Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 6

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    Timber Land, Act June J, 1S73.
United Statu Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Soptcinlr II), 1902.
Notice la hereby given (hat In compli
ance wllh the provisions of the act of
Congress nf June J, entitled "An act
for the sale of Umber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory." aa extended to all the
public Ianil Slates by act of August 4.
1902, the following persons have thla day
filed In thla office their awom atatementa,
LAURA A. FOHTKR, of Prineville. coun
ty of Crook, Ktntc of Oregon, sworn state
ment nuinlier 775. filed July 10, 1902, for the
purchase of the N H N K ami Ntf NWX
section 34, tp. fo 8., K 10 E., W. M,
SARAH F. PARKER, of Prineville,
countvof Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement nnmRer 778, tiled July 10, 1902,
for the purchase Wf the S M N K ami 8 S
N W section M, Tp. 15 8. K. 19 E.,
W. M
ORA I.. PARKER, of Prineville, county
of Crook, "late of Oregon, sworn statement
nuinlier 777, filed July 10, 1112, for the pur
chase of the K X N V and K V, S W X
Section 20, Tp. 15 8., R. 19 K W. M.
ROBERT B. FOSTKR, of Prineville,
county of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworn
statement number 778, filed Julv 10, 1902,
for the purchase of the S E V, X E 4, W !i
N K and N W 8 E X section 2d, Tp 15
8., H 19 K., W. M.
LAURA T. BldOS, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
number 779, filed July 10, 1902, for the pur
chase of the W X W M and W H S W
' section 20, Tp. 15 8., R 19 E., W M.
MONIA GRAVES, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
nuinlier 780, filed Julv 10, 1!I2, for the pur
chase of the KINK '. and E i 8 E mo
tion 22, Tp. 15 8., R. 19 K., W M.
ADA K. FOHTKR, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
nuinlier "si, filed Julv 10, 1902, for the pur
chase of the 8 X E i and 8 X W , sec
tion 8, Tp. 15 8., R. 19 E., W M.
CHARLES A. GRAVES, of Prineville.
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
statement number 782. tiled Julv 10. 190;
for the purchase of the X W X E J and X J
SWI section 8 J p. 15 S., li 19 K., v M.
ALFRED It. PARKEY, of Prineville
county ol Crook, state ot Oregon, sworn
stiin-nipnt number 799. filed Julv 14. li02.
for the purchase of the W M X V J, X E
X W i and X W H X E J BOction 22, Tp.
15 S., K. 19 r.., v .u.
That thev will offer proof to Bhow that
the land sought is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than ror agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claims to
said land before M. R. liiggs, I . S. Com.
missioner at Prineville, Oregon, on Friday
tne aitu day ot Aoveiuner, laui.
Thev name as witnesses: Laura A. Fos
ter, Sarah F. l'arkcr, Ora L. Parker, Robert
B. Foster. Laura P. Biggs. Monia Uraves
Ada F. Foster, Charles A. Graves and
Alfred H. Parkey, all of Prineville, Ore
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described landa are request
ed to file their claims In this office on or
before the said 28th daj of November, 1902,
JAT P. LUCAS, Refister.
Timber Land, Act June t 1ST.
United Slates Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 15, 11102.
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Ccngresa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the aale of timber landa in the
state of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Notice la hereby given that In compll-I Washington Territory," aa extended to
ance with the provisions of the a-et of .n .. r..i.i:- r i . t .
Congreaa of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act " 1 U,MIH ljnu oiaiea oy act in All-
for the sale of timber landa In tha states gust 4, 18!l'2, the following persona have
of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Veh-' J,,. 17 win.) i,i j : l,i, th-i.
Ington Terrltorv.-pas extended to all the """" 1' .lMS n'M m m Ule"
Public Land States by act of August 4, iworn atatementa, to-a-it:
189ft, the following persons have filed In ' JOSIAH HINKLE, ef Prlnevillo,
this office their sworn atatsmenta, to-vlt: county of Crook, state, of Orernn, aworn
ROLLIX C. HYDE, of Spokane, county statement No. MI5 for tha mirnhsu f
of Spokane. State of Washington, worb ,-fh. rT u T1 S PR 10
statement No. 6,W, June SO, 1!2, for the pur- f b,? bo0, p 18 8., R 19 K.,
15 K, 19 i
W. M,
of Prineville,
ohase of the nwVi Sec. 2, if,
auipiiio b win, oi nr-osane, t ..... , , t -
county of Spokane, Plate of Wasliington I u,n,3r ' Crook, .t of Oregon, aworn
swum BmiciiH'iii u, (w, juiy i, im'i, iur , piviis ui
tlt purohaw of the aw 8rc. 2, Tp. 15 8., Wl NW and W I BV i See 26 Tp
R. A K., W. M. 15 8., R 10K , W. M. ,
county of Spokane, State of Washington; "ILLIAM A. MrKlNNON, of Price,
sworn statement Xo. HAS, June 28, 1902, for county of ('rook, elate of Oregon, aworn
the purchase of the lots 1 and 2 and sl statement No 803 for the purchase of
ne-jt Sec 2, TP 15 8., R, 19 K., W. M. the EJ SE f and 8i NE J Soo. 8, Tp. 14
That they will after proof to ahow that 1 jj p top w f y
land sought la mora valuable for Ita , lv lu ""i ,Y-
rr.d",r,rb,isi;er;,' t..i
said land before the Register and Receiver , 'nd aought la more valuable for III
at thi oflice. on Fridav, November 7, 1902. 1 timber or atone than for agricultural
They name ajwitnrasw: R. C. Hyde A. pllrpiea, and to eatablish their claim, to
Roaslow, H. G. Rosslow, or Spokane, !:j lji i i i n
Washington, R. C. Hvde. of Trent WashI ; "Z". ln?,,fo, J- J- hmill., County
ington, and j n. .Myers, ot rnnevuie, vr---""-""i ulTi""i iui-ouoj
their dahlia In this office on or before said
lith day ot Xovember, 1902
1H A V
Any and all peraons claiming adverae-
ed to file their claims In thla office on or ler, Jewish Hlllkle
betore said tin dav of Xovember, i!i2.
au28p Jat P. Licas, Register.
the !llh dav of Decenilier 11)02
They name aa witnesses: Elmer Kay
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
M. II. Uinta, and
Chaa Graves, of Priuerille, Oregon, and
H. A. ioater, Tom Watktna, F. M.
Booth, and W. R. oooth.ol Trice
Any and all persona claiming advcraelv
j the above described lands are requoatod
; w oi uieir uiaima 111 1 ma ouice on or du
Notice is hereby given that in compliance ' fro 9th day of December. 1902,
JAY P. LUCAS, Rcgistor.
United States Land Office.
ine i'aiies, iirp., Aug. i.t, l-.arj. )
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Uuited States Land Office at
The Dalles. Oregon. Aug. 18. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, in a, entitled "An act tor the aale ot
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1902. BYROX CADY, of
Buckley, county of Pearee, state of Wash
ington, has, July H, 1902, filed in this office
Ins sworn statement o. (92. for the purchase
af the tw of Section No. 22, In Township
No. 14 ., Range No. 19 e., W. M,. and wiU
ener proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or utone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
elaim to said land before J. J. Smith, County
tierg, at rnnevuie, Oregon, on Ihursday,
the 13th day of November, 1902.
He names af witnesses: C. E. McDowell,
H. A. Foster, 0, H. Erii kson and F. T. Hig.
ging, all ot Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abave-described lauds are requested to tile
taeir claims in this omce on or before said
13th day of November, 1902.
u2Sp Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Orrici,
The Dalles, Oregon, August 14, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the pub
lic land states by act of August 4, 1912, the
following persons have, on May 29, 1902,
filed in this ollice their sworn statements,
to-wit :
JOHN H. DEMARIS, of Prineville,
county of Crook, State uf Oregon, sworn
staten'ient Xo. 429. for the purchase, of the
sese section 18, township 13 s.,
rangu 18 c, W. M.
WILLIAM H. BIRDSOXO, of Pri-irvillc
county of Cruuk. State of it'egon, sworn
statement Xo. 4.fl, for tHe purchase of the
e -u s a- 4 s e i n w and s w li n e pA
section 2n, tuwiisliipKjs., rane le.,W.I
That llicy will oiler proof to show that
the land soiiL-lu is more vuluaMc lr its
tinihcr or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, uml to cstalilish their claims to said
land belore J. J. Smith, county clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday,' Xovemk-r
11, 11102.
They name n-; witnesses: William II.
Birdsolig, William II. liantoy, William II.
tiann, Lte Harney, all of Priuc-viilr-, tire.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are reiiucstcrl to
lile their claims in this ollice on or la-fore
suiil Uth day of November, 1!)2.
in22p JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
with the provishuis of the Act of Congresi of 0d
JnA a.ititlul '-An mnt t,F ill. a.). n
timber lands in the States of Calilornia. Ore-1
gon, Xevada and Washington Territory," aa 1 ITlr ,
extended to all the Public Land Statca by Act TIMBER AN D STONE LANDS-
ot August 4, l.-e.ij. the following teraons have
this day filed in this office their sworn state
ments, viz
Marys, county of Kootenai, v tate of Idaho,
sworn statement Xo. f4ti. for the purchase of
the nwH Section 33, Tp. 13 S., R. 18 E., W. : ance with the provisione of the act
! C-ongreas of June 3, 1878. entitled
PFXIILFTONBLEVINS of Prineville, ; act for the .ale of 'timbV; 3, in
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
Sept. 23. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in coinpli-
sworn ,-,.:..
statement No. 612, for the trarchaae of the : ""j .- ' "reeon.
e fwk and sj se' Sectiou 18, Tp. 14 S., R. 1 1,11(1 'hington Territory." aa extended
19 K., W. M. ! to all the public land atatea bv act of An
That they will offer proof to show that the ! gu,t . 1802. (he following persona have
land sought is more valuable for ita tim'oei v I on July 21, 1902 filed in thia office their
n.ur uiui iur -gncuLuru purres, ana to aworn statenienta, to-wit:
A. Bell. U. S. Commissioner, at hii office at I ("EORGK M. GAYLORD, of Prine
Prinevilla, Oregon, on Thursday, the 13th day ville, county of Crook, atate of Oregon,
01 .ovemoer, iou;. aworn statement no. 8t for the pur-
The? name as witnesses: C. I. Winnek, L I chaae of the E i SVi and E I NW 1
I-' Fr?duH '?rnt pi.?- i,"'.ext.r' ' Se 28, Tp. 18 S., R. 19 E W. M.
W. Wricht Iw MeC.lli.ter W. R JOHN S. VVATKINS of Prineville.
land and Chris Cobra, ail of Prineville, Ore-! 2ntjr of Crook, State of Oregon, aworn
gon- jetatement No. 88" for the purchase of
Am and a Deraont e arni ng th. the JN K K riec. 24. To. 15 S. R. 19 K
above-described lands are requested to file W. M. ,
tneir claims m this office on or betore said 13th i
day of November, 1903,
au28p Jat P. Litis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
September 22, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named tettler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before
J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville. Ore
gon, on Friday, November, 7, 1902, viz:
Lianiei i.uounsil, af Suiters, Oregon, H.
E. Xo. 11,388 for the nwVi kV. and si ne'
Sec.18 and w nw. Sec. 17, tp. 12 S., .R. 12
c. w. ai.
He names the following Witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said land, vii;
X. J, Lambert, G. V. Allingham, A. G.
Allingham. of Sisteis. Oregon, and l)&id
Weaver, of Prineville, Oregon.
sp25 Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, Its 78.
United States Land office,
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 27, 11102.
Notice is hereby given that In eomnll.
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Lind States by act of August 4,
18112, Minnie Anderson, of Sjiokane, county
of Spokane, state of Washington, lias oil
May 31, 1002, filed in this office her sworn
t tatement Xo. 4o0. for the purchase of the
l'A Sr-i section 11 and ak' section
14 in township 12 s., range 10 h.. w . .M .
and will otTet proof o show that the land
Bought is more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said lund liefore
the Register and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the
dth day oi Decern iier. 1902.
She names as witnesses: - L. E. Ailing
ham, of Warm Springs, Oregon, and Ole
E. Anderson, Annie Mikclsou and John O.
Skaar, all of Spokane, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly tne above-deacribed lands are request
ed to tile their claims In thla omce on or
before said 5th day of December, 1902.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Don't forget that you can save 50
cents on your winter reading by sub
scribing for tie Oregoniaii with the
Journal for f J.50.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Oflice,
The Dalles, Oregon, September 20, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wi.h the provisions of the act of Congress of
junej, we, entitled "An set for the sale of
timber Lnds in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Lar.d States bv
act of August 4, 1892, William Pitcher, of
I'nneviiie, county ol Crook, state of Oregon,
has on July 10, 19U2 filed in this office his
sworn statement number 783, for the purchase
of the EXSW '4 and W S E of Sec.
number 31 township 12 south, ran;'e 10 E. W.
M.. and will offer proof to show that the lan
sought is more valuable for its tinilier or
time than for agricultural purposes, and to
cBiaiuisii uw ciaini k naiu lana oeiure l. iv.
Bfcgs- U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville,
Oregon, on Friday, the 2'.h day of Novem
ber, 1902.
He names as witnesse: S. W. Compton
Win. McMeekin, (ieorge Turner and J. W.
Hopkins, all nii'iineviile, Oregon.
Any and r.ll persons claiming adversely the
ah ove-desci ibed lands are re'inested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
2rtli day of November, 19' '2.
LETHE WATKINDS, of Prineville.
j county of Crook, atate of Oregon, aworn
1 statement No. 888 for the purchaae of
;thNWiSec. 24, Tp. 15 S., R 19 E.,
W. JJ.
' JENNIE CRAIN, of Prineville, coun
, ty of Crook, atate ol Oregon, aworn
statement An. 889 fur the purchaae of
the SWl Sec. 24, Tp. 15 8., R 19 E.,
VV. M.
' JTILFORD J. CRAIN, of Prineville.
county of Crook, atate of Oregon aworn
statement No. 890 for the purchase of
the SE i Sec. 24, Tp. 15 8., R. 19 E.,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural pur
pose!, and to establish tlie-r claims to
aaid land before M. R. Biggs, U. S.
Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
Monday, the 8th day of December,
They name at witnesses: George M
Gaylord, John 8. Watkins, Let tie Wat
kinds, Jennie Crain and and Wilford J.
Crain, all of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are advised to
file their claims in thia office on or be
fore aaid 8th day of December, 1902.
02p JAY P. LI CAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7.
United Btatea laind Office,
The Dalles, Oregon. August 13, 1002.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1871. entitled "An art
ror the sale of timber lands In the aisles
of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory, as extended lo all the
Public Land Slates by act of Auiuat 4,
1802, William II. Pock, of Culver, county
of Crook, State of Oregon, has 1111 May 21),
1X12, fileil in this oilloc his sworn statement
No, 410, for the purchase of the s w lie V
of section 33, township 12 s,, range 13 e.,
W. M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sought ia more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for aarieulthral pur
poses, and to estabpsb bis claim to said
land la-fore A. C. Palmer, V. 8. Commis
sioner at Prmrville, Oregon, on luesdny,
the 4th day of November, 1!12.
He names as witnesses: Henry Windoin,
Oeorge Osborn, Frank Hoffman and David
Harnett, all of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all peraons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are reipiest
ed to file their claims In thla otllce on or
la-fore said 4th day of November 11102.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
a 21 p
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
United States Lund ollice.
The Dulles, Oregon. August 13, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3. 1879, entitled "An art for
the sale of timocr lauds in the States of
California, Oregon, Xevada. and Washing
ton Territory," as eleiideil to all t he Pub
lic Land States by act of August 4, 1002,
the I'ollowiilg persons have, on May, 20,
l!2. filed ill this ollice their sworn Blnte
meiits, to wit:
.MARTHA A. SPEAR, of Prineville,
county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 412, for the purchase of the
11 se xi sw l s e l-4 nuil s e H s w l( sec
tion 3. tow iiship 13 s.. range 111 e., W. M.
MARCUS 1). POWELL, of Prineville,
county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
stateinent Xo. 411, for the purchase of Lots
1 and 2 and s U n e . see. 3, Ip. 13 south,
range 10 e.. . M.
Thev will olfer proof to show flint (In
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claims to said laud
before A. C. Palmer, U. S. Comniis-ioiier,
at Prineville, Oregon, on .Monday the 3rd
dav of November, prj.
Thev name as witnesses: J. W. Spear,
T. J. Pow.'ll.J. O Powell, and Joe Caiman,
all of Prin.-ville Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
said 3rd dav of Novemla-r, 1!2.
a 21pd. JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timljer Land, Act Sept 23, 1878.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 23, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber ; lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, .Nevada, sn I Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1892, the following persons
have on July j, 1902, filed in this office their
sworn statements, to wit:
JOELE. CALAVAN, of Prineville, c.un-
",ute"f reon, sworn statement
V4Urthepiircniue of the NE 'i Sec.
, Tp. 15 S., K 19 E., W. M.
AVER B.ICALA VAN, of Prineville coun
3 ,,or',K,k' 1tdtli '-',()rt-"n. sworn statement
.o 742 for the purchase of the SK V Sac.
, Tp. 15 S., li. 19 E., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land might is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claim, to suid land liefoie M.
it. IiiKKS, L. S. ,1 omnnssnner, at his office at
lrmevil e, Oregon, ,, Saturday, the lith
day of Deceniber. 1902.
They name as witnesses: !. j.' Jones,
Nancy D. Jones, J. E. Caiman, Aver li.
0?eaon"nJ J' W' ""1,ki""' "' Prmevills,
Any and all persons claiming ,verly the
aWe.deii x-d lands are ,K)Uesled nle
theirclauu. in this office ,Ir hefur, id
bth day of December, 190"
2'' JAY f- LUCAS, P,eKi,ter.
.Timber Land, Act June 3 1878
Cnitkii States Laxp Oikice
The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 23. 1902.
Notice is hereby given Una in coin-
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
I'nited States Land Office, '
The Dalles, Oregon, August 22, 1902,
Notice is hereby given that in -j-mipiiance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 187H, entitled "An act f-r the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gou, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the public land states by act
of August 4, 1892, the following persons have,
on Juiy 17, 1902, riled in this ollice their
sworn statements, to-wit:
CORA E. STARK, of Luckley, oounty of
Pierce, state of a!;Imigton, sworn statement
No. 853 for the purchase of the nj ne' ,' and
n'A nv'A Sec. 28, Tp. 14 S., li. 19 E., W. M.
1). LAWTON CADY, of Buckley, county
of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn state
ment No. 802 for the purchase of the iiwj
Sec. 10, Tp. 15 S.. It. 19 E.. V. M.
MAY J. CADY. of Getchel!, county of
Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn state
ment No. 801 for the purchase of thew awl
and wi b1 Sec. 14, Tp. 15 jf., R. 19 E., W.M.
FLORENCE M. CADY, of Buckley, coun
ty of Pierce, stato of Washingten, sworn
statement No. HfiO for the purchase of the nel
Skc. 10, Tp. lo S., K. 19 K., W. M.
EUNICE SMITH, of Buckley, county of
Pierce, state cf Washington, sworn statement
No. 859 for the purchase of the swj Sec. 10,
Tp. V8., R. 19 E., W.M.
WALTER E. CADY, of Oetchell, county
of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn
statement No. 858 for the purchase of the e
m, swK ne'A and scj swi Sec. 4, Tp. 15 S.,
li. 19 E W. M.
JOEL M. SMITH, of Buckley, county of
Pierce, state, of Washingtoa, sworn statement
No. 857 for the purchase of the se Sec. 10,
Tp. 15 S 11.19 K., W.M.
MAUD E. CASADAY, of Fern Hill,
county of Pierce, state of W'ashington, sworn
statement No. 850 for the purchase of the w
nwl, sel nwi and nej swj Sec. 20, Tp. 14 S.,
R. 19 E., W.M.
CLESTIA CADY, of Buckley, county of
Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement
No. 855 for the purchase ot the nwj Sec. 22,
To. 14 S.. I!. 19 E., W. M.
DELLA A. CADY, of Buckley, county of
Pierce, state of Wasliington, swom statement
No, for tne purchase ot theses fcec. 22,
Tp. 14 S., H. 19 K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that tht
land souirht is more valuable for its timlcr 01
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at The
Dalles, Oregon on i nunaiay me utn uay ot
November, 1902.
They name as witnesses: Cra E. Stark, D,
Lawton Cady. Florence M. Ca-ly, Eunico
Smith, Joel M. Smith, Clestia Cady, Delia A.
Cady and Byron Cady, of Buckiey, Washing
ton, and May J. Cady and Walter E. Cad,
of tietchell, Washington, and Maud E. Casa
dav, of Fern Hill, Washington
Any and all (lemons claiming adversely the
bove-described lands are requested to file
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office,
The Dalies, Oregon. Aug. 15, P.Oi
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the providon of tiie act of Concmu of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sals of
timber lands in the Mates of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended m all the Publie I,and States by
act of August 4, 1892, the following persons
have filed in this office their aworn stats
aients. to-wit:
WILLIAM H. SUMNER, of Prineville.
county of Cmok, State of Oregon, sworn
statement Xo. filiti. July 1, 1902, for the pur
chase of the m Sec. 33, Tp. 13 s, r 18 e. W.
HARKIETTE A. COLBY, of Prineville.
county of Crook, State of Ongou; sworn
statement No. litis, July 1, 1902, fur the pur
chaae of the wj sw'i Sec. 21. and a4 nwli
Sec. 28, Tp. 17 s, r 18 e: W. M.
IKyiNl! r . WINNEK. of Frinev e.
couutp of Crook, State of Oregon, sworh
statement No. 607, July 1, 1902, for the pur
chase of the nw Sec. 34, Tp. 13 s, r 18 e, W.
MABLK J. MILLER, of Laments, eoun-
ty of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn state-
ment No. 739. July 5, 1902, for the purchase
af the vAwyt, m'4 rm and swi seX (fee.
15, Tp. 14 ., r 20 e, W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to
establish their claims to said land before W.
A. Bell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville,
Oregon, on Thursday, the 13th day ot No
vember, 1902.
They name as witnesses, C. I. Winnek.
fred Higgins, C. E. McDowell, .1. L. Holt
and James 1-aught, all of Prineville. Oteuou.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rerjuested to file
tn.-ir claims in tnis omce on or betore said
l.tth day of Novenilier. 1902.
auZSp y Jar. P. Lucas, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 1. 187S.
United Blaine .and Oflice,
The Dalles, Oregon, Kept. B, 1902.
Nollee Is horehv slven thai til lolnill
ance wllh (vision" of tha act of
Congress of June 3, Is;h, em II led "An
act for till s-ile of timber lands In the
blntos nf California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory, aa extended
to all the Public Land mates by act nf
August 4, lll, the following persons have
on Julv 3, 1902, filnl In this ollice their
worn atatenieiits. tn-wlt:
J IKK UN II KA HI), of Palncvlllc, county
of t:rook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 728 for the purchase of the NK H see,
30, Tp, lft S, H. Ill K., W. M.
MARY J. HKARIhof Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 727 lor the purchase or the N W V sec,
30. Tp. UK, R 19 K W.M.
Kill IK M.RAY, td Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 7211 lor the iiun-hase of the w, i fee
30, Tp, IftS., R IKK., W. M,
FRANK RAY, nf Prineville, county of
( rook, state of Oregon, sworn staluineiii
No, 72f for the pun-base of Ike SK Sec
30, TpldS, It 11) K, W M.
SUSIK M. lU'NCAN, ofPrini-vllle.couii
ty of Crook, stale of On-gon, sworn "tute-
-,U, t -.1. . ,1.. kill' I,'
iih-ih .so. 10 lor iili'llioreiiuse ui toe n t. y
Sw 14, Tp IftS, K 19 E, W M.
f A MI'HKI.I, A. DUNCAN, of Prineville,
county of Crook, stale of OrcXon, sworn
statement Nu, 722 for the piin liase of the
S J. NK and S1. NW 'a M-c 14, Tp 13 8,
K18E, WM, '
NANCY D. JfiNKS. ol Prineville, potinty
of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 721 for the iiurclnmc of the S W H Sec U
Tp l.'iS, It 18 K, W M.
MEN I-'. Jo.N'KS, of Prineville, coiinly of
CriMik, state of Oregon, sworn stuteuieiit
No 720 for the p'liehuse of tin- N J, Sis
(I, Tp 1ft S, R. loll, W M.
That they will offer proof to show that
the laud sought Is more valuable for Its
tluib.-i- or alone limn ror agricultural pur-
nosvH, and lo establish tneir claims 10 Illgg". U. S. Com
missioner at Prinevllb-, Ore-tiii. on Satur
dav, the bib day ol Iici-i-iiil-r. Itrrj.
Thev name as witnesses: liret-n Heard,
Mary 'J. Heard, Etbie M. Itnv, frank Ray,
Sii-ii- M. Duiietiu, Campbell A. Duitciin,
Nancy 1), Jones, mid lieu F, Jones, all of
Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons rlalttilng wdverselv
fho nbove-ileserlbed lamia ar ri-iuestiHl
lo tile their claims in thla office on or
la-fore the said 01 li day of Ibt-eiulicr. IKrJ.
JAlf P. LLCA8. lte-aisier.
TlnilH-r Land, Act June 3. l7s.
United Slates Ijind tirtlce.
The Dalles. On-g.m. hvnt. 23. Hurt.
Notice Is hereby given lhal In compll-
See. 20 slid 8WK HW4 Heo, 17, T. 13 S II,
14 K W.M.
He iiamra the following witnesses to prove
Ills ooiitiuuoua realdencs upon olid cultivation
of said laud, vis!
Rolnirt P. ,lohnsia, of fillvsi, Orsgoni
Ouier M. f!yru, of Culvsr, Oregon IImiIsmiIii
II, llrlfiich, of Culver, Orrgon, and Walter
It, Ruble, of Culver, Oregon.
O 23p Register.
Timber Land, Act June 1, UTS,
Culled Hiatus Uud Oltlce,
The On I In. Oregon (li-tnlicr 17 IWi.
Notice ta hereby given Unit In compll
ance Willi the provisions of the act nf
I'ongri-iu of June 3, INTN. rntltlnl "An
act tor the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, as stemlod
to all the Public lind Htales by act uf
August I, IsUJ,
Thomas M O'Coniiell, of Prineville,
county ol'Cnatk, slate of Oregon ,fias nn Aug
4 filed In this oflice his sworn slnlenipiit,
nuniN'rlsm, fur the purchase of the WU
HKi At KSWl of Kir. 2(1 Tp I2H.. II Id F,
W. M., and will oiler proof to sliuw Hist
the land sought Is more valuable lor lis
tlmls-r or stum-than for agricultural pur.
poses, and to establish his claim to an I-1
land la-fore W, A. Hell, U. H. ('01 Issloii.
er, at Prlni-vllli-, Oregon 011 Friday Ihe J 1 1 -1
day of January, Hi3,
lie nainoa as witnesses: Jennie I). Pick
ett, Ernest D, Starr, Sarah L, KoUmaii,
Adoliih K0U101111 lli ury E. Ki-ard Jeller-V
son I) Evans and Mahula J, Kvam all of
Prineville Oregon.
Any and nil in-raons claiming adverse.
Iv Ihn iibove.des'-rlbil lait'ls nro reouistl.
ed to tile their claims In Oils oirleo on or
belore sum inn nay 01 jiumry, mil,
JAV I'. Ll'CAri, llelster.
Tiiiilx-r Land, Act Ji ;, 7h,
Ulllted Slates l.iili.l (llllen,
1 he DjIIi-s, nn-goii, 1 1, 1, a, psij.
Notice I. Ill-nbv nivell II, nl In, i.'n.
anie with tin- proiisins of l. net of t i,.
gross ol June 3, Is7, 1 mill,, I . 11 m l for
Ihe sab- of tllul.-r l.ui.ia M . Sluli-a of
Callb-rnia, llr.-gon, Neiiida, ami Washing,
ton territory," as i-x-.eoded in l t, pi,,
lie Land Stales by a Augu.t 4
the lolliiwing pels,,,,, luivi. 111., I il, 1 1. i-
otllce Ihelr sworn slilteluints, I,,
BLANCHE PAIlsoMi h, Lh v
ty of Pti-n-i-, slim- of Wudiihgioii, aworn
sinleun-lit No. Pi, lib. I Align, I !(, nr.i,
for the piiichasi. of the M;i m.,., 31 t w
S., II. 1:1 K.. W. M.
AI.IIKRT S. PARSONS, of. Iliicklev
county nf Pierce, slalc of Wii.Iiiiiri,,;,,
sworn stiiieiiieiii No. (?. n, ,..,
llrj, for tin- Mirihas.- of il, tu ,l-i '
HW'-i NE'.uud SE'i N Wji Sec. 32, T 14S .
K til K W. JI.
rr.Altl, rilA.MIIERI.IN. of Kealil.
ance wllh Ihe provisions uf ihe aei of coiiniy 01 Mug, siateol vi ashlnglnn. sworn
-ongrrss or June 1. His. entitled "An art 1 """ " io;t, nun August li
of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wash
Ington Territory,' aa extended lo all Ihe
Public Ijind States by act of Auausl 4,
1892, Willi 1111 J, Wright, of Howard, coun
ty of Crook, stste of (Iregon, has this day
hied in this office his sworn statement No.
402,forthe purrhn-e of the SW'4 SWt of
srouoii s ipiis, a 111 r., vt ..m , and win
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timlier or slime than
Iur agricultural purposes ami to establish
his claim to said laud liefore A. ('. Palmer,
U S Cominissioiier. at Prineville. Oregon.
on Wednesday, the 10th day of December,
He names as witnesses: Clyde lion,
John lion, ri ll llli'Vlns anil Allien Knight
cu, all of Howard, Oregon.
Any and all persons clalmlnar adverse.
ly Ihe above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims In Oils office on or
before said 10th day of December, 1902.
JAY P. LUCAS, Kefisler.
Timlier Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15, 1902.
N-itice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled ' An act for the sale of
timlier lan-is in the States ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," . -is
extended to all the Public Land States by act
"f August 4, 1902, the fc Lowing persons liavc
tiled in this office their swot 11 statements, to-wit:
EDWAliO 11. KNOX, of Post, county of
'"rook, State of Oregon, sworn statement Xo.
'i"7, for the purchase of the sc nwl, sw','
m'A and n w4 Sec. 24, Tp. 17 S., 1!. 18
K., W. M.
ItOSCOKKXoX.of Post, county ..f CVis.k,
State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 033.
.June 25, 1902, for the purclnse of h'. py.
and e'A seJi Sec. 20, Tp. 17 S., It. 18 K, W.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said land before J. .1,
Smith, county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Xove nber 12, 1902.
They name as witnesses: Henry Beck, Ca
leb Davis, liobeit Myers and John Hughes,
all of Post, Oregpn.
Any and all ersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to lile
their claims in this office on or before said
12tfi day ot November, 1902.
au28p Jar. P. Lucah, Register,
Timber Land, Act June J, 1S78,
United States Land Oflice,
The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 2(1. 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In comnll-
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act
lor the sale of timlier lands in the atatcs
of California, Oregon, Iscvada, and Wash
ington 'lerrltory, as extended lo all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
1892, Effic, of Portland, county of
Multnomah, state ol Oregon, has on Mai
ls, PKr2, filed in this ollice her sworn sl.-ite-
mcnt Number 340, for the purchase of the
SW'4 SW'4 section 22 and EJ SK and
SWJ4 HE''4 sis-tion 21 Tp 111 S, K 11 E, W.
M., and will oiler proof to show that thi
land sought is more valuable fur its timber
or stone than for ugrie iltural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office
at The llalk-s, Oregon, 011 Friday, the fttli
day of DeoemlM-r, lif'2.
She names as witnesses: DcWitt W.
Danforth, Benjamin F. Smith, Jennie B.
Smith and Isahcl D. Libby, ull of Portland,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims In this ouVe on or
la-forc said ftth day of Deoenilair, 1102.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Oct 2 r
Timber Land, Act June 3, IV7K.
U. 8. l-and Oltlce.
The Dalles, Oregon. June 23. Iiz.
Octola-r 17, 19U2.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, l7a, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the
.States of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory,' ss extended
to all the Public I,aiid Hlatea hy scl of
August 4, P92, the following persons have
filed in this office their sworn statements
JKXXIK D. PICKETT, of Prineville,
county of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn
stateinent No 903, filed August, 7, 1902, for
the purchase of the K'4 X V., SW SK
aodsEXWSec20, tp 15 M., R 111 K.,
ERNEST D. STARR, of Prineville.
county ol Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
stateinent No DIM, filed August 7, IIH2, for
the purchase of the NKI4 bee 24, tp lft S.,
R18E., WM.
SARAH L K0TZ.MAX. of Prineville,
county of Crook, stato of Oregon, sworn
statement No 017, filed July :). 1902 for
the purchase of the E'Shlf XW1 SE'4
and SE', SWI Sec 20' tp lft S., It II) K.,
W M.
ADoLPH KOTZMAX, of Prineville.
county 1. f( rook, stale of Oregon, sworn
stalcillent Xo9H7, filed August 4, l!K2, for
Hie purclniseof tlieSEU Sec 8, tp 1,5 S., II
10 E., W M.
IIKXRY E. HEARD, of Prineville,
county uf Crook. Mate of Oreiron. sworn
statement No 908, filed August I, 1902, lor
ine piirctinsc 01 the N'.J,, See 2, tp 1.5 s., It
19 W ,l.
JEFFERSON 1). EVANS, of Prineville.
coillitv ol Cmok, state id' Oregon, sworn
lall-lol-lit .Ml!si, lllcd Angus I, liKi-!. ',,P
tin- inm-iin.'C 01 the N ' mid W
SKI Sec 2, Ip PIS., R 18 10. , W M.
'1 IIOMAS M.O'CONNLLL of Prineville
comity 01 ( roolt, state ot (negon, sworn
siati.-uient .Mi :i.iii, nieil AugiiBt 1, 1ikj2, for
(ho puiclia-e of tin- W'i SKI uml E1-,
SW Sec 20, tpl2S-, il Hi E., W .1.
that they will offer proof lo Bhow thai
the hind sojght is morn viiiuohlo for lis
timber or stone limn for iiuricullural pur
ijos. s, and to r ilnbllsh their clnlm to said
mild before M. It. Biggs, (,'. H. t.'ommla
sloner. at his office at Prineville. Oregon,
on Friday, the 2nd day of January, 1903.
Thi-y name as witnesses: Jennie I).
Pickett, Ernest D. Starr, Sariili L Kotzman
Adolph Kotzman, Henrv K. Ilcuid. Jelf'er
son D. Evans Thomas M. O'Coiinell and
Mahula J. Evans all of Prineville Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lauds are rcuucsl
ed lo file their claims In this office on or
before the said 2nd day of Juiiunry, 1903.
JAY P. LUCAS, It'eglsttr.
0 23
Lanii Omc at Tag Dalleh, Ohwiov,
Octolier 14, 11102.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of intention
to make final prisif in aupmrt of his claim,
and that said proof will he made before J. J,
Smith, County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon,
on Friday, Nov. 28, 1902, viz : (ieorge W,
Jones, of Prineville; H. K. No. o504, for the
HK SWJ.;--N V. SWSec. 34, Tp, 15 S,,
R. 15K..W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ujsm and cultivation
of said Isnd, viz :
James Harvey,.)ainesMofhtt, Andrew Turn
r-" or r.-s r-r.'i an
NF,'. Sec. I, T. 14S.. It, la L W.M.
I hat Uiey will oiler proof to how Hist
the land sought ia mom valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural nor.
poses, and lo establish their claims to said
hind la-lore the Register and Rm-eivvr at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the litis
day of January, llirl.
They imnie'aa wilne.i..: Fbin-iire JI
Cady, D. Lawton Cady, Blanche Panama
and AllH-rt M. Parsons of Huekl.y, Vi'ssh and Wiiiii-r E. ( adv. of del'!
chrll, Wu.h., and I'earl Cliauiiwrlin, of
Siultle, Wash.
Any and all persona claiming sdveraelv
the nlaiviMli-M-rils-d lauds are rispn-sted ut
file their chiiins In this oltlce on or befors
Hie said 12th day of January, ll3.
":i"-' J. I'. LI ('AS, Register.
TiioUr Und, Act June 3, 1878.
Uxitii Status LaMiOrni s,
Tin Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 21, Pi2
Notice l lien-by given that in couiplianca
wllh the provisions of the act of Congreaa of
June S, 1878, entitled "An act for tb. .! of
timber lands in the StaUs of California, Ore
giril, Nevsila snd Wsslungton Territory " u
stended to all (lis Public lnd States by
set of August 4, iwr-i, the following namr.
lieraoiu have, nn August 211, l!r2, filed In this
entice their aworn ataU-menta, to-wit-
LEON A II DT. SMITH. 1. f Buck ley, county
of Pierce, stale of Wa.hingt,ai, sworn stale,
ment No. 10011 for the purchase of the MS
FRANK F. SMITH, ol Buckley, cmm.
of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn state,
ment No. 1070, for the purchase of the HWj
Sec. 8, T lft S., It 19 K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought ia more valuable f.,r li. s 1 ... t ...
atone than for agricultural purposes, snd to
n...,,.,. ielr cairn m aal.l land liefore the
Register and Receiver, at Th.. Ii.ll 11.
on Tuesday, the 13th day of January, HM, '
Tlu-y name as witm-ssi-s I), L. Cadv l-'ior.
ence M, Caily, ,1, M. Smith, C. Cadv I). A
Cady, B. Cady, M. J. Cady, W. fc. Cady,
LMinani T. Smith ami Frank F. Smith, U
iicaiey ahuigton, snd J. Ca-ly snd
. E. (Jady, of (ietchell, Wash.
Any and all nersoi.a cbomii,., .,l.-...l.. i...
above desorilied Ian-Is are re.pie.trd lo file
tb.-lr claims in this office on or before the aaid
1-" o oav 01 .inniiary. i:fll.i.
o-'IO-p JAY P. LUCAH, Regi-ter.
i:MTl:ll 8TAIKS ISHUN skllVlt'K, Waiim
S i-itl N;s A'.iisry. OiiKiuN. (),-i,,l
lii-rohy ;ivcn tluiL I will
17, mi
Notii-c is
sen 11 u iiiiinn; n net lull, 111 tin,
hiilih-r, fur cnsli, nn Tui silay, tin- Htli
(lap of Xovtmlmr, nt tl.o si-linnl funn
yards, tin: (ulluwiiiK dosci ilnil ciHtle,
Iwldllljilrg to tlie I. H., to wit : ! cows,
2 lii-ifcra, 111 steeis and 11 cnlvcs.
Notice to Creditors.
Motion is hereby given that the under.
signed bus been by (Jin I'nunly Court
of Crook County, statu of Oregon duly
appointed as Ailininisiiatiix of tbe'E-tai'e
of (Ieorge W. (Ilenn, deceased, um oil
persons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the sumo
duly verified to said Adlniiiislriiii-i. 11...
ollice of M. E. Brink, in Prineville, Oregon,
........ n, ,,,,,,,, , ,,. ,,, () le
first piiblu-niion of this notice,.
Dated October 21st, 1902,
S.MUII P. (ll.K.VN
AdiiiiiistrtriilrU of the Estate of
(iKimog W. Oi.knx, deceased.
M. L. Biiink, Atly, for Admrx.
Oct 23 7
uno.rn..,., .,,,..1,,, u ,j,cw 1 ,. - 1 ' "s 1 1 ,,lll C ;, (J J,
er ana i.iianea jieaiey, an 01 i rinevuie, ure- IM si pooiieiuioo oi inis uotii e,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given thai inn to.
signed bus by the County Court of Crook
county, Slate of Oreon, duly appointed us
Administrator of thecsluteof W. II. Fuller
deceased, mid all persons having claims
against said estate an- hereby required to
prcent the mine duly vcrilicit-In said ,.
uiitilstratnr lit hisftllice at Prinevilb. iir...
wiiinii six iniiiitiis irom Ho-
JAY P. LUCAS, llcgislei.
Land Omul at The Dalles, Onroox,
October 14, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the followlm
named settler has filed notice nf his intention
to make final prisif in support nf his claim,
and that s;tid proof will lie made liefore A. C.
Palmer. V. S. Commissioner, at Pnnevi e.
Oregon, on Friday, November 28, J 1st 2 viz:
Nuiiia r. ftlcCom, of Culver, Oregon, 11. E,
I Dated October 23, 19(12.
I). F. SrnuHr,
Adminislrator of the E-tuti- of
W. II, Fi i.i.KH. deceased
Real Esstate for Sale
FOR SALE A two story dwelling with
barn and outhouses in the city of Prinaviile.
This proierty is well situate and is covered
by irrigation, It covere one.fom ih of a blia-k
and is one of the best residence facations in
the town. Pries reasonable