Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 5

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    I Prineville Public School otos
Oil IKK KDITniH, Cly!i Kowutl
Clwrllo 0 OlirltliuM.
AHMIHTANTH.-Ivt llcMli, Kny IIIk,
llrnry Hmltll, Hoy OnimliiK, llrth Klkln,
fjlllo liny. (!nwlla NuIiik Hulli Tylr,
Oru I' the V 1 1 1 umilo,
was utmotit from school on aecounl
(l( sillluil'HK.
Gertie Sharp wim absent fr-i.n
I'rof.'Ortou's romu different tinr s
last week,
Nolliu Day whb absent Irom the
VIII grade iiwirly all last week.
Finny Child was Into lo school
different times lust week.
Fay Hodden wiw absent from
Prof. Orton'n room tlio first of hist
Winnie Wiiiilon of llio VIII
grnde, win absent from school all
hint work. Kli8 wiw away for 11
short visit to her country home lit
lit Haystack.
Kllic Dobbs wus absent a day or
ko last week.
Miss Jennie Tumpleton mid
sister Hulva, visited our school
lust Wednesday.
Loyd Yancey win absent from
Prof. Orion' room the forenoon of
hist Thursday.
Clyde Howell wiih absent from
school different time last week.
Hoy Omy ni absent from the
VIII grade lust week.
Fuy HodgoH 1ms returned to her
place of study after several days
Henry Hmith w absent from
the IX grade hint Thursday after
noon. Cecil Yancey was a liltlu tardy
one day lust week,
The IX grade pupils have come
to tlio point where they realize the
necessity of homo study in algebra.
Mother "Johnny, how is it you
stand bo much lower in your
studies in January than you did
in DccemlierV"
Son Oh! "Everything is marked
down after the holidays, you know,
Miss Emma Ketchum had
chargo of IV and V grade pupil
las tweek on account of Miss
Smith being ubscnfm order to at
tend the regular teachers' exami
nation. Nellie Day returned to school
last Monday after a week's ab
sence from school.
Uoy (iray wus absent from the
VIII grade last Monday.
The IX grado pupils have taken
up the study of Greece by Botsford.
This is to J10 a suplimentary work
and will bo beneficial to the whole
Miss Smith again has charge of
her pupils after a week's absence
from school,
Randolph Ketchum was absent
from the VI grade last week.
Clarence Ferguson was absent
from Prof. Mosier's room last week
HoniBiice ol an Irish ur..
Four years ago an Irish girl fell
in love with a strange young man,
a patient in a large hospital in
Dublin. She could not obtain an
introduction to him, but learned
his namo in some way, and on
Christmas Eve, 1898, she sent him
an anonymous present in the form
of a beautiful Christmas card,
which the recipient resolved to
keep. On becoming strong again
the young man was Bent to South
Africa, and on the outbreak of the
recent war volunteered for service
with a Natal corps.
On Christmas Eve, 11100,. the
Princvill-Burns Stae line.
Carrying U. S. Mail, Tasseiigers and Fast Express
Leaves Trineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m
Tnssengers waybillod for Tost, Paulina. Fife, Riley, Burns
and all way points. .
C. I. WINNEK, Agent, Prineville.
young fellow, lying wounded in
the hospital, resolved lo make
some kind ol presentation lo the
young Irish nurse who was attend
ing upon him. Anything suilulile
to the season ho found hard to ob
tain, and, finally, be determined to
send her the Christinas curd re
ceived two years before from an
unknown Dublin flame. His sur
prise may be imagined when, on
receipt of the patient's token of
esteem, the favored nurse came to
his bedside and confessed blush
iugly that she "had seen the card
fully two Ohristmasos before."
The two are long since married.
l.otl In i4i Know
Fred Fletcher, tlio Plush stage
driver, had 0 narrow oseapo from
freezing to death last Friilay night
between Drake camp and Twelve
mile Crock. It was storming very
hard all day Friday and Friday
night, a blinding snow storm ob
structing one's view except a few
feet 111 front of him. Night over
took the belated stage driver, who
was traveling with a span of horses
and a cart, and in a short time he
was hopelessly lost, shortly after
passing Drake camp. He built a
fire anil remained at that desolate
place until daylight the next
morning, when he pursu d his way
on down to Plush, a distance of '20
miles, arriving there lute in the
afternoon Saturday, when he
should huvo been in Lakeview on
his return trip. Fred stayed all
night at Plush and started early
Sunday morning with tlio mail for
r 1 . 1 1 1 1 .
ijiKoview, wnero ne arnvcu aooui
12 o'clock Sunday night, being a
day and two nights late. He
snatched a few hours' sleep and
started early Monday morning
with tlio mail for Plush.
In the meantime his friends be
coming uneasy about him started
Johnnie MorriB and Will Childers
out horseback to look for the de
layed driver. They got only as
far as Camas Prairie, whero they
found the snow about four feet
deep. Thinking it impossible to
proceed farther in the soft enow,
they retraced their eteis back to
Lakeview. Notwithstanding their
failure, the missing driver made
his way with a span of horses and
a cart through to Lakeview the
following night.
A Oure for Lumbago.
V, C. Williamson, of Amhemt, Vs.,
nys: 'For mere than a year I suflcr
1 from lumbago. I finally tried
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave
mo entire relief, which all other rem
edies had failed 10 do." gold by all
Laundry Solicited.
Mrs. Dora Lyons wishes to an
nounce to the public that she will
do washing and ironing at reason
able prices: Washings will be de
I.akii Omct at Ths, Ohkiiox,
February IS, 103.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aettlera have tiled notlceof intention
to make final proof iniupportofthelroUim',
and that laid proof will he made before J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at Prlnevllle, Oregon,
on Friday, Apr, 3, 11102, vlti
Warren Brown of Havatack, Oregon, on
homeitead application No. 0,116 for the EH
N WV and WJt KKV 8. 24, T. 12 8., B.
18 K., W. M.
John B. brown of Hayatack, Oregon, on
homeitead application No. 6232 lor the
NK'4 Seo. ISand K4 Sec. 17, T. 12 S.,
It. 14 K., W. M.
Witneanee: Colonel F. Smith, of Lamonta.
Oregon. Kdmund Healy, Alonxo W. Itoyoe
and Kdwlli 41. Hodaon of Havatack, Oregon.
A-3 JAY P. LUCAS, Rmliter.
llrptirl of the Vmulitiun of Tin Firit
Natiintal Ilimlt, in 1'riiw.rilk, in the
Ntittr. of Orryttf, ut tlui dote of limiew,
February 0, 1003.
Tjoanit nti'J dlfUMiiilif, .. . ,. 9 llill.4K2.HH
Ovtir(rntU, Mfdjf-il Mill iiiiudmi.'imI. It.nni.17
l'. H. iliiiuja to nenm circulation. 1 !!,.'
I'nMnhmm n I K H, 15'iml. .......
Htoek H irlllen, etc 3.7M.I1
linnliliiK hiiiMf furiiliiift Mil
liaturiw fi.WXI.OO
)tio from Nutloiial Hunk (nt
ll,jf,rve Ai.-rit) 4,0:.44
Dili, it Mutn llunlcs Mi'l liuikenl 7, .'ill) 71
lMii Ai,r')VR(l riir'S uc'itM, ' 24,IOJ.4
ttibti'iiHl lUviniue Mtarnim ........
(Ilit-ck llli'l otli'tr cnitli ltnm, . . , . 40 Of
Nmiw.,1 tiir Nutlirhul iiMikn.,.. ,rmu
KriMitlniittl imimr curn-licy, iiickluN
wid wnl 7.w
I,Awria Mo.vnr Kbkrvi! isKaxk, viz;
Hiwdit 2W
J,i-Kl.tmlr l.t . . . SI,:)O0 25,275.00
(I. H, Mrlllickfr((il'lli'liM
IMoiiil'ti'',, fund with U. H.
Trew'r (1,1 ol clrcuUtion) 200
T..UI 307,32I.IW
CHplUl Uik ijalil In fiO.OfiO.M
Kuriiliw fuml lO.IXXI.OO
tiidivlilvd iminM, 1m exiwnMM
.nil Ui' ld 1S.80S.3I
Nfttl'inal Hank nnttt ouUtandin'fr. &.4m,00
Dlvldnidi unlinld 2M..00
lit ti nthT Satl'mal Bntilcii
Individuivl df"Mita duljjcct to
cliack 2M.WIO0
Demand oertilict cif drxinlt .... 2,IV2.7S
Total a.W,321,0K
Jlli'.(!ON, 1
r ol Cnk, )
I. T. M. Haliiwin. Cahler of the alme-
natneil lank, dn Holnmly awear that tne almve
aUUnieiit la true to the Imrt ol my know
ledge and U-lief. T, M. UALUWIN,
HulwHM and nworn liofure me thin 12th
day ol February, 1903.
J. .1. ). II,
County Clerk.
Wil t Wl KWEll.m, )
'.. M. I'.wiws. UJIrecUini.
11. V. AI.L8S, )
"1 hnvo lined Clmmbcrlain'a CoukIi
Itemwly for a number of years and
have no liesitniicy in saying that it i
the bcit remedy for coukIis, colds and
croup I hnvo ever used in ny family.
I havo not words lo express my con
fidonec in this remedy. Mrs. J. A.
Mookk, North Hlur, Mich. For sale
by all druggists.
All For $30OO.
I have a ranch coiudntinir of 1M ocreii
thrw iiiili-i4 north of AhIiwixkI. IS acn-a of
ullulfa and :I0 iicrea of niin luitd, with Ked
new hoiiw and burn. Fine young orchard
in U-arliiK. M head of younK cuttle, l't
ncail ol Hlccra, Zi iit-iii-rn, una one enon
horn hull; all two years old next apring.
Plenty of fci-d and lumture. 100 ai rca of
ruiii-h under fence. Thin ranch ia only one
note linrlb or the un-jron King mine.
Cull on or adilrcMH, J. li. Poindexter
Aahwood, Orton.
biliouaiien ana coated tongue
are common indications of hver
and kidney diaeawt. Stomach and
bowel troubles, aevere aa they are,
give immediate warning by pain,
but liver and kidney troubles,
though lean painful at toe start, are
much harder to cure. Thedford'i
lllack-Uraught never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys. It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw olf the germs of fever and
aoruo. It is a certain preventive
of cholera and Ilright's disease of
the kidneys. With kiiluevs re
inforced by ThedJord's Black
I Iraught thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low fover. Many families live in
perleot haxjh and have no other
doctor tkn Thedford's Black
Draught. It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and sates
many expensive calls of a doctor.
Mulllm, S. C, March 10, 1001.
I havt used Thedford's Black-Draught
for three years and I have not had to flo
to doctor since I have been taklnt It
It is tlx but medicine lor m that Is
on ths market for liver and kidney
troubles and dyspepsia ana other
complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS.
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Free to the
of any responsible bouse. .
mmmm m
This ilfnatan Is oa mry box t to fsaalM
Laxative Bromo-Quinin
A rrm For ltent
Wo have a tenant fora farm o
from 160 to 640 acres. .Anyone
having such a place would do well
to call at this office.
Joijk.vai, Kkai, Estate Aokkuy.
Freaiio Property For Trado.
We have a house and eight lots
in the city of Fresno, California,
which wo desire to trade for farm
ing or timber lands, preferably
timber land. Parties who have
either will do well to investigate
this offer. Will pay difference in
cash for some choice property,
either improved or unimproved,
Will sell the alve property for a discount on what w
want in trade. This is a snap for
some one, Call early and be the
first to make a bid.
Jouknal Rkal Estate Aoency.
Mrs. .Wiegans
The Photographer
For Photos that Satisfy
Eyes examined free. Er
rors o' refraction correc
ted. Glasses fitted and
diseases of the eye treated
E. O. Hyde, M. H.
Irrigation Sewerage
Water Works Roads
Surveys and Plans Made
Terms Moderate
Address; Alfred F. Sears,
Mem. Am. Society, C. E.
(iO Wor. BIk Itld, Or
20$ TO $25 WEEKLY
Work at your own home. No
canvassing. Work legitimate and
honorable. Address
Home Work
21 Spring St., Scuttle, Wash.
Music Studio
Miss Ethel King," Teacher
Piano, Organ, Violin
Sales Agent for Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
NextDoor to Kelley's Gallery
Jhe (Jmnd Resjmant
Mrs. L. Ccmini, Prop. -Meals
all hours, 25c
Miller Bldg., Prineville
Contractor and lluilder
(ihoj next door to Dr. Rus-pnlx-rg's
residence on Main St.
Princville, Oregon
On Wall Paper
To make room for our new stock, we have decided to put
the knife into Our Wall Paper Department and for
We will sell Our Entire Stock
over One Hundred Patterns at
All 10 cent paper will go for
All 20 "
All 25 " "
All 35 " "
AIU0 " "
ii if
it ii
All 45 " "
All 50 " "
The above comprises the best
call and examine the stock personally, are assured that by stating the
colors wished will be suited in pattern. Always state size of your room
in ordering. Yours for Business,
The M.
FEB. 203 1903
At -
Poindexter and S. E. Crawford.
FLOOR COMMITTEE' Ora Poindexter, W. C. Black, 8. M. Bailey
Frank Bonncy, Ralph Sharp and Wm. Arnold.
Mnsic by Sharp
Supper at BonneyV
A Good Time is Promised to all who Attend
PHneville-Silver Lake
Stage ine.
Carrying U. cJ. Tfyail and Passengers-
Lea ves Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs,
careful drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava,
Rosland and Silver Lake.
Sirloin Steak 25c
T-Bone Steak 35c
Porterhouse Steak 50c
Porterhouse Steak for two ... $1 00
Pork Chops ; 25c
Mutton Chops 25c
Ham zoc
Eees. extra , 10c
Chicken, any style 35c
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Lumber, $11 per m
Fresh Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
of Wall Paper, comprising
a discount of 40 per cent.
6c per double roll
12c "
I5c" " "
21c " " "
27c" " "
30c" " "
selling patterns. a jose who cannot
NEK, Mngr.
Winnek Co.)
W. is
Orange -Hodges, E. L. Rose, Ora
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved. .
C0KNETT, Proprietors.
r C. I. WINNEK, Agent.
Milk Toast 15o
Coffee 6o
Tea 5a
Milk 5c
Coffee Cake lOo
Cove Stew 35o
Fresh when in market.