Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 7

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    Crook County Journal.
Oountr Oftlolul Pupor.
.1 II ..I ! J
t'lfn Iti-iun.
Stockmen are busy feeding. The
cuttle uro gonoriUly poor.
W, W, Drown is feeding sheep
hero unci ut Hilvnr creek, besides,
Dm mi ut tho Ituttcs,
There Is about lour inches of
snow on tlin.averagn, Bonio places
being Imro mid some 1J foot deep.
Friiluy evening, January 30th
tho pupils of t'lo school gavo u has
ki't social and literary program, to
secure fund for mi organ, The
social whs k success in every re
spect. The songs mid recitations
wore well rendered and each one
hud a pleasant evening. The pro
ceeds from sale of baskets were
10.50. Tho following program
whs given hy the jnti 1h, assisted
hy the home talent: '
America, Hong
Croquet UYxley Htreet
Patriotic Family, Little Folks
1 51 no Hells of Hcothind, Hong
Mother (loose Entertainment ....
Little Kulktt.
Evening Henry Htreet
Four Corners to My lied, Tiihleuu
Hong Old Kentucky Home
When lu ' Sii-k Lena Htreet
A Wee Pieuninny Two Little
Song Old Folks ut Home.
Undo lick'e Mistake, Homo Talent
fHing Oregon
Colored Philosophy. .Jluttiu Miller
When I'ii Puts the Stovepipe up. .
K. .Street
Tableau Little Dtichelor
Leap Year Mishaps Idu Omeg
Hong Good liye
liimket Hale Robert llixby
Eighteen dollars of the money is
to be used for library, and $',22.50
on Organ. Mr. Brown paying the
balance on organ,
plaint, croup. We roler to Chamber-
Iain's Cough Remedy, Wo have used
It witli inch good iC'itlU In our fam
ily so long it bus become a house
hold npeiity. Ily its prompt use we
hiivon't any doubt but Unit it ban
time and again prevented croup, The
testimony is glvon upon our own ex
perience, and wo siiKgest that our
readers, especially those who have
'mall children, uiwnvs keep It In their
liomcs as a safeguard against croup.
Oiiniileii (H. C.) Messenger. For sale
y all druggists.
aiiHld marry fteouitr.
Somothlim That Will Do You
Wo know of no way in which we
ran be of moro service to our readers
than to tell them of something that
will be of real good to them. For
this reason wo want to acquaint them
wit'i what wo consider ono of tho very
best remedies on the market for
coughs, Oolds, and that al rmiiig com-
Jit his annual report to the Har
vard Hoard of Overseers, made
public, President Eliot declared
Harvard's policy to be ono of de
termined support to the require
ments of a bachelor's degree or its
equivalent for admission to the
professional schools, as now in force
in I ho departments of theology,
law uinl medicine ut Harvard, und
lo an even higher standard than
has hitherto been set for the degree
of a H. M.
After giving statistics to show
"that the highly educated past of
the American ienpln does not in
crease the population at all, but on
the contrary fails to reproduce it
self, President Flint says:
"It is probable that the regret
table result is due in part to the
late postHinemeut of marriage on
the part ot the educated youg men,
u postponement which the pro
tracted education now prcserilied
for men who enter the learned and
scientific professions makes almost
On athletic sKirts in general
President Kliot says then) is in
creasing objection to their great
It is said that a man who
squeezes & dollar never squeezes
his wife, which leads an exchange
to remark that In looking over its
accounts, it notos that some awful
good women are not getting the
pressure they deserve.
Secretary of War Boot has re
ported to Congress that the United
States has 10,858,390 men avail
able for military duty. It is a safe
bet that Baron Speck von Stern
berg rushed tho news over the wire
to Berlin.
Mr. Wbeoler Got Eld of Rheumatism.
"During the winter of 181)8 I was to
lame in my joints, in fact all over my
body, that I could hardly hobble
around; when I bought a bottle"of
Chamberlain's l'ain Halm, From the
tirst application I begnu to get well,
and wus cured and huvo worked stead
ily all the year. B. YVhkki.kii, North
wood, X. Y. For sale by all druggists,
"Hume time bro my daughter
caught a severe cold. She complain
ed of pains in her chest and bed a bad
cough. I gave her Chamberlain's
Cough Ki lned y according to direc
tions and in two days tho was well
and able to go to school. I have used
this remedy in my family for the past
seven years and have ne er known it
to fail," says James I'rcndergast, mer
chant, A mm to Hay Jamaica, West
India Islands. The pains in the chest
indicated an approaching attack of
pneumonia, which in this instance
was undoubtedly warded oil' by Cham
berlain's Cough Kcmedy. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold toward
pneumonia. Hold by all druggists.
A company of men arc ut work
making a survey of the Deschutes
rivor near its mouth to ascertain
tho volume of its discharge
inb) the Columbia at low-water
stage. This information is desired
in connection with Tho Dalles
Celilo canal project, as in case the
canal is built it may b Jneeessary
to use the Deschutes as a feeder to
it. This could he accomplished hy
building a small canal or putting
in a pipe line to connect the two.
John Wunamaker once said:
"There ifjonly one way to advertise
and that is to hammer your name,
your location, your business, so
constantly, so persistently, so
thoroughly into the people's heads,
that if they walked in their Bleep
they would constantly turn to your
store. The newspuer is your best
friend in spite of your criticism. It
helps to build up tho community
which BupporlB you. When the
day comes that the newspapers are
dead the people are near the edge
of their grave with no one to write
their epitaph."
According to the opinion of
many ofliccrs in the United States
Navy, Americans need not go into
spasms at the possibility of our
ships having to fight those of Ger
many. An officer in the Brooklyn
navy-yard has this to say "The
Germany navy looks great on pa
per, but it is not as formidable as
Weekly Journal
www ninifiiii mm www www www www
An - Eight Page, Six Column, Paper, all Home
Print. Devoted to the Interests of its Section and
Alive to All Local Happenings
Price, $1,50 Per Year
On March 1st The Journal will have out their
Premium List, which will consist of articles for ev
ery class. This is neither a lottery or "a one article
voting contest," but a bona fide offer to our Subscrib
ers. Old and New
Remember The
Journal for Fine
Job P r i n t i n g
The Journal Pub. Company
is generally supjiosed. Leaving
aside any question as to the torpe
do boat fleet, I have found on ex
amination that nearly 08 per cent
of the cruisers, battleships and
other large vessels of the imperial
navy are unable to go more than
000 miloi from home because ol
the inability to carry sufficient
steaming coal, This is not imagi
nation. It is an epitome of official
It is about four years ago that
another Oregon sheriff lost his life
at the hands of a criminal. Home
body burglarized the summer cot
tage of Senator Fulton, and the
latter, the sheriff of Clatsopcounty,
a constable and another man un
dertook a search of the shanty of
a suspect. The latter appeared
with bis Winchester, and while the
other three members of the posse
were making a search of the shan
ty, the suspect on the outside shot
the sheriff down in his tracks. A
battle eimued in which the suspect
was finully killed, Senator Fulton
firing the fatal Bhot. Shortly after
ward, on the floor of the Oregon
senate, Senator Fulton made a plea
against reduction of salaries of
sheriffs, saying that he knew from
experience that their duties were
hazardous and they earned all the
emoluments they received.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Laxative ISrouio Quinin, Tablets cures a
cold in one day. No Cuie, No Puy.
Price, 25 cents.
M ftlockraaet C'ouoty.
Tho Burgess hill for the creation
of Stockman County went down to
defeat in the Senate this afternoon.
The vote stood seven for the new
county to 16 against, with seven Sen
ators absent. According to Sen
ator Kuykendall the bill scared
out a number of the Senators and
after the bill hud been voted upon
not even a quorum was present.
Senator Smith, of Multnomah,
made a very logical and eloquent
plea for the residents of the region
which is affected by the bill. He
produced a map showing the lo
cation of the proposed county, and
called attention to the long dis
tances that must be traveled by
residents of this territory in order
to get to their present county seats.
Ho asserted that 6ince that section
of the state has already developed
greatly and increased in popula
tion, it is unjust to continue the
present conditions. He gave num
erous illustrations of the distance
that must be traveled, saying that
many of the people must go as far
as from Portland to Astoria to get
to the county seat. Ho believed
that the Legislature should follow
the wishes of the people of the ter
ritory concerned, and in declaring
what the wish of the people is, he
said that 385 out of 437 voters in
the proposed county have signed a
petition favoring the creation of
the new county.
Senator Kuykendall, chairman
ol the committee on counties, said
that the committee had reported
adversely on the bill because the
committee had been convinced
that a large majority of the peo
plo of all the counties affected
were opposed to the bill.
Senator Williamson argued that
before a county should be created,
the question should be submitted
lo the people, either expressly or
in connection with the election of
members of the Legislature. The
creation of this county, he said,
was not even mentioned prior to
the time this session of the Legis
lature convened. He asserted that
the representatives of a majority
of the taxable property of that por
tion o the proposed county whicl
lies in Crook County, arc opposed
to the bill.
1 The Journal 1
Real Estate Agency
The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo
iTHtlc newspaper, 16 pages, full of ntwi
all of H! 1 a ytar io any address. The
Journal, P. O. Box 121, Portland, Or.
Is nowready to handle
your property.
FACILITIES .for r placing
Beak EstateJ.before those
who want to purchase ami
are able to give GOOD
We want Farming and . lli-nziig Land
Also Timber Land
3FYy placing your property with us you got the
Call'on or Address Pi'
I'rinpville, Oregon
Military Discipline
Manual Training
Good Laboratories
Large Armory
Recreation Building
A private school for boarding and dy
pnptla. Prepare boys fox admission to
any (dentlfic school or college,, and
for business life. New and completely
nipped building. Thorough Instruction according to the
bat mttbodt. The principal hu bad twenty-four jean'
tzpcrlenec la Portland. Boys of any age and any degree of
ad va cement received. For catalogue and pamphlet con
taining letters of ttstlmony, eteu addrtai,
J. W. HILL. M. D.
f. O. Dratrnr 17. PORTLAND, ORE-
Big Deal in Typewriters
Austrian Government Orders 1200
Smith Premiers
"Vienna, Feb. 7. The greatest
S'Ji5"'i-5v single purchase of typewriters ever
,! ' niaJe "as oe:n oruerea Dy me Jim-
vSi,,'' jf istry of Justice, which, after three
' months of exhaustive competitive
trial has contracted to equip the
entire ministry witn not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters,
supplying every court."
Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonian, February 7.
Portland office fniith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. A M.
V. T. FOGLE, Agent,
Prineville, Oregon
glacksmithing That Pleases
A Stock of Farm Machinery'always on hand
Is The Kind You Get at-
(Successor to)
Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tabled.
All dniKgiita refund the money if it tail
tn care. . W. Uruve'a uk nature it on
City harder Shop.
iPomelt dc Cyrus, iPropthlors.
JCot and Cold SSatAj. PrinivitU, Ort
ach box. 2&c.