I tPrinovlllo (Public School Tfotos fill KK KtirToa.-fluy Ufi.lli'll. AHHIHTANTH, - t.lw.lu K h inn, Iv llootb, Klcllc Hliufisnii, Irene llurim, I'Iium. ClirlNlliiim, Curl llyili', :rl Holder, Kl wijuil liiiif, lllnlle Motrin iiinl (Vul'i HwlUj, . Our ObJ:w. Tin no columns iw tl'y are is sued eneh week ly courtly of the Journal press arc Intended, not oh a medium throuch which a half- score of uh air our iil;itn and mitkoi personal mention of other pupils, hut on space wherein nil mutter which in any way relates to edu cation in general may I hi discussed not only ly pupil" o! thel'rinoville school, hut hy any pupils or teaeh it in thu county who may wish lo write anything ol public concern which rciat- s to school work. Wej wish tn invito an nhh) correspon dent from each distriet in the coun ty to address nil item,, the more tlie hotter, to any member of the Matt and will receive due notice, Thin Ik no financial scheme an we are not paid for our writing nor do we pay fur its publication. Carl llnldiT Wait absent Wed nerdav iifliTtiO'in. Ilerhert WhilHctt has been ab sent three rj:iyit.lhits week. t. V Ktttt, Trine nud I'eiirl MeFitf land were'dhMiet Thuivilay, Xanry Whilett was iiheent Mon day Vud TueHihty, .Elva llolib ha returned to tohool, ' ' Anna Vml NancJOrtor fliilereu '. room no, 1 thin ' ' . ! Mi dm Gertie Sharp wa nburit liict Friday. Minn Foster hno 41 pupil enroll ed thi w k. The following jiroKram wan ren dered k-t Friilay hy the IV, V, V 1 nnt H Traow. ' lie!"'!) Severn wa ahnt hHlgram thh rendered at their Ut week n wint of her niotlvVH i M". Chas. '.!hrittiani, Willing Win-1 doiii and Mitud Inhbs were nWcnt at diff'-rmrt times last week. Ernest Harrington bos Tet;arned from Portland and is Wk school. The T Tirade of Jis 'iTaylor's riMiin wiKl have execiws iiie.it lri- '!' MtiTtie l'orter was aVemt troni tlw I'V rnde Thursday teui TVi(ly i4 la wek. M'wsSIyrtle PweariitBm, fonm etly if 'it'lie IX grade wa visitor 'Ilim'sdwy. , mxu I ly yt ?' i.Reoding .Roy Foster. ! wtliMil after an W of four.1 agitation luH.-t" Young. VKk. Recitation O liu Nelnus. We we muking grejul pr.-par-j Kecitation. Kdgar Barnes. ationlirrvtho Thankigiviig pro-1 Recitation KrnisiHarrinL'tou. gram. Everyone is invito! to at- JJecitation ArJliur Uariie. tojd. ! Recitation.- J;t-ie Elliott We htKi the ice crei tocii4j whkb will ho given Thanksgiving will prove jhiiccetful. Ail .are in vited toafcknd. t'lronoe.liarp was abserd one-',sl)!lfI.-, Frame Orton and half (iajriufiktit week, Iiocahm ofj Vivian Henkle. the lire tint) their ompiinj wtwlj, The School. having. I ' The (school will give very iter esting progr.siu on Thanksgiving and Chrisluiw. Thepc exerciws will be public, iid all are invitl to attend. Our new library h on the road from Portland and probably before this is printed, wn idinll receive it There are nearly 200 vol umes. fwveral of the IX grade pupils have succeeded in maintaining an average E on their deportment cards. If this continues they will miss the final examinations. Lenora Easterly dropped out of the VIII grade last week and we understand she is going to Silver Lake where she will perhaps attend school. Charles Chritiani was absent Thursday and Friday of last week. His absence is much felt, especially on these days as be is uteful in preparing copy. flupt, Public Instruction, J, 11. Aekerman. County Hiijit, . Wm, Koegli Principal dist. Xo. 1 .. E. E. Orton Hoy m 4 A. 0. Mozlor lioom 3 , Ada Taylor Kooin 2 Ada Foster (loom 1 Tearl Vanderpool, A program wan rendered on Nov. 3d hy tha pupilsoftl.it I, 1 1 and III graded, The visitor present were: Mcsdiimcf) Jielknap, Michel, KlkinH, Jioohe, Cleek, Ioak and Hod ge. Considering the fact that we have almost 200 pupils enrolled here it seems that the Sunday schools would have much better at tendance, It seems that at least One half of these would ultend ftuiuluy school, Fred A. Zell. lurii'icrly of the VII grade has retired from hcIiooI life, object being, ho say to make money. lie has assumed a quieter position on tho furrn, hut Jike Jirynn may he induced, when ' op portunity offers to reWme' hit i'po lition. ,N The program which took place, in Mr Mosier's rnom l;tf t Friday was interesting. Mix. Helknap's recita tion wan very "hutch Vnjoycd J'ud fhe wan heartily applauded hy nil. The-visitor pic-ent we're,"' Mr.' I!elknr,p, Mm. L. IL HodgeKj Mr iWntionriMrs? ?(Henn. J Mrs ; Mtid" Vandwpool MJt ' Tearl ! Vanderpool, Mies Ada FoMcr, Hov. Childs and Mr. Starr. . . n .-,.,,...,, u. inti.n.ki in tlm work nf the Aflvnncoinent Cluh, the club has disbanded. The jm jiiU nf tho VIII ami IX grades have all they can do to compleU: their work nd have hut little time to give to floridly work. They had .their bu-t meeting last Friday and Jisblin,Vd. A very croddde pro mecthtj jSong... The School. Reersttion . . . .Ajtm Hliolt. ' ll'citation Minnie Janet. j Heeitation Wi'ford Iddknap, ; Music : limitation . . . . . . . . Verna Howard. .Clarence Fergueson Horace Belkna). Iiertie Harden. , '.'IlaU." "llostwiclv. ..4.'.Orrlta Wright, Villa Combs. .Arthur Wurzweiler. Lee RowrL ...Mildred l!ldwtii. .... . . ,(ole Smith. liwitiltioll. . lltcitation . , . l;,,, j Jiocjtntion plnsic'.'::. ;. K ! Recitation . . :K itation . iieeitation . . JIusic Recitation . . .. . , jVwna Smith.. Trio. . . i .(iertie llidges, Lemiie Foster sind Kdtvt Kstes. 'ihifiic , Edna ErfteK. i Recitation Ruby Cndlu. iJiecitalion Marv Glenn. liiialocue . ."Thu Ghost" I .Recitation Mrs- Relkmut Conoernlii? Agency Plains. "Uiout twenty-f.ve families will fjn'jtd the winter on their claims at Ajp'jiey Plains," said Timothy Rronnhill, who has just returned from there. "The weather so far has not been cold; about the same temperature as in The Dalles. We haven't lacked for water," said he, "since the rains began, and every body has faith enough to believe before next fall there will be an abundance of water struck. R. E. Saltmarshc, whoe place is about a quarter of a mile from J.II. Jack son's, has a fine spring on his land and several others have been as fortunate," Mr. Brownhill is still boring, having gone down forty seven feet. It is slow work on this land, but he is not in the least dis couraged. Speaking of the roads out that way be said he thought it would be well (or the county to take up the matter of improving the road acroHH tho VVarm Spring Agency with the agent, at in many placor they aro almoNt impaahle. The (oil partaking somewhat of the niiluro of adobo fairly clog the whifel. By adding crushed rock or gravel, however, they make splendid road. Coming nearer home ho spoke of tho terrible condition of the road at Kight Mile, near the Beniiun place, and (mid it wa the worst piece of road he encountered on the trip and should be improved. "Tho Dalle ha no idea how much trade tdic low by tho condition of her road. Settlers out that way are compelled to make the trip to Sbaniko, where tho road arc in much better condition for travel." Mr. Brownbill but cchoe the complaint of dozen of others on the fame question. Dalle Chronicle To the Public. Allow mo to my a lew word in prnino ol Cliiimlicilam'ii Cough Hem- lUy. I nil" a very .'jui, hu colli and leared I would get pneumonia, hut alter taking the ecoiid done of thin nivdieino I lilt bettor, three bot tles ol it cured my cold and the pniun in my cnt disappeared entirely. 1 J . t . .... f . i.. i.i mil inohi rcHueciiuiiy your lor nruiin, ItAi.rn B. Mkykhs, 64 Tldrty-wveulli til, VViieeliiiK,,V. Va. 5or ,aic i Notice to fcilectric Customers. ; ' 'Yftur.'.titteritioii is. called to th'e monthly liKhling rates, which will be found in the last jsirt of Sseution 10, Ordinance 122, which reads as follows ; ' Kvcning until 10 p. m., .05 per candle jiower ; evening until mid night, .Ofi per candle power. All niejit light .08 ir candle power. Rividenee, chlireheH and halls fpeoial rate. Residences were given a .04 rate for this reason. They are au(iuoa'd not to burn their lightH only when in actual use, and in no cae to burn lights all night in unoccupied roomB. Ik-ginning Novemlier 1st, 1902, we will charge an .08 rate on all night lights unless permission has hem granted for name. We positively will not furnih current to lights not purchased from 1'. L. & V. Co. Where this fraud is found to exist service will !u discontinued withuut notice. I'. L. & W. Co., Per C. L. Shattuck i' I)r. C. A. Pcrrin, Helena, Mimt., Oci. 4, 11102. '! T wifth to thitnlc vou for mv rvlief. i I wai suffering armies from piles an' I i wba taking u-urtiine lt relieve me ! when, on the advice ofa friend, I pni. 6 curred ft buttle uf yiwr Penin Pile Sprvihe and timk a Ul.Wnl at niht ' and aniitner in me iiiiuMg. at nan pant twelve, noon, my vile gavo me ....j)... I.I i!uiiiu.p Tn vken mv riin i'i nil to pwl. In to daw I was able Lo utuiid ii y nidar luhiaviui eutirely rrlievrd. It was miupiy wouoenui. .ltiliusMeyeihofer, Funier, Helena. Jim Rapsmussen was in from his ranch Monday and looks every hit a farmer, which ho frays he is at present, hut the rain came a couple jof days too soon, as it left him with about that much work to do to fin jeh his winter's sowing. Sam Collins was up from the ranch Monday, and said he was do ing considerable farming this year, but that people couldn't see what he was doing on account of his farm being back on the hill. He raises good crops even if they are out of sight. C. B. Gillenwater, of Gillenwa- ter, Tenn., is very sick at the home of his son, L. D. Gillenwater, near Mitchell, and very little hoe is en tertained of his recovery. Mr. Gil lenwater came out from Tennessee a short time ago to visit with his children and was taken very ill. His sons, Ed. and John, were sent for Saturday, and went over at once. Stops the Oough and Works off the Oold. Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets cure t cold iu on dy. No Cure, Ku Pay. Pnoe, 25 cents. KXEVVTOWt I ALE. Notiftf ii li'Tpliy )?ivee, that bv virtim of an imktf ol thu i.oioity f.Trnirt nf thp Btnte of Oi'CKOn, fi;r tie; County of Multnomah, ilnly inailo mid cntere'l In the matter of the estate of II. A, Hinitli. oV'ciiwd, on Uiel'Xli iluy of Novoiiihnr, lW,auihori?,(n(t, direct ing and imiwcrlii( thu UiidfrnixoH to nil the folio ving (hi(;ilhi;d real property of the mild Kti.tc, ot private mk for cash, nuhject U the COilttrmation of tint Court, W will, on and after the 22nd day of mr cinlier, Wn, proceed to Hell the mime at (irivnu- mic nt the office of the KxccutorM, VH FailiiiK JIuildliu, 1'oi'tland, Oregon. Thenaid ,cal propeiiy h dimcrilicd as fol iowc; 'ili? ''''"'aM n"".: .' t ( : .u "r.. i'h- f no.::'" 't " 4.f:ntv-ouie. t'.e Bait half of tho noKhiist ,U'jj t-r. ;n , the northwest quarter of the north. -i-t on ,,ler ol'Ho"H'.n tl,iite-t'.v", Towniliip t u itli liane eie've., e.i.i ty jiTimella Mc. i t inii, Crook County, Kiale of Ore ,r., c. :i-ti-inii' 0"e hundred and viity acr.;y. A.y. ki Kxeeutom of the V. tato of H. A. 1'iulih, Oif:eni., Nov. !, S. - TO I't ltK A COM IN O.VK DAY. Take ljaxulive lirorao Quinine TaUili. All liruxgiiita rotund tho nn.iiey if it tail to euro. E. W. (irmVi ' ivuatur U on cacli box, 'I'k. Notice. To all ieaon owing for hartse s'.'oeing at C. L. Salomon's shop, you are notified to call and settle one half of the amount due, with the estate of the said C. L. Salo mon. Signed; XVMfr. SalomojC i Admintralrlx. noticb w Dissolution Notice if herein dven that ' the .mi nri'l tmrtneri' hit of White & I Camtiliell, doing husiiiefcs. in the - . Citv of Priueville, Crook Conntv.if; or inlurmaton--(o xluevvery ,of Stale of Oregon, is" hertby dissolved by mutual com-ent, Mr. John W. White retiring All accounts due iii)id firm will be 'col'.eisled and re ceipted for by Mr: J. K. Campbell, and all accounts owing by said firm will be paid by Mr. J. E. Campbell. Dated, this 4th day of Novem ber, 1002. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A sallow complexion, dizziness. : biliousneas and a coated tongue Jt aro common indications of liTer ' and kidncdiseases. Stomachand A bowel troubles, severe as they are, Ji'Tlive immediate warning hy pain, (5 nut liver and kidney troubles, Sf though less painful at the start, are much hanler to cure. Thedford's Blai k-ltraught never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off tlie germs of fever and agnc. It is a certain preventive of cholera and tlriglit's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford's black Draught thousands of persons have dwelt iuiu,-t.c in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in Serfcct he"h and have no other octor ti-.i Thedford's Blauk- Ilraught. It is always on land for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mulllns. S. C. Kirch 10. 1401. t lisvt uud Thedford's Bladi-Drsiight far three years andlhave not had to go tosoonor since i nave Dcentakmg It. It is the best medicine for me that is on the market for llvei and kldncv rr voumes ami avspjpjia and other PA compUois. Rrv. A, 0. LEWIS. e itsu PRINCB HENRY K.V.tP. OVERCOAT Thanksgi 1 W AHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OP NEW YORK. OUY A. 8IMP80N, M'gV Interior Dept. r Has the largest peroentwa of cash a3S9t,a to each dollar of lia bility ; earns the highest average interest, and issues tho most up- toCate progressive policies for in ve3ttrent or protection. STOLEN' OB BTHAYED. One bror.n in ne, age 5 yea re, weight about 1300 lbs., broke, is very, geiitio, star iu foiehend, right hind loot white, bianded ll-'i on left shoulder, iii a. jrnaiiiiig cult-, 7.i!lr her;--. One dark,b:iy niarc, nciglit at.uut KXlO I trsis, vei'y jjentle, wWte -hiiuT. leet, il.i In t.,,L.,,..t t.ran.lo.1 i r, ni:'L.r t ,. t.T. .7 " ... ! tJ.oOeward aill-be- pt4; (ur -rorn 9lll)IHllL:i . l.l-IL 31Ll.'I9 II M l : llL'If. ... II. E. tifcniKB, or Eam Wiehi, . Im 8i-;ln, Oregon. This signature Is co srerr box of U gmataw Laxative Bremo)uiaine ttw remedy that caret a eoM 1st one 1J Subscribe for the Jctrnal. : , ijj .'';;J;.-!'.;-!.iri hi. i r. I mi -l.iliT THE BEE HIVE. THE PLACE SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK I Furs. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, also Children's Fur Sets, of the latest patterns and full values. Knit Goods. A nice assortment of Ladies' fc'hawlu and Fascina tors, also Infant,1 Knit Sacqu.es, Sootees ani Mittens. ' - (. Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. Our lLie i3 complete, and has been selected with a view to the special requirements of this climate. QUALITIES L'NEQUALED. PRICES UNTOUCHED. An Examination Will Convince You. t.' 2. MBGHEL. 1 1 a vins PBESEXTIXG DISTINCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER rpiIAXKSGIVING, with its" pleasant traditions, religious signifi canoe, and feasting, is likewise a time for dress. Usually it can he depended upon to bring with it the real winter of the North. A (rood time to pick out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, and here is the best place we know of to find just what you wish. Our winter show ins is unusual in many ways, hut notably so in the striking styles displayed. Quality has been our watch-word so long that we presume everyone understands it. This special offering includes a large variety of the match less K. X. & F. garments, guaranteed by the makers and by ua OVERCOATS MEN'S L II. LFPPMAN & CO. Sell Lumber for CASH ONLY! All For $3000. I hare a laneh consisting ol l.H acre tlireo miles north of Anliwooil. .IS acres of alfalfa and 30 acres of grain laml.with (rood new house and barn. Fine young orchard in bearfiiK. 50 head of young cattle, head of steer i, 21 heifers, and one short horn bull ; all two years old next sv''- Plenty of feed and pasture. ll acres or ranch nnder fence. This ranch Is only one mile north of the Oregon King mine. Call on or address, J. O. Poindext ;r Ashwood, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Pallet. Oret'i m, Novembers, VJ02. Nntien m hreh Kiven that the following named settler has filed notice M his intention to mak final (,roif m suppr.rt ot his claim, and that said prcx.f will he made befnre J. 5. .Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore (f'm, on Friday, December, l!, t!W2, viz: John J. Coleman, of Prineville, Oregon, H K. No. 71 l't, for the 3W) fec, .V, tp. 12 S., K. 14 E., W. M. He names the fiilli.wmg witnesses to rov his cimtinuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz; John Ilanlcy, L. M. .Thomas. Joseph Wigond and l.ee Moore, all of Lamoiiiu, Oregon. . . JAY P. LCCAS, . S 13 lleuister. police or' Final Settlement, In the matter, of the estate of Albert K. Smith, Deceased,, ., V otice is hereby- ftiven that the under A sit-neit. the adminstrator of tlie estate of Allien E. Hmilh, has nietl his tiiuil ao counting of his administration ef: ?aiet es tate, and the Hon. County Jciilne for l.'rook county, Dri'Kon, ha set the 4th day ot January, l!)2, at the County Court Room, in Prinetille. Oregon, as the time and plara for hearing said final aceountiiuf . - Wm. riiilTH. Administrator of Estate of Albert E. Smith. Deceased. .. Dated this 13th day of November, 1902. 5t-p IOOO r-i 9 I VIC' w -. 4 VV ' VA ' JP.e . Hi'- - ' v& v2 TO SAVE MONEY. Event SUITS FURNISHINGS