Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 25, 1902, Image 3

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    Nsv. Irl m. Hltki 1901 Alasaaac.
To nny that tliia Mplundid work
of nclence and art U finer and bet
tor than evor, la itating it mildly.
The domund for it In far beyond
all previous years, To aay that
auch renulU, reaching through
tiuiity ykah, am not hawed upon
Bound Home and uivfulnoMt, ii an
Insult to the Intelligmico of the
million,, Prof. liicka' through
iliin great Almanac, and hiifamoua
' family and icloutlflo journal
Wohb and Wohk, in doing a work
or the wholo people not ap
proach by any other man pub
lication. A fulr tent will prove thin
to nny reasonable person. Added
to the inont luminous cotirso In as
tronomy for UK)!!, foretaHtH of
storms und weather sro given, as
never before, for every day In the
year, all charmingly illustrated
with nearly two hundred cngrav
ings. The price of single Almanac
including postage and mailing, is
tiukty vr.nn. Word and Wohks
with the Almanac is II. OQ a year.
Write to Wohd and Wow-a Pub
lish ino Co., 2201 Locust Street, 8t,
Louis, Mo., and prove to your self
their great value.
Narlksm raelflc Acllrlljr.
Jluilroiuln, in carrying out their
projects frequently resort to what
is popularly known as bluffing
tnuking a pretensr of doing or de
signing something that they do
hot really intend to do, or will
only do by force of circumstanoes
beyond their control. The North
ern 1'iicitic Kuilroad has dons con
siderable of this "blufling" in its
time, and may bo expected to do
more, when occasion warrants such
action. lis apparent intention to
build down the Columbia river to
a point near its mouth may be a
movo of this sort, but it is rather
more probable that it is a genuine,
earnest design. The logic of the
situation has long pointed to a
continuous line down the Colum
bia river, at least to Vancouver
and a connection with Portland as
a desideratum, and almost a nee
cessity. But since there are diffi
culties about getting into Portland
from that direction, and teiminal
and other facilities such as the
company desires are not easily ob
tainable here, it would not be sur
prising if the Northern Pacific
should build on below Kalama, to
some convenient point on the lower
reach of the river. It already has
the section of the road between
Vancouver and Kalama built, and
this line, while for some years it
might not pay dire tly, would be
vastly valuable in the future for
'two reasons; It would give the
Northern Pacific complete control
of all Southern Washington, except
along the bench from Ilwuco to
Nahcotta, and put it on a more
equal footing in the Columbia val
ley with the O. H. & N., and it
would obviate the difficult and ex
piMihivo haul of wheat and other
bulky freight over the Cascade
mountains in Washington. A ser
ious blunder was probably made
when the pnveb'ges desired by the
Northern Pacific yul the water
front down town were not granted.
The greater the interests such a
corporation has in the city the
faster it will advance and the
greater will be its importance and
One reason for suspecting that
the rumored move may not be
ren'ly resolved upon is the large
.expenditure the Northern Pacific
has made in recent years in build
ing wheat elevators and other ter
minal facilities at Tacoma. If it
is going to bring its wheat down
the Columbia river, much of that
expenditure at Tacoma will have
been wasted. But the Northern
Pacific officials doubtless perceive
more clearly each year the great
advantages of the Columbia river
route for currying the wheat and
other products of its interior terri
tory to tide water. What the 0.
R. & N. company will do, to meet
the changed conditions that
Northern Pacific line down the
riv(er would cause, can only be
aurmised, But that it is able to
take care of itself need not be
doubted. Apparently the new
road would not greatly affect Port
' land's , commercial interests. It,
would harm Taeoma, and possibly
Astoria also, more than it would
harm Portland; and it is not clear
that this city would be appreciably
injured. Its position Is such that
-.. i lit
scarcely any large developing en-
wrpriravBn lie carried on in till
region without ultimately con-
trilmting to the advancement
Portland, its metropolis. Tele -
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggist refund the money if it fall
to cars. E. W. Grove' (it-nature is on
each box. 25o.
'talMay Kitrslsii.
Excursion tickets will be on sale
from and to all local stutions on
the Columbia Southern Railway
on Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th, 30th, and
31st, 1902 and January 1st, 1903
at one and one-third fares for the
round trip. Children letween 6
and 12 years, one-half the adult
fare. Tickets sold on above dates
will be good to roturn until Jan
uary 3rd, 1903. Conductors will
sell tickets only from stations
where there is no Agent.
C. E. Lytle, G. P, A,
rlhaniko, Ore., Dec. 9, 19j2.
Olssslwllsa flatlse.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Cnrnett & Elkins, doing a
gcnoral blacksmithing business in
Princville is this day dissolvod by
mutual consent, the business,
stock and fixtures having lxensold
to J. H. Wigle. AH account due
the lato firm will be collected by
Frank Elkins and Ml -nUllJJiJZL
owing by said firm will be paid by
. t . .
Hlllll frailk ElklllS, All accounts '
now due the Into firm have been
placed in the hands of M. R El
liott for immediate collection.
0. M. Cornett
Frank Elkins.
DaU-d December 9, 1902.
One brown mire, sge 5 year, weight
about 13(W lb., broke, i very gentle,
star in forehead, right hind foot
white, branded H-Z on left ihuulder,
na a yearling colt with her; One
dark bay mare, weight about 1000 lb.,
broke, very gentle, white hind leet,
tar in forehead, branded A a on lelt
boulder. Left enters one year ago.
(5.00 reward will be paid for return
of, or information to discovery of
either of said animals.
H. K. (.ii.AZiKH, or Ham Wihiii,,
02-lnt Sister, Oregon.
A. J. Sncll wanted to attend a par
ty, but was afraid to do so on account
of pains in hi stomach, which he
feared would grow worse. He says, "I
was tolling my trouble to a l.uly
friend, who said: 'Chamberlain's Colin
Cholera and Dirrhtea Kemedy will put
you in condition for the party.' 1
bought a bottle snd take pleasure in
stilting that two done cured me and
enabled me to have a good time at the
party." Mr. Sncll i a resident of
Summer Hill, N. Y. Tht lontedy it
For tale by all druggist.
fe)A ..ii ii- a:1 A
biliousness and a coated tongue
are common indication of liver
and kidney disease. Stomach and
bowe) trouble, severe a they are,
five immediate warning by pain,
ut liver and kidney trouble,
though lets painful at tne start, are
much harder to cure. Thedford'i
Black-Draught never fail to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
ney. It stir up the torpid liver
to throw off th germ of fever and
acriie. It is a certain preventive
of eholera and Bright' disease of
the kidneys. With kidney re
inforced by Tbedford Black
Draught thousands of person have
dwelt imawn in th midst of yel
low fever. Many families live in
Seriect hasj&h and havs no other
octor U Thedford'i Black
Draught. It is always oa hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive call of a doctor.
uatskiai li
fMuHku, X U, Marts
I kv tm Ths-SWi BUct
I Isr thess yssri sad I hs-ts aaS
t W is star I asv
IS aurist rr Irvw mi
M wessMi al tK1 lasts atal
y-Uasa, R.v.A.0.
1 Pullman Ordinary BUeptn.
' TbtoorUttrlbttwMntBMtaaJ
P0'" oib rnehed tnormout
Pr''P'rtloM ' the lut hm ye.r., and
"' a .pW .! ofuipm.nt. T.
"fwwK him ueniBiiu in r unman vc tin
k,.d fro.a it. shop. .hat it tochuieally
calls th "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper. "
These out appear alrnilar-to the regular
of,"MPer M"t ha1 on tin aaniepUn,
! 6 ,omi,hfd ""h "mt gaiwe
'm7 mtw njuipiwi witn mattresses,
blankets, sheets, pillows, , pillow-cues,
towel, oombs, brush, etc., requiring
nothinifof the kind to be furnished bjr
the pswenger. Each ear has a stove for
making coffee and tea and doing "Iijht
housekeeping," and each section can be
fitted with an adjustable table. A uni
formed porter accompanies each car, his
business bring to make up berth, keep
the car clean, and look after the comfort
and wants of the paaaengera, In each of
the trainwhich are dispatched daily
from Portland by the 0, B, 4 K, Co. is
to be found on of the "Pullman Or
dinary Sleeper." The car 1 attached
to the ''ChicaKO-Portland Special,
which goe hrough to Chicago without
change, and the on in the "Atlantis Ex
press" tun to Kanaas City without
ohang. Passenger in this car for Chi
cago change to a similar oar at Granger.
Much of the first class travel i being
carried in the ears, th rates being
hwer, and the (ervioe being non-ly equal
to that in the palao sleeper.
For rate snd full information, In
cluding older, writ to A. L. Craig, (J.
P. 4., 0. R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
DxrAiraixT or th Iktxrioh.
Lakh Omul at Tms iMum, Omkox, I
November 24, 11KI2.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Sled notice of his intention
to make Snal pn.l In support of his claim,
and that said proof will lie mule before J. J.
Hinith, County Clerk at l'nneville, Uregon,
on Thurmlay, January S lUOIl, viz:
Lvl A, Mnire, of Lanumta, Oregon, H.
K. No. ttt.V!, for the Uto 1 & 3 ft H XE
Hei tion S, To. 13 H, K. 14 K., W. M.
"id vi'!, . . . . , ,
Jerry Ackey, Kobert Johnson. John Han-
ley and James Kagan all of Lamonta, Ore-
Ilcny lteKUiter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1ST7S.
. United Stale Land Ofllce,
Tile Dalles, tlregun, Novemoer 25, I'M.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provlslona of the act of
Congress of June S, Uli, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of C'allfornls, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, a extended
to all Hie Public Land Btate by act of
Auguat 4, 1W2, the following person nave,
Sled In this onVe their sworn statements,
Edward II. Knox, of Post, county of Crook,
state M Oregon, sworn statement No. 6-"7,
Sled June 30, 1002, for the purchase of the
MM NWJ, SW tiK'A and S Wt Sec.
J4, Tp. 17 S. li. IS K., W. M.
. ltisicoe Knox, of Post, county of Crook,
tate of Oregon, swnra statement No 633,
Sled June 25, IIS "2, for the purchase of the SJ
tiK'4 snd K!j HhX 6k. 30, Tp. 17 8., K
IS ,.. W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone thsn for agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claims
to said land before J. J. Smith, County
Clerk at his offlce at Prlnevllle, Oregon,
on Friday, th Sth day of February, I'm
They name as witnesses: Henry Beck,
Caleb Davis. Robert Myers, John Hughes
and Frank Hughes, all of Pout Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to (lie their claims In this offlce on or
before ssid Sth day of February, llioS,
JAT P. LUCAS, Reglater.
Timber Land. Act JuneS, 187S.
I'nlted States IjihiI Offlce,
The Dalles, Ongon. November 'A I'M.
Notice la hereby given 'that In compli
ance with the provlai'ina of the act of
CongrcHS of June 3, 1K7K, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lanile In the etatea
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waah
ingtnn Terrltorv, aa extended to nil the
I'ubllc Land Slates by act of August 4.
)'.), the fullowitiK ixrimn has thu day
Sept, 111, l'.KT-' filed in this ..ttice his swum
Htateiuent to-wit,
Khtier W. Kayler, of Prineville, county of
Cmok, state otOron, sworn statement N.
ItMi, fortae purehase ol the Sit NK'i and
S! NWH Sec. 4. Tp. 1" K. 19 K., W. M.
That he will offer proof to show that
the land sought la more valuable for its
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
nones and to entiihli-ih- -.ilis 'claim to
said land before M. It. lligisTV M. Com-
1 niiaaioner at Princville, On gon, on Friday
I the lith duy of February, III O.
H nniiics a witneaws: Sam HiHlges,
F.lmer W. Kavler, K. Y. .limes, Cha. A
liraven and K. II. Wakctiel I, all of Prineville,
i Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to nie tneir claims in tnia omce on o
liifore the said lith day of February, V.m.
JAY P. LUC A 8, Register.
liiLlli be cored f
If To suasr Boa any ol tKs
ills of Ma. ana to th eldtst
1 Spacialiu so Iks PkaAc Cc
M OK WSDAN 1 00.,
I sS""' "VMM- ' "
I Yaaac aiea sad !(
Baai mrm wbe si iuS
Spscialiu so Iks Pads-: Coast,
Utile 4
at S) BTe saes wbe si luSwiag
mm lbs eStcti of youthful iaditcistioM or a m
rmwurttan, nrelw, VIM,
Wnqnrmmr or Ceslf, at-s. By a
aMBbiiMiioa af r-nMdMe,ofirtalciinuvspow. A
sr. tSe Uodcs baa an miMa kii MalaMi-S T
M tail it will na oaly aiTord iaoncilM-s relief but M
tMnMocnl car. The Doctor dost sol eUio to
BMorm aunclaa, but -nHJowos So b (tur
and iqaare PhyiicUa and Surgeon,
ia hit tptcialiy D iaeaaea af
mst ham tha T
SyMllla IhnrraivhbrarMUratMlfaollltba
Bystom without utiliig ftseresir-r
MCBf MAN applrlus In wSWlM K
Selvt our Vme-f onOitoa of hit complnlnt, . A
H's will Uaaranler a P08171 VE CUBE e f
tvtry eaM M iTIK, sr Jorjtit Us
Tksau4 Pel lars. r
Coeiulutloa rREK and ttriclrf prirats. A
swnt pwtonmMy or by Icttor. Sed for book,
"Tke FkllsMpkr f Harriacts'
M (A valuaais boo He SMB.)
Yisrr m. ostDAasi
Grat Hnseam of Anatomy
Iks (aasl snd UrtM Muorumof Hi kind ialks
world. Coma and le-wa bow woadorfully yoa
ara sadai how to sveid acksna and ditoua.
Ws ar ennliiiMlly aoMinff new ipoairasaa
CSTAUmlM rMMM. Callarwrltk
I OS I awsksl Sltsst SOS f rssilns, Cot
Notice to Creditors.
Notice I hereby siren that th under
signed has bv the County f'ourt of Trook
county, Htate of Oregon, duly appointed aa
Auniiiiistraioroi tne estate or w . ii. jeuller,
ilecesed, and all persona having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present the same duly verified to mid sd-
niinistrator at nisomce at rnnevin,ore-.
gon, within sis months from the date of the
lirst publication of this notice.
Dated October 23, Wtt.
It 1? U..m.m .
Administrator of the Kstate of
W. n. FULLia, decesci
Timber Land, Act June 1. WW.
United State Land Office,
Tli Dalles Oregon October 17 11)02,
Notice ! hereby given that In comnl!
ance with the provision of the act of
Congress of June I, 1X7. entitled "An
act for the Mile of timber lands In the
Htate of California. Oregon. Nevada.
and Washington Territory," as extended
to an tne mouc Lana Btate by act of
August 1, lJUrZ,
Thomas M O'Connell. of Prineville.
county ofCrook, state of Oregon, ha on Aug
4 tiled In this ofllce his sworn statement,
nuinhf-rvm, for the purchase of the Vi'U
HK EH H Wf of Hec. W To 12 8.. It 1 K
w. M., aim win oner proor to show that
the land sought la more valuable lor its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
miwR. aim to esiaoiiNii m claim to saw
land before W. A. Bell, U. H. Commission-
er, at Prinerille, Oregon on Friday the 2nd
day of January, 1HU3.
He name a witnesses: Walter O'Nell
Bcott Hathaway, Walter Huodderly and
Ferry Long, all of Prineville Oregon.
Any and all Demons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are reauest-
ed to Ale their claims in this ofllce on or
before said 2nd day of January, 1903.
JAT P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Und, Act June 3, 1878.
United Htate Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. ifl, lKrj.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1K7S, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the HtaU-s of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
U)ii.Tcrritory." as extended to all the Pub
lic l.nml HtuUn by act ol August 4, Iriri,
the following person have lilni in this
awe their sworn tiitements, to wit :
JILANCHK PARHONrtof BiKklev.coun-
tv of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn
statement No. Wl, tiled Auut 2D, Wll.
fur the purchase of the K Sot. 32, T. 14
H.. K. 1!) K., W. M.
AI.1IKHT H. PABHON8, of Buckley.
county of Pierce, state of Washington,
sworn statement No, I0M7, tiled Augusta),
lHfri, for the purchase of the KVJ NE'4,
HWK NK'4 nud SF.M N W'X . 32, T 14 8.,
K l K., . M.
county of King, unite of Washington, sworn
statement No. 1024, filed Augnst 21, 11102,
for the purchase of the K'A HK4 and K'A
SK'4 Ht. 1, T. 14 M., K. 18 K., W.M.
That thev will offer oroof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for it
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claims to said
land More the Register aud Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th
duv of January, 1113.
They name aa witnesses: Horenoe M.
Cailv, D. lwton ( adv. Blanche Parsons
Snil Allien H. Parsons, of Buckley, Wash.,
May J. Cady and Walter K. Cad v. of Oet
ehell. Wash., and Pearl Chaniberlin, ol
Scuttle, Wash. .
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the atMive-deserilM'd lands are requested to
tile their claims in this office on or before
the said 12th day of January, lisirt.
o-30-p J. P. LL'C'AS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June I, 187S. :
V. 8. I.and Ofllce.
The Dalles, Oregon, June O, H.
October 17, 1S02.
Notice Is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 1, 1X78, entitled "An
act for the aale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land Statea by act ol
August 4, H92, the following persons have
hied in this omce their sworn statements
JKNMK D. PICKETT, of Prineville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Ao , men August, (, uvi. tor
the pun iisse of the V.4 N V.' SWy, NKVJ
and V. NWX Sec 20, tp 15 8., R lit E.,
W M.
ERNEST D. 8TARU, of Prineville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No !, tiled August 7, 11102, for
the purchase ol the A & hoc 24, tp ta B.,
R IS E., W M.
SARAH I, KOTZMAN, of I'rlneville,
countv of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No IH7, Hied Jul v 30. I- for
the purchase of the KI4 SK'4 XW' SK'4
and NESWJSccau' tp 15 R 1"
W .M.
AIKII.PH KOTZM AN, of Prineville,
county of (rook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No!l7. tiled August 4, 11102, lor
the purchase ol the rh 4 See S, tp lo b., K
111 E., W M.
HENRY E. HEARD, of Prineville,
countv of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement o iii-i, 11 lot August 4, liu, lor
tlie jnm;hiise ol the Shj4 Sec 2, tp 1.) K
JKFFK11SON D. EVANS, of Prineville,
county ol Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement o !S1, nini August 4, l'.i02, tur
the purchase ol the Ws NK'i and W4
fr;i see 2. in Hi s.. K is K.. v .m.
that they will offer proof to show that
the land sought la more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
IHises, and to eatabllsh their claim to said
land berore M. R. Bigga, u. B. commis
sioner, at his offlce at Prineville, Oregon,
on Friday, the 2nd day of January, UKJ.I.
They ivime n- witne-'sea: Jennie D.
Pickett, Ernest 1). Starr, Sarah L Kotsman
Adolph Kotsimtn, Hcnrv E. Bcanl. .Icller-
son D. Evans Thomas M. O'Connell tnd
Miihala J. Evans all of Prineville Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described landa are request
ed to file their elaima In thla office on or
bef .re Ihe said 2 id day of .lanuarr, 1II03.
JAT P.' LUCAS, Register.
Notice to Creditors.
Ni tic 1 is hereby given that the under
signed has been by the Comity Court
of Crook County, state of Oregon, duly
appointed as Administratrix of the Estate
ol Oeorge W. (Ilcnn, deceased, and all
persons having claims against said estate
an- hereby required to present the same
duly veriricd to said Administratrix at the
office of M. E. Brink, in Prineville, Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
lirst publication of this notice.
Dated October 21st. WOA
J j . . .. T ... .
SAKAH I . n.r.a:i,
Adiuinstrtratrii of tne Estate ol
(Ikoroi W. Olkxx, deceased.
M. E. Brink, Attv. fur Admrx.
Oct 23 7
Real Estate for Sale
FOR SALE A two story dwelling with
bam and outhouses in the city of Prineville.
This pro-erty la well situated aasl ia covered
by Irrigation, It covers iwe-fourth of s block
snd ta of ths beat residence location ia
th town. Pries rsaaoaable
Kails wl riaial aitlassii.
In the natter of the estat of
Albert B. Smith, Deoeased,
Notice Is hereby given that th under
signed, the adiiuiutrator of the e!ao
of Albert K. Smith, ha fllsd hi Anal an.
counting or his administration sf ssid es
tate, and the Hon. County Judge for Crook
comity, Oregon, has set the Sth day of
Jannsry, 1H03, at the County Court Boom,
in Prineville, Oregon, a the time and
place for hearing said final accounting.
war. hmitm. 1
Administrator of Estate of Alsist
K. "KITH. Deceased.
Dated this 13th day of November, 11102.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of
n or.ier Ol the count? court 01 the Mate
of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah,
duly made and entered in the matter of the
estate of H. A. Smith, deceased, on the 10th
day of November, 1S02, authorizing, direct
ing and empowering the undersigned to
set) the folio ring described real property
of the said Estate, at private sale for cash,
subject to the confirmation of the Court,
we will, on and after the 22nd day of Dec
ember, ljkri, proceed to sell the same at
private aale at the office of the Kxecutors,
m Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
The said real property 1 describe! as fol
lows: The southeast ouarter of the sonth-
east quarter f Hection twenty-nine, the
east half of the northeast quarter, and the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of Hvction thirty-two, Township nineteen
south Range eleyen east Willamette Merid
ian, 1 ns.a tvoumy, male 01 Oregon, con
taining one hundred and sixty (UJj) acre.
w. a. J o as,
A. f. Flbiel,
Execntora of the Estate of H. A. Smith,
Nor. 20, 5.
Timber Laad, Act Jua J, 1878.
Vtmn Stathi Laxd Ornca,
Th Dalles, Oregim, Oct. 21, 11102.
Notice is hereby given that in coaiolUnce
with the tjroviilons of the set of Congress of
June S, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore-
goo, Nevada and Washington Territory, aa
extended to all th Public Land Htate by
act of August 4, 1812, the following named
persons have, oa August 29. 1IW2. hied in this
office their sworn statements, to-wit:
hKU.NAKUI. SMITH, of Buckler, county
rf Pierce, state of Wssbisgton. sworn state
ment No. 10r9 for the purchase of the H'A
Wt, NEK, K4 and 8K, NEJ Sec. 12, T.
IS M., It 18 K., W. M.
rKAJK Jf. SMITH, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn state
ment IN o. 107U, for the purchase of thevt 1
See, 8, T 15 8., R 19 K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is mors valuable for its timber or
stone than for agncultnral purposes, snd to
establish their clsim to said land before. the
Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 13th day of January, 1!J3.
Thev name as witnesses D, L. Cady. Flor
ence M. Cady, J. M. Smith, C. Cady, D. A.
Cady. B. Calv. M. J. Cady. w. jfi. Cady,
Lennara 1. smith and Frank f. nmitb, of
Buckley, Waahington, and M. J. Cady and
W. E. Cady, of Uetchell, Wash.
Any and all persons clausing adversely the
alov-escribed lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before the said
13th day of Jannary, 1 !I03.
3U-P jai r. lucas, Kegimer.
Land omce at Tke Dalles, Oregon
November 17, 1U02.
Notice is hereby given that- the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to commute sad make hnal proof in sup
port of hia claim, and that said proof will be
made before W. A, Bell, U. S, Commi-ai.aier
at Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday, January
3, 11102, vix:
Oeorve 4L laul. ot tiaystaut, uregoB. ti
E. No. H4B7 for ths SE' 8WS4. 8W"i SKM
and r.'i ft.'. Sec. 11, Ip. 12 o., it 12 t..,
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and caltiva-
tlon of said land, vis:
1 i- W I' . l n,nlub OnuMn
and Orley C. Hale, Frank W. Hans and
Frank E. K.slnian, all 01 cuiver, Oregon.
Jar P. Licas,
nv-27 Register.
. Und Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
November 8, W02.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in suppr.rt of his claim,
and that said proof will le made before
J. J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore
gon, on Friday, December, 19, 1H62, vix:
John J. Coleman, 01 rnnevnie, wegon,
H E. No. 7143. for the 8 WW See. 35, tp. 12
S., R. 14 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vix:
John Hanley, I.. M. Thomas, Joseph
Wigond and I-ee Moore, all of Lamonta,
Orison. . ..,..
llAI r. LLCAO,
N 13 Register.
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Round Trip except Sunday.
Time Card
Leave Portland .7 a. in.
Leave Astoria .7 p. iu.
The Dalles-Portland Route.
Strs. "TAIOMA" and "OTLAZO"
Daily trip except Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Leave The Dalle, Tuesdays,
Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. m.
Leave Portland, Monday.
Wednesday and Friday at 7 a ra.
steamer "METLAK0"
Leave Portland, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. ni
Leave Dalle, Monday, Wednes
day, Eriday : : : : : : 7 a. n.
Lauding and office: Fat Alder Si.
Both Phone Main 351, Portland, Ore
J. W. Crichton, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood River
WoHord A Wvers, Agt., V. Salmon
R. O. C.ILBRETH, Lyle, Wash.
JOHN M. TOTTON, Steven-ain, Wssh.
WM. BUTLER, Butler, Wash.
K. V. Crichtoa, Agt., Portland
10. SSarmti,
JtlHmtf mi Xmm,
, jf. auu.
ffjt SI, 3iS9,
, SSrink
Jilloraty mm4 CtmtnUr ml Xmm
J. L McCclIoch,
Dealer in Real Estate and Ab
stractor oi Titles.
Piytitimn Maf Smrjn.
Office in rear of Adanuwn. Winnek Co'
& 0 jTjfj., y?. a
pAjfirmm mint Surf.
Di-suses of women a specialty.
Phone No. 2. Residence back of tha
Photograph Gallery.
Calls answered promptly dsy drnightl Of
fice with Dr. V. Gesner. Residence
corner 1st aud Main streets.
W. 11. SNOOK, Jl. D.,
Am prepared to answer profen
eional calls promptly.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
,- Repairing a Specialty.
Prineville, : : Oregon
TICE ADKIN8, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to,
the use of ladies.
Everything np-to-date and strictly
Contractors and Housebuilders
Painting, Bricklaying,
and Carpenter Work.
Trade Marks
Co4vrk-ht Ac
AnTone twndlm ft ikfh uid daKHpf ton mmt
qnlklT kc)rtan our opinion fr-M whethJT ma
In Tent Ion la probably ptentabl. Cotnruarlriv
ttmitrtclf eonOdentt-ai. Ilindbookon Psteota
ent free. OI1Mt u-dncy (or tcurtaf pttent.
PaWnia Uken throuith Miion A Co. NCtT
EtY-kas WOCtsM, wii ruitu oonrff, ia ut
Scientific mitktx
A bMtttoomely nTvstraUd wMklr.
ijirirMt flti
Tnui. U m
eulautva of ny KtnaHe loanutL
f-rvar morvtbsi, L
Bftui MwrMMlri.
V 1'A Mil
New York
iu ifi a iju."'
btu-m vno. urn. ffuauvtoa,
Deputy Stock Inepeotors.
Notice i hereby sivea that I have
appointed the following named person
deputy atock inspectors:
J. r. Uartwnnht,
Sam Hamilton '
Ray Creek.
Hay tack.
Boar Creek.
Hay Creek.
Hay Creek
E. Spark,
A. Morrow,
F. M. Smith,
Riskik Kuox,
T. C. 8ain,
J. S. B.Kue,
Alex Mclntfish,
J. P. VanUouten,
U. S. Cowle.,
Jo HinkU,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
for sale at tlii office at very reason
able price. Mail order prompt at
tended to.
it a