Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 30, 1902, Image 6

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    Crook County Journal.
school work from the teacher or an
J able pupil ot each school district
'in the county for publication in
these columns. Always give dis
trict number and address all such
communications to Lock Box No.
133, 1'rineville, Oregon.
Written to adyaAoe the Interests of edu
cation in general. V j V )
Writteu by a pupil, each from the eighth,
aid ainth grade of the 1'rinevUle Public
Written this week by Guy 0. Lsfollett
and Stella Simpson.
Miss Etta Prine of the VII grade
has not yet returned to school.
Miss Estelle Simpson was absont
last Friday because of illness.
The primary pupils in Miss
Foster's room are preparing a pro
gram for next Friday.
Miss Taylor was absent Friday
afternoon. Lizzie Ketchum taught
in her place during her absence
Ralph Sharp, who has been
absent for some time, intends to
resume his studies the first of next
W'e wish to thank Irene Barnes
and Nellie Day for the service lent
in preparing this copy of the School
Ada Taylor is teaching the room
formerly taught by Miss Belknap.
Miss Isenberg, because of illness
was not able to come
Finney Childs, formerly of Eu
gene entered the IX grade and
Frank Taylor entered the VIII
grade this week. This increases
our number to 32 enrolled in the
Prof's, room.
The third division of the Ad
vancement Club delivered an able
' Stricken With Paralysis.
Henderson Grmiett, ol this place,
waa stricken with partial paralysis
and completely lost the use of one arm
and side, After being treated by an
eminent physieian for quite a while
without relief, my wife recommended
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after
using two bottles of it he Is almost
entirely cured. Geo. R. McDonalo,
Man, Logan county, W. Va. Soveral
other very remarkable cures of partiul
paralysis have been effected by the use
of this liniment. It is most widely
known, however, as a cure for rheu
matism, sprains and btuises. Sold by
all druggists.
Maky Kikkham
Amy Beakd AmL Editow-
C. B. Dikwiddie Teacher.
Oct. 17th, 1902.
The attendance has been a little
short this week mostly on account
of the fair, although some is caused
by sickness.
One new pupil entered school
this week making a present enroll
ment of 18. Boys 6. Girls 12.
Mr. Frank Ray returned from
the vallev last Saturday. Mr,
Ray took some horses to the valley
He reports them selling as well as
he expected.
Mr. Beard and Mr. Zimmerlee re
turned from Alkali Flat yesterday
to take in the fair. They are dig
ging a well there and report 51
feet and no water.
. SSrink
jfttorajf mum" Ctntlr ml Xmm
J. L. McCulloch,
Dealer in Real Estate and Ab
stractor of Titles.
ZPAysi'ciam mutt Surftmn.
Oltice in rear of Adamson, Winnek Co
Big Deal in Typewriters.
Austrian (lovernnimt Order I'JOO
Hmllli Premiers.
"Viknna, Felt! 1 Tlio greatest
Hinglu purchase of typewriters over
made has been ordered by the Min
istry of Justice, which, after three
months of exhaustive copipetitlre
teat, has contracted to emiin the
entire ministry with not less than 12(10 Smith Premier typewriters,
supplying every court."
Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonian, February 7.
Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third St., I. A M.
ALEXANDER & CO., Agents.
W. T. FOuLK, Agent, '
Prinevilln, Oregon
0 Jfydt, Iff. 2.
ZPAjrlfoiam mmd Surf,
DUianei of women a necialty.
Phone No. 2. Residence back of tin
Photograph Oallery.
A Lake of Death.
A vast lake, in the heart of the
mountains of Clark county, Wash
ington, with its surface covered
with the decaying carcasses of deer,
program last Saturday afternoon. , wars, wolves and foxes, has been
..... i i m scorpn'n nv r l ii t rrn r
The members are all taking niuen
interest, which makes the work
more encouraging.
We understand Mr. Mosier "rode
the ArtiBan goat" Monday night
of last week, but as he was able to
maintain his position the remain
der of the week we suppose he re
' cieved no serious injury therefrom.
The VIII grade is taking as
supplementry reading the book
called, "Washington and his Coun
try." This is a very instructive work
giving his complete life and a
very good early history of the
United States.
The name of the society in Mr.
Mosier's room which formerly, was
the Wide Awake Literary Society
has been changed to the Adelphian
Literary Society. Its meeting
times have been changed from
every Friday evening to every two
4p 4
mi - TV , !,.
A lie 1A gniuts cibhb aie tuning
"Burke s Speech on Conciliation"
as Literary work. This is one of
five little books that we will study
during the year. The IX grade
work is very interesting, most
notably history. We have finished
Grecian History and are studying
The Powell Butte district is hav
ing a very beneficial term of
school with Miss Marshall of Minn.,
at the helm. They have ten pupils
in attendance, four of which are
studying VIII grade work. We
would like to see all of these and
as many others as possible take
the final examination next spring.
We would gladly accept, reports
of special programmes or of usual
discovered Dy a timber cruiser
named Duval. It is believed the
animals sought shelter in the lake
from the forest fires of September.
They were either smothered by the
heat or crowded so closely that
they urewned.
Stood Death Off.
E. B Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He
says: "My brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try Electric Bitters and
he was soon much better, but continu
ed their use until be was wholly cured
I am sure Electric Bitters saved his
life." This remedy expels malaria,
kills disease germs and purifies the
blood; aids digestion, regulates liver,
kidneys and bowels, cures constipa
tion, dyspepsia, nervous diseases,
kidney troubles, female complaints;
gives periect neaitn. uniy one at
Adamson Winnek A Co't. drug store.
Frank Robinson, of the vicinity
of Waterloo, has been arrested on
the charge of stealing a set of har
ness from Mr. McTimmonds' who
lives on the Frank Simons place.
Robins started to leave the country,
but was overhauled in the vicinity
of Foster by Frank Vail and the
constable of Sodaville precinct.
Express Advance.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Laxative, Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay,
Price, 2e eents.
Jt Jf. tfounirry J)
& mmd Smrfmim
Calls answsred promptly day ar sin hi Of.
fioa with Dr, V. Goner. Residence
earner lit and Main itreeU.
W. ii. SNOOK, Jl. D,
Physician and Surgeon,
Am prepared to answer profes
sional calk promptly.
j. l. Mcculloch,
Wtches, Clocks, Jewelrey.
Repairing a Specialty.
I'rineville, : : Oregon
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer for sale my fruit farm of
160 acres situated in the Cove on
the Deschutes river. There arc
2000 trees of assorted varieties of
fruit and a ready market for all of
the product.
Culver, Oregon.
Cyrus' Jewelry Store
John Cyrus Prop,
Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks.
Optical Goods, Sewing machines etc.
Repairing done by W. H. Cyrus.
tPrornpl attention Si'vin mail ordtn.
!Prinovilla, Oregon,
Smith S2ros.,
Seneral Merchandise.
Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds.
Hangers and Campers Supplies.
Camp outfitting, We Carry a Complete lino uf Groceries
Dry Goodf, Hardware Ktc. We Kespcctfully solid your
TICK ADKINH, Proprietor
A fine bathroom devoted especially to
the use of ladies.
Everything up-to-date and strictly
There is room for some work on the
road from this place to Shaniko, down
on Trout creek. There are several
grades that have become pretty well
filled up with rocks and dirt from the
hill above, and it is only a question of
a short time when someone will upset
and be loser to the ameunt of several
hundred dollars.
The excitement incident to travel
ing and change of food and water
oiten brings on diarrhoea, and for this
reason no one should leave home with
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For
sale by all druggists.
"Now is the Appointed Time."
The O. R, & N. Co. has just issued a
handsomely illustrated pamphlet entitled,
"Orei(on, Washinghton & Idaho and
their resources." People in the Kant
are anxious fur information about the
Pacific Nortk West If you will give the
(I R. ft- N. Co. agent at Shaniko a list
of names of eastern people who are like
ly to be interested, the booklet will be
mailed free to such persons.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby given that I have
appointed the following named persons
deputy stock inspectors:
J. P. Cartwright, Hay Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ashwood,
E. Sparks, Sisters.
A, Morrow, Haystack,
F. M. Smith, Paulina.
Roscoe Knox, Post.
T. C. Swain, Bear Creei.
J. S. Bogue, Rotland.
Alex Mclntnfth, Hardin
J. P. VanHouten, Hay Creek.
(J. S. Cowles, Hay Creek
Joe lflnkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County.
SuUoribe for tlte Jourral.
piacksmithing That Pleases
The great nnmnity of (it(ll) work In evident to everyone who
patronise a lilui knmith. Work that will stiiud the rough
unuge of the farm ami road. The let horehM'liif , the het
wagon work, and the bout genera! repairing ran I hail at
A Stock of Farm Machinery always on hand
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
Imported Cigars.
JL The Celebrated
A. B. G. Beer
Always on Hand.
Proprietors ef the Prinerille Soda Works.
Two Doors South
First National Ba
:', PlilMVlLLK, ORE.
Lumber, $11 per m
Frrsli Sawed Shingles $2.75
per m.
at SHIPP'S. ,
iPomitl & Cyrus, !Prprittor.
Jtot and Lola JJatAs. Prinau, On