Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 19, 1903, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal..
Pibumikii Kvkbt Tm'wimt bi
W. C. BLACK Kpitor
8. M. BAILEY Man-aoku
County Official I'AI'Kll.
l'he .lol'HNAt. Ill filtered t th wtoHic the
Priimille, Jr., fur tnuwniwKton tlmnmhthe
U. 15. ft acc"iiu class matwr.
Oki Tun. W-
u Months jj?
The newspapers in the proposed
Stockman county district are full
of post mortems on the dead issue
of county division.
The approval by the President
of the plans of the Pilot Butte De
velopment against the protest of
many of Crook County's wealthiest
and most influential citizens,
leaves Crook 'County with only one
tiling to do as we view it. We do
not wish to place our judgment
against those who have fur greater
knowledge of the conditions than
have we, but it does look that
since Mr. Drake and his Com
pany have the government's ap
proval for their project on the
Deschutes a feasible one, they
should be given the local co-operation
necessary to rapid progress
and good feeling. It's time now to
bury grudges, and turn a hand
toward developing our section. If
Mr. Drake and his company are
sincere in their plans of develop
ment.-and we believe they are, the
sooner they perfect these plans,
the sooner will we see settlers come
flocking to our section, and the
sooner will we see the develop
ment of our great resources in
part at least.
Fulton's chances for landing the
senatorship are getting smaller
every day. It is now extremely
probable that the election will be
deferred till the last minute of the
last day, when some newly named
man will go through with a rush.
Who it will be is beyond the
power cf the political prophet to
state, but the logical candidate is
R. A. Booth. The state furnishes
no better material. Upon such a
man the factions now so bitter,
could easily agree and should he
accept, Oregon's senatorial toga
would be worn by a native son, a
nian who would do honor to the
place, and a man with a record
that is a striking contrast with
that of Jonathan Bourne, who
seeks the honor. Bourne's past
record has been any thing but
enwabie, and his one redeeming
feature is money, and a willing
ness to spenu it in securing
men, to serve under him as lieu
tenants. R. A. Booth's record has
been a clean one devoted to an
honorable business in the conduct
of which he has made many
friends and admirers who are scat
tered over the entire coast.
and oaths, or before such an officer
located in the city or town where
the final proof notice is published.
Very respectfully,
(Signed) W. A. Richards,
Department of the Interior, Gen
eral Land Ollico, Washington D.
C, February 5, 1903.
Register and Receiver, Lake-
view, Oregon.
This office is in receipt of a com
uiunication from 11. W. Re
United States Commissioner,
Rend, Oregon, in which ho sug
gests that the provisions of section
2294 as amended by the ct i
March 11, 1902, are being ignore
by persons offering proof at your
office, in that their proofs aro not
taken before him, notwithstanding
the fact that he has an office nearer
their lands than any other officer
authorized to take such proofs.
Your attention is called to the
fact that this section requires that
in all cases where proof is taken
outside the county in which the
land is situated, it shall be taken
either before "the nearest or most
accessible officer qualified to take
such proofs" or before some officer
located in the town in which notice
of final proof is published.
You will please give this matter
your attention in the future, and
closely observe the requirements of
this act, in designating officers be
fore whom proofs shall be taken
Very respectfully,
(Signed) W, A. Richards,
The Word Church And lla Origin.
Mr. Child, says: "the word church
and the present day organizations
under that name have no scriptur-
il authority, either in the Old or
New Testament."
In proof of this he goes back to
the original Greek word, "Kuria
kon" from which our word churcli
is derived, and to the word Ek-
klesia, translated church in the New
Testament 116 times, and in the
Old- Testament, "congregation or
assembley" quite a number of times
and charges their interchangeable
use to "the intervention of the
clergy during the dark ages
who Mr. thud, as-serts "ar to
blame for much that is unscrin
tural and unwarranted." And
further support of his po-
The Land Commissioner Law.
Department of the Interior, Gen
eral Land Office, Washington, D.
C. February 5, 1903.
Mr. H. W. Reed, U. S. Commis
sioner, Bend;, Oregon.
I herewith enclose a copy of a
letter this day addressed to the
register and receiver of the Lake
view land office, relative to the
complaint made by your letters of
January 26 and 27.
Replying further to those letters
I desire to call your attention to
the fact that when proofs are taken
in the county in width the land is
situated, they may be taken before
any officer authorized to adminis
ter oaths, regardless of the prox
imity of his office or place of busi
ness to the land involved; but
when not taken in the county in
which the land 'is situated, they
should be taken either before the
nearest or most accessible officer
qualified to take affidavits, proofs,
smon , mi. uniius cites the iron
rules formulated by King Jam 8
for the seventy translators under
which the Bible, as we have it, was
translated. In this, Mr. Child is
certainly right. '
To get the meaning of an En
lish word derived from an Oiiental
one, we must get to the original
meaning of the word as used by
the Orientals, whether Sanskrit,
Hebrew, Celtic or Greek. And
there is just one way to get the
correct meaning of an orienta
word, and that is to go back to its
oriental use. This Mr Child, has
done and he is right in doing so. L
My purpose is to call attention to
another English word found in our
Bible and subject it to Mr. Child's
test, and see if he could find an
other instance of "intervention of
the cle-igy of the dark ages," and
something that is "unscriplural
and unwarranted." I refer to the
word "hell" found so often in the
New Testament, and so often made
a pulpit theme. In theology hell
is a place "prepared for the devil
and his angels," an eternal prison
house kept by the vigilance of God
in which fallen angels and lost
souls of men and women are to be
imprisoned and tortured forever.
Now we have the word Hell in
English from the word Hadese in
Greek, and this from the won!
Sheol in Hebrew. To get at the
correct meaning of the word Hell
in our English Bible, we must go
back to Sheol and fix. its meaning
by its use among the Hebrew-'.
This Mr. Webster doe) and hi
gives us the Oriental meaning of
the ward Sheol, and carries thio
ls therefore 'unscripturitl and un
warranted." Mr, Webster's defin
ition of the word Sheol Is, a hollow
subterraneous place, a cave. This
was the Oriental mennining of the
word as derived from its original
use. Abraham bought the Held of
Mackpelah to get "Sheol" or the
cave that was In the field to buriv
hit wife in, and since that time th
Jews have hurried their dead i
caves natural or artificial. Tl
word Shoel never had any othe
meaning in the Hebrew language
or among the Hebrew people, am
the word, "Hell" in English has
the same meaning neither more
nor less. The word "Sheol" was
often used by Christ figuratively
for destruction. Such destruction
as the body undergoes in the
ground, Christ never used the word
"Sheol" or "Hades," in other sense,
We find the word "Sheol" used bv
the prophets in the panic sense
1U present theological meaning
was a result of "the intervention of
the clergy" after Constantino be
came the head and patron of the
church in the fourth century
Creeds were made churches and
enforced by the imperial edicts, ol
a despotic emperor. It was at this
time that "the church" started on
its downward course into the dark
ages and curried the world with it
Itj-einains for the present and
the future to reform the christain
belief of the world and eliminat
-Lthe "unseriptural and unwarrant
ed" things which resulted from
'the intervention of the clergy in
the dark ages." Mr. Child is lead
ing out on the right road. Wt
must get back to the meaning of
words at the time they wero used
by Christ and the four Evangelists
and thus know the sense in whicl:
they were spoken or written
When we do this we will discard
the pagonistic belief in the exist
ence of demons or our modernj"dev
il and his angels," and tho later
theological theory of a "hell" and
the everlas'ing punishment of the
soul after death, and know the
truth that in the domain of the
spiritual the commensurate witl
infinite space filled by the presence
and glory of an infinite God there
is not room enough for an tiiihap
py being to dwell.
Valentine Hall.
The Masquerade ball given last
Friday evening by Sharp's orchcr-
tra was a marked success,' 118
dance tickets having been sold
About 35 couples were masked
among which were some creditable
costumes. Miss Lulu Anderson
representing the evening star, car
ried off the prize for the best us
tained-haracter. The prize ' for
best waltzers were awarded to
Ray Keeney and Mrs. Edith Fergu
son; for the best cake walkers to
Harry Smith and Gertie Sharp;
and for the prettiest costumes to
George Wright who represented a
fireman and Miss Ethel Philliber
who represented cards.
The evening passed off enjoy-
ably and was marked by good
music. The dance supper was
served by Frank Bonney, who pre
pared a very creditable spread for
the occasion.
tho Artisan ladies have a reputa
tion, was served. When all had
been served the tables wore cleared
away and the young folks then had
their inning during the rest of tho
evening which was spent In games
and mtwuv
Culver lloms.
Tun ArtUane Eutorlain.
Last Wednesday evening, Princ-
ville assembly, United ,Artisiins
entertained at Belknap's hall. A
good sized crowd of Artisans and
their friends were present, and all
enjoyed the occasion. An orches
tra comprised of Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. King, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Elkins, Miss Ethel King and
Messrs. C. I. Winnek and A. H.
Kennedy rendered two number's,
which were both encored. The
quartette composed of Fay and
Gertie Hodges and Roy and Mag
gie Foster sang "Kentucky Babe"
and wero also encored. The dia
logue by Verona McGowcn, Estella
Young and Leola Estes was good,
while Wm. Draper and Mrs. Dr.
Cline out did all previous occasions
meaning into his definition of the i in a side spliting farce to which
word ILuJeg and the word Hell. I Mr Draper added a few extras.
But he adds to these words the j The recitation by Mrs. Dr. Belk
theological meaning, which mean - nap was of her usual good order
by reason of the "intervention of ( and was enjoyed by all. After the
the clergy in the dark ages," an 1 : program a good supper, for which
We have had our coldest weather
during tho past week, and feed is
getting very scarce.
MisBes Alice Rogers and Nell
tmnison and Messrs, Fred McDow
ell, Arthur Baker and Alf Cook
visited your city on the 13th and
took in the Masque ba I
The Haystack Sunday School is
progressing nicely under the ef
ficient management of Miss Hom
ey. The Club gavo a dance at Coll
ver's hall on tho 13th inst.
Lula Brown attended a wedding
in your city last week.
There is a great deal of sickness
throughout the neighborhood at
The rabbits ate taking a rest )he
last few days.
An entertainment will be given
at the Haystack school house on
Friday night, the 27. A good pro
gram is being prepared by local
talent, Admission free. After the
program is rendered hero will be
a basket social and ice cream.
Proceeds logo to the Rabbit Asso
ciation to defray the excuses of
the Association. Come every body
and bring your best girl and a well
filled basket. If you can't get
your girl bring some" other fellow's
girl. X.
Noiuherii Opposition.
Senators Foster of Louisiana and
Taliaferro of Florida have discover
ed that the Cuban reciprocity
treaty is aimed directly at the
sugar and tobacco interests of the
South, therefore they are trying to
organize tho Democrats in the
Senate to defeat it ratification.
Opposition to the treaty from the
solid South on the ground that it
makes a slight reduction in the
Protective Tariff will no doubt
come as a surprise to the country.
One of, the cardinal principles of
the Democracy always has been
Free-Trado, but these Senators
seem to be enacting the role of tho
most ardent high Protectionists
This is inconsistent but, then,
consistency never was the Democ
racy's strong hold. Grand Rapids
Horses Wed ted.
The old rcliuWc Ann, the Seattle Atictinn
and Sulci Htuliles, Incorporated, which
holtlfl niecinl sales every day- und regular
weekly auction every Friday, receive hursee.
1 to 100 on cmui;n!uent and advance all
-diippirfy charges and Hell on t'ommlxtiun, or
will buy your horse outright. If you have
any numljer of horses you wiith to disuse of
at the Seattle Market price, no mutter how
far you are from the city write us full de
scriptions and we will let you know what tl;.
prices are and how they are selling- All
correspondence promptly answered.
X. T. Joli.htk, Mr.
M. J. Walkkk, Auct.
12 Western Ave,,'rlcattle, Washington.
Real Estate for Sale
KOIt SAI.K-A two story dwelling witl.
barn and outhouses in the city of I'rineville.
This property Is well situated and la covered
by irrigation. It oovera one-fourth of a block
and is one of the best residence locations in
the town. Price reasonable
Partnership Dleaolullon
Notice is hereby given that the
firm and partnership of Willey
and Dee, consisting of Charles M.
Willey and Job if IV. Dee, doing a
general saw mill business on Wil
low Creek, Crook county, Oregon,
has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent, Charles M. Willey
retiring from the firm. All ac
counts due said firm will be col
lected and receipted by JohnW.
Dee, and all accounts owing by
said firm will be paid by John W.
John W. Dee.
Charles M. Willey.
fated December 10th, 1902.
H1IL -JDILU 111 111
I 4 ii i
Honor 11831
Have you
Visit the HUH
IIIVK anil
see the hun
dreds of IIHC
f u 1 n Hides
being sold lit
fio und 10c
each, Also
Ladies' Knit
Drawers 2.rc
to get your full share, of tho prosperity that Is with us
now? It may not stay always. If 11)02 was unsatisfac
tory for you, you are due to lind WHY, Better be quick
about it, for tho person who couldn't make Money in it
good year liko that must bo headed tho wrong way.
and you will havo a prosicrourt year. My first word
in this earliest ad of should bo and is an expression
of sincere thanks to my customers for the very generous
business given me during the year just closed.
i. Michel
Incorporated DWff,
Drugs, Stationery autl House Furnishing Goods
W. H. SMITH, Proprietor
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
SiH'cial attention paid to transporting passengers
to und from Slmniko, and taking jutrtic to the pine
woods or elsewhere. JfWicrms reasonable.
Prlnevllle, Oregon
N. A. Tye and
Pfnffipfc Are Selling their Dry
U1UU1? Goods at a 25 per cent
'Ip Discount
They have a IJig (Consignment of New
Goods coming and must make room
for them. (Call around and take ad
vantage of this Sacrifice Sale. x
A. TYE & BROS., Props. Reliable Merchant
Prineville Meat
New Shop and is TJo-to-dato and Clean
Grinding your teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly
annoying but have you tried ours?
Our IMeats are Selected
by careful judgeH and wo tiso every endeavor to fur
nish none hut what is fresh, tender and nutritious.
The Superior
Washing Rflachine
The attention of the public is called to the f;ict that the fTI'EU-
IOH WASHING MACHINE U, like its na , superior in all all res-
K i ts to any other on the market. For practical proof nf which we
will come to your house and superintend your washing
The washer can lie found already in many homes in Crook county
ind is Hiving entire satisfaction. We have aeents in tl..- vnrinm ut
tlcmcnts in this county who will show the merits of the v,;:fher o
parties interested may send orders to me at Hay Ci ck, Orej;
H. G. Kibbee, General Ag't for Crook Co