Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 08, 1903, Image 5

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    iiiwiiiiiiiwi(ii e
Prlnovllo Public School TJotos
tJHIKir WMT0li,-ci,,l.. IUwl
Clrllt O Ulirktlana. ,
AUUIUT A fcl'I'U T.,- It. .,.11. V., u 1 1, I
, "... v, ' '. ' : r
IIPIII JT nillllll, 11(1 JT lynillllUK, IIITUIH J'.IMIIII,
N.lllt Day. Co;.. Nulma nwl Ititth Tuylnr.
(lorlio llitrdin was'sick tt dny or
two hint week,
Finnic Child'i was sick the forei
part of last week,
Frank Taylor spout n port of his
viu'iition at hn homo tit Haystack,
liny (difolli'lt spent tlio liolidnyK
nt J i i k country homo,
Uutli Taylor iihmiI Christina
ut Haystack,
sk Nirllio Day if klm liken to
KIwood Proper Iiiih been on tho
nick list for several days.
Sunutor and Representatives of
Cnngriw uro paid 1(5000 ft year.
Hoy Foster spent vacation in
the country looking after farm
The Now Year'n term of school
begun IukI Moniluy, January f,
At tlio beginning of noliool on
Monday, January 5, tho pupils of
the IV grade took up tint Htudy of
Winnie Cline has been Hick for
several days pant, but we hope that
she will be able to attend Hcliool
when the New Year term begins,
A citi.en neither gain nor loses
a residence while itcrving in tlio
army or navy. His voting rcsi
deuce is in the place in which he
wan a voter when lie enlisted.
.Wither constitution nor statute
law limit the number of terms u
President of the United States may
serve, Hut custom, which is iuitc
ns strung us written law, has for
bidden n third term.
Women miss it when they think
that there are not enough men to
go round. In most places there
ore two men to uus woman, and in
all but u few states there aro more
men than women.
Maud Dohhs spent a very un
pleasant vacation. She took sick
one day lust week and Iiiib been
very ill for several days since. Wo
all hope that it will not prove to be
serious iiml Unit she will soon bo
uble to resume her studies nt school.
The lirst half of the holidays
were good duys for skuting. Al
most nil of tho pupils who spent
their vacation in town enjoyed
thcnisclvos kilting," Tho ice was
frozen sullicieut for skating and
was not too cold to be pleasant
while skating.
Miss Ada Taylor, who went to
Mitchell to send the holidays, is
reported as being very sick at that
place. The news comes that her
sickness is of a serious nature am
her father and mother started nt
onto for the beside of their daugh
ter. It being so near tho begin
ning of school she will not bo able
to restimo her place ns timelier. We
are all in sympathy with her and
hope for her recovery.
One of the editors of tho school
news took a hunt for jack rabbits
last Friday, and passed by the
site of tho proposed High school,
It of course is not set with ever
green trees, and has no fine lawn,
but when a nice building is erected
it will impiove the looks of the
ground. Later on we enn plant
trees and sow some advisable seed
for the lawn. These ground will
be a good place for military if such
a thing could bo instituted hore.
We could use the city as a target
and turn loose at it most any old
time. Some cf the boys who have
sweethearts in the south end of the
city can always have a long walk
home with them, Hurrah for tho
High School!
To got a husband is what women
look forward to from the cradle to
the grave, but ninny of them fail.
It is a misfortune and hot her
fault if she fails to capture a bus
band. Eve since the creation of
trying to find out what bait ti uso
,) ,()W t() u B to ,e able
to catch man
Neither beauty nor riches can do
llio work. It Ik a hi: If evident fuel
mid every one knows it, tlmt the
prettiest girl almost always makes
the worst match, Money is not
what mon waul when they 'are
looking for a partner for life. A
woman of choice U valued higher
by a mun than all the gold hIic
might possess.' A rich young lady
adorns her parlor in the' richest
hue in order to show off when she
may have a young man's company,
hut her chopper sister generally does
her courting for her. It is not the
high toned girl that always catches
tho beau. Homo men they work
very easy, while others regard them
as foolish. Many women make
folds of themselves by overdoing
the matter. They do everything
they can to win tho man, Others
don't know a good thing when
they see it, and never respect a
man's company. At either ono of
these two things men become
alarmed anil do not often reeat
tho visit. Some ladies like to have
their licaus tell them that they love
them about forty-eleven times
every time they come to see them.
This men get tired of aihl it soon
becomes like rusty nails.
When woman thinks that men
admire a laughing hyena, she is
badly mistaken. Home girls keep
up a continuous giggling. This is
not because of an overdevelojied
sense of humor, but rather like an
alarm clock, they are never good
for anything but to mike noe.
They don't know a joko when they
see it, and so they giggle nil the
time on the strength of hitting the
right place somewhere, A man
has a higher idea of women than
these. They aro looking for col
lege bred women, for women w'ith
good sense and good judgement,
and above all a man selects a wo
man according to his taste.
Any woman might get u hus
band, but many of them are no
account nfter they get them, (let
ting a husband in quite easy, but
keeping him nt home after you get
him is what tests the good woman.
My business causes me to travel
pretty often between London and
Birmingham. One time a clerical
looking gentlemen got on nt Ox
ford just as the train was starting.
He was a pleasant, genial compan
ion and shortened tho journey won
derfully. As we drew up to the station for
tickets to bo collected, he let his
ticket drop down between the train
and platform, calling the porter's
attention to it.
"All riitht, sir. I can get it
when the train moves on."
Somo weeks later I was at a win
dow and saw the same nccident(?)
luippen, but on the Totum journey
toliirininiiham. It was the same
man; but this tiino the collector
sent a man down to pick it up, and
next minute tho clerical gentlemen
was arrested. It was nn old trick
of his the tickets being odd ones,
purchased for short journeys and
and the collectors had all boon
When I am going a long journey
in the train, and wishing a carri
age to myself, I always take a
woman's shouldier shawl in my
bag, a red or tartan one as a rule.
When I get the carriage empty I
put tho shawl over my head, down
my jaws and under my chin, let
ting it fall down in front of mo, I
then put an old pipe in my mouth
and screw up my face a bit. Any
one passing takes nte for an old
woman, and a very miserable com
panion, and leaves me alone. I
nearly always succeed in remain
ing by myself.
Notice I t'ultlftlllitH
As a charter member of the
Crook County Caltlemei b Associ
ation you are notified that the first
annual meeting of said Assoeiat'.o;-.
will be held nt the court house in
the city of Prineville, nt 10 o'clock
A. M. on tho 4th day ai February,
It is of tho utmost imjiortntice
that all the members be present,
and that a thorough interest be
taken, by all tho members, in tho
affairs of the Association.
If, for any cause, you are unable
to attend, please sow that you are
represented by proxy, in writing,
and give to your representative
your suggestions upon any impor
tant mutter that you think ought
to come before the meeting.
The following clause is quoted
from the Hy-luws, for your inform
ation: "All annual dues shall be
paid to the secretary on or before
tho day proceeding the annual
meeting. No member shall bo en
titled to vote at any annual mel t
ing unless his dm shall be fully
If you aro in arrears in your
membership fee or annual due,
please comply with the above.
The Executive Committee most
respectfully urge your presence
and interest.
M. II. hum, President. "
J. II. Oiiav, Secretary.
A liood Oougb JlMllrliic.
From Ilia (iazi'tle, Toowoonilm, Australia.
I find Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy is an excellent medicine. I have
been siill'ering from a severe cough for
the last two month, ami it has effect
ed a cure. I have great pleasure in
recommending it. W.C.WOCKNEK.
Tlii m tlio opinion of one of our old
est and most respected resident, and
lias been voluntarily given in good
faith that others may try the remedy
and be benefitted, an was Mr. Wock
ner. This remedy ia sold by all drug
gets. rood lin lo PoUon.
Putrefying food in tlio intestines
produce effects like those o( arsenic,
but Dr. King's New tile Pill" expil
the poieiuu ho.ii closed bowel", gent
ly, easily but surely, Hick Headache,
Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Hotvcl
tionb'.i'S. Only 25c at Adumson 4
Winnek. '
Notice to Electric Customers.
Your attention is called to tire
monthly lighting rat, which will
be found in the last part of Section
10, Ordinance 122, which rends as
follows :
Evening until 10 p. m., ,05 per
candle power ; evening until mid
night, .00 per candle power. All
night lights .OH per candle power.
Residences, churches and halls
spocial i rates. Residences were
given a .04 rate for this reason.
They are supposed not to burn their
lights only when in actual use, nnd
in no case to bum lights nil night
in unoccupied rooms.
Beginning November 1st, 1!K)2,
wo will charge an .OS rate on nil
night lights unless permission has
been granted for same.
We positively will not furnish
current to lights not purchased
from P. L. & W. Co. Where ttiis
frnud is found to re service will
lie discontinued without notice,
P. L. & W. Co.,
Per C. L. Shuttuok
Fruit Farm for Sate.
I offer for sale my fruit far.n of
1I!0 acres, situated in the Cove, On
the Deschutes river. There are
2000 trees of assorted varieties of
fruit nnd n ready market for nil of
the product. .
T. F.. McCai.usti'ii,
' Culver,' Oregon.
lr. C. A. I'errin,
Helena, Mont
Pear Sir:
I have nvm-lv (iuimVd the for
iutr 1 mttle mid am i:ictically well
My cane wui one mtwt ihsici;iiH wouKi
Imve iirotmunml inciiralile. My au
i iU' in kimh1, liave Alined iq jk un
in Wflnht mid M like a ww lwwe o.
tfe M Riveu in. Out' of the '.mttlt
I mml for tlii time i for n friend ami
the other for niVHcIf an 1 do hot in
(i to he wrmuit it.
Very truly vour.
T it H """
A Farm For llent
We luvt a tinint f.irt farmo
from 100 to 640 acres, Anyone
having such a place would do well
to call at this office., ;j
JouiiNAf. Rkai, Estate Aokncy.
r'ronno Properly For Trade.
We have a house and eight lots
in the city of Fresno, California,
which we desire to trade for farm
ing or timber lunik, preferably
timber land. Parties who have
either will do well to investigate
this offer. Will pny difference in
cash for some choice property,
cither improved or unimproved.
Will sell tho ubove property for
cash 'at a discount on what w
want in trade. This is a snap for
someone. Call early and be the
first to make a bid.
JornXAJ. Ill; a I. Estate A'ikncy.
Ryes exnmincd free. Er
rors of refraction correc
ted, (ilasses fitted and
diseases of the eye treated
E. O. Hyde, M. I), j
Irrigation Sewerage
Water Works Roads
Surveys and Plans Made
Terms Moderate
Address; Alfred I". Scam,
Mum. Am. Society, C. E.
Mi Wor. ltlk Mid, Or
20$ TO $25 WEEKLY
Work at your own homo. No
canvassing. ork legitimate and
honorable. Address
Home Work
214 Spring St., ' Shuttle, Wash.
Music Studio
Miss Ethel King, Teacher
Piano, Organ, Violin
Sales Agent for Music and Musi
cal Instruments.
Next Door to Kelley's Gallery
The (jRwid Restaurant
Mrs. L. Gemini, Prop.
Meals all hours, 25c
Miller Bldg., Prineville
Contractor and Builder
Shop next door to Dr. Ros
enberg's residence on Main St.
This ilgnature ti on every bos of the geiroloe
Laxative DromoHJuiune Tbiu
the remedy that cares m eokl la eoe day
Sell Lumber for
im id
Prineville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying It, 6. TJJail and (Passengers
Leaves Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs,
careful drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava,
Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. WINXEK, Agent.
Prinevillc-Burns Stage Line.
Carrying IL S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m
Passengers waybilled for Post, Paulina. Fife, Eiley, Burns
and all way points.
C. I. W INNER, Agent, Prineville
The Bon Ton
Lunch Counter
Is the place to get a good meal at short order day or j
night. We also carry a good stock of lunch goods.
f a! nn . . . .
omecuonery, lonacco ana cigars
l Call when you're fn town and you'll come again.
J. E. CAMPBELL & CO., Props. I
The Superior
Washing Machine
The attention of the public is called to the fact that the SUPER
IOR WASHING MACHINE is, like its name, superior in all all res
pects to any other on the market. For practical proof of which we
will come to your house and superintend your washing
The washer can be found already in many homes in Crook county
and is giving entire satisfaction. We have agents in the various set
tlements in this county who will show the merits of the washer o
parties interested may send qrders to me at Hay Creek, Oregon.
H. G. Kibbee, General Ag't for Crook Co
Sirloin Steak 25c 'Milk Toast 15e
T-Iione Steak. . 35c Coffee 5C
Porterhouse Steak. 50c Tea 5c
Porterhouse Steak for two. . tl 00 Milk " go
PorkChops 25c 'Coffee Cake. .. ...... ! 10c
Mutton Chop? 25c j OYSTERS,
Ham 25c n " 0. .
Eggs, extra 10c Stew . . . . 3oc
Chicken, any style 35c i esh when .n market.
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Prineville IVJeat
New Shop and is TJo-to-date and Clean
Grinding vour teeth on tough beefsteak is certainly
annoying but have you tried ours?
Our bleats are Selected
by careful judges and we use everv endeavor to fur
nish none but what is fresh, tender and nutritious.
Frosh Sawed 85iinIes $2.75
per m.
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle horses and
livery turnouts. Uates reasonable,
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that yuer
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
C0RXETT, Proprietors.
nil 1 H
Adam and Eve women have been