Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 30, 1902, Image 8

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    j Jbocal 777onion. 1
George Rodman, of Culver, was a
business visitor in the city Saturday
Mr. and Mrs, T. V- Sumner were vis
itors In the city from Cross Keys the
fore part of the week.
R. M. Williams,' of the Pacific States
Tel. and Tel. Co., is here looking after
the line and doing a lot of repair work.
Z. M. Brown, was perambulating
round the city the fore part of the week
looking after business matters.
L. D. Weist, whs down from Bend
the fore part of the week looking after
business a Hairs.
Orange Hodges is now general fac
totum at the Bon ion, and is useful
as well as ornamental.
Kelly's photos are prize winners.
Trineville's prominent people patron
ize Kelly's studio.
W. H. Staats was in from Bend the
lat ter part of last week attending to
matters at the court house.
W. T. Casey was in from his ranch
on Powell buttes the first of the week
looking after various business matters.
John W. Taylor and wife, of Sisters,
were in the city the fore past of the
D. Koopman, the Post sheep man
was a business visitor in the city last
week. '
Mrs. George Rodman and Celia
Forest were in the city Monday shop
ping and visiting with friends.
White Campbell are putting in a i
ew range in their lunch room, and !
will be better prepared to feed the
M. V. Hart, who has been visiting
his folks over the river, started back
to Cross Keys, Crook county, -last eve
ning Lebanon Express.
Mis. Frank Ward arrived last week
from Corvallis, and the smile that
adorns Frank's benign counteaance is
not artificial by any means.
F. H. Marion departed Sunday for
Portland where ho will transact some
business and then go to his home it
Prain,, Oregon. He has done a good
business as timber cruiser in this
county and will return in the spring.
. C. II. IValy was down from his
Bear creek ranch !the latter part of
last weck'and informs' us that his
sheep are in fine condition to enter
the winter and that he has an abund
ance of hay for all his stock.
Prinevillc's Leading Merchants
Wo have just received tho Largest and Most Complete Lino of General Merchandino
J. B.Cornott and family were down ever brought into tho city, which wo offer at prices astonishingly low.
from their (Summit Prairio home the: .,
latter part of last week and paid this
office a pleasant call, Mr. Cornett
has bought a large lot of cattle whieh
he will feed at hij ranch this winter.
He is an old Webfoot schoolmate of
ye editdV and we are always glad to
see hint.
Dr. Ralph Hutchison departed Mon
day morning for Cheyene, Wyoming,
where he goes to take charge of the
dental parlors of the New York Dent
ists. Success attend his efforts. He
ifl A Pixvt Hmifisf nnrl mnitn man,. '
e - ...... j
friends here who are all sorry to see
him leave.
J. B. Ogier, of San Jose, California,
was a pleasant caller at this orliice
last week. Mr. Ogier has been in this '
county for some time past visiting his i
boyhood friend, J. W. Shattuck. of'
Crook. He has a high regard for this
county as a stock raising country and
may decide to locate here in the naer
future as he already has considerable
stock interests here.
Ex-Judge Wills was in the city the
fore part of the week and sayi that he
is only a common farmer now and is
not seeking notoriety. He showed the
reporter a coaimunication that hei
wrote for the Journal some two veara !
ago regarding the development of this
county that has been fulfilled to the
Charles Barnard, of The Dalles, was
a pleasant caller at this office Tuesday
morning. Mr, Barnard has consider
able real estate and stock inteiests in
tbe Paulina section of the county and
We dwirc to mil t)u attention of the
Ladies to our new stock of Skirts, Silk Dress
Skirts, Silk Petticoats, Velvet, Silk and Wool
Waists, Dry Goods, Fur1, Coatu, Capes,
Jackets, Ladies' Hosiery, Flannels, Flanind
cttes and Outing Flannel. We are solo agents
for the Royal Worcester Corsets. Dowagers
in all sizes from 25 to 36.
In the Gonta' Furnishing Goods wo have
the very lavt grade of Slides from relfiihlo
manufacturers. Underwear, lioth silk and
wool; Socks; Tailor Made Suits; Huts and
Cajw of tho latent styles; Shirts from the
best makers ; Neckties, etc., otc.
We carry a full line of Crockery, Glasswaro, and Cutlery of Standard Manufacture,
as well as Choice Groceries of all kinds, We aro agents for tho Baker Ikrb Wire,
Syracuse Gang Plows and Winona Wagons. WURZ vVEILER & THOMSON
t Photographer. j
Prineville, - Oregon
Elkins &
hold effects to halem to-day, and will
re-ide in that city ' in the future.
Albany Herald. '
G. W. Beckett, Geo.' Birtch and J.
H. Strawbridge, of Cass Lake, Minn.,
were in the city the first of the week
looking up the timber land situation.
C. B. Allen passed through the city
Sunday enroute for Shaniko for his
better half who has been visiting with
relatives at out side points.
Those rabbit petitions must be in
by the fore part of next week in order
to be in time' for the meeting of the
County court.
Will Wurzweiler will leave for Port
land next week. He informed a Jour
nal reporter that the daily sales of
the store of Wurzweiler & Thompson
for the past month had averaged 600.
D. L. Holgate was down from Pau
lina the fore part of the week attend
ing to business matters and incident
ally visiting with well ask him about
Theo. Gunther, S. B. Carter'and
Arthur Graham were visitors in this
neck of the woods from Spokane the
first of the week looking after timber
J. W. Shattuck and wife weie down
from their home in the Camp creek
country last Saturday accompanying
their friend J. B. Ogier, who left for
his old home in California.
Fred Lockley Jr., with the Daily
Journal, of Portland, was a fraternal
caller at this office last week. Mr.
Lockley reports doing a considerable
business for his paper while here.
Oliver Powell was in the county last
week from his stock ranch in Crook
county. He seems to like his location
very well and is prospering in the
cattle business Wasco News.
A. By Beaver, was over from Sisters
tbe fore of the week. He reports
having not been able to locate on the
piece of timber land be wanted, on
account of a prior location.
W. H. Peck and Henry Wiudom
were business visitors from Culver the
first of the week, and looked as if they
were happy over the final termination
of a bountiful harvest, and that noth
ing was lacking except a general good
W. H. Parker will remove his house- haa been ui tllere Retting a band of
sheep, which he is taking home with
him to feed for the winter,. While here
he showed his appreciation for the old
reliable Journal by renewing his subscription.
There seems to be a tendency on
the part of some of the rural inhabi
tants to make a feed yard of Main
street when they come to town. It is
a pretty hard job to keep the streets
looking half way decent at best with
out allowing such liberties. There is
ample room on the back streets for
such purposes, and the marshal should
look to the matter of keeping parties
from using the business streets for
feeding purposes
County Commissioner Powell went
over to the Bridge creek country last
week and found one of bis friends had
lost several stacks of hay by incen
diarism. Turning his horses into his
friends pasture in tbe evening, he saw
nothing more of them, as there was a
place in the fence where they got out.
He thought that the fire bug had
stolen the horses, so bought another
team and came home. Monday night
the horses arrived at the ranch and
proceeded to make themselves at
Dr. Hyde informed the Journal
man that he had just returned from a
visit to Mrs. Fred Powell, who is suffer
ing from au attack of fever at her
home in Paulina.
Mins Carrie Ford is expected to
arrive from her home in Eugene next
week, and will take up the avocation
of teacher of music. This town ought
to support a regular teacher in that
Dr. W. W, Taggarf, the eyo special
ist at the Poindcxtcr Hotel, will at-1
tend to your eyes, fit spectacles, cure
your headace and nervous troubles.
Charges reasonable. One charge for
one year, Care of children a special
ty. Glasses ground in Portland.
J. W. Horrigan, the genial butcher
for Foster fc Lehman, returned last
week from an extended visifrom his
family at Milwaukee. He reports some
dampness down that way and seems
glad to get back to this land of sun
shine and joy.
7 H
- ----- - ' lJM"- 4
Purss Lost.
Somewhere between Prineville
and Bend, a buckskin purse with
draw string, containing one twenty
dollar and one five dollar gold
piece, and a quanity of silver, the
whole amounting to between $10
and $45. Liberal reward for de-
home, and in the morning Mr. Powell i livery of same to Journal offiee,
was overjoyed at seeing tnera saiely j) y VVimiej.M.
back again. 1 hey are a valuable team
and would have been quite a loss to
Mr. Powell, as they are his favorite
carriage horses.
Card of Thanks.
I desire, through the columns of the
Journal, to thank my many friends
for their kindness to me and my family
during my recent trouble. In times
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it tails
to core. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each bin. 20c.
Stray Ducks.
Any one having lost four
ducks can learn of their whereabouts
of need may they always find such by. calling at this office and paying
friends. Charles L. Roberts. , for this notice.
The Journal's Special Offer!
Have you read the offer of a years' subscription to the
Journal for $1? If not, you should do so at once. In
another column we give the offer in 'detail. During the
life of this special offer we give the Journal and Oregonian
for $2. On or before November 1st the Journal will branch
out into a six-column eight-page paper.
Call and see the new press, (he best in the country !
Our 1902 stock of Oliver Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows
is far the most complete we have ever carried. These plows
have do equal as a breaking plow and will plow ordinary sage
brush without grubbing.
The new Oliver Sulky's have a great improvement over last
years in the shape of a hand lever giving tho operator full
control to regulate the width of cut on turns and curves. The
Oliver is one made to do the work and will do the work thev
are made for, Call and inspect them.
Our stock of repairs is exceptionally complete, not only the
iron posts but wood as well, '
We can save you time and money and patience.
Prineville-Burns Stage Line.
Carrying TJ. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a m
Passengers waybilled for Tost, Paulina. Fife, lliley, Burns
and all way points.
WINNER, Agent, Prineville.
C. I.