Crook County Journal. County Official Paper. THUttBDAY, DKCKMIIER 25, 1902. America la Uaartf. Let nobody in the United Stutss imagine that the Britiuh and Her man fleets which are in Venwiuelun waters will upset the Monroe doc trine before they get through with Castro. There 1m a fur bigger and far more formidable collection of war vessles In the vicinity of the disturbed district than these two liut'ions have on llie ground. Thiws venscls are flying tho American Aug. .They are under the com mand of men who have hud much more experience in actual war than any jwrson in cither tho British or the German naval service at this time. At the head of thwe men in Admiral Dewey. The American squadrons are octensibly engaged In a scries o( evolutions- regarding the possibilities of attack and do fennc on our Southern coast. These evolution! are taking place in the water of tho Carribbenn and the Gulf of Mexico, juHt where they would Ih If the real war wan to tuko place between the United States and any great navol power of tho old world. Every man in the white and blue fleets, from IVwey downward, knows aWtt thin gathering of British and Ger man vemdes in the neighborhood of Venexuela, and all will hold themselves in readiness ut a word from Wellington for immediate action, if any attack should be made on the principle of the American continent for tho Americans. under certain circumstanced, lake a form which would put his per sonallty far in the' background, and even make the wishes of his countrymen a matter of very small moment. It would be possible be fore this trouble is ended, for a complication to ensue which would neceHsiate prompt and drastic action by the United States. If this contingency should arise, how ever, the government at Washing ton, and the American people who stand behind that government, would rise to the occasion immedi ately, The United States has a much larger Interest in the preser vation of the Monroe doctrine than has Veneiuela or any other of the countries for whose protection this principle wus primarily invoked. All this has been kept firmly and constantly in mind by tho adminis tration at Washington. Let no body in the United States feel any alarm at the situation in Vene zuelan waters. The American gov ernment has taken intelligent and adequate precautions to defend its interests and maintain its primacy in the western hemisphere against attack from any quarter whatso ever and at any time. Dalles Chronicle. next year's market allowing, of course, for the cattle that will be sent northward from Texas in the spring. The number of cattle held on the ranges of Nebraska, Wyo ming and South Dakota for feed ing next year is a surprise. The stock men have not sold off so closely as in other years, and have made ample provisions for keeping the young for next year. Already Nebraska is getting cattle from! the south for feeding purposes, and many of the shipments from the ranges never reached the stock yard markets. Many train-loads of cattle have come down from the Northwest into Nebraska in the last few weeks not billed for the markets, but for points in the corn belt, where feed is plentiful and where farmers are arranging to get the biggest possible price out of it by feeding. N. Y. Tribune-Farmer. IUJ II' 'II. 'rii Outlook far . During the last week of October and the first week in November the annual winter roundup of the Northwestern Stock Grower's As sociation was held in Nebraska and South Dakota. This roundup is of annual occurrence, having been instituted a few years ago for the purKse of gathering cuttle that had drifted from tho ranges of their owners, and of throwing The president and his advisers , t.ra j.g wiicrc tliey lelong for Dr. W. W. TKKiirt, the eye special ist, at the Poindexter Hotel, will at tend to your eyes, fit your spectacles, cure your headache and nervous troubles One charge for one year. Care of children a speciality. Glares ground in Portland. rarlaerehl Bl lotion. are sometimes referred to as leing uneasy over tho outlook in the Cariblx-art. These stories should not dueuive anybody. The adminis tration knows the situation in that part of the hemisphere better than any private person can know it. It has provided for all contingen cies. Kvery possibility has been taken into account. The govern ment at Washington will not lie taken by surprise, no matter what happens In the waters to the south of us. Both the British and the German governments have given the authorities at Washington the most satisfactory assurance regard ing their intentions with respect to Castro. They seek nothing from him or his government except that to which they are entitled under the comity of nations. All this has been made plain to the govern ment of the United States. Never theless, that govemmont has taken precautions to guard its own inter ests on the continent, and to defend the Monroe doctrine against any menace come from whatever quar ter it may. , Venezuela's president is not an admirable personage. The feeling of the people of the United States toward him personally does not differ much from that which is held toward him by the people of the two countries which are pro uelinir asainst him. The matter which is involved in this Vene zuelan dispute, however, could the winter, since the majority' of owners feed heavily during severe weather. The mothod of this roundup is as follows: First, the cattle country is or ganized into districts and some prominent stock man is. appointed as an inspector, with the power of appointing sub-agents. These in spectors visit the rancher, the herds on the range and the mar kets, and wherever strays are found they have the Kwer to cut them out and return them to their own ers. Besides these insiiectors at the time of the roundup, the North western Stock Grower's Associa tion has regularly appointed in spectors, who visit the varions markets, and, if strays are received report from time to time to their, owners. , j The association now represents nearly forty thousand head of cat tle, held in bundles' from fifty to five hundred, the organization be ing composed entirely of small cat tle owners. Two inspectors hove been kept in Chicago, two in South Omaha, one in Sioux City, and one at, each of the Indian agencies where beef cattle are received. The association has a membership of two hundred and is growing. It lins lately affiliated with the Mis souri River Stoc k Growor's Associa tion, composed of the small cuttle owners along the Missouri river. The supply of cattle on the West ern ranges is large enough to fill Notice is hereby given that the firm and partnership of Willey and Dee, consisting of Charles M. Willey and John IV. Dee, doing a general saw mill business on Wil low Creek, Crook county, Oregon, has ken this day dissolved by mutual consent, Charles M. Willey retiring from the firm. AllJac counts due said firm will be col lected andfreceipted by John W. Dee.Vnd all accounts owing by said firm will be paid by John W. Dee. i John W. Dee. Charles M. Willey. Dated December 10th, 1902. All For $3000. I hive (ranch ooiwlntlnK of 1M acre Mm mile north of Aaliwoocl. 18 acre of alfalfa and 30 acru of araln land, with good ncv houiie and barn. Kin young orchard In bearing. 60 head of young cattle, IB head of Veerf, U heifem, and one abort horn bull; all two yeara old neit Spring, l'lenty of feed and paature. KM acres of ranch under fence. Thin ranch It only one mile north of the Oregon King mine. Call on or addrtnn, J. O. Poindeiter Afthwood, Oregon. Saw Death Near. "It often made my heart ache," writes L. C. Overstrect, of Elgin. Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse. Good doctors said elie win so tar gone with Consumption tlutt no medicine or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery and persis tent use of tlits excellent medicine saved her lite." It's absolutely guar ft n teed lor coughs and all throat 'and lung diseases. 50c and f 1.00 at Adanj son & Winnek Co. Trial bottles free. All persons knowing themselves in dehted to Smith & Cleek will please call and settle. This means you. Smith & Cleek. Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Gents and Children's shoes. S.J. A Co. A New Departure Beginning January 1, 1903, we will give a Numbered Coupon with every subscription to The Crook County Journal and on September 30, 1903, we will ive away some valuable and useful articles to our subscribers. The value of these wiil be $500 and they will consist of articles for tb.3 stockman, the farmer, and the household, musical instruments and notions. . This is no lottery, but we take this way of adding more names to our already large list. Those who hold the lucky coupons are entit-, led to articles valued at as high as $60. Pull particulars later. The Journal Publishing Company C. E. McDowell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated and Re turn iihed Throughout. Auierlrau Plan. Rates $1, $1.50 and ft per day. Accommodations are Unsurpaaied in the eity. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station in the house. mm. i.. $ S11015 Like auUmon Pacific CbkMtW forllaad Mill tu Boat- Urton. Sl Lake. Dener, ft. Weru.Omaha, LealttChleafoand MA. l). a. Via Boat-laiwa s,rni FMI Mail pekaaa has rhioulii reraaM.or. an Lake. Dhw. rt. woriB.umDa, Kaau City, St. Loau,Catcafeaiid Walla Walla Lewie. too, Spokane, Ml a neapoiu,iH. rem, Dululb. Mllwto-kee,CbleaoIait lata. :a. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM rOKTLAHD. IMa.1 Dally Ba-tuaday -. Saturday M a. av TaAetarfeaaaWay BLtaaday 1:0a.av IMe.. Tol fieL Tttar. eadSa. U.1U parte lia AU ealUaf datea eubjeet w ihup Fee Saa Freneleee leu erery i daye. Orefea CUy, ewJ aee a war ! Mtf.Sa Cafe WMaaeai and Tea- retea Olty, Bay- Fertland te Corral- U war Un4- MaarUtoLawletea US a. a. 4-Ha.M. Ia.tuBda tmr.m. Meo.-Weo, aaaFH. MeaJWe. eairrt. U.LewMaa Dally I a. dl. W. L Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. Real Estate Agency . n II The Journal i! O it U n o Is now ready to handle your property. We have UNEXCELLED FACILITIES for placing Real Estate before those who want to purchase and are able to give GOOD SATISFACTION. fl We want Farming and G'razinf Land AIho Timber Land .w U fflT By placing your property with us you get the benefit of FREE ADVERTISING. rs 0 CaH'onfor'Address THE JOURNAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY PrlnevlHe, Oregon 0 M t "'. Jt: 19 Big Deal in Typewriters AuKtrian Government Orders 1200 Smith Premiere. "Vienna, Feb. 7. The greatest single purchase of typewriters ever made has been ordered by the Min- istry of Justice, which, after three .vjrijv months of exhaustive competitive trial has contracted to equip the entire ministry with not less than 1200 Smith Premier typewriters, supplying every court." . Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonian, February 7. Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents. W.T. FOGLE, Agent, Prineville, Oregon Smith T-Sir os, I . DEALERS IN Seneral Ttferchandise. SISTERS, OREGON. Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kifidg. Rangers and CampersSupplies. Camp outfitting, We Carry a Complete line of Groceries, Dry Good?, Hardware Etc. We Respectfully solict your trade. Oolum'bla Soutliem CectWe UM A. U., 8epiemtxr 1, 18U1. SoaU kean4 Dally freight ArrlTe Bootk ; Boin4 i j Ksrih ; North Hound , Bound Dally Fan. WrATtwa.1 t:90 I I i OH m 1:30 a m a m IS'i.m 1:1 m I: la a m l: JS a m :50 1:34 p.m 1:&0 n.m 2:14 p.m v:fi p ni l:sa p.m :4S p.m i:4 p.m .m S:iiV p. mi S:I9 p.m t-M p m 4:U6 p.m i:A p. in 4:10 p. ID ?:!v p.m Da)!r tu. LeaTe Blia 11:2S Glbbum U:iw Vco lt:iA Klo'UvkelO:) buniinil 10:'JA Hit C Ji'10:'..''l.Mli:!'.' It Mom 10:00 Horo t:.iO Knkllivl ;..9 Bnurbonl 8:V. (juthn I l:4U Qniko l l:i Dally Fnlfht Let re a.m 1:40 p.a t in :!.' p.m a.m i.'i p.Q a m 2:4i'p.aj a.m p.m a m, i:12.m a.m, l:m p.m a.m 1:M p.m lid; 1:40 p.u: a.m' a.m 1:00 p.m a.m(. a.m! . a oi1.. P. J. HARRIS, Suerintendent. C E. LYTLK, O. P A I E i I n I r- cv 1 w r mi i f r Edlton, Bell. Howe, Binder, McCormick, and other nUllonftlre ioreDton began life poor. ' Fortune) await lavtator Cn yon vLm ha prevMBtata aa arttdaa connoa mm r Walla yoa delay, athara mmj patent your Idcaa, We auarmntee aamlnst Wm fees lAivl ut Ut ti-rTicea. Pees moderate and ratable by insulmenta. "Inventor's Kwiatant " tent free on request. frUlt AtUnarrt, WasUaftw, J. . CDFr&CO.' glacksmithfng That Pleases Is The Kind You Get aU J II. WIGLE'S (Successor to) CORXETT & ELKIXS'S A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand City ffiarber Shop, tPotuttl Cyrus, tProprieior. JCot and Cold Baths. 2rineeu0. Or, J, W. B00iE, Saddles and JVarness Maker of the celebrated PRINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE I' I'LL LIXE OF STOlkME.VS SI'ITLIES Latest improved Lndiet Side and Stride Saddles, Bit?, Spur, Angara Chaps, Quirts and Haeka ors. Write for prices. Phisevii.le, : : Oheuoj. Q. Springer, aHimiEii or 'Draft, Coach and Carriage JCoraea Young stallions and mares, also a few young teams for sale. Haystack Blood Slock Jiick. 1 Haystack, Oregon.