A8H1HTANTH. Llwlii KoMmiii, I v. HuollaaHiitolls SliMjumn, Irani' Ilunm, (Minn. Chrlatlwiu, Cm) Ity,, L'arl HvW'-r, Ul wootl l)ri(pr, lllnlo Muriiw nntl Ceoln ' J: 1-,, Tho V grade , pupils! are busy ilrnwing maps. Williu Briggs enteral the II grade lBt Friday. , K Homo was over tacked by the Gauls, who furnihlir'd tho tuck, Oscar Prose wiih promoted from the V grade to the VI this week. Pupllo of the fourth room ren dered a program last Friday cvo- A few cold nightH lant' week ren dered it pleasant for those who like to skate. ' , "H Spring watches uro sometimes like flirting wouh.ii, thfir works are no good.; ii .! Clyde Howell wnn absent all day last Monday. Ho took a trip to the McKay country. Several of the pupils of Mr Mos ier's mom were visitors in Miss Taylor's room lant Thursday. I,ora Stearns and Hoy Foster, of the VI grade" received credit " for drawing the best maps of the United Rate, f - " Our school column in short of items this week on account of nioht of the editors preparing for Christmas exercises. . The IX grade das have taken tests in Algrebru'and History. We are to take tests in Physical Geo graphy and (irammar next week. TeacherWhy was Pickens an extraordinary looking animal? . Johnnie: BceauM! h'w tale came out of his head. Rubies are scarce in thin coun try. In fact we bavtf only one in the whole neighborhord and alio is claimed by a fourteen' year old boy. , Christmas ami New Year comes but once a year and let us all en joy ourselves this year, and when we return to nt-bool after the hull days, w can report a grand time. Tho VIII grade chut have had test in reading, writing, Kindling, grammar,' arithmetic and history. They are yet to be tented in civil government and mental arithme tic. ' " - :- Burke's speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, tho literary work of tho IX grade has been comple ted, and tho pupils are each writ ing a brief of that man's life. , Klst where appears the Christmas program, which the pupils of the VIII amj IX grades are preparing. We expect to make this worth at tending, and invite our friends and parents to our exercises. Lawrence' Hvde and Martin Prine, of the' V grade, and Alex Iiarnes, Earl Wurzweilcr, Charlie Kotzman, Kenneth Miller and Mor tie Porter, of the IV gn.de were absent last week. ' Wilda Salomon has returned to Bchool after a week and a half ab sence on account of illness, . Prof. Orton has proposed that his room buy a little book each, and read them during the holidays, then donate them to the library. - With this issue the present mem bers of tho editorial staff are re lieved of duty and we are of the impression that whilo the column has, in no way, been an ideal .one,! and wo may have been incorrect in our reports in a few eases," bur efforts have not been fruitless, and have produced good results. liauga of Kaltera. We have succeeded ifi making the column a fairly interesting fcheet. ' .'.' The co-operation of the student in general has been good, and in teresting matter has - always been at our service, in many instances more than we havo been ' blo to use, and while the outside schools 'have not responded to our liberal offer of space, we think that the Priwvtllc Public School TJQtQS , 1 i in l, ' , ..' :.: . ' o w pii)iiK( ana that II the continues to improve as it has the past three months, the column will D of spine importance by tho end of thtf school year.! , The future staff is,f we think, wholly equal to tho occasion, and we offer to lend our assistance in any possible way until they bocome accustomed to the work, , for . work it is and we hope that at tho ex piration of the coming term the sheet will show the improvement llmt these people are able to . give it. Last Friday, December 19th, the school ' elected ten new editors. There were six elected from ' Prof. Orion's room and four from Prof. Hosier's room. Charlie Christiani und'Clydo IUiwell tied : for chief editor. The second ballot not being cast for one chief and we will f . .' : probably havo two chief editors, The assistants are Iva Iiooth, Fay Hodges, Nellie Day and Henry Smith, of Prof. Orton's room, anil Bertha ' Elkins, Roy Ctimming, Ruth Taylor, and Celia Nelms, of Prof. Mosier's room These new editors will succeed those whose term expired kt week,, With uch a force as this we can write up a good column.; Let us not only try but work with an honest zeal to make our column interesting to all who may read it. Lot no boy think he can be made a gentleman by the clothes 'he wears, the horse lie rides, the stick he carries, the dog that trots after him, the house that he lives in, or tin' money that he sjiemls. Not ono, or all these things do it; yet every boy may be a gentleman. Ho may wear an old hat, cheap clothes, live in a poor house, and spend but little money. But how? By being true, manly, and honor able. By being civil and cour teous. By respecting himself and others, By doing the liest he knows how,' and finally, and above all, by fearing God and keeping His com mandments, Western Christian Advocate. WrdiiciiM)'' I'rograiu.' Song by the School. . . .The Sleigh ' .T....!.;: Ride. Reading, A Christmas Eve at Hun , ter's Lodge, Ralph Poindexter. Recitation, When My Pa was a Bojrr. rr.. .wLrland Belknap. Recitation. A Trapper's Story, by Estelle Simpson. Instrumental Music, A Bridal Re ception. . . .Berna Poindexter and Gertie Sharp. Reading, A Christmas Rose, by Ircno Barnes. Recitation, I'd Liko to Go to War, '. . .1. , ... .by Van Brink. Instrumental Music, A Philippine Song, by Winnifred Cline, Georgia Hodges and Beulah I . ,-: .Crooks. Recitation, The Little Boys La- mcnt, by Sylvia Michel. Recitation, Poor Santa CJaus, by Frances Orten. Little Folks Song. ' Vocal Duet, Hello Central, Give Me Heaven, Fay and Gertie Hodges. Recitation, The Polish Boy, by Mrs. H. P. Belknap. Dialogue. Instrumental "Music . . . 7 .; . Myrtle v. . , ..Swearingen. Song by the School, Vacation Song, HIcKa? Creek School , Nolra and Delia Cantrill and Edith and Rov McCord were " absent from school Friday. Fay Lafollett, Bertha Smith and Jennie and Belva Templeton were absent several days last week? Mr. and -Mrs. M. D. Powell visited school Friday evening. Mrs. Cynthia Smith returned home last Thursday from Portland where she has been for the pur pose of having medical treatment for her little son Chester. The citizens of Lower Rye Crass are going to have a Christmas- tree .sheet has started off on the right or. Christmas eve. ' ' l.oial mention. Mr. Gus McCord gav6 a dance last; Friday evening which Wfl3 largely attended and everybody reports having had a good time. Mr. R, M. Tcmpleton's baby has been sick again but is improving Grandma Prose Is reported as hot very well this winter. ' '"' ' Misu Lena Holtz is visiting her sisters Mrs Rosa Jones and Miss Jane Holtz. ' s A merry Christmas and happy New Year. ' , A Pupil. A Farm Fur Ilent We have a tenant for a farm of frornlGO.to (MO acres. Anyone having such a place would do well to call at this odice. Journal Real Estate Aokscy. A, H. UPPJIAN & CO. Sell Lumber for CASH ONLY! ; Stops the Cough and Works offthe . Cold. Lantlvu Bromo Ouinin, Tablet cure cold in one dy. No Cure, No Pay, I lice, la conti," . Frrnno 1'roperty For Trade. We have a house and eight lots in the city of Fresno, California, which we desire to trade for farm ing or timber lands, preferably timber' land." Parties who" have either will do well to' investigate this offer. Will pay difference in cash for tome, choice property, either .improved or unimproved. Will sell the above property for cash at a discount on Vhat we want in trade. This is a snap for some one. Call early and be the first to make a bid. JouiiSAL Real Estate Aok.ntv. iooo A J-ood Couuh medicine. From the GurtU, Tuowtximljit, Australia.) I find Chamberlain's Cough Kenie- dy is an excellent medicine. I have been suffering (rum a severe cough (or the last two tnontha, and it has eject ed a cure. I have great pleasure iu recommending it. W. C. WOCKSEK. This is the opinion of one of our old est and moat respected residents, and has been voluntarily N given in good faith that others may try the remedy and tie benefitted, as was Mr. Wock- ner. - This remedy is sold by all drug gists. food ('banged le Falun. Futrefyuiginod in the, intestines produces effects like those o( .arsenic, but Dr. King's New Lile Pills cxpd the poisons fro.n clogged bowel", gent ly, easily but surely, Sick Headache, Fevors, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel tioubles. Only 25c at Adnmson Si Winnck. , . . . M. A. Lehman, bookeeper at the Perhain saw mill, was in town Inst Saturday. Mr. ihniau informs us that this will be his last trip into town in the interest ol the saw mill, m he hss resigned his position there, and will leave for Prineville within a (ew days. Mr. Lehman's many friends' at this place will regret to see him leave this neighborhood. Ashwood Pros Notice to Electric Customers. Your attention is called to. the monthly lighting rates, which will be found in the last part of Section 10, Ordinance 122, which reads as follows: Evening until 10 p. m., .05 per candle power ; evening until mid night, .06 per candle power; All night lights .08 per candle power. Residences, churches "and lialls special rates. Residences were given a, .04 rate for this reason. They are supposed not to burn their lights only when in actual use, and in no case to burn lights all night in unoccupied rooms. , ' Beginning Novemlier 1st, 1902, we-, will charge- an .08 rate on. all night lights unless crmission has lieen granted for same. ' We positively will not furnish current to lights not purchased from P. L. 4 W. Co. Where this fraud is found to exist service will be discontinued without notice. P. L. & W. Co., , Per C. L. Shattuck Irrigation Sewerage Drainage Waterworks Roads Parks Surveys and Plans Made TtrniH Moduratc Addrvss; Alfred F. Scars, .Mem, Am. Society, C. E. Wor. lilk J'tld, Or FRANK BONNEY. RESTAURAKT AIID BAKERY ; MEALS AT ALL HOURS. '"'.MEATS;- '- ' !' " .' Sirloin Steak.'. . . . , , , : 2oc Milk Toast.. T T-JJone Steak.,.,. ,,, 35oi Coffee4 ' - Poi'teruouse oicaK..; ...... Porterhouse Steak for two. Pork Chops , .'. ;;...?. 25c Mutton Chops .j. 25c Ham..' ;. . .-. . .;. .; i ; 25c ! Eggs, extra 10c Chicken, any style. . ....... .- 35c Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one ooci ii a .11 00 Milk. Coffee Cake OYSTERS. ' Ceve Stew. , Fresh when in market. 15c fio .rc 5c KJo 35c Prineville-Silver Lake Stage Line. DIC VANDERVERT, Prp. Carrying tU. S. Vfail and Passengers Leaires Printville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs, careful drivers. Freight and passengers waybilled for Bend, Lava, Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. 'WINNER, Agent. C h r is t mas E vent ttirrirXlfMir faff PRINCE HENRY ZC.-W.CF. OVERCOAT PRESENTING DISTINCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER CHRISTMAS, with its pleasant traditions, religious signifi cance, and feasting, is likewise a time for dress. Usually it can be depended upon to bring with it the real winter of the North. A good time to pick out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, and here is the best place we know of to find ju'st what you wish. Our winter showing is unusual in many ways, but notably so in the striking styles displayed. Quality has been our watch-word so long that we presume everyone understands it. This special offering includes a large variety of the match less K. N. & F. garments, guaranteed by the makers and by us OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS FURNISHINGS Vol alfnatyra la a mrr bo of lb (tula Laxative Brotno-Quinin tha ItcnadT Um um a M tm a aaj H e a d quart ers The Time is Now Here When the Question Comes to Everyone's Mir.d What Shall I Buy for Christmas ? Let me Call to Mind a Few Things Appropriate A Good Sewing Machine, Drop Head, and fully warranted for ten years, 25 to $35 A Nice Easy Rocking Chair, appropriate for any member of the family. A splendid line to select from at ..I 85 to $12 A Good Rug Costs only from 2 to $7 25 A Large Line of Toilet and Shaving Cases in Celluloid and Burnt Wood, ranging in "price from :..'..' Z 2- to $5 I Want You All to seethe New Line - of Silver Goods, fully warranted, embracing Knives, Forks, Spoons, Soup Ladles, Cream Ladles, Berry Spoons, Sugar Shells, Cream, . Butter and Sugar; Sets, Pie Knives, Cold Meat Forks, Coffee Spoons, Crumb Trays, Cake Baskets, Shaving Mugs, Children's. ' i Cups", and Nut Sets within the reach of all. .Our Stock of Bibles and Testaments in both Oxford and American Bible ' Print in Celluloid and Limp Morrocco Bindings. 1 1 Our Line of Books for this year is the largest in our'.history and comprises works of the best authors. A Large Line of Padded Leather, Publisher's Price, tl 50; Our price $1 25 The Latest Book, "The Conquest," regular tl 50; Our Price $1 35 "McLaughlin and Old Oregon," regular tl 50; Our Price, $ 35 One Hundred Standard Authors in White and Gold -Bindings; Regular 60 and 60c values; Our Price..- ..35C A Large Line of Choice Reading for Boys and Girls in Standard Works. The Prices range from 50 to. ...75C We Have Iron Toys and Games that will please the Children and onnise the Older Folks. Our Line Of Perfumes is Choice, Consisting of twenty one different odors, sold in bulk and in fancv bottles and cases. Yours for Business, C. I. JVINNEK, Manager, (ADAMSON, WINNEK CO.)