Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 7

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    Crook County Journal.
Ouunty Official Papon
Neir-riiririrullnii ol Hlvr nuinrsi
Tlio iHHiiii Ixitwi'iMi Chicago rind
St. IoiiIh, occiiHioiiril by tlio ojii'ii
inn of tin) Chuugo (li'niniiK" canal,
tlmiiijjli which tliu twwugn of Chi
cago U eon(liicl(!il to tlio MIkkw-
Hipp) nvur, via Urn riunw unit lilt
noin rivcrn, in lmw;l upoii tlie
COIHiilioll ill till) IIi'hiiIh l)f f ill! JJCO-
ili of Ht. LouiK that then; will rin
cffiwtH tli'triliiciital to the water of
tlio MihoiKHippi river at that city.'
Tho wholi) iliHputo centum thcroforo
ahont tho old moot qiii'Htion uk to
how lung u dihtitneo it in nci OHHary
fur a rivttr to flow in order to
purify iUelf.
college lahorutorioH throughout the
country, will he unoftil in the do
termination of tho Belf-purifying
powers of many of tho ii)trntutft
rivem. Themt reHultH will ho highly
honuficliil to tho niutiieijialltiec
ftiul corporations which may he
looking toward tho cHtnliliHhrrient
of f.cwfjrago HyntcmH and nri(l
cation woikn.
During the coming winter it iH
expected that Mr, M. 0, Leighlon,
hydrographer of tho Geological
Hurvey, will take up thin work up
on varioiiH rivern in Indiana and
IllinoiH, and will bo far an pnnHihle
extend thin rematch to the Htrcntiip
which at jirenent time aro of great
intercut to tho inhahitantM of the
MiHHixHippi Valley,
their duticH during tho game,
quivkly resumed their diginity and
marched tho jirixorierK hack to the
MimieapoliH. ; ,
Later another squml spent an
hour In reHtoring their drooping
HpiritH and getting the kink out of
their hodies hy kicking a football
about. Ah in the hanehall game
each man , was handcuffed to
another. Philadelphia Prens.
kharklitd Thar I'layad Hull.
U and phynical examination that
a varying degree of purification
taken place in a river. In early
days thin wan thought to be due to
aeration, and the tumbling of
water down mountain Hide became
the balds for poetic typifieation of
purity. Tho cxjrimnntu of the
MaxHachuHot Blutu Board of Health
have shown that aeration ban little
or no effect upon the condition of
orgauio matter in water that in,
the organic matter ia not anointed
in ilH oxidation by agitation in the
air. It wait alxo found that the
, highest degree of activity in oxida
tion process in to lie found in imi-
.eccent or stagnant waters. It then
became clear that nclf-purification
in a iduggitdt stream in far more
PerhaiiH the most remarkable
Wo know from chemical ann1y-glllIM! o( lmBtUII 0) rt.corJ took
place at the Navy Yard a few days
ago, when two team of Bhacklcd
prinonorn played five inningH, one I
team winning hy tho ecore of 4
to 3.
Tho players wore handcuffed in
pairs, and instead of one man
pitching or catching, thero were
tw6 for each position on tho dia
mond. Tho number of prisoners now in
the "brig" on board of the receiv
ing ship Minneapolis, awaiting sen
tence for various misdemeanors,
principally desertion, is unusually
large, and every day thoy are taken
from their narrow quarters and ex
ercised for a couple of hours. There
were 02 lined up and inarched in
ii. .ii.i..i! c.i.i ...i
effective than a swift current, and nl""-"v avTK
that dams and other impediments two (eftmB werc orgnnlied and the
havoa beneficial effect upon the ,,eK"n
condition of water in river chan-
: llels.
Tho promulgation of these facts
led to an entire change in the ideas
concerning the distanco necessary
for stream purification, and it is
now understood that no hard and
fust rules can Ihj set for guidance
in determining the purifying power
of any watercourse. A royal Com
mission, apMinted to inquire into
tho conditions of England's rivers,
rejHirting to tho Knglish Parlamont
in the early seventies, held that
no stream in tho United Kingdom
was sufficiently long to effect its
own purification. The familiar
and oft-quoted principle is that a
stream purifies itself in 20 miles,
but how this distance was ever de
termined or who was responsible
for its general acceptance is, a mat
ter of doubt; certain it is that the
statement is entirely wrong in the
majority of cases. Petteiikoffer,
Hering. Wears, and others have
given formula1 which iiro undoubt
edly true for tho rivers upon
which these can in no wise be ac
cepted for rivers in general, and it
remain for tho investigator to
determine by actual experiment
the purifying power of each stream
with which he has to deal,
Tho work of examination of the
surface waters of the United States,
recently inaugurated in the Di
vision of Hydrography of tlio
United States Geological Survey,
in cooperation with ttie various
I'arf inrahlp IHmoIiiIIoii.
Notice in hereby given that the
firm and partnership of Willey
and Dee, consisting of Charles Jf,
Willey and John W. Den, doing a
general saw mill business on Wil-
ow Creek; Crook county, Oregon
has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent, Charles M. Willey
retiring from the firm. All ac
counts due said firm will be col
lected And receipted by Jojm W.
Dee, and all accounts owing by
said firm will be paid by John W.
John W. Deo.
Charles M. Willey,
Dated December 10th, 1902.
Ik Hams Murder Mepaan.
A dispatch tolls of the killing'by
Isaac Jianta, for several years
resident of Albany, of his stepson
Fred Morrison, at Valdes, Alaska,
on Nov.24. Banta was on a spree
and Morrison was Jtrying to get
him sober, using force to prevent
his getting liquor. Banta got mad
and shot Morrison in the cabin
where they were living together,
where his body was found while
Banta wag asleep near by on his
cot. The coroner's jury found it
to be a case of murder, but Bauta
will, no doubt put in a plea of in-
All For $3000.
I have a ranch coiinUtiiiK of 1M acres
three mill north of Aaliwood. 18 aeren of
alfalfa und H0 acrca of frrain Unit, with good
new lioue and barn. Fine younr, orchard
in hearing. 50 hew I of young cattle, 2ft
head of utevrti, 24 heifers, und one ulnirt
norn nun; an two yearn old next spring.
Plenty ff feed and picture. 1(0 acre of
ranch under fence. Thi ranch is only one
mile north of the Oregon King mine.
Cull on or ncl,lrc, J. I), l'oindextcr
Ashwood, Oregon.
Saw Itealh Near.
Ill every detail was the usual tHanitv caused bv an accident years
gamo followed, only when tho pair ago to h'is head, nocessiating the
of batters hit tho hall, both started UH0 0f tt Hiiver piute in his skull.
10 run lor tirst base. Sometimes Ho wftBi though, only insane from
1 ono in me couple ran taster than lmuor. Albany Democrat.
.i.i i - -
ineouior, anu mere were numer
ous falls, when one man, forgetting
his condition, would attempt to
slide without communicating his
intention to his manacled partner.
The position of shortstop on one
team was particularly well filled
by a pair of young colored men,
who by working harmoniously with
four legs and four arms, covered
considerable territory. The fielders,
when not making one-hand catches
put up their manacled hands, the
right of one player and tho left of
another, while tho man with the
free right arm generally did the.
There were no long hits, but
somo remarkable catches were
made, and errors were numerous,
although the playing improved as
tho men becaii( used to those they
were fastened to. One lively young
landsman, weighing 125 pounds,
declared he could have done belter
if he had not had a man nearly
twice his ago and weight tp travel
with, while tho efforts of a tall man
and a short man to act in unison
were very humorous.
By the timo five innings were
played the players were quite ex
hausted, and, although tlio losers
begged for one more inning, their
guards, who hail almost forgotten
'It often made my heart gclie,"
writes L. C, Ovcrstreet, of Klein.
Tonn., "to hear my wifo cough until
it aocmeil her weak and sore lung;
would collnpso. Good doctor said she
was o far gone with Consumption
that no medicine or earthly lielpcould
save her, but a fiiend recommended
Dr. King's New Discovery and persis
tent tiso of tliis excellent medicine
saved her life." It's absolutely guar
an teed for coughs und all throat and
lung diseases. 50c and $1.00 at Adam
son & Winnek Co. Trial bottlus free.
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Renovated and Re
furnished Throughout.
American Plan. ISatcs
$1.50 and $2 i-r day.
Alcoiiiiiiwliilioi.s nro uiimrf awed
in the city. Harnpie Rooms for
Commercial Traveler,
Long Distance Telephone Station
in tho lioue.
The Journal (
Real Estate Agency
aw union Pacific
tMi. m.
via Hat
atlas tie
Xi Praia
DO p. a.
via Raat.
. talloa
FMl Mall
ramtaa, nr.
alt laka, DenTar,
Tt. Wortb.Omaba,
Kaataa CI17, St.
alt Lake. DenTar
Tt. Worth.Omalia,
aantaa DI17, at.
Walla Walla -Lewta-toa,S.kana,MlB-ncapolla.tlt.Paal,
Dulutb. Mllvaa-kee.CblcagoAKaat
B. Sunday
M p. m.
!.. That.
tm a. .
tan. Thar
Lt. Rlparla
All aalllaf dataa
ublaet w ahanfa
Far 8aa rrandaao
atu araqr dara.
Ta Aatarla ad War
Oracoa Cltr. In
aarf, nalani, Inda.
pandanea a Wax
Wllltama aad Taa-
aw aivata.
uraiaa CII7, Day.
ton, war Uad-I
WRIaaaNa II m.
Tortland ta Corral-
a war Land
ma (tm.
nlfuia to Lawtatan
la. tunday
a. Sunday
Moo., Wad.
Man- Wed.
a. a.
W. I. Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
Is now ready to handle
your property.
FACILITIES for placing
Real Estate before thone
who want to purchase and
are aide to give GOOD
We want Fanning and Urazing Land
Also Timber Land
afBy placing your property with us you get the
henefit of FREE ADVERTISING. ,
m r
Prlneville, Oregon
Big Deal in Typewriters
A X4Sig0r Aastrlan Government Orders 120O
ttl&ZSA- -1V1EN'SA' Febl 7--The 8rette8'
ff V f I 'T'X"?. Sie purchase of typewriters ever
W?i& "ade has been ordered by the Min-
'$rf'j,' ' Istry of Justice, which, after three
'.jiJ'- - " months of exhaustive competitive
trial hasT contracted to pnnin th
entire ministry with not less than 1200 gmitb Premier typewriters,
supplying every court." '
Press Dispatch to PortlandOregonian, February 7.
Portland office Smith Premier TvDewriter Co.. 122 Third Rt..T: A V
ALEXANDER & CO., Agents. ;
W.;T. FOGLE, Agent,
Prineville, Oregon
Smith 5iros,,
Sonera TJferchandiso.
Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds.
Rangers and Campers Supplies.
Camp outfitting, We Carry a Complete line of Groceries,
Dry Good?, Hardware Etc. We Respectfully solict your
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Bniitli it Cleek will please
cull and settle. This means you.
Smith & Cleek.
Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Gent
and Children's shoes. 8. J. A Co.
OolTim"bla Soutlxern
(acttra U:t A. U . September 9, 1900.
A New Departure
Beginning January 1, 1903, we will give a Numbered Coupon
with every subscription to The Crook County Journal and on
September 30, 1903, we will give away some valuable and
useful articles to our subscribers. The value of these wiil be
and they will consist of articles for th3 stockman, the farmer,
. and the household, musical instruments and notions. This is
no lottery, but we take this way of adding more names to our ,'
already large list. Those who hold ihe lucky coupons are entit
led to articles valued at as high as $60. Full particulars later. :
The Journal Publishing Company
Karth North
Mound . Buand
Pat It
MO a.n; l:Ms.m Blan 11 ;2S .'!:
I Ou a.ay liWp.arGltiboni 11 :w a m :Up.n
a.l. ..U.I mvw .v.w; H.
1:19 a m t:a.BKki'dkM:a) am 3:p.
: a.ia 3:11 a.ra tiumailt 10:25 a m 1:11b.'
:( am :a.a'HaT V JM:ll a nt, t:ltaa
:U a m i: m.MuDo'ldalll:U J:0S p m
t it am f.m i.u VwMou 11:0a ami l:Wo.n
:S am l:W f Mura :sa a.a 1:40 p.m
l.:H p.aitrakluTl i:.u a.u! .'
) tt am I:M p.m. (ft T't ' k:i6 ami 1:00 B.m
Rlacksmithing That Pleases
Tho great necessity of GftOD-work is evident tu every one who
ratronizes a blacksmith. Work that will stand the rough
usage of the farm and road. The best horseshoeing the best
wagon work, and the best p'neral repairing ran be hail at
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
City ffiarder Shop.
4:9 p.m Baurbaa
. p.wi uuntia
4 :4a p. M WUc.i
a:J ..iusha n Ika
'6 a.i......
: am:
I:N ami .
: a.ia:..
0. . LYTLK,
O. P A
r i n wr w: i
r W
f 2
II, si
I -wiaaaa
t Aaftaami
Edlaoa, Bell,
Bowa, Sinter,
McOonniek, and
other mlllionalia
InTaotora began lift
PaHaaaa await
aahar aman.
Caa ra aarlaa laa-
nail i aaa a
Wklla yaa aata. aahara
aaar artiat yaar laaaa.
a laaatataa afainat Iota
vat LAkl aa lur anln
a aa and paak4c
i. "laaiatar'a
aaal fraa an Kiatit.
Pemtlt & Cyrus, Proprietor),
JCot and Cold Baths.
Saddles and jfCarness
Maker ol the celebrated PRINE
La Wat 'improved Ladiw Wd
and Stride Saddlt, Bite, Spwi,
Aurora Claps, Quirts and Haska
wurwa. Writ (or priaas. '
Phinkvills, : : Owes.
0. Springer,
RBnnta or
Coach ana
Carriage JCoraea
xoung etalliorji and tBam,
alw, a few young teams lor
Hajslack Bieo.
HaysUsk, Or,