WAHINQTON LIFE IMFrCE CO. OP NKW YORK. OLAY A, glMI'OON, . M'gV InUrlor Dajit. .," ., .';'!.- I , ' ; S J ', ' i !. . I ' , S ! ; l . "ji'.-'M- .... I iTl ' , . f5 : m v , Una th lurnnnt j)t;rv)iniu.'o of Cll!I) IlllllMtM t'J tlllfSh llollllX Of lia bility ; fmi'ii tiin hltrhi'tit nvuruKO liitum it, and itmiii-H the mot up-to-iluto piwrsxjej.vo nolioleii for iu voHlmonl or protection. AITI.KK. AI'I'l.l , AI'IM,I,H. Kor tin1 iit-x t thirl y days I v.-: 1 1 (Cell iiiiIiik ii! ihe orolnird for 50 cents iiml mm (l-ilhir per bushel. C. V. Clin l.K. Pasture I Pasture I! 1 have (1 Ul nctv.i o( good pasture and will lulic iior.i'f or cattle to i!iliirn by the in mill, lit rcusoti iililn r.il'". Knin-li on Marki" creek. J-ihTM !I. I'kti;ii-un, Notice. To all m iix(iiij owing (or borne tlioi'ing lit ('. L. Silimioii'ij shop, Vol) are llitiiiel to call llllil settle one half of the amount il in, with the estate of tin- ,uid C. L. Sulo limn. Signed; Naomi Salomon. Admiiiltatrix. KTOI.KN OK HTIUYMt. Out- brown nine, "ige By , m-iclit About L! lb., broke, it V'TV Kent If. Blur in f'letioml, roiht liinil fool while, brnmled ll-Z on b-fl ului-ililur, im it yiMibiu: coll Willi her; Oiii' ibiik ! iv iiiihv, fteinht iiliuiil I0il ) Hi-.., broke, vvir K-n! ti-. while lioul feet, r-tur in loivii.M.I, hrui.lnl A m on left ulioiilil r. li Si .ii'iii oiio yejir ago. If.YOO leiuiril ili bo mIiI (or return of, or mini nut ion In dim. o. cry of citlnn of rni'l ntiiiniiU. II. K. lo.v.u.ii, or ."-'AM W'inil., (I'J-liu ' H-.trr-, Ori-gnn. , Nni( I'm kit. Any oiii: liivlni; It .ft f"iir while Inekt imii leurii of lie tr where!" I out by eiilliiit' thit nllu e un I payi ng for l!ii Holier. v3 mm ivin E ven' PJVj;WCE HENHY I-."!..'.?, P. OVERCOAT I'llESENTIXO DISTINCTLY NEW FEATURES IN CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER HELP RANGE DITIONS CON- MIANKSOIVJN'O, with itn jiJcafiint triulitiomi, religious t:i(.'nifi- (Hiiee, aii'1 feiiHtiiiff, in likewii-"! a time for drcwM. L'huully it eati lie depended titKin to lnni? with it the rial wirilei of the North. A Komi time to jiiek out the Overcoat and Heavy Suit, awl here, h fhe hei4 )lnee we know of to find jn.-t what you wihh. Our winter Hhowin", in utiiisnal in rnany way", hut notably m in the HtrikhiK htyliM di.-jilaycd. Quality haw heen our waU'h-word ho long that wo iri rititjj ( veryono uwlertandi it. Thin rjiieial offering incltu ),.m K. X. & V. garment, guaranteed ly the iniikcw and hy uh ISMU to Cons Heforo the OreRon brKlxlature Tbln Winter Two hills which, if passtd, will have a vital hearing on the range nitnation in Grant county, ar t to be brought brifore the Oregon legisla ture thii winter by a representative from Wallowa county, Hays a I'en dleton difpatch lo 'the Oregonian. One will provide that fhecp from ore: county, for either winter or summer range, tiiUBt pay a certain tax per head to the latter county. Thin bill applies also to faith; A econd bill n to ho modeled on an Idaho law. It provides that fcbeep may not bar ranged within a mile of a farm settlement or homestead. OYEHCOATS MEN'S SUITS N0T1CU OP DISSOLUTION Notice in hereby- given that the firm anil piirlucivhip of While it Campbell, doing bunim-H in the City of I'rineville, Crook County, hlntft of Oregon, in hereby disnolvcd by mutual coin-n ut, Mr. John W. White retiring. All hci-ohiiIh due raid firm will hi" collected mid re ceipted for by Mr. J. h'. Campbell, mid all accounts owing by taiil firm I will be paid by Mr. J. K, Campbell. Patcd, lhi -Uh day of Novem ber, l'JO'J. m 51 Tht ilKnutnrc l on mnry bo o( tlx (tenilno Laxative BroinO'Quinine tum-u tho ruiiHvtv Hint t uren cil"J la one da A. I!. MAN S CO. Sell Lumbsr for CASH ONLY! it largo variety of the match- Tin; Idaho law makes provision fori a two-mile limit. If these two measures are passed and enforced, they will go far to alleviate the distressing conditions FURNISHINGS'-" ;rant mwly w!,ich 8iv ri-e to; the liiiinemus shootltlL' atiravs ami I'-nant. ti.e intense strained feeling between 1 wells show every twelve lmura, i....,.0,u,.;,mti,u.t-nmi Then morniriK and evening, and have Morrow, Umatilla, (iiliiam, Wasco, " J tJ in the water level; but with a chungt' of wind, air is drawn in ami t'" water in observed to wink. During the progress of a low barometer w over one of these regions wind w violently expelled from tho wells with a noise distinctly atldiblu (sev eral roils. ProfeswoM Loveland unil Swezeyoi the University of Ne braska, have mado observutioti! on a well of this .nature in Perkins county and found that its breath ing periods were extently coitici cident with the barometic chungeB The citizens of the region have attempted many explanations ot the wells. Some have muotu'il thiit the blowing is probably !u to the liberation of the gas produc ed from petroleum, and that as pe troleum is a natural ilistillsiUoi from great coal fields, there rtiust be an abundcnt stqiply of the 'lat ter mineral beneath the surfactv Fortunes have been staked Upon, this deduction and much time con sumed in a fruitless search for Others have noticed a of current which sminu thought that this oscillation wa . i:j;V'.j I I"rs. Laura. G. V'elb, V're.lr'i!.li'iil Voonit'K Ilonn' rrillli'l lulmol .nl rii (li!.. "I drr'fed t!it thsr;' of lii- . bb.h w.t f.i-t a;.ii"ir.ctiini, Ino'iftrt V.in l Cinlul, r,d tj .C!; lo I.",' 4 h-il-lie. I evjHiicntfiJ oii.e nl'.d the lint month, i I fcr,.t on tak ivi it for thr nion'hi and i.ow I m-r,-!iii.itJ ivli! no pain and I shull Itike it oft and on How until I Iuvk pauti liu-1 i-m.'rx." lVinali' Ui:;ikinM, iKnonli''! nu'iihi'S, la'lmu ei tin! voiiili hn!l ie. :u nit! triniM'-i "In not viiir oil. ii-vfullow swjiuiiti ti't!-,'ili:iii!i' liie. lo not v.ait Li;t i.i'ii: V inn ; J THE BEE HIVE. THE PLACE TO SAVS MONEY. SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK! Furs. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, also Children's. Fur Sets, of the latest patterns and full values. Knit Goods. A nice assortment of Liulie;-' Shawls and Fascina tors, also Infoiits' Knit Sacqnes, Bootees and Mittens. Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children' Underwear. Our line is complete, and has been silectcd with a view to the special reiuii'cnieiits of this climate. QUALITIES L'NCQt'ALED. PRICES UNTOUCHED. An Examination Will Convince Yon. Crook and Washington state sheep-1 due to a tidal action of the fhect water, erroneously consnlcrmir tho -,, men, 7& V. who bring in hundredi oi thousands of sheep into Grant's summer range will be compelled to contribute to the maintenance of latter as a great subterranean lake The phenomena are mot frequent ly attributed by scientific observers. . . . . , . ... -..1 !. the county institutions and nn-jw aimospncric pressure, wii.c.. provcmerits, a change for which though probably exerting great in Grant resident have long leen con- fluence, is not necessarily the tendin". It has hern a source of ! whole cause. The material through which the wells are driven may throw some light on their peculiar ities. In southeastern Nehra-skii a layer of dense limestone about 4 inches thick lies beneath 50 tov 100 feet of subsoil. Below the- peculiar bitterness among settlers of the John Day that they should Id! taxed to eeep up the district, while foreigners, came in early with their stock and got the hulk of the trrass. Grant county sheepmen, in their turn, rarely drive abroad, and j limestones is found water-bearing-would be able to'appreciate in their j gravel. When the limestone cov fullist the benefits of this bill, if jcring the water-bearing beds is passed. penetrated water under Blight pres- Many a shooting affray would sure rises about 1 foot. The water probably le prevented by the appli- hearing layer is very, porous and cation and enforcement of the gnu- must always contain more or It 8 ing bill, making a mile limit iorJair. As the air ahove.and the air sheep around every homestead. inclosed in the gravels below arc- One of the chief causes of trouble; ulike subject to the fluctuations of tor years has been trespass by out- j tne far. .meter, it billows Unit it tlie ;.t.b,....-!...r.1er on nrivi.te hold-' surface air is rendered lets dense 5, MICHEL ings. Settlers complain that out-j the air below will pass out tlirougU i i .1 .. ,1 . ! llie vell foil riiii'r until enuilihritim ii eiti me ui.is i" u n 1 - o - i 1 leave their littL-'between the rarer air and denser holding bare mid their own cattle air is estui.us.ieu. ami v.io opposuo Siockiii.-ii here sav the; ctlcct will fmlow ilunng a period 11 designed to ' of high pres-ure. ritiil, this ex- snie i very doors, am starving two iiHii-urcs are wt cqnalize the stock situation to some I extent. Grant County News. f I ::i-v lulli.'W a iVviniHTi tt- tl'iu Iniiiiii' l i,f lite. lo not vaiit Li;t t.i'ii: V me jj i P i.f (.'iinlui now lent Jivoi'l the Iron- Ij I I ill... iue of I 'uMui never f ; i i t si fi j I') lieiiutt a nuffi'ritisj weainn ef I liny iit'i". 'Win"' o Cai'lui ivIieM'il B a '.!rs. Ve!il wlieu slit- v.-!i.i in ilini- ! S fer. Wbi ii you t-i:n,to(:ii'('!i.:ii.-e I I of life Mr. W ul.f.'s letter -v. ill S I nii'iin iiioro to you tli.-ni it lii'i-n g H new. but you may now avoitl llie , B J Fiilii'ring he einlnreil. lirm'i'isH 1 I si il t'l bottli-a of V iui! of Cariiui. The Joarnal's Special Offer lj Have ym rem I the hfi'er of a yenrs' subscription totlioj Journal for 1? If not, you sjiould do so at once. In Another column we give the offer in detail. During the "life of this special offer we give the Journal and Oregonian for ?2. On or before November 1st the Journal will branch out into a six-column eight-page paper. Call and see the new press, the best in the country ! Tf. 0 is 'Oil JdiiiiI s WvW $4 om., (Vt. 4, 1102. I to tl.itiik you fer my rr.itf. )l 1 nan KotiViiiiK ai-tinifii fi'eoi eili an'! .3 wiiM ti-.i.il'' uiiri'liiiie to relie-e luti- wl.tll. en lilt soSiee ul a flirlnl. I Tn Ji. elm"'' & I little of elir l'eiliu HI- Si .i-it;e i.ikI took a tiil-lcful at nili! '1! i.i.ii io;e!l er in t lie ii-oininu'. At liai .at tvoive, noon, iijy wite (,r:tve me J m.-th" r ti.1 !iHinfi.l, -ahen my pa.ii iilstelini. Iutwoil;i)S I wn a'-li i o htti i it r. y it i:ii!iii Liintss i n'.iie!;. J nlii -ml. It '" tin l'ly w. n!t i fn. '?! ,!i:!-uMv"ilBif-r, Vurtirt, Helena. pl.mation; plausible as it is, hardly accounts for tin- force with which the air is expelled from some of the wells, and a more comprehensive study of the problem is needed to satisfactorily explain all the phe--nomena. 8 t o m C w u. a U o O LU o & !5 z c3 -3 C a z u ft) C u E o C u o u u ."'Z- ....... ,. . - 1 e tiftftri. 1750 Imoressions per Hour Ll a recent papeJ pulilln d by the United Slates Geological Sur vey, en Wells and Windmills in Xebrask:i. mention is made of the interesting phenomena of the breathing or blowing wells which are turn ! distributed throughout a huge portion of the state of Nebras ka. These wells are of the driven tvpe mostly in u?e upon the plains but are distinguishable from those of ordinary character by a remark able and unexphunable egress and ingress of currents of 'air which produce distinctly audible Bound and give the names variously ap plied to them of breathing, sighing blowing or roaring wells, according to their character in different places. The air currents are read ily tested with the flames of a can dle, or by dropping chaff or- feath ers into the well tubes. There are periods when these wells blow out for several days, and equal periods when their air currents are revers ed. It has leen observed that the blowing occurs with changes of the barometer. Some wells are found to be most audible when the wind is from the northwest, with a rise Notice to Electric Customers. Your attention is called to the- i monthly lighting rates, which will be found in the last part of Section 10, Ordinance -122, which reads; as iollows : Evening nntil 10 p. in., .05 pcr eandle pnivi-r ; evening until mid night, .t'ti I er- candle power. AJ1 night lights .O.S per candle power. Uesidenee?, churches and hall special rales. Residences were given a .04 rate for this reason. They are supposed not to burn their lights only when in actual use, ami in no case to burn lights all night in unoccupied rooms. Beginning November 1st, l'J02, we will charge an .,08 rate on all night lights unless permission has been granted for same. We positively will not furnirdi current to lights not purchased from P. L. & Co. Where this fraud is found to exist service will, be discontinued without notice. P. L. & W. Co., Per C. L. Shattutk. IOOQ The best physic ChainbcrtamV Stomach mid Liver Tablets. En.y to take. I'leitBiint in etTeet. Fur aide by nil druggiste. "Now is the Appointed Time Til O. R. & N. Co. ha just iaauecl hundaoiuely illustrated paiiiphivl ratitledK "Oregon, Wahiii(titon & blnliu a& thsir reaourcet." People in the Ko are aniioua for information about ih Pacific North Wet-If yoo will give tb (t K. A. N. Co. agent at Shaniko Eat of names of modern people who are like ly to be interested, the booklet will Le mailed free to luch peraona.