Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 05, 1903, Image 2

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    Country Correspondence
The following country corres
pondence was left out Inst wo k.
Wo tire fihvny gliul to publish the
news froiii our country correspon
dent ml would like to have one
from each po.tnflice in the county.
Crooked lltvrr lliipiiriiliiK
The Messinger hoys nro making
ami hauling posts.
The earth is wrapped in a wiml
ing sheet of snow in these parts.
Mrs. Weaver ami children took
a trip to Deschutes hridiro one il.iy
last week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Me Powell and .on
Olliver paid 1'rinevill a visit on
Very few stock have been lost in
this neighborhood, although some
are very poor. Hay seems plenti
ful yet.
The question for January SO, is
Resolved; That the truth should
always he spoken. Leaders are
Jud Montgomery and J. J. Hash.
Montgomery brothers returned
home one day last week from
Ticket Islands, where they had
been to lotk for a few head of cat
tle. Miss Grace Merrill was absent
from school a few days last week,
nursing a very sore throat. She it
now able to attend her studies at
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Wilhoit went
to the city last week, in the inter
est of their timber claims. On
their return home, they visited
one day with Mr. and Mrs. Dod
son. Mr. Merrill's teams returned
home last week with the machin
ery for the planning mill at Bend.
It will be delivered at that place
by Mr. Merrill as soon as the
weather and road will iiermit.
Jimmy Tetherow accompanied
by Johnnie Tetherow was present
at the discussion of "Education"
by the society Friday evening.
They went on to the city to trans
act business, and returned home
Messrs McCalister,-Merrill and
Forest are putting a dam in Crook
ed River, where they will take out
an irrigation ditch in the near
future. The water will be used to
their land on the north side of the
Willie Claypool, of Sisters, in
formed us one day last week, that
he was the proud father of a 10
pound boy, presented to him by
his wife on the 19th. Willie says;
wife and child are getting along
nicely while he hopes to recover.
Mr. McCalister was over to his
place in this neighborhood Satur
day, and returned to his home
Sunday. When he gets his place
improved and his residence estab
lished upon it a prettier place on
the river will be hard to find.
Henry Barnard joined the Mod
ern Woodmen of America lodge
Monday night at Princville. This,
is a good 6tep and several of the
young men in this locality should
do likewise, leaving something to
benefit the dear ones, who are left
when they have gone to rest.
It was decided that singing
school would begin Sunday Jan
uary 25, so several of the pupils
gathered at the schoolhouse in the
afternoon but the leader Mr. West
being absent, Prof. Wilhoit gave
those present a lesson in vocal in
struction. The song books are ex
pected this week and we hope Mr,
West and all the pupils will be at
the school house next Sunday at
2 P. M.
Report of district No. 18, for the
month ending January 23, 1903.
No. of days taught, 18
Whole No. of days attendance, 205
Average daily attendance,. ... 14
No. belonging, IB
No. of days absence, 33
No. of times tardy 40
B. F. Wilhoit,
Rostand Items.
Stock are looking hotter in this
locality than they have for years.
.Mm Maslon was seen in our
midst last week.
Wm liogue and family, started
to town this morning to he gone
some time.
, We have had three days of con
tinual rain now and the snow ami
ice are nearly gone.
M. F. Hawthorne and Hank!
S lover are spending a few days
hunting on Big river.
David Hill had a slight touch of
the ways of Woodcraft, at a meet
ing of the M. W. A's last Saturday.
G. T. Sly has been awarded the
contract for carrying the mail
from Rosin ml to Odell. He made
his first trip last Saturday.
Geo. Beatty, the Bosland post
master is taking advantage of the
good roads, and is hauling hay
from Paulina creek.
1). Wilhelm returned from
Prineville today. He is intend
ing to move his family to Bend
some time soon for the benefit of
the school.
Perry Poindexter and party are
headed for Paris creek on a hunt
ing trip. At last accounts they
were making slow progress on ac
count of deep snow.
Whitten and BnuWiaw have
moved iheir headquarters to the
stage station on the Silver Lake
desert and will remain there all
J. J. Vandervert had the mis
fortune to fall on the ice a few
days ago and hurt one of his legs.
At first it was thought to be broken
but later developed only tojic bad
ly sprained.
' Mac.
Kuw Death Near.
"It often made my heart ache,"
writes L. C. Overstreet, ot Elgin,
Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until
it seemed her weak and sore lungs
would collapse. Good doctors said she
wns so tar gone with Consumption
that no mtnlicine or earthly help could
save her, but a fiiend recommended
Dr. King's New Discovery and persis
tent use of this excellent medicine
saved her life." It's absolutely guar
anteed for coughs and all throat and
lung diseases. 50 and f 1.00 at Adam
son 4 Wiunek Co. Trial bottles free.
Gramma's Apalvfr
It seems that my young neigh
bor think I was a leetle to plain
in my remarks in that piece that
I wrote to the paper a week or so
ago. Well really I am sorry if I
hurt anybody's feelins, but you Bee
I did'n know I had such a peart
little neighbor, or I would a gone
over and axed his, or her advice
before I writ it.
Now you sec when folks git old
they are kinder hard of under-
stanuin, but when I went to school
if the preacher had a meant all
our Christmas doins he would a
said, them things, not that thing,
but lawsame how times do change.
Now if I see a cabbage on one side
the road and another on tother
side, I call them both cabbage, hut
you know the bible says the giner
ation will git wiser and weaker.
Well I am real glad that, that part
of the Scripture is being filled up,
and more glad that one of the
latter day generation, lives in this
part of the world. And now honey
stand up and tell Granma your
name, cause anybody thats as
smart as you be, being so young,
had'nt orter be ashamed of their
Grasny Pixk.
A Awful Peril.
"There is only one way to save your
life and that is through an operation"
were the startling words heard by Mrs.
I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from
her doctor alter he had vainly tried to
cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. Gull
Btoiien hud formed and ihe constantly
grew worse. Then she began to use
Electric Biltere' which wholly cured
her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver
and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspep
sia, Loss of Appetite. Tiy it. Only
50cU. Guaranteed. For sale by
Adameon k Winnek Co.
Whit The Fair Will Uo t ar Virion
I believe the Lewis and Clark
Exposition will bo of the greatest
bene 111 to Oregon. Some of my
reasons for believing this are as
Oregon has been content for
many years to rely on its resources
.. ' ,
ml thinking it was not necessary
to make any showing to the world.
.Asa consequence the state 'f
ashington has developed its re -
soiuces ami received an meroiiM' in
population greater than Oregon.
1 Ills will lie a 1 acitio Coast exln-1
hition, and without hurting any
other state it will be of th.. m-,-,
benelit to Oreuon itself It will
stimulate the growth and develop
ment of Oregon by making others
believe in us, and what is of more
importance, will make us believe
in ourselves. It will start ilidus-
tries ami the development of Ore-
Ron's resources which h ave hitherto
neon put oil until some nioro con -
venient season. It will make Or
gomans acquainted with ead
other, and will remove local ieul
ousies lor tlie grand onject of a
great state growth. It will increase,
tho state pride of all Oregonians.
The Fair must of necessity he
held at Portland for convenience,
for in Oregon all roads lead to
Portland. This is the best place,
and where strangers would natur
ally expect it to be held, and where
strangers would naturally expect it firm of Cornett & Elkins, doing a
to be held, and where it nui't and general hlacksniithing business in
can only he successful. The ex- Prineville is this day dissolved Im
position will show in a compact 'mutual consent, the business,
form not only what Oregon has ' stock and fixtures having been sold
and is doing, but what she can and : to J. II. Wigle. All accounts due
may accomplish. 'the late firm will he collected by
So far as the people of the East- Frank Elkins and all accounts
em States are concerned, it would owing by said firm will he paid by
oe a great uamage to uregon K the
exposition should not now take
place. A failure now would amount
to a state disaster. Wo must nut
only not let it bo a failure, but!
Oregon must make it a grand sue-1
cess. We have gone too far to turn
Prineville-Burns Stage Line.
Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. in
Passengers waybilled for Tost, Paulina. Fife, lliley, Burns
and all wav points.
C. I. WINNER, Agent, Prineville.
The Bon Ton
Lunch Counter
Is the place to get a good meal at short order day or
night. We also carry a good stock of lunch goods.
Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars
Call when you're in town and you'll come again.
J. E. CAMlMiELL & CO., Props.
The Superior
Washing Machine
The attention of the public is called to the fact that the SUPER
IOR WASHING MACHINE is, like its name, superior in all all res
pects to any other on the market. For practical proof of which we
will come to your house and superintend your washing
he washer can be found already'in many homes in Crook county
and is giving entire satisfaction. We have agents in the various set
tlements in this county who will show the merits of the washer o
parties interested may" send orders to me at Hay Creek, Oregon.
H. G. Klbbee, General Ag't for Crook Co
Prineville Meat
Xew Shop and is Urrto-date and Clean
Grinding your teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly
annoying but have you tried ours?
Our 2eats are Selected
by careful judges and we use every endeavor to fur
nish none but what is fresh, tender and nutritious.
tack. F. V. Iloliwm, in the Port
laud Journal,
"Some time ngo my daughter
omight eovere cold. Btio complain
ed ol pains in her oliest and had a hud
cough, 1 gave her t'tiumlierlaiu's
Cough Kemcdy according to diren
.....i : i i ,i
S " l"u . ,
i mm utile to go to school, 1 have used
, lM (m.
L,Wll ,.nlM m, ,m,
j to tail," s,vh Juiuok l'remlergast, mer-
ielmnt, Annate H.iv. Jninuleu. WVhI
India Islands. The pains in tho chest
indicated an npproneliing attack ot
pneumonia, which in tins instance
' WU undoubtedly warded oil' by Cham-
berlum lough Kninedy. Jl comiter-
!'"'' "".V tendency ol a cold toward
pneumonia. Wold by all druggists.
Laundry Solicited.
Dora Lyons wishes to ntl
nounee, to the public Unit she will
do washing and ironing at. reason
able prices; Washings will bo do
. Hvcred.
Lumber $IO Per M.
After January 1, 1903, we will
sell lumber at our mill on Ochoeo
I for If 10 per thousand. Give us
Hawkins BitoTlii!ns.
UUtolilltoll Slallce.
Notice is hereby given that the
said Frank Elkins. AH accounts
'now due tho late linn have Jieen
placed in the hands of M. R.
liott for immediate collection.'
G. M. Cornett
Frank Elkins.
Dated Decemkr 9, 1902.
Wines, Liquors,
Domostio and
Proprietors of tho
Two Doors South of
first National Hank.
-liKU.KIttf IN-
ni cost n:i
Fireproof i'uihlings, KHhtiOO Act, l.'O feet, boinj two
stories in height.
Getirriil l'ownnlinjf, Storago and Comiiiissii.nMeivlmiits. -DEALERS
Blacksmith coal, Flour, llavbal Wire, Nails, Cement, I.inio
Coal oil, J'lastcr, Sulphur, Wool and Grain wicks and
Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price aid for Hides ami
Special attention given to Wool trade. First Class haling
and grading faeilities.
Stock yards with nil the latest and host facilities for hand
ling st'x;k.
Agents for tho Wasco Warehouse, Milling Co. "Wltito
River" and "Dalles 1'atent" flour, liest in tho Market. ,
9arA Soods Care S. W. Co.
Stage tine.
Leave Shanikor 6 p. in.
Leave Prineville 1 p. in.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents,
G. M. Cornett, Manager.
j nu
by i
"America's Ltidlsf Tailors,
Good clothM contribute nnch to hippl-
nna. log rtfn the point In Strinsi Brot.'
udegirmenU. The;iremilticjcntltnllr
to your oxact matouro
Uilon in clean, unlttrr
IromUnrttolut ghen the minutest ittention. the
wwlt being gtrmenU distinctly bove the ordliary
andabaolutalyaatlafactory. Hon will wonder
bow it an be done tt the low prices quoted. Call and aee
onr line of 500 aamplei of choicett new woolena.
Saiomen, Johnson- & Co.
J a Tho Celebrated
Yki A, B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Prineville Soda Works.
riHNKyiUK, 0RK.
& tPollard
Arrive Prineville, 0 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m
For tht
- to - ordr
i i i i
bj kirhlr akilled
thou. Bverr detail