y tPrinovillQ Publo School 9oios CIIIKK KDITOK.-Ouy Ufnllrtt, ' AHHIHTANTH.-Wil Ki'Uhinn, 1 Jloutli, KtU'lle Himion, Irene HurnK, Cli. Christiana, Ctrl llydo, Curl lloMer, HI wood Drapnr, Ulrille MurrlK iiml t'tsjlo Bmltli. Kffio Doblm was absent Tuesday. Maude Dublin was abB;rit Tues day uftornoon. Nullio Kwing entered tho IV gnuW Monday, Warren Yancey was absent Thursday and Friday. I5u Hiiro to coiiio out on Thanks giving livening. IVarlio and Agnes liruiiiinor entered tho III grade last week. Addio Foster retimed Thursday iift rnon after n long absence. Clurenco (Sharp (ind Tyd Yan cey were absent Friday afternoon. Tho twin for thin mouth are al moHt complot; and show unusually good rOSllltS. Tho Powell Buttes schcool hnB closed been two "f diptheria, which in prevalent in that district. It in rcportod that Columbus' ashes have again been moved. I wondiT if they will ever let him rent. Our library hag not yet arrived from Portland because of tho mud dy condition of the road. Tho pupilx are becoming impatient. Once tho following appeared in 'a paper: "Woman, with out her, man in a beast." Some ono else wrote it like thin: "Woman with out her man, in a beaHt." Minn Winnie Windom of the VIII grade and County School . Superintendent, Wm. liocgli, went to Culver last Saturday to vinit relatives and friends Tho IX grade clase have been studying Cyclones, Monsoons, Frost, Dew, etc., etc. We find the study of 1'hysieal Geography very interesting as it relates to nature in many instances. Mortio Porter, Cecil Steams, Louie Comini and Vcma Smith of the IV grade and Martin l'rine, Frank Lafollelt and Newton l'oin dexti r of the V grade were absent at different times during lust week. Last Wednesday, Mr. Paul started a writing school in the school house. A number of Btu dents were out and we hope they will luko advantage of their oppor tunity. To lie a good penman is something worth striving for. . Wnrrnn YiineeV. a littlo boy from tho IV grade, became seriously in-1 jured last Thursday by falling, up- on tho frozen ground. Dr. Rosen-( burg ii lessen me wouim mm m that the littlo fellow will soon re cover. Four or five boys were absent from rooms four and five Friday afternoon, which timn they spent in going to Lamonta where a bull was given. We would, like to pee the boys take deeper interest in their work. The Public School News, if the proper interest is taken by all who are interested in its management, may branch into a seperato jmbli cation within a few years. The following was selected from the American Boy, which will show what other amateurs are doing. Mrs. Carrie Nation of Kansas saloon wrecking fame, recently dis played her pugilistic powers upon a cadet of tho South Carolina Military Academy for smoking a cigarette upon the street. Smok ing has been quite a topic in school this week and it seems that if the reformer were to come lure she could find subjects imongus. There is not a boy in school who would not profit were thoy to heed the short lecture given to the boys by Professor Orton last Thursday morning. Ho talked about the use of tobacco and showed them that it was harmful and undesired by many people in and out of school. The tobacco habit, as-any one knows, is a very bad one and lllll I every boy snd every young man older ones who use it should strive to break off this habit and leave the difty, nasty, stuff alone, Some of the best thoughts for any young man or young lady the thoughts of the future. How can any one be better fitted for tl future than by un acquired edi cation? Tho way to get an educi tion is to get to work. Get your mind on tho subject you are study ing and study with a will. Spend no time in idle dreaming. Ulilt your time and make every minuti account for something. Our school life is short and there is no time for play. Our ways and action at school will, in general, ou ways and actions during life, and our ways and actions, our know ledge and what we ure in life do termines our standing in socia life, and fortell our success or fail tires in business life-. Let us al! work for the best results. Tim Missouri Amateur, publishec occasionally hv Iterrv II. Akers, of Richmond, Mo., in its SeptemiM-i issue gives somo very good ideas as to tho liberal treatment of new re emits in the ranks of amateur jour nofism, and also in regard to inter esting those who have Borne liter ury abilities, but who have not ycl become recruits. The Acorn, a hi' monthly issued by Frederick T. Thomas, Jr., and Charles II. Phil lips, from 2101 Clmnniirg Way, lierkely, Cal., is a worthy publica tion, both typographically and editorially. The contents consist principally of editorials and reviews all written in good style and with good judgement. Amateur jour nalists seem to. thrive well in Cali fornia. Our desk has been visited by many amateur papers from that state ami among them some of the best we have feen. Tho 'Junior Journalists, published by N. Stoll er, 202 N. Desphiines Street, Chi cago, ond edited by William R. Murphy, of Phildelphia, in its Au gust issue gives some excellent practical information and advice to omatcurs who wish to use their literary talcnls for professional and money making purposes. The leading a'rtide is an essay by Fos ter Oilroy on Edgar Allen Poe, a series of such articles being pub lished under the title, "Masters of Literature." The Bud is still pub lished weekly by Benjamin D. Car ver and Helen II. and Hazel , D. Hostermvn, 20G Ferncliff avenue, Springfield, Ohio. Tho publishers rerininlv deserve credit for nerse- 1ia inn liefttrfl ti( lininc tlfl lifty-sixth consecutive number, nn,i ajso fr t.ir good editorial wol.j.i The Bud is not a thing of i.cmity, for it is puiilislieil simply n newspaper paper, but then it is a neighborhood newspaper, so ra.ig azine style should not bo expected. Friendship Junior, is published by Cornelius A. Nichols, Jr., of Chili, N. Y. The editor explains that he has added the "Junior" to the name because he internist to publish Friendship in an enlarged form soon, making a four column paper of it, the present issue being maga zine size. The yellow cover with simply tho name and date printed in red and green ink is neat, if not pretty. Ravelins is published monthly by Roy M. Norcross, 241 S. Sixth street, Monmouth, 111. It is what might be called a "thumb nail paper" paper, being four pages of one column each and adout four inches long. It naturally does not contain much matter, but it iB neatly gotten up and is a worthy beginning from which its young editor may grow to greater things. The Monmouth Amateur Press Club, at Monmouth, 111., although the town is not a large one, has seven members. Meetings are held every two weeks and the club is connected with the U. A. P. A., its officers being JW. Ray Smith, Presi dent! Fred. Hickman, Vice Presi dent. Although the club is Bmall and its members youg, two or three papers are published bv them. IOOO Writing Unit: Tht teacher said w shouldn't whisper, Twiu fur that !) alie almuk my little lator; Writing notes ahe a way a (or'uld, My iwutt notes I ealclv hid, Mr whlrlnd I had to atop, Hut Juhtinjr d KrmtthliiK woti'd pop If I would alight bun, And treat him cold and Krim. , a plan did nueerly flu And put deal Johnny next. To find orack in the teat, Thrown which we panned a small sheet. For a long, Ionj( time, Thla ni just like a merry time, While 1 wrote notee to Johnnie And Johnny wrote notea to me I. Mil one day the teacher apied, A note I tried to quickly hide, The note ahe noftly read, And with a pencil cracked ua both on the head. Hh moved ua far apart, Thla yoo may know almost broke oar heart; Now my mind on atudy will be, And my average standing K. K, E. I!y Chaa. 0. Chriatianl. The rabbit hunt Sunday prom iscs to be one of the event of a life time in the vicinity of Rye Grass flat. John Templeton and J. F, Spinning have sent for something less than a car load of shotguns and Doc Cline shows by the sign on the front ot run dental parlors that he has not yet given up the idea of holding on to the medal which he wears so proudly. Then Walter Ray is to e considered as strictly iin it" yet and the fellow who gejs the medal, n this, tho seeand big shoot, will have to earn it. Princvill has some of the best shots in the state and these contests are a good way to find out who is the champion. To the Public. Allow me to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain') Cough Rem edy. I had a very severe cough and cold and feared I would get pneumonia, tut after taking the second dose of this medicine I felt bettor, three bot tles of it cured my cold and the pains in my chest disp)earcd entirely. I am most respectfully yours for health, Kalph 8. Meykiis, 64 Thirty-seventh St., Wheeling. W. Vs. For sale by druggibta. Notice to Electric Customers.' Your attention it otillod, to the monthly lighting rates, which will be faund in the last part of Section 10, Ordinance 122, which reads as follows : Evening until 10" p. m., .05 per candle power ; evening until mid night, .00 per candle power. All night lights .08 per candle power. Residences, churches and halls pecial rates. Residences were given a .Ui rate lor inis reason. f hey are supposed not to mini tneir ghtu only when in actual use, and n no case to bum lights all night in unoccupied rooms. Beginning November 1st, 1902, we will charge an .08 rate on all night lights unless permission has Mien granted for same. -'; We positively will not furnish current to . lights not purchased from P. L. &.W. Co. Where this md is found to exist service will e discontinued without notice. P. L. & W. Co., Per C. L. Shattuck Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold.' bixalivii Bmmo Quinine Tablets cure a lit in une day. No Cure, No Pay, 'rice, 25 cents. ltii.ll i do enrea If yoo euler fro any of the ills cl ma, come to the oldest Specialist the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN 00., 1011 Market St Est 1881 Young mrm and middle auced mea who are suUtrinf from the enacts o( routhlul Indiscretions or ax- IXblin.Iniotrnrj.lKt MttBbsK4 ProatsttorrboMi, (Jonorrheea, tiles, rUr-7 at Ilrtsmtlnc, ejis. Br a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so ansnsed his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but m permanent core. The Doctor does not claim to T perform miracles, but b well-known to be t nor and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty 1 lueaftra Of M 0 . tttpkllle thoroiurhW eradicated. fiom tut ytoni without using Hereary KVGBT MAN siring to ot will re ceive our Honest opinion of his complaint. Wl wilt Uuorontcc o HISITIVK CVBK a every ease tee anderiateTor JorjtU Oae) Thouxaiid Dollars. Consultation KRF.K am) ttrlctrf ornate, CHAkUKS VERY KSASOHAKLB. Treat ment personally or by letter. Send lor book. The, FhllosoDhy of narrlaso, tree. (A valuable book for n TIIT BB. JOBDAW Great Munenm of Anatomy the fmeet and larfttt Museum of its kind la the world. Come and lean how wonderfully ys are asadeu how to avoid sKkssss sod disease. We are contliually adntae aeo tpeouneoa. CATALOUil IHtM. Cell or write. - n aa Hon. George W, Barnes, of Prineville, who has spent the week in Portland, is in the city today on business before the circuit court. Dalles Chronicle. Mrs. James Oaks, sister of Mrs. J. P. Lucas, who has spent the past few weeks in Portland, left today for her home near MitchcjI. She was accompanied as far as nfe-' lope by her niece, Joyce Herbert. Dalles Chronicle. George Cyrus returned the latter part of last week from his exper ience on his farm in the Sfjuaw creek country. He only raised one Ml,'. I 1 ' t sman mister wime away so we in fer he did not get time to do much work. He was probably exploring the depth of his alfalfa fields dur ing most of the time. Complaint ha. been made of the prosmicuous shooting of rifles in the near vicinity of town, by small boys. It seems that there are a good many boys who ought not to be allowed to carry guns of any description that have small rifles and they get out on the hills and fire away at any thing they see that takes their fancy as a good .target. Several parties were out Sunday and it is reported that bul lets were flying thick and fast in every direction at times. While these boys may not intend to do any harm to anything it is only a matter of time when one of their number, or some one else, will be the victim of one of these bullets and then it will be too late to say "I am sorry." Boys should not be allowed the free use of fire arms until they have arrived at the age of discretion, which varies mater ially with the boy. IOOO BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE - fir A afillnw mmnlovinn. rligvinpaa .' bilioasneas and a coated tonrue are common indications of liver and kidncj diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, live immediate warning by pain, int liver and kidnev troubles. though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's lilack-Drauffht never fails to bene fit diseased Ii ver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fever and ague. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Iiright's diseaee of the kidnevs. With, kidnevs re inforced by Thedford's black Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect h.h and have no other doctof tLj Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mull, March 10. IO0I. I havt used Thedford's Black-Draulht for three years and I havt not had to go to doctor lines I have been taking it It is the best medicine for me thai tl on tht market for liver and kidney troubles and dyipepila and other complaints. Rev. A. G. LEWIS- Thanksgiving 6 & r PRINCE HENRY K.X.fcF. OVERCOAT i r t. Y AST-, I eaoatu X H x i u l. Notloe. ' My wife, Julia Cyrus and I have seperated for all time to come, and I wyi not be responsible for her in anyway, or any debts she may con tract. W. H. Cyrus. TO CURB A COLI IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist! refund the money if it tails to core. E, W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Notice. To all peasong owing for horse shoeing at C. L. Salomon's shop, you are notified to call and settle one half of the amount due, with the estate of the said C. L. Salo mon. Signed; Naomi Salomon. Admintratrix. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the firm and partnership of White & Campbell, doing business in the City of Prineville, Crook County, State of Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. John W. White retiring. All accounts due said firm will be collected and re ceipted for by Mr. J. E. Campbell, and all accounts owing by said firm will be paid by Mr. J. E. Campbell. Dated, this 4th day of Novem ber, 1902. STOLEN OB STRAYED. One brown mire, age 5years, weight about 13J0 lbs., broke, is very gentle, star in forehead1, right hind foot white, branded H-Z on left shoulder, has a yearling colt with her; One dark bay mare, weight about 1000 lbs., broke, very gentle, white hind feet, star in forehead, branded A a on left Bhoulder. Left Sisters one year ago. 15.00 reward will be paid for return of, or information to discovery of either of said animals. H. E. Glazier, or Sasi Wiehl, 02-lm Sisters, Oregon. 7 THE BEE HIVE. A f 1 THE PLACE TO SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK! Furs. - Ladies' Fur Collarettes, also Children's Fur Sets, of the latest patterns and full values. Knit Goods. A nice assortment of Ladies' Shawls and Fascina tors, also Infants' Knit Sacques, Bootees and Mittens. Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. Our line is complete, and has been selected with a view to the special requirements of this climate. e 5 QUALITIES UN EQUALED. PRICES UNTOUCHED. An Examination Will Convince You. Q I. MICHEL. PRESENTING DISTINCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER npiIAXKSGIVIXG, with its pleasant traditions, religious signifi- cane, and feasting, is likewise a time for dress. Usually it can be depended upon to bring with it the real winter of the North. . A good time to pick out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, and here is the best place we know of to find just what you wish. Our winter showing is unusuaMn many ways, but notably so in the striking styles displayed. Quality has been our watch-word so long that we presume everyone understands it. " . This special offering includes a large variety of the match less K. N. & F. garments, guaranteed by the makers and by us OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS FURNISHINGS A. ii. LIPPJIIaN CO. Sell Lumber for CASH ONLY! WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. OUr A. SIMPSON, M'fr Interior Dept. ' 1 - - '.' " -s- " Has the largest percentage of cash assets to each dollar of lia bility ; earns the highest averai- interest, and issues the most u to-date progressive policies for In vestment or protection. Thla signature Is on ererjr box of to gmotot Laxative Bromo-Quimn Tablets tb remedy that ess reel coM fss cms) elss The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo cratic newspaper. 16 pagea, full of news all of Itl Jl a year to any addrera. The Journal, P. O. Box 121, Portland, Or. Subscribe for the Jcvrnal. I SAVE MONEY. Event