Crook County Journal. County Ofllolul Paper. - THUHHDAY, JANC'AHY 22, 11)03. ('rooked Mlver Happanluia. Mr, Furor t wunt to 1'riiiuville Friday. Feed secnm to li rnllier Kcurci) In HiHtor neighborhood. Murk Kori'iU and Lotinlo Weaver wuro 11 IjHi'nt Iroiu itcliool limt week;. Kinimi McDowell, wai abacitl from kcIkkiI on account ol nicknocH. Ay lotto niul Jmrna t totlx-row wuro over from the bridjn ono day lant week. Mr. Hen I'utvjolm l clearing bin luml fur oultivittion on the nortl idu ol the river. Only nix would inure ol school, ho let each pupil improve liiit time better than In tbe punt. Mauler Charlie und John Mc Dowell were out for a little port on Kundiiy, at the rabbits uxponce. Mr. (iuy Claypunl caino over TliurMday, to Forests, lor a load ol grain and returned Friday, Mr. Joiion came down (rum the Lone Pine pluoe t-j the debate Fri day evtmiiiK. The iueNtin ' debated hint Fri day evening win decided in the ill Urinative. Mexttra. Charlie and John Mont gomery went to the Deschutes to look after their Interned at that place. The Young People's Library no ciety limit in two inembvra at ita hint nnvting, Sylvin Montgomery and J. J. Hash. Mrs. Dillon and children, of your city made a short visit to her daughter, Mr. 11. F. Wilboit on Sunday. The library bun now a total o( thirty-three book, and over 120 to purchase mure. It in very much in need of a book ease. Min Lottie Montgomery in li brarian, ho when yon wish a book to read, call upon her and alio will attend to yjur wishes. Weather in thin neighborhood hua been very pleasant 'till tbe past few days. The dcne fog inukeH the atmosphere very disa greeable. New lamps have taken the place uf the old onoa at the Bchool bonne, so wo have plenty of light on the HiilyVct now, which makes it seem moro interesting. Prof. B. F. Wilboit was absent from bis school Tuesday to attend business in the city. His wife took charge ol school during bis absence. Kighteen copies of vocal instruc tion books have been ordered. As soon as they arrive singing school will begin with about twenty scholars, Mr. K. Meaainger accompanied liy his brother . George; went to Gray Butto last Wednesday, and came homo Friday. Mr, Mosslng or lias a homestead at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson gave the Wllbold a pleasant surprise by veiling them Inst Sunday. Thny .my "they would be glad ol such surprise quite often," Mr, Frank Arnold, of Histora, de livered 5 head of hogs to Mr. For est last Friday. He took back a pose to iecare power Iroro Hooper Fulls, of the Palouse River, and may also sell light and power. The cost ol the enterprise is esti mated ut $1,500,000. Ritzville is now said to lie the largest initio 1 shipping point fur wheat in the world, anil it is thought ruui a road would increase its shipments. IT f 1 Ti i II a4I lira rnnt Home people contend that il does not pay to bother with min ng anil that mining proposition should be turned down, says at exchange. A lew yoars ago stock in the famous Homestake mine Deadwood, South Dakota, could be bought at a low price, according to an exchange. Look at it today Tho largest: stockholder in the llomostako rnino is Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, ol California, mother of the proprietor of tho New York Journal, Chicago American und tbe Ban Francisco Examiner. To the close of 1000 this great gold mine has produced over $05,000, 000 worth ol ore. It is now min' ing about $1,500,000 per annum Average value saved is $1.11 per ton; net profit, $1.41. The core Mr.JorrvCnmermadna flvln.iPWV work 900 mV eah trip to Prinoville one day laatjcr,,"llin8 lh an(1 a htt" . T load of grain. Mr. Forest pur-1. chaied the hogs ol Mr. Tom Arn old. Question lor debate Friday is Resolved; "That the mind gains moro knowledge by reading than observation." Miss Lottie Mont gomery and Mini ; Annettie Mc; Dowell arc the leaders. XAX. Jan. 13, 1IKW. Squaw Plat Items. sunshiny and Frosty nights ilays. Christina passed off quietly in this vicinity, with dunces on all sides, but none at tho Flat, week. I. K. Wiiuer, was visiting with Messrs, Dodge and Harkrow Hun day. Messrs. Dodge, Cramer and Harkrow made a flying trip to fiend one duy this week. Mr. Gibson's band ol sheep are looking fine, having wintered on the lesort with very little, if any feed. Mr. Walter Dodge, lute ol Min nesota, has located among us, which adds another to the popu lation of our little Flat. The Sisters Irrigation Company have commenced work on their ditch, employing four men in clearing out tho right of way. They have about two miles completed, Uur winter liere nag been very warm and pleasant, so far. Tbe greatest depth of enow la-ing eight inches, that fell on tho 7th ol December. I think there should be a petition circulated, petitioning a stugo line from Sinters to Mend, thus giving the jieople on this route a free mail delivery There are as many asvlS families that would be benefitted thereby. every 21 hours. For fine Having it has a 1200 ton cyanide plant This saving amounts to $1 per ton Twenty-two hundred men are em ployed, the miners receiving $3.50 icr day of ten hours. In WOO the company expended $1,250,000 on improvements upon its mines and mills. Yet it is regularly paying dividends at the rate of 50 cent per share per month. Ita capital! zation is $22,000,000. Ex. Hit. Prajrct la Launrhea SM)kane, Jan. 5. Surveyors are expected to begin work this week laying out a route for an electric railway to run from Wasblucna, on tbe 0. R. & N., through Ritz ville, on the Northern Pacific and Odessa on the Great Northern. Tho proposed line will lie about 45 miles long, passing through a fine wheat country and reaching three railways. Tho enterprise is backed by resi dents ol Ritzville, C, Luncbford being president, P. R. Clark secre tary; O. R. Holcomb, lately a Democratic nominee for Congress, being vico-prcsident. They pro- Laundry Solicited. Mrs. Doru Lyons wishes to an nounce to the public that she will do washing and ironing at reason able prices: Washings will he de livered. Mr. Curmical went to the city r a. . ... . January o, uy stago. While in tho city he invetcd Btock in the mines, which are near Prairie City. He returned homo Saturday. Lumber $IO Per M. After January 1, 1903, wo will sell lumber at our null on Ochoco fur $10 per thousand. Give us call. Hawkins Uhotiieiis. All For $3000. i nave a ruiirn coiioiming ol ir,l n:-rvl Hirer nulea norlh o, AkIiwomI. Ill acres of alfulfn and 30 acrel ofxrain lalul, with pin d new houe and barn. Kino young on-Jiard In '':::. 50 head ol jjoiik ratlle, 25 head of bice; , 24 heilrrk, and one slim t horn hull; all two yearn old neit spring. r'enty of feed and pau.p. 101 acres ol ranch under fence. Thin raiirli in only out mile nmln of the Oregon King mine. Call on or adilr. w, J. (I. Poindciler Anhwoo.l, Oregon. All persons knowing themselves in debted to (Smith It Cleelc will please call and settle. This means you Smith A Cleek. The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, r. Democratic newauapar, over fair and al ways free; 164 coplea In one year for only 11.60 to any addreas. The Journal, P. O. Uox 121, Portland, Or. - A New Departure Beginning January 1, 1903, vre will give a Numbered Coupon with every subscription to The Crook County Journal and on September SO, 1903, we will ive . way some valuable and useful articles to our subscribers. The value of these wiil be $500 and they will consist of articles for the stockman, the farmer, and the household, musical instruments aad notions. This is no lottery, but we take this way of addiag more names to our already large list. Those who hold the lacky coupons are entit led to articles valued at as high as $60. Tull particulars later. : The Journal Publishing Company mile. C. K. McDowell, Prop. (TboriiigMy Innovated and Re- furnialird Throughout. American Plan. Rait $1, $1.5 and per Ahj. Accommodations aie fmmrpMaed in tha eity. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station in the house. Oregon SnoruE amoUmon Pacific Dtrut HlrtouUi""' '' ' 0teaa (all Uia. Baafar, .. fortlaiMl ft. WortkOmaba, Spatial Kanaai ?lir, 8l tChloaeo aod laftpn. ItlaaUa Salt Lata. Danraf, .. topieia ri. Worth,Omaha, law p. m. fcaaua City, St. Tla Raap Looli.Calcaiaaad latfWa (aak Krwl Walla Walla Uwuw 1 M a. m ful Mall (oo.Spekana.Mllf 4 C p. av. neapolli, St. Paul, . tW Buluth. Kllwao- IpoaaM kM.CIileaioAaaal OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rHOM rOHTLAXD. tm p.m. All aalllai d.tei iM p.m. aubjaal lo fbaoga For Baa rranelaeo all nuj t daya. Bfitly CaKaiMa llw 4p.ia. i.Bday Mtmtn. Cs.Iud(U ' atuiday Ta iatorta tti Way M h m. Laa4Ufl. (LiaaHay Ia.tuday Oweon City, Maw , barf, Salem, Inda peudaaca A Way Laadlaga. ' t:0Ca.m. wwaaiatH and Taa- 1:10 p. ia. ruaa.. Jaai. Mil lima. lion., Wad. , . awlftl. Oratoa city, Pay. " .? Wlltiawtt. urn. T?" . , . Hod., Wad. mittX. rartland u Corral. aadFM. Hi Way Uad lata. U. aiparta taaaa Ihw. n.ulito I, DallT Ually aipari.toUwl.loa 1a.m. W. I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. if; 1 ? SP f OolMmlslaa' aBoutHen BlacUta U:tl A. II.. Septembar 1, 1W0. ratk aauad DallT Viatihl Arrlra Sooui ! Boand I Norlh Boaud Dally Dally LaaTe l:Mp.m Bltia 51 H l:Sttp.ia Olbboni 11:00 1:14 p.m Vim 10:44 !:B p.m Klo'dykeiO:) 3:34 p.mi Summit il0:2ft 1:46 p.m Hay C Jc 10:16 2:4 p.m. Mi'JXi'ldi 10:11 v:.'iO :W kis t:U 4:40 4:W l.'OO North Bound alh Laare 4:(M La Mom 1:04 p. ml kloro c,:i p.m ar.ainyi 1:44 p.m O l V'y 4:011 p.m. Bourbon 4:Kp.m Gutbrta 4:W.oi! Pincoz 5:J0 pmJShanlfco i 8:40 p.m 4:13 n m 1:M p.a a inn b a.l4i 1:48 c.m a.m. 1:12 l. p.a 1:41 p.m 1: to p.a D. J. HARRIS, Suparlntendenl. C. I. LYTLE, O. P A "ZJiJi 4j.t4W W it4M tJg g The Journal U I Real Estate Agency I I in r i i 1 .l EJiaon,Ben, Ho re, Slosee, MeCormlek, aad other mllliooajra Inrarjaonhetaaltla poor. Partanaa taratt titar aaTa4ora. Ca yoa darlaa laa as aaaf WUla yaa delay, atkan St Wi nuiwrntea tMlnM km of Im i-vkl u kt ervto(s. IVf norlMmti and MTbt br InaiatliiMuitv "Inventor'! ant n9 oa rcqueii. i; Is now ready to handle your property. We have UNEXCELLED FACILITIES for placing Real Estate before thee who want to purchase and are able to give GOOD SATISFACTION. . We want Farming and Grazing Land Also Timber Lnnt! tWBy placing your property with us you get tho benefit of FREE ADVERTISING. &HI( nJ'.r'Addrfss THE JOURl REAL ESTATE AGENCY I'rliifville,! Oregon FHmary Fraparatorr and Aeadamlo Dapaiimant. Military Discipline Manual Trainin; Good Laboratories Large Armory Recreation Building A private school for boarding and day ' pupils. Prepares boys for admission to any scientific school or college, and or DunnesS life. New and completely equipped building. Thorough instruction according to the best methods. The principal has had twenty-four years' experience is Portland. Boys of any age and any degree of advancement received. For catalogue and pamphlet con taining letters of testimony, etc, address, J. W. HILL, M. D. Principal. f. O. Drawer 17. PORTLAND. ORE. Big Deal in Typewriters Austrian Government 'Orders 1300 Smith Premier. "Vienna, Feb. 7. The greatest single purchase of typewriters ever made has been ordered by the Min istry of Justice, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive trial haB contracted to equip the entire ministry witb not l?se than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying eviry coirt." . Press Dispatch to PortlandOregonian, February 7. Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents. , 4 W. T. FOGLE, Agent, i ' ' Prineville, Oregon 'fc ti -ri' :j Js. mm piacksmithifig That Pleases Is The Kind You Get nt - J. II. WIGLE'S (Succcsaor to) CORXETT & ELKIXS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand p City harder Shop. Mmiaftm, 9.9. tPwll d Cyrus, tPropn'sfor Jbt und Cti 2ths. !Prinvill, Or