PrinovMo Publc School Votes I'HIKI' KKIToJt. uy l-iifoll.ll, , ANrlMTANTH.-I.lwle Krli'lium, Ivb 'Hcwtli, Kslelle HIimiiiii, Irene HnriiH, I'lms. ('Iirllliuui. ' 'ml UyilM, Curl Jloldi-r, HI winul l)niicr, Hlrillu Morris ami Oulu Hmilh, I'ruf, Orion wiwlieil everyone n "turkey thanksgiving" nt tho close tf school Wednesday evening, Tin) pupils (if Prof. MosicrV rumii were very busy preparing fur tlm Hociiil Thursday evening. We in! informed that it was a hiiccom tiiiiuiciiilly. Tim nrrivnl nf that fun'inus li brary was im event of interest last week, Tim looks arc a fine lot ctpcemlly liotxfiinlV Histories of Greece and Itomo of which we have 21 Copies. lIccmiMiof there being Imt three llliyH Of HcllKll Week, it' lllB HI'! not plentiful uml several c-1 i j ii n k have been taken from Forward, American ltoy,( etc. We ilo not intend to practice thin "select" huriness but can not prevent it this week. I'rof. Oiton departed for the des ert lust Wednesday evening going to l'owell Unties after school, The l'rof. wiih tinned with vnrinu. kinl of shooting iron and judging from j sill appearances we would sugg"st that l,e will hunt ..little for while he. is on the 1 -ly desert and perhaps would if he were l,aru,()( f)Jmm waj,.r . f(,. preyed ,hH.t a deer ill self defense, j . Those who were fortunaleeiKiughj Jordan and other sources during to be. outfit about I .-V) o'clock Tucs-, the year. During the rainy season day afternoon of last week might pihe amount is very lunch greater; have seen another of those falling during the dry season it is. of course stars or meteor which visit earth ; very much less, but the average frciiueutly. This one appeared ; will hi; maintained year nfter year. Northeast of here ami after travel-; There iH no outlet, and the level is ing toward earth for perhaps nee- kept down by evaporation only, and when being highly illuminated,1 wbic'i is very rapid because of the it burst h aving 11 tloud of smoke j intense heat, the dry atmosphere ami myriads of glowing star ! ami the dry winds which are con- strewn in its path. Thai I'orl. Wrak, Weak iiulei-l ! tli srh' TliJl f-miiiM ntfmil 11 iH(-t.fiwilt nmiiy, while -.tlierH rapid than usual, heavy clouds have!!, ' ' j form and thunderstorm sometimes (.urKh..lihink,l,l,r,.tU11un,. 1 rage with great violence in the Tim mm,v, h.-re. n..y i."t cl Ihrw, ! k(.t J(.hvei.n t10 L.iff, ,.ven j,, Hut V'.m ' there ire "tht-PillinllC. O.C. : 1 i..u't think y..a r ul-no. Iuto Im th'hedry season. A flood of ram i'h-M . often falls upon the surface of the . Tlic iM.t,lii- .ri t.i swiftly ulrl.l. ! g(.ft wl.n t10 Bm, js H,iint ,uu 'llit ti h'w, "'i "my i'"t lnw 'nai , t. atmosphere in as dry as a lione K-ir C lmtlc, y m 'tin my lint (i. li. I.. The llukpd Aiilr. j The following is translated from the (lerman by a pupil of the IX j grade : j Lttfontinc had the custom to eat a baked ttpplo every day. One, day he had an occasion to leave the room and laid the apple on the. mantle piece. While ho wasab-; sent a friend came in the room,1 Haw the apple ami ncvourv'i 11, Lafontine returned to the rootii, . , , , , fou,,,, ,he npple not w here ,e nan , put it and exclaimed will, grea excitement: "What has become of; the apple which I have placed' here?" "I do not know," said the ., , . ow, "said the other That is good, I am glad , to hear that for I have put c . A hy in it to kill the rats," said ''"'"n" rWn current, taine. "(ircat (iod! I am poi soned," cried the guest in great I The ice cream social given by fear' "send for the doctor."-" Dear the pupils of Mr. Mosier's room friend" said Lnfontainc, "be not ! was an entire success. While we afraid, I very well remember now, j ''l U't the success is well due us that I have forgotten to put the lnuM of ot.r untiring efforts we poison in the apple this time; but e very thankful to our fr.ends nevertheless I am sorry that it re-,nd relatives for then k.ndcncour ,,uired a lie to discover the truth." np-m. nt nnd generous as81slance. Among those whom wo especially We received our books '"" Uiank are the following: Mr. Frank library last week. They were ml jomu,Vi ,r tllt, lIse o llis rcs. good condition, and are a line lot. . ' i...:.!:..,,. Mr. Michel, for Each and every pupil who uses them should take goon caio " them, so they may be good several years hence. j Teacher Johnny, tell me the j namo of the tropical belt north of , the equator. Johnny CanH, sir. Correct. That will do. Tho lesson of combining zeal, f"r-! vor intense entlsVisiusm, with broad 1 charity and sunitv-thut is. the l,sSnthat we- all" need to learn, The life worth living is the life of j : tho man who works; of tlio man who strives; of tho man who docs; of tlio man who, at the end, can look buck and suy, "I know I have faltered, I know I have stumbled, I have left undone, things that should have been done, and mud that I have done would better have boon left undone, but as tin strength was given mo I Htrove to use it; I strove to leave tho world , bel ter and not worse, because I had lived in it." Theodore Roose velt. Harvard in ho big that one build ing moro or less, hardly attracts any attention. But the briefest review of the material progress of the past year reveals an almost startling expansion, Six new buildings: have been completed three additions made, and 11 part of the ielice with its gates built, within that time; while one build ing is still in process of construct ion, almost finished, as iH also a new addition. Tho ngregate cost of this, enhirginent of the housing space is more limn a million and a quarter of dollars, and the plans for the m ur future purpose tint erection of four other expensive buildings. Why is tiik Dkah Kka 1eaii? S(;llMlti(k (,Wrvllli,m ju,lifiw j,,,,,, ft (!lliv ftV(;,l(. iStnntly blowing down the gorges , between tho mountains, j This evaporation causes a har.e '. or mist to hang over the lake at all times, and- when it is more j half a mile from the chore. The j mountains around tho Dead Sea hire rarely seen with distinctness because of this haze. The waters nf tho Jordan, when they reach the sen, are as brown as the earth through which they flow a thick solution of mud but the instant they mingle wir,the salt water of the hike the particles of soil are precipitated and they be come as clear us crystal, with an intensely green tint. Carrying so much soil and having so swift cur- . rent, one would Fiippose that the ' ... .. . ' . . sea would bo discolored for a con- , is not so. (lu,()1()r;(tion , rcmarkaU , . ,..,....... tieiiii at lis iiioiiiii, nreitMii g inuj a . , . , . moult,., nf urnAmu nml Fiwniinm , . . , , journaij oni(,0) ,ir fti,i; Mrs. Poindexter, for Mlling ,vith ,ie ico eream; Mrs. I)ol),H) Mrs. Ilodgos, Mrs. Cadle, Mr. John Cadle and others, for their valuable assistance during the evening Tho following is a financial ac count of the social: Received for ico cream, fW.-lo. Contributed; A. O. Mosier f.).(K), Mrs. Dobbs 50 cents, I. Michel Mrs O.Sum- niers 11.00, Iva Booth 25 cents, Clarence Black 25 cents, Ralph j Poindoxtcr 25 cents, Mr. 0. I'oin dexter 25 cents. Paid out: for coeou f0 cents, eggs, $l,i!0, Bait, $1.00, napkins, 40 cents, sugar, 11.25, vanila, 4()conts, cxjienncs, 2.25. Balance cash on hand $40.25. Tho sum of thirty dollar is needed in order to get a first class instrument We are praying for a man like Andrew Carnegio Income to our relief. Yon could not give to a nobler cause than of hoys and girls to obtain an edu cation and culture. Thoy need your help and will thank you for it. Children appreciate encour agement. A Basket Social will bo given on Friday evening, Dee, 1.'. 1002, The proceeds will go to the organ fund. I HKTIOHIATI. Written in memory of Frank ft' lianta, by his Aunt, Mrs. Alice Bantu. He was a kind and obedient son, a merry funloving brother and a generous playfellow, ever thought ful for the welfare of others. We th'mht mi we )kd on hi face Ko plwuim? for tiM to vie, And kk"1 in IiIh ltire expreivo ey. What the coming infill would b. The? I'rd h,w Ukt-n him away To ri'ttlniH no bright fttiil f,.ir, Tlmt In; In hix ieodnM M ny develop jiwbl there. A prwioiw one fr tin u Inut gone, A voice we loved U ntill, A i.l.'u.e !m vacant in our home Which iit:vr can !o fdlrd. '.ofl In H14 wiloin haM recalled The Ijoon Mi love hiid iven, And though hiti liody nioldeni here, iU il l afe in Heaven. "How a me Appointed Time." The 0. It, & N. Co. h.mjunt imued a liandaoinely illustrated painphlet entitled, 'Oroson, Wahiii"htim & Idaho and iliuir rc-"Urcc." I'enplg in the East aru'anxiiiut fur infornialion about ihe Pacilicj Ninth Wort -If yen will nive the K. A N. Co. agent at hhaniku a of iianie of eastern people who are like ly to bo iutureatud, the booklet will be limited free to audi person. IOOO Notice to Electric Customers. Your attention is called to the monthly lighting rates, which will tie f jiind in the last pari of Section 10, Ordinance 122, which reads as follows: Evening until 10 p. 111., .05 jht candle power; evening until mid night, .00 per candle power. All night lights .08 per vcandle power. Itesidences, churches and bulls special rates. Residences were given a .04 rate for this reason. They are supposed not to burn their ligfits only when in actual use, and in no ease to burn lights all night in unoccupied rooms. Beginning November 1st, 1002, wo will charge an .OS rate on all night lights unless permission has been granted for same. Wo positively will not furnish current to lights not purchased from P. L. & W. Co. Where tliis fraud is found to exist service will be discontinued without-notice. P. L. & W. Co., Per C. L. Shattuck Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. uixntivH Bri'Uin Quinine Tablets cure n old in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 25 cenla. 1 A 1 08 careu w If yoa suffer from any of th 111s ut n i mi, cume iu ins oium Spcci&Iist on the Pacific Cut, DR. JORDAN ft CO., 1051 Market St Eit d 1861 Yonnff nien and middle J fromthi effects of youthful indiscretions or ex ceue in mamrer yn. Nervous and I'hysical lcbllli.V.lmiMlilpy.lMt 51 nb' in all its comeiicatioos; Herniatorrh4r a, ProtlrrlinikL fJvnorrhvlk, Uleet, rrpqusrr r trHtHdnff, vie. lly a Combination of rmoie, ol great curati.'C pow er, the Doctor hai m arratifted his tratment that it wilt not oaly aftVd immediate relief but permanent cons. The Iloctor does not claim to perform niiraelei, but is well-known to be flair and square Physician and Surgeon, preeminent in his s(ie, illy IHae t of Jlesi. NT phi I la thnrntiKliI niicated lloni tha tyt.-ni wltliont ulin Merr-urt. KVI'BV if an aepivtiK to m will n ctlvn our ftiwtfsl oi'iHttmoi hlsconipli'lut. . iifl Uunronlw a IVSITI VIS VVi:f!i every cu we untlrrtLkt?Qr Jorjeil Oaa ThuaM&Bil Pollnrs. Consultation r Kr.E and rtnrtlv pnvata. CHARGES VERV REASONAHL LE. Ireat- merit personally or by Ictlpr. Send fur book, Th riillofiophy of MuTiaxe,4 Iro. (A valuable book (or dicdj rwutT li ml JnRntnt Great Mnsonm of Anatomy m world Come and learn how wowierfiilly jrou U We are omlnmllv wlding tievr pecuiinv CAT A LOUIS rHtK Caflof write. ,. l OA I Hark fitrl. Sn Pnnriica. 5mL Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. The tmiritt travel between the east and the Pacific coast has readied enorniuus proportions in the taut few years, and calls lor a special class of equipment, To moot this demand the Pullman Co. has iasmtd from its shops what it technically calls the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper," Thcso cars appear similar to the rrirulai sleeper, being built on the same plan, hut not furnished with tho same elerance They are ciiippd ttitli mu! (rses, blatikels, shfois, pillows, illow-cmua, towels. ComliH. hrualw.a tilt f.,,iiirin(r ' ' I ""' ""'I ft j nothitiKol the Iciud to be furnished by j i lie passenger. Jiuch car has a stote for iiiakiii) colt'ue and tea and doinx "liuht housekeeping,'' and e.wli suction can be litted with an adjustable table, A uni funned potior accompanies each car. his nusincM bciiiff to make ud berths, keen tho car clean, ana look after the comforts ' .Hid a!;!a cf the pastengors. fu each of (he trains which nre dispatched daily from Cortland by the O, K. & X. CV. is to be found one of these "Pullman Or dinary Kleepers." The car is attached to tho ' 'Chicago-Cortland Special, which goes throii(;h to Chicago without chmige, and Hie one in the "Atlantic Ex press' inns to Kansas City without (hiini-. Panaentjeia in this cur for Chi- cago r.hanife to a si'iiilar ctr at liraiiKcr. .Much of the first class travel is beiwt carried in these cars, the rates beine; lowef, and the service bein neaily eijual to that in the p.ilace sleepers. For rati-a niul full iiifi.rntnli.m in. eliding, olden, write to A. L. Craiif , O. r. ., u. It. A. Uo. t'orilanl, Ore. A 4-oott roiiirh .Yleitir.ine. jFr.m the (iazctle, Toowoom'iU, Aii-tiulia, 1 liiul t.liaiiilierlaiii s Cough Reme dy in nn excellent medicine. I have been suuVing from a severe cough for the la?l two months, and it bus effect ed a cure. I have pleasure in recommending it. W. C. WOCKXEK. This is the opinion of one of our old est and most respected residents, and lias been voluntarily giien in good luitli that others may try the remedy and be benefitted, as was Mr. Wock ner. This remedy is sold by nil drug gists. SO- BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE apra"i iniHiitfCT A sallow comnlexion. dizziness. biliousness and a coated toneue are conimon indications of liver and kidney diseases. Sumach and bowel troubles, severe ns they are, (five immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidnev trnnlilen. tliough )es9 puinful at the start, are niiu n harder to cure. 1 herttord s lilai k-Drauirht never fails to bene titdiseased liver and weakenedkid- neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw oil the germs of fever and aifiie. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Bright '9 disease of the kidneys. With knitters re inforced by Thedford's Black Draueht thousands of persons have dwelt imuiene in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect he';li and have no other doctor fen Thedford's Black Draught. It is always on band for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls ot a doctor. ' Mullim, S. C, March H, 1001. I have uitd Thedford'i Black-Draught for three years and I have not had to go to a doctor since, I have been taking It It It the best medicine for me that Is on the mirkct for live)- and kidney troubles and avipepsia and other complaint!. 'Rrv. A. G. LEWIS. J! Thankssivins 5 mmmmM PRINCE HENRY ! K.N.tP. OVERCOAT Notice. My wife, Julia Cyrus and I have sejierated for all time to come, and I will not be responsible for her in anyway, or any debts she may con tract. V. II. Cyri's. TO CUKE A COM) IX OXK DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it tails to care. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 2uc. Notice. To all peasons owing for horse shoeing at C. L. Salomon's shop, you are notineu to call ana settle one half of the amount due, with the estate of the said C. L, Salo- mon. Kigned; Naomi Salomon. Admintratrix. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the firm and partnership of White & Campbell, doing business in the City of Prineville, Crook County, State of Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. John W. White retiring. All accounts due said firm will be collected and re ceipted for by Mr. J. E. Campbell, and all accounts owing by said firm will be paid by Mr. J. E. Campbell. Dated, this 4th day of Novem ber, 1002. STOI.KXOK 8TKAYEI). One brown mtre. nee avears. weielo. about 1300 lbs., broke, is verv e-enfle star in foiehead, right hind foot wrote, branded 11-Z on left shoulder, has a yearling colt with her; One dark bay mare, weight about 1000 lbs., broke, very gentle, white hind feet, star in forehead, branded A i on left shoulder. Left Sisters one venr ami IV00 reward will be paid for return 01, or inlorniation to discovery of either of said animal's. H. E. Glazier, or 8am Wiehl, 02-lm Sisters, Oregon, V THE BEE HIVE. THE PLACE TO SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK I Furs. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, also Children's Fur Set?, of the latest patterns and full values. Knit Goods. k nice assortment o Ladies' Shawls and Fascina tors, also Infants' Knit Sacques, Bootees and Mittens. Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. Our line is complete, and has been selected with a view to the special requirements of this climate. QUALITIES UNEQUALED. PRICES UNTOUCHED. An Examination Will Convince You. I. MICHEL. PJIESEXTIXG DISTINCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER npHAXKSGIVIXG, with its pleasant traditions, relijrioux sit;nifi cance, and feasting, is likewise a time for dre. Usually it can he depended Uwn to Irinp; with it the real winter of the North. A ireod timu to pick out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, ami here is the ht.-t place we know of to find just what you Our winter showir-f- is unusual in many ways, hut notaldy ho in the striking styles displayed. Quality has been our watch-word ' so lung that we presume everyone understands it. This special offering includes a large variety of the match less K. X. & F. garments, guaranteed by the makers mid by us OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS FURNISHINGS A. II. LIPPMAN S CO. Sell Lumber for CASH ONLY! WASHINGTON. LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. CLAY A. SIMPSON, - M'g'r Interior Dept. Haa the largest percentage ot cash assets to each dollar of lia bility ; earns the highest average Interest, and issues the moat up-to-date progressive policies for in vestment or protection. This signature la on every hot of the getmln Laxative BromO'Quiriine Taweu the remedy that cares a cold In one dX 'The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo cratic newspaper. Jti page, full of new all of It! $1 a year to any address. The Journal, P. O. Box 1:1, Portland, Or. Subscribe for the JfTRSAb. M I P. w V w SAVE MONEY. 1 Event A. i - -; : T - 1 1 -' . ' r 1 i i - - I i ' ? I ' .' - - t -