Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 13, 1902, Image 6

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    Timber I nmt, Art Juno It, IS'ffl. -
; xoticw rrm rt'CMCATioN'. :
tlnlicd Hiatus Land ontce.
Tin! IKiIIim, Oriyiiii, Kcpli'iulwf IK,
Nollf! I hereby Riven that In comiill-
ailro with lit'.' I'M' isions 01 am
ronaress of Jims :!. lh7S. Mlilltd "An aot
fur ttii- r. lo of timber lumls In the states
of California, tirr-si.n, Nuaila, anil asb
Itifftoii Territory." Hit exti-nik-il to all the
1'iiullt' Lnnil Btatr-s by aot of August 4,
lmij, tlie following persons hnve this pay
In this ollica their sworn statement
LAI'RA PrhiCTllk, coun
ty of Crook, statu of Oregon, sworn state
ment number Vf, Woo July 10, lure, for the
purchase of tha X X N and NX NWtf
section 34, tp. 15 8., R lit E., V. M,
SARAH F. l'ABKER, of Prineville,
county of Crook, mate of Oregon, iworn
statement number 77B, Meil July 10, 1002,
f.. m.n.ii. nf the 8 u N E V. and B U
NWU auction S4, Tp. 18 8. tt. 19 g.,
ORA L. PARKER, nf Prbevllle. comity
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
numhor 777, tiled July 10, 1MB, for the pur
chase of the t ! w X ami r, w
Section , Tp. IS 8., R. 19 h., W.M.
ROBERT B. FOSTER, of- Prifieville,
county of Crook, state of Ureiron, aworn
tntpinrnt .number 778. tiled July 10. 1902,
f,,rll.emlrrhascof'tlie NEW N K M. W U
HEX and N W H 8 E M section 30, Tp 15
B., K 1 E., Vt . M.
I.Al'RA P. 111008, of Prineyillo, county
of Crook, atate of Orofron, aworn statement
nuiulwr 7711, tild July 10. 11102, for the pur
chase of the W H w H Bim whs w a
section 2li, 1 p. IS ., K 1 a., x.
MONIA GRAVES, of l'rincville, county
nf Crook, slate of Orecon. sworn statement
number 7K0, tiled July W. 1002, for the pur
chn of the K A X K W and E i S E V; sec-
tion 22, Tp. 1ft S.. K. 19 .11.
ADA F. FOSTER, of Prineville, county
of Crook, ntutr of Oregon, sworn statement
uuiuiier "si. tiled July 10, 1002, Air the pur
chase of the s Y. jamist - w ; sec
tion 8, Tp. 15 s.. 11. 10 E.. W -H.
OIARI.KS A. OltAVES, of rrincville,
rnuntv of Crouk. state ol Oregon, sworn
i,o,.ini'nt ninnlMT 7S2. tiled July 10. 1)102.
for the purchase of the X X K'J and X
IS N section 0 1 p. 1.1 n., IX io rj., n -.1.
ALFRED II. PAR KEY, of Prineville,
county of Crook, state of Orecon, sworn
statement number 790, filed July 14. 1902.
for the purchase of the W M X W J, X E
K W J and X W Vt X E J section 22, Tp.
15 ., It. lil f...
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought la more valuable for Its
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
nna ntiri to establish their claims to
said land before M. R. Hints. U. S. Com
niissioner at Prineville. Orenon, on Friday
the 2sth day ot Xovemoer, VMi.
They name as witnesses: Laura A. Fos
ter, Sarah F. Parker. Ora L. Parker. Robert
B. Foster. Laura P. liistts, Monia ti raves,
Ada F. Foster. Charles A. Graves and
Alfred H. Parkey, all of Prineyille, Ore
gon. ...
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ahove-deserlbed lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
Oclore the saiu hmu aa oi joveinutr,
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
, , : , . I '
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office at
The Dalles. Oreron. Aug. 18, 1902,
Notice is hereby iven that iu compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress nl
.June 3, 178, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the States oi California, Ore-
gon, Nevuda and V:i-hin:,'t"n Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Matt by
. ar.tof August 4. 1!I2. HVIIOX CAU
Buckley, comity of lVsrco. state of Wash
ington,' has, July 71, l'.U2, tiled in this office
his sworn statement Xo. ,92. for-the parch.
of thesw1,; of Secti-in Xo. 22, In iownslni
No. 14 s., Kan-e Xo. Ill e.. SV. M and will
offer proof to sin.w t!ut the luud sought is
more valuable for its tiudrfr or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before J. J. Smith, County
Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 13th day of November, 1902.
He names af witnesses: C. E. McDowell,
H. A. Foster. 0, H. Erii kson and F. T. Hig
gint,', all ot Prineville, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said
13th day of November, 1902.
au2.Sp Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An aet
for the sale of timber lands in the states
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and "Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4.
1892, Minnie Anderson, of Spokane, county
of Spokane, state of Washington, has on
May 31, 1902, tiled in this office her sworn
statement Xo. 459. for the purchase of the
H'A SK4 Section 11 and X4 XEJ section
14 in township 12 S., range 10 E W. M..
ind will offel proof o show that the land
sought is more va! for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land before
the P.eglster and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the
5th day of December. 1!Kj2.
She natnesas witnesses: L. E. Allin
bain, of Warm Sprinps. Oregon, ami Olc
K Anderson. Annie Mikclson and John O.
Skaar, all of Spokane, Waslii::gl.j;.'.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse
ly the a:ove-ues-'nled hirnls arc request
ed to lib: their il:iims in tins on f
before said jlli day oi'iVi ember. 1902.
JAY P. LUCAS. R sister.
Oct 2 r
Timber 1mm, Aet lime 3, K,
'He 1).
Stilt,:, I.ulni 0
I he.. At:-. 15, !
v:i in ci'
the At "f C.:
"An aet fur tl.
Notice i, hereby ,
with the pmil-ii.ns ".'
J .me 3. V. etitUi-il
timber l.-.i..i- in the i.
gn, Xei i'a Hid V, as:
.xtenilei! b. a, the P-.:
of August !, !':. the
...tes l.f C
lli.i, (In
siiin. t',11 rIervii
.Mic Land Sta'.i.
wiui.' je:s-
this day filed iii tl.i-
,:lice uuu s:wul'll stute-
nieuts, viz.-
HlvKDEitT T. i;1:i:.i:man, of St.
Mares, enmity of Knoteii.ii, tate of Idaho,
sworn statement No. H4i'. for the purchase nt
the mi K Section 'Si, T.. Li S., It. 11 E., W.
PENDLETON LI.KV1XS, of Prineville.
County of Ciook, State of Oregon, swoni
stateiueut No. 'il2, for ti.e purchase of the
fw'iandJse!4'Seitioul., Tp.HS., It.
19 E., W. M.
That tlle'T will offer liroof to show that the
land sought is mote yahiuUe for its tiuibei ir
stone thuli for aricul.tual purposes, ami tu
estaliliih tlieir tliiiin to said land before W.
- A. Hell. U. S. (Joimnirfdonet. at his otfice at
Prineville, Oregon, on Thursday, the loth day
of November, l'JU2.
Thev name as witnesses! C.I. Winnek, I.
F, Winnek, Fred Hig'ens, P. IS. Poiiidexter,
K. N. White, John Combs, Ed. Merritt, J.
W. Wright, Lew McCallister, W. K. McFar
liuid and Chris Culirs, all of Priueville, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove-descriliea lamb are requested to hie
their cl.vma in this othce on or before said 13th
day of Ncvember, 1902
ati'p Ja P. Licit, Itegistcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1W.
" KOTICE Foli Pt'llUCATIOX.1 '
L uited States Ind Oliioc,
The Dalles, Oregnn, Septemlier SO, 1902.
Notice is hereby ulven ' that in onmplianc '
wi J. U.e prnvisloiw of the act of OmKress of , c
timber linds'in the Htatea of California, Ore-1
l.ina V s.,t.tlaH ' .1 ,1 .. Ilir TTt OI .
Ron, .9vsla and nasnmscun lermory, as
extended to all the mniic l-ar.n .-mw oy i
act nf August 4, 1N92, William Pitcher, uf
Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, :
has on July 10, 1902 tiled 'in this oftioe his
sworn statement number 7f.H, for the purchase
of the K S W S and WStsa M ot see.
number 31 township 12 south, rang 16 E. W.
M.. and will offer proof to show that the lan i
sought is more valuable for ita timber or
stone than for airicultural purpose, ana to
establish his claim to said land bafora M. R.
Biggs. V. S. Commistionsr, at Prlasvills,
Oregon, oa friday, tha Mth euvjr of 'ovem-
bsr, 1903.
He names as witnewni S. W. Compton
Win. McMeekin, George Turner and J. W.
Hopkins, all of PriaeTille, Oregoa.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands art requested to tile
thtit claims in this office on or befare said
28th day of November, 1902.
8-P25 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act Sept 23, 1W8.
United States Laud Office,
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 23, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions oi the act of Congress of
June 3, 187.S entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public I,and States by
act of August 4, 1S92, the following persons
have on July 5, 1902, hied in this onice their
sworn statements, tu wit:
JOEL E. CALAVAN, of Prineville, coun-
ty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
Xo. 741, for the nurcnase of the NE Sec.'
6, Tp. 15 S., R 19 E., W. M.
AVER B.1CALAVAX, of Prineville coun
ty of Crook, sute cf Oregon, sworn statement
Xo. 742 for the purchase of the SE Sc.
6, Tp. 15S..R. 19 E., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land soiurht is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims to said land before M.
K. big?, L . S. ICommusoner, at hts office at
Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday, the 6th
day of December, 1902.
They name as witnesses: B. F. Jones,
Nancy D. Jones, J. E. Calavan, Aver B.
Calavan and J. W, Hopkins, all of Prinevills
Any and all persons claiming adveraly the
abovdescribed lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said
6th day of Deceaiber, 1903.
02p JAY P. LUCAS, Register. ,
Timber Land, Act Juns 3, 1878.
United States Las u Omct,
' The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 23. 1902
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tha act of
Cont-resBof June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in tha
states of California, Oregon., Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Au
oust 4, 1892, the following persona have
July 17, 1002, bled in this office their
sworn statements, to-wlt:
JOSIAH HINKLE, of Prineyillo,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 8;5 for the purchase of
theSE i Sec. 14, TplaS., K 19 K.
Ifr. M.
MARION R. BIGGS, of Prineville,
county of Crock, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 804 for the purehaae of
the WJ N W j and W I SW i See 20'Tp
15 S., R 19E., W. M.
WILLIAM A. McKlNXON, of Price,
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Jio. 803 tor tne purcnase oi
the Ei SE i and Si NE J Sec. 8, Tp. 14
S., R'lOE., W. M".
That they will ofier proof to show that
the land souclit is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claims to
aatd land before J. J. Smith, Coanty
Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday
the 9tb day of December, 190Z.
They name as witnesses: Elmer Kay
ler, Josiah Hinkle, M. R, Biggs, and
Chas Graves, of Prineville, Oreeon, and
H. A. Foster, Tom Watkins, F. M.
Booth, and W. R. oooth.of Price,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested
to tile their claims in this office ou or be
fore said 9th clay of December. 1902.
0p2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Sept. 23, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that iu compli
ance with tho provi-ioiis of the act of
Congress of .luneli. 1878, entitled "An
act tor the sale of titaher lands in the
.:Uto.i ot (Jalii'ol Ilia, Oi'ejon, Nevada,
ao.d W'-idiinu'iiti Territory." as extended
to aii t;ie purilic Ian, atatcs oy act of Au
"!i;t 1, i J. the !:i:ovi:i liei'snlts 3: ive
niJuiy 21, l'.VJ l ied in ttiia oilice their
(IK'iUCj; M. OAVLOiiD, of Prine-
l i'.i:;ty oi f'tiiok, st ue of Otvooii.
sl;iteiii:oit No, si'i for the pur
of ti..- E SWI and E 1 NW !
Sec LM, Tp. 1.J S., It. P.) JJ IV. -M.
JtillN S. WATKINS of Prineville.
county of Crook, XtuM: of Oregon, sworn
stateumiit No. bT lor tlie purchase ut
the NE 1 4- Sec. 2), Tp. 1j S. K. 19 E.,
W. 31.
LETTIE WATKINDS, of Prineville,1
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Xo. 8KS for the purchase of
th- vw ls.. oi T,, 1-. ; I! m V
I w " ' l" "'. '
JENNIE CUAIX, of Prineville, coun
ty of Crook, state ot Oregon, sworn
statement -Yo. Sb'.l for tho purchase 'if
the SH' - Seo. "4, Tp. 15 S 11 19 E.,
W. M.
iriLFORD J. CRAIN, of rrincville.
county of Crook, state of Oregon1 sworn
statement No. 890 for tho purchase of
the NE i Sec. L'4, Tp. 15 S., K. VJ E.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for ita
timber or s'one than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish the'r claims to
said land before M. R. Higs, (J. S.
CoinmiBiioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
Monday, the Silt Jay of Docembur,
They name aa witiif asoa: Oeorgo M.
Oaylord, John 8. Watkun, Ltti .V,it
. .nnie Crain nud and ' Wtlford J
. V.iuuMU Orenon. X
.' ' '
Any and all uuraimi oUiuiiij( adycriely
thd above described lanua are advised to
tile their claims in this oltiot) on or be
fore said 8th day of December, l'.K)3.
03p , JAV P. LI CAS, Register
. . . - , -
, Timber Land, At Jnna S, 1878. ,
Vnited States Land Office,
The Dalles. Oreiron. Aug. 15, 1!U
Notiot is herebe siren that in comuliann
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, 1S78, tntltlsd "An aet for tht sale of
timber lands in tha Mates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
attended to all the Pub lis Land States by
aot of Aiurust 4, 1892, the following persons
bava filed in thiaolBot their sworn state
aemte, to-wlt:
WILLIAM H, SUMNER, of Prineville,
county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. Wi. July 1, 1902, for the pur
chase of the soH Sec, 33, Tp. 13 a, r 18 a, W.
HARRIETTS A. COLBY, of Prlnevillfc
county of Crook, State of Oregnu; sworn
statement No. 665, July 1, 1902, for the pur
chase of thewiswVi Sec. 21. and aH nw
Sec. 28, Tp. 17 s, r 18 e: W. M.
IRVING F. WINNER, of Prineville,
oountp of Crook, State ot Oregon, sworh
statement No. 667, July 1, 1902, (or the pur
chase of the nwH Sec. 34, Tp. 13 s, r 18 e, W.
MA RLE J. MILLER, of Lamouta, coun
ty of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn state
ment No. "39. JulyS, 1902, for the purchase
af the w1 sw1',', se1,' swVi and sw' seH yec
15, Tp. 14 s, r 20 e, W. M.
That they w ill offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tinilwr or
stone than for agricultural purpose and to
establish their claims to said laud lefore W.
A. Hell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville,
Oregon, on Thursday, the 13th day of No
vember, 1902.
They name as witnesses, C. I. Winnek,
Fred Higgins, C. E. McDowell, I. L. Holt
and James Fatwht. all of Prineville, Oieijon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said
13th day of November, 1902.
au2Sp JaV. P. Lucas, Register,
Timber Land, Act June S, 1S7S.
United States Land Office.
The Dalles. Oregon. Sept. 2H, 1!it2.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provision of the act of
Conirresa of June 3. 17. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by aot of August 4,
1892, Eftie Libby, of Portland, county of
Mu tnoniah. state of Oregon, lias on .May
13, 1!2. tiled in this office her sworn state
ment Number A4H, for the purchase of the
SW'i SWX section 22 and EJ, SI
SV.V. swtion 21 Tt) 19 S. R 11
M . and will offer proof to show that the
j land sought is more valuable for its timber
1 or stone than for agric dtural purposes,
I and to establish her claim to said land lx
j fore the Register and Receiver of this office
at 1 tie fanes, tiregon, on rrmay, iou oui
; dav of DecctnlsT, l!rj.
i she panics us witnesses: DeWitt W
; Dunforth. Beiiiainiu F. Smith, Jennie It,
Smith anil Isabel D. Libby, all of Portland
' Oregon.
Anv and nil persons claiming adverse
Iv the above-described hinds are request
e'd to tile their claims in this office on or
before said 5th day of December, H02.
JAY P. LUCA3, Register.
Oct 2 r
Timber Land. Act June 3, 1S78.
United States Land Office.
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 23. 19o2.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with --nvislons of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1S78. entitled "An
act for ;hj sale of timber lands in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land Htates by act of
August 4, 1892, the following persons have
on July 3, 1902, filed in this office their
sworn statements, to-wlt:
GREEN HEARD, of Piineville, county
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 728 for the purchase of the NE '4 Sec.
30, Tp. 15 S. R. 19 E., W. M.
MARY J. HEARD, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 727 for the purchase of the N W Sec.
30. Tp. IS 8., R 19 E., W. M.
ETHIE M.RAY, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworu statement
No. 726 for the purchase of tlie SW Sec.
30, Tp. 15 8., R19 E.,W. M,
FRANK RAY, of Prineville, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No, 723 for the purchase of the SK i Sec.
30, Tp 15 S, R 19 E, W -M.
8CSIE M. DUNCAN, of Prineville, coun
ty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state
ment No. 723 for thejpurchasc of the S W yt
Sec 14, Tp 15 S, R 19 E, W M.
CA.MPISELL A. DUNCAN, of Prineville,
county of '.'rook, state of Oretfon, sworn
statement No. 722 for the purchase of the
S NE V, and 8U X W Sec H, Tp 15 S,
R18E, WJI.
NANCY D. JONES, ol Prinevilic. county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn -tuteineiit
No. 721 for the purchase of the S W 'A Sec (;
Tp 15 S, Ill-E, W.M..
HEX V. . ION ES. ot Prineville, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, iwurn stateiueut
No 720 for the purchase of the N w M.S'1'
U,Tpl5S, li, 19 E, W M.
j'hat they will of! IT proof to show that
land nought is more valuable- for it
tiriiiii-r or sTone llinn ioi" agricultural pur-.;ri:-s.
and to cstubl'sh their cluiins tu
-nid land before M. It. YAw, I-'. S. Coin
iiii -inner ot i'ljiicvilie, Oregon, oil Satur-
Isv. tlieOlli day of I ifci-litber.
i'liey icmic a'" lt:'.-.sis.: On-cu iVunl.
.'lure'i. lie;. nl. -.thie It:iy, I rank It :;v.
i - M. jbiii. .in. I ni.ipl.eil . it.i.o ;u'.
Niiio v 11. .Jonc-.vainl L' li 1'. .lone.-, a!! oi
riil.eviii'-, 'll'f'jon.
Ai. finil nl! pcrs'inn clulming advcrcely
- ;ii: , ,'e-iil :e ritird iil.'los ui'i- reijoei-.le'!
io tile tin lr claims in this oltii : e on or
is fore the vi'.u 1 t;t li i!n' ol licccinlicr, i:sr.
JAV i;. LL'CAS, ltcgister.
Oct 2p
Tlmb'-r Land. Act June 3. IS7S.
Cnlt d Slates Land Otnoe,
Tlie Dalles, Oregon. Sept. 23, 19!.
Notice l.l liereiiy Kivi'U that in tomplt
ani o with the provisions of tho act of
Congress of J jik- 'i. P74, entitled "An act
tor th- sak- of timber iiinds in the states
of ( 'aliforniu. Ori gun. Nevada, arid Wash
ington Territory." as extended to all the
Public l.anil States by act of Augunt 4.'
1-tti. William J. Wright, of Howard, coun
ty of Crook, stnte of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this otlice his sworn statement No,
402, for the purcha-eof theSW SW! of
section 8 Tp 14 S, R 19 K, W.M, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timlajr or sUme than
for agricultural purposes and to establish
ids claim to said land before A. 0. Palmer,
U S Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the 10th day of December,
He names as witnesses: Clyde Hon.
John Hon, Pen lilevins and Alden Kniglit
en. all of Howard, Oregon. ',
Any and all persons elalnvng adverse
ly the abovo-deserllied lands are reijuest
ed to lile their claims In ibis office on or
before said lOtli dav of DeeeinU-r, 1902.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Lund, Act Juno 3, l7s.
notich nm rt'iti.ioATioN.
U. IS, Land Oilier.
Tho Dulles, Oregon, June 83. I"3.
October 17, 102,
Iu lw,rh trlvrtl that ill conipli-
aoe with the prnvlsjons of. the act q(
CoiiBress of Jun 3. , ism. siuiilfd ;."Ai
nit ir th sale Ol limix r nuim
Slates of California. Oregon. Nevada,
ai," Washtnftton Territory' as extended
to all me ruoiio i.uuo om. .- --
August 4. !-. the following persons have
tiled in this otnea moir sworn .v.v...v...
UTkVxiR D.'PICKRTT, of rTin'evllltt,
county of t'PH.k, state of Oregon,
Sit k ,
the purchase of the F. N hX, BWO W
and SE'iNWWHec 20, tp 15 W R 19 h
Ki'tXKST D. STARR, of Prlutvtlle.
county of Crook, state of reon. aworn
statement No 904, Hlfl August t, M. for
thepunhaseol'tlieNKHHec24, tp 15 .,
b. .7 ,-.vr ,u V f Prlo.vllle.
county of Cr.K.k, state Oregon sworn
statement n o i i , u t y - -
theptmdiaseof the VM S X
nd SKWSWJSfcai' tp 15 S R 19 E.,
"...'...... li' f 1irUi.villR.
Amri.llt'. " -
eounty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Xo!!7, men August i, .,
the pun haiHi of the HEX See 8, tp 15 S., It
lit K W M
HENRY E. BEARD, or Prineville,
county of Crook, state or Oregon, sworn
statement No HUH, II U-i August 4, 1002, tor
the purchase of the SEX Sec 2, tp 15 S., U
JKKFERSOX D. EVAN'S, of Prineville,
cotintvot Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement Solum, tiled August 4. 1902 or
the purchase of the W'-, NK'i and W'-,
THOMAS M. O'CONNEI.L, ol Prineville
.,.,iv ot'Crook. stole of Oi-cgoti, sworn
statement Xo 909. Illed August i:w, no
tho purchase of the W', SKI and h.',
SWJ Sec 211, tp 12 S., K 10 r... -M.
tl..,i llo.v w ofTer orool P snow linn
the land' sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
noses, and to ttnulillsn ineir ciiion ...
.l hoioro M. 11. l':gs, U. . Couimls-
aioner, at his office ut Prineville. Oregon,
i Friday, the 2nd day ol January,
Thev liaiue as witnesses: Jennie 1.
Pickett, Ernest 1). Starr, Sarnli L Kotziuau
Adoltih Koumnn, Henry E. Heard. Jell'er-
son 1. Evans Tlioiuns M. O'Connell and
Mahala J. Evans allot rrinevtiie urcgon.
Anv and all persona claiming adverse
ly the above-descrllied lands are reuuesl
r'd to file their claims In this office on or
fore the said '.'ini nay oi January, :.
JAV P. LUCAS. Register.
Land Ornis at Ths Dall, Oawiox,
October 14, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that the followirg
named settler has hied notice nf intention
to make final pnif in support nf his claim,
and that, said pns.f will be made More J. J.
Smith, Cuunty Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon,
n Vridav. Nov. 2.S. PJ02. vis: (ieorge W.
Jones, of Prineville : H. E. No. oTsU, for the
H SW',;-NE SWSec. 31, Tp, US,
It. 1ft E.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ujsib and cultivation
of said land, viz :
James Harvey.Iames Moflitt. Andrew Turn
er and Chatles Dealey, all of Prineville, Ore
gon -
O 23 JAY P. LI'CAS, Rrgiitci.
NOTICE FOR PlTiLICATTON. Omci at The Dalle. Obkuon,
October 1 1, 1902.
Notice U hereby given that the fiillntviii
n.iliied settler has tiled notice of his lutein on
to make tiled proof in support of hi claim.
and that sunt proof wdl be luaitc bi tnie A. t,
I'liliner, I. N Comnil-slouer, at t'rltieville,
(li'epni, on Friday, November 2s, l!;'2, viz:
Nuina F. MeCoin. of Culver, Oregon, II. K.
o. lili'JIi, for tlie N't NW'i and N W'j S'.
Sec. 20 and SW bW'H Sec. 17, T. bl:v,
14 E v..U.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his cuntiniioits rei-ideuce upon and cultivation
of said land, viz :
Robert P. Johnson, of Culver, Oregon
Olner M. Cyrus, of Culver, Oregon ; r.enjiiiiiiii
B. Helfiich, of Culver, Oregon, and Walter
It. Ruble, of Culver, Oregon.
0 23p Register.
Timber Land. Act June 3, 178.
United States Land Oflic.
The Dalles Oregon Octoln-r 17 1002.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "Aa
act fur the sale of timber lands In the
Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the public Land States by act of
August 4, ls2,
Thomas M O'Connell, of Prineville,
county olCrook, state of Oregon, tins on Aug
4 filed in this otlice his sworn statement,
numberOdO, for the purchase of the WJ4,
SEi & K SWJ of Sec. 2(1 Tp 12 S., It 10 K
W. M and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone limn fur agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said
land before W. A. Hell, U. S. Commission
er, at Prineville, Oregon on Friday the 2nd
day of January, 19C).
lie nunics us witnew s: Jennie 1. Pick
ett, Ernct D. Starr. Sarnli L. KuUimin,
Adolph Kot.iniin Henry E. Heard Jeller
snii D Evans and Mahala J. Evans all ol
Prineville Oregon.
Any and all s-rsons claiming adverse
ly the ahoye-deserila-d lamia are ruiuest
to tile th'-ir claims In this otlice on ot
before said 2nd day uf January, 1903.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Aet June 3, 17.
United States Laud Ofbce,
Till: Dulles, Oregon, Oct. 21, 11102.
Notice ber.'iiy given that iu con, pli
ance with tbe pro', i-ion- of tiic act ol ( o,:-
gl-uss oi ,1'llie ''. I'oS. elilitled "An net to
t"'iesii!i: of limlicr Lindi in the t;t t -. ol
i iilit'ornia, ilie' hi, Ncv.'idii, anil '.'ii-iiii''-toil
Territory ;U' 'iteud"d to .ill the Pub
lie bind .biles by act ! Auu-t I. l-:rj,
!ie I'olloM'lli" I'''''-''" bave bled in tbi
oiiicc i!i"ir MVoni' iiieiits. to nit :
Itl.AN'.'ll V. PARSON'S ot biicUli v.i'oiin-
of i'icrcc. sl.oe of lVn-hniotoii, sworn
'( iti-liieilt No. 1'1;, liled A Itiril-1 2 i. lbU2,
!',,r the liiilch'i e of the SK Sec. .Ui. li
It. 19 U.. W. M.
ALiiEliT S. i'AKSONV, of liiielley,
county of Pierce, state ol V.Jilllll;'loll,
-worn' stittenicnt N'o. !, died August 29.' lor the piir.diiise of the K'4 t.K'.
S'.VK N'E'4aiid SEJ N W'X Sec. 32, T US.,
It 19 E., W.M.
i'EAKL UHAMliKItLIV, of Scuttle,
county ol King, state of Washington, sworn
Matouiont No. lirlt, tiled Augu-t 21, I!i02,
for the purchase of the V.l E4 nud EJS
:E'4Secl.T. I.S.. It. K., W.M.
That thev will ulfer tn-uol to -how that
tlie bind sought i-s inure valu d.le fur it
tniilter or nunc' than fur agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claims to said
laud bdure the ltegi-ter and Receiver at
The Dulles, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th
diiv of Jantiarv, IM.'.
'i'licy name' as witnesses: Florence M.
Cady, D. Lnwton Cady, Illancho Parsons
and Albert S. Parsons, of Buckley, Wash.,
May J. Cady and Walter E. Cady. of Oct
chel!, Wash., and Pearl Chaiiiberlin, ul
Seattle, Wash. I
Any and all persons cluiininj adversely
tin- above-decnbcil lands are rciplested Iu
lile their claims in this office on or before
the suid 12tli day of January, low.
o-39-p J. P. LL'( AS, Register.
Subecrihe for tlie JtiRNAL.
, Timber Lund, Aot J line 3, JN7H.
Vnithh Status Lami tH'i'ti'lt,
The Dalles, Oregon, Out. 21, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that In otiniplliinoii
with tjie provisloiui of tlie act ul.OangresI of
June ft, lH7tt, iltitled ''All Set fur the sal of
timber lauds In the SUtisof t'aldoriila, On
gnu, Nevada and Washimrton Territory,"
extended to all the Puhllu Iistid States by
act of August 4, 1X92, the following named
iwiwtna hava, na August Bit, limit, tiltd if this
other their sworn statements, to.wlt: w
I, KONAHO T. HM ITU, i f lluekl.y, comity
of l'leroe. state uf Washington, swa state-
uisnt No. USUI for ths purchsse of tha S'
SK', NKX.8F.t4' and SB MKJ Heo. 12, T.
FRANK SMITH, of Buoklsyl eounty
of l'leroe, stat of Washington, sworn state-
msnt No. 1070, for ths purchaa ot ths oH J
Sea 8, T 15 S.. R 19 K., W. M.
That thsy will offer proof to show that ths
land sought It mar valnabl far Its timber or
stoas thai far agricultural purposes, and to
Uhllsh their claim to said land bafora th
Register and Roslsr. at Th latllea, Orsgon,
oa Tuwalay, th 13th day of January, 10U3.
Thsy nam aa witnesses 1), L. Cady, Klor.
enos M. Culy, J. M. Smitk, 0. Csty, 1. A.
i;ady. II. Caily, M. J. Cady, W. B. Ca.iy,
IrfHinard T. Smith and Frank F. Smith, of
Hockley, Washington, and M. J. Culy and
XV V. l"Udv. nf llstohsll. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming ailvsnuly the
alsive desorilied landa are requested to tile
their ehilma In this oltice on or liefor ths said
13th day of January. 1903.
nOap JAY P. LI'CAS, Register,
Sl'lllSdH AtiKNt'V. OliKtiON, OotolHT
n. mi.
Notice is licrebv given tlutt I will
sell ut public auction, Ui tho highest
biililor. fur cash, On Tiiosilny, tho lllli
tlup o( Noveiiilior, at the echinil fiirm
vuiila, the ullowiiiii tlcscribcil citiiio
belonging to the V. S., to wit : 4 cows,
2 heifers, II) steers unit II calves.
JAMES K. hlllh, Hiipt,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been by the County Court
of Crook County, state of Oregon, duly
apmiutctl as Administratrix of the E-tate
of (ieorge W. lilenn, ilcrenscil, and all
iH'rsons liuvihg claims against snul estate
are hereby required to present the same
duly veriibd to said Administratrix ut the
ottlce of M. E. lirink, In Frtnevillc, Oregon,
within six iiiotitlis from the dale of the
tirst publication of this notice.
Dated OcIoIht 2lst, 1902.
SiaMI P. Ot .run.
Ailmliilrtrnlrli of Hie E"tute of
(ir.oBo . lit.sNN, diceasetl.
M. E. Hang, Any. for Adinrx.
Oct 23 7
Notice to Creditors. , ,
Notice is hereby given that llif tliuli r-siL'ii.-il
has bv the (aiuntv Court of t rouk
county. Stait'of Orejun, duly 011110111101 as
Adniiiilsiriitorof lliecstuU'fif W .11. Fuller,
deceu-cd, Olid all perscns tllivlllg i lBllllS
against said ntale are hereby retpiin d to
pre-i'iit the same duly vcrilbd to said ad
niinislriitor at ills oltice at Piineville. Ore
gon, within -ix months bom thcilnleol Hie
lirst publication of this notice.
Hand October 23, Hi.
lb F. Strwoir,
Ailuiimslrntor ,,f lb- K-I..IC uf
W. II, 1 I I I.Kll, dec. ,1 l-l
I'lillnuin Ordinary Slfjirrn.
Tim tourist travel butwoeii the east unil
tho Pacific coast has ruicbed enormous
proportions in the last few years, and
calls fur a special class of eiiiipmeiit. To
meet this iletuiiiul llio Pullman Co. has
issued from its shops what it technically
calls the "Pullman Orditaty Sleeper."
These cars appear similar to the regulai
sleeper, being built on the same plan,
but not furnished with tho samo elegance
They are equipped with inattrewsus,
blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
towels, combs, brushes, etc, requiring
nothingof the kind to be tarnished by
the passenger. Each car has a stove for
making coffee and toa and doing "light
housekeeping," and each section can be
fitted with au adjustable table. A uni
formed porter accompanies each car. his
business being to make up berths, 'keep
the car clean, anu look after the comforts
and wants cf the passengers. In each of
I he trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland by the O. K. & N. Cr. is
10 be found one of these "Pullman Or
dinary bleupers." The car is attached
to the ''Chicago Portland Special,
which goes through to Chicago without
chimp?, and the one in the "Atlaiitio Ex
press" runs 10 Kansas City wit limit
change. I'aaseugers in litis car fur Chi
cago change tu a similar car at flningcr.
Much of tlie tlrst class travel is being
carried in tbosei cars, tiio rates being
lower, and the survicu being nearly equal
Iu that, iu the palaigi sleepers.
For rates and full information, in-,
eluding olders, write to A, L. Craig, '(i.
1". V, O. It. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
li ! You.9can t
U 1 bs cared 9
If yn suffer from p.ny of tlie G
ills of men, come to ihe tMrt
hpetiinii on the Pacific C'tAiit,
1051 MarKotbt Ettd I .'10 2.
l ounic men and middle m
m from th e'fett of yiutiiinl ir.iiisrreiioT s tt ts
in ysjwu. li- riioi att.u I ny"
m lie
f in
ill itf c'liiiul uions: hiiiTiiiittorriin'rt,
rt-inn nrf uf i'rf-uulltiK. fif. Iivii
comliiMtiiii of rcmetneft, o) jjrvai cimitivc jxjvv
er, l fie iiot;tor lit io arr.tneu hm tr'itiiK-nt
t.iat it wilt not only aiTr.rd imioetliitte rdiel but
Ufirniaucnt cure. Tlie Ihxtnr dtCk not d.iim to
M perforin mirsUea. byt h well-known tu I ST:nr
T ar.tlwjuarrf'hy.iciari and yureon, pr-tnitiieiit
A iq sinrialty IHfte&Mrf4 of MW ''
! Njpliilia thoroiiKtitv iTit'llcitloO Uom lUo
avsi' in wiiiiout iitJiig Hrcur7
t:y.HV has fiMiuvinK u m will re-
Ct-lvft imr !u,neii 'jlin1'ln of tilHfomiilflnt.
WewliHiunranteea WSl'fJVhVUllKin
every cru w. Mtuirrtakefor lutjcit On
TbOOitaind DollnrM.
A consultation l-KLr- bttI Mrt-tiy pnmt.
a ment pervinaliy or by letter, bend for rvifik, A
W "The Phllnuoplty of Marriage, f
I re a. iraluatiia oook lor men j
Orout MuKoum of Anatomy
world. Come and learn how wonderfully yu
1 am MtauB( iiuw w btviu vn-sufsntsi tutu ur4Wi
W We are continually adding new ipeciiaena.
CA TA JAM US iii KB, Call ur writ ,f
9 1 0ft I Mirkrt Street, San Frtncisco, Cel.
Kerji your eye
Watch it grow,
nnil mid it.
on tl e Joi rnai.,
Sulifcribe for i
t t a
Tho low in litnio nhntirilly Initio
when it (long not rnviiliiiiUMi'
nnd rcttily'jimiislinii'nt lor tho cow
iiids ami Tjruttti vh6 uLtiiidon ' tho
wiinion thsy lirtvo proniisfd to loi'o
hikI I'horinh; the scoiimlrolH w ho
rtiu away from , thoir own , little
ohildren, louvhig them to atnrve or
survive an tniyr huijienror tho hu
man minimis whose itfiy at homo
but aggravittci their lndolonoo,
their (limipttion'or.thoir cruelty
In willfully falling to proviil for
their fitmilion.' The law ia lame;
hut tho leginltihire nieeti next win
ter when it li hojwtl that that hotly
will giva tha judges a chance to
deal out treatment to some of tlieso
cowards. Lantern.
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Hound Trips except Sunday.
Tl inn Card 1
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 . ni.
The Dalles-Portland Route.
Stra. "TAHOIIA" and "KETLAE3"
Daily trips incept Sunday.
St.'iiincr "TA1I0.MA"
Leave The Dalles, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and .Saturdays at 7 . in,
Leave Portland, Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 in.
Summer "METLAKO"
Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Naturday : : : : 7 a. in.
Leaves Dalles, Monday, Wednes
day, Kriday :::::: 7 a. tu.
Lauding and uflico: Knot Alder St.
liulh Phones Main 3M, Portland, Ore.
J. W. Crithton, Ak'L, The Dalle
A. J. Taylor Ajjt., Astoria
J. C, Wyolt, Agt., Vniiciiiivi'v.
A. K. Fuller Agent, Hotnl River
Wtllfllfd & Wvith, Agl., W. SllllllOM
B. (I. (ilLIIKETII, Lyle, Wash.
.IOIIN M. TtirrO.V, Stevenson, Wash.
WM. l!i:TLKU, liutlcr, Wash.
K. W, C'riclUtiH, Agt., rnrtliniil
Send,skeu It or photo ol invention lor
f ireef.'l
ortoll rib nlnlillli.v
V. r (o iM.l.
HowtoHel-luiTDHnr 1
IO wrlief
i'.iei.i.s...i mHuc-r
Tha dc Manns
AnfmMnt1n ko.rh and 6cttm mar
(itlrklf aaflsirtain rrur otilnun Ira whatliar an
Invention la prnhAbly rtUo'abla. ifttmtiai
lloniatrlctlf dtilmtnllal. Hwnlhook on I'atatiU
nt trim, IfldrMt aunncr for nrnriaMiat)ta,
I'tifxtu Uttwi thnmKh Mutm Co, rtvalvi
ntrink nrfk. wit hjiut chne. in ttta
Scientific Hmcricam
A hwiflnnmBtf tiinatntod vaaklf. ATttmt rlr
cnlntloii f nur artHiHtflfl Journal. Ttrro, A a
jw, four ni'riittM, L Bold (jy all now artca lent.
Unwell link, fflt T St. Wubluslon, I). &
This Vii33 savoyour Life.
By ir.duciii you to use
Dr, King's fta EscGry,
Consump.tfon, Goiis an J Coh:s.
Tho only C.i.iJV-f.rU'OC! Cura.
KO Cure. WO i'a, 1 oi.r Drug
gist will v.nni'iit it,
ADS-aLJTT.?.r ClvflfS
p,.:.. i .. t , . 1 1 , . i , . i ', ......i.litt,
IIIII, IlllllOtl. .1 I. II..., I -. HI H lllllu,
1 hii'iji!!: ''i"'li I'i'i ntiMttiiit. oruiiy
AITifi'Wl ' t ilia Tfii'vll ami'i.
Di.puty Stock Inri7jOftoni.
ilico is liitrliv ifinn that I havi'
.'itii.oint.-il tin1
fiiilmuiio nun, nl iiursoiin
I. I m t v Blouk untpi.-utors
' .1. I'. llarturiolit, I ty Orn.-k.
I Sam Ilaiiiil'mi Asliwoiiil,
i K. Si,n-ks, t Kislors.
A. Morrow, , llaystnck.
K. M. Smith, ' . I'aulm;,.
I'.usr.iio Knox, ' I'ost.
T. 0. Swain, , , Iliiu- Crei-k.
.1. S. Iliiiif, Iloslanil.
AI.S Mclllt.nh, ' i 1 1.1 1 1 it,
J. 1'. Vanlluuteii, Hay Cruel;,
V. H. Cowhs,, ' Hay Clink
.fiHi Hiiikla, ,
Stuck liiSiortur thoiik (Juuntv. )
1 .
Real Estate for Sale
VOH 9ALK-A two staVy rtwulliin; wit,i
liaill anil lint liollsos In the city nf I'riliovillt).
Tliis iirorty is well sittiatril anil is covurod
liy irrigation. It covins one-fourth of ahha-k
anil is one of tlie last naiiluiiuj locations in
tin- town. Frice rcasouulilc
Don't forgot that you can stive 50
cents on your winter rending by snb
Borihinn fur the Orcgoniun with the
Jot uxAi for I2.D0.
VVi, prumi-lly olsnlli tt. a Slid Fofelirn j
ll,,wt.,HeiuiTnnC HAD
( iMieiin sou 1 itHii.-fiiiiing i r
4 60 YEARS'
w csren enva