Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 7

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    Pullman Ordinary Sletperi.
The tourist travel lietwueii Ilia mint ltd
tlia Paeillo OMimt lux raaeliuil enormous
proportions in ilia last few yeare, and
cnllt for a special clsaa nf equipment. To
meet I Ilia duuiaiid Ilia I'iiIIiiiiiii Co. Ii.te
Issued from II shop what ll technically
valla the ' ' full mull Onliiary Hlmiper,"
'J'litiao cats appear similar tu the rrifuliii
alviur, Iiuihk hmll mi tlie aui'na plan,
Imt nut (uriiialwd a it li the same elcyaanut
They am equipped with niaitieeae,
hlsnkela, elienls, pilloaa, pillow-cuans,
towela, cmilia, hrualiea, olo. , titiuiruif(
nullum..! tliu ktoil to lie furnished by
ilni, K i' li cur hua a stove for
MmkiiiK gullee ami tint ami doiiiK "lilil
liouankei'piui.," ami H.lcll KKI'ti hi can I
litlml wilh mi adjuatal.lii l.itiKi. A tint
formed purler ae.'.:oinp.itnca each car, liia
IiikIiikm In'iiiK to make up ln'i tl.n, keep
tlm cur olinii. huh look after llii' oiufi ir t
aii'l h'liila i f llm pio-aeliioiia. In eueli ol
tint trains tvlimli aru iliapairlicd "lull)
loin I'oriliti.l liy lliiiO, It. A N Ci , i
to Iw loniiil one of tliesii "1'uilni.iu Ur
iliuaty iSI.'i'p r" " 'I'Imi cur la aliauhnd
to tlm 'CliiriKo I'oilLml Special,
u lilc 'i gone 1 1. r. .1 j ll to CliiciiU" without
cIiiihui', 'l 'll" oim' in (In: "Atlantic K
preaa" I una to K ilium City without
i'liniii(i. r.iMi inc'ia 111 lliii cur for ('lii
cuvo i humpi lo n iiiil'ir cur nt (Irauicr.
Mnnli "I tin' lirnt cluna travel ia licitm
carried In iumi mire, the, rulea lu iini
lower.niid I lie tiirvicn lieiinf limn ly ocjiuil
to t Imt in Ilia p.iliicii ali'"pia.
for rxiia and full information, in
clinlinK older., write to A. L. Craiv;, it,
1. O. It. N. Co. I'orllanl. On-.
Portland-Astoria Route.
Daily Itounil Trip! escepl Kunday.
Time Card
Lav Portland 7 a, in.
Leave A.loria .7 p. ni.
The Dalles-Portland Route.
Strs. "TAH014A" and "KETLAIQ"
Daily tripa except Sunday.
Hli'ttm.T "TAHOMA"
t -
Leevo The Dallee, Tueadaya,
Tliuredaya end Katuntaya at 7 In.
Leave I'oriland, Monday.
Weilnitadayi and Fhdaya at 7 a ni.
Strainer "M KTLAKO"
Leaves r.irtland, Tuesday, Tliura
Iny and Saint-day : ; : : 7 a. in.
Leave D.illi a, Monday, W'cdne
.lay, Kml iy : : : : 7 a. ni,
Uiiulinii and oil'. '': Fool Aider Ht,
It.ilh I'lioliea MiinXil, Portland, Oiu.
J. V. Crii liton, Ant., The Dallcx
A, J. T.ivl'ir Atf., Aatorin
J. C. V, vnti, Al., Viiiri'imviT.
A. K. Knllt-r At'iit, Hod- River
Wnllordtv Wvi ia, A(.'t..V. Salmon
It t; ;il.Hi:i-;i'ii. l.yi.
JOHN M. Tlll'I'IlN,, WuhIi
IIKMtV HI.M-il'K.M). ira..ii, V.ili.
U'.M. r.l'TI.Kl!, liiitliT, Va!i.
):. W. I'ri. I.iiiii, iy,., iVtllaiiil
4 ai ZZJ1
4 H -ti'l m.jlei.kk.'Mioi t.i.nioot iuvcihxa lor
f Iri-rO'i . .rl ..rl'Muv. r"i mewl.
:!!:-::t;"TRDE-KARKS "T
THirva UaBM
Anrnnfl iMMIni a klrh und rtwrltHlon my
otiifklr aiiwimin oiir oimitmi fro whthr n
tit mill. on ! pmliftlily t"""''''8- 'niinuiilf
lliiiiaairlrljviiill1iitltU. Handbook on I'IiiU
gdiit rr. OU1tt Mimcy for ourluirpumt.
I'liiAiiii tihn tlimwh Hunn h Co, rvoelM
Scientific JUtierkan.
A lorid wr. lrnuttt
onlMloii of nr Kl"tlBo limrnal. Trm. M a
MUNN&Co.M" New York
If yo tuff horn toy f tK
lilt at mm, coma to ih oUImI
SptciaiaM m ibt PaAo Coutf
DH JORDAN ft 00..
1011 MiriwtM. ItM lUt.
Vvanff mm and ml4dU
aul Makaai tu ra iiMatrtna T
from thfl tffltcti Tat youthful inditcmioQ or i-
in nattirar ywn nwroui nu i .y-.
inlliitomi)Ktiooi; LHprmntttrrhtr A,
rrl4ilarrbf, Jisrrhi-,
rrfuratvy mt I rMllv, !. ily
comUnatiuQ otf remetli, of great curmliv pow
tr, tbt Doctor hat to arranged hit treatment
that it will net ooly afford immediate relief but
perntanent cur. The Doctor rfnu not claim to
perfurn miracles, but U well-known to be Ilair
and square I'lyiician and Surgeon, pre-emiueni
in hit tiieriafTy llMr of "
. atallllB llinrniihLv trtultotMlflUDl Ult
iyitfiu wliliout uiliaf lkrenry M
KVKKT NAN appivimf to oa will It T
eelve our rumttl ojnnwn or niernmpiMUiu
H e will Guarantee a P081T1 VK CVItK m
every mm i under tke,'gr JorjtU On
1b Aatvaaaifl Iknl laira.
Conitiliation FRKE and atrlctty prinM. A
A metil pertotiaKV or letter, ociiu hit a
tree, (A vaiuaoM booK lor men.
Tlllf fftBL JOlDlIl
i Great Muiteum of Anatomy 0
T . I U at. buwi laitkat
world. Coma and leara hew woaderfully yoa
are aaa4i kow to avoid tickaeai and diaeaat.
We are comiaueJly addiaf aew apeaimew,
GAT A LOU UM IktM. OaJlor wriu,
IMI MaAal Irreat tea Fraflina, Cai
V,.n-ni'lly ol.uili IJ. M. aii'l ForilKH j
a4 b'lv.f.aTFf ' aiM
Wt war lalhln In the Mbooljard about
our tumllf Iraaa,
And (lartMina aald hen could ba traaed to
Kir Horatio Krrtaa;
And ll lf. aald ha d deacendad (rum tba
(ov.rnor of a alatai '
And Ijuula m.ritliinad aacealora tii hart
almut ai,
While Htaala aald hla Unaaira embraced a
lord, he knew;
And Nfll from her ejreat-great'f randalra
obtained her blood ao blue;
Uul neither of the little Miullha could ear
a single word;
for Hum lo boael their ancient name of
courae would be al.aun).
Then trin h.r mllln allahlly, aald that
lii- wiir tnurh lui'ilned
To lioi.k Hi. ii t, ii v. 11 Huh a thlnif aa
1.1 ut tin A ni ihn :
That tl 'iu wi.o MuilUU hmtl (mid here aha
l, j i ii Tommy Kittlitij
ll-o! i. ri;i!i-..) ilencti.did from men of force
..Ml nil. ,
Ai il U.urt m, ii li.vni to lend the alck and
int. the Wfuk Di:d frail '
Wire ii.nriii,) inland iu e'lurence Nlnhlln
a:il. ll'i J-nrl Kmllh bluahtd to the aara.)
Aim Hit-1; Kim uw a youlh
tll'i lirmht il.t imllid at Jolmiiy Bmlthl)
l:o ulaiiii I'.l'l Hi. l r u i li
AI, in h'.mi', or wl.en he waa at or luivlr.g fun
(il.e kiiw liiin fur a relative of General
Imt Ilraxlc'1 Ilka auch talk; ha aara
It mmi to throw
Ho rrnieh rRpiinalliilliy upon yourael, you
-Kite, n Wetherald, In Youth'a Com-
I A JVIanof fVIony
ff viottoes
ANT l' dtinai, air be
j doual" Mr. Uaamiali, alt ting
before tlie Are lit the) liijrary-he had
dlainiaaed una maid for ealliiiK It Hi
"off rmiui" turnexl over large
piece of coal and turned It back
aifiiin. "You aliould know me by
now fur tine of the old-faahloned
aort. When you hear tif me liorrow
of lending a Kiveralgn, you can
I. ...k (or liie end of the world. Oh,
1'ui plain, airl I'm a man of nioi
ti.ea. Had 1 broken ' through iny
gulden rule, I might be now in er
j.oir poaltlon. Uon't leave your bat,
"I won't I ' The tleltor took the
lilnl ami tlie bat. He had Iwen
rather pale; hla lipe book a grim
levlkt now. "I fancy there'! another
goldvii rule; I waa trying to recall
It, Still-"
'My dear man, ll'a uaeleaa! Don't
make me ne a harder word. If
II. t-rca unit thing 1 dvteat, It'a rak
ine tip old aahea. Hut when my
ilimKliier, wlio had, been brought up
with bolid. proper prlneiplea, left, tier
lo.n.e mid tmirried u peuuilCNa -actor,
I ivflly had to' clone my dour-yea,
I I f i.o..r of my lieai-l'-tipon her. 1 1 aa -i:,
nil naliire? Uuiuiin liiiiil.uin, air'.
Ho. no donlit you lo.iked f ur better
tiling.! So trtd Mlcawbrr; ao tloea
I .e l e;rn"r who (foea grumbling
i.l'.iig nif gutter. 1 reapeet tlm until,
ur, who nivaaiirea hie ditch before
I e lenps. Von. n Slmkcpeureiin
ml. .r, to come aaking for a puliry puiindn! Well, reiill.t, it neeiua
to in i' IlKlt eien ull lietor Willi ia
v.orlli hi "ill a-oiild do belter! Not
I know unytliiiiK lib. ail ml. on.
it v.oi ii.ha upon tlie ti'tilli, 1 luiu-n't
il . lend."
'iir.:oti me," lie ariid, with a Utile
I. rt-iik in hla voice; "I'm not nctinif
now. i'.nt 1 hnppen to know thnt
von hate a li.inilrial timea ilia
nir.iiiiit lyiiiif idle, otlivnvi'C 1 would
li.-iei- liiive linked tlila fiiuli. Jt wna
y.iur ovmi lleioiie vviio aoid: 'Don't
lliiuk ao lturd of hiinl l'ell lil(ii I
I a wii't to regret the atep in this
iciut; lell him t tint life ia t.141 ahort
f. r Litter (pvlingal' 1'nltry or not,
il nprei-eiita tlie aiiin 1 wnnt. I've
put the eiiueemf nt nt Siinderliind
lor Momlny week, Imt I haven't the
rnilvviiy fine. We've had a struggle,
Imt we've nothing to tie ashamed of.
In a month frnni to-day the money
1.I111II be lying here."
"So you wild. 1 believe it; and yet
I enn't eiieournge improvidence. A
fciimIiIc man, air, doesn't aell Ilia um
brella because the aun'a out; he
l.eepa It for u rniny day. t'a a que
linii of principle. Ideas my heart,
look nt tlurt bundle of paperal Hea
rd ran tell you that, if 1 cared to
riak a few hundreila if I had them
to do It, I mean I might eatnhlish
my claim to part of a huge fortune.
W nnta a atrong mind, air, to reaiat a
fimt-iuntion of that aort. Here, my
hrotfiera and aiatera have been sweat
ing and going to law for yeara; re
ault, poverty. Then they- come and
call me mean. Not met Bird in the
hand ia my motto. I'm afraid I'm
afraid I can't aay aa much of taj
daughter and her huabami."
"1 only hope, Mr. Haanileh," aald
I.ovell, aa he turned at the door,
"you'll never know what It is to pay
the price that makes one a cynic!"
"Ah, that's a flash of your melo
drama! No una, my boy. If you had
punned to realise that money makea
money, you wouldn't now be reient
Ing at leiaure. It's really only fools
who buy their experience. I watched,
anil got mine for nothing. Aa 1 aaid
to Mrs. lleaiulah, when ahe wauled to
buy a fanciful hat: 'Not quite, iny
dear! ) and look at It until you're
uinstered eveiy detail, and then come
home and make one like it.' Some
men break their coala to keep up a
blaze; they're not content to "
'Enough! I shall remember this
day, sir the 31st of March!"
He was gone. He did not even bang
the door. It took Mr. Heamlah some
minutea to work up sufficient heat to
go down and impreaa his wife.
"The idea! Wanted to borrow 31
If that sort of thing began, where
should we beT
"We might be Just aa happy In dif
ferent sort of way," she dared.
"Ah, that's woman aU overt What
do women care? I've learned that
tlie only friend a man can rely upon is
his money. Kh71'
"Mtthlng, nothingl'It only oc
curred to me that they might have
found it out, too."
"Hhuuldn't have married!" he
snapped, "I've no sympathy with act
ors, and leas atill for people who en
courage them! While you're wasting
a aovcrelgn at the theater, you might
be doubling It at home!"
It really did seem aa if Mr. Hesm
iah's pet theory that "money makes
money" was' to be eindialzed once
more for the benefit of hie frlenda.
That very next evening the maid who
had never had a chance to test the
theory herself tapped, with a card
bearing a name that made Mr, lieain
lull atare,
"Hiich a gentlemanl wilh s cab, air,
and a allk hat and snowy beard!" ahe
ventured, "I said you were in the li
brary, Mr. Heamlah, airl"
"It's Mr. Miami! This way, air; this
way!" cried Mr. Heamish, excitedly,
"Kenlly, an unexpected pleaeure! The
lawyer whose name I've heard ao often,
but whom I've neverseen! Keally "
"Hay aolicltor, my dear air." Mr.
Hhand bowed a trifle coldly, as If he
had hla own value for erTiiaiteneas.
"No; you have not troubled us much
with your claim on the estate. Still,
I'm glad to be able to tell you that
there seems at last a chance of settle
ment with the opposing side. In that
"I knew It, air! I knew It would
rorne home to them sooner or later!
Everything comes to him who waits.
Why, I remember poor old Uncle Hor
ace saying to me, when I took my lit
tle girl down to see him"'
"Ah, yea. yes! Great pity your Cncle
Horace left his affairs so involved! I
presume, of course, I am spesking to
Horsce t'ettlgrew Iteamlsh, born at"
He flicked over a bundle of yellow
"Born at Favereham In 1848? I hold
the parish certificate, in case. Fore
warned is foresrmed; Oh. It's me, sir,
undoubtedly! I was named after uncle;
and I named my girl after bll favorite
sister Itcsaie. You see"
"I tin fully. I simply wished to verify
the various claimants. I wouldn't put
too much store on) the results. Mr.
Heamlah, The property baa lain under
a heartbreaking mortgage, as you
know"; and the ultimate realization
may not split up into more than a 2"
note. One moment, though! Resale!
Ah. poaaihly you did a smart thing In
naming your child so, and taking her
down, as you say. Bessie, Ressie! Let
me see!"
"Keally!" Mr. Beamish rubbed his
hnnds. "Yes; I fancied I might be dV
at roving two feathered bipeds with
one miatHe. aa you legal gentry put
It. Ha. ha! How er what "
"Ah, Jtiat ao! Erratic to the last
your uncle, air. Tliose'mining shares;
here we are. They are worth now,
with accumulated dividends, something
like 1 4.000; and the will line been
found In an old jnekbnnt. Half of
them are willed to Mesaie Ada. iniitrh
ler of Horace I'ettigrevv, and the re
nin iri.ler to tlje aervant who nursed him
before II was known he waa likely to
- dit rt he fays. I must congratulate
you. after all, air."
"The kcrv-nnt! The the scheming
huey! Yon don't " He sat very atill.
atnriiiL' hard at nothing. Posi-ibh- lie
wan Irving tn think out Fonie axiom
to til Il.e nn.ulenirig occnMou. "Why.
half to my Hi-hsie! lUcan't-bcJ" He
gol up. "That girl, sir thnt girl has
run nwny with a good-for-nothing ac
tor fell'ow! Have 1 no power "'
" enn't niter the man's will nir.
There It Ik In black and white. If you
.will give me your daughter's address,
t I'll write to her to-morrow."
And, 115 a nmn in a drenrn. Mr. Ream
iah wrote it down. r.hook hnnda limply,
and ant down to wipe hie forehead,
"(irneiotis!" he whispered. "Reesle
that fellow 2,000! And here I
He'll wtite to-morrow! Then I'll write
The inspiration of a lifetime! Ten
minutes Inter he waa tearing out to
poft a letter addreated to Gordon Lov
ell, Kn. It contained a 10 note, and
these few hurried words:
"Denr Roy: I trust you did not In
tend to take me at my hasty word.
Allow, me to break through my prin
ciples for once. Any time will do. I
hope I'm just. 'Live and let live' ia
one of my mottoes you did not stay
to hear."
It was posted. Then he went back,
to wipe his forehead again and to
dream, dream, dream.
It waa a curioua coincidence that he
went on dreaming for juat a month,
and that the two lettera should arrive
by the same poet. At laet! One,
atamped "Shand A Paaeoe, Solicltora,"
to aay that all waa settled; and one
from I.ovell. to aay that he had got the
1.000. and waa bringing It round In
a bag for safety.
Naturally, he opened the former first.
"Dear Sir-We know aothlns of the elr
eumatancea, and eannot underetaad to what
your letter refers. Tour uncle. Horses
U.smlsh. died Intestate. Por lack of runda,
appsrently. the claim waa abandoned aoaae
y.sre efo. We do not advlae you to re
open tt. Youra obediently,
With a nameleea pang, that twitched
his fingers, he opened the second en
velope: "near Mr. Beamlah-I return, with deep
aat thanka, the ten-pound note you ao kindly
aant Bie. Perhaps, In the future, you may
not have ao poor sn opinion of my powers
of scttnr Yours spologetirally.
"P. 8 I an endeavoring to forget what
paaaed between ua on March Bat. I truat
you will be able to do the ssme as regards
the let of April."
London Answers.
Caaey'a Trmleaa.
Dennis "Tie th' ear-rly bur-rd gets
th' wur-rm, Mlather Casey I
Casey Tie thot. It ye wa-ant to
keep yere head above wather theae
daya, ye ca-an't let th' grass grow un
der yere feet, Mistkar Dlnnli. Detroit
Free Press. .
Saddles and Jfarness
Mukcir (if tlie celebrated I'RINE
Liitfrit improved Ladies' Side
and Stride Saddles, UitH, Spurs,
Angora Cliapn, Quirts and llacka
morej. Write for prices.
I'lllNKVIM.E, : I OltK'iON.
Q. Springer,
iiki;kI'KK or
Coach and
arriaac Jioraea
Young etallionB and inures,
also 11 few young teams for
Haystack Blood Stock Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon.
For all kinds of rough
and dressed lumber.
Kiln dried flooring
and rustic, go to
Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Gent
and Children's shoes.' S. J. 4 Co.
lor sale at tliia ollice at very reason
able prices. Mail ortlera promply at
tended to.
This will save your Life.
. By inducing you to use '
(Dr. Kins's Kra Discovery,
Consumption, Ccughs and Colds.
1 The only Guaranteed Cure.
NO Cure. .tO Pay. 1 our Drug
gist will warrant it
Grip, Inllnenza, Anthuia, llronchitis.
Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, or any
Aftection of tlio Throat and Lungs.
Rogivlor Size 60 cents and 1.(KX
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Noli ia hereby given that I have
appointed the, following named persons
deputy st(K-k lttupectora:
J. 1'. Ciirttrright, Hay Creek.
Sittn Iliiiiiil'011 Ashwood.
K. Sparks, ' Ktstera,
.. Morrow, i HytHck.
K M. Smith, I'aiilma.
1'oao.e Kuos, Post.
T. 0. Swam, " Bear Creek.
J. S. lioKiie, Holland.
Alex Melnti.h, Hardin
.1. 1. Vanliout'en, Hny Creek.
Cuwles, Huy Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
Call and seethem and
examine their stock
W. A,-ei ,4..':,'i
Incorporated 1899.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing floods
(Sty Meat IrM,
A Complete and Choke Line of
Beef, Veal, 'Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Mail! St. Prinoille,
Hamilton Stables
and Redby Feed 8am
Whiie &
Wine3, Liquors,
Domestic and
Imported Cigars.
Proprietors of Ik
Two Doors South of
First National Bank.
Firm! New Goods!
ii. .Wi A , .asaeS W,'A.'-S.
Foster & Lehman
Gregon. 'Phone 31.
Stock boarded by day, week or
month. Fine uaddle horses and
livery turnouts. Rates reasonable.
Good accommodations.-
Remember us when in Prine
ville, and we guarantee that juor
patronage will be appreciated
and deserved.
C0RXKTT, Proprietors.
fV V-- .-. IK saw 7
Ja Tke Celebrated
A. B. C. Eeer
4 Always on Hand.
PrineTuIe Soda Works.
.T1717ITT 1 17
You will be pleased with
their prices
A, .'eaeai'.". aa , ,