Prinovillo Public School IJotos i.:.p-h I X v i I 7 , ? f :i!IHKJ.t1KlH.rflM UMIctl. , i ANHIHTA NT ). Iulf Keteliimi, t,v lliinth, Kxtolli! HIiiipKoii, Irene lliirnir, (Ihn. Clirlotliinu, I'url Hyde, Curl Holder,0 HI wood ni(M!r, t Jirtitu M4rrl, ahd Celo Hiultli. ' " : . ' Ci'orp;t Ruin (biH t il-fvpd jmljP'.. tlih IV grade. ''''" ! '' '''' Conic! to tlio entertainment Xiiiiih night at the M. E. Church. Wo ttH'l is. little (Miow nt vttriotiH Jiinos last week during which time snowballs have been o legal tender. . Mart, I'tinu, Nellie SuiuiiicrniunlJ Wilda Salomon of the V grade were absent part of Inst week. Warren. Yancey in stUlv.sick hut bo able to come to school again in a lew (in yii. i Tho writing sehiW 'eliwi'il bit December 11. We hear'tlmt, it wiih hunlly a success, fjniinciajly, yet all W took 'Jfuitlyieoj highly pleased. An nl ttiit will ho made toiii duel) the wealthy Andrew Carnegie to a-tuiwt In itlift oration nnd fitting of a library and gymnasium build ing upon tho High School prem ise. The teacher snd pupils of tin' II anil Iir -o'i'i Thijvo been tuiy , ileeoratuig tor Hie past lew nays and their rooms nro tho very pic ture of beauty. . ' ' " ' " lWtine Orton, Georgia Cleek. Edith "King and Uiehnrd Walker were promoted from the II to the 111 grade of tlin 1'iiiievillo Public School. Ki-cp up your bX)U work pUpils. Nel!i(! Kwing, Alellm Fcrgtieaon, Iola Edward I-ouise .Cornini, Uooigo Taylor and Kate Chambers of tin- IV grado were absent dif- fiT'-lit tiuii laH'week. c - v( f ' ' Mr. Thomas Porgan from Michi gan visited our school on Due. 10. lie rays that' the educational ad vantage are an good, hero, iv they an; in his state regardless of oiir isolation from' the' railroads. . ' -Elwwhcre will he seen, the ad-dr-H of Hon. J. N. Williamson in pan. 11 In not a nun v iiwih.ii.i.iii hut as nearly so m was possible to get it. Ibis is tlie most distin guished guest wo have had tho honor of entertaining for some time. . Wo hope he will think of w again. "" "" ' ' AddreHH delivered hy lion. J. N. WillianiMin to tho ptipiln of the 1'iinevilh! Public School, Dec. S, l!l)2: 'TeacherH, Iioys and girln: I do not come hero this morning for the ' purpose of Hpwtfhmaking but rather to Bee and hear you and to join in tint Kinging of these songH as 1 ued to do. " While I bavo no talk to make I wish to ask if 'you. ever think whj you are all hero with piles of books anil with these teachers employed tand this expensive building at your service and why tberq is jiuch Vi expenditure for your benefit. "Here I wisli to ask, how many kinds of government are there? There are two. They arc Despotic 'and Democratic. The government ,of Turkey is ft fair example ot the one. Thoro the govcniiiiiiut.ia. "more easily condtjctei hy those who ruin by keeping ,he masses ill ignorance there ijeinj no,, publ)c wcjiool system suiipor ed by the overnment, whilt t)m 'yiV fBtates in an illustration j4.fl' Other; public schools bfing neces sary and essential iii:::oriTM Wprtf-i serve the government. i: 'To illustrate the importance of ft'good education I relate tho fol lowing story. ( f, ' i There once was a man in South Dakota who, accidently or other 'wise was sent to the legislature. This gentleman behig of an igno rant nature felt, highly honond oyer his position and being situ 'iited in an ignorant neighborhood 5'was looked upon by' others as an 1 imnortant man and was called up- Mi to settle all questions of vital importance as naming the babies, etc.'i'tc,, iTnere wa a;gent'eman recU'vofli k lottorJ from a friend In Kansas. The letter ex plained that corn was not plcntl iil , hecftusfl of mDy; immigrants comiiig into tio country and dc- vonrrng It.' ' ' 'At the' word !-immigrant tho gentleman faltered. He could not grasp its meaning. Ho decided to call upon the distinguished citizen for assistance whiclt ho; did.! ; That worthy, gentleman hot' caring to expose his ignorance, explained after some hesitation, that he had thought-much upon the subject and had found that an immigrant was a cross between a possum and a.eooiV, At least tho animal was Vet) fond of txrn If there is any one fact that im presses itself uikm Jiiy mind more tluui artolb'er' JifoM iJiin'i'iixmiing it is that time is flying. It has been hut a few years since I held some jf ymijiijion my knee hut now I wofi lii not liko to hold some of you. I wijl now tell yqu a little story of time .speeding: The incident referred to is of a Shakesiearian club'whicli was giving a baiiiUet at which tho topic whether Shako spear wrote all his works or .whether J.ord Iaeon wrote some of Ihem was being discussed, j Now, menati .Imnfjoefs' some tiiTies get in a shameful condition, they drink champagne to excess and one fellow who was in this condition sat listening while an I'tbcr was explaining that he knew Slmkchpearo wrote those wiirks. "What dil you know about it?" the first man asked. "Me? Why, I was then.1 arid saw him.". "Why man that, was .'S00 years ago." "Was it? How time flies!" Now I will not take any more of your time I could easily talk for an hyur; in fact I have just com- meiwU ,.; . , '' ' As I""Svrk,'if there is a school in Oregon, in the United Stales, yes, or in tho World, that my mind j closo to it is this; one be cause you are tho children of my assiieiation snd I believe you will, developc into useful and honest, citizen. ' . It is important that the school room shou 1(1 I wi 11 ventilated. Tho lungs should havo fresh air at every inspiration. If we neglect this rule concerning the necessity of fresh nir and breathe the Name air over and over again, we will soon feel the bad effects of it. Every person breathes on an aver age about 330 cubic inches of air at a singlo breath. In a room where there are 25 or 30 pupils the whole day long, the amount of air that is expelled from the lungs every minute is great and requires a continuous renewing of tho air in the room so as to have fresh air to breathe. In many cases the ill health, the pale cheeks and faded looks of a person ai due to had ventilation. Seeing the impor tance of pure air, everybody should bo interested in his or her welfare in school or elsewhere, and help to see that the room wherein they are, is well ventilated. If a camera would write one's deeds both good and bad upon the forehead when a picture was taken, I afraid tho photographers wvKihlsUrve ',. . The basket social given last Fri day nightman a greftt success.The fourth room bow Ji;i uue ctccllcni new organ. Evervono is well j.Wa&l'wfth jfhe IfisMinleut.r The eirls'Oii(l bow of idnerif1e,ietarve great credit for their untiring ef forts In this enterprise. - We wish to thank the trustees and members of the Union church for the use of thijir building. We silua thank "Mr." Frank Ronney , and "tho pro prietors of the Comini's restaurant for their generous aid. Hon. M. R. Biggs, for tho manner of his words and deeds, has the sincere thanks of all who are concerned in sehool work. We took in f 58.S0; our expenses were as follows: Lights, 50 cents; cleaning Comini's restaurant, $1.00 paper of pins, 5 cents; cleared, $57.25. Total fund from both socials' f98.20." The members of the M. E. church are preparing to give asocial in the near future. There will he ex ercises at tho church and a social time and .house warming , at the licw parsonage afterwards, ,, , A marriage license was granted Tuesday 1 to Numa McCoin and Miss Kate, KM Morrow. . It ii) pre sumed that before the ink is dry on this1 issued the 'Journal that these estimable young people will have had tho words pronounced that will make or mar their future happiness. Tho liest wishes of their many friend's will go with thorn wherever they may be and the Journal unites in wishing them happiness, joy and prosperity in their new life. . , . , , : The local land office is busy to day with all sorts of business. A number of Minnotto!is people arc making proof on timber lands, hut the most interesting part of their duties is to inquire into the valid ity of the'' claims ' of 'numerous homesteaders who located in the Forest Reserve before, tho promul gation of the proclamation, of the president, July 1,11)01. The point of inquiry hinges on whether or not the necessary residenco and cultivation was made before the proclamation was given out. Chas. H. Reed represents the homestead ers while the government's inter ests are being cared for hy Supt. S, Ii. Ormsby, of the forest reserve. The defendants all reside in the Dufur, Jioyd and Ramsay neigh-.. borhood.-Dftlles Chronicle. IOOO A ;ood Cougb Hedlctne (From (lie GiUPtU, Toowoomba, Australia. I find Chamberlain's Cough Keiue- Uy is nn excellent medicine. I liaye Ix'en sudoring from a severe cough for the hint two niontlin, and it has effect ed a euro. I have great pleasure in recommending it. W. C. WOCKNEH. This is the opinion of ooc of our old est and most respected residents, and luifi been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy mid be benefitted, us was Mr. Wock- ner. This remedy is sold by nil drug gists. ' v Fod 'hanri1 to Polaon. ' ' ' " - ', ' ' ?'. ' Pulrefyoig food in tho intestines produces effects like those of arsenic, hut Dr. King's New Life l'ills cxjnl the poisons from clogged bowels, gent ly, easily but surely, Sick Headache, Fevers, nil Liver, Kidney and Bowel tioubles. Only 25c at Adamson A ! Winnek. M. A. Lehman, bookeepcr at the Derlmm saw mill, was in town lust, Saturday. Mr.' Lehman informs us that this will he his last trip into town ill the interest of the saw null, 'as lie litis resigned his position there, and will leave for l'rineville within a few days. Mr. Lehman's many friends at this place will regret to see him, leave this neighlsahood. Ashwood Pros pector. ' ' Notice to Electric Customer. Your attention is called to the monthly lighting rates, which will be found in the last part of Section IP, Ordinance 122, which reads as! follows : .. 1 Evening until 10 p. m., .05 per candle power ; evening untir' mid night, .00 per candle power. "All night lights .08 per candle power.! Residences," churches and , halls special j rates. Residences 1 were. giveY ii .0-t rate for this reason. They ar supposed not to burn their lights ojily when in actual use, and,; (tio cive t burn lights all night; fii iincx-f ujiif d rooms. ; ' ' Jlcginninjj November 1st, ..1002, j we "will rharge an .OS rate 6n all night lights unless permission' has . been granted for same. '.; We positively will not furnish current to lights not purchased from P. L. & W. Co. Where this! fraud is found to exist service will he discontinued without notice! ' ! P. L. & W. Co., ' t Per C. I,. Shiittuek j This tlnttai Ii Ob trerr box ot Uw tnul Laxative Bromo-Quinine tto nad7 tbt nna WM wm iy f t. A. II. LIPPJIAN & C0.i Sell Lumber for CASH ONLY ! Dr. C. A. I'errln, Holm Hont., Oct,', I'Xfl, I wUh to thank you for my relief. I vu Htifferin agonies from yie ati'l wan taking n-orjihine to relieve me when, on the advice of a frh-nd. I wo- ciirrfl a ljttle of your Pen-in Vile rVeihe and bmk t tahleful at night and another in the morning. I' At half eat twelve, noon, my wile ave me f another taMeioonful, when my pain alltoied. In two day I wan aile 1 to attend my regular liunjneM entirely , relieved. H wan eiinply wonderfid. j JuliiwMiyeihofer, Vurrier, ftcltna. .f1'i ' 6 if.-.?!feirnf ksi ::, Si-jJs- Christ SANTA CLAUS' H e a The Time Is Now Everyone's Mind to What Shall Let me Call H A Good Sewing Machine, Drop Head, and fully warranted m for '.ten years 25 to $35 A Nico Easy Rocking Chair, appropriate for any member of the family. A splendid line to select from n't I 85 to $12 A Good Rug Costs only from 2 to $7 25 A Large Line of Toilet and Shaving Cases ( in Celluloid and Burnt Wood, 'ranging in "J price from. ... v. yA-f 2 to 5 I Want You All toseethe, New. Line i C of Silver 0ood?j:fully warranted, embracing v Knives, Forks, Spoons, Soup Ladles, Cream -' Ladles, Berry Spoons, Sugar Shells, Cream, ,'J Butter and Sugar Sets, Pie Knives, Cold ' ' Meat Forks" Coffeo' SpOohs, Crumb Trays, i i .;Cake' UaslMta, Sliaying 'Wugs, Children's Cups, and Nut S'ts within the reach oj, all. . . Our . Stock of Bibles and Testaments in doth Oxford and American Bible Print in Celluloid, and Limp Morrocco. Bindings. , G. ..I.,! .- 1 . in! 1 f FRANK BONrSlY." RESTAURANT AIID BAKERY; ' MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 7 ' meats. , :;;it:;",,;i Sirloin Steak 25c Milk Toast..' .:;. :,'.r T-Bone Steak. ; .... .1 ' 85oj Coffee.' ; , ..i,''." Porterhouse Steak '. A . Wc Tea , . '. . i : A i rorternouse BteaK ior two. . .ft uuiMiik. Pork Chops. ... , . ,..,.". .'25c Mutton Chops . ,., . , ..... , 25c, Ilarr.i.'.'.V.'.v.i..; 25c. Kggs, extra , 10c Chicken, any style. ; ......... 3oc Regular Dinner 25o from half past II till one ' Pr i ne vi Ile-S i I ver Lake Stagie Line. , DIC VANDERVERT, Prp. Carrying V. S. Ttfail and Passengers Ieav-es Princville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs, careful drivers,' Freight anrl passenger waybilled for Bend," Lava, Rosland and Silver Lake as PRESENTING MSTLNCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER CHRISTMAS,' with its pleasant traditions, religious signifi cance, and feasting, is likewise a time for dress. Usually it can be depended upon to bring with it the real winter of the North. A good time to pick out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, anil here is 'the best place we know of (o 3 nh jutwhttt you wishOur- wiuter showing is unusual in many ways, jbnt notably so J the striking styles displayed. Quality has been our atch-word' so long that ' " 't.V.i tivJJt we presume everyone understands it. " f This iiecial offering includes a large; variety, of the niatch j ; ; - lew K. N. & F. garments, guaranteed , hyilie . makers, ftii.d, "by us OVERCOATS MEN'S Here When the I Buy for dquarte to Mind a Few ThingslAppropriate Yours for Business, W1NNEK,; Manager, (ADAMSOIM, WINNEK " - 15o . 5c " 5c Cqffqe,.Cake.. , 1"- vi.mi ' OYSTERB Fresh when in market. C..I. WI.NNEK,, Agent. , SUITS FURNISHINGS rs Question Comes Christmas ? Event Our Line of Books for" this year is the largest in ourJhLstory and 'comprises . works of the best authors. 'A Large Line of Padded .Leather,.. Publisher' ' : Price, 11 50; Our price . ,v . ...;.,.$! 25 The Latest . Book,, "The' Conquest," regular ' 1150; Our Price.. ,...'."'.. $1 35 'Mclaughlin and Old Oregon," regular ' f 1 50; , Our .Price,.. ..,...;..$ I 35 One Hundred Standard-Authors in ; White aftd Gold ' Bindings; ' Regular 50 ' and 60c values;-: Our Price.. ...v; 3SC .A Large Line of Choice Reading for -Boys ... ' and Girls in Btaiidarj Voks'.tlie Trices ; V. range from 50 td..!.';.'. 7SC We Have iron' Toys anil Gaines that will please the Children.' and amuse ., the Older Folks. J - :;' 'f, , ' . '.' Our Line Of Perfumes is Choice, Consisting of twenty one different odors, sol4 in bulk and in fancy bottles and cases. 1 CO.)