Crook County Jouma!.. Pcjmshkh Kvkiiv Thikshav bv thk tol'USXb n-BUSIIIXO COMPANY. V, T. i'oni.K,...., Fmitm 4 hi itoi'KNAi. Is milutii nt tlie poitoflice ... Prim villi1, hex., for traiiMiiiin thruubthe V, 8, (i-iiU if swml glow matter. StlWCKIi'TION UATKS. . IN AUVANCf Ybab Mix Months Xhkkh Months ....S1..V, 75 SO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902. TLo Weather conditions for Lin coln, Ni'br. says, "Heavy frost fol lowed by much wind." !S -5WMWBKSS The Jay of pretty young women, backed by political influence in Government oflices; is giving way to capable men who have passed a successful examination. Hon. Charles Edwards, Secre tary of the Democratic Congress ional Committee will, by the terms of an election bet, eat the silk hat of a Washington correspondent- in the presence of twenty newspaper men. While we have not naul much about the matter heretofore it is now time to make a statement in this regard. So far as we are able to learn there is a large majority of the tax pay ers of tin's county who oppose the continuance of the am In bounty, I The sheepmeu of course, favor its, retention, ht as they are only a part of the whole people they can not always have their way in Buch matters as pertain to tho public good. The farming communities as a whole are opposed to tho boun ty being retained and in many caws make the claim that the enormous increase in the popula tion of jack rabbits is direct!)' at tributable to th coyote scalp boun ty; This is a matter of conjecture merely, for there has been great in creases in tho" rabbits throughput eastern Oregon in times past with out any scalp bounty being on any kind of wild animals; therefore that matter can lay over for futher discussion in the future. The mat ter directly before the people is whether there is any beneficial re sults to accrue to the taxpayer in proportion to the expense incurred There is no Use in taking into con sideration any individual opinion on the subject for the reason that figures ajpne can tell. , The,., ques tion is: what 'has been-the "ens I to SEMIANNUAL REPORT Of the County Clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon, showing tho amount and number ot claims allowed by the County Court of said county, for what allowed, amount of warrants draws, and amount ol warrants outstanding ndi unpaid, horn the 1st day of April, 11)02, to tho liOth day of September, both inclusive. A Washington newspaper nian tells a characteristic story of David Bennet Hilh' Mr. Hill' Jhought majority of twelve votes "in the ', , , . , New York As?eiu"bfy, stolen fw sets. '"ICahnol unuersfahil whf they did it," said Mr. Hill slowly shaking, his head. Anibhe adjled-! "It isn't right to steal unlesi very close." ON WHAT AfC'T No n'T ALLOW KO County Coiirt : . S7 432 4(1 Circuit Court., (it 9'Jl 70 Justice Court. -. 13 125 85 Sherttrs OHiee 5 1258 34 Clerk's Othce 3 90'J 00 Treasurer' Office 4 219 99 Coroner's Office 21 101 05 Superintendent's Office 5 234 49 Tax Eelwti 3 20 23 Court House expenses. 12 89 5a Cafe of poor 14 302 00 Bridges ana roads y 312 tm Election expenses 209 834 12 Scalp bounty 378 2293 00 Tel, ex and stamp?. .. . lo m io Miscellaneous 2 10 20 Printing 1 00 Mer and stationery.. . . 5 67 23 Surveyor's Office...... 3 57 00 Records 1 l" 'O Koad Master's salary.. 4 202 50 Wrongful assessment. . 1 15 00 Damages on n md 2 778 00 Assessor's fee 2 000 09 897 12940 2li AM T OK OUTSTANDIXU KAKUANI'S VNI'AIV Outstanding unpaid County on the 30th dav of Septem- her, 1902 87f2 89 Estimated interest acoiurd thereon 200 00 11 J. ft! Slianiko, Oregon it's General Corbin emphatically re commends the restoration" of the canteen at which it was; .permitted to sell beer, as an antidote for the grog shops at which bad whiskey, gin, etc. are sold to the men. Many of the best officers in the army agree with the General that the canteen is the lesser of two evils, but it is doubtful if Congress will ever have the courage to restore ' it and so oppose that element which prefers its own way and "no com promise" to the best way. Our Future I'roBp.-- As the time of general thanks giving and praise draws near let us look into the future as well as the past and see what there is in .store for the coming year. The present weather conditions bode well for a large amount of snowfall in the mountains this winter and that is a. certain source of a large, amount of water for next summer's crops. The continued rainfall at short in tervals insures the thorough soak ing up of the soil, which will bring returns in the increased growth of grass on the hills and in the vales that under dry conditions produce little or nothing for the sustenance of stock. These conditions coupled with the fact that there has been large additions made to the culti vated area of the county are causes for thankfulness. The deposit of snow in the mountains of this county is a storehouse of future wealth, for upon that alone are we dependent for our crops. So long as the enow remains in any quani tity on the mountains, just so long will the summer showers be fre quent and lasting and from this . supply is drawn the supply of water for the numerous irrigating ditches. From this source is de-. rived the numerous stacks cf alfal fa that dot the fields and stock yards in autumn and on which the herds fatten during the early days of winter. Let us all feel thankful for the harvest that has been garnered and for the bright prospects for the coming year. Let Thanksgiving be a joyful season and let us all devote a portion of our time to the consideration of the duties we owe our fellow man and to the contemplation of the many mer cies of Him who doeth all things well. The Scalp Bounty Law. bounty? Feoond; what is lh$ sav- pie stock'grotetS'.lii com plex question is the only"matte to be considered in discussing the question of Iher annulment or re-en-actment of the scalp bounty law. ; If Jhe. -expense has been largely in excess of the benefits de rived, then 'repeal the law by all means, hut if it is found that it has been of more benefit than expense then retain it on the statute books. There is another phase to the question that should not be ignored and that is the matter of a bounty on rabbit scalps. The farming Communities in the Haystack and Trout creek regions are in need of some kind of aid in the natter of the extermination of the rabbits that have become a menance to crops in those sections. Several petitions were presented at the last term of the Commissioners court, but considerasion of the matter was continued until the next mee'.ing. Now this matter should be taken up at the next term and carried to a conclusion one way or the other. A small bounty placed on the rab bits for a" short time would be of material advantage in extermin ating the pests and would be of nnrileasUreable value (o the com munities affected. The money paid out for these bounties would not leave the county and for that rea son no one would be materially the poorer for having it placed on the rabbits. Further, the. farming communities are surely as much in need of protection as the stock growing communities, as they pay their tixes the same and are the backbone of any country. We do not believe in unjust discrimina tion in any event and as the sheep men have had the benefit of the coyote bounty, if it has been a ben efit, there is no reason why the farmer should not have the benefit of a rabbit bounty, for a time at least, until it can be tested. In A Bail Way. SUniAXXlTAL. SIM.UAM ST.tTRMtCXT. Of the financial condition of tho County A Crook, in the State of Oregon on thcHOth day of Scptem'oc","'l30J ! - -- v. (' . , t.ntiuic , To wamoi'ts drawn on ttto'Cu. Tr'on", and outtiudi;.ig and unjuiJ 8702 81) To estimated amount of interest accrued (hereon 200 00 i fM: ' 1 Toi.fl liabilities KW s'.r By fund's in th hands .'of thg'C.oun'ty Tn-asurer applicable to the ' r; ' ': 1" . . . - f- ...... ' r - IfWIl! 4IJ uavmeni u. v.uuuiif'H;ii4itii. . . . a-. . . iuiu Jy estimatci. unpaid cm-rent taxes apnlicable to tho piyment of I Couuty.Avaria.iK . .-. . A .- ' '.. 4157' 42 STATE OK OREGON, -; ! Total resouiees 14504 40 County of Crook. v I, J. J. Smith, County Clork of the County of C-uolc. State of Oivc.iii do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cuirvct stiitemeut of the number and amount of clulins Uoed by the County Court uf snid County for the six months endine on the 30th d.iy of Septetiiiwr, 1902, on wiuit iic- countthe same tvere allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amouut of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the fame npjivur upon the records of my ofhee ana in my omcuil custody. ' Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County, this 11th day of November, ItfOZ, skal j. J. SMITH. -1. County Clerk J KM I A X.V VA h S TA TtiM fi.V T Of the amount of money and wanauts receive! for taxes, and money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Crook County,' Oregon, fur the six months ending on the 30th day of September, A. O , 1902. am t re cn AM T r.UI) TO CO. IHEA8 MONT.J 1097 49 April ' 1097 49 583 00 May...T 583 00 774 18 ''June 774 18 58G 18 July 7... C86 IH 1 IBS 40 Aiijf..' ; 1108 .) 615 41 The withd'awal of the bounty on coyote scalps in this county by the recent meeting of the Commission ers Court it evidence of the feeling throughout the county in regard to the continuance of the " bounty "Portland's bridges will rot and fall down unless a special session of the legislature is called," wails the Lewis and Clark agitators of the metropolis. They must be awfully shaky old things if they will not stand up two months longer. e would advise our readers to keep off the bridges when they go to Portland. Dalles Mountaineer. MONTH April. . May... June. , July .'. Aug... Senv - 41 Sl,l STATE OF OREGON,) M County oi Crook. ( f , C. Sam Smith, SherirTof Jiiiti County, do hereby certify that the fore going statement is correct and true. Witness my hand this 4th day of October, 1902. ; seai-1 C. SAM SMITH, " Sheriff of Crook County C .' ' ' '" By Fred Claypool, Dep S UMA XS VA h ,S TA TJC M fc'.V T ' ,., ., n ... r ..f (' i,,l ,. o. .,.,, r,. . .1... Ul ineuouu.y iiuasuii " , w .n, n,i nic inoiilo i 'Jn.i. ,1.... ..f (2n.O.:iilwtr A I) l0.'? r,f m,,u,' fu..! .-..I I ...'.A ClHUIIg On V.IC -Join u-ij vi .jv..v....-v., ... . ni-u.-.u in, vi I'iiiii out, from whom received and from what source, and on ' account paid AM'TS REC'D AND FIIOM WHAT SOI KCB SCHOOL FUVD A.VOfXTS PAID OUT SCIIO. L FIND To ain't on hand hut report 10039 43 Am't pj out July 8. ....... 9097 80 t .Tn!v 8 75 00 '"t " " 574 98 To " " in Sen 30 1955 10 Total 12070 53 On hand 2307 75 Total, 12070 53 OEXBRAL FL'XD To ain't on hind I To " " icport id fund . . " " ins'te " " " n'h dist 45. i 11 11 11 21 . " " eitv Pr'vilh " " Dist So The best iiiiysic Chambellam'i Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by nil druggiste. "Now is cue Appointed Time " The O. R. & S. Co. has just issued a handsuuiely illustrated pauipldft entitled, 'Oregon, Waahitij'utoii & Mlho and ihcir retuurces." I'cop.e in tin) East are anxious fur infurmutioii about the Pacific North West -If jcu will (five the (1 R. N. C". aent at hhauilto a list uf mines of pi stern people vim are like ly tu be interested, the booklet will be mailed fret tu such persona. 12.. 41 l II J " ' " 32.. " " 28.. .1 .1 Eschfiit fd. . " ree'd to July 8, 1902. " " on rd fd to July 8 " "in'stfd " " " " "DistKo45 " " City of Priucville, tax to July 8, 1902 To ain't ree'd Disl No 25 to July 8, 1902 Same, Sch dis't 'o 12 '. Same, " 1 Ain't ree'd, Julv 8 to hep dJ Ain't " " . ' " Di8tol2.... Am't ree'd in'st fd Ain't ' "Lust No 45... Am't " City of Prineville. . Ain't ' Dist No 25 Am't " from July 8 to Sep Dist No 1.. 30991 87 3722 51 45 15 91 22 3 SO 748 82 202 85 133 2t 093 92 10 OS 2 74 11 05 3110 2 1290 00 25 00 5 97 46 27 65 70 1 48 38 77 2801 92 7 87 22 75 1 29 18 02 42 63 17 45 GE.W.IiAI. FL'M) rd-out to July 8, Co war. . . 2270S 9: W " Rd fd 1688 12 I'd " in st fd to Julv 8 4 oO I'd Dis No 45 to Julv 8 loo l'j 1M City of iVvilln " " 70 05 I'd Oi- No 25 to July 8.... 203 10 I'd " " 12 " " 112 Jil I'd Dis Nv. t to July 8 720 82 liy ain't pd out. on Co war July 8 to ,S.-p 30 3S48 15 lly ain't 011 bd 10310 98 Hy am't on 'lid iut fd 88 40 I'd out id fd July 8 toS- poO 735 20 ltd fd 011 hd July 8 to Sep 30 25s9 28 On hd Si-i 30 dis No 12. . . . 30 08 On ' " " 26...; 2 74 Pd out dis No 25, S p 30. . . 87 28 Ain't on hd dis ' , 20 80 Am't on lid dis 21 3 20 Am't on hd escheat Id 43 05 On hd dist No 1 Sep 30 23 32 On hd dis 32 Sep 30 10 08 Pd out City ofPr'ville 17 40 On hd " " " 19 00 On hd (list No 45 1 29 Total, 44187 12 ,lla-qqMaMMal jnte-w stock: W'e have filled our Store Building lo over flowing with a Complete Slock of New Up-to-date Merchandise. Our purchase were di rect from th(! KitHtern Factories and whole sale house, and wo feel assured that our showing will be very pleasing and satisfac tory to customers who want the right quali ty at the right price, To call on us when in town. Call on us when in town. Callers ay always welcome ami we liko to make new acquaintances, Make us your headquarters. Mall Ordcxa Write us 'or prices and samples. Corres pondents will receive prompt and careful at tention Wo "Zomr - -' '" IDc-alcxc. 1 1 Fall and Winter Opening Mens and Wcniens t'nder- y--: - -clothing in the latest styles and weaves. . . SWEATERS IN GREAT VARIETY" A complete line of Ladles', Gents' and Children's Shoes. An elegant Rsortment of Jewelry direct from the manufacturers g RED FRONT BAZAAR : cN N. A. TVE & BROS., Props. Reliable Merchant 4 FRANK BONNEY. Restaurant and Rakor MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MEATS. I !-irloin .Steak 2oc Milk Toast loc T-Done Steak. . .' 35c ; Coffeo 5c Porterhouse Steak Wc Tea Tic f'oiierhouse Steak for two. , .11 (iO Milk fa' I'ork Chops 25c Coffee Cake 10c Mntton Chops 25c ' OYSTERS. am ' ?if Cove Ktew Sflc Kjrp, extra lijc 1 rr(,wh wh),n jn )arkpt Chicken, any style Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one Total, 44187 12 STATE OF OREGON,) Bg County of Crook ( I, M. H. Bell, do hereby certify that th forep-inis i true . nd cor rect statement of the amounts received, paid o it and lenmiiiiii!; no I and, in the County Treasury of said County for the six months ending m tl e 30th day of September, A. I) , 1902. Witness my hand this lOlb day of November, 190. tgEAi. M. H. BKI-I., ' County Tr surer A BIG CONSIGNMENT OF CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO AND CI GARS has just been received in addttion to our already complete stock. GIVE US A CALL and a chance to convince you that our Hock, Prices and Treatment are all r'.ht. REMEMBER Wo have a Well Equipped Dillsard tuid Card Room wh.ire you can uhvays spend a pleasant hour. J. E. CAMPBELL & CO, 1 r . ,t,.)-n.-fr-H-H't"t-'H I 'l"l"t i'l 'l"t"l 41 4ii nf ,) Have You Seen Mrs. 5layto n's Store? The largest stock of Fall and Winter Millinery in Eastern Oregon. City Styles, Artistic and Satisfying. Ladies Furuishing Goods; latest cuts of Corsets; all kinds of Wraps, Monte Carlo'a; Collarettes, Furs, etc. The little ones especially looked after. Make this your headquarters during Fair week. MRS. SLAYT0N, Milliner. T P WW