Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 2

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    Looking For Hoyn,
The London Free Press strikes
the nail on the head in the follow
ing: ' .. '"'
"When we soo the boys . on the
street and lit public places we often
wonder if they know that the busi
iiowt mtju we watching JJicui, ... In
every hank, store, or oflice there
will soon be a place for a boy to
TilL- Those who have the manage
ment of the affairs of the business
will select a boy in whom they
have confidence. When Ihey se
lect one of the boys they1 will not
select him front his ability to
swear, use slang, smoke cigarettes.
or tap a beer keg. These men have
a few of these habits themselves,
tut they are looking for boys who
are as near gentlemen in every
sense of the word as they can find,
and they are able to give the char
acter of every boy in the city.
They are not looking for rowdies,
and when a boy applies for one of
these places and is refused they
may not tell him the reason why
they do not want him, but the boy
can depend upon it he has been
rated according to his behavior,
Boys cannot afford to adopt the
habits and conversation of loafers
and rowdies if they ver want to
be called to responsiable positions.
Jennie Templeton
Song A Farmers Son Am I , . By
The School
Recitation Maud Mullers Hen.
. i .By Lizzie Powell
Dialogue In Want of ' a Servant,
By Jennie Templeton, Loyd
Cantrill,Della Cantrill, Lizzie
Towell, '.Belva Templeton,
Edith MeCord, Emil Cantrell
Recitation What Lambs Say,
Bv Lovd Canhil!
Recjtatum-.Wheii Pa ' Begins : to 1
Shave By Verl Jones'
Song Adapted Naturally to thel
': Choir........ ..By the Choir.
After the program came the sell
ing of the baskets, eating supper
and then all , wended their way
homeward except those who attend
ed the euprfse dance given at the
residanee of Mr. Ed Jones.
J. M. T.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Smith & Cletik will please
call and settle. This means you.
; Smith 4 Ckvk.
Ashwood Hunt.
An exchange says a boy was
compelled by his teacher to write
an essay on "The Mouth" for some
infraction of discipline and ttys
is what he wrote: "Your mouth is
the front door to your faee. It is
the aperture to the cold storage of
your anatomy. Some mouths look
like peaches and cream, and some
like a hole in a brick wall to admit
a new door or a window. The
mouth is a hot-bed for toothache
and the bunghole of oratory. It is
the crimson aisle to your liver. It
is patriotisms fountain and the tool
chest for pie. Without a mouth
the politician would be a wanderer
on the face of the earth and 'go
down to an unhonored grave. It
is the grower's friend, the orator's
pride and the dentist's hope. It
puts some men on the rostrum and
some in jail. It is temptation's
lunch counter when attached to a
JltKaT Creek Nous.
We are having cold . windy
weather now.
Mrs. Jane Hamilton is visiting
with Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Spear
this week.
Lon Patterson had the nrisfor
tune to be thrown from his wagon,
and have have an arm broken a
few days ago.
Mrs. Mattie Philaber and daugh
ter Ethel arrived from Portland
Saturday evening and intend to
spend the winter here.
On Thanksgiving evening the
school pupils in this district gave
a very interesting program and
Pound Sociai for the purpose of re
seating the school house. 133.30
was taken in. We now have on
hand $-59.35, which is almost
enough to get new seats, and we
hope to soon be rid of the old ones.
The following program was render
ed and enjoyed by all.
Address T. E. Templeton
Song Wake the Echoes . . By the
Recitation Fall in Line By
Fay Lafollett
Recitation A Thanksgiving Day
.By Emil Cantrell
Recitation Thanksgiving Day, By
Ida Stewart
Song America By the School
Recitation "At Grandmas' on
Thanksgiving Day"
Mertie Stewart
Recitation A Thanksgiving, By. .
Mary Smith
Recitation By Georgie Stewart
Song Thanksgiving, . .The School
Dialogue Servant John By
Lloid Powell and Roy McCoril
Recitation Jack Frosts Thanks
giving. . .By Johny Templeton
Dialogue A Big Mistake By
Edith McCorJ,. Lloid Powell
Song Lift up Your Heads By
'' The Choir
Recitation When The Minister
Comes to Tea ... . Roy Sumner
Recitation By Bertha Saiith
Recitation BiJdies Troubles. ..By
Stanton Black, the heavy weight
from Blizzard Ridge was in town
Saturday night.
Butter is 75 cts. per roll in this
burg and eggs are out of sight, that
is, we can't see any.
We have had lots of rain and
the roads are almost impassable in
places for loaded teams.
Billy Kelsay arrived in town
Saturday night with a big load of
freight for J. W. and M. A. Robin
son. The lodge of W. 0. W. held a
special meeting Saturday night
and Initiated Billy King. The
lodge is gaining steadily.
Larry Maloney formerly of the
Dalles will open a saloon in the
east wing of the Hamilton hotel
as soon is he can get a license.
W. D. Walker has finished
Grandpa Wood's house and is now
building a large cattle barn for
H. C. Grater.
Mrs. Thomas and their little son
Burns, arrived on Tuesday and
they have again' taken up their
residence at the King.
Geo. Massamore and Jennie
Robinson took in the festivities at
Haystack. They said the Hay
stackers know how to make a fel
low feel at home and enjoy him
self. Mr. Dudley, a mining expert
from Portland, has been in camp
several days and is systematically
prospecting all the claims in the
district, so far as he can, by ex
amining the various shafts and
tunnels. We hope his report will
be good and that capitalists will
be interested in the camp.
The Dexter mining camp has let
another contract to Swanson and
Finnell to sink another hundred
feet. This will make a shaft 200
feet deep and ought to show ' up
something pretty good.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Wood gave a
party Thanksgiving evening to a
large number of friends and ac
quaintances. Music was furnished
for those who wished to dance and
the balance played games, At
midnight a sumptuous repast was
partaken of and then the old folks
and weary young folks went home
leaving the rest to dance till they
were tired. Next day every one
said, "What a splendid time we
had last night."
Pick & Drill.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm and partnership of White iv
Campbell, doing business in tho
City of Prineville, Crook County,
State of Oregon, is hereby dissolved
by mutual consent, Mr. John W.
White retiring. All accounts due
said firm will be collected and re
ceipted for by Mr. J. K. Campbell,
and all accounts owing by said firm
will be paid by Mr. J. E. Campbell.
Dated, this 4th day of Novem
ber, 1902.
All For $3000.
1 Imvu u ranch conslthit of 1!H wtv
thiw inlli'H north of Ahnnnl. in
ulfulfu iiikI : nervs of grnbi himl, with ttool
now limine ami hnrn. Vine ymmx oivlnml
In Viirinir. fiO hwul of vouim i-ntili.. !M
hottl of hiwm-1, (iilfi-is, nnd omliort
horn hull; all two yuan old ni'Xt uprltiR.
rii'iityof fiTil mill wiMturv. WO arri-i of
ranch under fence. This ranch Ik only one
uiiii.' non it oi imi import King initio.
Call on or addrcw, J. 0. i'olndexler
Anhwoml, Oregon.
Go to
A Wamaua Awtul Peril.
"There is only one way to save your
life and that is through an operation''
were the startling words heard by Mrs.
I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from
her doctor after he had vainly tried to
cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. Gull
stones had formed and ahe constantly
grew worse. Then she began to ue
Electric Bitters' which wholly cured
her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver
and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspep
sia, Loss of Appetite. Tiy it. . Only
50cts. Guaranteed. For sale by
Adamson & Win nek Co.
is. Wicgand's
,, For Artistic and Satisfying
This will save your Life.
By Inducing ycu to us
Dr, King's to Discovery,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
The only Guaranteed Cure.
NO Cure. NOPOS. Your Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grip, Influenza, Asthma, lironchltis,
Whooping t'oiiRli, Pneumonia, or any
Alleclion or Hie l nront una 1. tings.
Regular Size 60 cents and $ 1.00k
Have your measure taken
for your new Fall garment. It is the only proper
and satisfactory w2y cf buying your clothes.
Mike your selection from the tailoring line of
Strauss Bros,, Chicago
Good tailors for cvzr c. quaricr cantury.
You'll find a woiid of rtesure in wearing th:
clothes made by Strauss Bro-, fau':l'.-s h st)!.
fi', finish ini rna'.jrids. Th:;'r; so r.-.u:!i better
than tho ordinary run of clothe, yet prices are
astonishingly low and you're perfectly sale in
ordering because if garments are not saMsfictcry,
ycu needn't take them. . We will be to
show you samples Call
Salomon, Johnson & Co.
Prineville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying ?. ?. 9 ail and Passengers
Lea ves Prineville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rigs,
careful drivers. Freight and passengers wnyhillud for Lend, Lava.
Rosland and Silver Lake. C. I. WINXEK, Agent.
PrineviHe-Bums Stage Line.
Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at G a. in
Passengers waybilled for Post," Paulina. Fife, Itiley, Burns
and all wav points.
C. I. WIXXEK, Agent, Prineville
The Gordon
Job Press
Is easily the Best Job Printing Press made for
Commercial Work. This fact is testified to by
the number in use, nearly every large Printing
Establishment being equipped with 'em. The
Journal has one, brand new, and as a test of its
excellence, try us with an order. Newspaper,
Book and Job Work' promptly executed.
sSfrirs oiciPTion.
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and ,
Imported Cigars.
The Celebrated
W A. B.C. Beer
Always on Hand,
Proprietors of tho Prineville Soda Works.
st NXniiTllnnk. PRINK VILLI'ij ' f)K T?f
White & Combs.
Fireproof Buildings, lOOxfjOO feet, ISO feet, being two
stories in height.
General Fown riling, Storage and Commission Merchants.
Blacksmith coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Xails, Cement,
Coal oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain sacks and
Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest prico paid for Hides ami
Special attention given to Wool trade First Class baling
and grading facilities.
Stock yards with all the latest and best facilities for hand
ling stock.
Agents for the Wasco Warehouse Milling Co. "White
River" and "Dalles Patent" flour. Best in the Market.
IJJctrk Soods Care cR W, Co,
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine saddle "horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and wc guarantee that yuur
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
BOOTH & CORN KIT, Proprietors.
Stage Line.
The Journal Publishing Company
Leave Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
damson & Winnck Co.,' Agents.
G. M. Cornett, Manager.
Lumber, $11 per m
Frosh Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.