Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 29, 1903, Image 4

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Crook County Journal..
FimiiiHM) Kvkbi THcaaiut Bt
Cor sty OmoiAi. Paver.
"lle tlol'KNAI. is entered at the pmtoHicthe
I rintnlle, Jrt'i:., for traii.iiiiasi.m ttirmitflithi
U. S, t..ute as sMiui class matter.
Out Yka.
his Months
Thkkk Months. .
It is to hoped that the legisla
tors at Salem will soon decide up
on and elect a good man, prefera
bly an Eastern Oregon man, as U.
S. Senator, and then get to work
This olliee is in receipt of a neat
booklet entitled ''Opinions from
Crook County," the result of Mr.
Clay A. Simpson's versatile pen. It
is a book of testimonials from rep
resentative Crook County business
men who have taken policies in
his company, and speaks well for
Mr. Simpson's, ability and honesty
and the strength of the Company
which he represents. It also con
tains a brief descriptive writeup of
Crook County and its resources.
The Shaniko Loader, of last
week's issue, makes the following
retort to tho Deschutes Kcho:
Antelope's tqueky little voice is still
heing mis d in favor of the proposed
new county which she expects to dub
"Stockman" county. Etc. Etc.
"So squeals Deschutes Kcho Over
the new county which in to be cre
ated from Wasco and Crook coun
ties. The Eelio is entirely mis
taken about that "squeak" there
are several "squeaks." There's a
lusty squeak from Ashwood, a well
developed squeak from Cross Keys
and lower Trout Creek; Kidgeway
and vicinity add? to the squeak in
no infantile voice; Hake
Oven lends volume to the soueak
in clarion tones; Shaniko's squeak
is heard like the rushing winds
across the sage brush prairies;
then Antelope's "squeaky voice"
as the Echo derisively calls it, is
heard in endless roar like the in
coming breakers on the I'acilic
coast. If the Echo would come
out of the wilderness and investi-
column as proprietor, isn't it up to
him to tell us why he didn't use
some of the energy lie xpvnt talk
ing in 1'rineville against division,
in quelehing any such sentiment
from his Shaniko paper.
A little prevention there would
have been worth a good deal of
cure here. It is said that ho oaiuu
near using his pcmmsive voice
and glittering eye in the statu
capital tvir'dors ui.dcr Crook
county's banner.
I'nr NtiitA I. nltil Atfeiil,
Governor Chamberlain Wednes
day appointed J. W. Morrow, of
Ht'ppner, Morrow County, to suc
ceed Ji. IS. (leer, as State Land
Agent. Hie appointment will
take effect April 1. Morrow serv
ed four terms as Clerk of Morrow
County, and one term as State
Senator from that county. He
has been eminently successful in
The appointment of J. W. Mor-
gate mat squeak lor a new county, ro,v ns state Land Agent is taken
he would find that four-fifths of ' l,v n,.,,.r,it , ,,t,,.ti..
are closest to Governor Chamber
lain say they think ho is inclined
to look with most favor upon Dur
bin, yet they all admit that the
Governor has made no declaration
of his views. Governor Chamber
lain has been besieged by friends
of various candidates ever since
his election.
The appointment of Ik State
band Agent at this time came us a
surprise, and probably indicates
that (iie Governor intends to make
all the appointments soon ami
thus relieve himself of consider
able trouble.
So far as can be judged from tho
comment made by Democrats
around the Capitol today, the ap
pointment of Morrow as State
Land Agent is entirely satisfac
tory. No one is ht'iird to offer
criticism, while on every baud
commendations are heard.
A highly creditable administra
tion of lieu land business is pro
dieted during Morrow's incumbency.
Aguinaldo, the Filipino ex-chief
and dictator, has petitioned the
United State government for
loan of $20,000,000 in gold and a
credit issue of paper to serve as
money in the islands. He figures
that if they could get a loan of
that amount, it would be sufficient
to restore the country to a pros
perous condition.
Such a sum wotrid indeed give
any country of the size of the
Philippines quite a stimulous in a
financial way, but we would be
afraid that Emil Aguinaldo was
thinking of the 1400,000 he grafted
from Spain when he made this
A few weeks ago, Hon. J. X.
Williamson visited Canyon City,
for the purpose of looking into the
merits and demerits of Jhe propos
ed new forest reserve, a great deal
of kicking having been done from
that locality. It seems that dur
ing his brief stay, he called on the
Eagle and omitted the same court
esy to The News, the latter heing
situated out of the business por
tion of town. As a result the
News is printing scurrilous at
tacks upon Mr. Williamson, ai,d
playing the role of the dog in the
manger to perfection. We thought
better of the News' management
than this, but since it has been
their policy, we might add that
they can do Mr. Williamson no
harm. It seems queer that a
paper should allow so small a
thing as jealousy to dictate its
The Journal has been asked by
a number of its subscribers, to de
fine its position towards Congre.-s-man-tleet
J. N. Williamson. This
is done by them with the knowl
edge in mind that heretofore it has
been bitterly antagonistic, and we
think, unreasonably so. In reply
to this query, we can only say
that our policy toward Mr. Wil
liamson is of the friendliest na
ture possible to exist. We have
been here hut a short time but
long enough to learn that J. N.
Williamson and Crook county are
one. Their weal or woe are mutu
al. Through Crooks loyalty it has
been possible to raise Mr. William
son to a position, which fits the
man, and to which, no one doubts,
the man will do honor. As a rep
resentative Crook County man, it
is the duty of every citizen of
Crook to stand by Mr. William
son loyally. His jjower for good
depends upon it to a large extent.'
and if we mistake not, they will.
To the dissenters who become
such, through pecuniary motives,
he is in a position to say, "Shoo
fly, don't bother me."
the people in the proposed boon
duries are heartily in favor of it.
The Echo would then wonder why
it sent up its plaintive squeal in
opposition when it has troubles of
us own at Toscnuies. i lie people
of the northern part of Crook
county cannot afford to retard the
development of their section just
to please Prineville and vicinity.
It is very convenient for Crook
and Wasco counties to have these
outlying districts when the assess'
or makes his periodical visits, or
for the revenue obtained when the
residents of these distant sections
are compelled to make an arduous
trip to the county seat, but any
real solicitude for the welfare and
improvement of the country with
in the proposed county is compar
atively nil."
The above shows beyond a doubt
where the Leader stands on di
vision. As Wm. Holder's name
appears at the top of the editorial
that the Suierintondonoy of the
1'enijentiary will be given to a
Marion County man. Eastern
Oregon has now been represented
by one of the best appointments at
tho Governor's disposal. There
are two candidates from Marion
Comity for the siiperiutendcncy.
They are W. H. Downing and F.
W. Durbin, Downing bases his
claim upon his having led the
Democratic campaign in Marion
County last June. lie has the in
dorsement of oM out of 3S county
central committeemen in this
county. Durban is being urged us
the logical man for the place iu
view of his two terms of successful
service as Sheriff of Marion Coun
ty. He has the indorsement of
prominent. Democrats all over the
Opinion is about eveuely divided
as to which of the candidates will
win if the appointment goes to
Marion County. Tho men who
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a par
ty, but was afruiil to do o on, account
of pubis in hid stomach, which lie
feared would grow worse. He says, "1
was telling my tiouMcs to a lady
friend, who said: 'Chamberlain's Colin
Cholera and Pirrlni'ii Heimily will put
you in oomlitiim (or the. party.' I
bought a bottle and take pleasure in
stating that two doses cured mo and
enabled me to have a good tiiuti at the
party." Mr. Knell is resident of
Summer Hill, N. Y. This leincdy
For sale by all druggists.
1 1
II mil
Have you
Visit I he HICK
HIVE and
see the hun
dreds of use
f ll I n rtich'M
being sold at
Ac uiiil Hie
each. Also
Ladies' Knit
Drawers 2'h:
to gel your full share of the prosperity Hint is wilh us
now? ' It may not stay always, If 1!0!2 was unsatisfac
tory for you, you are due to ibid WHY. Hotter Is- quick
about it, for the person who couldn't make money in ft
good year like that must he headed the wrong way.
and you will have a pross.rous year. My first word
in this eartio-t nd of l'.io:! should be anil is an expression
of sincere thanks to my cust ers for the very generous
business given tne (firing the year just closed.
I. Michel
On Wall Paper
To make room for our new stock, we have decided to put
the knife into Our Wall Paper Department and for
We will sell Our Entire Stock of Wall Paper, comprising
over One Hundred Patterns at a discount of -10 per cent.
All 10 cent paper will go for 6c per double roll
All 20 ', " " " "
All 25 " " " " "
All 35 " " " " "
All 40 " " " " "
All 45 " , " " " "
All 50 " " " " "
The above comprises the best selling patterns. Those who cannot
call and examine the stock personally, are assured that by stating the
colors wished will he suited in pattern. Always state size of your room
in ordering. Yours for Business,
C. I. WINNEK, Mngr.
(Adamson, Winnek Co.)
12c "
21c "
I.aml Office st Tim IMIm. ri-t,M,n,
January '.'I, '.Xi
Notice L heiehy K-iven that til following
named hetuVr has tilwt notice of hi. lutrtitiott
to matte final pnsif In MtiMt of hi claim,
avid that aaiii (insif will Iw muite before
J. J. Smith, County Clfilt at I'tiiieiille, Ore
gon, on Friday, March, Kt, t!KI.'i, via:
WILLIAM N. COIIII, r.f Si.ter, Ony.ui,
II. K. No. itf.r.' for the Lm I ami i anil H',
XK'i Section li, Town.hip l.'i South. Hane
11 Kat, W. M.
He names the following witnewt to rive
hi. continuous residence uoon ami cultHatiiitt
of nai-1 land, vii;
Henry Carlin, K. H. .Siark, John Taylor
and M. M. Thoina., all of Sinter., Oregon.
Jun-!M.ip KraLter.
Horses Wanted.
The old n-llalilc tiriu, the Seattle Auction
am! Sides Stables. Incorporate!, which
hold. .cial sales every day ami ntllar
weekly auctions every Friday, receive horses,
1 to 100 on om.iniiietit ami advance all
.hipiiini chfirifes and sell on rommia.ion, ur
will buy youf horses outright. If yon have
any manlier of horses you wish to ill.(Me of
at the Seattle Market price, no matter bow
far you are from the city write us full de
scriptions and we will let you know what the
prlie. are and how they are Belling. All
corre.sindence promptly answered.
X. T. Joi.umc, Mi;r.
, M. J. Wai.kkr, Auct.
1212 Western Ave., 'Seattle, Wasliirixton.
Real Estate for Sale
FOII SAI.K A two tory riwelllnif with
barn and outhouses in the city of 1'rineville.
This projwrty is well situated and is covered
by irrigation, It covers one-fourth of a blisrk
and is one of the liest residence lisations in
the town. Price rvaaoiialile
Incorporated 1 SHU.
Drugs, Stat itmcry. mill House Funiisliiu; Gwods
W. II. SMITH, Proprietor
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Sa'cial attention paid to transporting passengers
to and from Shaniko, and taking parlies to the pine
woods or elsewhere. f "Terms reasonable.
I N. A. Tye and
RrnfliprQ Are Sc,lins thcir Dfy
U Goods at a 25 per cent.
ft They have a Uin Consignment of New
Goods eominn and must make room
for them. Call around and take ad
vantage of this Saeriliee Sale.
A. TYE & BROS., Props. Reliable Merchant
Our Guarantee
-Will Give-
FEE. 203 1903
G-LlZE'S hall
ARRANGEMENTS S. M. Baily, Orange Hodges, E. L Rom., Ora
I'oindexter and S. E. Crawford.
FLOOR COMMITTEE Ora Poindexter, W.C. Black, S. M. Bailey,
Frank Bonney, Ralph Sharp and Wm. Arnold.
Music by S h a r p
.Supper at Bonney s
A Good Time is Promised to all -who Attend
Copyright 1! 9f "
fuh. kaiUn I Pinch Co.
No Man wants to buy an Ar
ticle without being assured of
its worth. Our choicest gar
ments bear this trade mark.
We know of no better or surer
guaranty of splendid tailoring
skill or better style than
the K. N. & V. garments.