Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 20, 1902, Image 3

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Ath upwiitl torm of thn county
ooinniiniiioiierii court hold on tin) lliii
dny (if Oi.-tolmr, tliu TulluwJiiK jii'iKtood
lug wiiro Iinil,
J ii tho miittur of tho iiiuliitiiiuiit
of j'lHtluu of tho pence fur Ulaok )utlo
promnot, it la ordornd that C. II. Few
tor, bo, mid in liertby appointed ju
ticu of tlio penes fur mill prooliiot,
On llio iniittiir of tlio appointment
of road en j i -r v i n r fur district No. 24,
it i ordered tlmt F, A, llulin, be, Mild
lie i liuroby n ppoi it toil load iipurvior
of in ill dintiic.t.
in the matter of tlio wrongful hhwhb-
immt of tlio I). H. k I. Co., it in ordur
cd tlmt tliu dlierlir b credited in tlio
mm ol f'.MK).
Tlio regular Ici'iii of tlio coiiiiiii
inn nr ouiirt convened Wi'dtitwdiiy
November li, I 12. 'J'hcru being 4lir
full bun ul prem-nt tlio following pro
mdingj wuro Imil.
la tlio nmttor of the report or A. C
, l.tioiK, rond tipcrviior of road district
Ki. H. ltepnrt acccjitod und clerk or
tiered to draw warrant in favor of A
C. Luciu for f 3H 55.
In the matter ol the renortof C. V,
tlkim on MoDowoll road, report
adojiUs) and road ordered opened
In the matter of the resignation of
A. C. Lucai, road tunervitor of road
diitriot No 8, resignation accepted and
J. L. Allen appointed to All vacancy.
Id the matter of the report of view.
en ol the C. E. McDowell road. Report
read and approved and road ordered
Opened and petitioner! ohargtd ene
dayi work on road.
In the matter of Ibe petition of Ben
Joneeetal. Affidavit potting notieei
and bond for eoat having been filed,
road ordered viewed. 0. W. Dodeon,
D.E. Templeton, 0. W. WhiUett,
vlewert and C. A. Oravee lurveyor, to
meet at place of beginning Kov. U
In the matter of the appointment
of juatice of the peace for Summit
Finirie precinct, ordered that J. fl.
Cornell be, and be in hereby appointed
to rill vacancy on hit filing bond in
the u in of 1 500.
In the matter of the reliato of taxet
of A 6 Collim. Clerk ordered to draw
warrant in favor of A 8 Collins in the
urn of tJ, robato of taxca on account
of wide tired wagon,
In the mutter of error in drawing
county warrant. Oidored that the
county warrant No. C09, dated July
10, claw A, be cnnceiiixi, tlio tame
having boon drawn by error.
In the matter of the county war
rant drawn in favor of W. T. Casey for
damage! by Moflott rond. Ordered
that variant No. 652 cla 15 be can
celed. In the matter of the wrongful annul
ment of II. L. Stewart, ordtred that
tho ilioifT be credited in the turn of
18.01 on the roll of I'JOl.
In the matter of tho wrongful amcm
ment of I. W. Ward, ordered that the
lieriff be credited in tho aunt of $03.75
on the roll of 1901.
In the matter of the petition of
Denton 4 tirnter for anloou license.
IV.ition read and connidorod and there
appearing no lanioiintrance and it
appearing that a majority of the legal
voters had signed tlio petition, it ie
Ordered that licence be issued tu said
Benton k ti rater on their filing a good
and iiillicient bond and paying into
the county treasury the sum of $200.
In the matter of the petition of Win
Kveiinnliiun et ul fur county loud,
htipiilatiun as to lines liliil and road
oulca-d viewed.
In tl.e mutter of the Contract with
Kil lluibin for the repairing ol the
Kettioiii cnek bridge. Ordered tlnst
ront I'ui't In: Kpiiiiing and
ing to keep in lepaii fur a lenn of live
yeuiH mid brile for the sum of If I UK
hi' nwardid to Kiid fiiiibiii on hiuliiing
a goiid and Millii'ii'nt blind approved
by lhi cum t.
In the n, atler of the eoiitrui t with
I'M i I in hi ii for the repair of the Trail
eiossing biiilxe. it in ordered that
mill eontiaet for repairing and ginlr
anteeing to keep in repair ,-aiu bridge
fur a period of live yeni'n be let to said
Ed Harbin when be lilts a good and
nillieient bond approved by this cutirt.
In the matter of the din'ontiniianee
of sculps on wild animals. It it order
ed that the clerk be, and is hereby or
dered not to ieniiu any warrants on
realps of coyotes or other wild animals
after the 7th day Novemlier.
In the matter of the repayment of
duningu to T 11 Lufollett on V T
Casey mad. It is ordered that the
clerk draw a warrant in lavur of T H
l.afolktt for the sum of $100 paid by
said T II Lufollett us dunnics in
mutter of road petitioned for by (i V
Jones et ul, the suine huvitig not b;en
accepted by said W T Ca.-ey.
Uidend tlmt the cleik atlauli' fci-'
runts to the roll of J WW, 1WM, i'JOO
and 11)01, riitiirnablo in sixty day from
tho 8lh day of November,
In the matter of the counting and
burning of the scalps of wild animals
Hcalps counted und warrants examined
and found correct mid scalps destroyed
by burning.
In the mutter of tlio appointment
of delegates to Oregon Irrigation Con
volition, Ordered that ( W Humes
and M K Drink bo appointed dele
gatus to said convention and tho sum
of $100 1h appropriated for maps and
for the expenses of said delegate,
Tho Following Itllls Were Allowed
anil Warrant Ordered Drawn
lor the Haiti Amuum.
W II Hlnnts work on road...$
24 00
9 12
16 2(1
J T Loll in lumber lorroyd...
(Ircen Heard ronl work
0 O Collver iiuido bourds for
Chits Durham lumber for roads
Same Hame
Hume Hhiiio
Hume Hume
1' II Davis reiiistei inir voters
.luno im 510
J W Itohinsjii Hume 10 20
Clarence Hharp moving wood
into shed
Jass Watkina 10 cords wood..
Glass k rrudhomme county
warrant books
B 0 Smith sawing 10 cords
wood ...
Willey t Dee lumber for road
Same Same
31 92
Cbaa Derbam Same
Same Same
PrlueriUe-CbaDiko Stage Co
fir for Insane person....
J J Smith eiprees
Anne X Leag list of lands...
Wm Wigle road work 1110
0 I Hardii taking testimony 13 W
J F Morris juror free County
E H tfmilb Same Bame
W S Pollard Same Some
Jno Watkina 8anie Same
Joe Hinkle Bame 8ame
W W Beneneld use of bouse
for election,.
W II Milliorn registering voters
Win Wigle road work ,..
A Brown cleaning court
L Roberts jurors fees. .. .
Butler Same
John Sisemore Same
16 40
W W Brown
same 19
Ward well Cram
M D Nye
sumo 15 60
same 1560
S Dobbs
same 10
same 18
same 8
H L Friday
11 Lafollett
CI W Wiley
same 17 20
C Faught
same 19
R B Adams
S S Brown
same 15 60
sumo 1660
8 Hoffman
ssme 17
same 18
same 16
Geo Itoba
Wm Joslin
0 Bowel!
T Robinson
same 14 00
Green Beard
sumo 1360
Jas Woods
same 20
John Gets
witness fees.
i same...
F Hogg
Bora Lyons same 2
Arch A Curtis same 14
Robt Montgomery same 10
John Got
same. .
same. .
same. .
sumo. .
., 4
. 10 20
. 104V
. C20
. 16
C Kimball
W Louden
John l'rice
W H Gibson
same 18 40
Jeff Stewart
same. .
same. .
same. .
same. .
sume. .
Mime. .
same. .
sume. .
si. me. .
Siiine. .
6 20
7 20
W II Hawley
W II Donkel
W J Johnson
Chus Lister
Gilbert Luwmhi
licit Hcurs
K O Hydo
W 11 Howell
Lena (iibsiiu.
Miilu li lliinianl s.mnc
Clay A Simpson f.uuc
Louisa liurmiid rtimv
loiu Lyons c-ame
H 1' ILiriington sume
Mrs It 1' Harrington same
H 1' Belknap same
S J Xewsom grand juror,.
J I) Cartwright same
V E Clay pout sume
1 V Spear same
B 1' Shepherd same
A L Wigle same.
J M Montgomery funic
Will Wurtuweilcr sjme. . . ! .
LN Liggett road viewer..
0 20
7 HO
John Luckcy srme -1
A Dtinhuiii same 1
Win Bradioid clminiuan 12
A Davis same . Ill
J M Bice M.iine ........
C A lliuics surveyor
Jesse Ymicuy jury fu- u: Xhiv
J B tlii'i liiinln'i inr inad. . .
1' li Don k gin ml jury lml ill'. . .
1' L k V Co Milci mill linht
J D Lafullutt tifM!iuis taliiry
WallnCB l'it r 'gi-leriiij; voters
10 50
1- 0;
2 20 i
I'rinuvillu Ituview printing,... 26 71
Ailumsoii ik Winnek Co.,
stutiouery , , 41 30
J J Ijinitli extra help circuit
court , 3D
Hume postage 10
J W Hopkins justicfl cost bill 3 35
Champ Smith coustsble fees. , , 12
J W Hopkins justice costs,,, 6C5
Joe Hinkle constable fees,,,.. 150
Wurzweiler, court homo sup
plies 645
J II Crooks iniiest 15 30
I'rinoville-Shaniko Stage Co ,
stage fare II
Adumson it Witinek Co pau- -
per account.' 1
C Sum Smith stamps find
sidewalk 5
Wm Bot-gli postage and
stationery , 3
Dr E O Hyde examining
Friink Hardy 6
D K O Hyde witness fees..., 150
Mrs J C Hiimner cure pauper 4570
Wm l'rine road work ' 2
R 1' Harrington care Kli.n
Burnurd 50
J H Gray road work 7 50
P B Davis lumber for roads.. 14 20
Marion Taylor road work 1 50
Ben Holfrich road work 2 25
Frank Klkins road scraper, . . .
J L Allen road work
C W Elkins cosh for lumber
Klkins t Kiug mdse for roads
Elkins eV King courthouse sup
W A Booth cash paid (Barnard
T F Buchanan road work,,,,
Casper Newbill road work....
JohnNewbill " ....
BoyJoelin ' " ....
J M Henkle " " ....
LH Hamilton" " ....
George Fogle " " ....
M Wheeler " ' ....
Henry Montgomery " " ....
George Sewbill" " ....
Willey 4Dee " " ....
C Montgomery" " ....
C W Elkins road masters sal-
C K McDowell meals for jurors
Wm McMeekin lumber for roads
Same Same
62 95
T II Lafollett repayment on
Casey road
Astounding Discovery.
From Coopersvillc, Mich., comes
word of a wonderful discovery of a
pleasant tasting liquid that when used
before retiring by any one troubled
with ft bud cough always insures a
good night's rest. "It will soon cure
the cough too," writes Mrs. 8. Ilinicl
burger, "for three generations of our
family have used Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption and never
found its equal fur Coughs and Colds."
It's an unrivaled life-saver when used
lor uespcnito lung diseased. Guaran
teed bottles, 50c. and $100, at all
druggists. Trial bottles free.
It's Tho Truth.
It has been said that a man's
enemies never kick him when lie's
down, but that they stand aside
and let his friends do it. Do we
not see this frequently exemplified
inside as well as on the outside ?
If your brother is down, don't kick
him; if ho is in trouble don't scold
him; then is the time to exercise
fraternity (hut noble sentiment
which vou have been preaching so
long and so eloquently. Perhais
he has done wrong, been weak,
acttd fuolishlv, "rant it; but lie
now needs vour help and svmiia-
iv; trouble i.J trouble no matter
uw it C'liiius mid the words, "1
told vmi to"' have caused the total
wrtvk of many 11 dc-pairing soul,
whoii a sympathizing word might
luivc saved. Ami do sonuthing;
don't be satisfied with not kicking
or st'old;ng, that's negatively goo,!.
hut oil are p'ulgeil 10 be
ely good: do thv 0m ai t,
kind word, uplift and
; after vou have limit
spiak the
thii then.- will In
mlvifu mill mini
time enough to
mil ailiiii'iiisii. lluut'iiir-
ton llcralil.
Spreads Like WildQre.
Whull tilings urn "llii'luvt tlu.y
bvcoiiiu " the b'.'t dclling " Abmli.-ini
Una-, u li'iiiliiij; (ini(!ti,i, i.f lltllcvillr,
O., wiitt'n: "Klrctrii! liilkrs mu tliu
best soiling bittcm 1 liiivo liuuillinl in
twenty yours." You know why ? Miut
ilifouny In'jjin in diannlur. of tuii'iiuli,
livor, kiiulncy?, buwil.", bikini ninl
ilorvosi. "Gloetric l!it:ois time iii tin;
li)ui:i!i, roynlntos liver, kidneys inn!
Imwi'ln, piirilii-s the blood, tivnl hens
the nerves, hence euies innltiluilis i f
liniliulies. It builos up the ontiiv sjs-
teni, nuts new life inul viyor into unj
weak, sickly, luud.nvu man 01
I'tiec, 5t icnu. SoM by all diu;.r-i-t. !
It is reported from Washington
that tlio government nwy ignore
Colombia if it docs not deal fairly
tu the Panama canal negotiations.
DiHclowircs of a former British
amlmsnador to Austria is causing
quite a Htir in f.urope, Jio is
charged with giving away etate
Pasture ! Pasture ! !
I have 640 acres of good pasture
and will take horses or cattle to
pasture by the month, at reason
able rates. Ranch on Mark creek
Eatray Notice.
Grizzly, Nov. 6, 1002.,
Came to my place about th
middle of October. One red three
year old cow marked with split in
right ami unucriiit in Jett ear,
branded big circle on right hip.
Owner will please- call and pay
charges and remove same from my
premises or the animal will he sold
according to law.
II. L. Montgomery.
1W aleutu la a ewj Wk d tk gsaaase
CHl.4.f,w, mmim I. Uim am
Mjliik, Rtllakle, llapa,CM
turn. Cumical S ibwluifi.
U ta MowS MSPerlaratlwAn
U lMth mt ttum Um.
Only o tn 15 Cnt etch-HOM bightr.
Art for iSem. Sold ra rmttjr orcry dly
ud 01 br noil Iron
113-115-117 West 3lit St. StW Tom,
For all kinds of rough
and dressed lumber.
Kiln . dried flooring
and rustic, go to
Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Gents
and Children's shoes. S. J. k Co.
Call and see them and
examine their stcok
City ifat
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, "Mntton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Mail! St. Prioeville,
j(. jfc. jCippman & Co.
Manufacturers of Furniture
Fine Undertaking Goods,
Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, JJOil and Glass,
Lumber and Building Material.
Goods sold for cash and
Cyrus' Jewelry Store
John Cyrus Prop, ,
Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks.
Optical Goods, Sewin? machines etc.
Repairing done by W. H. Cyrus.
!Prompt atttniion Si'vtm mail trtlirs.
tPrinoville, - - Oregon.
Columbia Southern Jfotol
The Finest Hotel in Interior Oregon.
Bates $1,50 and $2.00 per day.
J. 51. KKWEV, Proprietor,
"Vhe SirickJeotel."
Get Your Job Printing
With a new outfit of type and machinery, we line up with
the very best printing houses in Oregon in turning out
job work of the highest standard of excellence. ::::::
Finn! New Goods 8
Foster & Lehman
Oregon. TllOlie 31.
on the installment plan.
fit Shaniko, Oregon.
Done at the Journal Office
You will b pleased with
their prices