Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 01, 1903, Image 3

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Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablet,
All ilniKglili refund uxmur il It tall
lu otiro. K, W. Gruvg'i iifiiaturu ii on
uuch box, 'J"e.
now in rtiifr!wi
A miilcUm fuir wltli (un-klmtud
)mlr, citim kipping down thuntreut,
Iier toco loronii, Iwr t!' nineteen
geo whiz lint aim wan uwuuti On
tlio sidewalk slick bin; ciinio down
quick, with a jolt Hint aliolik linr
ctirlH, luit the wurilH ftlio uiuil,niUHt
lie oxoiwi'd for hIic'h ono of tlm
nji'ot girln. Horuld.
Pulhium Ordinary Sleepen.
Tlio tourist travul between Iheoasl and
tli o I'aollio ooast ha roHoheil enormou
proportion In the lt low yuan, nd
cnlli fur pccial olns of equipment. To
meet this demand the Pullman Ci, has
issued from It thopt what it technically
mill the "i'ullman Ordiiary Weeper."
These nan appear similar to the regulai
aloepor, being huilt nn the Mine plan,
but not furnished with the Mine elegance
They are equipped with mattresses,
bhinkiite, sheets, pillow, pillow-cases,
towels, comb), bruthea, etc., requiring
nolhiimof the kind tube furniahed by
the piiMiMiKi'r. Kaoh ear hu a atove for
making ooll'eo and tua and doing "light
housekeeping," and each auction can be
lilted with an adjuitable table. A uni
formed porter acconianict each our, hu
business bring to make up bertha, kuep
the car clean, aim look after the eomforta
and wanti cf the paiaunger. In each of
the train which are dinpalched dally
from Portland by the 0, R. 4 N. Co. ia
lu bo found one of these "Pullman Or'
dimiry Weepers." The car ie attached
to the ''Chicago Portland Special,
which goo brough to Chicago without
change, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex
press" run to Kansas Cily without
change. l'sseinor in thia oar for Chi
cago change to a similar oar at (Irnnter.
Much of the llrst data travel i being
carried in thoae oara, the rate being
lower, and the eric being nearly equal
to that in the palace aleeper.
For rate and full information, in
cluding olden, write to A. L. Craig, 0.
P. t., 0. R. N. Co, Portland, Ore.
Of Anlveaewn,
"Wine of Cerent I
to tJrtd went. Hevtat; MrHrae Iw
uvea yeart witk weakawf anal Mar.
IsS-Srwa einii, mi Iwvtag riae sev
tr'al decteri aad oKfsrent waaadla
with ae lueau, year Wine ol CseM
was the only thai whit kale) ma,
and evtatualty curW bm H saunae le
build op the week earei, stvsaashsa
the system and correct Irrnaakvlttae."
liy "tirod women" Mrs. Adam
mean nminii women who have
disordered nif-nw-, falling of the
womb, ovarian tronblca or any of
thfuo ailment that womi'n have.
You can oure yourself at honiewith
this groat women's romedy, W in
of lanlui. Wine of Cardui bite
ciirod thousands of cases whick
doctorhavcfailcdtolnrlit. Why
not begin to got well Unlay? All
druggist have $1 .00 bottles. For
any stomach, lira or bowe I disor
der Thedford' Mack-Draught
should be uaod.
F,iwlTWn'11liwwlni,aiMrM., bItiiiii
lyiuiitum., Til. IaiIIi-V lnr' Til Claltiuioiisa Jl.tll'ilMi I
ciMitanooea, Tui
be cared
M yon suffer Aon tny of lh
til of men. come to lit otiltst
Speculitt n tho Pacinc Cotlt
Off. JORDAN 00.,
10BI Market 8L tit'tf IMS.
Yonitff men ind middle
jrtd men who art lullcrinf
from lA" elTectiof youthful imlitaeiionsor ex-
tws in mnlurrr ynrt. Nervmii tml 1'hyitcal
ItfblinyjmptMrnrrJ.oMt Manhood
in oil iti cnmplirsiionii kHp?rmitOrrha',
trltirrhrL fjonorrhor, Ulwi.
'rfiur4r of IFrlwtUinv, eie. By
com I11 nation of remcdi, of great curmtiv pow
er, th DiKtot hat an Mranstd hit tnatment
that it will nnt only afford inimediata relief but
permanertt cure. The Doctor dnei not claim to
erfurm miracle, but it wellliDOwn to be llair
ind tquare Phyiician and Surjfton, pre-eminaol
in hi prialty llfa)?M Of Jlea.
t Nrplillia thoroiiRlik finultcaled fiotu Uia
ytti'iti without null nvrrurj
KVKBV MAN pHvhn jo tn will ft
C)v our hnnett opinion of liln mm plaint, x
WtwiltUuarantef a WSITlVKCVHEfa
every can we utukrtake, or Jorftit On
Thousand lUr.
Consultation I'KtK and itrlctly privata.
ment pervwiaHy or by letter. Semi for honk,
"The rhilanophr f lurtif,"
fret (A Mluibie book for men.)
Great HnMnm of Anatomy
the Ant and largaat MuMtmaf iu kiad tntka
world. CeiM mi tear kww wondorwilly you
ara nudat hw to avoid tiokaaM and ti .
W are orwriiuallv addia aw Bpuwfc
IMI Marhat , San fmttitm, Cai
a a
Fruit Farm for Sal.
I Any and all persons clalmlm advcrie-
I offer for Willi my fruit far.H of lr the above-described land are requeat
. ., , , , , ed to (lie their claim In thl office on or
lliu aenm, hiuuhcu in me vwvo, un
the IhnclmU'" river, Ilicro ttro
2000 trw of nort(l vitrietiwi of
fruit nnil rfiidy market for all of
the product.
T. Ft McCam.wtku,
y Culver, Oregon.
Ifollilair Kxcurelon
jo: res.'mi'e, Crtiton, :r(vt(:a, and "aah-
ICxctireion tiekllte will lie Oil le . '" Territory," as extended to all the
, , , Il-olillc Land HlntM by act of Aout 4
from Itnd to ull local Btlitioiill on ml, Charle Waterhouse, ofliraoite r'alla
tilt) Columbia Houtliern IUilway ! """"'y 8nhoinlh, Hate of Washington,
ii no i nut nni oi,i 1 1 ha on Oct. s, 1102, filed In this office hl
on Dec. 23rd, 2.1th, 2.5th, 30th, und m ,tllMent No W!a fort,,e
Hint, 1002 and January 1st, .HX)3Joftiie wm hy and uet HVt'A Swtion
at ono and one-third fares for the , nd W WX w!tln 19 ' township
, . , ...ii i , E 1 15 H., range SO E W. M and will offer
round trip, Childnm liotween & lmMluh,lwaM.hthni mM m
and 12 yt'arH, one-half tho adlllt aluaU for IU Umber and stone than tor
faro, TickotH Wild Oil above dittos , agricultural purpoem, and to eiUlilUh hk
will he (?ond to return until Jan
uary 3rd, 1903. Conductor will
Hell tickets only from stations
where thero is no Agent.
C. E. Lyti.k, G. P. A.
Hhaniko, Ore., Dec. 9, 19()2,
olmten Noclee.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Cornett At IClkins, doing a
general hlacksinithlng huKincsn in
1'rincvillo is this day dissolvad by
mutual consent, , tho business,
stock and fixtures having been Bold
to J. H. Wiglc. All accounts due
tho late firm will be collected by
Frank Klkins and all accounts
owing by said firm will be paid by
said Frank Klkins. All accounts
now due tho late firm have been
hccd in the hands of M. R. El
liott for immediate collection.
G. M. Cornett
Frank Klkins.
Dated December 9, 1902.
One brown nure, ng 5yeari, weight
about 1300 lb., broke, I very gentle,
star in forehead, right hind foot
white, branded H-'A on left shoulder,
ha a yearling colt with her; One
dark bay mare, weight about 1000 lb.,
hratrA vuev umitlo. white hind fpfit.
star in forehead, branded A g on left ;
hmildcr. Ixft Bisters one year ago.
If'i.OO rt,witrd will be paid for return
of, or information to discovery of
cither of said animal.
H. K. Gi.azikr, or 8am W ikiii.,
02-lm Sisters, Oregon.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a par
ty, but wus alrnid to do so on account
of pains in hit stomach, which he
feared would grow worse. He lay, "I
wns telling my troubles to a buty
friend, who said: 'Chamberlain' Colin
Cholera and Dirrlirea Kemedy will put
you in condition for the party.' I
bought a bottle and take pleasure in
! stilting that two doses cured mo and
! enabled me to have a good time at the
I party." Mr. Bnoll ia a resident of
j Summer Hill, N. V. This loinedy ie
! For sale by all druggists.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, WW.
! United Slatea Land Offlce,
The IuIIm, Ornprn, Doceircer 28, 1M2.
I Nutlc la htrtby given that in compli
ance with tho provlainnt of the act of
CoiiKri-iw of June I MW, cntltlwl "An act
; fur tho note of timtior landn In the auttoo
of California, Orouon, Nevada, and Wash
ItiKtun Territory," aa citrnded to nil the
jpultllc Land Slatea by act of AuRunt 4.
i Juhn W. le, of (.rizil, Ointy of CriHk,
atate of WieRim. haa Dec. 1- W02, tiled , in
! thii" oftlm his aworn lUteiimnt number
i for the imrchuf of th SV'4 HKVi Ketloti
: 30 -ml N Wl NK and N H N W aectfoo ft!
! in townahii number 12 S., raiiK Ifi K, W.
j M., and wil! offer in)f to hIidw that the land
nxht la more valuable for Its timber than fur
auriciilliiral punxwes and to eatiiblwh his
claim to Haid land hvforeW. A. Hell, lT. 8.
ContniUalfiiwr, at Prlnovllle. Orron, on
Tucaday, tlic KHh day of March, 1!I0S.
Ho name aa wilneaaej: Lena Hurley,
Annie Mnilfng, NeIHa Dee and August Jipp
man, all of l'rineville, Oretron.
Any and all persona claiming adrerae
ly the above-dcacrlbed landa are request
ed to file their clalma 1n this offlro on or
before a iM 10th day of March,
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Lund. Act Juno S. 1878,
United States Land OAVe,
The Dnlli', Oregon, Dec. M, m2.
Notice li hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act ef
Congreaa of June 1, 1S78, entitled "An act
tor the aale of timber lands tn the state
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," aa extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1K02, Allen M. Logan, of Crk, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, has this day
November 11, 1002, filed in this utile his
sworn statement No. 14!l. fur the pui
chaMoftlieKK'i HW aad NW',; 8Kl
of .-ection 10, Tp. IU 8., K. 20 K, W.M , and
willutTer proof to show that the land aought
is more taluahle for its timber or atone
than for agricultural rmroaa, and to eatl-
Xinh hia claim to aaid land Irtfore J. J. Pmith,
County CK'rk, at P.tnevilla, Orcgan, oi
Saturday, the Tth day of Uarck, Y.fiX.
Ill itmw m nitneaaaa: John H. Wtgla,
1 til Prlnevlll., Oregon, T. 3. Huston, W. A.
i Nail and Frank Jlorslnl, all of Crook, Ore.m,
melllM m Aay ot MunKiM.
JAr P. LUCAS, netrleter,
Timber I.h-h1, Art Join X f":,
i:vni:r, ro:t Tvuu.:n-x.
United gtatea Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Doc. 12, 1002,
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provlalvna of the act of
C'?rNK of June , 17. entitled "An
i for the aale of Umber landa In the alalee
claim to said land before W. A. Hell, U. B,
Coimnlstlonor, at l'rinevllle, Oregon, m
Haturday, the 7th day of March, 11103,
He name as wltncaaesi Byroo Cody,
Kred T. HIkkIiis, Henry A, totter and
Perry II. l'olndexter, all of l'rlnevllle, Ore
Kon. Any arid all persons claiming adverse
ly the fibove-dfscrlbed lands are request
ed to file their .claims In this ofnee on or
before said 7th day of March, 1003.
JAY P. LUCAS, Reilster.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
United Htates Land Olflce,
The Dalles, Ore pin, December 23, 11102 '
"Notloels hereby given that In eoinpliance
with the nrovislona of the act of Congrreia of
June 8, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timlier Unas In the Htetee of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Waahlni(tia Territory,M as
sxtended to all the Public Lard BUtea by
act of Aiurant 4, WA, WUIiaai f, (lilbart of
Post, eounty of Crook, ataU of Oregon,
bus on Aug. It, 1!3 Bled In this office bli
sworn sUtement number 100, for the pur
chase of the t M.4 and SW14 HK See.
i and NW H W X Hec. 23 Tp. 17 S. R. IKK.,
W.M..and will offerproof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for IU timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eatahUih his claim to aaid land before W. A.
IM1, U, 8. Comeiiuloner, at Prlnevllla,
Oreitnn, on Monday, the 23d day of March,
i He Dames aa witneuet: L. N. Hockstt,
i of flalem, Oregon, Knox Huston and William
i A. Booth, of f rlnerille, Oregon, (leorge W.
(ilbson and John A. (tlbaon, of Post, Oregon.
Any and all peraons claiming adversely th e
above-deHcrilwd are requeeted to SI
h"1' c,tl
in thia office on or before aaid
Wrd day of March, 1903.
Jan l p JAY P. LUCAS, IleKi.ter.
Lano Urrtci at Thi Dallrh. OnroM, I
Nnveraher 24, VM j
Notice ia hereby glren that tha following-
nained settler ha tiled notice of Ida intention
to utaka hna! proof in aupport of hit claim,
and that aaid proif will tie mad before J, J.
Smith, County Clerk at Prtneville. Oregon,
on Thuraday, January 8 11103, via:
Lavi A. MfNire, of Ijatwmta. t)rei(on, M.
F No !iVA for the L.U 1 A 2 A SU NEW
Hection 3, Tp. 13 H, K. 14 K.( W, M.
He names the following witneaaea to ptvve
hit ountinuoua renidonce upon and cultivation
of aaid land, via:
JefTT Aekev, Kotiert Johnann, John Han-
ley and James Kagan all of Lamonta, Ore-
Deny lieifUter. .
Tlmher Land, Act) June S, 1878.
United States Land Offlce,
The Dalles, Oregon, Novemiter 25, M)l
.NolUe in hereby given that In compll--iiH-o
with the provisions of the act of
'Jongresa of June 3, 1N7K. entitled "An
ut for the aale of timber lauds In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
tod ahmion Territory," as extended
io all the Hobhc Iand Biates by aot of
August 4. 1ML the following iwrsons have,
UimI In this office their sworn statements,
Kdward ll. Knox, of Post, county of Crook,
Htute of Oregon, aworn atatcutftit No. li.'i,
tiled June 30, nKTJ, tor the purchaae ut uie
M.'i'p. 17 8 IL 1H K., W. M.
Kowoe Knox, of post, county of Crook,
tate of Oregon, sworn g tat men t No' (htf,
tiled June 2. l!Hr2, for the puruhnae of the
NK'4 and Sec. UC. Tp. 17 S., K
18K..W. M.
That they will ofTer proof to show that
the land Nought la more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
uurpotfca, and to establish their claims
io aaid land before J. J. Smith, County
Jlerk at his ofm:e at Prineville, Orogon,
on Friday, the lith day of r'ebruary, VMi.
They nmie as witnesses! Henry Heck,
Caleb J)avin. Kobert Myers, John Hughes
and Frank Hughes, all of Poit Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ubove-di-aerlbed lauils are retn'.ent
ed to ille their claims in this oflire on or
before aaid tith dav of KehroitiT, l!HM,
JAT P. LUCA3, Kt'Slstn.
Timber A I June S,
United Slates Land OrTVe,
The Dulles, Oregon. November, 1',
Notice Is hereby given that tncompil
intv wilh tiie piovb'lona of the act ot
Consn'M of June 3. lxTS. entitled "An act
ifT Hie sale of tlmtier lamia in the auie
if California, Oregon, Nevada, and Well
ington Terrllorv," as ei tended to nil the
Pnblk- MfA States by aet of Ai:gjs-t 4
W02, the Mlowinn pernoa Iihb thin day
Sept. 19, 1H02 hied in tht ofio hia swi-rti
atatemeut to-wit,
Klmer W. Kayler, of PiineviUt), county -f
Crook, atats of Orrgon, KW'trn iVupnieat No.
IKitl, forth purchaae t the S1 NK and
SU NV Sec. 4, Tp. T .., It. 1 K., W. M.
That ke will after pnif to xhow thut
the land aought ia more valuable for it-tlmlH-r
or atone than for agrieultural pur
pwn and to etUblinh hia cIhuii - to
said land before M. K, Digga, V. S. Com
missioner at Prineville, Oregon, on Friday
(lie tith day of February. H"3.
He names a witne-ea: Ham Hodges,
Klmer W. Kavler, It. F. Jtmta, Chaa. A
tiraveH aad K. R Wakeheld, all of Prineville.
Any and all persons clalrairg adrm
Iv tha above-tlewrlhed lands ara requaet
d tn file their elaiaaa In thia offka an or
before tha aaid d'h day of Fthrsary, It.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given tha
alifiied has by the County C-oi
yen that the tinder-
urt of (.'rook
county, State of Oregon, duly appointed aa
Adiniiiiatratorof the estate of W. 11. Fuller,
decettwed, and all persons having clainm
against an id estate are hereby required to
tire 'en t the fame duty verified to said ad
niinhtrut'r at his of Her at Prineville, Ore
gon, withiiiix month: from the date of the
ttrsl publication 'wtlce,
Oat d OcijUt28, llr-i.
Adi-I ijtratoTof the Ktateof
W. H, Kuluk. deceaed
Timber Lar.d, Art June 3, 1J--78.
United Bin ten Land Office,
The Da Oregon October 17 IM2.
Notice Is hereby given that In compll
mce with tho provisions of the act of
(,'ongri!Hs of June I, IMH, entitled "An
.int for the sale of tlmlwr lands In the
Hjatoa of California, Oregon, Nevada,
.tnd Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August i, Wi,
Thomas- M O'flonnell, of Prineville,
county ufCrook, Mate of Oregon, ban mi Aug
I filed in this onlce ln aworn atatemeut.
ii umber ("Ht. for the ptircfiane of the Wl
HKiA KKHWfcof Heo. WJu 12 H.. It 10 K.t
w, m,, and win oirer nnn to snow mat
the land souglit in more valuable for it
tiinlMT or stone than for agricultural pur
ikmh'N, and to chUMIhIi his claim to said
fund before W. A. Hell, IL H. (Jominisftioti-
tr, at Prineville, Oregon on Friday the 2nd
lay o( January, im
If,. ..,,., aa a.Wt,j.uU UFi!ta A'Wil
Scott Hathaway, Walter Ruwtderly and
rurry ljrig, au oi rruievme vn-i
Anv and all wraona claiming adverse
ly the iiljove-deacriljfcd lanl are rcqutwit-
ed to file their claims In this office on or
before said 2nd day of Jaiiury, PJU1.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Iand, Act June 3, 1878.
United Htates Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. , lixri.
Notice is hereby given that iti compli
ance with the provisions or the act ol Con
gresa of June 3, 1H7H, entitled "An act for
the sale of tiuilter lands in the KtaU-s of
California, Oregon, Nevala, and Washing
ton Territory," aa extended to alt the Pub
lic Land Htates by act of Aagtist 4, lft!,
the following pentons have tiled in this
offii-e their sworn statements, to wit:
JtLANCHK PARHOSH of Huekley.coun
ty of IMerce. state of Waihingtoii, sworn
statement No. liK!f, filed Augut 29, HKW,
for the purchase of the hh fcet. 32, 1. 14
Hu K. Itl K.j W. M.
ALHKKT H. PARSONS, of Buckley,
county of Pierce, state of Waslnngton,
sworn statement io. iw, inco Augnsiv,
Hani, for the purchase of the , fV,VA,
HW NK'atid HKNWJi Hoc. 32, T 14. S.,
K lit K.a Vt . M.
county of King, state of Washington, sworn
statement No. 1024, filed August 21, pi02,
for the purchase of the li BK'4 and ,
K'4 hec. l, 1. H it. id 1,., V ..n.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for it
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to estahlitdi their claims to said
bind before the Register aud Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th
dav of January, lt3.
'f'hfv iimne hh witne?iiw-: Florence M.
Cady. D. Lawton I'ady, Blanche Parsons
and Allwrt S. Parsons, of Buckley, Wash.,
May J. Cadv and Walter K. Cadv. of Get
ciiell. Wash., aud Pearl Chanibcrlin, 61
Seattle, Wa-h.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-dest-ribed lands are wiuested to
Hie their claims in this office on or before
the said 12th day of January, PJUi,
o-30-P J. P- LUCAK, RcgUter.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878.
V. S. Land Offlce
The Dalles, Oregon, June 2S.
OttoUi7, 19U2.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 8, 1x78, entitled "An
ict for the sale of timber lands in tne
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the rubiic ianci states oy act ut
August 4, lfi, the following persons have
hied in thia omce their aworn statement
JKNNIK U. Fit KKTT, of Prineville,
county of Crook, state of t)regon, sworn
stuteuieiit No fB. tiled August, 7, 1102, for
the purchase of the KU Mi'i.BttW yYM
and NWJ4 tiec 20, tp 15 8., K lt E.,
ERNEST D. STAR R. of Prineville.
county of CrtMilt, Mate of Oregon, sworn
statement No WH hied August 7, l!W2. for
the purchase of tiie NE4 Sec 24, tp 15 ti.,
R 18 E., W M.
oA K ah ij Kv) I A m a.n , ot fnneviite,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement ftomi. men juiv iju. iW lor
the purchase of tne E S' NW SK1
and NK'4 SWJ Scc2U' tp 15 S., R 19 E.,
W M.
ADOLI'H KOTZM AN. of Prineville,
eounty of t ruok, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Nola!7, tiled August 4, l!J2, for
the of the! !Ei Sue , tp 15 ti., R
lit K.. W M.
HENRY K. BEARD, of Prineville,
county of Crook, statu of Oregon, sworn
statement No WW, Hied August 4, Wi, for
the puretiase ol tho bfcw hec 2, tp lo i?., K
III K., W M.
JKFFEKSOM). EVANS, of Prineville.
countv ot Crook, state of Oretron. sworn
statement No Isiti, tiled August 4, 1102, tor
the purcirasc ol the- W u YM and Wit
HE Sec 2, tn Iti H R 18 K.. K M.
that they will offer proof to show that
the latid sought Is more valuable for Its
limner or stone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claim to said
land before M. R. fiiggs, U. S. Commis
sioner, nt his office at Prineville. Oregon.
en r ruiay, ino ii t uay ot January, t!ui.
I hey nrtiiie n witnesHep; Jennie D,
Pickett, Ernest J). Shut. Sarah L Kotznmn
Adolph Kotzninn, Hcnrv K. Bcunl. JcuW
son l). hvans Thomas M. O'Comiell and
Manilla J. hvuits nil ot Prineville Oregon.
Any and all persons cle.lndne adverse
ly Hie above-descrilied lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before the sunt 2nd dy uf Januarv, 1!0;i. .
JAT P. LUCAS, Register.
0 23
Notice to Creditors,
Netic is hereby given that the under
ilMed iias lieen hv the County Court
of Crook County, state of Oregon, duly
appointed as Administratrix of the
of tieorgc V. (ilenii, deceased, and all
nersons having ciauiH against .-aid estate
are hereby rctuired to present the same
duly yen lieu in snm Atituiuistntirix at tiie
orliee of M. E. Brink, in Prineville, Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
lirst publication of this notice.
Dated Octoler 21st, l!K)2.
Adminstrtratrix of tne Estate ol
tiKoU'.g V. Oi.knx, deceased.
34. E. Brisk, Atty. for Admrx.
Oct 23 7
Roal Estate for Sale
FOR S4LK-A two sUiry dwelling witk
Itara and outhouses in the etty nf PriaanHa
Tkia prorty is well situated aat is onraraej
by irngation, It eoven naurta f a btak
aad is m of tka beat racfdeaot loeatioas ia
ta towa. Fries raasoaahlt
flfftlee ml final ftetllement.
In the matter of the estate of
AlbcrtK. Smith, Deceased,
V oliee is hereby gjven that the mider
i. it?ned. the adminstratoTOf the estnt
of Alimrt E. Kinitb, has filerl his final a.--eouiiting
of his ivIuiinintratU n ef said
tate, ami the Hon. County .fudge f r Crook
county, On-("n, hw s-t tlif tit Is d;ty of
January, r m, m too Luiimy "in wmi,
in i'rimv.ii", On.-coti, o ll'e time ii.ol
plact ..firing w,. iiual a-- t jin.tng.
Administrator of Estate of Aibkrt
K. SITH. Decciiseil.
Jjjied thia I3tii tiny of November, IW2,
r;:,H io:ii ii,c.
Vnt U )wr-lip at tliat In- irirtim of ;
an (ir'icr of the ('ouitty Court f the Mate
il 'Irctfun. iue t ie louiuv oi Mtiiirirjjrmii. -
lulv niiule and (Titerwl ii tliematUTof th(;
(tatj of II. A. Hlnith, deceased. n the 10th
lty 01 n(iveinrer. iiaK,uuiiMri.nK.uiri.(:i
tiif and einiKjwetiiiK tlm amU-ThmR.d to
sell the f jlln villi: deaerilaul real iiroivfrtv
of the said Ktte, at pri vate sale for rash,
siilijertlo the co'inrniiinon oi toe louri,
w. will, on ami afU-T the 22lld dav of ee-
einlwr, l!Sri, proceed to sell the seme at
private aale at the olhce of the Kxecutora,
Vri railing ituil'Jing, I'urtland, Orepon.
the aaid real property u iicsenwui aa 101
low: The southeast oilarter of the.south-
east quarter cf Heetion twenty-nine, the
east half of the northeast quarter, and the
northwest quarter of the nUrlhirast quarter
of Heetion thirty-two, Township nineteen
south Hature eleven east Willamette Merid
ian, Crook County, Htate of Oregon, con
taining one hundred and sixty 1'iU) aeres.
ri . 3. joiRi,
A. F. Fl.F.OKL,
Keeutim of the Enate of II. A. Smith,
Nov. 20, 5.
Timlier lauid, Act .lone 8, 1W8.
Uxmrn 8tat Lakd Omca,
The Dalles, Oreipm, Oct. 21, 102.
N'otlce la hereiiv filven that in compliance
with the tiroviaions of the act of ConifreM of
June 3, entitled "An act for the aale nf
timber landa in the States of California, Gre
K'm, Nevada and WashinirUm Territory," aa
extended to all the fill. lie Land Statea liy
act of Auirtut 4, the followim; named
ijniona have, on Auirust 'a, lisrj, tiled tn this
omce their sworn statements, to-wit:
LKONAKi) T. N.M ITH.f.f Buckley, county
of Fierce, .tate of Washington, awnnf .tate-
ment 1O0U tor the ptircnase ot tne
SKX, NK'4 8Kl and 8KJ NKJ Sec. 12, T.
15 K IS K., w. yi
r. SMITH, ot Buckley, county
if Fierce, state of Washington, sworn state
ment No. 1070, for the purchss. of the SWJ
See B. T 15 H . K 1!) K W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land wmuht ia more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose., and to
establish their claim to said land netor. the
Heirister and Receiver, at The Dalles. Oregon.
on Tuetdav. the 13th dav of Januarv, 1M.
They name aa witnesses D. L, Cadv, Flor
ence M. Cady, 3. M. Smitk, C. Cadv, 1). A.
Cady, B. Cady, M. J. Cady, W. 15. Cady,
lyefiiuni T. bmitn and rana r . nimin, oi
liuckler, Waahinirton, and M. J. Cady and
W. K- Cadv. of Uetehell. Wash.
Anv and all nerwr.. claumnir advervely the
alsive-descrilied lands are requested to hie
their claim, in thi. ctfice nn nr before the .aid
13th day of January. I'M.
30.p JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Laud office at Tae Dallee, 0reK0
Novemlwr 17, 1!2.
Notice la herehr eiven that the following
named settler ha. filed notice of bis inten
tion to commute and make final proof in sup
port of hia claim, and that said proof will be
made before W. A, Hell, U. S, Commiwiioner
at Prineville, Ore-on, on Saturday, January
3, 1903, rii-
(ieorge M. Paul, of Haystack, Oregon, H.
K X. 114117 forth. SKKSWK. hV SE!i
nd H5i Sec. 11, lp. 12 S, K 12 K
W M.
He namea the f.ulowing witnesses tn prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
David W. Barnett. of Haystack Oregon,
and Orley C. Hale, Frank W. Manna and
Frank li. Koclman, all ul culver, uregon.
jar r. j,icaa,
nv-27 F.egister.
Land Office at The Dalle Oregon,
Novembers, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named aettler has riled notice of hia intention
to make final Droof in .uutie rt of his claim.
and that aaid proof will lie made before
J. J. Smith, llouuty Cleik at rrmevuie, ure
Kon, on F'ridav, December, 19, 1W2, viz:
Jo in J . 1 oieilllio. Ol rnncvuie, outiuii,
II K. No. 71W, for the SW'bi Sec, &5, tp. 12
S.. R. 14 K.. W. M.
Ho namea the followuiii wituesses to prove
his continuous residence uism and cultivntion
f said land, via:
.lohn llunlev. L. M. Thomas. Joseph
Wigond and Lee iloore, all of Lainoiitn,
il.ii r. Li L.-ie,
N 13 Register.
Portland4storia Route.
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Time Cartl
Leave Portland.. 7 a. in.
Leave Astoria 7 p. in.
The DallesPortland Route.
StK. "TAE02IA" and "METLASO"
Daily trips except Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Leave The Dalles, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. tn.
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a ni.
steamer "METLAKO"
Leave Portland, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. ni.
Leaves Dalle, Monday, Wednes
day, Enday : : : : : : 7 a. ni.
Landing and omce: Font Alder St.
Both Phonea Main 351, Portland, Oru.
J. W. Crichton, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Aptoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood River
Woltord & Wvers, Agt.,W. Salmon
R. O. GILBRETH, Lyle, Wash.
JOHN M. TOTTON, Stevenaoii, Wash.
HKNRY OLMSTKaD, flareon, Wart.
WM. BUTLER, Butler, Wash.
I. Crifktoi, Agt., PorHnd
W, Barnes,
Jfifomojf at mCam,
ffft Si. 33iS3,
. flrink
flltoraey and Counselor at jCaw
J. L. McCulloch,
Dealer in Real Estate and Ab
stractor of Titles.
Jtft (P. ttelknap.
SPijiham and Suryton.
Office in rear of Adamjon, Winnek Co'
0 Jfydt, 9. 0.
SPttyMtolan an urfon.
Diseases of women a specialty.
Phone No, 2. Residence back of tha
Photograph Gallery.
Calls answered promptly day Knight Of
fice with Dr, V. Gesner. Residence
corner 1st aud Main street..
W. H. SNOOK, M. D.,
and SritGEO
prepared to answer profes
sional calls promptly.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty.
Prineville, : : Oregon
TICE ADKINS, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
the use of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly
Contractors and Housebuilders
Painting, Bricklaying,
and Carpenter Work.
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4 c.
Airrone uptidtrif sketch and desciipttnn mtr
rjnlrkly liarttrtHirt oiir opinion free whether an
liiToinlcm is prohiibly rvttenuhle. Communiea-
trictlvntiitl)intluL Hmnlbfvokon PnfflrU
lent frefc Ullltst Bitency for BenirmrfpiUentB.
Patenti tiiken tbrouBb Huun & Co. recelrt
tptruti notice without charve, iu the
Scientific fltMicaiv
A handfomplr lllnntrstwl wetklf. Jjirewit etr
cn latum of n sclunUtJc lournal. Tcrnit. a
Tear; roar nwiTiui, fu bqiq dj an newnapaiers.
X Co.5
Bruch OSlc 63S r 8L. Wublnilon. O. (
'"' Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice ia hereby given that I have
appointed the following named persona
deputy stock inspectors:
,1. P. Cartwriht, Hay Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ashtrood.
E. Spirks, Sister.
A. Morrow, Haystack,
F. M. Smith, Paulina.
Koseoe Knox, Post.
T. C. S ain, Bear Creek.
J. S. tVt;ue, . Rostand.
Alex Mclutmb, Hardin
J. P. VaiiHouten, Hay Creek.
U. S. Cowlea, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Slock Inspeotor Crook County..
for sale at this oliica at very renson
atle prices. Wail order promply at
tended to.