Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 20, 1902, Image 6

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    Timber l.nml, Act June s, jsvn
rJnlleil Htntea Land Ottlre,
I hi' Dulles, Oreum, 'i,i,.ilH'r I'.l. likci.
Notice (s hereby (flvn that In compll- 'cr JiI II inkle.
iris mill ur 'i"ii I'l 1110
oUKreas I'l .Jllile it, I'll?, mil I (Ml
fur t hi- sale uf llndwr binds In the
iif i 'ii't,.ni!H, oriK'Ui, Nevada, Htul Wash'
liiKtoii 'ierrltary, as pxIithUh! to nil the
ral.lle InHil MllliH hy not of Allttlist 4.
V.'il, tho fulUiwItiu persons have thin day
Hied hi thin omee their Bworn statements,
LAI'RA A. l-'OSTKIi, .r l'i ini villc. conn
Ck-rk t PrineWIlo, Oregon, mi Tuewlay , establish th. Ir claims to ,Jd l.,, ,,r,.ro M.
liio Dili day of December, lm. i H ,1W, V. 8. jt.'niuuilssoiier, t hiaoihee at.
They name as witnesses: Klmer Kay- V .'"'Jii ''A ,Sal,m'1,'. "'h
R. llilt'S. nml
"S'n nllf (!ravc- "f l'linuvillo, Orecm, and
ip states 11 foster, Tom Natkins, F. M.
imotn, anil ii , K, jooth.of
name iu wit, n v t
sxaucy .it, , jii,, ,j. .;, c.iI.ivhu, Amr II.
f llll,.V'll.l 'in. I I U' II ..I : II t I. .
Any ami .-ill clsiiiiiii,. tl,
Anv and all porxmi claiming adversely ". .".'""''"'d lands reipiestcd to tiU
the above described lands ara renn,..t,.d ,. " 'his omen on or before mud
to tile their claim, in this oHice on' or bo-: 02 j vV T ?r w
id 9th day of December. l!K)i
JAY P. LUCAS, Relator.
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
SeDt 23. 11102.
Notice it hereby given. that in compli-
Timber Land, Act Jmie 3, Jnr.
Cnitcd States Laud Officii,
The Ial!ts, tliTon. Aug. 1 11102,
IMiticMia hereby direii that ill compliance
...... ...e i'mnsum. hi ma aoti I'lingm,,
Junes, U-7.S, entitled "An act fur the naif of
uuiuer lautls lu the states nf California, Ore.
a-... irmim ana v. axmngtnn Territory,
ty ol ("rook, state of Oroimn, sworn state
inent numla-r 7.i. filed .Inly 1(1, lint!, for the
purchase ol tlie ft ' '' awl N N WW
an lion 34, tp. 15 S., R 111 K., W. M ,
SARAH K. PARK Kit, of Prineville.
county 01 1 won, mine m in-egon, sworn
stjitt'incnt number 77tl. tiled Julv 11). l'Kl
for Hie purcliasctir the S N E V. and S i
N W 4 section 31, Tp. 15 8. It. 1U E.,
W. M
OR A L. PARKER, uf Prineville. roiintv
of ( rook, stiiicof Oreiron, sworn statenient
nunioer iii, nieiwuir in, imrj, tor ine Mir- an ' il. ih. .1.. 1 ..,.,.. 1.1 ... . .1 .
ehime of the V. W t4 and K i S V 1 "" ui uie act 01 , n me riiouo latnu Htatel hy
BeXn CoKreof June3,18;8, entitM "An '.' f?t 4, 1M, the fi.ll.mi,,,, ,H,rn.
uiiiit'RT u i-iwTi-K ..r in., acnor tne aaie ot timber lamia lu t ie' I" . . ' "". wiew awiirn itate-
county of Crook, stale of OrvKtut, nworii tHJcJ '' California, Oreijon, Nevada, WILLIAM II SUMNKI1 nt Prhievillu
dtateineut muniier 1, n, inwi juiv m, linr' aim i wiiinijioii xerntory." aa extemleU I oomitv of Crook sti ..1 n... .......
Il.a n,,n.l,UM. ..11 Id V .' 1 V &' 1 11' I , 1 1 4 1. - .. .. 1. 1 .' . I .. 1 . . 1 . . . ..' .... . . " . x " OWI'IH
...... ...... .. "-' ! 7 " io puoiie iana itatei oy act ot AU-' "it'iiient in. mm. Julv 1, l'.KK, fur the imr.
S R n"f W M SW " P KUt 4" ,8!''-, ,I"J fullowill P"' "ve ! i. T. 13 , r l.S e, W.
H:".'n.Hnevi1,e.con,y Ztt H " HAKKIKTTK ; A,CLBY, f IMncvi,,.
' viuiity in viiiok, Mate ul tli-eon; kwuiii
(lEOKGK M. GAYL011D, of Prino- "tatement No. IX, July 1, hki-j, f,.r the pnr-
viae, comity ot urooK, atate of IM'iioii. '."'' n 3 "v ' ;iec- -'.aim ii', nwu
worn atateinent No. 8l! for the mil'- il.v'.v 7 ' V..T':.".-.M' ...
eh,.,. ,,f il. W 1 KWl .....I 1 i- i ""-" .1'AMV, if 1'nuevilli
. u, . f,. i u., i ii , ltl. luiu'UK'lll .Ml. July 1, wo;!, r ,)Ur,
JOHN S. WATKINS of Priueville, "w 1 !;-''1' !' l3 lti,!. tt
II. .1.1 CI..I. ..1 O . -'
of Crook, Mate of Hreeon, sworn statement
number 7?J. ril-t Julv Id, una, for the pur-
enaseonne i ami n i, a iv
section y ip. i.) n i:i r... n .u
MDMA tiHAVES. of rriiieville, eouutv
of Crook, state of (irejron, sworn statement
miiiiher 7wi. lileil July 10, I'm.', for the piir
ehuse ol tht K. J K and K J S E Vt aec-
tioii ip. l' s.. li- iv r.., v .t.
ADA K. FOSTER, of Prineville. county
of Crook, atate of tlrefjon, sworn statement
sounty of Crook, State of Oregon, aworn
atalement No. 8(J" for the purchase of
the NE i Sec. 24. Tp. 15 S. R. 19 K,
Tlmlier Land, Ant June Jl, 1STN.
NOI'lCt; 1'VK I'l HI. ICA TH i.V.
I'. S. I nml oill.'p,
The lMlliu, ( i'i'iuii. June lli"2.
Hi 'toiler 17, !Mi
Nutlt'o Ih hri'i'hy nlvi'ii that lu emniill
aiKi' wtt.l tllo pi'ovlslens of llio net ol"
Ciu.t'i"-'i uf June 3. isis, euillltil "An
lift lur ihv sale uf tliuin r liuiils in ihu
Siniis ol rallfui'iila, on-Run, Ki'v.nlii,
ami nshliuituii Ti'l'i'ltnry," as exti'llileil
In all the I'lihlle l.uml Niutea hy net of
AiiKimt -I. 1MJ, tin fulluwlmt persons luive
filed in this ultieu tlu-ir hwui-ii aluteutents
"'jEN'MI': 1. PICKETT, of Prineville,
eouutv of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn
stnteiueiit So H(l, 1 i I i-i I AiiKitMt, 7, lUW, for
the pinvhie of the K N K'v NW tj N I'l1,
and SK1, .NW'i See :iU, tp l.'i S., 11 111 K
W M.
ERXKiST II. STARR, of Prineville,
county of Crook, slum ol tlreuou, sworn
statement .No KM, tiled August 7, Hut', or
the ptireliaie of the NK'j See '.'I. tp 1A K,
SAItAll I. KOTZMAX, of Prineville,
county of Crook, stale of (In'iton, sworn
statement No IH7, llhsl Julv ,10. 11102 for
the purchase ot the Kt, SE'1; XW' , SK'i
and XKSWISeelV tp 15 S,, R 111 K
ADtll.PH KOTZMAX, or Prineville,
eotinty of Crook, state of tiregoti, sworn
slnteiiient Xo!Ni7, tiled AiiKiist 4, 1H)2, for
the puri'iinse ol Hie SEIi See 8, tp l.'i R
111 E W M.
HENRY E, JiKAItll, of Prineville,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Xu DM, lihil August 4, PHI2, for
the purchase of the SE1, Sec 2, tp l,i S., R
111 K W M.
J ElT''Ki;st)X 1). EVANS, ol Prineville,
county ot Crook, state of Ori'iton, sworn
statement No Htm, lileil August 4, 1IKJ2, for
the purchase ol the W's SK'i and W',
SE1 See 2, tp KiS.. R Is K..W M.
that they will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is mure valuahle fur lit
MAI1LK J. MILLER, of Li.mi ,.
ty uf CrtHik. SLito uf I Iri'irim. Hivui-n ututn.
llH'ilt No. 7X1. Julv .V I'.Kl-i f. tl. nun.!,... I limber or atone than fur nurlc'iillm-nl our.
af the w' aw1., ae1-, aw'i and wW mU wee. Imi' "' I" esluhlish their claim to a.ild
15, Tp. 14 t, r 20 e. W. M. . I"lll bl'f,, M Iekk. C. 8. fommU-
iiuiiiIkt 7sl, tiled July 10. l!ift, for the pur- I,, i,
chase of the S M X E i and S J S W sec- " al-
tions, l p. to ft., it. vj rj.f M. stilus VATIvl-DS, of Fnnexille, That they will offer pm.f tnshow that th. "'""S1-,Ht hl" nm ' Prineville. )raon,
CHARLES A. GRAVES, of Prineville. eouutv of Crook, atate of Oraoon. .,,r J !.,) "'T?,!' "'J ,th?t t,,e on Friday, the 2nd dav of Janiiarv. 1-..5.
county of Crook, state i of Ortpit i. .worn .tatemeiit Na 888 for the purchaae ofjttonethan for agricultural pura. and Z ,Zt?t 'vrT' ,u Jli""T'":, j'?'""
atatenient numlier ,S2, hied July 10, lltt!, ,K vw 1 s. oi T. us o in a- Mtabli.h their clii..,. i J.iT!r..- w '. ' 'Kl--15mN, u-S"i f''''l' Kottman
and X K .;. "' -f " " i
for the purchase of the X U N E 4 and
SWJ section 8 Tp. 15 8., R li E., W M.
W. M
ALFRED H. PARKKY. of Prineville. JENNIE CRAIN. of Priueviile. coun-
county of Crook, state of Oreiron. aworn I tv of Crook, atata ol (IrMmn awnm
ttiitement number TUB. riled Julv 11 lmw a doa r .l. " t
for th. of .hi w u v W i v vT! ' "w purcu" oi
S W 1 ind N W V X E i tiou 22. To. .h. t '. Tp. w R 19 E
15 8..R.19B., WM. W. M.
That thev will offer nroof to ahow that ITILFORtk J. rRATM nf Prin.nilU
the land aought la more valuable for Ita i. ,J rr,w Oi .nvn
timber or atone than for arricuitural pur- M7 01 ' . ollUre0' ,worn
poaea, and to eetabliah their clalma to ttatement Jio. 890 tor the pare bate
aaid land before M. R. Biggs, V. 8. Com- the i Sea 24, Tp. 15 8.. R. 19 E..
the 2Sth dar of N'nvenihrr '!..
Thev nam a wttnuM. i. a That the will offer Drool to thow that
ter, Sarah F. Parker, Or L. Parker, Robert th Und (ought ia more valuable for ita
B. Potter, Laura P. Bigga, Monia Graves, timber or (too thaa for afrricaltaral por
Ada t. Foster. Charlea A. Gravea and l .l.:.
Zoa "'-laaid land before M. R. Bigte, U. 8.
..a .11 . j... I CominUiiotMr. at Prineville. Oreton. on
ly the above-desert bed lands are requeat- Monday, the 8th day of December,
v iiiq mrir L-inima in una omce on or i lnta,
ueioic me aaiu joio uay 01 ovenioer,
JAT P. LUCAS, Retlater.
Timber Ijind, Act June S, 1S78.
United fll&lM fjanrf DHm
The Dalles. Oregon. Sent. 27. l!fr.
vnin. i. k u.. .: .L . I ..
ance with the provislona of the act of fore "' dy "f December, 1902.
Thar name aa witneatea: Georre M.
Gaylord, John 8. Watkina, Lettie Wat
kiudt, Jennie Crain and and Wilford J.
Crain, all of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and alt persona elaimine advertely
the above described laudt are advised to
rile tkeir claims in thit office on or be-
L'ongresa of June 1. 18,8. entitled "An i
for the sale of timber landa in the state
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington territory, aa extended to all the
Public Land Statea by act of Auguat 4.
1892, Minnie Anderson, of Spokane, county
of Spokane, state of Washington, has on
jiay ai, ur'z, men in mis omce tier sworn
JAY P. LLCAS, Renitter.
esUbhah their claims to land before V ' i'",'; ,,' ST. u' ,! ''
C. I. Winnak. Iv th u r.,.'a.,.riK.i iun.i. . .....
Mellows!) I I. Hull I tut til fll. IK.I. nlulM. I- Ikl.
..J v ..... .n.. i..." ,;.-7"."" "iV"" -iiiii or
"".ukih, wi ui x-nnevma, uiegnn. i utriore tue taiu inn uay ol January, liaH,
Xher name aa wiIiimm
rrea mggtna. U. E
Any and all oerauna elaitniiu 1 v.r..l th.
shoe-deribed landa are miueated to tilt
oir cuiaw in inn orace on or Detore eatd
ioin oay ot ovemuar, 19U2.
sup Jar. P. Lucas, Regttter.
JAY P. LUCA8, Keflatir.
JA5!Ul,,,'Ac Jun
United Hla Im 1 . ,t rm,
"' 0won. Pt. , 1000.
LajfD Ornci t Thi Darns, Oaioo,
October 14, ijoj,
Notice la htrahy given that the Wlowlra
aaiMd aetUer hat tiled notice of mUnUoa
to make final proof io nipport of hit claim.
Notice la hereby flvaa that In comDll- T .XTZ . 1 Z'" rman
anea with th. S ...p". I Smith, County Clark, at Pr navill.
Coagreae of June I. 187. entitled "An act ridTj I1. Ganrn W.
I7r."l?.""'f o' "nr laada In the aute Joett, of Prioe.lll.: H. E. No. .V14, far the
of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Weed- 8' 8WW-NE 8WW Hte M TrVTiB
!n.,?.n Toft'ory. aa extended to all the R. lit K W af iee. , ip, I- B.,
f.r1S."B.I..B,al" "f ' " Auust 4. He aainea th fullnwlrur wit .
fv, tBe LillbT. Of Port and iv.nnl. nt i.1 ".j-.HT " 7 T". V'
13, 1!U, filed in thia office her aworn tut. I. u7 t ... ,
ment Number 346. for the nurch of th. 37. ",:TT"Tra,V,M".T 1?.rn
8W..8WK section 22 and E4 E and , rnnevui y
?.W..,riion ? TP. . ft". fi. W. 0-23 JAY P. LUCAS. tJ-i.,..
ji auu nui oner Drool io anow that th. l ---
I'ullnutii Ordimiry hrpiirn.
The tourist tr.ivel between lliuunat mid
the I'aciliu const ban rouclied viioi'iiniiia
prop.ii'lioiia in I Im lust few yearn, mid
culls fur a apecial clnaa of t'iiipiiii'iit. To
meet this demand till) I'ullmiiii Co, hia
issueil fniiii its tluipa what it technically
cull) tllo "I'ulluiuii th'iliraiy Slceiii'i',"
These oara appear similar to the rei(uliii
sleeper, being Imilt on the aaine plan,
but not furuiahed with the tame vle(;iiuce
They are titiiiied with uiatlicasea,
blutikota, aheutt, pillows, pillow -ciiaut,
tuwelt, coiiiht, brutliea, etc, U'iiiiriii
nollilugof the kiiid to be fiiruiahud by
the pstsuhger. Each car hat a ttnve for
making colleu and tua and doing "light
hotiiukeeping," and imch tection cmi bn
Kttod with an adjiiatable table. A utii
formed porlnr aocompautea encli oar, hit
biiaitieaa heitiK lu make up bertha, keep
the cur clean, aim look after the oouifurta
and ttniila i f the pasachgera, In esgli nf
tlm trains which are ditpati'lted daily
from Porllntid by the 0. It. A N. (. ia
to be found one of tin to "Pullman Or
diimry .Sleepera." The car it attached
to t lie ''('liicngu Poltlhiid Special,
which goes tliriiiigh to Chicngo withiiut
chiiiiue, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex-
preaa rum In Njiiana City without
change. IWengora III this cur for Chi
cago change to a ti'inlsr car at (Irnugur.
Much of the lirat claat travel it being
carried in I lute cart, the ratet being
lower, and the aervicv being nearly equal
to that in the palace tleepert.
For ratet and full information, in
cluding oldera, write to A. L. Craig, U.
P. 0. R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
Jitlarntjf at jCaw,
I'lilNKVII.I.IC, ' OUKdllN.
J5Jr X. Xw,
jf ttorm ry-at' Ufa m.
jfttoraty mud Cunthr mi w
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Round Trips eicept Sunday.
Time Card
Leave Portland
Leave Attoria
J. L. McCulloch,
Dt'iilcr in Ileal Esttilit nml Alt
titritctur ol Tides.
Jft IP. S3otknap.
OHice in rear' of Adamton, NVinuek Co
& 0 J(yt., a
llUtaaetef wnmcn s iptclaltr.
Phone No. 3, Kesideiio back uf the
Photograph ttailery.
.7 s.
-7 p- i
laud sought is more valuable for Ita timber
or stone man lor agric Htural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office
at ine 1'alles. Oreeon. mi Kriil.v th sit.
: oay oi iwemiier, 1!2a
She names aa witnesses DeWItt W
I Danforth, Benjamin F. riniitli, Jennie II.
Timber Land. Act June S, 187S.
United Statea Land Office,
The Dalles Oregon October 17 1U02,
Kntir. ia h.rphv iriv.n that In iwmnll. ly the abovfWh'Hf rllwd lnn.l. nr. numo...
statement No. 459. for the purchase of the ance with the provisions of the act of to file their claims in thla office on or
814 SE" Section 11 and XM XE seetion Congress of June 3. 1S78, entitled "An before said 5th dav of lw,.mhr nrw
it . i. " ... . . aM ttr tli. b.1. nt Xmk.. 1., .l a.v.
Lakd Orrai ar The Dallea, Ohbiok,
October 11, 11)02.
Notice ia herebv L-lven th.t tk. r..n..u.i..
....iic, niar nas Dleo notice ot his intention
to make final pnf in aupport of hit claim,
and that said nnmf will Im ,...,1. iw.r. a
Smith and Isabel I). Liliby, all of Portland! C. S. Coniiiiiwioner, at Prineville
Oregon. )reg"n, on Friday, November 2H, lts2. viz-
Any and all persons claiming adverse
14 in township 12 S., range 10 E W. M..
the I
ind win nire, nmnf in .io. .v.. ij btatea of Lallfoniia. Oregon, Nevada,
Jought Is more valuable for Ita timber or f L, ?f?' WV"" errlS'' , "tended
atone than for agricultural purposes, and "uaUBflh,' i. nd 8tatel, by act ot
to establish her claim to said land before tL"?,,' ,",,!, ,i , r,
the Register and Receiver of this office Thomas M O Ujnnell, of Prineville,
at The Dallea, Oregon, on Friday, the co,!,u' ofCrook, state ofOregon.has on Aug I
5th day of December. l'j2. ' m inis o,nc nis sworn siau-ment, !
She names as witnesses: I.. K. tiling. Iti i. im. -ii-i -c... .u-p-i., ...
S- .' i . i ' r,- y,rS""i, "" "ie n. and will oner prooi to show that
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Numa F. McCuin. uf Culver, Oregon, "li. E
Vi. tB2, forthe.S!,' NW'-j and MV'i NEli
uV0! SW 6V''4 SC- '7' T- 13 3
He names the following u-tinp-.M t.. ........
.... v.....,..,u ,u rmiueiicc Uin SIIU CUitlvatl
M nitlll l.nil, VIZ
ltnliert P. Juhnson. of f'ulvr ii,.t.....
u"'u y-fy!- ,,'u)V,r' (r"n ' Iletljninill
... ..: i vnirer, Oregon, and Walter
iv. xtuuie, oi vuiver, uregi-n.
0 BH llegiater.
ai . . . , " I .u,, uiiu mil villi UJUVI IW 9I1UM lliai : , . v.. uic cxi L ui
Anderson. Annie Mikelson and John O. the land sought is more valuable for its 1 ,n7t'M ' June 3. 1X78. entitled "An
bkaar, all of Spokane, Washmgtog. timber or stone than for agricultural pur-l,"r ', 3 f, ,tim?S 'nda In the
MM 'fi'"..?? ?"d Washln'toVy: ,53
AnV and All npninnff Halmlmr nilv.m,.
ly the abovedescribed landa are request
ed to file their claims In thia office on or
before said 5th day of December, 1H02.
, JAT P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Statea Land Office,
The Dallea, Oregon, September 20, 11102.
Notice la herebv mven that in eomnlian,
wiih the provisions of the act of Congress of
A. Beii. U. 8. Commission
er, at Prineville. Oreiton on Friday the 2nd
day of January, 19U3.
He names as witnesses: Walter O'Xeil
Scott Hathawav. Waiter Sundderlv and
Perry Long, all of Prineville Oregon.
Any and all neraona elaimine adverse. I
tr me ttoove-ueeriueu lanaa are renuesi- i
ed to file their clalma In this office on or
oeiore saw :mci aay ot January, vjtfi.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
to all the Public IjtnH ami.. i.u
August 4, 192, the following persons have
on July 3, W02, filed
aworn statements, to-wlt
TiniW'r f.niijt i.t fun. 9 1iiu
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as United States Land OHi,-e
extended to all the Public Land Statea hv The Dalles. Omrnn. I let. -n nan
act of August 4, 12, William Pitcher, of Notice is hereby given that in conipli
Prineville, county oi Crook, atate of Oregon, nce with the provisions of the act of Con
has on July 10, line filed in this office hi. gress of June 3. 1H78. entitled "An m t fi.r
aworn statement number 783, for the purchase lle sale of timiier lands in the States of
of the K aV't and W 8 E Ji of Sec. California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing.
uumw-r oi lownsnip is aoutti, range IS K. W. lerniory." as exteniieil to all the Pub
M.. and will offer nroof to nhiiw that. th. t.n . lie Land States bv ai-t ui AiunKt i ii
aought is more valuable for its timber or the following jhtsohs have tiled ill tlihl
.uue uian ror agricultural purrsises, and to omce nieir sworn .-.tatenients, to wit:
nuiuiuiii nu ciauu to said land before Jl. li.
Biggs. U. 8. CoDimisnioner, at Prineville,
Oregon, on Friday, the 2th day of Noveiu
tier, PJ02.
He names as witnewcn: S. W. Compton
Wm. McMeekin, Ueor-e Turner and J. W.
Hopkins, all of Prineville, Oregon.
M' BIU1 lraM claiming adversely the
above df,iM laujs are r(..,,,ltttt,i tl", m
their claims in tl,L, ..,. ,. JL.f,r(, rAI
2Mb day ,,f XovmnWr, VSi.
S-P'-''"' JAYP.LUCAS,Iiegister.
Timber Lund, Act Juno 3, 1873.
1.v!I'j:p Sim;, t.i.vt, Oitioe,
The Dalles, (I.e., H,:Vt. S-i. 1W2
Notice !s hereby giv,.-,, that in com
pliance will, il.e provisions f the act i f
ConieMof Jt3, ls;.S, i-t-titlcl "An
act f..r the 8,,e ot (.,',. hinie Ul ,,.
states otC,h,ir,,,a,0rU',lu,.,Va,la and
Wasliiiioton 'iVviii.,1',. ,., ..
all the Public Liuci States' by aot All
fjutt 4. 1S1I2, thefoll'iwin e persons have
July 1.. 11)02, tiled i o(tit.L. loil.
iworu tlateliu-iils, to f.if
JOSiAH II1NKLE, 'of Pilneviile,
county of Crook, state of Die. 'till nUf.rii
slattment No. bi;5 Ur w ur,.laan ..,
14, To 15 M , j! Ill E..
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United Statea Land Office.
The Dalles. Oregon. Hni.t. oi ii.ti
-soiiee ia hereby e-iven that in unmnii.
ance with '-nvona of the act nt
1 imber iMml, Act June S, 1878.
UxiTgn Htatiw Land Orni i,
Tlie OhIImi llr...,. O.I III l.i
Notice is hervhv i v.n tk-t i:
in this office their "'th the provisions of the act of Outgrew of
BEEN BEARD, of Paineville, county 'ubOTrMIX
0 rook, state ol Oregon, sworn statement mm. Xevl. ..! w..i.i ' "V.'1'
No. 7 f..r th. n,,r....... r .... V .... tA..Il n I ,1.. 7, ' f"'? ' V" "
... -r . - . 1 .. """i nit isee. 1 vv'- " win 1 uuiic ijanu ntatea hi
30, Tp. 1., 8. R. 1!J E.. W. M. act of August 4. Wri. tl,. (,,ll.,wl,. ..!T.."
MARY J. BEAR 11 f lrin...iii. I peraons have, on August 2!). 1MB. h!.,l in ,1.1.
nflWIr 'r..... "1 " ' v" ""V office thHir.w,. .,1. .1 ... """
mow; ,.-KU, KWOm Sllltellieilt I I .-I .. . ,, , . J, --""'"HWI, Ul-Wli;
No. 727 lortlienurehaseol'the N'W v. si.. J-ONAKDT.S.vITH.&f Bucklev m.,,ni
i 30. Tp. 15 8.. R VJ E.. W. M. ' "' '"'". tt"'" of Washinirton. aworn .t-t..
ETHIE M.RAY, of Prineville, county 1 Ki HF an I 41?i si !, ?
of CrjKik, state of Oregon, sworn statenient if 11 Ik F wl ? hi 8ec' 12 T
No. ,2 for the purchase of the H W Sec. vi'I ivJ 3V ,L , , ,
3U, Tp. 15 S., R 111 H V, M 4 .'ANK . SMITH, of Buckley, county
FRANK RAY of Prineville, comity of ment NM07(T for 1Z
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement S.e. 8 T 1-. si ' 11 Io i '..rc wW "' th' S W
No, "ii for the nurchase of the fiK ,' That thuv will ,,-".'..... .1 .i.
30, Tp 15 8, li 19 E, W M. ' land sought is more valuable for its timber or
SUSIE M. fll'VCiv ..rPri.,..,ii stonethan for aerleiiltiml t.,,,,- ...
ty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn' state- "'''''"h their claim to aaid land before the
i .,u, Wr nu f lUrciiasc ol the S W ""(o-wi "u uecencr, at 1 He Dalies, Oregi
Six 14, Tp 15 S, 1110 E, W M. on Tuesday, the 13th day of January. !!.
CAMPBELL A. DUNCAN, of Prineville. ?"T wttnesscs D. L. Cady, Flor.
county of Crook, state of OreKon, sworn 111. f"
The Dalles-Portland bote.
Stn. "TAHOJOi" and 'KITULXO1
Daily trips eioept Sunday.
Stcamor "TAH0MA"
Leave The Dalles, Tueadayi,
Tliundiyt end Saturdaya at 7 1.
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesday! and Fridayt at 7 t
Steamer "MKTLAK0"
Leavet Portland, Tutlay, Thurt-
dsy and Saturday : : : : 7 . m
Leavea Dallet, Moiidiiy, Uidnea-
Isy, Eriday :::::: 7 ,
Landing and olbce: Foot Alder Si
Both I'honet .Main Iliil, Portluiid. Ore.
J. V. Crifliton, Agt., Tlic Dalit'
A. J. Taylor Ajit., Astoria
J. C. Wyatl, Agt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fuller AKftit, llnoil Kive
Wolfonl A 'vtT8, Ajrt., W. .Saliutm
It. ti. tilLUKhl'H, Lyle, Waeh.
JOIINM. TOrrON, Htevenaou, Wath
WJI. IJUTLKK, Hutler, Wash.
K. W. Crit litoit, Agt., rortlnnd
I f roe nffar froaa any of the (
ilia of atea, coat to ika adM
spaaanat aa um FadAc Ccaat,
. B Joaoag 1 00.,
lillBarMH. ItfilHtl
Yam mm tad aaMdla
I.e " "eustriag
traaa tha tffteta of yowkful inducmioas or aa.
earns fa flulurar mn. Vmn. .i pt.v..1
peMinf.lMBMiMaaer.LMtMBahM i
iaalliiicoraplicaiioMi Mawrnaaterrfearm
rrMahnkWL Clraarrkara, tllMl. A
rrMa.Mr . r ir-a..,!.. . . u J w
fcwtsiumoa of rtnadi,ofgtMteilirlpnw.
aj, UM Uectot haa w arrantad hii tnulmtnl
'" wiy aal oaly afford inmadiala nlief but
J na Doctor doaa pot cUlm to
BLANCHE PARSONS of Buckley, coun
ty Of 'U'ri'f KtlltO uf U',i.l,,n.ff.... u
;f..." ;j ........ . ; st-.ti i,,i v.. t.s, .... .1 , '-". oauy. w. 5. ciu v.
iiiiieiii .w. looo, men August 29, !)02, I L 7; v,. ,'"'-f , I'or' oase 01 tne lonari T. Smith and Frank F Sunt). .
the purcliaof the SE Sec. 32, T. 14 I ) ' A b Tp Li S, ,i,k,ey, WfiJSt j. 'J
UiEllT S. PARSONS, of Buckley, NANCY D. JOXE.J. j 1 Priucvilie, eouutv Any VMiX'Irely the
nty oi Pierce, state ol Wahiiit.. ol Crook, stale of ( in-.n , n'..... .'. al.,o..l,...n. 1 1 . ' . , .' ? '
,.-,, V,. o-- i..i v.. rii r ... .. " .:: . -'. v. . c r- uesusi in ni
,"..""';"""" '(., una .iiigoM ::.). utv pun-iiasem tne svy y. Sec 1
li'i.', lor the iMtrekaw oi the K'4 KE' I Ip 15 S, R U K. W .M.
iMPM r."' N u' s' 8. T 1 1 I "EN I'. JON K.S. of 1'ri u.-vil l-, cowntv ol
.i- WM , i. 1 1 ,., ,v. Moo:;. state of Or.'f.'.ii. .wrn stat.-ioenl
PLARL i.H.,.Ml!!:iil.I.S, f tjt-ml,. I No 720 for the purchase ..I the .v i,; ,,.r
cjuiityol Kinsr, state ot Washington. sworn !. Tp 15 S, ii. 1:1 E. W A.
I 'Mi'.
.-tai.tloi.'llt .o. 101, lileil .lTfcll,t -It
tor tin: p'.ircliasc ol tlic E 1 SE' and I'V,
XEV, Sse. 1 1. 1 i S.. n. is, li., U'.M. ' '
Ibat they will oiier prm.f to show that
t!ie land .-. .inr , t is valuatile f,,r ii.
tinner. ir .-:oi.e to;,:, ;i"ie'ilt.irul
I'O'C-, to e.t;,i,ii'!i uicir claim
lami h'lore tl,.- K";.!,;er a-!.I )levi,,.r
Hie I.';'!:,-., tiic'j.n,. on ;..:,.(i.v tin I;
iii!V ..i'.l'.ii ie.i'y. IK',.
iiiey iiuni.1 witu.: Flon-ktv
' Lawtoti, PlaitrliF I'ars..
I Ai'a-rt K 1'alMiiis. 1.1' ili.-Liee VV.i.i
ll:al tl, oy will ol.r. r proof to show
tile !'t;,'i :so.iht is ini,i al"ai.'lo lor Uf
...'.:;.:'r ,.r ut.nt i!r-,, tr u 1:1 i"ilt ur
!.'.?. rvj to e '('.bl'::''i ei.(iIn t0
-ail! !::.'! K'!',.'.. ;,i. (!. V.W,, V. s. (',,,.
nil .'iolM-l at i'i'i: i", ,i!e, 'oe.'.-n. sait:.;-
d,v. tin-Mb dey "!' I t.-i i-ii r. :i.o
'1 iMtt'f a-' vit.K..,: lire.-..
"ar. ' i'trd '.laie 'A. V,.,-'v. ( r,ij,
-ii'!. M l):i:ie..,i. a. i
Nai.ey I). J..;. I I . I, ,:.
r.,,l,Wut...l ... 1
tn. ir clanm in this oltiee on or bef ire the said
l.itn Hay of January, :K)3,
o-W-l' JAY I'. LUCAS, R.-istcr.
Notice to Creditors.
parmantnt earau
the SK
makion n. i!i(K;., f i-,illt.viiie,
county of CiO'.k, state ol Orcuon, awoni
statenient No m ,r ti. Imreh.1M ()f
tt -VU a"d W I W i 2 TP
15 S., 1 WE , W. Jl.
WILLIAM A. Mi K1NN0N. of Price,
.outity of Crook, staled Oregoii, sworn
ttate.iietit No. 8ii3 for the purchase of
the hi NF. and si, NE j S. c. 8 To 14
S., It 10 E , W. Jf.
That they will u!lr proof to shoiv tt,at
the land sou-lit ie ,, valuable for its
timber or at..ite than f.,r noricuiturnll
pitrp.'S.'S ;1 ,G ulUik their claim, t.. I
ntd -land M-re .1. .?." V,jt.; Coui.ty
I'le-I!, V..i.-h .
Na:t!e, V.. J,
Any ,'i'ni ali jie.w.i
L.ii aouv -ae
lilc their i-a.i
tin- mid 12ih
1 I
I I'l
1.. (' .
lll:!ll'- aovei.-K' '
'i "I littula are r(Siie.-tel to j
III tili.S O'.ril'e ON (,r tleii'lV
'I'.lamiai'v. 1'Ml
I. I'. I.t'1'AS, ll-i.ter. :
in : i 1 ; '. ' ' 1 1
Vi!' ami all
" Ill'oyi
(be lh"!r 1 the
Oi l 2p
i,na 1
".'!.. '0 ';.::. !s are
iainis in this ofTj
i lilli 'lav l'i ,l:
JAV i'. !,l.'i.'.sj, Jt
e on o
r. l';o'.'.
Ni.ljce is hereby ..iven .thai nK. h,i, r
'''d B by the t'ninity (j.iin f
.ill'.'. Jttalt- of ii:i..ii. duly .it,Ki'tn,-, a
iioioi' lral.'i of llieesliili'oi . ii. I'uM.-r
i .;iJel. ai.. ali i.'i-srm h-ivii." , 1,:,.
a(..iiii-t f.iiil ftate an.- herebv repiire I t.
I pre nt the aloe -htly yi rilieit to Kti.l I' I'
I ntmi-tr.!!' i: hi-; oili.-e at priii".'illi . n,-,.
"." 11 utii- tiled ,t
: ':: t :.i:i ;it i-.J, ,.f ,;;, f,.-
: .!-ii (0 1. .la , S.i. pur.'.
! I. F. Xiii'Mi'T.
j .1'llllllO-tlMloi' ,.f tl,
W. II. 1' I 1,
fparform mirarlat, but la wrlUnuwn 10 be fTair M
aadtquarePhnicUa and .Surirlnn. mmuIiui W
""Reiaiiy-iai unmrn or flea.
KVKBV MAN annlv ae btoaa
lf Will WuarontM 0 WSlTIVk (ulltKt m
f Thonaand Dnllnra. 3
l-oniiiluiioa FkKK an itrlclly Brlrat.,
A Blent penraiiHy or l.y lecler. Sen.l for bonk, A
f "The Fhlfotiophv of Man-line,'' f
f VINIT bn. loinma
i Great Muwoiim of Aiiutoiny i
- .... ...Hi au.i iiaiKct inuKUflllll US Kind m lilt 1
m world. Come and leArn vm wynclerfully you W
v9 ire conrinuriirv aU'img nrw peoimeiu.
VATA10UVK t'HKfC. Cullor writ..
1091 Marhet Street, 8n Frinciico, Cat.
Cslb answered promptly day or sight' Of
tee with th-, V. Geeaar. KoaUatwe
oeraer 1st and Mais ttraete.
W. li. SNOOK, Jl. D.,
Physician and SurgeoB,
Am lircimreil to nnswer urn','.
sioiuil calls promptly.
j. l. Mcculloch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Speeiulty.
Prineville, : : Oregon
TICK AOKINH, Proprietor
1 Baths
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
th ute of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly
W. k Hardin
Hardin &
Jl. D. Klmn
and Housebuildcrs
Palntintr, Bricklaying
anil Carpenter Work.
.Ills .
E- ta
i 1V11 iri.rai'l'y oijam U. B. aii4 roii'len'J
r-7 ,
band. Act ,liin ;i 1.7s
oiicio KiiK iohiji.'atiiix
l.'i.i!. ;! tilates Land (mice,
1 be l)a:le, 'lie," ii, ,, p. X' 1:k' '
'" In ri'ly f .'.-en fh;.i in ,,'i!.
an.;e with the i.rovlt l .ns of the net of
C.oiisjr. ss of Jane :i. s7s, entitle,! "An a.-t
or the taie of timher lam's In the slates
of alitornia, Oregon. N. vait.i. ami W'aah
Ington li rrit.-.ry," as 10 all iht
act of August 4,
I lli.war.l im nu.
ty ol 1 'rook. sO-t" ofllreg ,11. has this i!ay
tiled in thisotliee bis sivorn ,-taK-iiient No
W-'. for the piir.-iis-e of the W. siri:
nun n i p 11 s. it 10 );, v.M . and will
t 1 , . in.iry. as fX
! lJut:!Ie Land Hlates l y
William J. Wriuht,
Tiii.ber Land, Act Pept 23, K
I'nilci .States Land Office.
The Dalles. Oregi.u, Hept. 'I',, l'.KU,
Notice is hereby given in ciaupliince
with the pr.oii,.;is the act of Congress ,.f
.', M,",iiimBl ".Miactt' i- tliesi.'e,,F
tnabcr lands in tht Mates of California, 1) ,
gon, Neva-la, and W.i,hington Tcrritc-i-y,-' as
extended tu all tli- !., ' -li,. I.,.n.l tit..... . ..
set ot An-ust 4, s'i . t'.e fuil.ea-ii,,. i,.;r,,,.', j "m'r I"'""- "' -'"w tliat the land soiidit
have on July .., life', filed in this uliicc tb.-ir i ."'':"'' tor H ' timber or s.,ne than
M-ji. 'or agricultural i.urt. uses and 1 i-,m;.i.
I Ids I'laiin tosaidj.iud Is-furt: A C. Paimcr.
i, To. 15 S., I! Ill K., w M '' -
...,..,,,,,,'.. ; '. j ntunes as witnesses: Civile Hon
t ( , V I ,)L'.y-"' ''"'""""e coun- J"ll""1"!', Ht'M I'leviiisand Altleu Knigl,;'
ty of ( rook, state i.f Oregon, sw.un l'". of Howard, Oregon.
o. (4' lur the run-chits.- uf il... Sll.' 1 ... Any ami all ui'-j.,, ..a
, Tp. 15 R. hi K., W. M. .ly the aeoy-(l,.s,r1i,1asr hnnia are 'reour-nt-
That thev will ,.fi..r o,..f u. J.., .1. . .... ' . - . r u ":us "" "ilce on or
Isul sinik'ht i li.ure vshmWe tor its timber nr '
stone than fur i'.i'iri"s, -aiiif t.. 1
r-'ftite to Crecjilors.
jvjoti.-e :-i
' ' sieiiid Ii
-- ; r l'i.'.!ie..rton naletitiihility Forfn-cl
: s !:"'"'.'w.uTR,nnr;iWflr)if,c nte
ii.";;"!""". "roji.niMiiixii
':'-s-'i-.C'Xy.aejy?Tr-ssi! i .
swom statements, to
JWI',1. 1.. (JALA VAN, f Pi-iiieviH.
aid 1 Mh day of He
Oi -t-X-iip
- ; .- e "1
in Iw r, 1 si:.
LUCAS. Heglster.'
r- by L'tyn lliai ti. , r.
irlii d lias l i-'ei, l,e li.e I 1 ......
-ffreik C...l,iy, slilli' of llrigoi'i. .Iiiiy
a;'"lliti-d as ..dioiiiistratri.l of Ihe E-taii:
... i.i'orgi- iv. iii,. im, Heciasii!, and
IH.1MKIS i,a.i.g ctaiiiis UKumst -.ii.1 e-iai.-
!" In-rehy ri.ilii,d to present ll.e sin. it-
d'lly vniieii to said Admiuisii'Mi-ix nt 1 1 ,
otln-eol M. K. lirink, in 1'rineville. (ireiron
.H'lllll Sl lllilllllis fiom t. date of the
u.s1 iu..:ii aiion 1,1 nu-notice i
""v ""a'r'Nl',: i'. 01,1:- This will gave your Life.
A'liniii-lrtrii'.iii oi the j-;i:.te of By inducing you to use
Real Estate for SaTe ConSUIiipiion, CoilgiiS Blld Golds.
Tho only Cuarnrrteed Cure.
NO Cure. KO Fa. Your Drug
gist will warrant it.
Gi ip, lii'ltienzu, lslhma, lironchitia,
(y. ' Wlioopmp; ( oitfli, I'liciiirioiiia. or any
j Alfeclina of t.'io Throat and Lungs.
. ...) Regular Size 60' .cents and $1-00.
"$&MmiK Tnaot Mark
Anvunii m ailliii, a .lint. (1 anil ni-.nli.lloii ,,
ipil.-klv n:."irl:.iii our .,,-n.i,,,, rreu whullirr
...'III loll in ,;ohl.y l 0, ; M... ( .nilra.
lloi,-slri,'ilvc.aill,!i!,ll.i, ll;,iall,k,.lll'.,l11i,ta
M'l.M..".. oi.!,..! ni.'"ii.-v for si.'eiini.t'imli'itiH.
I iil'-ion I M.i, .1 tlmiiwll Jluiin A ( u. reclvt
J" "'.ll.ell, llle lit, mllTl,
A hiuiiKiimelllhiitrsKvt wsi-klr. I,.iramt nr. on of 1 eteia lln;, 'I'it..,. fi .
s'a'.V. '.'i"i"'""'"- b'11 """""alert;
oisiich onice. V wu Wasbli',.""
Deputy Btock InBuoctors,
.101 ire is iieri'hy nlv,, ,mt m
a 1 'oinii'il 111ft I.. ..wnio r 1
i d'.-piiiy sloel; inspectors:
I. I . Carliniidit.
I'OI. ijALE A Iw.. ht..r- durellin,- with
''." "d "'lib aisea in the city of IVineville.
Ibis prupcity is well situated Mel is coded
by irilsati'.n, It covers'ai-'i nf a 1,1 el(
and is oiiy of the liest resilience hcatimis in
the town, l'-ice reasonable
Sam Ilinnili
K. Sparks,
A. Morion,
V. Jl. .Smith,
liotcoc Knox,
T. C Su um,
I. S. Ilouiii -,
Alex .MeI11t.mi1,
I. 1'. Vanlloulin,
lT. S. Cowlca,
Jon Hinltlc,
Sli ck Inspector Ci-,
H'bV Creel:.
Aih wood.
. I'ost.
Hear Creek.
II ay Creek.
H.iy Creek
k Cotiiitv,
j ftd sale nt this utlici'
; able pi k't's. Mail 1,1
tfiidtd In. ,
at vtoy ri-ns'iii-'
is nt.