Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 27, 1902, Image 3

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    TlmlMT r.nn1. Act Jnnii 3, 1H7.
NuTU.'ll KOK I'llllMU'ATIuN.
Ulllli'll HI II I 'M l.llli'l llllli-c,
Tho I t U-h, (ii'i'Kuii, Hi-pli-mlmr III, Wfi
Nnllce In tiiTuhy kIvoii (hut In cniuiill
tllli'ii Willi III" iinivhlmm nf Un, ml of
1'iiiiim'itii of June 8, IK7M, imiIIIIi'1 "Am nnl
for the- wile (if Hinlicr Inliilw III the, Hlntel
nf t'lillfiiriilii. iii'i-uihi. Nnvniiii, Hud Windc
liiKlnu 'jvi i llm-v," mi exli-nilcil I" nil llm
I'ul'llc I,iiii(I Htlilcn 1V ml (if A'lKiinl 4,
HKiH, hit fiillnwlnil IUTKiiIIK llllVII llllH Any
lilcd lii thin "Him their iiwnrn mnti'iin'iiio,
I.AIIKA A. KOSIKK . d lrl lie vl 1 1.-, ;uit-
ttf (if Clunk. Kllilc III' (lll'KDII. sworn Hllllc
nt number 77,1, Hied July I". IW'A f,r the
ptiri-liinni uf tho N N V. V ""'I N 14 " H
sectional, ip. ISM., U lK., W. M,
HAHAII V. l'AUKKIt, of I'rlm-vlllf,
I'oiihly ul'tlrook, iiliito of rK)ii, sworn
statement niiuilivr 770, filed July in, HM.',
fur Hip puri-lintm (If th H N K H ami M U
N W W serllim IH, Tp. 16 B. It, 111 fc
W. M
OltA (,. l'AUKKIt, uf Prlneville, county
of I 'wok, lut" of Oregon, sworn tiilcinciil
niiinlinr 777, lllcil July 1", lr tun pur
dime uf llm K N W M mnl K K M VV H
Hcctlonlfll.Tp. 10 H., It. Ill K W. M.
ItOHKUT II. r'llrt'lT.ll, (if I'rlncvlllc,
tuiiiiiy ill Crunk, idiiln uf Oregon, sworn
statement uiiiiilicr77N, Illcil July 10, l,
fur the iiiirclm-c uf I lie N K N V, 4, W
N V. , mnl N W ' H K W section J, J'l Ift
r! K III K. , Jl .
L.M'ltA P. IIIUIIM, uf I'thicvlHe, county
nf I 'tin ik, .lulu of Oregon, sworn sliiienieiit
iiiuulicr 7711, lil'il July 10, line', for the imr
i -Inn .f ihi- W S V mnl W u H W ,
in Inn ail, Tp, (.is., II IHIC, W M. .
MUNI A lill.WKH, olTilncville, cuuiily
of Crook, ctuie of On gui, KWurn Miiti-incnt
IiiiiiiIh-i' "ml, Weil Julv 10, ll.'. fur Hie pill,
clui-e uf (lie K 4 N l-.'l,' mnl K 4 K ',; ce
lluu !M. Tp. IS k, It. Ill K., W -M.
AHA K. l-'o.s'l'l-'.ll, "f I'riin-villc, enmity
of Cruuk, 1(1 fit (' ol llri'tfuh, sunrtl liiti'Oii lit
nuiulii r "il, lilcl July Kl. Il'i-', f"i" the pur
( lui-n nl Hie H 14 S K nil. I H J S V
tiuim, ip.".. II. Ill K., V SI.
CIIA Itl.KH A. (iltAV KH, uf Prliicylllc,
ruuniyuf Cruuk, nlnlc uf Onuun, nwuin
Hiiii iii"iit liniiibi r 7.', IHi (1 J 1 1 it lo, IlKi'.',
fur i he iiiik lui. nf I lie N ! S K 1 mnl S
N W . clluu x ip. IS h.,' It III K., W M.
AI.HtKII II. I'AIIKKV, of Pilncvllli.,
cuuiily ul Cruuk, uliitc nl llnvuii, uiiru
Kl.iiiincnt muulicr "mi, llli-d July II, ll,
fur tin- iiun iiii-i- nl the V S W j, X K V,
N W 1 mid N W S E i ntctioii 'J'i.
15 M. , It. I'i K W M.
Tlml Ihcv will uffiT irunf tu dhow thul
the Iniiil (ouKlit l mure vnluuhlo fur H
tiinlii-r ur kIhii- itum fur nKrlrullural pur
puN,K, nnO lu (.HialillHh I heir clHlniM lu
mild land lii.fure M. U. IliTOH, I'. H, Cnlu-iiiiK-lniicrnt
Prinuvillc. tlriKuii.uii Krldiiy
till' Jutll dny of SiiveluOel, Wi.
Tlicy iuiiiiI' wlttifKM'Kt l-auriiA. I''uiv
tiT, hiinih K, 1'iirki r. urn l Pin ker, Itulwrt
II. Ku'tcr, l.aurii P, IIIkk", Moiiiii (,lruve.
Adit P. Kimlcr, CIiiiiIi- A, (inm:K iinil
Alfred H. Purkif, nil uf I'lineyille, Ore
goii. Any nnd nil perHon eliilmliiK iiJyemc
ly Oio ulmvc'tli'iH-rllMtd liuuU r reiueni-
ill In llle their rliilllin III Ihln i.mer, ml ur
Ix fure the miiil '.'sih da) uf Xnvenilwr, lli!.
JAV r. LUCAS, Ifegimcr.
TlmUr Lund, Ant Jun 3. lk7.
NoTICH cult I'CUI.ICA'I'loS.
Culled Km Icm t.iiml Clll. e,
The li.illen, i in umi, M. pi. '.'7. I'm.1.
Nwllce im h.-reli k,t,ii llml In C'linpll-
liht'e Willi llli' j.lnvlniuliK nf 111,- in t nl
I'uilill'i nf Jlllir 3. IM'H, rlllllleil "All HCt
lur Hi'- iif 'i- "l iiihIh i l.iri'tc in Ilii- Kl.ili n
nf i'i(0;!(nii,t, lirtivm. Ni-vinl.i, ui.,1 Uii'h
li.tlnu T. riltm ,. :- I I In nil li e
I'nl.'li' Uiml i nilm l.y net uf Al ii l: t t.
-o,. Minnie And'-r'nti, i.,nkiini., enintly
.fSpiiklllie, Mllteol Vallin;Mnn, hill nil
Miiv.ll. I'Hi", lih-d In llu- n'li'i' Km. in
:..lieii.i 111 No. I 'O, Inr l,e I .! - Im-.' i.f Hie
h'.. K!t I -nil t I :Uld '.j Nl' , .'i'1'tlnil
1 1" iii i. nui Ion I'.' iiiiu'i I" P., . M..
in. I Will 1'fl' l ,runf In i ll'. IV llllll tile llind I
in, il l, I In limte vii'.., 111. !e f'.r II" timber uf I
!"tu' Ibiut I n' liKi b nil oral piirt'i.-H, uud
t Iiibii.b her I l.uili I" l-lld I. Old Irlnn-
Hi, lun'fi.-r mnl : ! r nf thin uiln-e
ul 'Hie lliilh.i, (11,'K'in, on Crlilny, the
.'illi dny l Iiei'einii.T. l.nj.
Mie li.imeK ri willie-M-H; !,. 10. AlliliH
liiiln. ol Wiirio l-priio". ureiMii, mnl Die
K Aiiderumi, Annie .MikeUmi mid John o,
hknar, nil uf spnkinie, 'iiliiiiKl"f.
Auv and nil periein-i eliiluilnu ndveriie
l the nlmve-d. derllii d liuuU lire reuuesl
i d to lllti their - luliim In thlx alHea on or
iK.fure wiiil -Mil dny of Deiemln'r, lintt.
I let 2 f
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1K78.
United Statea Land Otlica,
The Dallea, Oregon, Sopteinlier 30, 11102.
Notice la hereby given that In onnipliance
wUh the pnivlainiu of the not of Cnugrnaof
Juae 3, 1H7H, ntitlrd "An act for the aala of
liuiher linda In th Statea ol California, Ore
gon, Navada and Waahlngtnn Territory." an
encoded to all the I'ubllc Iai:d Statea by
act nf AugiMt 4, W'i, Wllllaai Pitcher, of
l'rhieville, county of Crook, atate of Ortgnn,
liaaon July 10, Wl Died In tlili office hi
worn tatnnt nuialier 7N.1, lot tho purchaae
of the K 8 W X and W A S E , of 8cc.
nunilier 81 towimhip 12 iutfi, range 111 K. W.
M.. and will olfer pnaif tn allow that the Ian .
iitight ia mure valuable fni ita tiuilwr or
tune than for agricultural puriKwca, umi tn
eatabllih hie claim tn aaid land before M. K.
Bigga. U. H. Coiniiilmdonor, at Priaevillo,
Oregon, on Friday, the 2ith day of Novem
lier, 11102.
Hcnauieaaa wlUickxc: H. W. Cumpton
Win. McMeekln, Oenrge Turner and J. W.
Ilnpkina, all of Princville, Oregnn.
Any and all H.Ttiuni claiiiiing advemclythe
above-deiicrilaI are reijuciitcd to lile
tln ii dahlia In thin uttice on or befwre aaid
2Hlh day of Noreiulwr, HHI2.
H.p2.-i JAY P. LUCAS, lteKiiter.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878.
Tim Dnllca, Ore, Sept. 'JJ. 11)02 "
Notice ia hereby given that in euin
pliunte with the provisions nf the act of
Coiigrou of June 3, 1878, entillud "An
uct fur the anlu uf timber luniU in the
alutea of California, Oregon, Nevada mid
Washington Territory," aa extended to
all the Public Land tkitlca by act of Au
gust 4, 1SII2, the following persona huve
July 17, l'J02, hied in this olticu their
auuiu atalemenla, to wit:
JOSIAH HINKLE, of Prlneville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, suurn
atatemeiit No. Hb5 for the purchaae of
tho SK j Sec. 14, Tp 15 S , It 111 E..
IP. M.
MAUION H. WOOS, of Piiuevillo,
county of, alato uf Oiegon, aworn
atnleinent No KU4 for the purchaae of
the WJ NW 1 and W J 8W I Sec 2ti Tp
15 IS., UlllE, W. M.
WILLIAM A. McKlNNON, of Price,
louniy of Crook, slute of Oregon, aworn
atatemeiit No. 8(13 for th piircbaio of
the EJ I and Sj NE J Sic. 8, Tp. 14
S., U 10 E , w. r,
' That tlicy will oiler proof to ahuw tiiat
tlie land sought ia inure valuable "for ita
limber or stone than fur agricultural
pui poses, nlul t.. establish their claima to
aaid land before J. J. r-inilb, Coui.ty
Clurlt nl I'rinevillt), l)nnm, mi Tucmlny
llm Dili dny ol iJiMiiuuUr, IWi.
Tlmy tniiiin in wiliiemieii! Klnicr Kny
ler, iIonIiiIi lliukle, M, It, ii'wun, ml
(.'Inn (Iriiven, uf i'niiuvlllu, OrcKoii, mnl
II, A, Fiwter, Tom Wmkuiii. if, M,
Ilooth, mil We it, ootli,o( J'ricu,
Ori'ifoii, '.'' , ,
A,,v ,,u ml p,,,;,rlai.n,l,((,lytr.e)y
1I111 abi'Vu (ItiKoribetl inniU nro rt!(iiutuiJ
to 1'ilu llmir cliiiiiin in tli ia ollicg on or bo-
lore iiiid Dili liny of iJueoinbur, IWi,
Op'i JAY I', Ll'CAH, Jlfulntur,
Land Ollico at The JJalloi, (Iregon,
Sent. UK. I'M.
Nutic it hereby given that in coinpli-1
unco Willi (ho pmvuinnii of the not of
CoiiRruM of June 3, W8, entitled "An
;. , K Yt nectioii VI and r.J ni',14 ami
utalnii of Ciilifonua, Orcoli, Nevada, HvV'X HK( Heelion 'l Tp 1()H, It II K, W.
and Waliintton Territory." an extended ' M., and will offer proof to hIiow that the
to all the public land tate by act ol An-' lui"' "oimht in more vnluable fur It timber
on July 21, 1WJ hied in tin ofllco their , (, ,. K.,.iner mid Receiver nf thin ulncc
worn atiileineiitii, to-wit: at The IIiiIIch, (ireKun, on Friday, the 5th
(IKOltOK M. (iAYLOHD, of l'rine- I (l"J,"f '""''"','r. .... w
.,, , , . . ' Hlia tinmen in witiu,.eti: I)e itt W.
ville, county of Crook, mute of Oregon, ,lirirrt(j li,.,,,,,,,,,, ).-, Hmilh, Jennie 1).
awoni lateiiii-nt No. KSI! for the pur-1 Hinith and ln! l il. I.ibbv, all of Poillninl,
cIiomi of tho E I HW'i MidKJNWj OreKon.
See 'I'll. 15 8., It. I'J K IP, Jl. 1 Any ami nil peraona clnlmliin adverwi
,., ., ... .,., , ... ly the iiljovi-ilnacrlljed liirnl'f urn re(Uet-
JOIIN H, WAIKl.NH of 1 riueville, i in,, their (bilma In Ihla nlflee on or
:iiimly of Crook, Ktatii uf Oregon, oi n ' l.f,,re hiiIiI ,',th ilnv of December. I!W.
lalemtdit ftii. Ki7 lor the piirchmu nl 1
the NE 1; Hoc Kl. Tn. 15 H. ti. I K.. i
W. M. i
l.ETTIK WATKINDK, of Prineville, I
county of (Jronk, alnte of Oregon, mvorii
alateiiient No. MHM fur the iurclino of;
IheNW J Hec. 24, Ti. 1BH., K 11)
W. M.
llfVVIl- I'D iTV ,.f 1'rnn.uiil,. ,,
JK.NMh t.KAIN, ol 1 rmcviile, coun-
IV of Crook. Ktntu ol Oiciiun, aworti
lulc utA'o. K!f for the purcbiii'o nf.and Uaihlnainn Territory," a cxi-nded
,, .., , . tp i, v I a" 'be I 'ibtli Land Hlntea by act of
Hie Ml I heo. U, Ip. la H 1.1 lAunuat 4. im, the following pcraona have
W, M.
H'lLFOltD J. CHAIN, of Triiieville,
county of Crook, ataU) uf Oregon aworn
a 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 No. H!)0 for the n
tho ,S'K I Hcc. 'J4, Tp. 15 8., H. Ill K..
W. M..
That they will offer proof to allow that ,
the Innd aouglit ia more valuable for ita i
limber or atone than for agricultural pur-,
ixea, and to ealabli.h the'r lo i
aid lulid before M. 11. Higga, U. 8. j
Coiiiiniaiioner, at l'rinevillo, Oregon, on i
Monday, thr Bill day ol ilucotnuer,
1(102. j
They name aa wiliiiama: Oeorgo M. !
Oaylord, Ji.1,1.8. Walk,.,,, Uttie Wat !
kiinU, Jennie Crain and and Wilfnrd J.
, '
Craiu, ail of l'rinevillu, Oregon.
Any anil all peramia claiming adveraely !
I lie alinvo dcacribcd lamia are ailviacd to
lilu their claiuia in tlua ollico on or be-
fnro Hind flh day of December, i'W.
It'll JAY V. LlC AS, Kegiater.
Timti'-r', Act June 3. ls.
I'nllnl Hlnli'H Lulid (.ilhi'C.
The li.ille. Oivjmll Hi'tnbcr IV Vtll.
Notice Is Inrcbv riven tlml In ci.Tipll-
.incc With the t.KivndniiH uf Hie net nf
i '.HiKi'. iiii nf June i. I'o". eliUlli d "An
n. t for the icilii nf tltiiin-r luiiila In the, "( nf Cnlifuriilii, Oregon, Nevadn.
nnd WiinilnK'utl 'I'l'riltol'y." IIH eAteniled
In nil III- I'.il'ilc Land Hlulea by act nf
Aaituat I. 1,
'l b,. in;. M (I'l.nnnul. nl' Prim villc,
I ulltitv ul Cruuk, -.Inle nl Of i!"ll,li.i" "n Au'
4 tiled in thin nltice liH nwurii Mutciuciit.
numU'rlsi1.!, lor Iho puriTiave of the WJ
,-i:i ,v K'i sv of s. c. an Tn 12 n.. u in k.,
W. M.. ami will offer primf to fhow that
the html nuiiL'ht is mure valuable lur it-i
tiniln-r or stone Ihmi for iigrirultiiriil pur-
imnck. and tn e-tablidi Ins claim
h his clnil. 1 lo sum
Innd liefnre V. A. Hell, 11. H. Couimiinn- i
er, at Priucviile, Oregon on Friday the 2nd
duy of Junuury, 11SIJ,
He nameaan witucMuis: Walter O'Xeil
Scott llalhaivny, Walu-r Suudderly mid
Perry bjng, all of l'rinevillo Oregon.
Any and all Mraona claiming adverae
ly the iibove-deacrllxi landa are rcgucjit
ihI to file their elitlma In thla olnVo en ur
before said 2nd day of January, IWI.
JAY P. LUCAS, Reglatcr.
Tiuilicr Land, Act June 3, 1X78.
United States Land Oltlce,
The Dalliai, Oregon, Oct. 21, 111112.
X nt ice is hereby given that lu compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con-gri-iw
of June 3, 1N7K, entitled "An act for
the sale uf timber lands in the States uf
California, Oregon, Xevada, and Washing
ton Territory, " as extended tu all the Pub.
lie Land Statea by act ul August 4, 1MI2,
the following persons have tiled ill this
olllce their sworn -tatemeuta, to wit:
I1LANC1IK PAItSOXSof llucklev. coun
ty of Pierce, stale of Wa-diington, swornjlle names aa witnesses: Clyde Hon,
Htatcmeiit No. UHI, Hied August 211, I1KI2,
for the purchase of the S1C) Sec. 32, T. 14
S It. II) K., W. M.
ALIIKKT S. PARSONS, of Iluckley,
nullity uf Pierce, state ut Washington,
sworn statement Xo. 10H7, Hied August 211,
imr', for the purchase nl the K'4 NK'i,
KWVJ XE'i and K XW', Sec. 32, T US.,
U 111 E.. W. M.
PKAUL ClIAMltKUMX, of Seattle,
county nf King, state of Washington, sworn
stutemeiit Xo. 1(121. lilcd August 21, 1U0
fur the purchase of the K'i SK'i and K.'j I
XF.', Sec. 1, T. II S., 11. 18 K., W..M. !
That tlicy will oiler pmoi to snow null
the laud sought is more valuable for its
tlliilx'ror stone tliim fur agricultural pur
pises, and to establish their claims tn said
Innd Indole (he Uegister and lteceiver nt
The Dalles, Oregnn, un Monday, the 12th
dnv of Junuary, WW.
They inline' as wiliicscc Florence M.
Cudv, II. I.attton Cady, lllanche Pai-sous
and Allien S. Parsons,' uf Iluckley, Wash.,
ilnv J. Cady nod Waller E. Cnilv. of (ict
licll, Wash., and Pearl Chaiulicilin, ol
Sealtle, Wash.
Any and all persons cliiiiuiiig adversely
the ulKive-describcd lands arc rcipiestcd to
lile their claims in this ollice on or before
the said li'lli dav uf Jaiium v, 1U03.
u-:iu-p 'J. P. LP I 'AS, Uegister.
Tiuilwr Land, Act Sept 23, 1MH.
Uuitetl States Iand OHice,
Tho Dalles. Oregnn, Sept 23, 11102.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Congress of j
June S, 1871, entitled "An act fur the sale of i
tilslMir lsnds in the States of California, Ore-'
gnu, Xevsila, and Wasliingtnn Territory," as
extended to all the Publiu Iwuet States by
act of August 4, 1MI2, the fullnwing ikikhiis
have on July 5, 11102, tiled in this ollice their
sworn stateiucutK, tn wit:
JOKL E. CALAVAN, of 1'i-inevllle, cuun
ty of Cnsik, state of Oregon, sworn stnteuient
No. "41, fur the pmcnase nf the NE i Sec.
II, Tp. 15 S., It 111 ,., W. il.
AVER B.1CALAVAN, of Prinevilk oniin
ty of Cnsik, state of Oregon, sworn .lUteuiriit
No. 742 for the purchase of the SE U Sac.
6, Tp. 15 S., K. Ill E., W. M.
That thev will nlTer iirnnf t,i show th:tt tin.
land nought is mure vslnable fur its timber or j
stone than fur agricultural pursK, and to
(.kIuIiIIhIi tlmir cUliim to iwtd lnn'1 liefnre M.
It P.ifc!!'.', V. H. f 'iifiiiiiift'iiier, lit liin iiIKi:m ft.
PrinmillB, Uiik'.ii, mi Kiitmdiiy, tliu flth
(l.iy of Uuceiulier, 11102.
'tln-y imme k witim-neiii' H, 1', Joii-m,
iViineV 1). Jfttnu. ,1, 'K. CiiUvmi. Ay IS
' (vi,.,,,,, ,.,,,1 1. w. 1!,,m. ii ,,f IMnevill.
i Orii;(n.
I Any mid nil perannB il(ilinini( ddupwly tlie
liUi (iy ,,l ivc nib, r. Imi.1.
( ii:'t, ,1 Y i', l.l'CAH, Uimer.
Timber Lund, Act June 3, 178.
NOTH.'H KOfl l'('HI,l(.'ATI'iN.
Cnllcd Hiate-i Ijind Onhi-.,
j Xl! K T A-
anc'B with (ho invlHtor)H of the n't of
C'lnnrciM nf June 1 l'-VK, enililed "An net
for the lotlo of timber len'ls In tb Hinteii
of Cnitfnrnln. fireann, Nevmla, and WkhIi
InKlon Terrllory, an exteniled to all the
I'ubllc Lund iitatia by act of Annual 4,
Mt, KIHe l-ibby, 0 Portland, county of
i Multnoinuh. atale of Orexon, linn 011 liny
n-1!,"?' fil','1 u" 7","',",";
JAV 1'. LUCAS, KcKlalcr.
O. t 2 t
Tlmtii r fftrid. Ant June 8, 17.
Unlled Slatoa Land Offlcc,
The Italic, lliejtoil, Hi'it. 23. WQ.
tli e la lii-
n-uy Kivin nun in cnninn-
wlii) 1
'ivIdl'inH of the act of
! 1 oii((r.'i4n or J UIIC 5, JH,, ClllHICd "All
!,.t rr ihj t,l(. u( lhnll(.r lan,ls , hc
nf Ciilllurnla, On-non. Nevada.
on July 3, imr.', filed in thin office their
nwurii rlul'-inenla, to-wlt:
iJlt C KX liKAKI), of Pjineville, county
Orji'c , ctulc of Oregon, aworn Htatcmeiit
No. TJH fur the' purchaie orthc XK Hec.
.TO, Tp. 15 8. K. UK, W. M.
MAKY J. I!KAIM).f PrincviJlc. county
of Crook, aiuto of Oregon, aworn ulalciiieut
l?"1 ""' w tiee-
!' '..r' ,,,V ...
, lk. "'. n.""v! f.".u" M
No. 7f fiir tin- iiinrliiu of tlic HW Hec.
ao, Tp. 15 IS., It I'J K., W. M,
KHAXK l!AY, of l'rincvillc, county of
Crook, alate of Oregon, aworn utauuncnt
Xo, 725 f(ir the piirchiiM. of the Hli. Sec.
.'' f ' U, " v" V '
,hl K . i r ,,' ' '"CV i ''i''
tv oil rouk. -lute of Oreifno. xwnr i tnlc-
' i ty of Crouk, -lute of Oreiinii, yworn tnli
1 un lit Ml. iii or t bi,llie haw of l ie !- l
Kit 14. Tp 15 S, It I'j K, W il.
CA M PilKIX A. HUXCAX, of Princville,
cuuiily of Crunk, Mule uf OreJfuii, awnru
sCileiiieiii No. nr the pureliiiM! of Hie
I. XK '. and l-'j X W V4 Hec It, Tp 15
it i i;. W M.
XAXi'Y 11. JoXES.ol P.-iiicvilU'.ciiiity
,,ft,rouir. Ml'ilc ul'Orcgnti. iftnru .tnU'inin!
Xo. 721 f.r Hu pun !,!' nl the .V ij S-c I:
Tp l.'i s, l: ., W .M.
Ill-'.N I". .1 1 )N InS, ol l'rine, lilc i mitity ol
Cruuk, Mate of Ureeoli, MVnru t:i. lin lit
Xn 7.11 fur (be p tn:b;iM-nf Hie X V cic
II. I p 15,-, It. in I", W M.
'riii't l in-v win nfT, r silunf In fdinw tbiit
Hie Innd Noir.'bt Is mure viihinliie Inr ill"
liiio.-i- ur ull,' !i,r agricultural iur
h. iin.1 lu eliiiilifih tlielr cliilnia lo
Mid l.ill.l bel'nre M. If. ltigga, C. H. Cn.-
liiLimiier ill 1 ril.eville. ilre.-nn, nil Nilur-
dnv, the bill duy i, I Uceeinbi-r, lui'.
Tbev ii inn-ii- witneMM: lire.-n lic.inl
Miirv J. Ileinil. Klhie M. I!uv. I- rank lt:iv.
Suite M. litinciiii. CiiuiplHll A. Diinciiii.
Xiincy II. Jniies.and lien V. jot.ei, id! uf
Princville, tlregon.
Any and all persona elulmlng adveraely
rfiu ulxive-dcserllied lands are
to tllo their claima in this otllce on or
ln-fore the aaid lilh day of Dccenilwr, 1!12.
ihi V. LUCAS, Register.
Oct 2p
Tlmlicr l-and. Act June J. 1878.
United Statea Land Office,
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 21. llnri,
Notice la hereby Riven that In compli
ance with the provlalona of the act ot
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act
tor the aale of timber lands In the etatea
nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
Ington Territory, aa extended to all the
Public I.and Statea by act of Aucust 4.
WI2, William J. Wright, of Howard, coun-
ty ul ( rook, state ol Oregon, lias tlua day
tiled in this otllce his aworn statement Xo.
4)12, fur the purc hase uf the SWS SW) of
section s ipiie, a in r., n ..n , ami will
oflcr proof to show that the land sought ia
mure valuable fur its tiuilwr or stone than
for agricultural purposes and to establish
his claim to said land before A. C. Palmer,
U S Coiumissiuner. at Princville, Oregun,
un W eilncsilay, the Kith day ul Dccemlier,
Juhn Him, Pen Ulevins and Allien Knight.
en, all uf Hnward, Oregun
Any and all persona elulmlng adverse
ly the abovc-dcaerlbed landa are request
ed to (He their claims In thla office on or
before aaid 10th dnv of December, 1H02.
JAYP. LUCAS, Register.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of
an order of the County Court of the State
uf Oregun, fur the t ountyof Mullnainuh,
duly made uud entered in the matter of the
estate of 11. A. Smith, dei-eiiswl. un the 10th
day uf Noveinlior, 11102, ituthorixing, direct
ing and eniiowering the undersigned to
sell tlie follnviiig described real prnjiertv
of the said Estate, at private sale forcasli,
subject n tlie confirmation of the Cuurt,
we will, on and after the 22nd' day of D.-c-emlier,
11102, proceed tu sell the same ut
private sale at the ollice of tlie Executors,
402 l-'uiliug Pudding, Portlund, Oregon.
The said real property is deserila-d as ful
luvvs: Tlie southeast quarter uf the south
east quarter of Section twenty-nine, tin
east half uf the northeast quarter, and the
northwest iiinrtorof the northeast quarter
of Section thirty-two, Township nineteen
south Range eleven east Willamette .Merid
ian, Crook County, Slate nf Oregnn, con
taining one hundred and sixty (Km) acres.
W. X. Jos its,
A. F. Fi.tcuKi..
ExecutorH of the E tate of H. A. Smith,
Nov. 20, 5.
Notice of Filial Seitleiueol.
In the matter of the estate el
Albert E. Smith, Deceased,
V otlce is hereby given that the linder
Cl signed, the aiiniinstratur of the estate
of Albert E. Smith, has tiled his lioal nc
euitiiting uf his administration ef said es
tate, ami the Hun. County Judge fur Crook
county. Oregon, has set the 4th day of
January, P.I02, ot the County Court Room,
in Princville. Oregnn, as the time and
place fur hearing said limil accounting.
Wm. Smith,
Administrator of Estate ul Alhekt
I'.. Smith, Deceased.
"-'ted this 13th day of November, U'2
Timber -Lnnit, Act June 3, JK7&.
- U, 8. Land Ollice. ,
The Lallea, Oregon, June 13 '2.
(;ctobcr 17, 11)02,
NnUee la hereby given that In compil-nin-e
Willi the provision of tho act of
Congress nf Juus 3, Ij,;, entliiid "An
.'let fur tloj siile nf Hnilier lamltt in (be
Hiitlea nf Ciillfninia. Oregnn, Nevada,
-iiiil Washington Ti-nltory," ua extended
to 1,11 I lie I'obii'; Lsn.d Hllites by ft(;t nf
A igust 1, li-lli. the following jierKuns have
riii-d in this office their swum statements
JJ4NNIK II. PICKETT, of Princville,
county i;' Cmul;, ulatfl of Oiegon, sworn
statement No 103, lile.l August, 7, 1W2. for
the piirclin-c of tlie .' XK, Hv!
aii(lsKNW4rJec20,tpJld H., K Yj E.,
W M.
Kit .VEST I). HTA RK, of Princville,
county of Criaik, state uf Oregon, aworn
statement XoW(, tiled August 7, WI2, lor
the purchase of the NKli Sec tp 15 h.,
MA UAH L KoTZifAN. of Prlneville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Xo 017, Hied July 30. 11102 for
the purchase ol the Y. HK XW HEX
and SE'i HWJ Hec 20' tp IS ., it II) E.,
Alol.PH K0TZ.MAN, of Princville,
county ol Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
slalenieiit Xoi7, lih-d August 4, 12, fur
the purchase or the nr. Sec , tp la ., It
JIKXIiY E. HEARD, of Princville,
coiuitv of Oiiok. state of Oregon, sworn
statement Nu !;, tiled August 4, 1H02, fur
tin- purchase ot the sec 2, tp lo It
IU lv, W il.
JEFFERSON' D. EVANS, ol Princville,
ciiunty ol Crmik, stitte of Oregon, sworn
shilenii.-lit Xo lilcd August 4, 11)02, fur
the purchase ol the S XKI4 and WX
-Kl hcc 2, tpliiS., Rls K W il.
li;U liny will offer priuf lo show that
lie: land sn.ight. Is more vahr-ible fur lu
llrnber or stniic Hum fur agrie'ilf-iral pur-.iii-.s,
ii.-hI to estitlilih tb' lr claim tn s:,id
land before M. It. Uizgs, U. S. Cjiacmla
sluiier. nl bis office at rrln':vli!e. Oieicon,
on Fildny, the 2nd day of Jauimrv,
They ii'ime as witneses: Je'imie D.
Pickett, Ernest D, Hiarr, Siirnh 1, Kntzuiiin
Adolih Kouuiitn, lli nrv E. IJeard, JeH'er
soii D. Evans Thoiiiiis ?.f. O'Cimnel nnd
ilnliala J. Evans all of Princville Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly ll.c nbnve-iii-Hcrlbed lands are rcituest
'd In lile their cliilms In this nIHce on sjr
before the said 2nd day of January, 111.
J AV. p. LUCAS, Register.
0 23
Land Orricg at Th Dall is, Oeeoo.v,
Octnl-er 14, 1902.
Nutice is hereby given that the folluwirg
named settler has tiled nutice nf intcntinn
to make final prnnf in support nf his chum,
and that said pnsif will te made before J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at Princville, Oregon,
un Friday, Nov. 2x, Hifi, viz; (ienrge W,
Junes, nf Princville ; H. E. Nu. WA, for the
S SW-M-X SWSec: 34, Tp. 15 8.,
II. 15 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuoas residence um and cultivation
of said hind, viz :
James Harvey,.JariieMllitt, Andrew Turn
er and Chailca Dealey, all of l'rhieville, Ore
gon, O 23 JAY P. LUCAS, IiegUtci,
Lash Oi i ica at The Dalle, Omrcov,
October 14, 11)02.
Notice is hereby -ivell that tl,e follnwinii
liAiitnl settier has tiled notice nf his intention
t" Hied prnnf in suppurt of his claim,
ifi'i that s.,i I prnnf Hill Ix; Untile Ijefolc A. C.
I 'diner, U. S. i '-oTiiUiissinm'r, lit P,-ine i:i'.-.
t'l-Voll, oil Frid.lV, Xoveilibfi I;ll2, vi ;
N'ii,ia I-'. McCoin', of Culver, Oreon, II. E.
No. iilf i;, Im th-NW NW',; in,! W;; XE'J
.-,c. 20 and SW;( SVVtj See. 17, T. 13..,
14 !:., tt .M.
IIoiihii'.iW tlie fo'ilowiu'.w tn prove
his t .nl iuuniis rcsi'ltnee upon aii-j culli.ati 'ii
ui s:ii,i lau.l, viz :
Rots-ii P. .J-.iiiison, nf Culvei, Oregon
Oner M. Cvrils, of l.'ulV'ir, Ort-. n ; lleiijniuiu
P.. HeKiieli, of Culver, Oregon, and Walter
R. Ruble, nf Culver, Oregon.
O 23p KegUter.
Titnlicr lud. Act June 3, lsT-(.
I'nitkii Statem Laxii Ognci,
The Dalles, Oregon. Oct. 21, l!i02.
Notice is hereby given that in cumpliance
with the provisions of the act uf Congress nf
June 3, 1S7M, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Statea by
act of August 4, 18112, the following named
persons have, on August 29, 11)02, filed in this
office their swom statements, to-wit:
LEONARD T. SMITH, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn state
ment No. 10ti!) for the purchase of the 84
8EK, NE, SE'4 and SEJ NEJ See. 12, T.
15 S., K1H E..W. M.
FRANK K. SMITH, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, state of Washington, aworn state
ment No. 1070, for the purchase of the SWi,
Sec. 8, T 15 S., K 19 E., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
laud sought ia more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural puqiosee, and to
establish their claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon,
un Tuesday, the 13th day of January, 11U3.
They name as witnesses D. L. Cady, Flor
ence il. Cady. ,1. XL Smith, C. Cady, D. A.
Cady, B. Cady, M. J. Cady, W. E. Cady,
Iienmird T. Smith and Frank K. Smith, of
Piuckley, Washington, and il. J. Cady and
W. E. Cady, of Cetcbell, Wash.
Any and all iiersor.s claiming adversely the
ahove-descrilNid lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before the said
13th day of January, 11103.
o-30-p JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has by the County Court of Cruuk
county, Mnte'of Oregon, duly appointed a-s
Administrator ol the estate uf W. H. Fuller,
deceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required tu
prevent the same duly verified tu aaid ad
niinistrator at hisotliee ut Princville, Ore
gon, within ix months from the date of the
lirst publication of this notice.
Dated October 23, psy.
1). F. Stewart,
Administrator of the Estate of
W. H. Fi llkii, deceased
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been by the County Court
of Crouk County, slate of Oregon, duly
appointed as Administratrix of the Estate
uf George W. Ulcnu, deceased, and all
jK-rsons naving claims against taiil estate
are hereby required to present the same
duly verilied to said Administratrix at the
ollice of il. E. Brink, in l'rinevillo, Oregon,
within six months from the date uf the
first publicatiun of this notice.
Dated Octola-r 21st, 11102.
Sarah P. Oi.exn,
Adniiustrtratrix of the Estate of
Hkoki.k V. (ii.EKx, deceased.
M. K. Hunk, Attv. for Admrx.
Oct 23 7
Real Estate for Sale
FOHSALK-A two story dwelling with
ham and outhouses in the city of Prineville.
Tula prnterty is well situated and ia covered
by irrigation, It covers one-fourth of a block
aiid is one of the la-st residence locations in
the town. Piiue reaio.iable
Land office at The Dalles, Oregon
November 17, 11)02.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler lias tiled notice nt his inten
tion to commute and make linnl erunf in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made More W. A, Hell, U. H, Coiiimiisinner
at I rmeville, Oregon, on Saturday, January
3, 11)02, via:
(feorje il. Paul, of Ifavstack, f'regon, H.
E, Xo. (ii)7 for theSK! tiW,. HWt SK'4
and .XHHyt Sec. 11, Ip. 12 S , H 12 E.,
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his cnntinunus residence upun and cultiva
tion of sal I land, viz:
David W. Pnmett, of liavslack Oregnn,
and Orl-y C. Hale, Frank W. Hanna and
frank Js. itudman, all of Culver, Oregun.
Jat P. Ltc-a,
. nv-27 Kegister,
f Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
November 8, 11J02.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has lilcd notice of his intentiun
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said pnsif will lie - made More
). 3, smith, county Uleik at frlneviiie, Ore
gon, on Friday, December, 1!, I!i02, viz:
.Infill J. (.oleinan, ut rrmeville, Oregon,
II K.-No. 71-W. for the SW'XJfee. 35. to. 12
S Ii. 14 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz.
Juhn ffaiilev. L. if. Thnmns. Jnsenh
Wigniid and Lee iluore, all of Lamouta,
X 13 Register.
Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.
The tourist travel between thceaat and
the Pacific coast baa reached enurmoui
proportions in tlie last few yeara, and
calls for a apecial claaa uf equipment. To
meet this demand the Pullman Co. baa
issued from its shops what it technically
calls the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper."
These cars appear similar to the regular
sleeper, being built on the same plan,
but nut furnished with the aame elegance
They are equipped with mattresses,
blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
towels, combs, brushes, etc., requiring
nolhingnf the kind tube furnished by
the passenger. Each car has s stove for
making coffee and tea and doing "light
housekeeping," and each section can be
fitted with an adjustable table. A uni
formed porter accompanies each car, his
business being to make up berths, keep
the car clean, and look after the comforts
and wauls cf tlie passengers. In each of
the trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland by the 0. P.. & X. Co. is
o be found one of these "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers, " The car ia attached
to the ''Chicago-Purtlatid Special,
which gnca through to Chicago without
chan-fe, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex-
privM" tuns to Kutisas City without I
changes Passengers in this or fur Chi
caao i haiige In a similar cur at (iratiger. i
Much of the Hint class (ravel is being I
carried in these cars, the rates belli" I
lower, and the service beina neatly equal
to that in the palace sleepers.
For rates and full itifurru-iliiin, in
cluding olders, a rize to A. L. Craig, G.
P. V, O. 11. S Co. Portland, Oru.
PortlaiiiMstoria Route.
Steamer -.
Daily Rouud Trips except Sunday.
Time Card
Leave Portland , 7 . m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
The DallesPortIand Route.
Sirs. "TAHOMA" and "METLAZO"
Daily trips except Sunday.
Steamer "TAHOMA"
Leave The Dalles, Tueadaya,
Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m.
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridaya at 7 a m.
Steamer "METLAKO"
Leaves Portland, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 a. in.
Leaves Dalles, Munday, Wednes
day, Eriday : : : : : : 7 a. m.
Landing and uftice: Fout Alder St.
Buth Phunes Main 351, Portland, Ore.
J. V. Crifhton, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hood River
Wol ford & V vers, Agt.,W. Salmon
R. G. GILHRETH, Lyle, Wash.
.I0HN M. TOTTOX, Stevenson, Wash
HENRY OLMSTEAD, rarsnii, Wash.
V.'M. RUTLER, Butler, Wash.
E. W. Criehton, Agt., Portland
This wiil save your Life.
ay inducing you to use
Dr, King's Haw Discovsry,
Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
The only Cuararteod Cure.
NO Cure. UO Pa. Yew Drug
gist will warrant it.
Grip, Iniluenza, Asthma, Rronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
Affection of the Throat and Lung!
Regular Size SO cents and $1.00.
Oregon Daily Journal, a Democratic
dally ncwsiiaiier, eisbt to 20 pages, !!-
year;' 13 for six months. The Journal Is
a newspaper. Send In your subscription.
Interest your neighbor In The Journal.
Address The Journal, Box 131, Portland
The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, a
Democratic newspaper, ever fair and al
ways free; ldt copies in one year for only
fl.50 to any address. The Journal. P.
O. Box 131, Portland. Or.
jfliorney at Xaar,
jfttoraty and Counstlor a
J. L. McCulloch,
Dealer in Real Estate and Ab
stractor of Titles.
Jjft P. S3elknap:
Physician and Svrpaon,
Office in rear uf Adamson, Winnek Co
0 Jfydo, Vf. 0,
iPiysean and Su.yan
Diseases of women a specialty.
Phone Nu, 2. Residence back of the
Photograph Gallery. ;
yt JC. ftottnbirg $
&Aytt.n and Suryonl
Calls answered promptly day or niht) Of
fice with Dr, V. Gesner. Residence
corner 1st and Main streets.
W. H. SNOOK, JI. D.,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calls projiiptly.
Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry.
R.i.'pairing a Specialty.
I'riiH-vilie, : : Oregon
TICE ADKIX8, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
the use of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly
Contractors and Housebuilders
Painting, Bricklaying,
and Carpenter Work.
'fill 1 CoPVRtQHTS AC
Anyone wn11njj a sketch and dMcriptlrm mr
fjntokly uowrtmn our opinion free whether ma
lnTeiitlfn ! pnibahiy pntwnt&bte. Commonlfa
llotis strictly cinrJ(lential. Handbook on Patent
lent free. OMcst (joncy for Becurlurf" patents.
PKtenia taken ttirouirh Munu A Co, recelrt
tpremi rwtxt, without chume, latba
Scientific Jlmericam
A handsnmely II Inst rat M weekly. Ijinreat Hr.
culalUm of any scleuttbo Journal. Ternia, 3 a
jpht : four mont-ba, $1 bold by all newadealer.
MUNIUCo.89'8 New York
Brush UOIoo. 26 F 8L. WaihUwlwi.
Deputy Stock. Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given that I have
appointed the following named persons
deputy stock inspectors: ,
J. P. Cartwright, Hay Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ashirood.
E. Sparks, Bisters.
A. Morrow, Haystack.
F. M. Kniith, Paulina.
Roscoe Knoi, ' Post.
T. C. Swain, Bear CrosJr.
J. S. Bogue, Eculand.
Alex Mcliitih, , Hardin
J. P. VauUouteti, Hay Creek.
V. S. Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Slock Inspector Crook County.
lor sale at this office at ery renson
able prices. Wail orders proinply at
tended to.