Clerk was ordered to draw a war rant in favor of J. J. Coinolly (or $11. nii.i.s ai.lowkp. G W Dodson, viewer on Ben Jones i d, $ 2 00 D E T nipleton, vieweron Ben Jones road 2 00 G W Whitsett viewer on Ben Jones road 2 00 Wm Davenport, chainman on Ben Jones road 2 00 J W Bice, clmmwirn on Ben Jones road 2 00 Jack Harris, marker on lien Jones road 2 00 C A Graves, surveyor on Ben Jones road 10 00 Glass 4 Prudhomme, book typewriter 175 00 C A Graves, rec county roads. . J J Smith, express Geo W Noble reg voters, June 8 00 o 15 1902 4 80 J E Campbell, mdse etc, for pauper 12 18 Geo Summers, telephone ser vice... '. 9 00 E E Orton, teacher's examina tion 9 00 H P Thompson, milk for Mrs. Briggs, pauper 2 50 Jack Dee, Lumber for road dist No. 8 3 24 P L t W Co, light and water 11 40 J D Lafollctte, copying tax roll 102 50 M II Bell, comparing Iiooks .with county clerk 4 50 C Sam Smith, postage stamps 14 54 Mrs. J C Sumnir, care of pauper 40 75 J H Wigle, iron, etc for bridges 11 00 Marion Taylor, hauling lum ber fir brid e 1800 M R Biggs, re' order's fees m cas state of Oregon vs Egbert 5 70 H P Harrington, constable fees 4 meals in Egbert case 7 65 Mr. Morford, witness feis.... 1 50 Mrs. Morfoid, " " .... 1 50 Mrs. Foland, " " . . . . 1 50 Mr. Foland, " " . . . . 1 50 Ed Brock, " , . . . 1 B0 Champ Smith, " " .... 1 60 Frank Barnes, " " 1 50 John Huimakor, " " .... 1 60 J J Smith, stamps for clerk's office 6 yu W A Booth, county iudnn's salary 100 00 M 1) Powell, commissioner's fees 18 80 11 J lli'aly,coni!uiiwionei'' fees 27 60 William Bueuli, supt's salary till 67 M II Hell, county treasurer's 'salary..... (10 (I? C W Eikins, road master' salary 75 00 C Sum Smith, shoritTs salary 41(1 07 George Circle, for drawing jury in McKay precinct 3 IK) Win Johnson, drawing jury in McKay precinct 2 00 Henry Grimes, drawing jury in McKi y precinct 2 00 Wm lfocgli, cash paid for postage 4 25 Crook County Journal, print- mg 24 05 D P Ailauison, must) forclerk's office 1 85 R S Price, express for court house 75 J J Smith, clerk's salary 300 00 Prineville Review, records, clerk and sheriff's office. . 00 80 Simpson A Wilson, nails for bridgo V " 8 25 Simpson it Wilson, mdse fur pauper 4 15 Simpson it, Wilson, mdoe for court house (axe) 1 50 P 1! Doak, in se for pauper. . . 3 65 J L Allen, road wo'k 15 50 D PSbri " " 20 00 P T Monroe, " " 22 75 Ed Harbin, for contract on Crooked River bridge 199 00 K P Harrington, mdse (or Mrs, B"g g s 2 10 E G Bolter, road work as Mad supervisor -I 00 James Wood, road work 5 J 00 C P Maupin, " " 10 00 OM Pringle, marker en Mo Powell road 2 (HI James Connelly, extra lalr on road U IK) Glass A- Prtidhoiiune, book for surveyor 39 00 J J Smith, express on books for surveyor. '. 1 75 ur Hull.. One registered Herford Hull, 5 years old. B. F. Zku f-2R, Dr. NOTK'R I-'Ott rUIIMOmoN. Land OericK at Tiik Owaios, Kt-br.mry 11,, liioa. Notice 1 herelfy (,-ivi-n the (nllnwirK nainiHl seMem have tiled nuticiiuf iiiteiiti-.ii to make rinal jiront in mipjiortof their cluinm, ami thai aid j.riw.f u ill lie mode iR-lore J. J. Smith, County Clerk, at Prineville, (Ire.m, on Friday, Apr. 3, lliou, viz: Warren Hrown of Hardtack, Oregon, on homesteail appliution Nn. Mill (ortheKti SWanJU'S sr.'i Sec. 24, T. 12 H., It. 13 B., W. M. John H. Hrown o( Hay..lack, Oregon, nil homesteutt applicall- n No. li'12 Cor the H!' AK'i Seo. ISundHJS NW;Sec. 17, T. 12 S., n. U K., W. M. Witne,en: Colonel F. Smith, o( Lamoutft. Oregon. Kdmund Healy, Alonzo W. Iloyce and Kilwin (i. HoiUnn of KaVHlack, t)reion. A-3 JAY P. i.LX'AS, It.Kbtei. Horses Wanted. The old reliable- firm, the Hoaltlc Auction and t-'nleft Htnhlt., Incortiurateil, which holds special sales every day unit regular weekly auctions every Friday, receive horses, 1 to 100 on consignment and advance all shipping charges and sell on CoiiiliiMeton, or will buy your horn outright. If you have any ntimlwr of horses you wish to diinMe of al the Heattle SIi.rttL-t price, no matter'how far yon are from the city write us full de ticription and we will let you know what the pri.-esare and how they are selling. All correspondence promptly answered. N. T. JoLUmt-, Mgr. M. J. Wai.kkii, Auct. 1212 Western Ave.,'(ieattle, Washington. A dure for Lumbago. W. C. Williamson, o( Amherst, Va., says: ' For mre than a year I suffer ed from lumbago. I finally tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which all other iem- cdics had failed to do." Sold by all druggists. Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of the estate or illiaiw H. Adams, d ceaseiL Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Wil.iam H. Adams, deceased, has tiled his final account as such administrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon (or Crook County, and that said Court has fixed Monday, April Otli, 1903, at 11 o'clock A M. for the hear ii g and final settlement of said ac count. All persons are therefore notified to present their objections to said ac count, if any they have, at said time and place. Wm. Ahams, administrator ol the estate of William H. Adams, de ci ascd. W. A. Bell, Attorney for estate. The Bee Hive Ladies heforo hoing lilted fur a new spring dnw Come hero nnd 1 will sell you one of the Nicest mid host Wearing Cornell) in the Market. I am continually mining to this line lis I tun sole agent hero and get my Corsets, direct from the Factory in Detroit Michigan. Prieen the lowest. Groceries4- (Iroecry's filled up. I can givo you anything in canned goods, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, lleiins, dried Fruits and Don.t for get that I carry home cured Ifani'i, Duron, Lard and r. I. rViicliel, Prop. ADAMSON & WINNEK CO. Incorporated lS'.l'.l. Drugs, Stationery ami House Furnishing Goods Tl OLD COURT HOUSE STABLE W. II. SMITH, rmprietor Livery, FeeJ and Sale Stable Special attention paid to transporting passengers to and from Shimiko, and taking jiarliestolhe pine woods or elsewhere. Jflf'lonus reasonable. Prineville, ) N. A. Tye and Brothers ""i,hcir Dr? 1 uuuus til a a per tern, W""' ' Discount h They have a Uin Ccnsi- nnicnt or New Goods comiiiK and must make room $) rorthem. Gall around and take ad- f vantage of this Sacrifice Sale. RED FRONT BAZAAR g A. TYE & BROS., Props. Reliable Merchant. JN Prineville Meat VI a r k e t A P. II, DOAK, IHOI', New Shop and is "Up-to-dato and Cloin Grinding your teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly annoying hut have you tried ourH? Our Ivleats are Selected by careful judges and we use every endeavor to fuf- ' nisli none but what in frexh, tender and nutritionn. NEXT DOOR TO BONNEY'S The Superior Washing Machine The attention at tin; ntiMir iw r-iilli il 1m tin. f.t i...t n... li'iipd i - i" n t iiiiit 1 1 iv rj i TjIV" IOIl WASHING MACHINK is, like itH iinme, Htiperior in nil nil res peitHtoany other on the market. For praclienl proof of which wc will come to your house nnd iupcrinteiiil yofr wanliing FREE OF rhc washer can be found ulremlv .. . . - . i V. " ."..hi county nnd 18 giving entire satisfaction. c have n ent. in the var'ous net tlementH in thin colintv who will almw H,a t n. , .' . ... . , , , pnrtiea intereBted may send orders H. O. Klbbee, General Ag't for Crook Co The Place To Save Money Oregon i CHARGE in .mm ;.. i i. " mo winner o to me at Hay Creek, Oregon.