Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 12, 1903, Image 5

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    Prinouilla Pubio School Tfotos
fJIIIKK KOI roili How nil
Chrll(l ClirUluim,
AHSIHTANTS, (v lUtli, Kity Hi..Ju,
H.Tiry Hinilti, H.iy Cumiliitf, Hi'itlm Klkliin,
N.-lllu liny, (Ml NnlitM and Itnth Tuylur.
Lizzio Kulchuui wok absent from
llio IX grudu IiihI Thursday.
Henry Smith wns a little Into ti
Hilinol lust Friday in the afternoon
Addin Foster wm absent from
the VI II griulo IiihI Friday.
Ni.llin Pay of (lid VIII grade,
was absent olio day IiihI week,
Millldn Oobbs WI1S absent (HIVIT-
nl iliiyii liint week.
Arthur llurdin ol tlio VII grade,
will) absent hint Mninliiy,
Clarence Fergncson was absent
from Prof. Municr'a room different
times lllHt Week.
Norn was absent from the
VIII grade tlm firt I"1" f last
Lester Ferguson 'wa 'absent
from tlm VI. grade on Monihiy
Fob. 2d.
Arthur Wurzwcilcr wiih absent
from the VI grade lust Friday
Ixkwood Simpson of 1'rof.
Mnsicr's room wun absent lout
week. '
Fay Ilodgcj has Ih'Oii absent
from tlio IX grade for several
Lulu Anderson u nd Willin Niiil
were visitors in l'mf. Mosier's
room hist Friday.
There has been n case or two of
corporal punishment in school
during tlio past wek.
Walter Smith of the VI grade,
hat Wit absent from school for
ahoiit a Week.
Tlio VIII. grade pupils will not
go to tlio hull to recite after recess
any more.
Tho girlH of I'rof. Orton's room
visited tho girls of l'rof. MooiorV
room last Monday
I.yod Yancey wan absent from
the VIII. (trade the first part of
this week.
Vinnio Windoin was absent
from the VIII. grade Monday
morning, Feh. 9.
Prof. Orton lias recently devised
a new plan for estimating the
daily recital of each pupil.
One day last week tlm wood saw
and company eaino along and
sawed lip our wood, (iood job
boys we'll remember yon again.
At the beginning 'of this week
tho VIII. grade was almost all
moved to one side of the house in
order to lining about better at
tention. Tho IX grade have Unshed
their history for this year. We
will now tako a review and talk
about the most important points
in the lessons. ,
Last week was ft good one for
skating. This is line sport and
tho rrinevillt) boys and girls par
ticipated in tho exercise quite
regularly while tho season was on.
Last Friday Guy Lafollett took
several pictures of pupils of the
different grades. The IX grade
pupils wero the last to stand, be
fore the camera and we tliink that
the picture will look (ill right but
we ehould like it much better if
(iuy bad been with us when the
iature was taken. .j j ' r
Last Monday Prof; Orton -gave
the boys of tho two ujiper rooms a
short talk about different school
matters. The speech was1 strong
but in a gentle and kind manner
and every word was important,
and carried with it its purpose.
After tho pupils of these two rooms
hud gathered again to their respec
tive rooms Prof. Orton continued
his talk to the pupils of tho VIII
and IX grade. When the talk was
over tho pupils resumed their regu
lar work.
It was on a September morning
when all was still except the con
tinual dashing of the angry waves
upon the shore. I was hunting
for agates when I looked up, and
beheld afar out in the wean rock
ets, guns and signals of distress.
Upon inquiring what the matter
vas, I found that it was 9 ship
lost at scu. They had started out
'urly in the morning, und a storm
had come up in the meantime, and
they wero driven from their course
upon a reef of rocks, just outside
the bar, They kept on signaling
until tho life saving crew saw them
anil they iriinh) ready their boats,
and started after thorn. These
boats are shaped like 11 canoe anil
made with air tight compartments
and have valves to let tho water
out when tho boat becomes filled,
so that it is impossible to sink
them; they nro made so that they
will turn over and right buck
again in tho water and this is the
cause of tho air tight compart
ments and valves, When the life-
saving crew reached them, the
ship was almost dashed to pieces,
but tho people wore still thero, and
the crew carried all tho passengers
back to the shore, and left the
ship still standing and tho waters
of the angry octan washed the
ship to the shore, and the waters
lire washing over the remains of
that old ship to this day. And
one day when passing tho life
saving station, I stood on the re
mains of this old ship that 'IiihI
been washed on the shore by the
waves never to return to sea again.
The following program was ren
dered last Friday afternoon by the
pupils of l'rof. Mosier's room:
Son "Oregon,"
. . . .by school
Recitation Dolly Hodges
" Kl'va Dohhs
Music. .Georgia and Stella Hodges
Select Reading. .... .Grace Wilson
," " Lora Stearns
Recitation Iteiihih Hyde
Sichel Hinkle
" Vulda Barnes
" ICster Cobra
Song "Uncle Sums nodding
'. . by school
Recitation Omar Hardin
Pearl McFarliuid
" Klwood l)raH'r
Music Nora Steam
Recitation Charier Summers
" Ilirdie Morris
" ....Randolph Ketchum
Song three girls
Recitation Nate Wurzwcilcr
Lester Ferguson
Music lleulah Crooks
Recitation Anna Salomon
Select Reading Alelhft Dillon
Song "Carve Put l'osom Fa'r"
by school
.tlrkay 1'reik Nolra.
Freddio Grinier was absent from
school last Monday.
Vcrl Jones has been absent from
school several davs this week.
Kditli McCord was absent from
school Thursday.
Skating is quire the fashion of,;
the day in this part of the country.
Fay Lufolletto has returned to
school after several days absence.
p. M. Templeton put up some
ice for summer use, last Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Grimes is quite sick
this week.
Roy Sumner, i Mertie' and Ida
Stewart have returned to school
after sovoral week's absence.
' 1 1 ;, )-.. '
Those who have lieen neithor ab
sent or tardy last month' are: Lit
lie Powell, Lord Powell,. Jennie
Templeton, llelva . Templeton,
Loyd Cantrill, Vlda Jones.
It was thought a few days ago
that the school house was going to
burn up, there were so many
sparks flying, but thanks to the
worthy firemen, the danger is past
A Pith..
t'pper Rjt Ornia.
The second month of si ho 1 is
Chester. Evans was absent Fri
day, on account of sickness.
There has been a very regular
attendance on the part of most of
the pupils.
Those who wero neither tardy
nor absent during the first two
months of school aro Mary, Agnes,
Jfarry and Johnnie Rusmusscn,
Gradon and Franres McKinny,
Mr. Evans and Mr. Rasmussen
arrived from an extended trip to
Shaniko last Sunday evening.
They report having to manufacture
new roads in places, the old ones
being washed away, Mr. Kvans
started for Shaniko again yester
day. The friends of Lawn Vanarsdale
gave him a surpriso dance
Wednesday night, but to our sur
prise lights were shining in every
window and they were ready to
dance. Wo had a nice supper and
all enjoyed themselves.
School Kkpohtkk.
February 10.
A dure (or Lumbago.
W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va.,
says: for more tlmii a year 1 miner
ixl from 'lumbago, I final ty tried
Cliuiiibcrliiin'a l'uin liului and it gave
me entire relief, which all othor rem
edies hud failed to do." Bold by all
"I have uaed Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy (or a number of yeurs and
have no hesitancy in saying that it is
the boot remedy for coughs, colds and
croup I have ever used in my family.
I have not words to express my con
fidence in this remedy. Mrs. J. A.
Mihjiik, North Hur, Mich. Fur sale
by nil druggists.
All For $3000.
I have a much coiiHUtinK ot-lM acres
tlm nitlr north of AmIiwooiI. IS acn- of
slfulfii uiul .10 acres of Kriiiu lain, with good
now hoiiM! and burn. Fine young on-burd
ill U'uriiiK. fiO ht'iul of yoUHK cuttle, 25
tit'iMl of nUi'r, 24 heffern, and one.short
hum bull; all two yeurs old next spring.
I'lt'iity of fwd and ujture. 100 acres of
ranch under ft'iirc. This riuu-h is only one
mile north of the Oregon King mine.
Call on or address, J. (i, t'oindcxtcr
Ardiwood. Oregon.
lb k nllnviyimnlninn. dinl,..
biliousness aim a coated tongue
are common indications of liver
and kidney diseases. .Stomach and
bowel troublfs, severe as they are,
oive immediate warning by pain,
but liver and kidnev troubles,
though less painful at the start, are
much harder to cure. Thedford's
iilnek-Dranght never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys. It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw off the perms of lever and
affile. It is a certain preventive
of cholera and Uriulit's disease of
tho kidnevs. Willi kidnevs re
inforced by Thedford's lilack
I Irauht thousands of persons have
dwelt imtanne'in tho midst of yel
low fever. Many families live in
Sierfect hii and have no other
loctor tlra Thedford's Black
Draught. H is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive calls of a doctor.
Mulliiu, S. C, March 10, 1901.
I havt used Thedford'i Black-Draught
for three years and I have not had to 80
to doctor linu I have been taking It
m It Is the but medicine lor me that Is 1
& on the market for liver and kidney
M troubles and dyiptpiia and other
complaints. Rtv. A. G. LEWIS. (J
Our Monthly Publication
, will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Free to the
I of any responsible house.
This aignatan Is on every box of Um geetnlM
Laxative BroaraHjuiriiae "
the reenwlr thai eaara a eM la m slay
A Farm Kor Kent
Wj hivj a-tan ant ora farm 0
from 100 to 640 acres. Anyone
having such a place would do well
to call at ibis office.
JomiNAf, Rkal Estate Aobncy.
Fresno I'ropcrly For Truilo.
Wo have a house and eight lots
in tho city of Fresno, California,
which we desire to trade for farm
ing or timber lands, preferably
timber land. Parties who have
either will do well to investigate
this offer. Will pay difference in
cash for some choice property,
either improved or unimproved.
Will sell the iibove property for
casb'at a discount on what w
want in rade. This is a snap for
some one. Call early and be the
first to make a bid.
Journal Rkai, Estatk Aoency.
Mrs. Wiegans
The Photographer
For Photos that Satisfy
Eyes examined free. Er
rors of refraction correc
ted. Glasses fitted and
diseases of the eye treated
E. O. Hyde, 31. D.
Irrigation Sewerage
Water Works Roads
Surveys and Plans Made
Terms .Moderate
Address; Alfred I'. Sears,
.Mem. Am. Society, C. E.
(iii Wor. Blk I'tld, Or
20$ TO $25 WEEKLY
Work at your own home. No
canvassing. Work legitimate and
honorable. Address
Home Work
214 Spring St.,
Music Studio
Miss Ethel Kin2r, Teacher
Piano, Organ, Violin
Sales Agent for Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
NextDoor to Kelley's Gallery
Jhe Grind Restaurant
Mrs. L. Ccmini, Prop.
Meals all hours, 25c
Miller Bldg., Prineville
Contractor and Builder
jsJTSliop next door to Dr. Ros
enberg's residence on Main St.
Prineville, Oregon
On Wall Paper,
To make room for our new
the knife into Our Wall
We will sell Our Entire Stock of Wall Paper, comprising
over One Hundred Patterns at a discount of 40 per qent.
All 10 cent paper will go for
All 20 " "
All 2ft " " " "
All 35 " " " " "
AIH0 " " " " "
A 11,45 " " " " "
All 50 ' '
The above comprises the best
call and examine the stock personally, are assured that by stating the
colors wished will tie suited in pattern. Always state size of your room
in ordering. Yours for Business,
C. I. WINNEK, Mngr.
(Adamson, Winnek Ce.)
The M.
FEB. 205
ARRANGEMENTS S. M. Baily, Orange Hodges, E. L. Rose, Ora
Poindexter and K. E. Crawford.
FLOOR COMMITTEE Ora Poindexter, V C. Black, S. M. Bailey
Frank Bonncy, Ralph Sharp and Wm. Arnold. ,
Music by Sharp
Supper at Bonney's
A Good Time is Promised to all who Attend
Prineville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying tU. S. TJJail and Passengers-
Leai-cs Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs,
carejul drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava,
Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. WINNEK, Agent.
Sirloin Steak. '25c
T-Bone Steak 35c
Porterhouse Steak 50c
Porterhouse Steak for two . . , f 1 00
Pork Chops 25c
Mutton Chops 25c
Ham .
Erss, extra 10c
Chicken, any style 35c
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Lumber, $11 per m
Fresh Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
stock, we have decided to put
Paper Department and for
Gc per double roll
.12c "
.30c "
selling patterns, i ,iose who cannot
W. A.s
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prino
ville, and we guarantee that yuor
patronage will be , appreciated
and deserved.
C0RNETT, Proprietors.
Milk Toast. . , 15c
Coffee 6o
Tea , 5j
Milk 6c
Coffee Cake. 10c
Cve Stew 35c
Fresh when in market.