Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 12, 1903, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.
Publish!) Famy Thckmut by
closes a mighty small hole for so
big a fossil as the Review's editor
to crawl through.
V. C. BLACK Eihto
8. M. BAILEY Masaokr
County Official Fapkr.
The .loVRNAL is entered at the ivoitofliethe
Print ville, vlrei,., fr transniiairion throiiilhtl11-'
V. 8. oaiUw ieeximl olaaa matter.
Osi Ysi.
Thkkk Months, .
The Oregon legislature is being
flooded with bills providing for
"flat" salaries for the slate's of
ficers. So far none have ban
adopted and it looks as though no
change would be made during this
Hon. V. C. Wills wishes the
Journal to announce that his
name was used in W. T. Pogle's
article, which appeared in the
Journal of January 22, without
his knowledge or consent. The
article in question scored Hon. J.
X. Williamson, and as Judge
AVills is a personal friend of Mr.
Villiamsom, he wishes the matter
Brig-Gen. Funston has been or
dered to relieve Brig-Gen. Randall,
in command of the Department of
the Columbia. The latter has
been assigned to duty in the Philip
pines. General Funston's prouio
. tion is perhaps the first case where
a man had been an . adventurer,
and get the rank that he has.- He
spent several months in Cuba as
a major of Insurgent Artillery,
and through some pull no one
knows what, got the colonency of
the 20th Kansas volunteers. Tiie
latter regiment was held at San
Francisco several months after the
Philippine expedition had embark
ed, and for a time it looked as
though they would not see foreign
service. During this time Gen
Funston then a volunteer colonel
went to Tampa, Florida and made
a number of attempts to get a stff
position, but was refused recog
nition by such men as Major Gen.
Joe Wheeler. He was ordered
back to his regiment and with
them on to the Philippines, where
the associated press and the presi
dent made him what he is. We
believe our own General Summers
was a much better soldier.
win nht
I he Patent
Salem, Ore., Feb. 4. Represent
ative Huntly of Clackamas, will
make a vigorous fight against the
patent medicine bill in the House.
He has received protests from ft
largo number of leading druggists
of Portland protesting against its
passage. He said today:
"If the bill should pass it would
work a great hardship upon drug
gist of the state, for a great portion
of their business is the sale of pat
ent medicines. Many of them will
be driven out of business alto
gether. One provision of the bill
is manifestlv absurd, for it de
clares an emergency exists and
that the act shall go into effect
July 1. This would mean that
druggists would be left with un
salable stock on hand at that time
running anywhere from $"00 to
$3,000. If a similar law existed
in all other states it would not be
such a hardship, hut to cutlet the
law How in Oregon would mean
that proprietors of patent medi
cines would simply cease to do
business in in this state."
The bill will be considered to
morrow evening in joint session of
the Senate and house. It provide
that all patent medicines sold in
the state ' hall have its formula
printed on the wrapper, with the
A Communication.
The Review of last week con
tains an article, which is meant
for an answer to the question rais
ed by '.he Journal of last week,
whether or not Mr. Holder was
playing the roll of Dr. Jekyl and
Mr. Hyde as regards bis two papers
and their opposite policies towards
county division. In answer he
says that he has come here to stay,
that he loves the people and the
county etc., and infers that in
years to come his bleached bones
will be found where he fell valiant
ly fighting for grand old Crook etc.
So much for that, but we still
hold that as proprietor of the
Shaniko Leader he is responsible
for its policy, so long -as his name
is rjn at the head of the editorial
column as such. Let any one ask
a competent authority, who would
be liable fur damages on a libel
suit under these circumstances,
Mr. Holder or the lessee,
Mr. Percival. We believe that he
would be told- that so long as a
name was run at the head of an edi
torial column as proprietor, it
would denote a more or has active
management, and the proprietor
would be responsible for its policv.
The question was raised
by men who had greater reasons
for having Crook County's interests
at heart than the Review's editor,
because of longer residence
and greater financial interests.
Why then, should it be called
"childish gibberish"?
The Review's article does not
answer the question raised and the
light thrown on the subject dis-
Prinevillo, Ore. Feb. 7th 1903.
Mr. Editor:
I see that the outside pajiers and
those . interested in Stockman
County project have used my let
ters about the court house propo
sition as a cudgel against the
Prineville people and their policy.
I here rise to say that my private
opinions are no criterion to judge
the people of Prineville bv. I will
also say that my letters were in no
wise meant to express the senti
ment of any but myself and those
who saw fit to accept them. I was
misled by false figures and mis
takes in publications which I read
as to the number of population
and also the taxable property in
the county, and so made estimates
that are out of proportion, how
ever my last article which apiear
ed in the Review was, as it will
appear, written to show how taxes
could be saved in the long run,
since a High School building was
and is the aim of the county, it
would seem wise to transfer the
court house property to that pur
pose and put what money it may
be necessary to raise toward a
school building into a court house
with what ever more the citizens
can afford to spend during the
next two years or more. This will
save the taxpayers the loss of their
present property when they want
lo build a new court house and
furnish them a convenient and
contiguous building for their
wol house now. The school can
get on for a couple of years with
the present building and theuse
of a part of the court house, this
will give time and occasion to ma
ture plans for adequate buildings
and to know what is actually best
and wise.
Just a word about the din that
has been raised about what has
been said. It shows in the first
place that the cause of S'ockman
County lacks argument and so
in their straits they pick up a
straw or any thing to add weight
to their project before the Senate.
It must not be supposed that a
city that will add wealth and ad
vancement to civilization can be
built upon nothing. Prineville's
wellfare. and opulence means the
best good of all within the county.
F.. A. Child.
The Ward Church and tie Origin.
from it is, Chircho, and its modi
fied forms. The Scutch word from
this was; Kirk, etc., and our mod
ern word conic to bo church and
means not only the building in
which the Lord's people assemble
or congregate hut it has come to
mean the congregation the ecclesi
astical body, the corporate body,
the convocation of the ministry or
a convention of either or both the
; ministry and laity; ns well as
many things pertaining to denom
inational inllueneo and authority
locally, oral large ami is as un-
scriptural as it is confusing and
often the cause of schism and dis
loyalty to the Master's purpose in
establishing his Kingdon upon
The Greek work that is trans
lated church 11(5 in the new Testa
ment, and the same word in the
Septuagent Greek of the Old Testa
ment, found about the same num
ber of times there, but translated
Congregation and assembly with
out an exception in the old Testa
ment, is Kkklesin. Now this word
has no semblance or definition to
compare with the word that right
ly signifies the Lord's house and
the two should not be confused nor
have wo any authority for their in
terchangable use except the in
vention of the clergy of the dark
ages,who are to blame for much that
is unscriptural and unwarranted
and the cause of the denomination
al disunion of the Lord's jieople of
For instance when the Author
ized version ur King Jame's version
was translated, the King gave his
wise men 14 rules to govern their
work, the first of which was: "Old
ecclesiastical words must be kept,
such as the word church must not
lie translated congregation, etc."
Now this word like others was
chosen by the Bishops, who a hun
dred years before had perfected
their plans and ideas of the in
vented church and its ordinances,
according to their own choices and
not the teachings of scriptures in
many things, and they hail pro
duced a version of the scripturrs to
suit these ideas about the year
15G1, and it was forced upon the
people and the King gave his wise
men another rule viz: "The ordi
nary liilile, read in the church,
commonly called the liishop's
Bible, to be followed, and as little
altered as the original (and the
King's rules) would ermit."
When the Master said to Peter
"Uponjhis rock will I build my
Kkklesin, he uses the word that
has been translated so often in the
New Testament, church, but which
if consistently translated accord
ing to its true definition it would
be Congregation or Assembly or
called-out-ones. And so should it
he regarded in every place wher-!
true worshipers of the Christian
faith assemble to commemorate
his death and resurrection and
maintain theordinances instituted
by Him. There should be no di
visions and sects but all should
call themselves simply christians,
nothing more. '
K. A. Ciiii.ih.
considered was mado. This map,
on which the topographic features
are clearly and accurately shown,
will bo of great value in assisting
engineers to locate the main canal
lines, and is essential to a compre
hensive knowledge of the river ns
a whole. About one hundred men
are en g a g ed in those in
vestigntions for the United States
Geological Survey, Mr. K. T. Perk
ins being in charge of the engineer
ing field work, , Mr. K, C. Barnard
in elm age of the topographic map
ping, and Mr. J, li, Lippiucolt,
resident hydregrapher for Cali
fornia, consulting engineer on in
vestigations. The demands for irrigation in
the Colorado Valley are urgent.
The average rainfall at Ciinip Mo
have is-oiily 5.HU inches per an
num, and at Yuma it is 3.0IS
inches per annum, while the
temperatures are such as to pro
vide twelve growing months in the
year. The Colorado River derives
its principal source of water sup
ply from the- melting snow on the
high mountains of Utah, Colorado,
ttnd yommg. It reaches the
stage of maximum flow approxi
mately 50,000 cubic feet per second
in the months of May and June,
when the demand for irrigation is
normally the highest; its mini
mum How about 4,0(K) cubic feet
per second occurs in the months
of January and February, at the
time of least demand. The oppor
tunities for storage on this stream
are very great. The silts of the
river are difficult to handle in
canals, but the fertilizing proper
ties which they have are such that
lands irrigated with these muddy
waters will never require further
Mr. R. H. Forties, of the Agri
cultural Experiment Station at
Tucson, Ariz., who has made n
study of the silt in the Colorado
River, has pointed out that this
stream resembles the Nile in many
particular. Like the great river
of Egypt, the Colorado is subject
to an annual summer rise suf
ficient to overflow the extensive
areas of its borders and delta
lands, These high " waters are
rich in fertilizing sediments, are
exceptionally free from alkaline
salts, and come at an opportune
time for irrigation. Mr. Forbes
maintains that when the Colorado
is understood and utilized as suc
cessfully as the greater and better
known Egyptian stream, it will be
recognized as the American Nile
the creator of a new country for
the irrigator, the mother of an oc
cidental Egypt.
Horses Wanted.
Arid Lana
lorn la.-
The greatest opportunity for the
reclamation of arid landB in Cali
fornia, and perhaps in entire
Southwest, has been found to lie
in the utilization of the waters of
the Colorado River on its adjacent
lands in California and southern
Arizona. As a result of an investi
gation along this river, made in
January, 1902, by the hydro
graphic branch of the United
States Geological Survey, the ex
tent of the alluvial bottom hind
between Camp Mohave and Yuma
was found to be from 400,000 to
500,000 acres. Extended surveys
were begun November 1, last, to
determine the area and quality of
these bottom lands, the possibility
i nf ilivortino wnter to them, and the
The word "church" and the ires-j probable expense of their rcclama-
ent day organizations under that ! tion. To this end a hydrograpluc
name have no scriptural authority,
either in the Old or New Tcsti-
ment. ,
The Greek word from which the
word church sprung is Kuriakon,
and means, the Lord's house, noth
ing more. The old English word
survey of the region was begun, in
cluding the gaging of the river,
the location of canal lines soil
analysis, and the determination of
ilitand evaporation; and a topo
graphic map of the lands upon
which distribution systems may be
The old reliulili' tirui, Wit' Seattle Auction
anil .Sale. Htulilen. I nciirHirat-il , which
hold nA'cial Hulen every day mill n-ulur
weekly uiictiunu every Friday, receive hunted,
1 tii ICO (in coiinnient And advance all
i-hiipmi charKen and well on 1'imimiMninn, or
will liuy your (lumen outright. If you have
any nutnlier nf hninen yuu wiiih to diHKMe nf
at the Seattle Miirket nire, nu matter how
far yon are frmi the city write Tie full tie-
ncriitintiN and we will let yun knnw what 'the
iirijee are and how tliey are m-llinir. All
correniondenc nmijtly annwerwl.
X. T. Joi.tif: k, Mur.
M. J. Walkkk, Auct.
1212 Wertern Ave.,-..Heattle, Wanhiiiirton.
race ft
Save !p
Have you
urn the hun
dreds of use
ful articles
bring sold at
fie and IOo
each. Also
Ladies' Knit
Drawers 25e.
to get your full share of the prosperity that is with us
now? It may not stay always. If U'2 was unsatisfac
tory for you, you are due to find WHY. Better be quick
about it, for the person who couldn't lunko money in u
good year like that must be headed the wrong way,
and you will have a prosierous year. My first word
in this onrliest ad of siiould be mid is an expression
of sincere thanks lo my customers for the very generous
business given mo during the year just closed.
I, Michel
Incorporated lHtl'J,
Drills, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods
W. II. SMITH, Proprietor
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
SK'i ial attention paid to transporting passengers
to and from Shaniko, and taking jmrtics to the pine
woods or elsewhere, fay'lcrins reasonable.
at .
N. A. Tye and
Rfflf llPfQ re Se"'n cir Dry
UlUlHCl 56oods at a 25 pef cent,
'Vi' Discount
They have a P.iu Consignment of New
Goods coming and must make room
for them. Call around and take ad
vantage of this Sacrifice Sale.
A. TVE & BROS., Props, Reliable Merchant
Real Estate for Sale
KOIt SAI.K-A two utory dwelling with
hum and outhiiunen in the city of Prineville.
Thin irnierty in well Hitnated and Ik covered
hy irrigation, it cuvem (ine-fimrth of a block
and la one of the iient remdence ideations in
the town. Trice reaitonalile
Partiieralllu Waaolullou.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm and partnership of Willey
and Dee, consisting of Charles M.
Willey and John W. Dee, doing a
general saw mill business on Wil
low Creek, Crook county, Oregon,
has been this day dissolved hy
mutual consent, Charles M. Willey
retiring from the firm. All ac
counts due said firm will he col
lected and receipted hy John'W.
Dec, and all accounts owing bv
said firm will be paid hy John W.
John W. Dee.
Charles M. Willey.
Dat d December 10th, 1902.
Prineville Meat
New Shop and is TJp-to-dato and Clean
Grinding vonr teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly
annoying hut have you tried ours?
Our Meats are Selected.
by careful judges and we use every endeavor to fur
nish none but what is fresh, tender and nutritious.
The Superior
Washing Machine
The attention of the public is called to the fact that the STPKR
IOR WASHING MACII1NK is, like its na , superior In all all res
ects to any other on the market. For praetii nl proof of which we
will come to your house and sucrintcnd your washing
flic washer can ho found alrendv in many homes in ( rook countv
and is giving entire satisfaction. Wo have agents in the various set
tlements in tins county who will show the merits of the washer o
parties interested may send orders to me at liny Creek, Oregon.
H. G. Kibbee, General Ag't for Crook Co