Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 25, 1902, Image 8

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    '. g. .-5.
J. S. McMeen, ot Lamonta, was, a
, l'rineville usiior rnaay.
Miss Kate Hclfrloh was a visitor
from Bend Sa,urday. "
Hurley Morgan and Link Stiver
' were visitors from Bear creek Sun
day. " " John Iaham was up from the grow-
city of . Pulmairt Saturday lookiug
. after business matters.
I j. J. B. Gillam, of Cross Keys, was a
business visitor in the city the fore
part of the week.
' D. F. and Frank Rease were down
from Lava the latter part of last week
attending to business matters.
Kelly is getting the interior of h'a
gallery lined and papered. Bob Smith
is doing the job in his usual style,
Henry Whitsett returned Friday
i from an extended visit in Portland
. and other valley points. -
County Commissioner Healy was
doing business in the city the latter
part of last week.
Kdward B. Graham, of Sisters, was
a business visitor in the cityone day
last week, -, .
- Ernest IX WalU and Allie Foster
returned Friday from an extended
trip in the Sand Springs country..
A. L. Mcintosh, of Paulina was a
business visitor in the city the latter
part of last week.
B. P. Youngman, of Indianapolis,
and J. Garred, of Harney, were passen
gers on the Burns stage Monday en
route to the railroad.
Sotice the Journal Beal Estate
Agency's new ads of farm wanted to
rent and California property to trade
for Crook county timber land.
The Artisans are preparing for a
"blowout" on installation night. A
good time is promised. A class of
new members w'll be initiated.
Miss Una Stewart gave her parents
a pleasant surprise by arriving home
Sunday, one day ahead of time."' She
will spend the holidays in this city.
8. P. Donkel was down from - Lava
last week looking after business affai.-s.
He reports but little snow up that
way at present and stock looking well.
" J. H. Gray, secretary of the Crook
County Cattle Growers Association,
was smiling on his many friends in
the city the fore part of the week.""
J. P. Vanhouten, of the B. 8. & L.
Co., was up from the ranch at Hay
creek and repor' the sheep looking
fine now and a sight worth seeing.
Mr. and Mrs. Kolando Parriau" and
their daughter, of Hay creek, were in
town last Friday evening, enroute to
Pertland where they will spend the
Holidays. Antelope Herald,
0. W. Smith has gone to Portland
to spttM the holidays with his parents.
Mr. Smitjv is life saddler at Boon's
shop and Jill be back in time for the
rush of wofc that comes between the
holidays and the spring roundup.
B. Parish, of Hay creek, and family
have moved to The Dalles to spend
the winter. They arrived here Sun
day and have taken a house cn West
Fourth street. Dalles Mountaineer.
Let every body patrouize the mter
tainment at the Union church to
uight, Thursday, December 25 and
enjoy the program that has been !&
. pared for the occasion.
Saturday night the Masons nud
Eastern Star w ill hold a joint installa
tion and banquet. All members in
eood standing are expected to be
present and enjoy the work.
Work is progressing on Mies Kin
building and it will soon be ready for
occupancy. A portion of the building
will be used as a residence and the re
mainder will be devoted to a music
W. W. Collins, E. Hammond and
J. E Hannah, of Moscow, Idaho, were
registered at ti e Poindexter one day
last wetk. They were looking over
the timber land situntion in this
J, W. Henderson seturned from an
extended business trip'throughout the
Willamette valley Friday, and reports
having had a pleasant time, Mr.
Henderson is thinking of again en
gaging in business in Prineville.
W. W. Josl n and wile were over
Irom their home on Hay creek and
report having had some cold weather
there during the past week. Mr. and
Mrs. Joslin are boyhood friends of ye
editor and he is always glad te meet
them as well as all other friencll.
szs, 7. flv m? v7fpJi
V?H. Haytlen, late of Euugene,
has purchased tlie old John Vahdor
pool shop and has it moved onto Main
street" between T)r." Rosenberg's resi
dence and Kelly's photograph gallery
and will fit it up as a carpenter shop.
John Geiger put up 16 loads -of ice
last week, but the rain and wr.rm
spell the latter part of the week
caused a discontinuance of ice gather
ing. The ice was only about three
inches thick, but firm and clear of
impurities. i
The Journal man had the pleasure
of looking over the meat packing
establishment of Stewart A Co. one
one day this week and saw some of
their prize bacon in its primitive state.
This firm puts up some of the finest
bacon and hams in the state which
finds ready sale at home.
Cap. Cornett, proprietor of the
Prinev'lle-Burns stage line, came in
from the front Monday and reports
business good over his line. The
roads have been frozen for some time
and have now become worn down
until they are in very fair condition.
A good chicken ranch would be a
paying investment for some one in
this country, as there is always a
scarcity of eggs and at this time of the
year it is almost impossible to get
enough to cook with. Chickens seem
to do well in almost any part of the
county as they are comparatively free
rom diseases of all kinds.
A. C. Lucas, of the B. 8. k L. Co.,
was in the city Friday. This office
acknowledges a friendly call. Mr.
Lucas had the misfortune to have a
horse fall with him while riding rap
idly over the frozen ground a few days
ago, and he now resembles a street
car accident. It was a narrow escape
and Mr. Lucas thanks his lucky stars
it was no worse.
During the latter part of last week
the young folks, and some of the older
ones, amused themselves by skating
on the ice in some of the ponds below
town. While the ice was a little thin
to be safe, the water was not deep and
a break through would only mean wet
feet for the one who broke through,
consequently the fun ran. high and
all seemed to enjov the sport immense-
The old year is drawing to a close
and we would like for all our sub
scribers who are in arrears to help us
a little. We have never before asked
for any money, nor do we insist on
anyone making an especial effort to
pay now, but where it is convenient
we would appreciate any favor in that
line. We will take wood or grain at
the market price.
A Prineville stockman is responsible
for the statement that many settlers
on Agency plains will be caught in
the winter storms without sufficient
preparation. He said: "Many hwvo
little or no wood on hand and their
only means of support for their
families is working for the sheep men.
A great many of them are from the
East and do not understand om cli
matic conditions out here and are
bound to undergo hardships." Wasco
Sews. .
Max Lueddeman le va to morrow
for Los.Gatos, California, whore 1
will spend the holidays with the "old
folks at home." During his absence
Mr. Fred X. Wallace has consented to
cssunie the ardous duties of editor-in-
hief, his consent having been obtain
ed only after a thorough search
through the postal regulations to as
certain if there was anything to pre
vent a fourth class postmaster from
making a first class editor. Antelope
E. I). Waltz, late of North Dakota,
who came to this country a short time
ago, is so faorablylmprcs8ed with our
resources that he is going to locate
permanently in Crook county, Mr.
Waltz will take a trip east in the near
future to interest a lot af his former
friends in this country and will no
doubt be the means of building up a
substantial immigration to this land
of changed conditions. The coming
two years will witness some marked
changes for the better in this coun-
Henry Cram was in from his farm
on Ochoco last week and informed our
reporter that there was every indi
cation of renewed activity at the
Howard mines in the ipring. gome
litigation that had been indulged in
heretofore has been settled and those
interested in the mind art sanguine
that tbey have a good thing in them,
and will show their good faith by their
works as soon as mow goes off next
year, We have no doubt on the sub
ject and it is only a matter ot, time
when these mines will be producers as
well as the Trout creek district. It is
only fc question of time when the
Upper Ochoco district will be ouo of
the richest in Oregon. i:
v0ur reporter was up at the court
house iuesday ;evenuig , ai)4 in
glancing ovor the fee book lie no
ticed an item like tins; " Leo B.
Lafollett, marriage, license." Now
we were expecting something of
this sum. However there w no
one in this county that this paper
would sooner give a wedding write
up than to Leo B, Lafollett and
the estimable young' lutly who will
preside over the destinies "of his
household.. After the happy event
has transpired we shall ;then be
able to give details as well as the
young lady's name. . ;", v
Dr. Belknap received last week from
Portland the first prise winner at the
poultry show in the Buff Plymouth
Kpck list of chickemk This is a -fine
rooster and will make a valuable ad
dition to the doctor's already fine col
lection ot birds. This rooster scored a
total of ninety points and is said to be
One of the finest on the coast. The
doctor has one heu that has laid 122
engs and has set three times this sum
mer. We believe this to be. a record
breaker. Judge Brink also has a lot
of these chickens and is fairly proud
of his pens. He and the doctor are
the only breeders of this strain of
poultry in this county that we aro
aware of. - - .-
George Millican was down from
Pine mountain the latter part of last
week and reports stock looking well
out that way, and no snow on the
ground, in fact it did not lay on as
long out there as it did in this section
of the county as there seems to have
been an upper warm current in the
atmosphere at that time. Mr. Milli
can stated that the Indiaas had been
doing considerable hunting out that
way this fall and that one them told
him that he had killed fourteen deer.
This matter should be looked into by
the state game warden and see it a
stop cannot be put to such wholesale
slaughter in the future. The Indian
has no more right, to slaughter the
kame than has the white man and it
is only the strict enforcement ot the
game laws that will preserve even afl
occassional specimen of the Mule deer
for future generatious to gate upon
and wonder at the changes time has
wrought. ,., . : ... , .-. . .4 i, i-
A Surprise Parly. .,, ,..,..
Last Saturday evening a crowd of
young folks pleasantly surprised Roy
Price, at the home of his parents Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Price. The gathering
was in honor of Roy's 21st birthday,
ad the occasion was greatly enjoyed
by all. Games were indulged inas
well as an excellent lunch. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Price,
Misses Iva Booth, Fay Hodges, Efiic
Dobbs, Maude Dobbs, Winnie Win
dom, Gertie Prine, Nellie McDanniel
Addie Foster, and Georgia Hodges
and Messrs:-Buy. Price Judd Palmer,
Roy Gray, Bruce Gray, fiennie Booth,
A. 0. Mosier S. 41. Bailey, Orange
Hodges and W. C. B'ack.
I This a ract.
But is not this "a knockout blow?'1
A man from Michigan went down on
the passenger train the 15th. . He
said "I've been to Prineville country
to locate a timber claim The cattle
have lived on sagebrush so long that
the beefsteak tastes like sausage." If
also stated that fifty men up there
are claiming the same piece of timber
land. He places al! blame with tic
timber rustlers. Wasco News. Th e
class of gentry can be found in all
countries. They are not satisfied
with the conditions found in the lai.d
of their birth and no where else will
rhey give credit where credit is due.
While to his depraved taste the beel
may have tasted like sausage, but we
will lx t our old hat that he nevir
tasted as good meat in his life before,
if he ever gut to the point of having
meat more than twice a year. As to
the charge of several parties claiming
the same piece of land we r re unable
to say, but if they aro it is not through
the prineville cruisers that they have
been located in that manner.
The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, a
Democratic newspaper, ever air and al
ways free; W4 copies la one year for only
tl.SC to any address. The Journal, P.
0. Box 121, Portland, Or.
Subscribe (or the Journal.
Prlnovlllc's Leading Mcrchanls
We have just received the Largest and Most. Coincide Line of General Mcrdinndiso
ever, brought into tho city, which wo offer at prices astonishingly low,
We desire to call. tho attention ot the
Ladies to our now stock ot Skirts, Silk Dress
Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Velvet, Bilk and Wool
Waists, Dry- Goods, Furs, Coats, Capes,
Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Flannel
ettes and Outing Flannel, We are sole agents
for the Royal Worcester Corsets. Dowagers
in all sites from 25 to 36.
We carry a full line of
as well as Choice Groceries
Syracuse Gang Plows and Winona' Wagons. WURZWEILER & THOMSON
I)r. C. A. 1'errln,
Helena, Munt.
Dear Siri
I have nearly nnluM the for.
mer bottle and m practically well.
My cue ni one moat ihalcliu would
have pronounced Incurable. Mr ap
retlte h good, have gained 10 pooada
in weight and feel like a new leaae of
lite was given me. One ot the 'oottlea
1 send for thia tiuie la for a friend anil
the other lor myaell ai i ao hot in
tend to be without it.
Verv tmlv mora.
Notice Ta Woo Cenlraclera.
Proposals are invited for furnishing
at U. S. postoffice, Prineville, Oregon,
thirty, (30) cords groen jumper wood
and ten, (10) cords dry juniper wood,
bids to be mailed sealed not later than
1 p. m. Jamirary 3rd, W03.
Gboroe St'MHKiui, Postmaster.
Portland Club Whiskey, a pure hour-
bon.well matured. Recommended by
leading physicians. For sale every
where. "l'nS
OLAV A. SIMPSON, . M'g'r Interior Dept.
' v -v "I f,
L ' v m M i " ::
) 'i 'trt --
Has the lartreet percentaee c
cash assets to each dollar of Ur
bility; earns the highest avernre
interest, and issues the most ur-to-date
proaressive policies for In
vestment or proteotion. ,
You Want a Photo Vou H ani
We Have
The Best Studio and
The Best Equipment
And We Give Hou
The Best Work
Crockery, Glassware, and Cutiory of Standard Manufacture
of all kinds. We aro agents
The Important Point
In buying Drugs is QUALITY, Quantity really makes
, NO difference.
Vm Drugs that have Real Worth, ami we them with
Qualities that muke 'em effective. Wo have Drug
, Knowledge m well ns Good K(.w Drug Block.
into Our New Quartern, which we believe will co tniar
favorably with any in Interior Oregon. . Alt cwlomen,
old and new, are invited to come and insiwet our Store
uml Stock.
.I H H U I
Our 1902 stock of Oliver Gang. Sulkv and Walkintr Plows
w, - f-j - - - -
i far tho most complete we have ever carried. Those plows
have oo equal as a breaking p'ow and will plow ordinary sage
brush without grubbing.
The new Oliver Sulky's have
years in tho shape of a hi n l lever giving the operator full
control to regulate the width of cut on turns and curves. TV
Oliver is one made to do the work and will do the work they
are maae for, urn ana inspect them,
Our stock of repairi :s exceptionally comn'ete. not nnlv thn
iron posts but wood as well, .
We tan save you time and
In the Gents' Furnishing Goods wo have
the very best grade of Shoes from reliable
manufacturers. Underwear, both silk and
wool j Hueks ; Tailor Made Suits ; Hat and
Caps of the latest styles; Shirts from tho
best makers ; Neckties,' etc., etc,
for the Baker Iinrb Wire
m MW4M
& King
a treat improvement ovor lust,
, , , ., ' -
money and ratience. '