S Si :S -" ;Si; Xocctl VJention Orlio t.wir.n was over from Mitchell last week visiting with frk-nJ- C.'C. Cooner and W'r wore ( over from Sisters to sjenu uuiwi with friends. Mr. l'almehn, of Willow Basin, was .. ..,, k Portland the first of the week. Shaniko Leader. Tnvlnr has none to Mitchell to spend the holidays with friends at that place. n v i,m,hP,-.! and S. C. Forest were down from Cold Springs Friday looking after business matters. Mm J. T. Bowman, of Wasco, pass ed through hero Sunday enroute join her husband at Silver Uke. Grant Mays was up from Ihe.Palles this week. He denies being candi date for V Senator. Antcloi Herald, Carey W. Foster left on Friday's stage for outside points on an extend ed pleasure trip and win oe gone mouth or two. Miss Pearl Deau, of Hay creek, was north bound passenger on the 0. Ky. on Tuesday morning. Shaniko Leader. This office is in receipt of a few Hick's almanacs that can be had for twenty-five cents by those desiring them. George O'Xeal, one of the promi nent stock growers of the Paulina sec tion of the county, was doing busiucss in the metropolis last week. J. E. Edwards, who is teaching school on Willow creek, was a visitor in town during Christinas week and reports everything doing nicely over that way. (J. M. Paul was over from the Wil low creek, basin Sunday on a visit with friends and looking after matters connected with his homestead. HKn.t ranninir came in from the depert Saturday for brief visit with friends and reports his sheep in fine condition. O.E.Montgomery came up from Cross Keys Saturday and is visiting with friends in fthe city for a few days. Ed Kutchcr came up from his ranch in the vicinity of Agency Plains Sat urday and reports everything in fine shape down there Ealph Caldwell and wife were down from Lava attending the Christmas ball, and as Ealph is an enthusiastic Knight, he enjoyed the occasion to its fullest capacity. Miss Daisy Booth, daughter of Rev and Mrs. G. M. Booth, who. is a teach er in the public schools at Moscow, Idaho, is borne for the holidays. Dalles Chronicle. Lew McCallister was letting the light of his countenance shine in upon his friends during the fore part of the week. He has been farming on his desert ranch for some time past. W. C. Jacobs came down from his ranch on Twelvo Mile Saturday and continued on to Portland Sunday and will be absent for some time on busi ness matters, D. P. Adamsou informs our reporter that his stock of Christmas goods are all gone and there were calls for more than he could supply. This is a good indication that our end of town i: growing in public favor. The wife of B. Dombrowe presented her husband with a tine little daugh ter on December 19. These people are among the settlers of the Agency Plains country, about three miles southwest of Palmain. J. W. Howard took over 501) head of fine beef cattle two weeks ago from Merril to Gazelle and will in the nent few days take two more large bands. The stock was sold to Mr. Aiken of the Western Meat Co., of San Fran cisco. Klamath Fails Express. George Sehlccht, of Pallas, Oregon was a caller at this office Sunday. He is an old time printer from the east and is taking a trip of observation in this-p.-irt of the world. Hi likes the country very well and says that it compaivo very favorably with what he has seen during his travels in the west. Our reporter had the pleasure of ex amining a motor cycle, the property of J. W. Collins, Saturday, that looks as if it would beat a bene or wagon "all to pieces" going up or dowu bill. ; If it does the work lis well as Mr. (VI ' tins seems to think it will, it will bo I irood method of locomotion in this hilly country. ' Miss Lillie Head was in from Culver the fore part of the week having her linal papers made out for a statu life diplomat. Mis Head is one of the most popular teachers in the county and deserves her diploma. Mis. James S. Kelly departed for Pendleton on Mondays stago and will visit with her parents for a time leav ing Mr. Kellv to "rastle" with he ket tles and pots and attend to other household duties as 'veil as run the gallery. H. J. Lister came down from his stock much in Rabbit valley Saturday and continued on to Shanik?, where he will meet his wife, who is coming home from a two mouths stay in Port land, a portion of which time she has been in the Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. Lister is greatly improved in health. See W. H. Smith's new livery ad this week. This stable is located in the old courthouse building and is doing a good business. It is only a question of time when this part of town will be doing as large a business as any if not the largest. It- is rum ured that with opening of spring a large two story brick business block will be built not more than one block from the Journal office. Ah Biug, of the firm of X. A. Tye and Brothers, arrived Friday from Hong Kong, China, and will take an active part in the business of the store at this place. Ah Bing has been away from Prineville for about eight years and says that he is agreeably surprised at the great development that has taken place during his ab sence. Bob Smith has sold his wood saw to William Baldwin and Ralph Sharp, who will continue the business as heretofore. Bob finds he lias too much painting and paper hanging to do, to attend anything else so has sold ont of the woodsaw business, and will hereafter devote his attention strictly to business pertaining to the former. T. J. Simon, of Rutledge, joined the Y orkman lodge of this city on Fiiday evening, 19th, and it is needless to say that he met with numerous surprises, but the greatest surprise for him that eveivng was when he went home and found that his wife had presented bim with a nice little baby girl. Gross Valley Journal. Mr. Simon formerly lived in this county. Had he joined the Modern Woodmen, there is no telling what he would have got in the way of a surprise. W. G. Killingbeck was a business visitor in the city from Culver Mon day and reports the week of rabbit driving in progaess in that section of the country. The rabbits had not been killed in large numbeis, but the drives were doing much good. A big wildcat was captured Saturday and if a high fence had been built there would have been seven coyotes to the account of the drive, hut they jumped the low fence and ran off to the hills. John Templeton is wearing a large leather medal, in fact one of the largest in the state. It was a Christ mas present from admiring friendr, who justly feel proud of John's career as a rabbit hunter. Hi was also presented with a nice little gun and a dummy rabbit. These Christmas gifts arc highly appreciated by M-. Templeton. The medal is about three or four inches across and has inscribed upon it, "Champion of the World," and is nicely engraved. The pin from which it depends is also a work of art. When at the drug store don't fail to take a look at the medal. j ). J. Harris, who has been luperin-! teudent of the Columbia Southern ' Railway for the past year, has handed ! in his resignation of that position t 'i the company to take effect the fust of the year. Mr. Harris has not given out what he will follow in the future, though wo arc informed ho will re main in Shaniko for a time at least. It is with regret that we think of the. possibility of losing Mr. Harris as one of our citizens, ai he is one oi those men of sterling worth and general popularity which gives tone and et.i ' bility to the population of any city. If Mr. and Mrs. Harris should remove fioui our city they will receive the icarty with of God speed from all our people. Shaniko Lcaher. District attorney Frank Mennfoty started east last night, his destination being Meri'iam Park, Minn , where he will settle a most important case in eonrt. Armed with an attachment, and having tiled his declaration, there will bo no dilatory plea, but judge ment by confession, and en the third of next month Mr. Menetco will ,he declared tenant of the heart of Miss Mabel Cowles for life. Mr, and Mrs. Menefee will make an extended wed ding trip to New York, Washington, 1). C. and other eastern cities and will return to this city In March. Dalles Chronicle, The site of Ed lturhins old planer has presented a scene of unusual e tivity duime the past week. The cause being that it has been purchased by a company of our solid citizens who are preparing to erect as fine n planing plant as there is in the stale their building will bo 00 x M), two stories high and the outfit will Consist of the latest improved machinery that can bo purchased. For the present the old engine and buiier will bo fitted up to do duty until the roads get in shape for heavy freighting in the spring, when the big engine and boiler will be brought in. A fifty horse power Corliss engine will furnish the motive power for the plant when com pleted. The oompany is composed ol Frank Elkins, F. W. Wilson, A. II. Lippman, Gianville Clifton and Ed Harbin. Mr. Harbin is now in Port land selccting.the machinery for the plant that will be put in this winter. Further announcements of this enter prise will be made later. A number ol fine displays were made by our business houses at Christ mas time, but the finest was that at the butcher shop of Foster 4 Lehman The boys had some of their finest and fattest beef, mutton and pork on ex hibition, from the mammoth Hereford cow down to a small pig that had been turned into bacon "en masse as it were. A pair of red eyes had been provided for the little fellow, and he looked as if he had been indulging in an overdose of sodcorn or some allied product of home industry. They have had on the hook a big hog that is al most, if not quite as large as the one killed last year, that has been the sub ject of much guessing during the past week, as the boys have promised turkey to the one guessing the nearest the weight. We hope before we go to press that the hog will have been weighed and the lucky guesser named. The big Hereford cow is one of the prize winners at the county fair last fall, and was bought by Foster & Leh man tor beet as she was a barren cow, and now that she has been killed we have the promise of a fine steak for which the editorial mouth waters, as panteth the Hart (or the cool waters of the upland veldt. The big pig at Koster & Leh man's that every hotly was guess ing at its weight was not as heavy as some thought. The guesses ranged from in three hundred to over seven hundred pounds. The actual weight was 456 pounds and Dr. Rosenberg gets the turkey by guessing 460. Some one entered thv house of Sam Collins a few weeks ago by prying open the window and ap propriated a rifle for his use. Last Sunday while Mr. and Mrs. Collins were at church the same party came back and entered the house In the same way. He brought the gun back, but took other articles in the place of it. This party is known to Mr. and Mrs. Collins and if the offense is repeated he will be prosecuted. Such sneak thieves are the most contemptible persous on earth and the best place for them is behind the bars. Born Wednesday morning, to the wife of Dr. J. H. Rosenberg, a son. Mother and child are doing nicely and Doc. is one of the proud est men in town. It will soon be Rosenberg & Son. MARRIED. Mr. Numa F. McCoin and Miss Kate E. Morrow, both of Crook county, were married by Justice of the Peace, Fred J. Martin at his residenco last Friday evening. The groom is one of Urook county's most popular young tockmen, and the bride is a sister of Andrew Morrow, of the firm of Mor ow & Keenan, and like her brother is o;"i!nr with all ncitiiiiuliincc The young couple left Sutuiday .oming for Portland. They st ilt upon their lifes journey ith the best wirhe ol many friends, i which the Herald most heartily j -ins. Antelope fKiald. WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON Princville's Leading Merchants Wo have just received ever brought into tho city, We desire to cull tho atlontiim of the Ladies to our new stock of Skirts, Silk Dross Skirls, Silk Petticoats, Velvet, Silk and Wool Waists, Dry Goods, Fill.", Coats, Capes, Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Kltinricl ettes mid Outing Flannel, We-nre sole agents for the Royal Worcester Corsets. Dowagers in, all sizes from 25 to 30. We carry a full lino of as well as Choice Groceries Syracuso Gang Plows and Winona Wagons IMPROVE YOUR EYE SIGHT Eyes examined free. Er ' rors of refraction correc ted. Glasses fitted and diseases ol the eye treated E. O. Hyde, M. I). Irrigation Sewerage Drainage Water Works Roads Parks Surveys and I'Iiiiih Made Terms Moderate Address; Alfred F. Seurs, Mem. Am. Society, C. E. (Hi Wor. lllk l'tld. Or Notice T Woo I'outracloro. Proposals are invited for furnishing at U. 8. postolBce, Prineville, Oregon, thirty, (30) cords green jumper wood and ten, (10) cords dry juniper wood, bids to be mailed scaled not later than 1 p. ni. Janurary 3rd, 1103. Gkoiioe Simmkhs, Postmaster. Portland Club Whiskey, pure bour bon, well-matured. Recommended by leading physicians. For sale every where. H,46 WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. O.AY A. SIMPSON, . M'g'r InUrlor Dipt. Has the largest percentage o! oiah nss3ts to each dollar of HE' bility ; earns the highest averaae Interest, and Issues the most ut-to-date progressive polioies for In vestment or proteotion. You Want a 1'hoto Hon If-ant D 10 lie Have Tlie Best Studio and The Hest Equipment linl He (live Ion The Best Work it If's (:,;.! .3 ;fc " - ( . ! ' j . .. - . i 7 ' .,' ' ' ' 1 DCS tlio Largest and Must Complete which we tiller nt prices astonishingly low. Crockery, Glassware, and Cutlery of Standard Manufacture, of all kinds. Wenro agents for tho linker Barb AVire' The Important Point In buying Drugs is QUA LITY. Quantity really makes NO difference. IF YOU 1YAKT TO GET WELL OH IFVOU1YAXT TO STAY WELL Use Drills Hint have Henl Worth, and use them with Qualities that make Vm effective. Wu have Drug Knowledge us well us Good N,.w J)rg Htock. WE HAVE LATELY MOVED into Our New Quarters, wtiit-h we believe will con.ior favorably with uny in Iterlr Oregon. All customers, old and new, are invited to come and inspect our Htore nml fcituck. D. P. ADAiYJSON A RIG REDUCTION ON ALL LINTS AT MRS. SLA Y TON'S Elkins PRINEVILLE'S 'je Our 1902 stock of Oliver i far the must complete tve have ever carr'e I. These plows have no equal as a breaking p!o v and will plow ordinary sago brush without grubbing. The new Oliver Sulky 'u have years in the shape of a hau l control to regulate the-width of cut on turns and curves. The Oliver is one made to do the work and will do tho work they are made for, Call and inspect them, Our stock of repairs is exceptionally complete, not only the iron posts but wood as well, We tan save you time and Line of General Merchandise In the dents' Furnishing Goods wo linvo Hit' very best grade of Shoes from reliable ninmifnoturors, Underwear, both silk mid wool; Socks; Tailor Made Suits; Hats um Clips of the Intent styles; Shirts from the best makers ; Necklics, etc., etc. WURZWEILER & THOMSON H"H MnH.ti"! nHM.1t & King BUSY STORE. Gang, Sulky ami Walking Plows a great improvement over last lever giving the operator full money and patience.