Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 29, 1903, Image 5

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    I Prinovillo (Public School Tjolas
CIIIKK KIUT MM, ClyJu llnwul,
ClmrllnO (!ln.Uim,
ASSISTANTS.- Iva l'Ui, Kay IIiuIum,
II1.1117 Hmllli, ilny CmiiiImk, lli'itlm Klkln,
Ntllla liny. (Jewlln Nalnia wi'l Until Tuyliir
Estolla Simpson wiih aliHonl no
luosday of last wook.
Ilculiih ('lino wait absent IuhI
week on account of sickness.
Ilossio Kovoru Iiiih dronpod out
of tho VIII. grade.
Itnv Foster wan absent from
school it day or ho IiikI wook
l.oi'kwoud HimpHon waH absent
from tho VI grade hint wook.
Frank Taylor has dropped nut
of tho VII I grade.
Art. Wur.wcilcr wan absent
from school last wook.
Addio Foster wiih nliHont from
tho VIII grBdo hint Thursday.
lioillah ('lino, of the nixtli grade,
was absent (r un nchool last week
on aooount of nick noun,
I.oyi', Yanooy wad absent from
tho VIII grade hint Friday font
noon, Froddio Zoll visited school hint
Friday. FroilV Hiiti Hi iik hico look
oil iih natural an ovor.
Waltor Smith of I'rof
riHiin wiih absent from
school hint
Nollio Day of tho VIII
wiih absent from Prof Orion s
riMiiu hint Thursday on tho
count of sickness.
A glance at tho (Vhwo lint Hun
day would rovoal to tho class in
"Physical Geography," whoro thu
continental doKwiU in tho ocean
comes from.
Addio Fimtor onton-d hcIiooI
again last week. Miss Addicting
been aliHi nl for Homo limo, hut wo
think that nho intends to stay
with uh thin time.
Miss Smith has charge of tin
IV and V grade pupils. Sho in , a
toachcr of coiiHidorahlo ex'rionce
and in no douht capuhlo of doing
tho reiiiirod work.
Clarence Forguoson of tho
seventh grade, in again able to tako
up school dutioH. Wo woro all
Kind to ' welcome him back to
Mrs. Jolin Wigle, Mr. Clifton,
Mrs. M. Wigle, Mr. S. Slcariis,
Mrs. (llonn, Mrs. Winnok, Mrs.
Cohrs, Mrn, Kstcs and Miss Friday
worn visitors in I'rof. Mosier's
room hint Friday aftornoon.
Those who havo hoon noithor
tardy nor absent from Prof.
Mosier's room during tho past
month an hm folloWH: Randolph
Koti'hum, Nora Slearns, Lorn
Stearns, Kdgar Hamog, Willie
Carry, Oscar I'roso, Nato Wurz
woilor, J-ustor Fcrgneson, Huttio
Ilostwick, Heulah ('lino, Hoy Can
ning, 'Elva Iobhs, Coolo Smith,
Ituhy Cadlo, Nora Dublin, Dolly
HoclgoH, Horace liolknap, Charlio
Summers, F.lwood Draper, Siella
Hodges, Houlah Ilyilo. l'oarl Mo
Farhind, Celia N'elins, Mary Glenn.
Cluroneo Fergueson was absent
from I'rof. Mosier's room last Fri
day. Ho complains of having
sore lips. It is also reported that
lie dill a good day's work the night
hoforo this. While Clareneo and
his girl woro hanging on tho gate
the thing gave away and Clarence
hud to rush around and fix it ho
foro the daylight should hreak and
give tho Rooiot away.
After this task was finished they
proceeded with their conversation,
Clarence sitting on one side of the
fence and his girl on the other.
To sweeten tho subject up a lit
tle they took a kiss once in a
wliile. One peculiarity ahout the
place next morning was, that some
ot tho picket wero torn off.
think that Clarence must havo got
to lied some time tho next mom
inf. 1
iiutmi.s'rt Ri'MiKii.
Last Monday 0110 fellow thought
that he was a little smart, and
threw a chunk of rubber in the
drum of the stove while it was hot
will) it tlutt disagreeable odor,
Tliu smoke began to roll forth and
which sickened tho pupils of Prof,
Orion's room, Thin is not the
i in t ti mo this Iihh happened anil
in tho past it Iiiih not boon dis
covered who was tho guilty oim,
hut thin liuio ho wiih fi hi ml out.
I'rof. Ortoti says ho iH not
through witli him yet, No doubt
that ho will givo tho young gout
wlmt ho deserves. Any on who
would do mi not of thin kind de
serves to ho transported to a lone
iHhind i:i-'iir apart from tho human
family and thoro given u!l tho rub
lior that ho could hum, if ho likes
such an odor,
Last Tuesday evening a birth
day and surprise party was given
toy Canning hy tlio pupils of the
sixth and Hovcnth grades.
Tho party wbh given' at tho
lioino of Mrs. N. P. Swoiircugon.
Those present woro: Norn anil
Loru Stearns, Kdna Kstes, Verona
McGowon, Vorna Howard, Jiertha
F.lkiiiH, Willa Combs, Uoso Mc
Duuiel, Kstella Young, Ituhy
Cudln, lister CohrH, Klwood
Draper Horace Helkmip, Ran
dolph Ketehtmi, Charlie SummerH,
Clarence Fergueson, Siohel Hinklo,
I,iK'kwood Simpson, Hoy Foster.
Sammio Newsom, Alotha Dillon,
Huth Taylor. Anna Salomon,
Omer Harden, Iloulah Crooks, Kf
fa Adams, Nancy Whitsett, anil
Mildred Baldwin.
The evening was sient in play
ing. All who were there' Had a
good time, and wo wish to thank
Mrs. Hwearengen mid tho girls for
our good time.
Last Krfday a neat program was
rendered by tho pupils of I'rof.
M osier's room. It was as follows:
Song hy the school; "Tenting on
tho Old Camp Ground."
Recitation Linnic Foster
" F.dgcr Karnes
" Artie Hardin
Music Agues Klliott
Solo Coolo Smith
Recitation Arthur liarnes
" Nora Dublin
" Hoy Foster
Music Vorna Howard
Recitation Hallie Bostwiek
" , Mary (ilenn
" Ruth Taylor
" Horace Belknap
Solo Gertie Hodges
Music Kdna Ks'.es
Recitation Carl Holder
" .: Ruth Alter
Mrs. Wigle
Duet Gertie and Fay Hodges
Recitation Heulah ('line
Duet Gertto Hodges and Celia
N el ms.
Recitation Sammie Newsom
Choir, seven girls; Kdna Kstcs,
Kstella Youug, Gertie Hodges,
Vorna Howard, Cecelia Nelms,
Ceolo Smith, and Nancy Whitsctt
Dialogue. . . .Mildred Baldwin and
Kstella Young
Recitation G rot a Knighton
Music Ruba Cadlo
Song "Oregon"
It need not he said that a good
school helps 10 build up a city and
keep it lively. This is a certainty
and can not be denied. Just for a
moment iinmagine a city or a
county whoro there ' were no
schools and how dull it would
make you feel, how sadness would
steal over you unci make you feel
as though you had taken a hurried
flight back to the dark ages. Now
imagine if you will a city with
all the best schools and the best
teachers to teach and instruct the
pupils, how this would strengthen
your hearts, sharpen your minds,
how it would enlighten you when
you hear tho cheers of the boys
and girls, when they are on their
road to and from school.
Our Public Bchool of Prineville
is yet quite young, but for the
past few years It has graduated a
sufl'reient nuniher of pupils to ren
der a High school a necessity.
Last spring the subject of High
school was discussed through the
county pttiiert and by other means,
and in June last the people of
Crook county voted whether or not
wo should havo tho school. The
result of the ballots was, that
the county should ho granted its
heartily wished for, High school
Tho school grounds havo al
ready boon selected but for some
reasons, which we havo not been
able U) find out, the school house
will not he erected during tho
corning season. I lie question
which wo are trying to solve now
is: What shall wo do noxi year
for the pupils who shall graduate
when the following May Com
mencement shall have arrived?
They can not be taught in the
Public school building unless the
building he expanded by an ad-
lition being built on. The toach
;rs are now pressed for time and
have more pupils than they can
handle. This year an extra room
had to be secured for some of tho
smaller pupils. Tho VI. and VII.
grades which are to bo the VII.
and VIII. grades next year, are
much larger than they have ever
been before, mid tho same is true
of all the grades. Should the
ligh school bo built this season
there would not be room enough
in the Public school building for
all tho pupils that come to seek an
education. More teachers are
what the school needs, and if we
should have more teachers, it is
necessary that we should have an
extra rami for eaeli extra teacher.
It would he convenient, and, at
the same time reasonably cheap to
build the necessary addition to our j
school building. The authorities
diould not hesitate one moment to!
lo that w hich is of interest to the
whole community. Every one
should lie interested in this affair
and uso his influence to the proper
fleet. Can our parents road this ,
and go .on without giving it a
thought beyond tho mere reading
of it? Can they deprive us of any
advantage when nn' opportunity
offers? Why can't we have our
now needed addition? Ask, and
it shall be given you. We have
with an honest heart and a clear
understanding let our needB be
known. Now we leave it to you
Dr. I orrm Talka ! l ulled Matea.
Dr. Lorenz, who has arrived at
Vienna from London, told a repre
sentative of the Associated Press of
his impressions in the United
'Above all," he said, "I was
struck with the magnificent charity
of the Americans and their im
mense gifts to educational institu
tions and hospitals. Their willing
ness, even their anxiety, to spend
money in aiding others, is almost
bovond belief."
Next to this condition, Dr.
IiOrenz said, he had marveled most
at the large number of alleged
healers in America, naming Chris
tian Scientists and faith cuiists of
every description who seem to
flourish there. Tho doctor was en
thusiastic with regard to the prac
tice of medicine in the United
Slates, and declared that American
joctors, nurses and hospitals lead
tho world.
"American physicans represent
progressiveness, continued ir.
Lorenz, "while the English Physic
ians are extremely conservative.
In America it was difficult to ac-
'omodate the doctors and students
who desired to attend my clinics,
whereas during my last week in
London many of the most eminent
surgeons showed no interest in the
new methods, while others, who
were present declared the old way
to be the best.
Dr. Lorenstsaid in conclusion, that
he anticipated revisiting the United
States, but it was impossible for
him to toll when he would have
the opportuuity.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Cold. '
l.axntirn linimo Quinina Tabloti euro a
cold in one day. No Cure, No Py.
Price, 25 oenta.
Shoe. A full line of Ladies', Hent
and Children's shoes. 8. J. & Co.
A Furm For Kent
VVj have a tenant for farm 0
from W) to 040 acres. Anyone
having such a place would do well
to call at this office.
JouitNAi. Rkai, Estate Aokncv.
l''reno I'ropcrlj For Trade.
We have a house and eiaht lots
in the city of Fresno. California.
which wo desire to trade for farm
ing or timber lands, nreferablv
timber land. Parties who havo
either will do well to investigate
this offer. Will pay difference in
cash for some choice tironortv.
either improved or unimproved.
ill sell the above projierty for
:ash at a discount on what w
want in trode. This is a snan for
some one. Call early and be tho
first to make a bid.
Joi ll.VAI, Ukaij Kstatk Aok.wv.
Mrs. Wiegans
The Photographer
For Photos that Satisfy
Eyes examined free. Er
rors 0' refraction correc
ted. Glasses fitted and
diseases of the eye treated
E. O. Hyde, M. D.
Irrigation Sewerage
Waterworks Roads
Surveys mid Plans Made
Terms Moderate
Address; Alfred F. Scars,
.Mem. Am. Society, C. E.
Mi W ot. Hlk Mid, Or
20$ TO $25 WEEKLY
Work at' your own home. No
canvassing. Work legitimate and
Honorable. Address
Home Work
214 SpriiiR St., Seattle, Wash.
Music Studio
Miss Ethel King, Teacher
Piano, Organ, Violin
Sales Agent for Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
NextDoorto Kelley's Gallery
he (Jrand Restaurant
Mrs. L. Gemini, Prop.
Meals all hours, 25c
Miller Bldg., Prineville
Contractor and Builder
SIiop next door to lr. ltos
enlfig's residence on Main St.
Prineville, Oregon
Prineville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying 7. S. 7lail and Passengers-
Leases Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and, Fridays, Good rigs,
careful drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava,
Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. WINNER, Agent.
Pfineville-Burns Stage Line.
Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m
Passengers waybilled for Post, Paulina. Fife, Riley, Burns
and all way poiits.
C. I. VLNEK, ASent, Prineville.
The Bon Ton I
Lunch Counter
Is the place to get a good meal at short order day or f
night. We also carry a good stock of lunch goods. f
Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars
Call when you're in town and you'll come again.
J. E. CAMPBELL & CO., Props. I
The Superior
Washing ilachine
The attention of the public is called to the fact that the SL'PER
IOR WASHING MACHINE is, like its name, superior in all all res
lects to any other on the market. For practical proof of which we
will come to your house and superintend your washing
The washer can be found already in many homes in Crook county
and is giving entire satisfaction. We have agenU in the various set
tlements in this county who will show the merits of the washer o
parties interested may send orders to me at Hay Creek, Oregon.
H. G. Kibbee, General Ag't for Crook Co
Sirloin Steak 25c j Milk Toast 15j
T-Bone Steak 35c, Coffee 5c
Porterhouse Steak )... 50cjTea 5,
Porterhouse Steak for two ... 11 00! Milk 5o
Pork Chops 25c j Coffee Cake I0o
Mutton Chops 25c OYSTERS
; 25cC9vejJtew " 3g
any'style: ::::::::: & Fresh when in market.
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Prineville Meat
New Shop and is TJrj-to-date and Clean
Grinding vour teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly
annoying hut have you tried ours?
Our IIeats are Selected
hy careful judges and we use every endeavor to fur
nish none but what is fresh, temier and nutritions.
Lumber, $11 per m
Frrsh Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuot
patronage will be apprecialed
and deserved.
CORNKTT, Proprietors.