4 Xocal 9fention , 41 ' r W V. A. McKinnon, of Camp creek t was in the city. last week. Miss Effa Crooks has returned roin an extended visit with friends and relatives at The Dalles. J. W, Vineyard, of Corvallis was in the city the first of the week. L. C. Whilted was over from the Bend country the first of the week. Fischer C. Logan, of Crook, was transacting busines in our city last week. Michel is unloading Christmas this week and it looks like there would be a lot of them. The town seems to be nearly de serted since the delegates went to irrigation convention. Andrew Morrow, the Grizzly sheep man, was in town last week on his regular business visit. II. H. Ingalls, was among the Portland drummers present in the city last week. G. V. Royse was a business visi tor from Sanderson Meadows the fore part of the week. Rev. Mansfield, of Mitchell is in the city attending the meetings at the Union church J. J. Cunningham was down from Hampton, buttes the latter part of last week. J. B. Ridden, Dan Graf and J. M. Small arrived from Silver Lake Saturday, enroute for the railroad. Wm. Coulthard, the Paulina stock man, was a business visitor in the city last week. G. J. Hardy, of Hay creek was in the city the fore part of this week. T. M. Post was in from the Ma toles country the latter part of last . week. Henry Odell, was in the city tLe fore part of this week. He was taking a line lot of bucks out to the . Williamson and Gesner ranch Among a lot of other eastern eople who registered at Poindex ter last week, we find the name ot Otto Uggla. P. T. Monroe and family were up from Cross Keys last week look ing after business matters and lay ing in their winter supplies. Archie McGowan passed through here last week on his return from Portland to his home iu Burn?.! He had been out on a visit with relatives and friends. Lee Steers and wife left for home Tuesday. Mr. Steers' arm having recovered sufficiently as to permit him traveling. We hope that next time he will let his wife drive. Si Sichel, formerly of this city, is now located with Sam'l Rosen blatt Co., The Reliable Clothier, corner 3rd and Morrison streets Portland, Ore. W. H. Quinn, the prominent Willow Creek farmer who has been building a handsome new residence this fall, was a visitor in the city the fore part of the week. . J. Schmidt was down from his Summit prairie home the latter part of last week and did not forget this office. Mr. Schmidt is one of the prominent cattlemen of that section cf the county. Union Thanksgiving service will "V i i -l .1.. nr v i u De item ui uie iu. ju.. timnii, on Thanksgiving day at 10:30 A. M Rev. A. E. Childs will preach the sermon. Let all attend this ser vice. Mary F., Eveline, and Jacob Bil yeu and Andrew Crabtree, arrived from the forks of the Santiam Sun day and went out to the timber to make final proof on their timber claims. P. B. Poindexter is erecting a new barn on his farm south of the old Crooked ri ver bridge. M r. Poi n dexter expects some time in the fu ture to retire from active life and j ass his days down on the farm in jyace, plenty and quietude. Mrs. L. J.-King returned from the, Willamette valley Tncsday, where she has been during the past summer visiting with her children. C. McPherson, of Crook county delivered a lot of fine beef to the Columbia Packing Co. Tuesday. They were just off the range, but were in line condition. Dalles Mountaineer. Harvey and George Cyrus started for Squaw creek Monday morning Harvey to rusticate awhilo and work on watches and George well we will let hi:n tell about it when he gits back. J.. Mayton ana wile were in the eitv from their home on the desert in the Squaw creek country Thev had the misfortune to have their dwelling and all of its eon tents destroyed by fire a short time ago. J. D. Gibson was a business visi itor from his home on Squaw creek the latter part of last week and paid this office a pleasant call. Mr. r-i l . ... uioson is one ot the nrocresstve farmers of that section of the county- Will Hdwards came down from Buck creek the latter part of last week and left for his ranch near Sisters the fore part of this week hue here be took in the dance Saturday night, beside the church festival and etc. Jack Hastings was up from Hay creek hist week and paid this of fice a pleasant call, as he usually does when in the city. Jack is one of our regular subscribers and always welcome to a chair in sanctum. A great deal of sidewalk build ing has been done during the past two weeks and the city has begun to take on nn air of metropolitan life. Over in Manhattan district there has been several blocks con structed as well as several cottages and new barns, while up on first street several blocks, of much need ed sidewalk is being put in. R. A. Stewart was down from his stock ranch on Beaver wreck the; fore part of the week, and informed the Journal that there had been considerable rainfall in that sec tion of the county and some little, snow, but that it had not lain on ! long. The grass has begun to grow j nicely, and there is happiness in; the oyes of the aevrago stockman throughout the entire ramie, i Diphtheria is said to have broken out in the family of Mr. Turner in the Powell Lutle country. This is a deplorable- matter and one for which he has the sympathy of the entire community. Every effort WURZWEIIEJ8 S THOMSON PrincviHc's Leading Merchants ' - c have just received the Largest and Mont on.pleto Lino of General Mnvlmndis.0 over brought into .tliQ citv, which wo offer at prices astonishingly low. We desire to call the attention of the Ladies to our new stock of Skirts, Silk Dress Skirts, Silk Petticoat, Velvet, Silk and Wool Waists, Dry Goods, Furs, Coats, Capes, Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Flannel ettes and Outing Flannel. Wo are sole agents for the Royal Worcester Corsets, Dowagers in all si.es from 25 to oil. In the Gents' Furnishing Goods wit lutvu the Very best grade of Shoes from reliable manufacturer. Underwear, both cilk and wool; Socks; Tailor Made Suits; Hats and Caps of the latest styles; Shirts from the liest makers ; Necktie, etc., etc. We carry a full lino of rockery, Glassware, and ut lory of Standard Manufacture, as well as Choice Groceries of all kinds. We are agents for the Baker liarh Wire, is our Keeiey iiessmger was in town last Saturday for the first time in sevsral months. He has been in the mountains with a large band of sheep for some time past and re ports them looking well and in fine condition for the winter. Mrs. H. VV. Higiey arrived uom Mex ico Monday, and was met here by her brother-in-law, W, C. Buick, and accompanied him to Silver Lake, her former home, where she will visit with relatives for some time. Walter C. Buick came over from Silver Lake the latter part of last week and reports everything look ing up in that section of the state. Stock is in fine condition for the winter and there is plenty of feed to carry everything througti in good shape. W. A. Laidlaw and State Engi neer Dillman, were passengers on the out bound stage Monday for Portland, where they will attend the meeting of the Oregon Irriga tion Convention. They have been examining some of the irrigation propositions in the Deschutes val ley as well as the Three Sisters Company's property. A band of about 120 head of cattle belonging to J. N Burges, passed through town Saturday,' on the way to Sherman county, where they will be fed during the winter. The cattle were a fine lot of two and three year old steers which Mr. Burges bought in Summit prairie country. Antelope Herald. U. M. Cornett and wife and two little daughters, accompanied by Miss McDaniel, arrived in Shrniko today and will take up their resi dence in the cottage recently occu pied by A. E. Hammond and wife. The residents of Shaniko gladly welcome this addition to its popu lation. Shaniko Leader. C. B. Durbin, of Antelope, was in the city today. Mr. Durbin came down last Saturday from Baker City, where be had been looking after the bucks that were stolen from him at that place about a month ago. He has secur ed all the shep, and is quite con fident he has ona of the thieves, but there is still one at large whom he is anxious to locate. Dalles Mountaineer. .1 11 1 ,.,,.. 1 ut.ii,, ii r,lit tlilu dread dtease before it has spread' Syracuse Gang Plows and Winona Wagons. WURZ WEILER & THOMSON to any other part of the county. Last winter we had a long siege of the smallpox, and we hope that this winter may pass by without having to endure the discomforts of a quarantine. State Senator M. A.Miller, of Leb anonpent part of a day in the city. Mr. Miller was elected to the sen ate last June from Linn county, and will,"we believe, prove an ac tive and useful member of the senate. Senator Miller is a' warm friend of the public schools, and will be active at the nsxt session in advancing their interests. , He believes in a simplification of the course of Btudy so that more prac tical work and less theory will be taught. Dalles Mountaineer. Wm. McMeekin was down from his Maury Sawmill last week and say that he has got out a fine lot of lumber this season and still has some on hand. It was thought by some that the good timber had all been used up in that vicinity, but when Mr. McMeekin went in there be found a large quanity of good timber and has been turning it in to merchantable lumber during the past summer. There is room for many enteprisesin this county that is simply waiting to be filled up at the first opportunity. H. V. Gates, 'of HilLsborp, who has an interest in the water works system at Prineville, was in Shan-, ko today on his way home from a visit to his holdings in that flour ishing city. He reports business good in Prineville. Mr. Gates is interested in water works in var ious parts of the state, and is now installing a system at Dallas, Polk Co., which, he says, pitted, will be second JAS. S. KELLEY, Photoapher. VIEWS COPYING PORTRAITS ENLARGING , I Prineville, - -- Oregon. I t H !' Elkins & Kin PRI NEVILLE'S BUSY STORE. "All persons knowing themselves in debted to Smith 4 Week will please call and settle This means you. Smith fc Cleek. Portland ClubWhUkey,a puro Umr bon.wcll matured. Recommended by leading physicians. For sale every where. rl'fi Mansel Wheeler and wife were ovvr from Willow creek Tuesday. Mr. Wheeler reports grass growing nicely over that way and range conditions will soon lie good. It is estimated that of 00U0 peo ple, the normal population of Nome only about 2500 will remain there this winter. The remainder will return to the United States for the winter. o.o. G. M. Paul is up from Culver this week looking over the situa tion here regarding the organizing y- ..XvJ-ti)'A f Our 1002 stock of Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows is far the most complete we have ever carried. These plows have no equal as a breaking plow and will plow ordinary sage brush without grubbing. The new Oliver Sulky's have a great improvement over last years in the shape of a hand lever giving the operator full control to regulate the width of cut on turns and curves. The of a writing school. Mr. Paul is , Oliver is one made to do She work and will do the work they an old time teacher and has hcldjpQ made for, Call and inspect them, some of the best positions in the! 0ur stll(,,. )f n g ,,X(.(.1)tiolmy colll))l(,te not only the northwest as teacher of writing. . . , . . ,. ' ! iron posts but wood as well, D. A. Findley returned from aj u- , . business trip to Portland the first j of the week and went on up to his . when com-j home near Rosland. He has had to none in 'considerable experience in the irri- jmwr m the state, not even excepting the famous Bull Run of Portland. Shaniko Leader. D. P. Adamson's new drug store takes the cake for anything in that line in eastern Oregon. We will bet our old hat that there is not another town in the state the si.e of Prineville that can show up alongside of Dave's. The interior is finished in hard plaster and the wood conforms in color to the plas ter finish. Plate glass mirrors adorn the center of the prescription case and the sides of the room, while all the cases are enclosed and glass doors keep out the dust. Then their are glass show cases that are as fine as anything in' Portland. Rev, J. H. Howard, .formerly of Dillard, Oregon, now located at Sil ver Lake, is holding a week's meet ing at the Union church. Mr. , How ard is an able speaker and every one should avail themselves of this opportunity to hear him. His fam ily will be here the latter part of this week, and they expect to leave Monday for Silver lake. Mr. How ard is well knowi) to the old settlers of this county, as he was one of its pioneer settlers. In the early days he was engaged in the horse busi ness on a large scale. He expres ses himself as surprised at the growth that has been made in Prine ville since he was last here. IOOO gation business in this county, being a stockholder of the Little Deschutes Irrigation Co , and in conversation with our reporter, stated that the ditch now in oper ation by that company was con structed at cost of not more than one dollar per acre for the land re claimed and that he could make a lot of money reclaiming land on the Deschutes for a lien of not over two dollars per acre. This is a marked difference from that want el by the Oregon Development Co , of which company Alphabetical Sears, of Portland is the interested engineer. Cattle AmhocIbi Ion Mceilntt. The Crook County Cattle Asso ciation will hold its regular meet ing on the last Saturday of Ibis month. All members should take notice of this meeting, as there are matters of importance to transact. J. H.-Windom, of the thriving city of Culver, was in the city the fore part of this week, i A. Collett Bclieu was down from his home on Upper Ochoco the fore part of the week. Ed Ktitcher, was in from his ranch at the Agency plains coun try the fore part of the week and reports everything looking fine down there. Grass is beginning to grow and prospects for a good crop next year are exceedingly good. J .GO TO... D. P. ADAMSON'S DRUG STORE FOR DRUGS STATIONARY WALL PAPER SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES PAINTS AND OILS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES AND TO HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS CUtEFULLY FILLED. GRAND THANKSGIVING BALL Juni(er Circle No. 37. W. of W. will give their Fourth Annual . . Ball in GlHzc's Hull on Thanksgiving Night, 1 NOVEMBER 271:11, : 1S021' nECORATiNO committee Ethel Liggett, America Crooks, Julia Lytic, Annie 'Sharp, Lettie Oruin, .lane McOtilloch. bfikitiox committm: Mum! Vundcrpool, Kate Liggett, Mary Sniith,Minnie Crook's," Kova Brink, Dolly Wiley fuhr managers E. M. Cliuc, May Wigle, Isa Poimltv ter, Nellie Bimpson, Suruli Thompson, Mary McDowell. MlI BY SHt'M ,S OKdlESTIM No pains will be spared, in order that all may 1 a good time. Special courtesies will he s'iow.i to out-of-town people. at IvlcEowsll's X3Tctel 1WM supper ilCi