Crook County Journal. County Ofllolnl Pnpor, TIIUIIHDAY, January i, mn. icninta Tim I.I ml l , Acforiling to the Oregon statutes a iiiuii'h In tho eyas of thci lnw, is worth no rnoro tlmn $5000 to bin estate, that is $5000 in tlio lhnil til damages which can 1)0 recovered for lli'f accidental nr Intentional killing ol u human being in this statu. This provision o( law ,-h been on tlio statute book a long tinin, though wliy such a liiw was ever enacted, or why it his been allowed to remain, probably no one can I'Xpluln. However, that tin limit should bo rcitrnvod alinoHt everybody, except perhaps corpor ation engaged in avocation whore thi'lr servants arc (ri!iiumtly ifcci (Icntully killed, will agree. To mt a value upon ft man's life is me than the legislature should ussumo tlmt can only bo fixed by those acquainted with IiIh ability to cam, bin habit, bin ago and bin manner of living. Huch knowledge cannot bo had in advance by a legislature. It can only ho gained in case of mil to recover damages, by the jury before whom all the (net are brought. Tlio juror arc the only ouch who can form a cor rect and cqiiitablo estimate of the value of ft life, since cvury means for determining this is brought to their attention, Though the Ore gon legislature at some remote date sought to say that no man' life could bo of greater value to bis es tate than fitXM). It matters not whether the jicrson killed be a trump, whose earning capacity wcro nothing, or the most valuable citizen, whose earning capacity might be f 10,1)00 a year, if an ac tion wcro licgun and sustained for hi killing, and some ne were clcarlv proven to bo responsible therefor, no more than fMKK) can bo recovered. What could bo more absurd or unreasonable than tlio fixing of such ft limit? To . illustrate the absurdity of this law, suppose that ' the death of Solomon Hirsch, who died in Portland ft few day ago, had been the result of an accident for which. soino rich corporation were reHsinsiblo, would any one say that fiOOO was a reasonable valuo to fix as the amount bis es state had lieen damaged? Although (S3 years of age, his valve to his es tate as president of a largo mer cantile establishment was undoubt edly greater than tbo sum in a single year. Only a few ycarB ago reasonable Jury havo laid that bis CHtato was damaged in a greater sum than ffttXJO by reason of his death? If property Is damaged, tbo party damaged can recover by law tbo full amount of damages off the party responsible therefor. More cbattlos should not be held in higher regard than human beings. If a man is of any value to bis estate while living, if ho has a fixed earning capacity, or if bis habits are such as to givo reasonable promise of a prospective earning capacity, and his estate is deprived of bis service, tbo estate is dam aged in a certain amount that can bo determined upon evidence. Whatever this amount may be the estate Is entitled to recover without the Intervention of statutory limit. There should therefore bo no delay in reM'iiling the absurd and unjust law that assumes to place a maxi mum value ujkiu a human life. Mountaineer. I'or Mime Uiiiiia Warden. A petition is being circulated in (his city and county asking Gov ernor eloet Geo. K. Chamberlain to apKint Denver I). Haekleman to tlio position of Game and Forestry Warden for this state. Mr Hackle man is a life long Oregonian and has alwars taken vun interest in pro tooting our game. He is also acquainted with the mountains in this sin In and would givo ellicieut service in protecting the forests, wliich however is tbo most import ant part of the duties of thei state warden. Linn county by right ought to name the stato giimo protector for several reasons and among these i are, that tlio imported game birds, i the Mongolian Pheasants were turned looso in this county and from this county have been dis tributed to many parts of the state. There are more of these birds in this country than in any other and more1 people come to this county to bunt them than to any other. Linn county is centrally located and has bettor railroad facilities than any other. The gamo of the stato needs pro tection from promiscuous bunting, uml confined within reasonable bands as to both time of taking and the amount to be taken in any season or other sjicsificd time. A man for warden who is centrally located can givo tbo matter closer attention than somo one more re motely situated. Albany Herald. range; and Whereas, Tbo hording of sheep upon certain territory is an appro priation of said territory almost as fully as if it wero actually enclosed by fences; and , Whereas, The public, domain is rapidly becoming ono immense sheep pasture, to tbo detriment of farming, cattle raising and mining interests, Therefore, wo the undersigned residents of County respect. fully petition your honorable body to enact a law relative to the pub lic domain of the stutc a law which will confine the herding of sheep upon the public domain within certain limits, as may be just and equitable to all concerned. It is the intention of tbo petition above cited to secure tbo enact ment in Oregon of a law similar to the Idaho and California law upon this subject. In these statesliccp are prohibited from being hcrdtd within two miles of a residence: All ranchers, mininir men and cattlemen in Oregon are interested in this action and it is believed that the legislature will heed the request made. It is said that the public domain of the state is grazed by sheep t snch an extent tlmt the cattle in dustry is nearly destroyed, the farmer has no pasture for for bis domestic animals and the i can no longer find range for his cow and horse. It is only a mat ter of time, it is asserted, unless sheep are confined to certain limits until tbo grass on tho public d(. main will le entirely destroyed. Haker City Democrat. ill. C. E. JJcDoAvell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated and furiiiehcd Throughout. Anu'ilciiii Man. I! a fen $1. tjSI.."0 ami 'i per day. Accommodation are UnturpaMied in the city. Sample Room for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station in (tie house. tT- fA) if '' iT ' -' 4 ; ,r-" 'i mlj mill mi I i m mm v v m mm v m. Real Estate Agency 118 Oregon Shoreline aw Union Pacific rartnerehlp Dlaeolutloui Too 1lMr Micro on Public llomnln. There is a general movement throughout tho state of Oregon to the federal government, when it induce the next legislature to pnss made him minister to Turkey, said! a law restricting the grazing of his service to the government were worth 110,000 a year, and probably lie was earning that amount an nually for his estate at tho time of his death. To carry the illustra tion further, suppose- that Mr. Oregon sheep on public domain. In every county of Eastern Oregon the fol lowing petition is being numerous ly signed: To the legislature of the stato of Ilii sch had been accidentally killed while in the service of the govern ment, while in tbo prime of life, and drawing a fixed salary of f 10,000 ft year, would not any Whereas, The public domain of tho stato of Oregon is heavily stirked with sheep; and Whereas, Sheep will in time drive all otbor slock off of the Notice is hereby given that the firm and partnership of Willey and Dec, consisting of Charles M. Willey and John W. Deo, doing a general saw mill business on Wil low Creek, Crook county, Oregon, has lieen this day dissolved by mutual consent, Charles M. Willey retiring from the firm. All ac counts due said firm will be col lected and receipted by JolinW. Dee, and all accounts owing by said firm will bo paid by John W. Dec. John W. Dee. Charles M. Willey. Dated December tOth, 1902. AIIFor$3000, I have n ranch consintlng of 1.M acres llirm niilf" north of Aahwwxl. IS news ol ulfnlfu ami 30 urrw of (train lamb vrith K'il new house and burn, t me young utvhurd In lwarinu. Mhl ol young cuttle, ffi haul of Blow", ii heifers, uml one short horn bull; nil two '" M next Plenty of fowl and pasture, leu aerea of ranch under fence. Thin ranch is only one mile north of Ihc Oregon Mn mine. Call on or address, J. (I. Pomdcxtor Ashwoocl. Oregon. All person! knowing themselves in dehted to Smith & Cleek will please call and settle. This means you. Smith it CleckT Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Clouts and Children's shoos. 8. J. i Co. The Oreson Semi-Weekly Journal, a Democratic newspaper, ever fair and al ways free: li4 copies In one year for only tfl.6fl to iniy addreatt. The Journal, P. O. Do 'fil, Portland, Or. Dana! ,,"f Hi0Ul.I iu. ' OnftMfO (alt Uk, Dtnvir, 4:M.B. Portland rt. Worth.Omaha, will Xaaaaa Clir, 81. l. LouM,Colcalul Tt Bus. Kuk hiftyn. 4tltU Salt Uka, Dtnvar, liai.1. IiprMa rt. Worlb.Omaha, tan ft. n, Kaniu City, St. Tla dual- Louli,Cllctfoaiig telton Kaik It P1 Walla Walla Upi 1:o a. fut Hall Un.SpoiiDa.Ula- SS) p. m. oeapolla, St. Paul, V Duluth, Ullwaa IpoitH kea,ChlcagotIil OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FEOM rORTLAHD. IMp.a. All lamni daUi i.W y. a, aubjaot to obaoga For San Franctioo all iry t daya, Dally CalomMa Itsr I -00 p. m. I J. Sunday Itaaaim. Ixguoday :00 p. m. Saturday Tt Aitorta apd Way 10:00 p. a. Landloga. WlllaaMlk) (Ixr. I:p. m. Si. Sunday Ki.Sonday Ornon Clly, Naw barf. Balcn, Inda- iflndtnca A Way .aDdlDga. 1:00 a m. WUIaaitlta an Yt- l: . m. Tun., Thur. kill ainra. lion.. Wad. aadaaL tadni. Orataa City, Say ton, A Way Land fnga. Ham. witlaaioHa nnr. I:p.m. Thar. Hon, Wad. and Sat Portland to Corral- and Irl. 11a A Way Land ings. It. Rlnarla swat llw. LT.UwIstoc 1:15 a, m. DavtlT Daily llparla to Lawlston I a. m. MAM I ll ' Ml rnncviiiOL i m Ke- IV n-m I ! .7 II iVf? W. I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. A New Departure - Beginning January 1, 1903, we will give a Numbered Coupon with every subscription to The Crook County Journal and on September 30, 1003, we will ive away some valuable and useful articles to our subscribers. The value of these wiil be $500 . ' and they will consist of articles for tha stockman, the farmer, and the household, musical instruments and notions. This is no lottery, but we take this way of adding more names to our already large list. Those who hold the lucky coupons are entit led to articles valued at as high as $60. Pull particulars later. The Journal Publishing Company Oolum'bla S cutlxera JUILWAT Ictt 12:01 A. II., September 0, 19WI. 1 oath bound Dally height South Boanl I Karth hound ' Dally Vaaa. tatioxsI 1:M p.m.1 1:6U -2:14 p. nil t.ii p.ui 2::t3 p.tii. '2:1, p. m iM t:uu p.u l:Ai p.m D:'0 p.!) S.ii ..IN 4:06 p.w. 4..C 4:tu p. nil :-'J Da!'y Caw. North Bo and Dally Fr.ighl Leave LaaT Biira 1)1:39 Glljlonl 11:00 KW'Uykel0:2O SutuMit 10:'4 Ha- C Jr 10:11 McDo'ldtUi'.lj La.1ou U:0 Mortf . :.VU F.rakiiiTl it U-a V'y :14 B-uurtu!lt UuiaiW I l: Wlieul t:W -.a-nlks ! I:u0 1:40 p a, l:IJ p.n i:.4 so 2:4u pan 1:12 p,m m m 1:62 p. it 1 Alt p.a, a m a.ui a.n a. in: a.ia! a.ia, 1 :'J0 p,D e.,n D. J. HARRIS, Suirintandent. O. K. LVTI.K, O. P A EJiaon. Dell, Howe, 8inger, MeCormiek, and other millionaire inyantors began lit poor. Portavaa await other aaveatera. Can yoa oviao ana praTeaaenta M artkiaa MP While yea otay, atktra key sataat yoon- Maaa. We guarantee aanlnat Irjaa laee naid ua lor aarTtoaa. lujaineutt. M1ncator'l irBteu4aal " aant free on requeat. ISIItlla Mr It If 1 I IVF Sat Is now reaily to handle your jjro'icrty. We have UNEXCELLED FACILITIES for placing Real Estate before those who want to purchase and are able to give GOOD SATISFACTION. want Farming and Also limber Liui l Land ftfBy placing your property with us you get the benefit of FREE ADVERTISING. Caller Address " IDE JCOiilll BEIL ESTATE AGENCY 1 rriiii'villc, Oregon - Big Deal in Typewriters Austrian Government Ordera 1200 Smith Premlera. "Vienna, Feb. 7. The greatest single purchase of typewriters ever made has been ordered by the Min istry of Justice, which, after three months of exhaustive competitive trial has contracted to equip the entire ministry with not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court." Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonian, February?. Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. 4 M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents. . W. T. FOGLE, Agent, Prineville, Oregon Smith ffiros.j DEALERS IN Soneral Tlferchandise. SISTERS, OREGON. Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds. Rangers and CampersSupplies. Camp outfitting, We Carry a Complete line of- Groceries, Dry Good?, Hardware Etc. We Respectfully solict your trade. glacksmitMng That Pleases Is The Kind You Get atJa . J. II. WIGLE'S (Successor to) CORXETT & ELKIXS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand City iftarber. Sh ZPowell & Cyrus, (Proprietors. fa r,J C.rJii Snaths. f Vfrlt ' -.-w- La., (Printvillt, op. Or, J, W; BOONE, Saddles and Jfarnsss Maker of the celebrated PRINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE M I L LIXE OF STOIKME.VS Kl'PPLISS Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts aud Hka morc. Write for prices. Piuxevii.le, : : Oregon. Q. Springer, BRFKHKB Of 'Draft, Coach and Carriage arriaqe Jtoraea Young stallion and marts, also a few young team for sale. Haystack Blood Stock land. Haystack, Oregon.