Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 8

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    jCocal ?enton
-9 1 s-J sf. s7. s. 7. , V",'.
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n-l.l 0 I
Cull and examine The Mayer
at 8. J. & Co'e.
About a dozen teams fiom tlio
Fnsncli settlement on Denver creik
were loading supplies at Wmzwoiltr
A Tlioinp.'on's Muniliiy.
Duvin Brothers, Ihu Paulina sheep
iiit'H, linve sold out to Blnnelmrd BihI
liorennoand will remove to Oonnocti
;ul in i short time.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Smith & Cld'k will please
and settle. This means you.
Va" Ni- j" NY Ni viSi XV "a"
The rain Sunday niejit was what
was needed very badly, na it will start
the grass, ltliuutli it is now getting
well along towards winter and the new will not attain much strength
before freezing weath r sots in, so will
not he of inneh benefit to stock. Pears
have been entertained that we are
scheduled for a bard winter, but fioin
present indications wii believe that
there will Ik) no extra amount of
J. K. Dennett was over from Lnmpnta
Monday and infomuHl our reporter
that the rain bail put the ground-in
line shape for seeding. 1 to also stated
that there was now sown a larger area
of grain than was sown altogether last
season. This is encouraging and the
fact speaks plainly that with good tran
sportation facilities the west end of
Smith fc CI
Portland ClubWhiskey.a pure bour
lioii, well matured. Recommended by
leading physicians. For sale every
where. si4tii
Frank Jordan and wife, of Burns,
passed through here last week on their
return from a visit below with friends
and relatives. Mr. Jordan is the sur
veyor for Harney county.
lilankets k Comfo-ters; Trunks &
Telescopes- S. J. & Co.
J. 11. Kelly was in the city from
l'ost the first of the week attending
in business matters and reports the
lain good thing for that parCoftlie
The Journal has been requested
itnask if there is not an ordinance
gainst the piling of obstructions on
the sidewalks of this town. Perhaps
'. it would be well for the marshal to
look into the matter.
Dick Breese was down front his
ranch Saturday having his arm lanced.
He has been suffering with an abcess
for some time and it became so trouble
some that he had to secure medical aid.
Ho went home feeling much better.
Warren Brown was in from Culver
on Saturday looking after some busi
ness matters. He is now principal of
the Culver school and we suppose
wields the birchen rod with iuiparti
lity as well as strength.
W. T. Casey was in from his ranch
on Powell Butte Monday and reports
the rain having been a blessing to that
section and the ground is well soaked
and will be ready for the seeder as
-soon as it is put to work.
Juniper Circle So. 37, W. 0. W,
Kill give a Thanksgiving ball at
Jlaze's hall, and, from past experience
re feel safe ia saying that it will be
the event of the season. This will be
he regular annual ball of the Circle,
which they always give during the
imonth of November.
W.A.Carson was down from his
lanch near Maury the latter part of
last week and report everything mov
ant alone smoothly up thtre. Cows
and calves are pretty thin this fall,
jut will no doubt winter all right, as
there is an abundance of bay along
the river.
Uncle Dick Carmichael was up from
Loner Crooked river tb fur part of
-the week and talked of making a trip
over the mountains to Webfoot yet
this fall. Uncle Dick is one of the
pioneer settlers of this country, hav
ing come here when there was little
lse but Indians and mule deei.
Mrs. John Edwards and daughter
Dtll left last week for the Willamette
valley where they will spend tiie
winter with Mrs. X. H. Balentine a
sister of Mrs. d wards', near Browns
ville. Juhu looks disconsolate over
the prospect of having to winter nloue
ljut perhaps will get along alright.
Vince Circle was up from hi- home
In WaMMi county, Saturday, no I in
formed our reporter that he Imd very
acrtous intentions uf coming Luck t'j
this county again. We wouid Us gl.iJ
welcome himself and family a!:.,;
us mice more, and it would i.oi he
surprising it he came back rod b-juht
property in growing Prineville. ; -n, i -i , , ,,
1 o o j 1 lie following nniiiHj pupil of the
F. W. Vaille, of the Government I sixth and seventh grades have neither
postal service was in our city tliUj lieen absent nor late during the second
Week on business connected with his : month:. Sixth grade Horace 'Bel-
Crook county would become one of
the grain producing sections of the
sta'e, and would stand well up along
with the very best in eastern Oregon
Mrs. C. B. Allen, of Lava, returned
Friday from an extended trip through
western Uregun, n Here she was visi
ting with relatives and old friends
She reports having had a splendid
time during hnr stay west of the
mountains. It may also be well to
state that Mi. C. B. went down to
Shaniko after her and that his face
was wieathed in smiles such as one
would naturally supposo would rest on
the face of the happiest fellow on the
Deschutes, for he had been batching
for some time and we will bet our old
hat that be doesn't like to cook any
better than our reporter.
J. W. Wimer was down from bis
ranch near Tost the first of the week
and informed our reporter that he
had just finished digging his potato
crop which yielded 600 bushels of first
class tubers. Mr. Wimer is running
a cheese foctory and is turning out
some ol the nnesl cheese that ever
was seen in this county. . A few more
enterprises of this sort would be of
great benefit to our commercial in
terests, notably a creamery, for the
product of wh'ch there is a steady de
mand and a very short supply.
Another industry that is badly needed
at the present time, is an egg factory,
as the supply of that edible fruit is
limited that one hardly gets the sight
of oae these days in any of the eating
houses of the citv. s
On Monday China Jim took the
stage for the railroad, and will visit a
short time in Astoria, and then take
the steamer for bis old home in China
to pay a visit to his wife and relatives,
whom he has not seen in years. Jim
has been a very industrious fellow and
has laid up a few dollars and, like all
the human family, with the accumu
lation of a competence there has come
a yearning in his heart for the wife of
his bosom and the dear old folks at
home. While the average white man
has no love for the Yellow Danger in
its abstract form, yet w ho will begrudge
to the individual Chinaman who has
labored and saved for years to give to
his wife and parents a home in the
fatherland this pleasure after the long
Boston Dinner.
The Degree of Honor will give a
genuine Old Fashioned New England
Pinner at livlknap's Hall jhi the even
ing of Saturday Movemlier 8, i e-in-h.g
t 5.3'J p. iii. Tliern will i.--!!
-i'-n 11. iked l!i .in.-, Titrloy, Pump-
(. M. Paul vitH a visitor tit this
ollice Wednesday morning ami in
forms us (hat ho is doing considerable-
improvement work on his
ranch on Crooked river.
William W. lirown, the horse
mint from Fife, who hud an 'im
portant case before i jury iii (he
circuit court hist week, left for hin
homo Saturday, Lnkcviow Ex
aminer. Mrs. S. A. Prose was a visitor at
this otliee the first of tho week.
Tho family have lately returned
from u trip to Western Oregon and
have' decided to return to this
country nnd have located at Kagle
Tho Christian ehureh will now
have a resident, minister, having!
secured the services of the. Rev. I
Childs, formerly of Michigan, but !
who has been stationed at Still
water, Oregon, during the past year.
Ho will occupy the pulpit of the
Union church the first and third
Princviii;;'s Leading Rlicrclinnts
c have j iint lwiveil tho Lirgt'st ami Most onipli'to Lino of Gcncnil Mort.-hiunlwo
ever bi'oimbt into tho eit.y, which wo ollbr at price astonlshiny low.
Judge W. L. liradshaw and
Court Stenographer Dufur returned
yesterday from Princville, where
the judgn has been holding court.
They report a very disagreeable
stage ride, interspersed with a walk
ing match, winch was not alto
gether enjoyable. Circumstances
.arose which shortened tho session
of court somewhat, as it was ex
pected to last until Wednesday.
Dalles Chronicle.
We desire to call the attention of the
Ladies to our new stock of Skirts, Silk I ires
Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Velvet, Silk and Wool
Waists, lry Hoods, Kupy Coats, Capes,
Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Flannel
ettes and Outing Flannel. Wo arc sole agents
for the Koyal Worcester Corsets. Dowagers
in all sizes from 'Jo to .'!(!.
In the (lenls1 Furnishing (londs we have
tho very best grade of Shoes from reliable
inannfuotiH-crs, I'mlcrwciii', both silk ami
ks ; Tailor Madn Suits; Hals and
latent styles; Shirts from tho
Necktie, etc., etc.
wool ; So
Caps of the
best inukcrH ;
We carry a full lino of rockery, Glassware, ami tttlery of Stamlurtl Manufacture,
ns well as Choico Groceries of all kimls, Wo aro agents fur the Haker liurb Wire,
ISvracuso Gano- Plows ami Winona Wams.
M'elf Creek WhUpcra.
We have in this neighborhood a
character known locally as Mark
Hanna and who is very popular, to
hear him tell it, with the ladies. He
i also a verr walking cyclopedia of
information on all subjects from
photography to abstruse theological
problems. The gentleman in question
is far superior to Joe Meek in the mat
tei of piloting parties across the
mountain'. A few days ago J. P.
Dickeuson came through herewith
167 head of beef cattle from Narrows,
Harney county, and stopping ova
night with Foster's inquired, if there
was a good pilot around who could
show the nearest way to Caleb. Of
course this was Mark's opportunity
and he availed buuielf of it by apply
ing lor the job. lhe next morning
the party started under his guidance
ana arrived sately at Summit prairie
and stopped for the night. The next
morning they started out and Mark
got tangled up in the road and told
the cattle drivers to proceed . on one
of the two roads and that he would
overtake them'ina short time, but
that he had a large band of shtep
near were which he would hut to
leok after for a short time and then
he put for home. At night the cattle
arrived at what the drovers thought
o be Caleb, but were told that lhy
were in tht upper end of Psulina
valley. The eld gentleman's wrsth
was without bounds and it is said that
he is looking for Mark with a bit- sun.
This experience must have coil Mr.
Dickenson fifty dollars at least. K
. Photographer.
Prineville, - - Oregon.
ons 6i Jiing
Street Commissioner John Clay
nool is nursine a black eve. H
says uiav yuu i:auh-u u.
A Pleaaant Gathering.
Last Thursday evening a hot of
young people gathered at the primary
room in the Odd Fellows buiMmir
and passed the time away in imrrv
converse and games until a late hour
when refreshment were wvod The
Jas. 8. Kelly, the photographer,
is preparing to move into pcrinn
nent quarters, having made ar
rangenients to erect a Ituililiujr
and will become a fixture in the
L. C. Perry, Ralph Caldwell and
J. S. Rogue were in thejjeity from
the Upper Deschutes country and
report a little snowy weather up
that way this week.
Uncle Hob Harnett wa seen per
ambulating around on our streets
Wednesday morning pretty early,
and it is not unlikely that he was
in a more or less degree responsible
for some of the cold weather.
W. C. Black arrived lastjjwetk
from the John Day country and pur
chased an interest in the Journal.
Mr. Black is a thorough! printer
and -under his managment the
mechanical department of tbeJoi'K
nal will he kept up to the highest
j gathering wa in the natuiv ,,f ;,
i prise party given Mi- Oram. 1;
! on the eve of h-r 'J :, n;.i. , ,,
r iii'
and NnitHioiir
and Knt.tle and
I.O I'l'illL' Villi
id !'
Vil ;ihIi- Mouilily Kvpurt.
department. Mr. Vaille was the fiit
U. S. Postmaster at Manilla, having
been appointed to that place only a
few days after Dewey's victory, and
the city's capitulation to the Ameri
can forces.
Will W'urzweiler bought a lot of
d bucks from Allen & LafoUc-tt
last week for the stock ranch of Wuru
weiler, BparlrB A Co. on the Matoles.
Mr. Wuiiweiler believes in patroniz
ing home industry when as good stock
an be had as imported. He also
old 1840 hoad of yearling wetthera to
C Mosier, of Paulina, and bought a
lotvf wether lambs for H. J. Lister of
Abe latter place, from Davin Brothers. I
knap, Roy Cuiiin,ioK-, Ptoy Foster,
Itaiidolph Ketchuni, Sainmie New
some, Sate W'urzweiler, Valda Karnes,
Ruby Cadle, Kculah Cline, Verna
(.'line, Nora Dohhs, Ague. Elliot,
nie Foster, Dollin Hodges, Nora
Slearne ad Laura Ku-arns.
Seventh grade Lester Colin, El
wood Draper, Sichtl Iliukle, Charlie
Summers, Mildred Baldwin, Beiilah
Crooks, Edna Estes, Georgia Hodges,
Stella Hodges, Verna Howard, Verona
McGowen, Birdie Morris, Celia Nelms,
Ruth Taylor, Anna Salomon, Estelle
Young and Aleatha Dil lion.
Minna. I ne majorily
e':t were from the ..
which institution Mi-, I: .
long br-eii h popular t--;-n
surprise- was complete in t
lady was unaware that an;
tnc kin, I li.vl been prepare I and was
jnot exjiecting to he eiiipri-ed until
later in tne week, llm party was
one of the must enjoyable (.flairs of
the season.
Those present were as follows: Carey , t
,o , of
i. The
ding of
rosier, jtiua rainier, i.eo j.alniielt, B.,j(,j, q j
W. 1.' fogle, (juy Lafollett, John!
Luckey, Elmer Kayler, Mr. Taylor, I
Granvilld Clifton, Warren Crooks,
A. (). Muaipr. Fritf. Oiton. (lr:m(rr. i
Hodges, Herbert Hideout, Charles 1 fense.-Dalles Chronicle.
Christiani, Adrian Crooks, Charles
King, Henry Smith; Misses Georgia
Fleming Brothers gav n of
tkeir delightful entertainments
last Wednesday evening to a good
house. This is one of the best
shows of its kind that visits this
country. They will he here again
next fall with a larger outfit.
The firm of White it Campbell,
which has been running the liowl-
in' Alley store, has been dissolved
.Mr. White retiring. J. E. Camp
bell will conduct the business as
i formerly and will add a' number
' of i v: tea I n res,
i t. w . w . I a!irt, the eye
; -jie, : , vt. at the Poindexler Hotel,
v-.ii) ml to your eyes, lit tpec-It'icl..-.,
cure your headache and
nervous troubles. Charges reason
able. One charge for one year.
Care of children a specialty. (.1 lasses
.'round in Portland.
At the recent term of, court in
Crook county, Judge Jlntdshaw
tried four jury cases, three civil
and one crimnal. In the latter, in
Roberts was tried for
the murder of Ed. Glenn, the grand
jury found not a true bill, the de
fendant having acted in self d
--J-cK3!'--.u.i.''; -'-?'
Our 1902 stock of Oliver Gang, Sulky ami Walking Plows
is far the most complete we have ever carried. Thee plows
have no equal at a breaking plow and will plow ordinary sago
brush without trrubbihir.
The new Oliver Sulky's have a great improvement over last
years in the shape of a hand lever giving the operator full
control to regulate the width of cut on turns and curves. Tho
Oliver is one made to do tho work and will do the work they
are made for, Call and inspect them,
Our stock of repairs is exceptionally complete, not only th
iron pos's but wood as well,
We can save you time and monoy and patience. "
DiU'tiS '
' W A I, I, P A P K R
M: II 00 I, ROOK
Word was rccieved here Wednca-
ay morning of the death of Ward
tiouges, Hazel nowam, tsteiio tsnnp- j Umson of Willamina, of typhoid
son, Winnie Windom, Li.e Ketchn.n, I We ,iave ken una-,je ,0
iva nootn, AOdie vanaerpooi, Jtaude
Dobbs, Effa Dobbs Addle Foster, Ada
Foster, Minnie Croeks, "Maude Vander,
nrul Poai-1 Vr ni1ai-ninl drain Rnltr-
nap,' Fay Hodges, Ma'ble Baldwin, ' nost popular young men of this
Ada Taylor, Winnie Cline, Gertie Prine, ! county and well known as a teacher
aid Gertie 8barp. of no mean ability.
! get any particulars of the matter.
jThisisead news to his relatives
jand friends. Ward wart one of the
PrinevilSc-Biarns Qtn&a Mm.
Carryinn; u. s. Mail, Tiissciiffcrs and Fast 'Kxpn-ss
Leaves Trineville on .Mondiys and Thursdays fit i a m
Passengers waylilled for I'oat, Paulina. Fife, Jtilcv, JJurns
and all way points.
C. . W1XXEK, Agent, Prineville.
Get Your Job Printing Done at the Ofliee
With a,xiew outfit of type and machinery, e line up with
the very best printing houses in Oregon in turning out
job work of the highest standard of excellence.