Illaaolnllnn Noller. Notice In liuruliy nivim tlmt tli linn n( Cnrni'tt it Klkinx, dning a Kl'IKTul lllllt'knlllitllihK iMwintieK In l'rlniivillu in tli in tiny dim.11lv.11l liy. lUlltlllll CllMKI'Ilt, t lit) llllKilH'M, Block and lisliiri'' linving lio'ii nnlil to J. II, VIle. All iiwuiiitn due (Iiii liitM fir it will ho collected liy Frank IClkiiiH uiiil till iici'iiunlii iiwiiiK liy wiltl (Irni will be ptld liy wild Krnnk Klkinx. All iiccinmt' now dun the Into linn liuvo licim placed In tlic IiaiiiU n( M. R 10 1 -liott for iininedialu collection, (1. M, Cornett Frank KlkiiiH. Dated Kcceml-er I), 11)02. Pullman Ordinary Sleeperi. Tlit tourist travel bulwwm I ho oast and the I'aiiilio ooasl lias readied unnrmiiui ri'iurtli.iii In I liu Ust luw yuan, and calla fur it intuiiil daai "I riiijitii(iiit. To incut lliia demand I ho Pullman Co. lias iuui'il Iniin lta simps what it luclniioallji calls tlm "rullmiin Onlii.nrj Weeper." Tla-Ku tan ni.i'iir nlmiliir tu tlm ri'iuliii alui'pirr, IntinK huilt on tlie same plan, but nut (urnialud with tlm 111110 ijlnmicf T'luy rt viiiiiiiil with lualtrusaus, liliiiibeta, ahi-eta, pillows, pillow-caaua, tnwrls, oomlis, 'iruahus, old., rwiiiiritiK liulhilivol t lie kind to bo furnished hy tlm iuuii(ur, Knuh car liu a lima fur making online and tea and duitiK "linlil housekeeping," anil each aucli.m can en fitted with an adjuatalde table. A uili formed porter aeiiininca each oar, hit business heiue; to uiaka up bertha, keep the car clean, ana look after the comforts and wuuii ..( the puaengera. In each "f the traina which are dispatched daily from Portland by the 0. U. A N. Ce. ia o bo found one of theae "Pullman Or dinary Weepers." The car it Itlached to the ''(.'hioav.ii Portland HhjoIbI, which goes hrouuh to Chicago without chanije, and the one in the "Atlantic Ks preaa" nun to Kaneiie Cily without hmige, I'aaaetigers in thia car for ('hi oauo haiige In a ai'nilar car at Gratigur. Much of I he Drat claaa travel ia beiini carried in theae cara, the rates being lower, and the service be)ni( nearly e(Ual to that in the palace aleeier. I'.ir rules and full information, in cluding oldera, write to A. L. Craig, tl. P. V., 0. It. N. Co. Portland, Ore. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Ol OalVMieett Tvim. ' "Wine of Cardul la hadud bUulo) to brad wemea. Having anfftraal tar liven ytari with wtakaua and bear-big-dewa aaiai, and having tried aav aril gectari and dllleenit eeeeedem with e tuccui, yaur Wine of CareWI waa tha niy thine which haloed ma, and evutualh cured ma It Mimed u build up tha wiak parta, aarenthen tha ayatam and cornet Irrtgniarltlu," Ily "tired women" Mra. Adarai meant nervoua women who have di Bordered man nee, fallinf of the womb, ovarian troublee or any ol thne ailmanU that women nan. Ym can cure yovrtnlf at home witk thia greet women 'i remedy, Wine oi Ctrdni, Wine oi Cardul bat cured thouaanda ol caaee whirk doeton have failed to benefit. hy not begin to get well tudayf All druggiaU have 11.00 bottlee. Tar any atomnch, liver or bowel diaor der Thedlord'i Dlack-Draaght hould be utnd, rnra4v1fleBnBlltralar.a4aeMa,rl1iui InnifUmil, tlw IaiIw Anlffy lno mmit, fhe Ohetunooea Ml'lne r WlNEo'CARDUl faayavevaa,..,,! MEN! You.can be cored If yon suffer fron nny of ths ills of men, corns to the oldast fipscialist en ths Pacinc Csasli OR. WRDAN ft 00.. 1081 MarkatSL fsld IB81 Vonn men and nlddle ued msi who aretuncrinf ' irom ins srTflcts uf youthful tnditereiioni or ei cewi in RiAtiirer yesn. Ntrroui snH rhyicsl I IreblinlmiMilenfr.LoiI NanhiHi4 in all it, cimieiirmioru; HpfrmAtorrnira, I ProsllrrbPM, iotinrrbers, tjllel, rrtHrn-7 of Iirhisttlns, !. Hy a I combination of remedi, ot gresi curative pow er, the Duct or hat s arrsnKed his treatment I that it will not only ilToni immedUte relief but permanent cure. The Dnrtor (Iom not claim to pert rot miMcles, but is well-known to be tlsir anu kqtiare Itiytidnn and Surgeon, re-eminsnt I in hit wxrialiy IHnettnen Of Jlew. ft r phi lis (horoimliU- nnidkateddoni tha l ytti-iu wliluiiitiHli nrrrury liVKHT MAN hih'IvIhk to ns will rt j Ct'lv inir ktmnt njiirtlim o( lilsrompltilnt. newiti auarantcr ajirri ri v n i,inn m every eate we wulrrtake, or urjvi't Out) ThoaHand Iollaro. Comiillttion VHVY. and ilnVHy privste. ClIARUhS VKHV RT.ASONAM.R. Trest Bi' nt!ly or hy Inter. Send for hnok, "The rtiiiAtiophv of naurrlace," free. (A vjlniible book lor men.) VI MIT DH. JORDAN'S Great Muslim of Anatomy tie fiimtsful Urseit MtiKiimof its kind in the world. Come snd Im how wonderfully you am mice; how to avoid irke and owa. $ We are nmrintnllv uddinK tirw spooiiness. i'ATALOOl'g AKKR Call or wriit). f 9 ' I Oft I Market StrMt, Sm Francisco, Cat. a a TO CUHK A fXlMI IN ONE PAT, 'Me lMMtW'. Hromo Quii.lne Tablet., All druggist, refund the money if it hoi. to on o. K. W, drove's signature la on """ ""' ""' HolhlMf f-;xrnralfii. Kxcnrnion tickeU will lie on mile J (rotn ami to all local HtatiuriH on tlio C'oUiinljia Koutliern Railway on Dec, 2!)rd, 24th, 25th, 30th, and j .'Hut, 1!)0'2 and Jiinunrv let, l!)().'i at one and oim-third furcu lor tlio round trip. (Ihildron between 6 and 12 yearn, oiic-huTi tlio adult (are, Tickets mild on ubove ditto . 1 1 1 i, ,.( ni t.. win no kooiI to return unti Jan- ( n linry ,lrd, 1 00.3. CoildllCtona will noil tickot" Ollly Irom dtatiotm whero there in no Agent. C, K, I.VTI.K, (i. P. A. Hhaiiiko, Oro., Dec. 9, 1!)q2. HTOI.KN Olt HTIIAVKM. One lirtiwn mite, ego 6yuure, weight iiiiout j,ig) li, broke, m very gontln, Blur in fiirelieud, right hind font: white, branded H-Z on loft aholilder, una u yniirlliiK colt with her; On lurk buy iniire, weight iiiiout KXK) Iba,. broke, very gimth), whitn html feet, star in fnreheiitl, briiinlwl A 3 on left tiouiiior. l.elt absteri 0110 year ago, T.).(K) rewiml will be luiiil for rotum of, or to diacovery of ciiliciol anid Hiiiinula. II. K. Ol.AZIKII.Or rfM WlKIII., t U-vJt m Hialcre, Oregon. A. J. Unci I wanted to attend a par ty, but win afruid to do ao on account ofpaiiuln hit ttomach, which he ia,ih, ,ir,i,i, 0f the act ef Congreaaol feared would grow worae. He aayi, "I Jime S, 17H, entitled "An act for the aale uf wai telling my trouble to a y tlmlier Lnda In the XUtea of Calilnrnla, Ore friend, who .aid: 'Chamberlain'. Colin ! '". Nva-la and Wa.hingt.a, T.rriUiry," a , , ... , , .,, extended to all the Public Lard ntatea by Cholera and Pirrlwa Konicdy will put , A,w,llt 4 wn Willlil r. (;uUrt , you in condition for the party.' I j.,,,, vmMy r Cr,k, ute of Oregon, bought a boltlcund take- pleaaure in ; hue on Aug. 15, l'JO! died In thh offloa hl Itnling that two doited cured me and aworn etatement number loul, lor the pur- ennliled me to have a nod time at the c,," th' X! 'SW r'y !,PC' enabled me to nave a gowl time at Hie SWJ HWJ n I?g R )K party. Mr. Bnoll la a reeidcnt ol ( w M ...dUIT.rpnf that the land Huniliior Hill, N. Y. Tbil lemetly ia amight la mi,re valuable tor lta timber or Koranic by all druggiata. Notice of Final Settlement. I n the matter of the elale of William H. I Adttinn, diKwuHtf). Nittict' l hereby ifivrii , tlmt the unlnilF(n'd, f th foatiit of William H. Adam-, .It-awd, baa lilml hi final aiicrmnt m Huth adniini.trutor in the Comity Court of the HUUi ol reon o'clock A. M. forth' hearing and final acttle. mem oi aam a.icointi. All pereon are therefore untitled topreeent their to aaid account, if any they I have, at aaid time and place. nieiit ( aaid aoconttt. i Wh. A i a mm. atlniiitintrator of the e.UU of William H. Ad tutu, deceaani, W. A. 1111, Atu.mry Ur vuu. Executors otlco. 1 he tinderaiKned hat in (fen duly apiKtiutrd uxctit.-r of the lat will and teotau.ent of ! K. M. (iilmour, deceased, ly the Cmty Court of the Hint jf ihyn for Crook Coun ty, notice b hereby (fiven to all enotw haviitK claima ;ai)tHt the aaid eatate to pre sent aaid claim with jiroxr vouchers, to the undent !ned at the othceof W. A. Bell, in l'rineville, Orem. within six months from tl.e date of this notice. Dated this 7th day of .January, 1103. W. K. Hammer, Kxecutor of tha lait I will and tcrttatuent nf f, M. (iilmour, do censed. W, A. Hell, Attorney for estate. Jaii-K-.M- TlmlM-r !,nnd. Art Jim) S. 1S7K. NOTJCK KOH PITIII.ICATION. t J l'nltd Biatt'i Land Offlce. The Dallea, (rretpiti, Uecetroer 10, 11103. Notice li hereby fflven that In compll i nee with the provisions of the act of Concreaa of June 3, 178, entitled "An act Tor the ante of timber la mil In the atates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," aa extended to all the Public land Btatea by act of August 4. iHirJ Juhn W, Due, of Orliil), ootmty of Crxmk, state f Mietron, has Deo. 1103, filed In thin offlM his sworn statement numlwr 1MU, for the purchase of the RW HK'i teetlon 90 -nd NW NKJ and N! N S section XI In township niimlwr 12 8., ratine 1H K., W. M., and will offer pmuf to show that the land ught 1 mora valuable for its tlmlier than for aKricultuml purposes and to establish hia olaim to said land before W. A. Hell. V. H. CommisHloner, at Princville. Omron, on TiHtaday, the 10th day of March, He namea aa witnesses; Lena Hurley, Annie Mailing, Nellie Dae and August Lipp mat), all of l'rineville, Oregon. Any nnd oil poraone eiitlmlng adverso ly the above-deacrlbed landa are request ed to lite their claima In this office on or before aiti-1 10th day of March, 11t0.t. JAY P. I.t'CAS. Register. Jttn.-l-np Tlmbor l-nnd. Aft June t. 1S78. NOTICW FOlt PITHMOATION. Cnlted Blatee Iand Offlce. The PulU'H, Orrgnn, Deo. 22, W2. Notice 1 hereby given that In complt nnco with the provlnlona of the act of I'tinKn-SM of Juno 1, WK entith-d "An act lor the nale of timber landa In the etatt .. i"a1irni-nlii nrovnn Nov nil A nnit U'ih. .. ..a ..- ' inKUMl IHI11.M), -3 ,.r...MU i.,-., PubHc Land fl.utca by act of Agt 4(. i IMltt, Allen M. Iigan, if Uo..k, rnunty ol Cmok, stste t"f Orrgim, has this day i ovenller li, iwa, nieu in uns imice in- swum tittciiieiit No. lit for the pur- cbafpof the NF.!' and WV'. SK1 : nf Milfoil 10, Tp. IK S., It. '."O H, W.M , and ; t.. .1 , th.i il... nu, ! i more valuable f n' it timber or stone than fro airricullurnl a i-oees, nid ti eetah lih his uhvim t' said laud Wfore .1. J. Smith, County Clerk, X Prltieville. Oregon, on Ssturday. the "tli dny ol' Mmch. I'.ett. H-asmtisas wituesnes: Jnhn H. Wlle I of Prliuvllls, Oregon, T. J, Huston, W. A. , Nf ""' """j1, """'nl' ' ' "J"1 " pr"'m, ,c",'m" 0 cMm, , , before mid 7th day of March, lists. JAT P. LUCAS, Henlalnr. 'I'im'.trr LiiimI. A -t Jiiio 1, 1 .7i :;ot,i.'h run i'L'ui.i'jation, t'nllid (ttatna Mud Oltlce, The Dallna, Oregon, Doc, 33, Wl. Notice la hereby given that In compll- wl,h !hf ur"vl"l" " ' for the aale of timber landa In the atalee of California, OrrKon, Nevada, and Witah- ).,, Trl,n " ,tMnil,..1 in all (tin fubiir ind Hiaia by act f Aoa-ut W, Cliarlea W'aUirhoiiM, of (Iranite Kalla ' (u . u li. ... - eiiunty of nnohiimuin, etate of WaahinKUin, hue on Oct. 0, 1902, tiled In thui orfice hi. aworn atatement No. ISO, fortbeponbaai. of the WXHW aud K, V4 Hwtlon IK and KVf NW!4 aectlon IB In townablp 15 H., range 20 K W, M., and will offer proof to h,,w that -he land Bought la mora valuable for Iti tinilier and atone then for agricultural purnoeea, and to eaUbllaa bia claim to aaid laud before W, A. Hell, V. 8. Commlaafoner, at I'rinevllle, Oreg'rti, on naturday, the 7tb day el Marcn, H. Ifenaineaaa witnciieea: llyron Cady, rred T. lllgglna, Henry A, Fouler and I erry It. I'oiwleiler, all ol 1'rlnevllle, Ore- gun, Any and all nvranm claiming adverae- H lh ative-dicrlbed landa are re.iint- '" "" ",rlr "' ""- """" " Mutt aaid 7th day of March, 1II3. JAY V. I.UCA8. Kcglater. Jull'l'lip Tlmlier Land, Act June 3, )K7H. I KOTICK FOR prilUCATMN. United Htatea Land Office, The I)allea, Oregon, Oeeemlier 23, 11102. Notice U hereby given that in compliance ituiie than for fcyricultunU jiun"Meii, and U ' MUliliHh hit claim to Mid Und before W. A. I ltall, U. H. Com diim toner, at l'rineville, ; Oreon, tri Momlay, tha M day of Man li, 1 m. u. ;ika,.. r v ii,.,.if.t . ,. f ln, Oreifi.ii, Knox Himf.n and W.IIUin A. Utnttli. of l'rineville, Ure(t"n, litnme W. (jilwin and John A. Cllaum, f Tout, Ortxnn. ahve-deiK:riled lanJa an reqnwUfd to tile tneir ciauua in 23r,j fay 0 j ,. . Jan-l-p their claim in thU office on or buftrt aaid March,, JAY I. LfCAaS, HeKUter. rVOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. ItKPAHTMKNT OV THK InTKHIOK. Land Orricic at The, Okk ion, i Novemlier 34. V.Xtt, f Notice it herehy given that the follnwtn turned wttler ha tiled notice of his intention to inske hnal tirHif in suiiuort of his claim. and that aaid will be made lefore J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Pnneville, Oregon, un Thursday, January 8 lWKt, via; IjTi A. Mtnire, of Lautoiita. Oregon, H. R. No. fiViil, for the Lots 1 A 2 ft NK 8e tin 3, Tp. U H. li, 14 K., W. M. He names the fllowin)f witneeates t pn ve his continuous residence Umii aud cultivation uf said land, vie Jerry Aekey, Robert Johnson. John ley and James Kaifan all of Lainonta, Ore- K"n. JAY P. LLCAS, Iteiflster. Deny Timber Land, Act June S, 1K7S. NUTICK KltH PUBLICATION. Cnlted States Offlrp. The Dalles, Oregon, Novemi-er it, HKTi. Nutlve la hereby given that In compli ance with the provision of (he act of Con arena of June 1, 178, entitled "An act for the aale nf timber landa in the diatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, rind Washington Territory, aa eitended to all the Public Land Htatea by act of August 4, Wl, the following persona have, filed la this office their aworn atatemenla, to-wit; Kd ward R. Knoi, of Post, county of Crook, state of Oreifon, aworn statement No. tt-tf, tiletl June SO, 1103, -for the purchase uf the 8KWNW,HWX NKViandNHSW See. 34, Tp. 17 8. K. 18 K., W. M. Roaooe Knox, of Post, oounty of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworn statement No' KtS, tiled June 2A, 11X12, for the purchase of the Si NKandKSSh 'X' Tl'- 17 H- " 1HK..W. M. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land Bought la more valuable for lta timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to aaid land before J. J. Smith, County Clerk at his office at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on Friday, the tith day of Kehrnary, I'JOA. They name as witnesses: Henry Beak, Caleb Davis. Hubert Myers, John HuKies and Frank Hughes, all of Pt Oregon. Any and ail teraona claiming adverse ly the above-described lamia are reorient ed to file their claima In this offlce on or lfore said tith day of Kehi u.u v, lilP.1, JAY P. LUCAS. Register. pc-iVnp Timber Land. Act June 3, 1M. NO'l'lCW KOH Pl'HLICATlO.V. . I Tutted States Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, NoveinUer l!WJ. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with tin- provisions of the act of Cinwens ol Jun i. entitled ".n act (or t lie sale of timlwr lands In the ntniea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and 'ah inston Terrllory." as extended to'till tlic I'ot'Uc IjiivI Ptntes by net of .iikiisI 4. 11K.2, thn f(dlowinn perm iin thin day Sett. Ill, P.ttf Hied in thia uHive his tw r;i statement to. wit. Klmer W. Kay lor, f Prinevill. , county f Crook, sttc of Orcon. Mwom stutetnent No. 11,'iK. forthe imrcW- ol the S NKV ah' I i...., u' , n... ... . , ,u L. u- i Ihst he ' will lier piiwif 'to show Ll ,,,e lHld ls mnr(. valuable for lis thnber or fton. than for asricultunl pur- fid entAliltdh his clrtiiti .. , , ( y i n;.,,. - iiMmer at Prineville, On v-n, on Friday theiitlnlay ol Febiuary, i. He tinmen w itnesws: Sain H.ii-es, Klmer W. Kavler, 11. F. lone, Cha. A ;ravet and K, 11. Wakrhr-ld, all of l'rineville. Oregon. A::v ant nil persons claim! i;t ndvr llv the nrive-rle!. rlbed liunbi are reiioeel d o fi' tbelr "lalnr In tbts ofllce on ot ! lierore the staid fith da of Febrasry, IfitO. i JAY P. L1TA8. KcstFter. I 1 eP Notice to Creditor. Notice In hereby given that the llnder algnwl baa by the (lonely Court of 1'rook county, hlate of Oregon, duly ntipointol ua Ailoiloiatralorof the catiiU" of W. 11. Fuller, .leccmed, and all pemeim having claima ngaiiiat Miiiil eaUte ure hereby reiiiired to in-ent the miiic duly verified to aaid aU iiiliiietratiir at hUolllcc nl I'rlnevllle.llre. g"ii. within l iii,nt!i from the date of the hr.. pnhlieMlion ol lliiKiiolke. II..I..I (in AirfO, 1). V. Htwt, Adlniiii..rHtor of the Katnteof W. II. I'lll.l.KM, del cai-, I Timber lar.d, Act June 3, Iffffl, NUTICK KOH PIHLICATION. I'nlted Htatea Land Office, The Dullw Oregon OcU.iM-r 17 WL Notice la hereby given thHt In compll nwn with the provlalona of the act of Congrem of June i, 178, entitled "An nrt tor the aale of timber landa In the Htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," aa eitended to mi wie ruonc iana Htatea by act of Auguat 4, m, ThomftN M O'iloimell. of Prineville. iHMintv ofCroik,tate of Oregon, has on Aug 4 men in una nnice It is sworn stateiiient, nuiiiberliiO, fur the piirchase of the WU MK1 dt KU.WJ ol Mec. atTn 12 H.. K 111 V... W. M., a fid will offer proof to show that the land sought ix mure valuable for its tinileer or atone than for HKricultural pur imwh, and U establish hifl claim to said land before W. A, iiell, 1J, H. I 'oniniii-Kioti-er. at Pritieviile, Oregon on Friday the 2nd duy of January. 1111, He names as witne-ses: Wiilter O'Nell. Scott Hutbaway, Walter Huodderly nnd Perry lng, all of Prineville Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse !y the Hbove-d-'nerfbed lano are rejuet t to file their claims In thia onVe on or before aaid 2nd day of January, I'Ml, JAY P. LlX'Afl. Reglater, Tinilier Land, Act June '(, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tinted Hute Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 21, lwri. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the i)roviiona of the act of Con urcsiof June 3, IH7W, entitled "An u t for the sale of timlwr lands in the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wahing Um Territory," as extended to ail the Pub lic Land Htates hy act ol Augunt 4, !', the following persons have tiled in this office their sworn Ntateinents, to wit: HLANCHK PARSONS of Buckley, coun ty of Pierce, state of Washington, swirn stutement No. Idtifi, tiled August 'JH, Mm, for the purchase of the SKJ4 bet. :U, T. 14 H K l!lF W M ALllkK'i1 Hl'pAItSONH. of Huekley, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 10b", tiled Augutai, llerj, for the purchaw of the K' hkA, M W N K aud N W 8ec. A T 14 S.. it 1!( W. M. PKARL CHAMilKHLIN- of Seattle county of King, stute of Washington, sworn statetncnt No. 10ii4, tiled August 21, 11W, jor me purenuse oi me r.'Ji r,l4 and NKH ec. 1, T. 14 H.. K. W K W.M. That thev will offer nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tinilier or stone than for agricultural pur- nis, aim to euauiitu tueir claims to said and lieiore the Register aud Keeeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th utv oi January, its Ther name an witnesset: Florence M. Cady. D. Lawton Cadv, lllanehe Parwjns nnd Albert H. Pwrnonsof Huekley, Wa-nh., MhvJ.CiuIv ami Wulta-r V. ClV i.C ut. chell, Wash., and Pearl Chamberlin, of nenuie, h ait. Any aud all persons claiming advenelv the aoove-descrilH'd lands are reo,ue!td to lilv their claims in this office on or before the said 12th day of January, llajct. ou-p J. 1'. LUl'AS, Ke glster. Timber Land. Act June 3, IS7S. NOTICE eUK PfHl.lCATlOX. t 8. Inl Ufflee. The Dallea, Oregon. June 3, I9"Z. October 17, lJi Notlre In hereby elven that In comull- unee with the pruvlalons of the act of L'onaresa of June 3, 1K78, entitled "An aet for the aale of timber landa In the Btatta of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Waehlnglon Territory," aa extended to all the Public I.aiid Btatea by act of A-.iguat 4, lss.', the following pereona have filed in thia ottice their awom Btatelnenta t,KWit JKNMK D. Pit KKTT. of Priuerille. county of Crook, atute of Oregon, aworn Btateinent NuM, tiled Aueust, 7, 1W.'. for tlie purchase of the K'4 N Y., S !4 N E'4 andhE.NNVSec, tp 15 S., R 111 E., EUNEST D. STARR, of Prineville. county of Crook, atate of Oregon, Bworn etatement No KM, Hied August 7, liar.', tor the Hin hae of the NEJ. Sec 24, tp 15 8., SARAH l'KOTZMAX. of Prineville. county of Cnwk, atate of Oregon, awom statement No47, tiled July :. I'ttl for the puri haw of the K4 SE NW hK and NE SWJ Sec 20' tp 15 S., R IB E AlKll.PH KOTZM AN. of Prineyille. eounty of Crook, atate of Oregon, awom Btateinent Sola", tilnl Auguat 4, 1902, for the purchase of the SK;i Sec 8, tp 15 8., R h'NRY K. BKARD. of Prineville. county of Crook, atate of On'gon, sworn alatcment No UI8, lileil August 4, HOJ, for the nun nnse ol tlie SEU Sec 2, tp 15 S., K 111 K W M. r JEFFERSON D. EVANS, of Prinevill.. county of Cniok, state of Oregon, eworn stateiuent .Mi , liled August 4, 1U02, for the pun liaae of the WU NK und WS SKI Sw 2, tp HI S., R 18 E. . W M. that they will offer proof to ahow that the land Bought la more valuable for lta umber or atone tnan for agricultural pur IKieea. and to establish their claim to aaid land before M. R. Biggs. II. a. Cumtnig. Mloner. nt his ofllce at Prlnevllle. Oregon. on r rmay, uie .iia (lav olJunuarv, 1!K. They name if witnesses: Jennie D. Pickett. Ernest II. Starr. Sarnh I. k',, ,,,,,, Adolph KotzmiMi, llenrv E. Board. Jeffer son u. f.vans inoinas II. O'Connell and Muhalu J. Evans all uf Prineville Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely- the nbove-deeerlhod hinds are request ed to file their claims In this offlce on or before the said 2nd day of Jamiarv, 1!3H. JAY T. LUCAS, Rcglsur. 023 Notice to Creditors. Notice is licrehv given that the under .i..ii,.,l ),s h,Hn Itv the Cointtv l,nri of Cnetk Counlv, slate of Oregon, duly nlUHtinted as Administratrix ol the Estate t (ieorge YV. tllenn, ihri'rtM'd, end all persons having rlaitn ug.iuist Miid estate are hereby rsiureu to preseni ine same duly vcviiied to said Aitniiiiist mt rix at the ortiec of M. K. Brink, in l'rineville. Oregon, wiiliin six months from the date ol tbe tirat publicaliiin of this notice. Ihttoit tii-totH'.- -1st, lia. S,HII P. OlTNN, Adniinstrtratrii: ol the Estate of IlKoHiia W. lil.KNN, dls-eilseil. M. K. Hrink, Attv. for Oct2S7 Real Estate for Sale ' FOB SALK-A two story dwelling with liain and outhouses in the city of Priusefllt. This property is well situated aad is coveeed I bv irrii:ation. It covers oaja-4urth of a bleek I :.. t ,1.. 1. i.t.... I..ual... iu the town. Pi n's reasonable JOURNAL RSAL KSTAtK AiiXNCY. "Jet Ice af I'lnatl Settlemenl. fn the nntfer of the estate of Albert K. Hmlth, Iecawd, N otice is hereby fjiven that the under signed, the aonniistrntor of the estate of Albert E, Pmllh, has (Heft hia final ac- coiinting ol his ailininistratinii f uid es-1 tate. and the Hon. County .Pudge for Crook county, Oregon, bus H the fitb day of January, ttn'A, at the County Court hVxun, in 1'riiH-ville, Oregon, a.'tbe time mid plai t: tut liea ring uiu final :u-euii;.ting. Wg Hmith, Administrator of Estate of Albert K. Snith. DeeeiMcd. Daleil this l.llli day of November, lift.', .'rt-p t.XYA l TOir SALE. Notice i hereby g,iven, that by virtue of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, duty made ami entered in the matter oi trie estate of H. A. Smith, deceased, on the 10th day of November, 1H02, authorizing, direct ing and empowering the undersigned to sell the following desertl-d real property of ttie said Kitate, at private sale for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, we will, on and after the 22nd day of Dec ember, 1.(02, proceed to sell the same at private sale at the office of the Kxeeutors, 402 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon. The said real projicrty Is deseribHl as fol lows: The southeast (jtiarter of the south east quarter of Section twenty-nine, the east half of the northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northeast ijuartcr south Range eleven east Willamette Merid ian. Crok County, State of Oregon, con taining one hundred and sixty ( 10b) acres. W. N..fosKs A. F. Fi.rokl, Executors of the Estate of 11. A, Smith, Deceamfl. ( Nov. 2, 5, Timlr ljinil, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICP, FOlt PUBLICATWX. I'mmi Statbi Lcn OrncK, The Dallea, Oreipm. Oct. 21, 1!2. Notice ia hereby iven that in compliance with the piviviaiona nf the act iff Cenifreee nf June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber landa in the Ktatee of California, (re fon, Nevaia and Waehinifton Territory," aa extended to all the 1'ublio Land btatea by act of AllKuat 4( 18112, the followinir nameti iwreona have, on Auinutt 'SA, 1U02, filed in thia office their awom atatementa, to-wit: Lr,ONAHDT. HMITH, of Buckley, oounty of l'ierce, atate of Washington, aworn atate ment No. 10MI fi the porchaee of the H'A SK'4, K. Hr. and 8KJ X4 fiec. 12, t. l.irl., R18K..W. M. FKANk '. .SMITH, of Bucklee. onunte of Fierce, atate of WaehinirUtn, worn etate ment No. 1070, for the purchase of the SW Sec. 8, T 15 8., K 10 K., W. M. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land weight ia more valuable for ita timber or atone than for aericultiiral irartxeea. and to jffltablUn their claim to aaid land .before the KepNter and Keeeiver, at The Oallea, Oregon, on Tuenday, the 1.1th day of January, V'U. They name ae witneeeea D. L. Cady, Flor ence M. Cly, J. M. .Smith, C. Cady, 1). A. Oedy. B. Cady, M. J. Ca,k. W. E. Cady, Leonard T. nmith and -1 rank F. Smitb, of Buckley, Waahintrton, and M. J. Cady and W. t. Cady, of (ietchell, Waeb. Any and all beraona claimine adversely the alMive-deacriljed landa are miueeted tn tile their claim l this office on or before the aaid 3th day uf January. l!aU3. o-30-p JAY P. LUCAS, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PfBLICATlOX. ' Ind office at The Dallea, Oregon. November 17, 1002. Notice is hereby gtven that the following named settler haa filed notice of hia inten tion to commute and make final proof in au port of his claim, and that aaid proof will be nude before W. A, Bell, I). S, ComniieHoner at Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday, Janiauy 3, 1903, via- I ieorge M. raul, of Havitack, Urn," in. H. E, No. 94117 for the SF.'i 8WK. SWW SEW and .'4 SE Sec. 11, Tp. 12 S., R li E., w at. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuoua residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: David W. Harriett, of Haystack Oregon. and Orley C. Hale, Frank W. Haaiaa and r rank h. KiKtman, all of tutver, Ureguu. Jar P. Licas, nv-27 Kegiater. NOTICE VOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dallea. Oregon, Novembers, liajt Notice is hereby given that the following named aettler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in euppert of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore gon, on Friday, December, 19. 1962, via: John J. Coleman, of Prineville, Orevon. H E. No. 7148. for the SV)4 Sec, 35, tp, 12 B K. 14 I!..; Vf. M. He namea the following witneaaea to prove hia continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vix: John Hantey, L. M. Thomas, Joee-ph Wigond and It Moore, all of Lainonta, Oregn. ' JAY P. LUCAS, ' N 13 Register. Portland-Astoria Route. Steamer "BAILEY GATZERT" Daily Round Tripa except Sunday. Time Card Leave Portland 7 a. in. Leave Astoria 7 p m. The DallesPortland Route. Strs. "TAHOUA" ana "UETLAEO" Duily tripa except Sunday. Steamer "TAHOMA" Leave The Dalles, Tueadays, ThuradAyB and Saturdays at 7 a. in Leave Portland, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridaya at 7 a m steamer "METLAKO" Leaves Portland, Tueaday, Thurs day and Kilunlay : : : : 7 a. hi. Leaves Dallea, Monday, Wednes day, Eriday :::::: 7 a. m. Landing and oHice: Foot Alder Si. Both Pbouea Main Xil. Portland, Ore j AOESl'S 1 .1. V. Crirhtmi, Afft., Till' Duller I A. J. ravlor AlL, Asloria I J. ('. Wyntt, Ant., Vanctrnvt-r. j A. K. Fuller Agent, Howl River j Wol ford & Wvits, Atrt.. W. Salmon , R (i (ilLBUETH. Lile. 1 JOHN M. TOTTOX, StH,n.,., Wash. HENKY OHISTFVD Oaraon. Wuh. VM. BUTLER, Butler. Wish. E. V. Criflitoii, Agt., Portland rfttorniy ml Xmw, PHINEVILLK, OREGON sum PRINEVILLE, ORKOON. i'RLNEVILLE, OREGON. Jflowy aj Comnnler it Xam PRINEVILLE, OREOOJf. J. L McCulloch, Dealer in Real Estate and Ab b tractor of Titles. PRINEVILLE, : OREGON PAynca and Juryn. Office in rear of Adamaon, Winnek (V PRISEVILLE, OREGOIf (f, 0 JTyJe, ty. 2). Pyan amd Surf.,. Diseases of women a specialty. Phone. No. 2. Residence back 0 th. Photograph Gallarv. PRINEVlJilE, ORSGON. Calls answered promptly day or ne.tita. Of- bo. with Dr, V. Gbmw. Raeideoc eomer 1st aud Main streets. PRINEYILLE. OHEfinv W. H. SNOOK, M. Physician autl SfRtiEON CULVER. : ORKfinv Am nretiared to answer nmf.. sional calls promptly. j. l. Mcculloch, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Repairing a Specialty. Prineville, : : Oregon PWNDEXTER Shaving: Parlors . 1 TICK AOKINH, Proprietor Shaving Halrcuttinir Shampooing ' Baths. A fine bathroom devoted especially to the use f ladies. Everything up-to-date and strictly first-class. V. A. HARDIX M. D. KLUM HARDIN i KLUM Contractors and Housebuilders Painting, Bricklaying, and Carpenter Work. . WM. BO YEARS' y EXPIRIKNCI A Tpum Mams COPVRIOHTt C. Anront wndlng iketch Mid dMCiiptlon tnaf qnlrklf ucwtaln our opinion It w bet her u liiTcution la probably pAintbl. rommuailcs- tknniMrtetWfotiildenttaKt. Handbook oo PsUmdu eut frm, OltlsMt Mencr for aWcurlaMlenta). Patwiti Uken through Muun A Co. rC4r tfteiai notice wlttuiut obnme, tn tb Scientific American. A hMdiomelr U1n8trfttd WMklf. Inreat Hr. mtatltHi uf hit ttclentUlc tournaj. Term. 3 tout: four m.mtb, H. Sold byaJI nwdelr. MUNNCo"'New York Branch ooe. 816 T BU WaablOKtun. D. Deputy Stock Inspectors, Notice is hewby given that I have apKinted the following named person! deputy siock inspeciurs: J. T. tnrtTitfht, flay Creek. Ash wood. Sisters. Hny'tack. Paulina. Pout. Bt'ar Cretk. li.Und. Har'Hn Hay Crvek. lliy Croek Sum HMinilnn . Spurkri, A. Mnrri'W, F M. lSiuidi, K.rHl'lHJ KlIl'X, T. 0. Swam, i 3. 8. B-.tfiir. Akx, f. P. VdiH'-utell, .1" S. Guilt. Jiw JVI inkle. l;tick Iiispt'rti.r CrtM'k Cimnti. TIMBER LAND FIN AL PROOF BLANKS for h1p iit t liia ofHce at very renson flbU prirfs. Mtil oider)i prumjily at temled to. I rVJ Ii aJ M tl i n J