Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 12, 1903, Image 3

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    Tlmbsr Land, Aot June 1, 1H7S.
Uamio Httxh Land Ornoi,
Tli Dallea, OrrKiin, January 94, IMS,
Notice la hereby xlven that In onaipllsiioe
with till provlalona ol tin set ill ConiireSB el
Jul S, 1H7H, entitled "An tot fur tin sale of
timber lnd In tin Statu of California, re-
lion, Nevada and WiwhliiKtim Territory,"
extended to ill .Im l'ubllo Land Ktataa ly
aut o( August 4, Wl, tin followInK nanind
tiaraon have, on July ltd, 1IW3. Mad In tliln
oftlo. rlinlr sworn atatementa, lo.wlti
1HA 0. TIIOMI'HtJN. of Vaahon, oounty
0( Kln, atata ol Washington, wora atata-
Ini.nt Nil WW, for the puruhnw of tin WX
17, 'l'i. 20 Hniith, Kmiip 12 East, W. M,
(.'IIAKI.KM M.DUW, of Vaslion, county
ol Klnii.atata ul WsshliiKton.swoni statement
No. Dili, for III. irohnseof the NX NW
nd W'H Section 20, Tp. 80 Huutli.
ltHK 12 Hunt, W. M.
JACIIB J. HIMMONH, ol Whim, ontinly
ofKbui, slate nf WaaliliiKton, sworn stale
aient No. Wl, lr tin iuri!li "I tin V.
KK!4 20, W', N WX Hectb.n 21, Tp.
SO Htti, Uaime 12 Kaat, W. M.
AHTKMI'HW. Jl.'UI), "I Tin Halles,
county of Wihi, "tut. ol Oregon, sworn
abatement No. IM.lor tin purchaae ol tin
NKK Mention Id, Tii 20 Huutli, HaiiKO 12
JCaat, W. M.
J II, I A A. Jtll'l), ol The Dallea, oounty
ul W miiii, state Oregon, sworn statement No
IKM, for Hn purchase of "n HK', Hectlun IB,
Tp. 20 Mouth, Mange 12 Kaat, W. M,
CYltl'S W. UlW, ul Vaahon, comity ol
King, elale ul Washington, aworn statement
No. 090, fur tin purchase ol tin K, HKJ Heo
tlonUOand WX HW Winn 21, Tfi. 20
Koulh, H.h,. 12 Kwt, W. Jt.
That tiny will offer iroil to allow that tin
.land sought la more valu.lil. lor lu timber or
ton. than lor agricultural ptirpuwe, and to
establish their claim to aald land befor. tin
lleglater and Heoelvw, a Tin Dallea, Oregon,
on Wednesday, tha 'find day ol April, 1MI.
Tiny name aa willies: Artnnua W Judd,
ul Tin Hall, Oregon, and Cyrus W. Dow,
Charles M, I low, Jacob J. Simmons and
Jra l. Thmion, ol Vaahon Washington.
Any ami all ierir,a claiming edmreely tin
aliove deecrlM landa ere requested to lilo
their clalma In thla utiles on or laifors tin aald
SWnd day il April, WW.
KS d(i JAYlM.Ut'AN, Register.
TiiiiUr Land, Act June S, 1H7(.
I'ultod Htatna ljnd (lllic,
Tin DalWa, OrrK"ii, Jununry iM, 1008.
Nutlet la Iwoliy Kl'cn that in soaipllanca
with tin irovlaiolia ol tin aol ul Conureaa ol
June ,1, 11"", ntltld "An act lor tin aal ol
tluilmr landa In tin Statu" ul California, Or.
Kim, N.vada, and Waahlnstun Territory," aa
tatelidnl lu all the iulllo land alatna hy act
ol AnguaH, Wit the loll'iwiiiB gnraona ha
tiled In tlili ultlta their awnra aUteuienta
TIIKHI'IIIIiK H. MICHIil,, ol ltend,
county of Crunk, aUU ol Orison, aworn alata
mriitNii. 11"", tiled Mit. , 11102, lor tha
liuahaaa ol tin NWJ. auction 22, Ti. IB
Houlh, llanue 10 Kut, W. M.
J AM Kit AI.KXANliKK, nl Hand, oouaty
til Crook, atata ol Ureon, aworn etatemmt
No. llill, Hied Hejit. 23, 1WI2, lor thapurchaaa
of tha SWV, Secllnu 22, Ti. Ill Smitli, ItaiiKa
10Kat, W. M.
1IKNIIY ItATH.ol Hand, county ol Crook
atata ol Oregon, aworn atatement No. OTiH,
filed Auiruat 1, V.M, lor tha imn haaa ol tha
HIC, rtactiun, Tp. ID Houth, 10
Kaat, W. M.
JJI1N J. UOKKKN, ol ltuena Vlata,
tcounty ol lleltratni, atata ol Minneaota, aworn
atatement No. Oil1, file I Ailuuat 14, 10112, for
the pnrcliaaa ol tha N J SF NK and
I, t (!. Section 0, Tp 17 South, Kanicell Kaat,
W. M.
That they will offer prool to ahow that the
land anuifht la mora valualill for Ita timber or
atone than lor agricultural purKaea, and to
eHahliah their claim to aald laud before II.
W. Keed, I'. S. Comliiiiiaiiiner, at Hend, Ore.
,, on Tliundity tin 90th day of April 1009.
They name aa wltneimea; Jamea Alexander,
Maxeiii lA'1'ane, Henry Kath, lieorfta liatea,
Juaeph Mitchell, A. N. Ileliner, W. H. Staata,
II. F. Stella, Frank llcdaon, John Nteidl,
Louia Nelaim, Charlea J. Cotter. W. 11
llrock and' I'heoiiliilo S. Michel, all of Uulid,
Any and all peraone claiming ailvaraely the
. abova-deacribed lamia ara roqueated to Ilia
their claim. In thia office on ur before aaid
.SOth day ol April, 1103.
Fit np JAY P, LUCAS, Itejiatar.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1873.
.Notioe for Publication.
United Btatee Land Office,
The Dalles, Or., Jan. 20, 1003.
, .'N-jtfoe U hereby given that in compliance
w!th the provisions uf tne act ol Congress of
-June 3, 1878, entitled ' An act for tha sale of
.timber landa in the Statea ol CalUornle, Dra
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Land Btatee by act
-of Auguat 4, 1802, tha following penone have
. filed in thia office their aworn stateineuts, to-
. Dallea, county al Waaoo, atata ol Oregon,
. aworn atatement No, 1125, filed Sept. U, 1902,
for the purchase of the NE',i Section 9, Tp.
.19 South, Range 12 East, W. M
. county ol Lane, state ol Oregon, aworn atate-
, ment No, 1137, filed Bept. 15, 1002. for the
purchaae of the SK Section 33, Tp 20 eolith
Kange 14 Eaat, W. M.
OLE 1. KO It HOLT, ol Portland, county
of Multnomah, atate of Oregon; aworn state
ment No. 11M1, filed Sept. 19, 1902. for the
purchaae of the HRt Section 25, Tp. 20
V aoutk, Range 13 eaat, W. M. ,
MAGGIE BOHNA, of Prlueville, county
of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworn statement
No. Il."i0, filed Sept. 23, 1H02, for the pur
chase of the SWtf Section 3, Tp. 19 south,
liange 12 oust, W. M.
1IKNKY II. CAIN, of Prineville, county
of Crook, atate ol Oregon, aworn atatemen:
No. Il.'i7, filed Sept. 23. 1902, for the pur-
chase of the NW'.f Sectiou in, Tp. 19 aouth,
Range 12 east, W..M. .
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes and to eB'
, tahliah their claim to said land belore V. A
Hell, U, H. Cominlaalonar, at l'rlnavllla, (ga
llon, on Monday, April a, iuu.
Thaynaneaawltiiaaaaa! Mary L Tonay
Mary M, Tonay, ol Mltolnll, Oregon) Mafl.
Hohna, Charlea II. Krlokaon, Henry A. Fi
ter, Halph Jordan, Oliver II, F.rlckaon, Or.
l'nliidaiter, Henry 11. Cain, (leore,e Mllllcan
and MaKle Olaxe, ol I'rlnevllla Oregon; L.
K, Alllngiiam, nl Warm Spring, Oregon) 1).
f. Hteffii and W, II. HUala, ol llend, Ongon;
Ijorcn Alllngham and Joteph ClayK,l, ol
Slatara, Oregon and Tliomaa H. Watkln. of
Albany, Oregon,
Any and all fieraona claiming ailvaraely the
almve daMiriliad lamia ara retiieated to Hlo
their clalma In thla office on or Imfore .aid
27thduy ol April, 110.1,
KS-nu Jar. P, Luoaa, lleglater.
Timber Land, Act June S, 111,
U. M, Ind OTice
Tlic llnlloa, Ore., Jununry, 21, Wtt
Notice la hereby given that In compll-
niire wllh the pruvlalnna of tha act of
l.'ongroaa ol June S, 178, entitled "An
not fur the aula ol tlmlwr land. In the
Htntea of California, Oregon, Nevada,
mid Waahlngton Territory," aa extended
to all the 1'ubllo Land Btalea by act of
Augiiat 4, 12, the following leraona have
Hied In thla ulllca their awuru atatoiuenta
A I1T1I lilt CAM.I II A K, of Scuttle, coun
ty of King, tl nf Waahlugtiiti, aworn
atiititmont No, MS, filial July 21, 1002, for
the pureliuao of thcSW Noctloti 1, Tp.
20 Huutli, Hnnge 12 Knat, W. M.
BA HAH A. (illATTON, of Seattle, couti-
tyolKing, lot(! of Waahliigtoii, 'Worn
atntcment No. 8M, Illc'July 21, 1002, for
Uietiuri'liniwoftlicNWX Suction IS Tp.
20 Boiilli, Kange 12 Kaat, W. M. and
Hint they will offer proof to enow mat
l lie land aougbt la more valbabla for It
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
poaea, end to eatabllah their clulm to aald
lund liefure the lleglater and Heceircr at
Tim Halloa, Oregon, on Sutunlay, April
llth, MM.
They numo na wltneaaca; O. lifwaom,
1(f Own Uke, WiiahliiKtoni John Ulinw.
of lli nil, Oregon ; Thoa, Uonard, of ihe
Dullea, Oregon; Arthur Calhhun and harali
A. (irntlon, of Scuttle, Wellington.
Any and nil tmraona claiming adverao-
ly the nbove-doai rllHtd landa are requeal-
d to file their clnlma In una omce on or
before the auid llth day of April, 1003.
JAY P. l.UCAg, Hegi.ltr.
Tlmlier Ijind. Act June S, Wl.
United State. Land Office,
Tim Halloa, Oregon, January 24, 1003.
Notice la hereby given that In compll-
anco with 'V '-nvlalon. of the act of
Congreaa of June i, 1:, entitled "An
act for thj ele of tlmlier landa In the
hi,, tea of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Wnehlngton Territory," aa extended
to all the Public Jjind Biatea by act of
Aoguat 4, ISO. the following poraona have
on July 3, MM, Hied In thla ollice their
aworn atatementa, to-wlt:
county of Spokane, atnte of Waahlngton,
aworn atatement No. 852, filed July li, 1002
for the purehuae of the NKJ Section 12
Tp. 20 Houth, ltange II Eoat, W. M.
NICK KAUFMAN, ol Cheney, county
of Spokane, atnte of Washington, aworn
atatciiiciit No. Ml, filed July, 17, 1002, lor
tha pun haaooftlieSKJ Section 12, Tp. 20
Huutli, Itange 11 Kaat, W. M.
MATHKW IVVVi It), of Cheney, coun
ty of Spokane, atlte of Washington, aworn
statement No. -V), tiled July 17, 1W2, for
the purchase of the WJ SW and WW
N WX Section 1, Tp. 20 South, Kiinge 11
East, W. M.
That thoy win offer proof to ahow that
the land aought la more valuable for lla
tlmlwr or aTone than for agricultural pur
Kiaea. and to eatabllah their clalma to
aaid land before the lleglater and Kcceivcr
at The Dullea, Oregon, on Saturday, April
I", ma
They name aa wltnesaea: William F'alk
and William Juhnaoii, of Spokane, Wash.,
ami Nick Kuuluiun and Muthew Ludwig,
of Cheney, Wellington, and Ora Poindei
ter, of lleiid, Oregon.
Any and all peraona claiming advaraely
rfie iit,ove-oHcrl!ed landa are requeated
to Ala their clalma In thla office on or
before tut! auid Mb day of April, 1WI3.
JAY P. LUCAS, Keglatei-
Tlmlier Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Uniihi StAita Laud Ornri,
The Dallea, Oregon, January 24, 1003.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the pruvlaiona of the aut of Congreaa
of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale uf timber land, in the Statea of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all the Public
Land State, by aut of Auguat 4, 1802, the
following person, have filed In this office
their sworn atatementa, to wit:
KATE A. CONUER, of Moacw, county
of Latah, atate of Idaho, sworn Statement
No. 025, tiled July 29, 1002, for the purchaae
of the EJ, 8WX Section 19 and EH NWK
Section 30' Tp. 12 South, Range 10 Kaat,
W. M.
HERBERT C. GREOO, of Walla Walla,
county of Walla Walla, State of Washing
ton, aworn atulement No. 1272, filed Oct. 4,
1002, for the purchaae of the NX NWX
Sec. 20 and NX NE Bee. 30, Tp. 10 South,
Range 12 Eaat, W, M.
That they will offer proof to ahow that
the lund aought It more valuable for It.
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claim to aatu
land before tee Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon on Monday, the 13th
duy of April, 10O3.
They name as 'witnesses: Liunia A
Huniinond, Augusta M. Jolly and William
W. Collins, of Moscow, lduho; Clarence
Craig, Fred W. Wilson and Joseph Peters,
of The Dulles, Oregon; Ora Poiudexter and
P. B. Poinilextcr, of Prineville. Oregon
Any nml nil persons cluiining adversely
the tiliove-ili-scritK'd binds are requested to
tile their cluiiiis in this office on or before
auid 13th duy of April, 1003.
F-Adp JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Slims. A full line ol Ladies', Gents
and Children's shoes. S. J. & Co.
Notioe of Final Battlement.
I n the matter of tha aetata of William If
I Adama, ileoeiuwd. Notice la hereby given
that the undaralgned, adminlatrater of the
eatiite of William H. Adama, deeeaaed, baa
filed hla final account aa auch adminlatrater
In tin County Court nf the State id Oregon
for Omik Countr. and that aald Court bna
Hied Monday. February 2nd, 1112, at 10
o'clock A, M. for the hearing and thiol aettle.
ment of sidd account.
All tiaraunaar. therefore aotlfiad to preaent
their objeetlona to .aid account, If any they
have, at aald time and place.
Wm. Aiiahb. ailmlolatratnrof
tin catala of William H, Adanw, deceaaed.
W. A. Itoll, Attorney lor eetate.
Bzeoutors Notice.
he undaralgned having lieen duly appointed
. exoutar ol the lout will and testament ef
F. M. Ollaniiir, deceaaeil, by th. County
Court of tin State A Oregm lor Crook Coun.
ty, notice la hereby given to all persona
having claim, against the aald aetata to pre
sent aald clalma with proper vouchers, to the
undaralgned at the office of W. A. Bell, In
Prluevllla, Oregon, within .1 month, from
the data nf thla notioe. Dated thla 7tk day
of January, 1003.
W. F. Hammer, Kxccutor of the last
will and testament of 7. M, Gilmour, de.
W, A. Hell, Attorney for estate.
Jaii-K r.t
Notice of Guardian Sale.
V Met la hereby given that In pursuance of
1 an order mane 0y the lion. Coouty Court
of the State of Oregon, for Crook County,
sitting In probate, at the regular term of aald
court to-wlt: On the (lib day of January A.
D 1003, the undersigned guardian of the
person and aetata of Frank W. Megan, a
Innr, will on, and after the 20th day of
February A. I)., 1003, offer lor sale, and aell
at prlrtae sale all the following described real
property belonging to her aaid ward, towit
Tin South West quarter of the South Kut
quarter ol Section S, and the North West
itiarter ol the North Kaat quarter and the
North Kaat quarter ol the North Weat quar
ter nl Section 17, all in Township 9 South of
Kange 111 East. W. M., containing 120 acre.,
altuatc in Crook County, State ol Oregon.
Terma ol sale, cash in hand at date ol aale.
The residence and post office address of the
guardian is, Hunts, Haiaey County, Oregon.
Dated at HurnH, Oregon, thla 12ih day ol
January A. U. 1003.
Maktha Arum,
Jan.22-rit-np. Guardian.
Land Orrtci at The Dauiw, Omcwk, i
January, 20, 1SI03. f
Notice la hereby given that the lollowing-
named aettler haa hied notice ol hia intention
to make final prool In aupport ol hia claim,
and that aaid prool will b made before J. J.
Smith, County Clerk at Pnneville, Oregon,
on-Friday, March 6, 1003, vli:
JAMES 8. WINZLKK, ol Prlneville,
Oregon, H. E. No. 6308 for the NF-H Section
34, Townahlp 14 South, Kange 16 Kaat W.M.
He names the fallowing witneaaea to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol laid land, via:
J. M. Mnkler, V. 8. Minkler, William V.
King and George B. Welch, all of Prinerille,
Jan-29np Register.
Land Offiee at The Dallea. Oregon,
January 24, 1903.
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named aettler haa filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in aupport ol hia claim,
and that aaid prool will be made before
J.J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore
gon, on Friday, March, 13, 193, via:
WILLIAM K. COBB, of Siatera, Oregon,
H. K. No. 0392 for tha Lota 1 and 2 and $H
NKVi Section 6, Township 15 South, Kange
11 Eaat, W. M.
He namea the following witneaaea to prove
hi. ooutinuouB reaideuce upon and cultivation
of aaid land, vis: 1
Henry Carlln, E. H. Sparka, John Taylor
and M. M. Thomae, all ol Slaters, Oregon.
Jan-29-np Register.
Notioe For Publication.
United State. Land Office.
January 22, 1003.
Notice I. hereby given that CLYDE
JOHNSON, of Siatera, Oregon, has filed
notice of Intention to make proof on his
desert-claim No. 78, for the WH NE Sec
tion 4, Township 16 South, Range U East,
W. M. before J.J. ?mlth, County Clerk at
Prlneville, Oregon, on Thursday, the 6th
day of March, 1903.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation and recla-
nia'ion of said land via:
Henry Carlln. George Null, Marcellls
Thomas and E. L. Johnson, all of Bisters,
Jan-29-np Register,
' v Notioe For Publication.
Notice is hereby given that ELIAS
JOHNSON, of Sisters, Oregon, haa filed
notice of intention to make final proof on
his desert-land claim No. 77, for the NX
NK'i Section 9, Township 15 South, Range
11 East, '. M. before J. J. Smith, County
Clerk, at Prlneville, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 6th day of March, 11103.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irriga'lon and recla
mation of stud land vis:
Henry Carlin, George Null, Marcellis
Thomus and Clyde Johnson, all of Sisters.
Jan-29-np Register.
The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, a
Democratic newspaper, ever fair and al
ways free; 164 copies In one year for only
$1.60 to any address. The Journal, P.
O. Box 121, Portland, Or.
Land Office at The Dalle., Oregon.
Januaay 20, 1003.
Notice la hereby glyen that the follow
ing named nattier, have filed notice of in
tention to make final proof on their rce
pe:ttve claims before J, J. Smith, County
Clerk, at Prlneville Oregon, on Friday,
March 0, 100:1, rlas!
JACOUSTKOCD, of Lamonta, Oregon,
on homestead application No. B3.ri2 for the
SKJ4 Section , Township 13 South, Range
14 Bust, W. M.
ALilUKT 1). SHALES, of Lamonta, Ore
gon, on homestead application No. 0403 fur
the SKX NWtf, K SW4 and .NV7J4 SK!
Section 4, Township 13 South, Kange 14
Kast.W. M.
JAMKSF. STKOUD, of Lamonta, Ore
gon, on homestead application No. 0351 for
the BK NF i Section 5 and SWJ N WJ and
NWM SWJ4 Section 4, Township 13 Soutn,
Knnge 14 Eat, W. M.
They name a. witnessea: Koticrt P.
Johnson, Jamea Helfrlch, John Helfrich
and Allen Hash, ail of Lamonta, Oregon.
Jun-2-np Register.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 3, 187S.
United State. Und Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, December 23, 1002.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
wllh the provlalona ol the act of Congreaa Ol
June S, 1H7, entitled "An act lor the aale ol
timber Unde in the State, ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Lard Btatee by
act ol August 4, 1W2, William F. Gilbert of
Poet, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
haa on Aug. 15, 1902 filed in thia office bis
aworn atatement number 1001, lor the pur
chase ol the SK SEM and SWtf UT.'A Bee.
22 and N WX 8W Sec. 23 Tp. 17 S. R. 1E.,
W. M .. and will offer prool to ahow that the land
aought la more valuable lor ita timber or
atone than lor agricultural purpoaea, and to
establish hia claim to aaid land betore W. A.
Bell. U. S. Commissioner, at Pnneville,
Oregon, on Monday, the 23d day of March,
He namaa aa witnewea: L. N. Hockett,
of Salem, Oregon, Knox Huston and William
A. Booth, of Prineville. Oregon, George W.
.... j t i - a .!. r t..... ri....,
lilliaim ana jonn a. iiii,o, ... .-"
Any and all per.on. claiming adversely the
above-described lands are remusited to file
their claims in thia office on or befere aaid
2rd day of March, 1903.
Jan.l.p JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878,
United States Land Office,
The Dallea, Oregon, November 25, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions oi
Congreaa of June 3. 178, entitled ' An
act ror tne aaie oi uraw, ,, ...
Btalea of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land Btatea by act of
August 4. 1SB2, the following peraona have,
filed In thla office their aworn etatcmenla,
Edward B. Knox, ol Post, county of Crook,
state of Oregon, aworn atatement no. oof,
tiled June SO, 1902, tor tne pnrcnaae an
SENW,8W NEandN)4 8W4 Sec
24, Tp. 17 8. R. 18 E W. M.
Roeooe Knox, of Post, oounty of Crook,
state ol Oregon, eweni atatement No- 633,
filed June 25, 1902, for the purchaa. of the a
NEK and EX. SEX Sec 20. Tp. 17 S., R
18 K.. W. M.
That they will offer proof to enow that
the land aought la snore valuable for Ita
timber or atone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claims
to aald land before J. J. Smith. County
Clerk at his office at Prlneville. Oregon,
on Friday, the tith dav of February, 1903.
Ther name aa witneseea: nenry ceo,
Caleb Davie. Robert Mven, John Hughe,
and Frank Hughea, all of Post Oregon.
Any and all persona ciaimiog auvcror-
tha ohnvo-descrlbed landa are requeat
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said fltb day ol r en-nary, iiaio,
JAX f. 1.UI-AO, nranior.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United Statea Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congreaa of June i. 1878, entitled "An act
for the aale of timber leads In the atatea
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waea
Inaton Territory," aa extended to all the
Public Land State, by act of August l.
1802, Allen M. Logan, ol Crook, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, has this day
November 11, 1902, filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 149S, for the pur
chase of the NEW BWtf and NWtf SEX
of section 10, Tp. It 8., R. 20 E, W.M., and
willoffer proofto show that the land sought
ia nor valuable for ita timber or stone
thai for agricultural purposes, and to eatab-
liah kia claim to aaid land befare J. J. Smith,
Coaaty Clerk, at Prineville, Oregea, on
Saturday, the 7th day of March, 1003. .
He names aa witaeasea: Joha ii. wurle.
of Prlneville, Oregon, T. J. Huston, W. A.
Nail and Frank Boraini, all of Crook, Oregon.
Any and all peraona claiming adverse
ly the above-deacrlbed land, are reqoesr
ed to file their claim. In thla affloe on or
before aaid 7th day of March, 1908.
JAY P. LUCAS, Reglater.
Timber Land, Act June J. 187S.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provlslens of the act of
Congress of June l 1878. entitled "An at
for the sale of timber lands In the atatea
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," aa extended to all the
Puhllc T.and Statea by act of August 4.
1892, Charles Waterhouse, of Granite Kails
county of Snohomish, state of Washington,
haa on Oct. 8, 1902, tiled in this office his
sworn statement No. 1323, for the purchase
of the WH SW and SKl-i $'i Section,
18 and KWJ NWJ section 19 in township
IS S.. range 20 E W. M., and will offer
proof to show that -he land Bought is more
valuable for Its timber and stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said lund before W. A. Bell, U. S.
Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7th day of March, li"
He names as witnesses: Byron Cady,
Fred T. Higgins, Henry A, foster snd
Perry B, Poindeiter, all of Prinetilie, Ore
gon. ..'
Any and all peraone claiming adverse
ly the above-described landa are requeat
ed to file their claim. In tht. office on or
lielonvaald 7th day of March, 10O3.
JAY P. LUCAS, Reflater.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 3, lS7s,
United State. Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon. November Vi, 1H02.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provl.tona of the act of
Congreaa of June J, Va. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber landa In the atates
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Waeb-
ingion Territory, aa extended lo all me
I'uhllc Ijind State, by act of August 4.
11102, the followina. person has thia dav
Sept. It, 1002 filed in thia office hia swum
statement to-wit.
Elmer W. Kavler. of Prlneville. county of
Cr,K,k, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
ttrji I... .k- .....i u.. Ul vliy wl
H'A kvy. Bee. 4, Tp. IS t'., K. 19 .', W. M.
That he will offer proof to show that
the land nought la more valuable for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
poses and to establish his claim to
said land before M. R. Biggs, U. 8. Com
missioner at Prineville, Oregon, on Friday
the Mil day of February, M03.
He mimes aa witnesaca: Sam Hodges.
Elmer W, Kavler. B. F. Jonea. Chaa. A
Graves and K. B. Wakefield, all of Prineville,
Oregon. I
Any and all neraon. claiming adver.e-
ly the above-deacribad landa ara reoueet-
ed to rile their clalma In thla office on or
before the aaid nth da) of February, 1903.
JAT P. LUC'AI, Reejlater.
Tlmlier Land, Act June I, 1878.
United Statoa Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Decen-cer 23, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provlalona of the act of
Congreaa of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act
for the aale of timber landa In the atatee'
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," aa extended to all the
Public Land State by act of Auguat 4,
John W. Dee, of Grizzly, comity of Crook,
state of wiegon, has Dec. 1. 1902, filed in
this offij. hia sworn atatement number 1549,
for the purchaae of tha 8W aectkm
30andNW!4NEjandN,NWieection 32
in township number 12 8., range 16 E., W.
M., and will offer proof to show that the land
aought la more valuable for it. timber than for
agricultural purpoaea and to establish? hi.
. , .., . ., , , ,.
,t prineville. ' ' Oregon, ' on
Tuesday, the 10th day of March, 1003.
He name, aa witneseea: Lena Hurley,
Annie Mailing, Nellie Dee and August Lipp
man, all ol Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adverae
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file their clalma In this office on or
before aaid 10th day ol March, 1903.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.
The tourist travel between the east and
the Pacific coast baa reached enormous
proportions in the last few years, and
calls for a special class of equipment. To
meet this demand the Pullman Co. haa
issued from ita shops what it technically
calls the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper."
These cars appear similar to the regular
sleeper, being hmlt on the same plan,
but not furnished with the same elegance
They are equipped with mattresses,
blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
towels, combs, brushes, etc., requiring
nothingof the kind to be furnished by
the paaaenger. Each car haa a stove for
making coffee and tea and doing "light
housekeeping," and each section can be
fitted with an adjustable table. A uni
formed porter accompantea each car, bis
business being to make up berths, keep
the car clean, and look after the comforts
and wsnts cf the passengers. In each of
the trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland bj the O. R. & N. Cc. is
to be fi-und one of these "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers." The car is attached
to the Cnicago-rurtlaud Special,
which goes h rough to Chicago without
change, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex
press" runs to Kansas City without
change. Passengers in this car for Chi
cago change to a aimilar car at Granger.
Much of the first claaa travel ia beine.
carried in these can, the rates being
lower, and the aervioe being nearly equal
to that in thepalace sleepers.
For ralea and full information, in
cluding oldera, write to A. L. Craig, 6.
P. A., O. R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
Deputy Stock In spec tore.
Notice is hereby given that I have
appointed the following named persons
deputy stock inspectors:
J. P. Cartwright, . Hay Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ashwood.
E. Sparks, Sisters.
A. Morrow, Haystack
F. M. Smith, Paulina.
Roscoe Kuox, ' Post
T. C. Swain, Bear Creak
J. 8. Bogue, Roaland.
Alex Mcintosh. Hardi
J. P. VauHouten, Hay Creek.
U. S. Cowtea, Hay Creek
Joa Hmkle, .
Stock Inspector Crook County.
4 .
Tradc Marks
m" Copyrights Ac
AtiTrniB mi1lng ft ktfli ana detcriptinn aimy
anlfkljr ascertain our oimuon free whethw no
tiiTdtiliim w probuM? pn-lenUMa. Cminmrii
tl.mimnetly ooiifliientia. Handbook on PalenU
it-Ill iriaaj. V 'HI out n" I cmuii-st
Ptenti taken thmugh II unit A C o. nclTt
qH-i-ul HfAC4, chume, t tb
Scientific American.
A hifWrltoTDPly iilitntratewi weekly. I,arrat Hr
eulamn of anx aoitMUlflc Juurnal. Termi. S3 a
; ItMlF aitiTUna, . OUtUUJaUl rrevs Bvii-ici-
s Co m'" Hew Tori
Breach uoa. SM t BU Wsalnton. D. ft
1 1 Fai3MKy
i. .. . -&
SI, Clliott,
10, ttarn.s,
X, S3.ll.
5 si. 3ii99,
. SSrinA
Jfltoraty mud Counselor ml Xam
Jft P. Zolknap.
ZPhyitcian an J Suryten.
Office in rear of Adamaon, Winnek C
0 Xyd,, 10. 0.
pAytefan mmd Suryon.
Diseases of women a specialty.
Phone No, 2. Residence back of the
Photograph Gallery.
CaJIi Mwered promptly cUy or night) Of
fice with Dr. T. Gwttr. Residence
corner Let ud Main streeta. "
W. H. SNOOK, M. D,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calls promptly.
TICE ADKINS, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
tha use of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly-first-clsas.
1 &
Contractors and Housebui
Painting, Bricklaying,
and Carpenter Work.
PortIandAstoria Route.
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Time Card
Leave Portland. 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria . . .7 p. m.
The Dalles-Portland Route.
Stns. "TAHOMA" and "MSTLAZO"
Daily trips except Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Leave The Palles, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 m.
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a m.
Steamer "METLAKO"
Leaves Portland, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. m
Leaves Dallea, Monday, Wednes
day, Eriday :::::: 7 a. n.
Landing and office: Foot Alder St,
Both Phones Main 351, Portland, Ora.
J,. V. Crichton, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood River
Wolfortl & Wvers, Agt., W. Salmon
R G GTLRRETH, Lyle, Wash.
.H UN M. TOTTON, Sterenson, Wash.
W.M. BUTLEK, Butler, Wash.
E. W. Crichttm, Agt., Portland
lor sale at this office at very reason
able prices. Mail orders prom ply at
tended to.