Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 01, 1903, Image 6

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    Dr. W. W, Tnggnrt, the oyo gpeoiRl
it, at the Poindextw Hotel, will nt
ttnd to your eyw, fit your spectftclo,
mire your liendticha iul nervous
troubles One clmrge for one your.
Cure of children a speciality. Glnict
tvouiul in rortlund.
My wife, Julia Cyrus and I have
ci'iwrntwl for nil timo to tomb, mid
I will not bo ropponuilile fur her in
anyway, or any dobtd bIio may eon
tract. V II. Cym'8.
j Foster & Lehman
der. This, tlio, was commonly tba prto-
tice as to "cornfield mggen and
skilled laborers eenerally, of both kz.
There were pathetic acenes now and
then when oegroea were told at public auc
tion on New Year'i day. Very rarely it
chanced that at auch timet memberi of
the tame family were told to maatert
widely separated.
It should appeal to the common sense
of any man that alave being valuable
holdingt, their owners would neither treat
them cruelly nor permit them to be abused
by others. Owners of valuable horses urn-
HE first Ur o Jna.ry U th. Tt th,m' "d "a m
South 60 years ago presented .... an. v v. j
u ij v.. ' ouuiuern new inn uj. wo.
I notes and to rent farm lands. Taken al
vinviuu. -tL. j. i i . j ..n
f k- n .Una. . vail UUJ UJ 1U"
s to th. many whit. . of eomeia " weU " drlm". .
it iu known only a "hiring day." . r" : 8 ' , . . ,
. ' ' I At men times th. sUres of th. plant-
it was th. yearly custom for peopl. of .U ; . 'belr "n"f ' V
degree, to gather, aom. Mutators, '', " "f "
other, a. acior. in th. .Tent, of the day. I f ! ,I,Mr P""ack-ch.ap
By far th. greater number collected j J. ribboni i and lacw, and baring
' ...e.... U-Afit trmrh ha.n Aanjfuu vail A nv
Dromnted tolelv bv idle curiOBitv. . . . .
" M .j 1 well-ordered slave could make overtime
available in th. courthou Kiuar. nt1?0"' f"4' w" mt-
negro women with great basket, of "ap-;,Md. ?,d Lnot 1 f d0'1"' h
p.e iacka" (a Krt of fried apple pie), gin-! hew er' to trow 10 ,oll' "P0"
.rtr.,l .nil turnmmin twr whih tk.w ' .WMtoeait.
cffered for sale. " "white traih" gathered then aolely
During the day men engaged m teit. of with f w t0 loo,k,in d t0 PickiD
agility and ttrength, which ded not in-' "hl!t ey could. A. they were if
tyiavM uj wiu mtj weii-u-UO waun ana
! the negroes of all degrees, they usually
i kept to themselves. They neither hired
i nor were hired, but in some manner con
1 1 rived to secure their full share of
i whisky.
Like the old "general musterV day of
! the ante-bellum days, the 'afo' de wah'
I New Year has D&ssed away with all its
scenes and shifting, yet the memory of
i ii remains witn toe older residents at re-
v minder that one day at least, and that the
initial one, of the Southland, was one of
potential energy and signally characteris
tic in its incidents of the age and time.
Bad the Same EsTeet.
"I hear that Jack's fiancee has made
him give a New Year's promise to stop
"That so? Well, mine has not said a
word about giving up the weed, but our
engagement has just the same effect."
"How so?"
"Every time I call all the cigars in my
vest pocket manage to get crushed, and,
of course, I don't smoke them!" Balti
more Herald.
A Woiuuiih Awful lcrll
Aactg Selling Apple-Jacks.
frequently in a free for all fight in which
fets only were used and after which no
arresU were made. In those Ntw Year
taya tue 'j -uuisuops," as they wtia called,!
did a land oni'.-e business. Wbicky wasj
p'.entiful and cheap, and the prejudice(
general then as now.
lae focal point of interest, however,
raa the hiring out of negroes for the en
fning year. Now and then negroes were
offered for public sale, but that practice
waa not so common then as in the earlier
part of the century.
Planters neither hired out their slaves,
nor did they employ those of other peo
ple. But those belonging to minor chd
oren and widows, as wtll as many who
were "chattels" of residents of the towns
and villages were comraanly "hired out,'
especially if they had been taught trades,
or were good cooks or boue servants
Many town residents possessed slaves be
yond their home needs, and these were
"hired out" to others who might require
their services.
The contract lasted for the calendar
year only. It must be renewed annually,
if desired by the contracting parties.
Much misconception obtains as to the
disagreeableness and shame of this prac
tice. Masters had a direct pecuniary in
terest in their slaves, and it was to their
interest to see to it that these secured
humane employers. As far as it was pos
sible, each slave was permitted to 'choose
the person for whom he would work.
Borne there were who remained with the
same employers year by year for many
Those that were good servants had no
difficulty in choosing desirable employers.
Very frequently the master left this mat
ter entirely in the hands of the slave.
After all, though, there were those who
were unknown and many more who were
practically worthless, and thesa were
"hired out" at auction to the highest bid-
Flans (or he Kerr Year.
Now man resolves to strive anew
And in the coming year win more
Of that which misers fasten to
Than be haa ever gaind before.
His wife applauds him and sits cMwn
CoMWei.r.g how she will show
A few r.t i'!c!oes to the town
If hubby gets his sch-meu to go.
Chicago Rtftord-Htrald.
'There- is only one way tunavo your
life and thnt is through im onei-atiou"
wore the startling words heard by Mrs.
, B. Hunt, of lame Kidge, Wis., from
her doctor nfter he hud vuhily tried to
nue wt of a frightful case of Btonmeh
tiouGTe a ml yellow jaundice. Gull
atones hud formed and alio constantly
grew worse. Then she begun to two
Klectrio Bitters' which wholly cured
her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver
and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspep
sia, Loss of Appotitp. Tiy it. Only
aOcte. Guaranteed. For bIo by
Ada maun k Win nek Co.
. Notice is hereby given that the
lirni and partnership White A
Campbell, doing business in the
City of Prineville, Crook County,
State of Oregon, is hereby dissolved
by mutual consent, Mr. John W.
White retiring. All accounts due
said firm will be collected and re
ceipted for by Mr. J. E. Campbell,
and all accounts owing by paid firm
will be paid by Mr. J. E. Campbell
Dated, this 4th day of Novcnv
ber, 1902.
frays lie Was Tortured.
"Now cue Appoint Pd Time."
Tlio 0. K. & N. Co. Ima jmt iaiui'd
liiuitlaniiit'ly illuatrnt ud puniplilutoiititloil,
'OroRiiii, Wiulilhghton A Haho nd
ilioir ri'iourcci." Pouplo In tlm Gnat
are anxioui for information about tho
Pacitlo North Weat-If you will ijive thu
(i II. N. Co. niiit at Muuiiko a lis',
of iiami'B uf enstorn poojile who am liko
ly to be iiitoroatuil, the booklot will bo
mailed free to auch poraona.
"I suffered such pains from corns I
i:ould hardly walk," writes H. Robin
ion, Hillsborough, Ilia., "but Buck
ltn'8 Arnica Salve completely cured
them." Acts like manic on sprains,
bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils.
ulcers. Terfect healer of skin dis
eases and piles. Cure guaranteed by
Adamson A Winuek Co. Price 25c.
Prtlltan for l.leen.r
Tu the County Court of Crook County, State
of Oregon:
We the undentinej refltdentj of Ashwnod
Precinct. Crook County Oregon, reectfully
petition your honorable body that a license be
granted to Larry Maloner to tell ipirituoua,
malt and vinoui Hxaora, la ouanitilies lew
than une Klloa. for a period of ono year, at
Aahwood, Ashwood precinct. CrtxJc County
P 0' Kourke,
Al Shencll
G 1! Heath,
P Lehrinan,
Jamea Kohinson,
J M Wood,
C F Hamilton,
F W Drlaooll,
L L Shreve,
Georye J Bibelin,
Geo M Maaaaaiore,
Charlea D Swallson,
M H Graff,
T L Childen,
Dan Kvana,
Charles R Duncan,
F P Hipe,
Krauk hunbuui,
Iteea LewU,
J D Ciiuninghani,
W H Huston,
W H Grater,
W J Sayyean,
Klmer Knight,
Wm Kintf,
K D GonHer,
Kdward Mullarkey,
Hujili Sweeney,
Frank Dimk,
Patrick Ueilly,
A W (irater,
I II OKelly,
J1 McCollum,
Jrm Bice, fl
Milo Wood,
F Jj Andvnton,
H C Burton,
K K Ek'glekt'm;
S W Tondinn,
Leter Mryan,
W D Walker.
JC Brt'an,
C C liandolph,
John Knight,
Ham Carmichael,
(ik'n Gratr,
J G Poindexter.
Lee Woid
Jack Un.yin,
W H NcC.iy,
K C Kinncl,
Chaa L Freer,
Joe Toothmpn,
J W M' Collum.
Notice is hereby iven that the foreoiiiK
'titinn will 'lie prcaenUd to the County
Court on the 7th day of Jan., l!Xl3, t whijh
time the naid Iarry llalnney will apply to
lid court for auch licenae Ut eel! apirituoua,
malt and vinotia Jicjuora.
3 ' .j.. LAHliY MALOXKY.
To all iiensoim owing for liorse
shoeing at C. L. Salomon'H shon,
you arc notified to call and Bottle
ono half of the amount duo, with
thu ostato of the aaid C. L, Salo
mon. Signed; Naomi Salomon.
It EN.-
.. ... s
The Little Fellow Strike me If yer
wants ter. ' I've resoluted never ter lift
me baud in soger agin' anoder agin'.
Economy of Labor.
"He is one of tbe most resourceful lazy
men I ever knew."
"Why do you say that!"
"Became, imtead of writing out hil
good retoltioss, Y cut the page for .Jan
uary I. !. frrm Yu o!d dit y en yif?H
it m j JOJ." Ctiratrj J.v. i. ,
This will save your Life.
ay mauciQg yoa tu use
Dr. King's Nsw Discovsry,
Consumption, Coiighs and Colds.
The only Guaranteed Cure.
NO Cure. NO Fa. Your Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grip, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
Affection of the Throat and Lungs.
Regular Size 50 cents and $1.00.
Go to-
Ik f icpol's
For Artistic and Satisfying
HeeouimeiidalloM .1 . Well Known
( lilruf. I'hy.lclnii.
I use and projcrlbe Clianiliorluin'.
Cough Remedy for almost all oUti-
nato, oonstnetod coughs, with direot
results. I prescribe it to children ol ill
nges. Am glad to rocommend it to
all in need and socking relief from
colds and coughs and bronchial alllio
tions. It is non-nnrcotio and safe in
tho hands of the most unprofessional.
A universal panacea for all mankind.
Mas. Mary 11. Mki.indy, M. D.,
Ph. D., Chicago, 111. This remedy is
lor sale by all druggists.
Estray Notice.
(iriizly, Nov. 6, 1902.
Came to my idaco about th
middle of October.? f One red three
year old cow marked with split in
right'Jand undcrbit in loft car,
branded big circle on right Jiip.
Owner will please call and pay
charges and remove sume from my
premises or tho animal will be sold
according to law.
II. L. Montgomery.
For all kinds of rough
and dressed lumber.
Kiln dried flooring
and rustic, go to
A Complete and Choice Line of
I5oef, Veal, 'Mutton, fork, Dacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main si rrbotoMn. 'Phone 31.
J j. jf jCippman & Co,
I Manufacturers of Furniture
Fine Undertaking Goods,
Carpels, Stoves, Ranges, Lend, Oil and Glass,
Lumber and lhiihling Material. w
'Goods sold far cash and on tho installincnt plan, W
Cyrus' Jewelry Store
John Cyrus tProp,
Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks.
Optical Goods, Sewing machines etc.
Repairing done by W. H. Cyrus.
!Promi atttnlioit Sivtn mail erdirt,
tPrinouille, - - - - - Oregon.
Columbia Southern Jfotol
jt Shaniko, Oregon.
The Finest Hotel in Interior Oregon.
Bates $1.50 and 2.00 per day.
J. M. KWNEV, Proprietor.
"Vho firick J?ote."
Get Your Job Printing Done at the Journal Oilice
With a new outfit of type and machinery, wo lino up with
the very best printing houses in Oregon in turning out
job work of the highest standard of excellence. ::::::
I .'
1 .
New Firm ! New Goods !
Call and see them and
examine their stock
You will be pleased with
their prices
7,Z . . . .... .. . .