Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 8

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George Hendricks was in from
monta lust week.
Mr. Fred Claypooi was on the sick
lift the fore part of tho week.
Hiram Gibson was a visitor from
, Cold springs, the latter part of last
J. N. and James Hunter were in
from Bond the latter part of last week
looking after business affairs.
Ex-Judge Wills was in the city the
fore part of the week and paid this
office a friendly call.
V. J. Schmidt was down from Sum
mit prairie the latter part of last week
looking aflor business affairs.
Photographer Kelly has moved into
his new studio and will soon have it
finished up in the latest style.
e Mr. Edward Schwab, late of Port
land, is now installed as head book
'. keeper at Elkins & King's,
j Dick Koopman, the Upper Crooked
river stockman, was a business visitor
in the city the fore part of the week.
; J. H. Windom and F. S. Hoffman,
were business visitors from Culver the
latter part of last week.
CJ.CoUor was a business visitor
f rem the Bend the fore part of the
week looking after his manifold busi
ness affairs.
Slesdames B. F. Allen and I. L.
Ketchum have presented the M. E.
church with two handsome pulpit
A. G. Kibbe was up from Hay creek
the latter part of last week attending
to business matters. He was accom
panied by his sister, Mrs. Reese and
her family.
M. F. Hawthorn, wife and two
daughters were down from theii home
at Lav the fore part of the week do
ing their holiday shopping. This of
fice acknowledges a pleasant call.
Perry Bead was in from Culver the
first of the week and informed the
Journal that there would be a grand
masque ball at that place Christmas
J. C. Huston, of Crook, was a busi
ness caller at this office last week and
ordered his paper sent to North Caro
lina, where he goes with a bunch of
horses and will winter there.
W. T. Stephens left this morning
for Bend, Crook county, to work on a
new plaining mill to be erected there.
Others are to go up at the same place.
Albany Democrat.
Alex Smith, of the firm of Smith
Bros., merchants at Sisters, arrived in
Grass Valley on Tuesday evening to
make a brief visit with his brother J.
H. Smith. Grass Valley Journal.
W. H. Stouts, was over from the
Deschutes and reports everything on
the hum over that way and town lots
selling like hot cakes on a cold morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wilt were in
from their home near Sisters the fore
part of the week looking after haul
ness affairs aud doinc some winter
The new Methodist parsonage is
rapidly Hearing completion and will
be a great comfort to the pastor, as
will srive him much needed room for
many purposes and brings him nearer
his work.
The basket social at the Union
church Friday night was well patron
ized and ti number uf the baskets
1 brought fancy prices. The proceeds
will go towHrd-i buying a new organ
for Pryf. Hosier's iu,i:i . "
Thomas Dorgiin, of Everett, Wash,
formerly of. Michigan, wus a pleasant
caller at this office Fiiday. ' Mr. Dor
gan is here looking after timber land
business. He is a pumiinent attorney
ol Everett.
..' "
Rev. J. H. Mansfield, was over from
. Mitohell last ween and delivered sor-
mon Saturday night, Sunday morn-
" 7ng and nigtit. He administered the
rite of baptism to Miss Ada Tayler
Sunday afternoon.
C. Sam Smith is having the roof of
his woodshed painted, which adds
very much to the. lcoki of the c build
ing and completes the appearance1 of
his property, which is bow one'efthe
Wiidsomeat io the ekyV' " W
"C; M. Willey, of Willow creek, was
a Prfneville visitor last week. Mr.
Willey has httcty told his interest in
tkMwiiitU'Cu 'tid t',' who will
cAlftiue to ' tti r 6 out first class
Mrs. Jennie Usher, of Buckley,
Wash., is a visitor in the city. She
came here to make final proof on lier
timber claim and will remain for
time a the guest of hor friends, the
Misses Marks.
lhe O. i. S held their regular
election on December 11th, which
resulted as follows: W. M., Annie
muck; W. P., T. M. Baldwin; A.
M Ollie Elkins; Con., Jennie King
A. Con., America Boone; Sec., W. F
. C. Jacobs, was in from Twelve
mile the first of the week looking
after business matters and laying in
supplies. He reports stock doing well
this winter and the prospects for a
good crop of grass next year are very
G. 0. Collver and wife were in the
city from their home at Culver the
first of the week. Mr. Collver is re
modeling bis store building at that
place aud will have a hall over it in
the near future and will also add con
siderable room to the storeroom.
J. H. Wigle has purchased the
blacksmith shop formerly owned by
Cornett & Elkins and is ready for
business. Mr. Wigle is one of the best
horse shoers in the state and is equally
good at other kinds of blacksmithing.
Two inmates of the insane asylum
at Salem, who were committed from
this county, died the fore part of the
month. E. T. Barnes, committed in
May 1891, died December 5th, and D.
M. Smith, committed in September
1896, died December 6tb.
Lee Doak returned Monday from
an extended rip in the Silver Lake
and Sprague river country. Here
ports a very rough time, but brought
back a number of horses for Wnrzwei
ler and others which had been ranging
in that section of the state.
Bev Childs informs us that he has
begun a series of protracted meetings
at Culver and will not be in Priueville
for Sunday services, but the services
here will be in charge of Mrs. Childs.
He is meeting with good succss, hav
ing received several into the church.
A lot of nice dry juniper wood is
coming in now, but it had to be
' au'ed a long way in order to get the
best, as thereis none left near here any
more. The parties bringing this wood
to town haul it something over twenty
"Honest Farmer Greene, limber
land shark, ". was registered at the
Poindexter last wee. On making
special inquiry it was found that he
was the old time drummer who makes
regular isenii-annual visits through
this country and there is nothing
wrong with him.
Last week we inadvertently omitted
the new ad of I. Michel', but it
appears this week. Mr. Michel in
forms the Journal that Santa Claus
will make his headquarters at the
Beehive Christinas, and will give
away candy and nutt to the little boys
and girls who call to sec him.
The ladies aid society of the Pres
byterian church has laid a new carpet
on the rostrum of the Union church
and will place carpet in the aisles at
an early date. These ladies are to
be cointnendad for their publc spirit
ed ness. The new carpet adds very
materially to the looks i the church.
J. L. Windom was in town from his
ranch in the Culver country the latter
part of last week and reports every
thing progressing nicrly out that way.
The boys get out once in awhile and
have a rabbit hunt, and recently one
of them killed 150 rabbits with a 22
riile, doing most of the killing in the
At their recent election the Macca
bees elected the following officers for
the ensuing term. Com , E. 0. Hyde,
Lt. Com., P. B. Howard, K. K., P. B.
Dbak, Chap.,' AVm. Draper. Instal
lation will take place the second
Thursday in January and all Sir
Knights in good standi ng are request
ed to be present. '
The regular semi-annual election of
the D. of H. resulted as follows:
Past C. of H., Blanche Michel; C of
H., Lulu Elkins; L. of H., Nellie
Hodges; C. of C, Annie Winnek;
Usher, Eva Conk; Sec.; Clara Smith;
Etc., True Sbattuck; Fin., Jessie
Gray; I. W., Leora Week; 0. W.,
Lucy Booth. . This is Mrs. Smith's
fourth terra as secretary, which shows
that she Uan efficient officer. ,. ..
' Quite a number of Christmas gift
hare been made to dutiful husbands
in this vicinity by thoir loving wives.
Although they wore a little early for
Christmas they can be, and we hope
will be, hold over for many years to
come. In the cases referred to the
gilts have been minaturo editions of
papa or nianin and it is needless to
say they were highly appreciated by
the fond papas.
Austin Culp, who is now located at
Culver, Crook county, was a passenger
on the Priueville stage last Saturday
The object of his trip was to get some
more horses to work his ranch. He is
very enthusiastic over his new loeft'
tion and thinks his is the coming
country of eastern Oregon. He left
on his return home yesterday accom
panied by Thaddcus Fell. Burns
Jay F. Stroud was in from Lamonta
Tuesday and informed the Journal
man that Mr. Seals, who has been ill
for some lime past is now con vales
cent. Mr. Stroud brought in a load
of fine seed wheat for Foster & Leh
man. We doti't know whether Fred
is going to quit butchering and
go to farming, now that he has
help in the family or Carey is contem
plating a venture on the matrimonial
'sea, in either case w wish them suc
cess of the unbounded kind.
Benjamin Shepherd was down from
his ranch near Cold Spring, the latter
part of last week and paid this office a
pleasant call. He reports having
about the same depth of snow fall in
that section of the county as fell at
this place and it went off about the
same time. The cattle are picking up
since the wet weather commenced and
are now in good condition for the
winter. The ducks and other water
fowls are more numerous than usual
and in good condition.
When in the course of human
events it becomes necessary to hang
on the front gate, don't lay it on your
neighbors because the binges are
broken. We hold these truths to be
self evident, that the hinges of said
gate were broken on or before the time
a certain individual, departed south'
ward; that had the the accusing party
not have tried to lean oa said gate
the broken hinges would not have
obtruded themselves; that the acused
party was not leaning on the gate, but
was up against a cherry tree a!a
Washington. '. All of which is sub
mitted to an indulgent and charitable
world. - -
Hon. G. W. Barnes, of Prlneville,
was in the city toduy retuming from
a visit to Colfax. Mr. Barnes was
called to Colfax on account of the re
ports regarding the attempted suicide
of his son-in-law, Bev. C. Nickelsen,
pastor of the M. E. church at Colfax.
After inquiring into the matter Mr,
Barnes was convinced there was noth
ing in the report, having found Kev.
Xickelsen at his work in his parish
and retaining the confidence and re
spect not only of his parishioners but
of the people of Colfax'generally. Mr,
Nickelsen's many friends here will be
pleased to learn that the sensation has
ended, ft would seem that the reports
concerning Mr. Nickelsen's actions
were greatly magnified. Dalles Moun
W. T. CaHey was in from Powell
Buttes the first of the week looking
after business affairs.
Dr. W- H. Snook and Frank W
Hanna were business visitors from
the growing little burg of Culver
the fore part of the week.
The recent election of officers in
Lookout lodge 101 Kek-kah Degree
resulted sis follows: X. G., Mrs. G.
X. Clifton; V. G., Mrs. J. H. Tem
pleton, Sec., Mrs. IT P. Belknap,
Treas., G. X. Clifton.
Tuesday night tie Eastern Star
members gave Mr. and Mrs. C. V
Elkins a genuine surprise on the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
It was one of the mo-Jt complete
surprise i ever held in the city and
the evening was pai-B.'d pleasantly
with games and amusements. The
ladies did not come unprepared
with satisfying things for the inner
self and at the proper time the
guests were introduced to the con
tents of well filled baskets. Mr,
and Mrs. Elkins will long .remem
ber the occasion as on! of pleasant
memories of a well spent life.
HINDMAX COBB: At the court
homo Tuesday morning, Charles
..J.irhilmau and Martha Cobb,
both of listers, Judge Booth ,olh
ciating.'" ', , ; '
, The happv couple departed for
their home orl, ftyiaw .creek im
mediately .Uftfr'i the; ceremony:'
May joy and peace be theirs.
Prineville's Leading Merchants
Wo have just received
ever brought into tho city,
We desire to call the attention of the
Ladies to our new stock of Skirts, Silk Dress
Skirts, SMk Petticoats, Velvet, Silk and Wool
Waists, Dry Goods, Fur, Coats, Capes,
Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Flannel
ettes and Outing Flannel. Wo are sole agents
for the Royal Worcester Corsets. Dowagers
in all sites from 25 to'llfi.
We carry a full lino of Crockery, Glassware, and Cutlery of Standard' Manufacture,
as well as Choice Groceries of all kinds. We are agents for tho Baker Barb Wire,
Syracuse Gang flows and Winona Wagons. , WURZWEILER & THOMSON
lllf bJInka.
At Woodmen Hall, December 18, j
1002. All members are expected :
to be present and bring their breud
baskets. Special.
New 0rMinklii( Parian.
Mrs. Nellie Briggs, late of Portland,
Oregon, has opened dressmaking and
corset making parlors in the Moore
building, and desires a share of the
publio's patronage. All work guaran
teed satisfactory. Give her a call.
Dr. V. V. Taggart, the eye special
ist, at the Poindexter Hotel, will at
tend to your eyes, fit your spcctaoles,
cure yonr headache and nervous
troubles One charge for one year.
Care of children a speciality. G lasts
ground in Portland.
Notice Ta Was Contractor.
Proposals are invited for furnishing
at U. 8. postoflice, Priueville, Oregon,
thirty, (30) cords green juniiier wood
and ten, (10) cords dry juniper wood,
bids to be mailed scaled not later than
1 p. ni. Janurary 3rd, 1903.
Gkorue Summkhs, Postmaster.
Portland ClubVhiskey,a pure bour
bon, well matured. Kecommended by
leading physicians. For sale every
where. sp4mf
M'j'r Interior Dept.
Has the largest percentage Of
cash assets to each dollar of lia
bility ; earns the highest averat
interest, and Issues tae most up-to-date
progressiva policies for in
vestment or protection.
You Want a I'liolo lou Hatit
He Jlavtr : .-..
The Best Studio and
The Best Equipment
Ami We Oive Ttou r , y : y
The Best Work , A.-.
'nee rf.l'; 1 1 :
--"''I ' : i
. 'ft a. ' :.v.:'.tv
tho Largest and Most Cotnpleto
which we offer at prices astonishingly low.
The Important Point
Iu buying Drugs is QUALITY. Quantity really make
NO difference.
, Use Drugs that have Rcul Worfli, mid uxe them with
Qualities that make Vjiu effective. We hnve Drug
Knowledge as well as Good New Drug Htock.
into Our New Quartern, which we believe will co mpor
favorably with 'any in Interior Oregon. All etiMnmerH,
old and new, are invited to come and inspect our Htore
nnd r?totk.
Have You Seen Mrs. Slayton's Store?
The largest Block of Fall and Winter Millinery in
Eastern Oregon.
City Styles, Artistic and Satisfying.
Ladies FuruWiing Goodn; latest cuts of Cornets; all kinds
Z of raps, Monte Carlo.?; Collarettes, Furs, etc.
I The little ones especially looked after.
f Make this your lieadquurters during Fair week.
t MRS. SLAYTOX, Milliner.
m.i.i.) M''H'1'14'l'l'H'A'''H' H"H"I i.."l"H"l"H"l' M"l'
Our 1002 stock o? Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows
is far the most complete we have ever carrieJ. These Ttlows
have no equal as a breaking
brush without grubbing. '
The new Oliver Sulky's have
years in the shape of a hand
control to regulate the width of
Oliver is one made to do the work 'and will do the work they
are made for. Call and inspect them,1' ;
Our stock of repairs is exceptionally complete, not onlv tho
f f eaif Save you time find
Lino of General Merchandise
-.. In the limits' Furnishing Goods we have
tho very best grade ol Shoes from reliable
manufacturers. Underwear, both silk and'
wool ; Socks ; Tailor Made Suits ; Hats and
Caps of tho latest styles ; Sliirls from the
best milkers j Neckties, etc., etc.
& King
plow and will plow ordinary sao
' ' ' '
& trreat improvement over last
lever, giving the operator full
cut on turns and curves. The
mdnayaml iatieneM I i I