Crook County Journal.. PubmhhKii Kvkiit Thciuuiat bt th JOt'KNAL I'l'BMKIUXU COMPANY W. T. Foot, f...i.Vmxto Couxtic, Official Pateu. Ibt Journal Is entered lit the pmt'oftic the Print rUle, Jre., for trnnmiir,n throughthe u. a. uiiiie nx tooona cjnaa matter,-' ,- scB4iciiiPH0S Rates. IX ADVANCE , 0.v Ykab ....?l..Ki Hn. Months 75 Thru Months .v,...M THURSDAY, DECEMBER .18. 1902. early date a suitable up bv the Vale Volume VI. . A. t . If , J RetreijicctiV. Looking, back over a period of nearly two . years. which have passed since the preS' ent editor assum.-d control of the Journal we note many changes not only in the paper,' but - in .the town and community. The circa lation of the former lias more" than doubled arid the population1 Of the latter "has advanced beyond the wildest dream of the old timer. Erick and wooden business build; ings have been erected that would be a credit to anv town ' of twice the size of Prineviile; dwellings bv ... . i . ,- - .. tne dozen nave gone up in various parts of the city and it will not be lung at the present rate until bur population will have reached two thousand. Among the measures that have been advocated by the Journal lor the public good is the County High School. We .. advo cated this aieasure before the elect ion and did all in our power to have it carry the necessary num ber tif votes to ciilpe it. to 'become a law. "Our tfforts were regarded by a handsome .majority and the High school is 'now an assured fact, as there is being one grade taught this winter and at. an the matter of erecting building will be taken County Court.! .The public spirit- edness of S. S. Newsom in giving a largo and commodious s,ite . for the High school building is l0K be commended. ' Introspective. During the com ing years we predict for this city a growth second to none in eastern Oregon- The movement for the reclamation of pur arid lands will become a material fact and waste places will be made to blossom as the rose. The busy hum of the sawmills will be heard along the Upper Deschutes and the whirr of the trolley will be heard througout the land as its electric , cars carry the products of our allied indus tries to the sea. The thud, thud of the stamps in our quartz mills will make music to the ears of the miners who delve for . the bidden treasures of mother earth within our borders. These and many more things will be seen and felt as the seasons go by and the work of expansion goes merrily on. With this number we begin the new volume and to the old we say, hale and farewell! With the old volume we bury its cares and sor rowB and cherish ; its . pleasant tnemories as fright jewels of a jiifried "past.'' ' 4 '" ':,. tv ' To our friends and patrons we wish all a .merry Christinas ajid a Happy New Year, liopjng that the pi'.9t year has been 'one of profit and pleasure to them ail and that' the coming one, upon whose bor der's Vsjand j'niaj.b Jong remem bered as one of the pleasantest, of their lives. 1 1 !' Asliwood Items. Mr. ' (iallagher, superintendent of the Red Jacket mine, arrived in town lust Saturday night and brought about eight inches of snow with him any how there was about that much snow on the ground next morning and its go ing off wilh a chinook and warm rain left the roads in a very miry condition. Owing to the dilliculty of getting material to the mine, work has teen'suspiiided on the "Red Jacket '"property fora tim'and Mr.. Gal lagher went k-low again on Friday. M. A. Lehman,' who has been keeping books at the Trout Creek eaw mill this summer, was iu town last Saturday. He told us ho had resigned his position at the mill and would leave for Prineviile A a few days. We aro sorry to lose him but our loss "will be Prine ville's gain. ' Frank Shambeau hauled several loads of lumber from the Ashwood lumber yard to the new shaft on the King property this week. W. S. 1 Thomas, superintendent of the King, put a night shift on the nw shaft on the Bird claim last Monday night and the work is going on in good shape. There is a hay famine in this part of the country and Benton and Orator who own the feed stable here have been forced to quit the .business as thev can't net hav at any price. Stockmen are well supplied with hay but fear ft hard winter and will not sell. ; Grant Brasket came near getting seriously hurt last Thursday. He was shingling his house when the staging gave way and he fell a dis tance of fifteen feet. In his de scent he came in contact with a board or scantling which' broke one of his ribs and bruised him up considerably. Granville Poindex ter brought him to town "and Dr. Coffeen patched him up so he is able to hobble around. Jim Wood and Foley Dornsife are doing assessment work on an outside claim belonging to the Red Jacket Company. . '-. Y. H. and Wes Grater are tak ing some good looking ore out of the tunnel on the Silver Queen group. Mrs. J. T. Robinson was quite ick Sunday. Dr. Coffeen was called in and at present time she is up and around again. FrankHipe came in from Shaniko Wednesday evening with a six horse load of freight for J. W. and A. Robinson. This firm's im mense stock of Christmas goods is going off like hot eakes. ' Red Alex McLennan has bought ay from McCollura and will move band of sheep over there in a av or two. We are going to have a Christ mas tree. Everyone and his neigh bor are making preparations and a jolly time is assured. They also going to have a tree at theHM Ed E. Elkins residence on Blizzard i Ridge. ' N ' I Logan McPherson of Hay Creek ! pas in town Thursday. Pick and Dhiix. A BIG CONSIGNMENT OF CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO AND GARS has just been received in addition to already complete stock. . cr-! our' GIVE US A CALL V and a chance to convince you that our Prices and Treatment aro all right. REMEMBER ..' . " Stock,. We have a Well Equipped Billiard and Curd Room where you can. always spend a pleasant hour. J.' E. CAMPBELL & CO, The. Superior Washing Machine The attention of tho public is called to tint l.wt (), ib... eiTPiru IOR WASHING MACHINE is, like its name, snnerior in nil 1 1 ,L poets to any other on the market, - For practical proof of whirl, nmcnme 10 your House anil superintend vour washing FREE OF CHARGE The washer can be found already in manv Immou in iv-mb is giving entire satisfaction. We have agents iii the various set tlements 111 this county who will show the merits of the washer or panics interested may semi orders to me at Hay Cm, Oregon. Twe! Trwc! Trwc! -roit- .. i I 1 FOR THE GIRLS AND BOYS Each succeeding yoar 1 havo niado Htieiiuoun cii" deavor to secure every novelty Hiiitablo for the Christinas season. This year my efforts have been redoubled with the result that my slock Is tho,' most complete of any to be found H. G. Kibbee, General Ag't for Crook Co. 81' $ M -IN PRINEVILLE- An examination will convince you. Useful Toys and Amusing Ones. . Mechanical Toys. Wagons for big and little boys., Polls' Car riages, Dolls' Dinner Sets, Musical Toysj Tops, , Boy and Rattles of all sorts., Blocks and Games. One of our Books are a present that anyone would appreciate, Come In and See Them You can choose your gift according to tho tasto of your friend. Mall Orders Promptly Attended to I I. MICHEL. a '6 Y .'wt ;(! 'J ;( ,; ''! J '. ADAMSON & WINNER CO. Incorporated 1S09. Drugs, Stationery mid House Fiiniisliin Goods J .wiirtHnt.m , lity& t,l, a ... p ' ' " ' ., ,.,.' 1 Special Christmas Sale! atem II J II v w V W 1 Hlrlhdaf Party. Ou the 8th of December Mr. and Mr?. W. H. Peck gave a birthday party in honor of their daughter, Miss Retta's eighteenth birthday. The time was spent very pleasantly in games and other amusements until 11 o'clock, after which a delicious lunch of ice cream and c:ike wn9 served, and well there is no use to multiply words, but you are well mvare what became of the lunch.. At li velock the ge.ests tik their? de parture wishing Miss , Retta many more pleasant' birthdays, and all do- cLiring iliey, bsd !a most enjoyable time. Mies lletta was the recipient of many presents too numerous to men tion. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mer clmnt and family, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Cyrqs'and ftwilijy, Mr.and Mrs. jF.iC. Osborn, Jlieaee Lilly Read, Tle'ta eck, Maud nod Lulu Osborn,, LtUie Arm strong,' Tekrl"' and 'Tn'iueea Tucker, Utiice and Bertha Horncy, Messrs. J. W. Collins," Dave, Leo, John, and j Ralph Peck, Mr. Evans, Laniont Hor-1 uey, Silas White, Will and Jerry j BarlxT, J. P. Read, Rob Osborn, Joe 1 Mendeuhall, Warren Brown, Kred McDowell, Dave Eaniett and Ralph ! and Orville Strong. C'uhct Ore. Dec. 13, 11J02. : Mens' Hats, all shapes and colors, in values from 00 cents to ifo.OO Caps Just the thing for cold weather. At from 25 to 75c Shoes Standard makes. Wo have them for working, for ordinary wear and for dress. They are all in cluded in our 25 per cent reduc tion sale and were formerly sold at ?1 50 to "if 5 00 Overshirts Mens' Negligee Overshirts in New patterns. Thev are bargains and included in our reduction sale. ', -They were sold at 7.5c to. . 00 Hose Mens' Hose in the best qualities .'obtainable, iii cotton, wolml silk. We are selling tfv m' kt 10c to.........: .Vrnoc, i ... , . 1 The rocent cokl snap reminds, us that wc have gloves from the best makers in the country at tiOc to.... Ul 50. In this line we have too many to mention ev erything in detail. We have many things attrac tive for the little ones as well as oilier folks. Only an insjiection will show you. Our prices on our toys are marked down 25 per cent and are, bargains. Jewelry We have a nice complete line of jewelry, fully warranted by reliable manufacturers and at prices within the reach of all. Among onr lino you will find some very pretty things in ladies' and mens' chains, cuff buttons, watch charms, collar buttons and all kinds of novelty goods. Crockery Oloves In this line we have designs that will jileaso the most fastidious. Cups and simiirrs, pbttos, sugar sets, tea sets, vases, and shaving mugs gro a few of tho things we have. Knives : '.: - V; We have pocket knives for all, at. from' I'5c to $3.00 with 25 per cent off. , , , ' ' " 'h ! i ? S .' 1. . I Miscellaneous 1 1 -1 We have musical goods alburns and noveltv of al ki nfbs. In fact everything for Christmas. ;"" regies : . . Vc-mi.k a specialty of gents' ties and are confident that nif stiM 'will compare with anv. We have the Lte things In bows, Uieks and four in bands., Ladies' Clothing rnointosliPs Ladies' and Misses' Macintoshes, capable of keeping out both the eohl and wet at prices from 12 50 to 1 (HI 1 Toso Ladies' Hose in fast colors and of durable manufacture and are worth from 12jc to 75c Also Small Children's huso in the In-st grades. 1 ITfinrlkeroliicfs Silk Handkerchiefs that are made ; to catch the eyes of those ai tis .'k tic, They are direct from the Chinese factories and missed the , jobbers' hands, thus enabling u? give you their' profit.' 'We' " sell them at from 20c to. Jfl 75 f ; Corsnis Lndies' Corsets, regular $1 25 ,vul 1 'ues, at a .10 per cent reduction. SI 100s Wo have tho latest things in Lad ies' Shoes and guarantee fit, quality and style. We, have them in prices ranging from 1 so to ; fr, 50 11 Superintendent Boegli's new house is receiving its finishing ; touches and will soon be in shape j for occupancy." - ' j The Artisans will hold their in-1 spallation on the' evening of the firsl Monday in January. An yn jovahle time Is promised those who art present. Alt fficmlwN i:i good standing are invited to be, present. mas Candies, Tobacco and Cigars All Kinds of Pruit3, Including Orange3, Lemons and Bananas n RED C FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE . airvd Bros., Props.