Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 3

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    I i Btatknin Valloj"
'J lie board ill directors' of the
Jolumbiii Houthurn Extonnion rail
road company Iiiin approved the
map of the luHt Huution of the lrn
extension from Hhaniko to
lend, a dintiincn of u trillo more
lUn ninety-HCVon mi Ion. Tin.
u,n will now go to tlie United
iiU' land oflice at Tlio alle
' ir fillip, in order that the com
pany may have rlht of way across
government land. It in notable,
however, that the goutlieniniont
twwityHoven mile of tho route will
trow very little government land.
I'loepcctH of Irrigation in that
coimtry, together with the promise
of the railroad, has had the effect
of putting tnoxt of the government
land into private lunik
Kverytliing in now ready for the
financing of tin project ond for
coiiHtruction, Prcnidentil-ytlu cx
puets to have all arangntnontH made
for construction crews on the line
curly in tlio npring. The grade
are very light, and the curvature
1h not great. For most of tho din
lance the line doca not vary per
ceptibly from deud level. From
hhaniko it beam southoaHtcrly to
Trout creek, from which point the
main line dimlm the divide be
tween Hay creek and Willow Bamn
crossing Agency I'lainn and going
through the Jluyatack ceunt'y.
The croHning of the Crooked liver
U a dozen niileo below i'rineviile.
From that point to licnd there in
little curvature or grade in the
line. Chronicle.
Inirreatlnv rlurr ol Namhwett'
, rrn lirrn.
From recent report of A. B.
K-arlc, who in in charge of the
topographic work of the United
HtateH (icological Survey in nouth
western Oregon near (ilendale, in
teresting detail with regard to the
country and dillicullie encoun
tered in the tiovi rnmeiit mapping
of the region are drawn. Thin at
tractive country, lying on the weal
cm nlde of the CWado llange,
combines mountain topography
of a bold type, some of the elevations
reaching an altitude of 5,0(X) feet,
with fertile valley where consider
able hay and grain are rained and
where, especially in the northern
part, the production of prune Juih
become a large iuduntry. Some
very intricate topographic features
were found in winding ridge
which put off from the main di
vides. These mountains carry a
good Htipply of unusually line tim
ber, which is being rapidly brought
up; they are also rich in mineral
deposits, especially gold, found in
pocket, and mining interests are
rapidly developing.
The method used in mapping
(lie section was to locale as many
prominent points .as possible by
Iriangulation, which were then
used to control the measurements
by road traverse. Level lines
were carefully brought up from tin
sea and elevations were obtained
by verticle angles based upon them.
The topography was sketched by
contour lines at intervals of 100
feet, which brought out consider
able detail and will make a uoful
map for many puqow. The
whole area comprises about 1)00
Hiiunrf miles and under ordinary
circumstances could have been
completed in one field season, but
the atmosphere was so smoky from
extensive forest fires and the trails
were so obstruct ed by dense under
briuh and fallen timber that pro-g;c.-s
un (-low: yet the quadrangle
will be completed during the pres
ent field season, ending December 1.
Although in the main the forest
fires retard the work, in some in
stances they are a help in making
clearings on the tops of mountains,
from which good outlooks could be
had in no other way.
Nuamp Disease Kills emtio.
Dr. Mesner, stock inspector for
Jackson county, received the fol
lowing letter Friday from W't P.
Counts, a prominent stockman of
Tolo; "We have lost a number of
calve which were brought from
Crescent City. Upon examining
one. a small bunch of fine white
worms about the size of a horse
hair and from one half to thrree
fourths of an Inch in length were '
found junt beneath the Vttlvc at the '
ton of the windwipe. Would thin
ca me death, and what treatment
'.,,. ,
would you advine? Tho calve
cough and breathe witli a wheezing
wound, but eat until nearly the
hlHt. The lllllgn look perfectly
beillthv " !
lJ'u .,!., 11. m , (l
' , , , ,
down to Mr, Count' ranch to in-
vestlgato Hie irouoie. un mixing ( towels, eilt,,t brushes, etc., requiring
a post-mortem examination , ho'notbiiiffof the kind tube furnished by
found that the animals had died the passenger. Each car has stove for
from the effects of hush, or wormu , ''l(f "" l to nd d"in "nKht
bronchitis, a disease caused by a ' houkcepi,," ...d each section can fee
iii fitted with an adjutable table. A urn-
very worm produced by a rf uim,mnm each oar, hit
germ develop! m stagnant water, j bmimM Wl)g , BJllkB up bertllt( keop
The disease is infectiou when tne Mr cegMi na the comforts
slock are allowed to feed from the w,d wants cf the passengers. In each of
name trough. There i no known the trains which are dipatched daily
cure for it, as the bacilli i-cnetrato '"" PortUnd by the 0. R. & N. Ce. i.
the Mm passage slid Hwn " b m 'A "mH '
., , ,. , i i i ildhmry Weepen," The car l gliaclied
tKruugn a . pur u. u.e oeuu, anu , .,0licai(.purtM)(I Spedlli
get beyond reach of any outward I hich goM through t chie8)o without
application that may be made to oImng(li alld the me in tne "Atlnutlc E
kill them, The only thing to bejpre.i run, )u Kunm Cily wt,nt
done is to kill the affected cattle, change. Fiusetierf in this car for Chi
and isolate tho Others and put them 1 cuo change to a li'iiikr car at tiranifur.
where they will have pure water) Much of the Brat clau travel i beinit
and food carried in thoie eara, the ratea beinij
. . n(v, , i , i ' lower, and the aerriee beinif nearly eiual
Mr, Count ha 200 head of ; , A. ' , , ' 1
. , , , , i , j to that in the palace ileepen.
young slock which lie bought onj F()r ra(e w fu w)rm8ti()I)) jn.
the coast near Crescent City, undj eluding olden, write to A. L. Craig, G.
of thii number 00 bead had died at p- - K- N' Cw-
the time of Dr. Mesner' visit. ,
.,, , , , . , ., ,. TOTICK FOll PUBLICATION'.
I he cattle had contracted the dis- 1 ....
ease while feeding on the marshes! Dupabtkot or tub I.itkmoh.
in tho district where they were:
. . I
riweun. - icirgi itiij.
"Now cue Appointed Time."
The O. K, & N. Co. haa juat iaaued a I
hatidaoioely illu.traled pamphlet entitled, i
' ,. . ' , !'
'Oregon, natllllighton it Idaho and
their roaourcoa." People in the Eaat i
, .
are aiimoua for information about the
I'acilic North Wuat-If you will give the
() K, St. N. Co, agent at hhaniko a liat
of iiauiet of oaalurn ioople who are like
ly to be ititoroatud, the booklet will be
mailed free to auch peraoba.
Duo brown nme, ng 6 years, weight
iiuoilt 1.IW lua., Drone, is very gunuc,
slur in foichciid, right hind foot
white, branded H-Z on left shoulder,
ma a yeurling colt with Imr; One
durk bay mare, weight about 1000 Iba.,
broke, very gentle, white hind feet,
star in forehead, branded A 3 on left
shoulder. Left Hislora one year ago.
$5.U0,ieward will be paid fur return
of, or information to discovery of
cither of said animals. '
H. K. Ui.a7.ikr, or Sam W'ikiii.,
02-1 111 Sisters, Oregon.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a par
ty, but W11.1 afraid to do on account
ol pains in li 14 stomacli, which lie
feared would grow worse, lie says, "I
was telling my troubles to 11 I.idy
friend, who titid: 'Chniiiberltihra Colin
Cholera and llirrlnea Itenietly will put
you in condition for the party.' 1
bought a bottle mid take pleasure in
stating that two doses cured 1110 and
enabled me to have a good time at the
party." Mr. Knell i a resident of
.Siinimer Hill, N. Y. This icmedy k
For sale by all druggists,
A sallow complexion, dizziness,
biliousness and a coated tongue
arc common indications of liver
and kidney diseases. Stomach and
bowol troubles, severe as they are,
give immediate warning by pain,
but liver and kidney troubles,
though less painful at the start, are
innon harder to cure. Thedford'i
Hlai k-Draimht never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakened kid
neys. It stirs up the torpid liver
to throw on the (terms or teverana
runic. It is a certain preventive
of cholera and llright's disease of
the kidneys. With kiduevs re
inforced by Thedford'i Black
Draueht thousands of persons have
dwelt immune in the midst of yel
low terer. Many families live m
perfect heUh and have no other
doctor t&n tneutord 1 mat
Draught. It is alwayi on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many expensive cam ot a doctor.
Mullins, S.C, March 10, 1001.
I havt used Thedford'i Black-Draught
lor tnrtc yean ana 1 neve not rua to go
to doctor ilace I hatt been takiaa it,
It Is the beit medicine for me that b
on the market for liver anil kidney
trouble! ma oypepiu ana outer
corapUSiti. Rev. A. C. LEWIS.
Pullman Ordinary Sleepm.
The tourist travel between tho east and
v(us coast has . reached enormous
P";P;rtion. 1 the ta f
calls for a snociiil class of equipment, To
, Pul,rimn C(, h,u
jm.d from in shops what it technically
call the "Pullman Ordirary Hlceprr."
These ear. ,)mr similar .. i r. (jul.ii
slet'.r, being hunt on the aiim uluii,
but not furoiihed with the Mine elegance
They are equipped with mattresses,
blatikets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
Lni. Okic at Tmii IMi.i.ks Oiioi., l
November 24, 1002. (
N'dtice U hereby (riven that the following.
n-urird Kttler hae filed notice (A hi intention
to make Html pniof in iutHrt of hU claim,
ami that laid pro if will be made before J. J.
Kmitli, Omnty Clerk at I'nncvllle, Oreifon,
on Thursday, January 8 1!K).'(, viz:
!vi A. Mmire. of LaiiKitita. Oreeon. H.
K. No. nvvi for the Lota l2t H'4 NKJ4
htT.t,"n s- ''.'L ,, " .
He naniea the following witnee to prove
hi eontinunua renldence Ux,n and cultivation
"' "'i1 la'"; " . ... u
Jerry Aekey, Koliert Johnwm. John Han-
y J Jan, Kujan all of Lamon'a, t)re-
Tlmoor l.iiwl. Act Jone 3. 187.
1'nlted Slulin Land Olllce,
The lallu, Oregon, Novemoer 2o, 100J.
Ni.ilco is hereby lvt-n that In comiill
aot . wilh the (irovlHionH of the act of
CoiiKrcwH of Jone 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
fit-t (or the Kale of timber land In the
rititleM of t'Mhfornla. Oregon, Ncvad-t,
AuuuHt 4. lUtf, the following neraon have,
illed In this oftleu their aworn atutcmeiiu,
Kdward 1!, Knox, of Post, county of Crook,
st'ite of llreon. sworn itnU-ment No. Iii7,
Hied June DO, l'.ICrJ. for the purchano of the
SK!i N W4, W K NK'i and N'Ji HW'A Hec.
24, Tp. 17 S. It. IS K., V. M.
Ituscoe Knox, of Post, county of Crook,
state of Oregon, sworn statement No" G'lii,
filed June 45, l!Kr2, for the purchase of the S
NK1,' and . Sh! (fee. 20. Tp. 17 ., li
1SE..W. M,
Tlmt they will offer proof to show that
Ihe land nought Is more valuuble for lis
timber nr stone llmn for Htfrleultural
porpoHea, und to establish their claims
to said land tv-iore J. J. Smith, County
Clerk at his otriee at Frlneville, Oregon,
on l-'ridiiy, the lith d;iy of February, lllO-'i.
They itiuue s witnesses: Henry Heck,
Caleb Oti us. li.ibert Myers, Johu Hughes
and Frank ll'iKhes. all of Post Oregon.
Any and all iK'rsons clalmtiiK adverae
iv Hie ahove-tlewrlbeil lands are retjuest
nl to life their claims In this office on or
licfore sail lith dav of February, l'.lO.'t,
JAY P. l.l'CAK. Keglstcr.
Dc-.'-np t
Umber I.nnd, Ac-t June 3, 1K7S.
I'nlted Siaiea Land (iltlee.
The Dalle", Ureuun. Xoveinljer ii, l'.KJ2.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with tile provisions of the uet of
I'oligredH of June 3, l7s. entitled "An act
lor the sale of Umber lands in the .states
of California. On Ron, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended 10 nil the
fiiMIc Lund Slates hy act of August 4.
l'.lOJ, the following lierson haa this day
Sept. Ill, IHO'J Wed in thif olfic ! his Wi m
statement t'.'-wit,
Klui"r V. Kayler, of rrineville, o-mnty of
Crook, st:ite of Oreg m, sworn statement N'o.
UAH, for the purchase ut the S1 N K', anil
SXW',j Hec. 4, Tp. IS J., K. Ill K., W. M.
That he will otter 1 riMif to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Ita
Umber Qr stone than fur agricultural pur
pones and t. establish his claim to
said land before M. It. llis.'s, IT. . Corn,
inissionerat I'rineviile, (reg.n,n Friday
the litli day ol'Fcliruary. 1!H3.
He naiiies as witnesses: Sam Hodges,
I'.ltner V. Kavlcr. II. K. Jones, Chas. A
( 'raves mid K. 15. Wukeiiel 1, all of Priiieville ,
Any and nil persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lamia are request
ed 10 file their elulnis in thtH otriee on or
la fore tlio said liih day of February, l!HM.
' JAY P. LUCAS, rieglster.
t yoa luffer from any of tht
iim oi men, tunio to tit oiucu k
Specialist a the Pacific Coast, f
OR. JORDAN ft 00.,
10S I Market St Eit'd IBS 2.
Young men and middle J
m from tht efTectiof youthful indiscretions or cx-
in all itg complicaiioosi hpermatorrnora,
PraiAtrrtar, flonorrhcria, ti
Priara7 of (Irttmllni, etc. By a
combination of remedies, of great curative pow
er, the Doctor has an arranged hia treatment
that it will net ooly afford immediate relief but M
permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to
perform miracles, but U well-known to be atair
and square t'liyiician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
in his sneciallv DlirtRM of lf. i
K.Tpbllla thoronghWerHftioateddomttia
aystrm without iikIimi Mtnr.
EVKBV NAM annlvlnir tn torn will t
i celveouriViei(oj(notio hlscmnpuint,
f Wt will Uuaranlte a.POSl 71 YE CUBE
tw com w ujiaerttitef or Jorjtit
Tbnsan4 Doll am.
Consututioo KKEG and strictly private
ment persona Hy or by letter. Send for book,
"The Philosophy f Mari-lmce.
tree, (A valuable book for own.)
YlftlT DB. JOBDAlffl
Great Mnseam of Anatomy
tlM finaat and largut M useumof its kind in the
world. Come and learn how wonderfully yoa
are made; bow to avoid sickaese and disease.
We are eontiaually adding new ftpeoimeaa.
CATALOG IS MEM, Call or write f
W I (Ml MftAat taa n4M. CkL
Notice to Creditors.
' Notice Is hereby iriven that the under
slKned has by the (jotuity (!otirt of Crook
county, Htate of Oregon, duly nnnointed as
Administrator of the estate or W. 11. Fuller,
deceased, and all persons hoviiiK claims
ainiinst said estate arc hereby required to
,,,, km: rufoe lioiy vrrioeu lu Slim l-
inlnlHtrator at his office at i'rineviile, Ore
Kon. within m nionths from the date of the
lirst publication of this notice.
Iiulcd October 23, lltri.
I). . Stkwart,
AilmiiiUirator of the Estate of
W. H,, deceased
Tlmlier Land, Act June ,
United Hlates Land Office,
The Dalles Orcxon October 17 112.
Notle Is hereby Kiven that In cimpll
nce with' the orovfslons of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1WS, entitled "An
act for the Bale of tlmlier lands In the
Hiatcs of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as extended
to all the 1'iihllc Land State by act of
August 4, im,
Thomas M O'Connell, of Prineville,
county olCrook, state of Oregon.has on Aug
4 Wed in this office his sworn statement,
number for the purchase of the Yf'A
HKJ A , N Wl of Hi. ) Tp Vi 8 It IB j ,
W. JI., and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is Wore valuable for its
timber or t,iie t!in for agricultural pur
pusea. and to establish his claim to said
land before W. A. Hell, U. H. Commission
er, at frlneville, Oregon on Friday the 2nd,
day of Janu ry, VMi
lie name a Witnesses: Walter ffXcii.
Hcott Hathaway, Walter Huodderty and
Terry lyong, all of I'rineviile Oregon.
Any and all neraons claiming adverse
ly Ihe above-descrlhed land are request
ed to (lie their claims In this offline on or
before said Ina day o! January, 1003.
JAf P. LUCAS, Rcgltr.
Timber Land, Act June S, IHlS.
fruited Btatcs Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. !fl, UW2.
Notice Is hereby given that incompli
ance with the provisions of the act of C on
gress of June 3, 1X7H, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the TuB
lic Land Htates by act ol A ugnst 4, 1M,
the following persons have filed in this
office their sworn statements, to wit:
111, A SUU K I'A KH )NH of Buckley, coun
ty of 1'ieree, state of Washington, sworn
statement So. l'SKi, tiled August 2, Ktti,
for the purchase of the HV. ec. 32, T. 14
H.. It. Hi K., W. JI.
AI.I'.KKT H. TAItHO.N'N, of Buckley,
county of Pierce, state of Washington,
sworn statement So. 10M7, Hied August ),
MH, for the purchase of the K!4 t.E'.i,
hWK SK4 aud HKJi X W'A Sec. 2, T 14 S,
ItlflK., W. M.
l'KAKI, UHAMBKKM.V, of Seattle,
county ot King, state of Washington, sworn
statement No. llrii, tiled August 21, 1H02,
for the purchase of the K'4 ISKJ4 and K'A
SKX Sec. 1. T. H 8.. K. 18 K, W..M.
That they will offer jirmif to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timlicror stiiiic than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claims to said
land is lore Hie Kegister aud Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th
dav of January, l'J03.
They name' as witnesses; Florence M.
Cady, D. Lawton Uady, Blanche Pai-sons
mid 'Alls-it H. Parsons,' of Buckley, Wah.,
MuvJ.Cudv and Walter K. t'mly. of (iet
che'll, Wash., and Pearl Chambcrlin, of
tk'atlle, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the aisive-ilcKTilK-il lands are rtsjuesttd to
me ineir claims in tins office on or oetorc
the said 12th day of January, VMi.
o-.p J. P. l,i:t'AS, lie
Tlmlier Land. Act June 3,
U. 3. IJind Offlce.
The Dallea, Oregon. June 23, lc.
October 17, 1112.
N'otice Is hereby given that In compli
ance wilh the provisions of the act of
Coiiktosb of June 3. 1K7S, entitled "An
act for the Bale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all ihe public Land States by act oi
A.lKiist 4. P3J. the following persons have
iiled in this ullice their sworn statements
JK.VXIE D. PICKETT, of Priiieville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, Sworn
statement No , filed August, 7, 11102. for
the purchase of the K'j Sl.'.J, SWJ4 SEV4'
and hfc S W! Sec 20, tp 15 S., K li) E.,
ERNEST D. STAIUt, of Priiieville,
cmintv of Crook, slate oi Oregon, sworn
statement No 114, tiled August 7, 11102, for
the purchase of the NEJi Sec 21, tp 15 S.,
li 18 K., W M.
SAKAH L KOTZMAN, of I'rineviile,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
stak-uient No !M7, tiled Julv 1!2 for
the purchase of the Klj SE SW SEv;
and HFM lWi See tp 15 S., K 1!) K
W M.
ADOLPH KOTZMAN, of Prinevillc,
euuiiiv ol ( rook , state of Oregon, sworn
statement No !i7, filed August 4, 11102, for
the purchase ol the skv; sec , tp 15 s., u
l'l E., W M.
HliXllY E. BEARD, of PrinevilU',
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No !W, tiled August 4, 1102, for
the purchase of the SEv; Sec 2, tp 15 S., H
111 E., W M.
JEFKKflSOX D.EVANS, of Priiieville,
county oi Crook, state of tlreL.on, sworn
stntomeiit No (Jil, Iiled August 4, littJ, for
the purchase of the W4 NEl, and W)a
M'.i Sec- 2, In 1(1 S., K is r,., W -M.
that they will offer proof to show that
ibe land aousht is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their clnim to said
land betore M. li. Hikes, U. S. CommlS'
sloner, nt his offlce at Prlnevllle. Oregon,
l-o e nuny, me .uu uay 01 January, 1:10.1.
Thev name as witne-ees: Jennie II
Pickett, Kriitst D. Starr. Sarah L Kotzinnn
Ailolph Kotztnan. Ilcnrv E. Beard, .letter-
son D. Evans Thomas M. O'Connell and
Mutiala J. Evans all of Priiieville Oregon.
Any and all iiersons claiming adverse
ly the above-defecrlned lands are request
ed to nie llielr claims In tuis office on or
before the said 2nd dav of January, l'.KB.
JAY T.' LUCAS, Register.
0 23
Notice to Creditors.
Ntic is hereby given that the tinder.
Mailed has been by the County Court
of Crook County, state of Oregon, duly
appointed as Adiniuitratrix of the Estate
of Ceorge W. Cleiin, deceased, and all
persons havinir claims against mid estate
an. hereby required to present the same
duly verified to said Administratrix at the
office of M, K. Brink, in I'rineviile, Oregon,
within sii months Ironi the dale oi the
lirst publication of this notice.
Dated Oetolicr 21st, 11102.
Sarah P. Oi.kns,
Admiustrtratrii of tne Estate of
i)i:nKoa W. (ii.rax, deceased.
M. E. Brink, Any. for Adinrx.
Oct 23 7
Real Estate for Sale
FOIl SALE A two story dwelling with
baru aud ouUiotmes in the city of Prineville.
This pcoerty is well situated aad is covered
by irrigation. It cover ime-fourth nf a block
and is oat nf the best residence locations in
the town. Price reasonable
Notice of llnnl Settlemenl.
In the matter of the estute of
Alliert E. Smith, Deceased,
"K otlce is hereby fjiven that the under
" signed, the admiiistrator of the estate
of Albert K. Mmlth, has tiled his final ac
counting of his administration ef said es
tate, and the Hon. County Judge for Crook
county. Oregon, has set the 5th day of
January, W at the County Court Kiiom,
in 1'riiierille, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing said filial accounting.
Wh. Hkith,
Administrator of Estate of Albert
K. Smith. Deceased.
Dated this 13th day of XoyenibeT, Km,
5t-p .
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of
an order or tne county court or the State
of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah,
duly made and entered In the matter of the
estate of H. A. Smith, deceased, on the 10th
day of November, 1SJW, authorizing, direct
ing and empowering the nndersigned to
s!l the folio ting described real property
of the said Kstate, at private sale for cash,
subject to the confirmation of the Conrt,
we will, on and after the 22nd day of Dec
ember, 1902, proceed to sell the same at
private sale at the office of the Kjecutors,
402 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
The said real property is described as fol
lows: The southeast quarter of the south
east quarter of Section twenty-nine, the
east half of (he IlorUiat quarter, and the
nfMliWe4 quarter of the northeast qnarter
of Section thirty-two, Township nineteen
south Range eleven east Willamette Merid
ian, Crook County, State of Oregon, con
taining one hundred and sinty Vf) acres.
y, y, jokm,
A. P. Fl.KOKl,,
Executors of the Estate f H. A. gmith,
Nov. 20,5..
Timber Land, Act Jone 3, WH.
Usmm Rtatbi Lasd Omc,
The Dallea, Oregon; Oct. 21, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
.June 3, 1S7H, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States hy
act of August 4, 181)2, the following named
persons have, on August 2!), 11)02, filed in this
office their sworn statement, to-wit:
LEONARD T. SMITH, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, state of Washington, aworn state
ment No. 10(H) for the purchase of the H
SE, XK, SK!4 and 8E1 NE1 Sec. 12, T.
15 8., RISE., W.M.
FRANK F. SMITH, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, atate of Washington, sworn state
ment No. 1070, for the purchase of the SW1
Sec. 8, T 15 S., R li) E., W. M.
That they will olfer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish their claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver, at The Dalles. Oregon.
on Tuesday, the 13th day of January, 11103.
They name as witnesses 1). L. Cady, Flor
ence M. Cady, ,1. M. Smith, C. Cady, D. A.
Cady, B. Cady, M. J. Cady. W. E. Cady,
lonard 1. Smith and rrank r. Smith, of
Buckley, Washington, and :,I. J. Cady and
W. E. Cady, of Uetchell, Wash.
Anv and all oersor.8 claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before the said
13th day of January, 11103.
o-30-p J A Y P. LUCAS, Register.
Land office at The Dalles, Oregon
November 17, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to commute and make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before W. A, Bell, V. S, Commiisioner
at Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday, January
3, r.102, viz:
Oeones M. Paul, of Haystack. Oreeon. H.
E, No. iMii" for the SK'J SW'4. SW'4 SE'4
and Ki SEJi Sec. 11, 'lp. 12 S., K 12 &
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence us,n and cultiva
tion ol said land, viz:
David W . Bamett, of Haystack Oreeon
and Orly C. Hale, Frank V. Hanaa and
frank J.. Hodman, all of Culver, Oregon.
Jav P. Lucas,
nv-27 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
Novembers, 1!)02.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said , proof will lie made before
J. J. Smith, Couaty Cleik at Prineville, Ore
gon, on Friday, December, 10, 11102, viz:
John J. Coleman, of Prineville, Oregon.
H. E. No. 7143, for the SV Sec, 35, tp. 12
S., R. 14 E W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his oouttnuous residence upon and cultivation
uf said land, viz;
John Hanley, L. JI. Thomas, Joseph
Wigond and Lee Moore, all of Lamoiita,
N 13 BgtSi
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Time Card
Leave Portland..'. 7a.m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
The DallesPortland Route,
Strs. "TAHOMA" and "METLAKQ"
Daily trips except Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Leave The Dalles, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. 111
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a in
Steamer "METLAKO"
Leaves Portland, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. 111
Leaves Dalles, Monday, Wednes
day, Eriday : : : : : : 7 a. m.
Landint; and otticc: Foot Alder St.
Both Phones Main 351, Portland, Ore
J. V. Crichton, Apt., The Dulles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood River
Wolfonl & Wvers, Agt., W. Salmon
R. O. OILBRETH, Lyle, Wash.
.I0HN M. TOTTON, Stevenson, Wash.
VM. BUTLKR, Butler, Wash.
K. W. Crichton, Agt., Portland
t 2J. iBarnts,
jfttornt at jCaw,
2it ft. floii.
jf 'tornoy-ai-mCaw.
C. ftrink
jftloraey mnd Counstlor mt Caw
J. L. McCnlloch,
Dealer in Real Estate and Ab
utractor of Titles.
J 9. fiolknap.
(Phyiioian and Surgaon, ,
Ofiice in rear of Adamion, Winnek CV
0 Jtydo, 557. a
iPAyan and Sitryom
Diseases of women a specialty.
Phone No, 2. Residence back of the
Photograph Gallery.
&Ayiim and Surytom
Calls answered promptly day or night, Of
fice with Dr, V. Gesner, Residence
corner 1st aud Main streets.
W. If. SNOOK, 91. D,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calls promptly.
j. l. Mcculloch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty..'....
Prineville, : : Oregon
TICK ADKIN8, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
' the u,se of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly
Contractors and Housebuilders
Painting, Bricklaying,
and Carpenter Work,
kkHJi. 60 YEARS'
Tradc Marks
Copyright Ac
AtiTone Mndtnff ft nketeli nnd descrtption mar
quick I r aaoruin our opinion fre whether so
tnventtnn 1b prohabtf patentable. Commuslrs
timuatrtctlycotilldeDtiftl. Handbook on Psteuu
lent free. Oldest agency (or tecurlHg'ptaenti.
Pnteuta taken tbrounb Muna ft Co. racelra
tpecial notice witrmut ooarge, in tn
A bandtometr lllntitrated weekly. I-nrwt elr
eTJlatton ot any cieittutc Journat Trma, S
year : four montb, u Sold by all newedealarm.
MUNN ft Co." New York
Branch ODIca. D36 F Bt, WastiliMtoa. O. &
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given that I hare
appointed the (iiliowiue named persons
deputy stuck inspectors:
J. f. CartwriKht, Hay Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ashwood.
E. Sparks, Sisters.
A. Morrow, Haystack.
F. M. Smith, Paulina.
Roacoe Knox, Post.
T. C. Swain, Br Creek.
J. S. Boi;ur, Roiland.
Alex Mcintosh, Hartlin
J. P. VanHuuten, Hay Creek.
I. S. Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
for wile at this office at very renson
alile price. Mail orders protiiply at
tended to.
r4 1. - .