Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 3

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    1'iom the Ashes,
"I was miulo in Frann),"all the
button to the Chinono coin, who
had uhI hern telling his story, n
they hiy ftiilo by nido in tho (lark,
dump earth of ft tilth) umhaiiktiiont
on tho Washington iiiil of tho Col
unibin, just below the point whore
it nixhen along in t maddening
hurry to pass the rocks whiiih
break it into loitining Cflsondtis.
"From tho' time I flr.l began to
notice things,! k&w I wan not like
other buttons, I wus branded deep
with a phoenix and the letters 'Je
mini do rmi cendrtie.' "
0 courne her atory was not told
I toll it now, for the little button
could not Heuk Chiiume; nor could
the coin underhand French, but a
large blue French Canadian bead
made both underntand iln broken
"I was very proud and thought I
boro the coat of arms of some noble
family. I never knew, and I wonder
yet, That did not make me ho
proud an tho thought tlmt I was
immortal, tor wu I not to me
from my ashen? That is what my
letters say,
"Jt will make my tale foo long,
if I tell hoy I was brought over
seas a long, long journey, and then
over hind months and months so
slowly, Tliis train that goes rum
bling over us would make me dizzy
to look al I know. Finally we
came to the Columbia river, and
later I heard them say, 'there is
Vancouver.' I could not see it
then, something was in my way,
' iunl I was never to see it or tbe
fort, for the next day I was traded
for some furs, to an Indian who
took me and pulled off my eye,
and, as if tiat were not injury
cnoMgh, belmnchcd a holo through
me and I was made to adorn the
richest fabric, was put on a string
with tome pieces of brans and cop
er around that Indian's neck,
"What a life I had 1 The water
tlmt rushes by leaping and roaring,
goeH not at so mad a rate as went
my chief and I. I did regret the
loss of my manners, hut what
could be exjs'ctcd of one who lived
as I?
"How well I remember the year
1850!" Tho button paused with a
sigh and the coin and the liend,
pcrhaiw because they, loo remem
bered, said nothing, "Since I had
known them, the Indians had
never been so excited, 1 here came
a night in March when, arrayed in
their war paint and feathers, they
danced till the gray twiliglit came.
Above the sound of the drum and
the hideous noises, I heard an owl
hoot. On the morrow it wag the
twenty-sixth day wjth yells that
boiled ill for the pule face, they fell
upon tho little defenseless settle
ment. "From that massacre some must
hove run with ill tidings, for the
next ilnv the little steamer 'Hello';
brought Phil Sheridan and his
company from Vancouver, and
two companies came to the relief
from The Dalles. Hut all the
houses,-save the one held by the
white people, were burned; and
their dead numbered seventeen.
"Alas! for me, my chief was
killed. 1 was laid with him on a
bier supported by the. swaying
boughs of the pines, amid the wail
ings of tho Indian's funeral dirge.
I heard the dirge of the forest and
the river. They were more to my
ear than savage chanting.
"You both came later and know
how we were startled one night by
n fire set to the trees we were in,
and we fell to the ground. How I
longed to get away, but no one
ever noticed nie."
"The things that have happened
since then I know better than you,"
said the bead. "They laid ft tram
. way track nearly to us in 1857,
and we saw the busy transfer of
tho boats. The next year wo saw
another across the river, and the
next, in place of the patient mules,
engines hissing and blowing steam
from their upright boilers, as they
drew the cars from tho boats above
to the -boat below the rapids, drew
the first trains in this great North
western country. Two years later
we were imprisoned here andthe
train rumbled over us.
"Yes" interrupted the button,
1 here am I compelled to live with
that worthless little piece of Chi
nese money I, the phoenix, the
emblem of immortality, Did they
uiean to mock nie when they
stamped me so? Will I live again?
How will I get''
"Just then the coin cried out,
"Listen," said the button. "Heel
light!" said the bead. Then the
three, from intense excitement and
susiensc, were silent,
They knew not that the bed of
tho railway had been moved, and
that tho hand that reached in and
took them belonged to a little girl
who was digging for relic. They
were to startled and so glad. When
they could compose themselves
some one was saying "How strange
that a French button, a Chinese
coin and an English Und should
I here together with these brasg
and copter Indian trinkets." Hut
of their lives, of the traders, or the
Indians, the three said never a
word. They did not want the girl
to hear them.
When at last they were safe
alone, the bead on a strand with
others like her, the button and
iin again side by side this time
in a cabinet the bead culled out
"Didn't you come up from the
ashes that time, phoenix button?"
The button did not reply at once.
When she did she said thought
fully and humbly, "Hut, did not
the Chinese coin, too? Daisie E.
Allawuy, in the Oregon Teachers
Monthly. .
" Last winter an infant child of none
bad croup in a viulent form," says
Eldor John W, Rogers, a Cliriitisn
Evangelist, of Filley, Mo. "I gave her
a few doaet of Chamhorlain't Cough
Remedy and in a short time all danger
was past and the child recovered."
This remedy not only cures croup, but
when given al toon as the first symp
toms appear, wilt prevent the attack.
It contains no opium or other harm
ful substance and may bo given as con
fidently to a baby a to an adult. For
ale by all druggists.
Where Oil la Found In California.
During the present season 0. II.
Kldridge, of the United States Geo
logical Survey, hat been engaged
ia a careful examination of the
petroleum fields of California with
a view to discovering tho source of
oil. Theso fields lie in the Coast
Range and alongside the great
Central Valley of the State, but
thus fur their chief development
has been south of tho parallel of
San Francisco In order to locate
their source it hat been necessary
to study the general geologic fea
tures of the Coast Range and Cen
tral Valley, and especially the oil
bearing formations themselves and
the structural conditions in the
areas in which they are found.
Although the work is yet incom
lete, several important results
have been established, one of which
is the presence of petroleum of
from 11 to 12 degrees Ha'ume in a
series of strata at least 25,000 feet
thick. A second result of the in
vestigation is the separation of this
series, on litholngic or paleontologic
grounds, into nearly a dozen dis
tinctly rccognizuhlo formations,
chiefly of Tertiary age. It is im
portant to note that petroleum was
found under many structural con
ditions, yet nearly all seemingly in
harmony with the anticlinal theory.
The technical and economic uses
of tho California petroleum, par
ticularly in its application as fuel,
will al;o be considered in the course
of the work as planned.
Stops the Oough and Works offthe
LaxativH ltrntno Quinins Tablets cure a
cold in one dny. No Cure, No Pay,
Price, 25 cents.
Modem ltobinaon Crusoe.
The lot of a present-day Robin
son Crusoe would be an enviable
one, in so far as material neodd are
concerned, provided bis wreck was
that of an average ' passenger
steamer. Possessing less ability
than even an ordinary artisan, he
could erect a modern house and
install lighting and heating appa
ratus, electric light and bells. The
ship would provide furniture, house
hold fittings, books and pictures.
He would be sure to have at hand
several bicycles.
Further search would reveal
plenty of clothing and linen from
the stores of the best known ailors
and haberdashers, together with
many bales of cloth, from which
he miglil replenish from time to
time his large and comprehensive
For his daily sustenance he
might prepare, if he to willed,
menus that would be gastronomic
lyrics, supplemented by costly
wines and liquors. For the space
of a year and probably longer, he
might live as luxuriously, main
taining all the conventions, as any
man in any of the five great capi
tals of the world.
For his diversion, if he had any
love for sport, he would find fish
ing tackle and nets and gum suit
able for the execution of large and
small game,
In fctormy days the modern
Crusoe might interest himself in
doors with his books. At night he
could draw his curtains, and with
Lis room filled with the soft light
of candles set in silver candelarba,
reflect on the wonderful etrides of
ft civilization that enabled him to
gratify lilt slightest desire. Chi
cago Tribune.
To the Publlo.
Allow me to tny few words in
praise of Cliiiinberlaiti't Cough Rem
edy, I had a very severe cough and
cold and cared I would get pneumonia,
but after taking the second dose of
this medicine 1 felt bettor, three bot
tles of it cured my old and Hie paim
in my client disappeared entirely. I
am most respectfully yours for health,
Rii.fh 8. Mkykkh, 64 Thirty-seventh
St., Wheeling. W. Va. For sale by
all druggists.
Dismal Hwamp Is found to be Higher
than tho Surrounding Country.
The United States Geological
Survey has recently issued a spec
ial map formed by combining a
number of topographic sheets, pre
viously published, of the country
surrounding Norfolk, Va. The sec
tion covered by the new map,
konwn as the Norfolk quadrangle,
includes Fort Monroe, Newport
News, Hampton Roads, Norfolk,
and Portsmouth, and extends for
about 4 miles south of the North
Curolina line; it also covers a large
area of the Dismal Swamp. It has
been compiled with great accuracy
.and minuteness of detail, even the
houses in the country districts being
located on it, and is of more than
ordinary interest in indicating the
topographic features and the in
equalities of relief by a system of
contour lines.
A striking peculiarity of tho Dis
mal Swamp is clearly brought out
by the map, which shows that the
surface of the swamp stands- from
7 to 11 feet higher than the sur
rounding country, and the unusual
phenomenon of streams draining
out of it in all directions is observed.
The detail of the map is enriched
by the addition of ocean soundings
and descriptions of the marine
Astounding Discovery.
From Coopcravillc, JJicli., cornea
word of a wonderful discovery of a
pleasant tasting liquid when used
before retiring by any one troubled
with a Iml cough always insures a
good night's rest. "It will soon cure
the cough too," writes Mrs. 8. Himel
burger, "for thrco generations of our
family have used Dr. King's Now Dis
eovcry for Consumption and never
found its equal for Coughs and Colds."
It's an unrivaled life-saver when used
for desperate lung diseases, Guaran
teed bottles, 50c. and $1.00, at all
druggists. Trial bottles free.
Not Our Fault.
A sissy editor is a nuisance any
way for she can't find out anything
even When she asks about it. lone
Post. Hut when any one offers to
aid in tho matter and is met with
the marble heart and stony stare
there is little room for sympathy.
Perhaps the doctor could help you,
dear sister.
Great Luok of an Editor.
" For two years all efforts to cure
Eczema in the palms of my hands
failed," writes Editor H. N. Lector, of
Syracuse, Kas., "then I was wholly
owed by Bueklcn't Arnica Salve." It's
The world's best for Eruptions, Sores
and all skin diseases. Only 25o nt all
Columbia Southern Jfotel
The Finest Hotel in Interior Oregon.
Rates $U0 and $2.00 per day.
J. SI. KEWEV, Proprietor.
"Uhe SSrick Motel.
Sirloin Steak 25c
T-Bone Steak 35c
Porterhouse Steak 50c
Porterhouse Steak for two. . .$1 00
Pork Chops 25c
Mutton Chop? 25c
Ham 25c
Eggs, extra 10c
Chicken, any style. , 35c
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Fireproof luildings, 100x000 feet, 150 feet, being two
stories in height.
General Fowarding, Storage and Commission Merchants.
Blacksmith coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime,
Coal oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain sacks and
Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and
Special attention given to Wool trade. First Class baling
and grading facilities.
Stock yards with all the latest and best facilities for hand
ling stock. 1
Agents for the Wasco Warehouse Milling Co. "White
River" and "'Dalles Patent" flour. Best in the Market.
TJfark Soods Care cK W. Co.
j. J&ppman & Co.
Manufacturers of Furniture
(m Carpets, Stoves, Ranges,
Lumber and Building Material.
HM Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan.
Leave Shaniko, 6 p, m.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents.
G. M. Cornett, Manager. Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
jt Shaniko, Oregon.
1 1
and ffiakeri,
Milk Toast.... 15c
Coffee 5c
Tea 5c
Milk 5.
Coffee Cake! , '. '. '. 10c
Cove Stew 35c
Fresh when in'market.
Undertaking Goods,
Lead, "Oil and Glass,
Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Renovated nnd Be
furnished Throughout.
American Plan. Rates $1,
$1.50 and per day.
Accommodations sre Vnimrpaiued
in the eity. Sample Booms for
Commercial Travelers,
Long Distance Telephone Station
in the house.
ffantrr LiNF
Jtof W CS sVlllsW
and union Pacific
ChteM salt Uit, fount, ssMy-ss.
rortimd ft. Worth,Onaha,
Sswlal Iium City, 81. ,
tS a. . Lout,ClilwoHd 1
tla Raat- But.
AttaaH gait Uke, bmvar, I4S a. B.
tipiM Ft. Worth. )mha,
lt.a. Kanua qiCjr, St.
via Raat- Lti,CalMaaB4'
hiflM Cask
Hrnl Walla Walla Uwla- 1M a. BL
Hal Mall tOTi.Speiana.MiB.
SMS p. a. naapolla, 01. Pan).
tW Daloih. Milwaa-
Ifakaaa ka,caiafo4lat
I .. All aalMac aataa US . BL
aabjaal M shaafa
Fat Baa f raaeiM
Sail avarj s daya.
DTi7 CilaiMa Km 4-00 p.m.
BE. Saadaf SUamta. Cs. Suadar
1:00 p. m.
SatorSar Ta Astoria aa4 War
MM p. as. Uadiat,
:S0a.m. WMaawm that. 4:18 p. a.
Kx. Saadaf Saadaf
Otfm citr, .
kerf, telem, lnil
Mndanet War
Landln. WHIanatta and Taai- S:BSp.r.
rasa., Taar. lull Sims. Hon., wd.
aaisas. aisffH. ,
Ortfaa Cttj, Du
taa, A War Land-
SrSSaisu WMssMtta Shf. 4:Np.a.
aa. Vtur M wl.
aaiSat. rartlaaS ta Corral- aodFrl.
lit War Laud
lass. UJUparia Saakt that. Lr.UwIttea
Insa. Dally
Bailj Slsarls t Lswlrtaa Sa.ra.
W. L Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
jit rvi '-'Xi
Oorurobia SoutHera '
lOsctlve 12:01 X. U 3epimber 9, 1900,
1:94 p ro
l:tf p.mi
2:14 p.m
2:37 p.m
2:33 p.m:
2:4o p.m
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3:09 p.m!
i; 1 9 p.m
9:44 p.m
4:ue p.m
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4:40 p.m!
5:3' ji.m
Blgea &1:26
Olbboni 11:00
a. ml
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S8 p.m.
on p-.a
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40 p.m
a. mi
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I Waaeo il0:4i
Summit !10:26
Hay V Jp10:1."
IeMoaa 10:00
Woro I 8:.'0
Krskihvl ::i9
G'l V'r !
Bonrbonl 8:.
iliiihris I 8:43
Wilcox 8:80
h(t-.tlko I 8:00
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Edison. BelL
Ilowa. Bloser.
f UcCurmick. and
other millionaire
f inventors bpcan ll(
Forianaj await
Can VOU davlaa Ih.
f provemrnta aa artlclaa
In common uu a
While Vom d.iv .ik.
"ay patent your Idea.
e guarantee alntlnet
F mndumt arrl paWetiy
t.-m im-nli 1
y Be8l3tlnt K.nt Ir.e on re.juwt.
'fsrtrr! a fi itun
J L'jl i V.U'J. B. a.
INIEfllsP- S.
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